| THE CDMPIINIU IICT 1981 (SECTION II (1)) Subject to ony proulslon of the low II compony limited by shores sholl without reference In Its memorondum houe the powers set out In the First Schedule unless any of such powers ore eHcluded by Its memorondum. FIRST SCHEDULE A compony llmlted by shores moy eHerclse oll or ony of the following powers subject to ony proulslon of the low or Its memorondum - t. to corry on ony other business copoble of being conuenlently corrled on In connection with Its business or likely to enhonce the ualue of or molelng profltoble ony of Its property or rights; 2. to ocqulre or undertolee the whole or ony port of the business, property ond llobllltles of ony person corrylng on ony business thot the compony Is outhorlzed to corry on; 3. to opply for register, purchose, leose, ocqulre, hold, use, control, licence, sell, osslgn or dispose of potents, potent rights, copyrights, trode morles, formuloe, licences, lnuentlons, processes, dlstlnctlue morles ond slmllor rights; 4. to enter Into portnershlp or Into ony orrongement for shoring of profits, union of Interests, co-operotlon, Joint uenture, reclprocol concession or otherwise with ony person corrylng on or engoged In or obout to corry on or engoge In ony business or tronsoctlon thot the compony is outhorlzed to corry on or engoge In or ony business or tronsoctlon copoble of being conducted so os to benefit the compony; 5. to toke or otherwise ocqulre ond hold securities In ony other body corporote houlng objects oltogether or in port slmilor to those of the compony or corrylng on ony business capoble of being conducted so os to benefit the compony; 6. subject to section 96 to lend money to ony employee or to ony person houlng deolings with the compony or with whom the compony proposes to houe deollngs or to ony other body corporote ony of whose shores ore held by the compony; 7. to opply for, secure or ocquire by gront, legislotiue enoctment, osslgnment, tronsfer, purchose or otherwise ond to eHerclse, corry out ond enjoy ony chorter, licence, power, authority, fronchlse, concession, right or prluilege, thot ony gouernment or authority or ony body corporote or other public body moy be empowered to grant, ond to poy for, old In ond contribute toword corrylng It Into effect ond to ossume ony liobllltles or obllgotlons incldentol thereto; a. to estobllsh ond support or old In the estobllshment ond support of ossoclatlons, institutions, funds or trusts for the benefit of employees or former employees of the compony or Its predecessors, or the dependonts or connections of such employees or former employees, ond grant pensions and allowances, and make payments towards Insurance or for any object simllor to those set forth In this porogroph, ond to subscribe or guorontee money for choritoble, beneuolent, educotlonol or religious objects or for ony eHhlbltlon or for ony public, generol or useful objects; 9. to promote ony compony for the purpose of ocqulrlng or toking ouer ony of the property ond llobllltles of the compony or for ony other purpose thot moy benefit the compony; |