The Company and/or the supervisors of the person engaged in insider trading may also be required to pay civil penalties of up to the greater of $1,525,000 or three times the profit made or loss avoided, as well as criminal penalties of up to $25,000,000, and could under certain circumstances be subject to private lawsuits.
Violation of this Insider Trading Policy or any federal or state insider trading laws may subject the person violating such policy or laws to disciplinary action by the Company up to and including termination. The Company reserves the right to determine, in its own discretion and on the basis of the information available to it, whether this Insider Trading Policy has been violated. The Company may determine that specific conduct violates this Insider Trading Policy, whether or not the conduct also violates the law. It is not necessary for the Company to await the filing or conclusion of a civil or criminal action against the alleged violator before taking disciplinary action.
E.How Do You Report a Violation of this Insider Trading Policy?
If you have a question about this Insider Trading Policy, including whether certain information you are aware of is material or has been made public, you are encouraged to consult with the Compliance Officer. In addition, if you violate this Insider Trading Policy or any federal or state laws governing insider trading, or know of any such violation by any director, officer or employee of the Company, you should report the violation immediately to the Compliance Officer. You can also report a violation through the Company’s whistleblower hotline number at 866-901-3295 or online at
A.Special Trading Restrictions Applicable to Insiders
In addition to the restrictions on trading in Company securities set forth above, Insiders and their Affiliated Persons are subject to the following special trading restrictions:
1.No Trading Except During Open Trading Windows.
The announcement of the Company’s quarterly financial results almost always has the potential to have a material effect on the market for the Company’s securities. Although an Insider may not know the financial results prior to public announcement, if an Insider engages in a trade before the financial results are disclosed to the public, such trades may give an appearance of impropriety that could subject the Insider and the Company to a charge of insider trading. Therefore, subject to limited exceptions described herein, Insiders may trade in Company securities only during four quarterly open trading windows and, in respect of Specially Designated Insiders, only after obtaining pre-clearance from the Compliance Officer in accordance with the procedures set forth below. Unless otherwise advised, the four open trading windows consist of the periods that begin after market close on the first full trading day following the Company’s issuance of a press release (or other method of broad public dissemination) announcing its quarterly or annual earnings and end at the close of business on the last trading day that is at least 7 calendar days prior to the last day of the 3rd month of the