Exhibit 2.2

ATIORNEYS AT LAW April 27, 1998 265 SUNRISE AVENUE SUITE 204 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33480 TEL: (561) 832 - 5696 FAX: (561) 659 - 5371 Secretary of State Staie of Florida Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314 Re: Derma Laser Technology, Inc . EIN: 65 - 0759512 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find an original and one copy of the Amended Articles of Incorporation for Derma Laser Technology, Inc . to be filed . The Amendment is solely to change the name of the corporation from Derma Laser Technology, Inc . to Eastern Pacific Energy Corporation . We also enclose a check in the amount of $ 87 . 50 which represents the filing fee and certified copy fee for this request . Kindly file the Amended Articles of Incorporation and mail date stamped received copy back to our office . If you have any questions or require additional information, please let us know at 561 - 832 - 5696 . Very truly yours, .. DFM/lrc Encls D M f - Donald F. Mintrmre 0 .,. .,.., MAY 8 1998 f

'J= - 22 - 1 998 1 1 , 56AM FROM CORPORATE OFFICE 3102715501 Date : 418198 Time : 1 1 :21:SOJ \ II M!HTM!R e S . FISSOCIATES ARDa BS OI' P.2 561 S32 56SG P.02/03 The name of the corporation shall be changed do business ·as - Eastern P.acifi.c Energy Corporation. ai;jd lllla ) M ); Jta,i•mndmw lora n _.....,..,,,_,dLtil m « - CIIIDa tl • o. - a • . o m f' iS e S n 1la c d l M m lii a •M n ; t !' f :' : ƒ D "il l la ll a f f ; D a r re - ufl:llllaM: U • . - •mm 1111m t •f noi

j 4 22 - 1998 11,56AM FROM CORPORATE OFFICE 3102715501 Dote : 418/iia 'llmo : wl 1 $4 AM M INTM I R 5 & ASSOCIATES P.3 661 832 569G P.03. - '03 · "DUBOa flmd&t&:ota,:1t1. - ,a4'11CD 'sad0ftio m tfj?.o· / 7/ / l t'f ? • IOCl&fll; A.do,ptfoil of.i' - mend•mlt(•) - ' Ƒ TJut (•)wulluele - .mmned:tw.dlellllan;hQldm. Tlllll.m,mbm' '10UII I mst:firzlb c lail"Sld'"1!'{. - ) l77£r l I d for ' . . 0 '.l'hO t(s)waSl'WczOap,p!O - =dlt1dle UnouafiVDt1a&IRIUPL T/µ1,JfJllowlq..... Atl#,ut blt,JgM I .f1JJMl"=:;. - di ,.,.,,.,l'O#p'imtltWIO,_ OJiih&Gm ,nt(I}: "The muaber vfwa casi 1bt 1U IUM:illdnwnt( w - ..lworo ,...BiciNrt k • bY. ) liiiliii .•. C : • prup ) w::: - Zdl!J'tlle l;9' ·TNldlmldmeat( ltotmlotdfnerms'Wilhou i sb».Df>oJ.dar IICtJm l IDd aadoo - . .aot .. Clqlliu,d. Ƒ Ta . !11110Ad_,,( I ) --- - bJ'tll e widao m lbuelloJ4cr ICdaa ucl 11ioTe11n111ar wu• cc1. dilE:lll i fr - .,bdlwa - 4111..:mt& I CIR l8'f•lnl:o,.... . •••c w 11y thl ino;:.pdtl!IIZIJ L//V f e 5 P . l, e z / e_. TvPidfJl'pdnanf - i TOTA L P.03