| Rowan Rigs S.a r.l. (Anc.: Lionfish Luxembourg S.a r.l.) Societe a responsabilite limitee 48 Boulevard Grande-Duchess Charlotte, L-1330 Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 186.655 ISTATUTS COORDONNES AU 04 fevrier 2016 Name - Object - Registered office - Duration Art. 1. There is hereby formed a "societe a responsabilite limitee", limited liability company (the "Company"), governed by the present articles of association (the "Articles") and by current Luxembourg laws (the "Law"), in particular the law of 10 August 1915 on Commercial Companies, as amended in particular by the law of 18 September 1933 and of 28 December 1992 on "societes a responsabilite limitee" (the "Commercial Companies Law"). Art. 2. The Company's name is "Rowan Rigs S.a r.l". Art. 3. The Company's purpose is: (1) To take participations and interests, in any form whatsoever, in any commercial, industrial, financial or other, Luxembourg or foreign companies or enterprises; (2) To acquire through participations, contributions, underwriting, purchases or options, negotiation or in any other way any securities, rights, patents and licenses and other property, rights and interest in property as the Company shall deem fit; (3) Generally to hold, manage, develop, sell or dispose of the same, in whole or in part, for such consideration as the Company may think fit, and in particular for shares or securities of any company purchasing the same; (4) To enter into, assist or participate in financial, commercial and other transactions; (5) To render managerial, administrative, consulting or other services to any holding company, subsidiary, or fellow subsidiary, or any other company which belong to the same group of companies than the Company (the "Affiliates"); (6) To grant to any Affiliates any assistance, loans, advances or guarantees (in the latter case, even in favour of a third-party lender of the Affiliates); (7) To borrow and raise money in any manner and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed; (8) To purchase, sell, transport freight, charter and manage sea-going vessels, and perform all financial and commercial operations and activities relating directly or indirectly thereto. In addition, the Company may own, lease, operate, and/or provide equipment used in contract drilling services in oil and gas drilling operations; acquire, hold, manage, sell or dispose of any such related equipment as well as sea-going vessels; enter into, assist or participate in financial, commercial and other transactions relating to contract drilling services and sea-going vessels; and (9) Generally to do all such other things as may appear to the Company to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. The Company can perform all commercial, technical and financial operations, connected directly or indirectly in all areas as described above in order to facilitate the accomplishment of its purpose. Art. 4. The Company has its registered office in the City of Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The registered office may be transferred within the municipality of the City of Luxembourg by decision of the board of managers or the sole manager (as the case may be). 2 |