| or of any such other company as aforesaid, or of any such persons as aforesaid, and to make payments for or towards the insurance of any such persons as aforesaid. (12)To invest the capital and other moneys of the Company in the purchase or upon the security of shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any Company, Corporation or undertaking of whatever nature and wheresoever constituted or carrying on business, and shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any Government, Sovereign Ruler, Commissioners, Trust, Municipal, Local or other authority or body of whatever nature anywhere in the world. (13)To invest money in such manner as may from time to time be thought proper to negotiate loans of every description and to vary the investments of the Company and to open, operate and close accounts with banks or other financial institutions. (14)To carry on the business of gaming, bookmakers, commission agents and betting-shop proprietors and for that purpose to lay and accept bets on sporting and other events in any parts of the world and to obtain all permits and licences that may at any time be required by law and carry on any of the said businesses. (15)To establish, maintain and operate shipping, air transport and road transport services (public and private) and all ancillary services and for these purposes or as independent undertakings, to import, export to and from any part of the world, purchase, take in exchange, charter, hire, build, construct, or otherwise acquire, and to own, work, manage, and trade with motor and other vehicles, steam, sailing, motor and other ships, trawlers, drifters, tugs and vessels, and aircraft with all necessary and convenient equipment, engines, tackle, gear, furniture and stores, or any shares or interest in ships, vessels, aircraft, motor and other vehicles, including shares, stocks or securities of Companies possessed of or interested in any ships, aircraft or vehicles and to maintain, repair, fit out, refit, improve, insure, alter, sell, exchange or let out on hire or hire purchase, or charter or otherwise deal with and dispose of any of the ships, vessels, aircraft and vehicles, shares, stock and securities or any of the engines, tackle, gear, furniture, equipment and stores of the Company. (16) To undertake and carry on all or any of the trade and businesses of shippers, ship owners, ship brokers, shipping agents and insurance brokers, underwriters, ship managers, tug owners, loading brokers, freight contractors, carriers by land, air and water, transport, haulage and general contractors, barge owners, lightermen, railway and forwarding agents, dock owners, engineers, ice merchants, refrigerators, store keepers, ships' store merchants, ships' husbands, stevedores, warehousemen, wharfingers, salvors, ship builders, ship repairers, manufacturers of and dealers in rope, tarpaulins, waterproofs, machinery, engines, nautical instruments and ships' rigging, gear, fittings and equipment of every description, importers and exporters of and dealers in goods, provisions, live and dead stock, commodities, articles, chattels, merchandise and property of every kind. (l 7)To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors and to promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in the way of through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars or berths, reserved places, hotel and lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, enquiry bureaux, libraries, lavatories, reading rooms, baggage transport and otherwise. |