| Page 7 38. PROCEDURE FOR SHARES FORFEITED OR SURRENDERED Every share so forfeited or surrendered may be sold, re-allotted, or otherwise disposed of, either to the person who was before forfeiture the holder thereof, or entitled thereto, or to any other person, upon such terms and in such manner as the Directors shall think fit, and the Directors may, if necessary, authorise some person to transfer the same to such other person as aforesaid. 39. FORMER HOLDER OF FORFEITED OR SURRENDERED SHARES LIABLE FOR CALL MADE BEFORE FORFEITURE OR SURRENDER A Member whose shares have been forfeited or surrendered shall, notwithstanding the forfeiture or surrender, remain liable to pay to the Company all calls, instalments and expenses owing upon or in respect of such shares at the time of forfeiture or surrender, and interest thereon to the date of payment at the rate of ten per cent per annum (or such lower rate as the Directors may approve), in the same manner in all respects as if the shares had not been forfeited or surrendered, and to satisfy all (if any) the claims and demands which the Company might have enforced in respect of the shares at the time of forfeiture or surrender, without any deduction or allowance for the value of the shares at the time of forfeiture or surrender. 40. CONSEQUENCES OF FORFEITURE OR SURRENDER The forfeiture or surrender of a share shall involve the extinction at the time of forfeiture or surrender of all interest in and all claims and demands against the Company in respect of the share, and all other rights and liabilities incidental to the share as between the Member whose share is forfeited or surrendered and the Company, except only such of those rights and liabilities as are by these Articles expressly saved, or as are by the Act given or imposed in the case of past Members. 41 . TITLE TO FORFEITED OR SURRENDERED SHARES A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is a Director of the Company, and that a share has been duly forfeited or surrendered in pursuance of these Articles, and stating the date upon which it was forfeited or surrendered, shall, as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share adversely to the forfeiture or surrender thereof, be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated, and such declaration, together with the receipt of the Company for the consideration (if any) given for the share on the sale or disposition thereof, and a certificate of proprietorship of the share under the Seal delivered to the person to whom the same is sold or disposed of, shall constitute a good title to the share, and (subject to the execution of any necessary transfer) such person shall be registered as the holder of the share and shall be discharged from all calls made prior to such sale or disposition, and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money (if any), nor shall his title to the share be affected by any act, omission or irregularity relating to or connected with the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture or surrender, sale, re-allotment or disposal of the share. The remedy of any person aggrieved by the sale shall be in damages only and against the Company exclusively. CONVERSION OF SHARES INTO STOCK 42. POWER TO CONVERT INTO STOCK The Company may, from time to time, by Ordinary Resolution of a General Meeting convert all or any of its paid-up shares into stock and may from time to time, in like manner, re-convert any such stock into paid-up shares of any denomination. 43. TRANSFER OF STOCK When any shares have been converted into stock, the several holders of such stock may transfer their respective interests therein, or any part of such interests, in such manner as the Company in General Meeting shall direct, but in default of any such direction in the same manner and subject to the same regulations as and subject to which the shares from which the stock arose might previously to conversion have been transferred, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit. But the Directors may, if they think fit, from time to time fix the minimum amount of stock transferable, and restrict or forbid the transfer of fractions of that minimum. 44. RIGHTS OF STOCKHOLDERS The holders of stock shall be entitled to participate in the dividends and profits of the Company according to the amount of their respective interests in such stock, and such interests shall, in proportion to the amount thereof, confer on the holders thereof respectively the same privileges and advantages for the purpose of voting at meetings of the Company and for other purposes as if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but so that none of such privileges or advantages, except the participation in the |