| others for underwriting, placing, selling or guaranteeing the subscription of any shares or other securities of the Company. (dd) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution, society or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its directors or employees, or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carries on business; to give or award pensions, annuities, gratuities and superannuation or other allowances, or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages, facilities and services for any persons who are or have been directors of, or who are or have been employed by, or who are serving or have served the Company, or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary, holdings or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives, widows, children and other relatives and dependants of such persons, to make payment towards insurance, and to set up, establish, support and maintain superannuation and other funds or schemes (whether contributory or non contributory) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives, widows, children and other relatives and dependants, and to set up, establish, support and maintain profit sharing or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or of any such subsidiary, holding or fellow subsidiary company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained. (ee) To establish, maintain and operate shipping, air transport, and road transport service (public or private) and all ancillary services and, for these purposes or as independent undertakings, to purchase, take in exchange, charter, hire, build, construct or otherwise acquire, and to own work, manage, and trade with steam, sailing motor and other ships, trawlers, drifters, tugs, and vessels, aircraft and motor and other vehicles with all necessary and convenient equipment, engines, tackle, gear, furniture, and stores, or any shares or interests in ships, vessels, aircraft, motor and other vehicles, including shares, stocks, or securities of companies possessed of or interested in any ships, aircraft or vehicles, and to maintain, repair, fit out, refit, improve, insure, alter, sell, exchange, or let out on hire or hire purchase, or charter or otherwise deal with and dispose of any of the ships, vessels, aircraft, and vehicles, shares, stocks, and securities or any of the engines, tackle, gear, furniture, equipment and stores of the Company. (ff) To undertake and carry on all or any of the trades and businesses of shippers, ship owners, ship brokers, shipping agents and insurance brokers, underwriters, ship managers, tug owners, loading brokers, freight contractors, carriers by land, air and water, transport, haulage and general contractors, barge owners, lightermen, railway and forwarding agents, dock owners, engineers, ice merchants, refrigerator store keepers, ship's husbands, stevedores, warehousemen, wharfingers, salvers, ship repairers, manufacturers of and dealers in rope, tarpaulins, waterproofs, machinery, engines, nautical instruments, and ship's rigging, gear, fittings and equipment of every description, importers and exporters of the dealers in goods, provisions, live and dead stock, commodities, articles, chattels, merchandise and property of every kind, general traders and merchants, and generally to carry on the said business in all their branches, and to carry 5 |