| • NOTICES 119. Any notice, information or written statement to be given by the Company to members must be served in the case of members holding registered shares by mail addressed to each member at the address shown in the share register and in the case of members holding shares issued to bearer, in the manner provided in the Memorandum. 120. Any summons, notice, order, document, process, information or written statement to be served on the Company may be served by leaving it, or by sending it by registered mail addressed to the Company, at its Registered Office, or by leaving it with, or by sending it by registered mail to, the Registered Agent of the Company. 121. Service of any summons, notice, order, document, process, information or written statement to be served on the Company may be proved by showing that the summons, notice, order, document, process, information or written statement was mailed in such time as to admit to its being delivered in the normal course of delivery within the period prescribed for service and was correctly addressed and the postage was prepaid. PENSION AND SUPERANNUATION FUNDS 122. The directors may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any non-contributory or contributory pension or superannuation funds for the benefit of, and give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or is allied to or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid or who hold or held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such other company, or any persons in whose welfare the Company or any such other company as aforesaid is or has been at any time interested, and to the wives, widows, families and dependents of any such person, and may make payments for or towards the insurance of any such persons as aforesaid, and may do any of the matters aforesaid either alone or in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid. Subject always to the proposals being approved by resolution of members, a director holding any such employment, or office shall be entitled to participate in and retain for his own benefit any such donation, gratuity, pension, allowance or emolument. ARBITRATION 123. Whenever any difference arises between the Company on the one hand and any of the members or their executors, administrators or assigns on the other hand, touching the true intent and construction of the incidence or consequences of these Anicles or of the Ordinance, touching anything done or executed, omitted or suffered in pursuance of the Ordinance or touching any breach or alleged breach or otherwise relating to the premises or to these Articles, or to any Act or Ordinance affecting the Company or to any of the affairs ..--- ... _~the Company such difference shall, unless the parties agree to refer the same to a single .. :,.1 \. . l , or, be referred to 2 arbitrators one to be chosen by each of the parties to the .. -· ., . ..- . - - ~ . . · · and the arbitrators shall before entering on the reference appoint an umpire . .. : - 1 ~:;,4:u;_;,,_ _ rr'%f ij~\ y to the reference makes default in appointi~g an arbitrator either originally or ~ · . · 31 bstitution (in the event that an appointed arbitrator shall die, be incapable of , i ~~ 131 ~ se to act) for 10 days after the other party has given him notice to appoint the - ~ . · - ~ _ e~ ther party may appoint an arbitrator to act in the place of the arbitrator of the ·. • .,.. · · e ,~ arty. ". ,._ .... ~ -1'1f£ 8R\'t~ ~~-:" .. '• ... -~II * ,~ .... '. |