Drag-Along and Tag-Along Rights
In the event of a sale of a majority of the shares of the Company to a bona fide unaffiliated third party, EFX will have drag-along rights allowing it to force all Minority Shareholders to sell their shares on a pro rata basis (and each of the Minority Shareholders will have the right to force EFX to drag all of the shares held by Minority Shareholders), at the same price and on the same terms and conditions as agreed by EFX. If the consideration offered by the buyer is anything other than cash or cash equivalents, at the request of the relevant Minority Shareholders, EFX will ensure that the Minority Shareholders receive cash or cash equivalents equal in value to the consideration offered by the buyer. If, within 60 days following the closing of the drag-along sale, the Minority Shareholders (by majority vote) conclude that the price received in such drag-along sale was less than fair market value, such Minority Shareholders will be entitled to challenge such price received and, if it is determined that such price was less than fair market value, will be entitled to receive from EFX the difference between the amount paid in the transaction and such fair market value.
The Minority Shareholders have tag-along rights allowing them to participate on a pro rata basis (or, at the discretion of the Minority Shareholders, in respect of all shares held by them) in any sale of a majority of the shares of the Company by EFX to a third party.
In any event, unless all of the shares of the Company are sold, the sale by EFX of shares of the Company to any third party, including pursuant to a corporate restructuring, will not affect the rights of the Minority Shareholders provided in the Bylaws.
Preemptive Rights
All shareholders have preemptive rights allowing them the right to buy a pro rata portion (based on their ownership interest) of any future stock issuances of the Company, subject to customary exceptions.
Put Option Rights
Each Minority Shareholder has the right to sell its common shares, free and clear of any liens, to EFX at fair market value (the “Put Option”). The Put Option may be exercised only during certain periods described in our Bylaws, including certain 30-day periods after the 5th, 7th, 10th and 12th anniversary of the closing of the Transaction or after such time that EFX defaults on any public or private indebtedness. The exercise of a Put Option is subject to other limitations more fully described in our Bylaws, including the requirement that the Put Option be with respect to at least 33.3% of the common shares of the Company not owned by EFX.
Call Option Rights
EFX has the right to purchase, free and clear of any liens, all (but not less than all) of the common shares held by each Minority Shareholder at fair market value (the “Call Option”). The Call Option may be exercised only during certain periods described in our Bylaws, the first such period beginning 30 days after the 10th anniversary of the closing of the Transaction and ending on the 13th anniversary of the closing of the Transaction. Exercise of the Call Option is subject to other limitations more fully described in our Bylaws.
The Company will be liquidated upon the occurrence of certain events provided for in the Brazilian Corporations Law and other applicable legal provisions, whereupon a General Meeting will appoint the liquidator(s) and the members of our fiscal council, who will oversee the liquidation process, ensuring compliance with all relevant legal formalities.
Withdrawal Rights
According to Brazilian corporate law, minority shareholders are entitled to withdrawal rights if they dissent from the approval of the following actions at any shareholders’ meeting: (i) the creation of common shares with plural vote; (ii) the inclusion of provision in the bylaws submitting any dispute to arbitration, except in the event our shares become widely held and liquid or if the arbitration provision is required for the negotiation of our securities in the stock market or over-the-counter market that requires a minimum shareholding dispersion of 25% of the shares of each type or class; (iii) creation of preferred shares or increase in the class of existing preferred shares, without maintaining proportion with other classes of preferred shares, except if in accordance with the bylaws; (iv) change in the preferences, advantages or conditions for the redemption or amortization of one or more classes of preferred shares, or creation of a new, more favored class; (v) the redistribution of assets and liabilities (pursuant to the conditions described below); (vi) reduction in our mandatory dividends; (vii) change of our corporate form or purpose; (viii) our merger into, or consolidation with, another company (as described below); and (ix) our participation in a corporate group, as defined in Brazilian corporate law, except in the event our shares become widely held and liquid, as described below; or (x) our acquisition of the control of any company, if the acquisition price exceeds the limits established by Brazilian corporate law, except in the event our shares are widely held and liquid, as described below.
The withdrawal rights derived from items (iii) and (iv) above may be exercised only by the holder of shares of the type or class negatively affected by the approval of the resolution.
The redistribution of assets and liabilities will only trigger withdrawal rights if it results in one of the following: (i) a change in our corporate purpose, unless the spun-off assets and liabilities are transferred to an entity whose principal business purpose is consistent with our corporate purpose; (ii) a reduction of the minimum mandatory dividend to be paid to shareholders; or (iii) our participation in a corporate group (as defined in Brazilian corporate law).
In cases where we: (i) merge into, or consolidate with, another company; (ii) become part of a corporate group (as defined in Brazilian corporate law); (iii) acquire all shares of a company in order to make such company our wholly-owned subsidiary, or our shareholders sell all of our shares to another company in order to make us a whollyowned subsidiary of such company, pursuant to Article 252 of Brazilian corporate law; or (iv) acquire control of any company at an acquisition price that exceeds the limits established under Article 256, paragraph 2 of Brazilian corporate law, our shareholders will not be entitled to withdrawal rights, if our common shares are (a) part of the Bovespa Index or another stock exchange index, as defined by the CVM; and (b) widely held, such that any controlling shareholders and their affiliates jointly hold less than 50% of the type or series of shares being withdrawn.
The right to withdraw expires 30 days after the publication of the minutes of the relevant shareholders’ meeting. We are entitled to reconsider any action giving rise to withdrawal rights for 10 days after the expiration of the aforementioned period if we determine that the redemption of the shares of dissenting shareholders would jeopardize our financial situation.
Article 45 of Brazilian corporate law describes the amounts to be paid to shareholders who exercise their withdrawal rights. As a general rule, the withdrawing shareholder will receive the value of the shares, based on the most recent audited balance sheet approved by our shareholders, or, if lower, the economic value of the shares, based on an evaluation report prepared in accordance with Brazilian corporate law. If the resolution giving rise to withdrawal rights is passed more than 60 days after the date of our most recent balance sheet, dissenting shareholders may request that the shares be valued in accordance with a new balance sheet dated no more than 60 days prior to the date of the resolution. In such case, we are obligated to pay 80% of the share value according to the most recent balance sheet approved by our shareholders, and the balance within 120 days following the date of the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting that gave rise to the withdrawal rights.