| . ' 3 Issue of Shares 3. 1 Subject to the provisions, if any, In \he Memorandum (and to any direction \hat may be given by the Company In general meeting) and wi1houl prejudice to any rights attached to any existing Shalff, the Oi~rs may allot ieaue, grant opliona over or olhefwise dispose of Shares (incluaing fractions of a Sharv) with or wllhout pn!lerred, defe!led or othef rights or restl1ctiona, whether In regaro to Dividend, voling, return of capi1al or otherwise and to such pe!90ns, at such tim!H and on such other terms as lhay think proper. Notwithstaooing the foregoing, the S~ber shall have the power lo: (a) issue one Share to itself; (b) transfer that Sharv by an Instrument of lnlnsfer to any pe!900; and (c) updale the Regi&ler of Members In respect of the Issue and transfer of \hat Sherv. 3.2 The Compeny shall not Issue Shares to bearer. 4 Register of Members The Company shall malruln or cause to be maintained the Register of Members. 5 Cloalng Reglater of Members or Fixing Record Dllte 5. 1 For the purpose of determining Members entitled to notioo of, or to vote at any meeting of Members or any edjoumment thereof. or Members emlUed to receive payment of any Dividend, or in order to make a (;fetem,inetion of Members for any other purposo, the Dlrvcmra may provide that the Regl81er of Members shall be closed for transfers for a &18ted period -Mitch shall not In any c;ase exceed forty daya- If the Reglstllf of Members n l be cloaed for the purpose of determining Members entitled to notice of, or to vote at, e meeting of Membera the Regls1ef of Members shan be closed for at least ten days Immediately preceding the meeting. 5.2 In lieu of, or apart from, closing Iha Regl81er of Membenl, the Directors may fix In advance or arrear11 a elate as Iha raoorcf date for any such determination of Members enlllktd lo notice of, or to vote at any meeting of the Members or any adjournment thereof, or for Iha pu-pose of determining the Members antiUed to rece;ve payment of any Dividend or in order to make a determination of Members for any other purpose. 5.3 If the Reglsler of Members is not so closed and no record dale Is fixed for the determination of Members entttled to nolloe of, or to vote at, a meeting of Members or Members enthled to receive payment of a Dividend, Iha date on which notice of the meeting Is sent or the date on which the resolution of the Directors declaring auch Dividend is adopted, as the case may be, shell be the recoro date for such determination of Members. When e delOfflllnatlon of Members entllled to vole at any meectng of Members has been made as provided In this Article, such determinatloo shal apply to any adjournment thereof. & CertlflcatH for Sh,rH 6. 1 A Member shell only be entitled to a share certifleate W the DirectO<s resolve that share certificates shall be Issued. Share ceftificates representing Shares, If any, shal be in such form as the Dlrecto<s may determine. Share certificates shall be signed by one or more Directors or SJP/653412/17-2"2 3 |