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AAA, AB, abandoning, Abitibi, Abitibiwinni, absence, abundant, abutment, Academy, Acartia, accelerate, accelerating, acceleration, accessed, accessible, accessing, accident, accidental, accommodate, accommodation, accompanied, accompanying, accordion, accrue, accrued, accuracy, acid, acknowledged, adapt, adaptation, adapted, adapting, added, addressed, addressing, Adelaide, adequacy, adjacent, administered, administering, adsorbed, advance, advanced, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, AEM, affiliate, affirmative, aforementioned, afternoon, agency, Aglukkaq, agrarian, agree, agreed, agreement, aim, aimed, aiming, air, airfield, airport, airstrip, AK, Akasaba, Alberta, Alexandre, Algonquin, alleged, Alliance, Allocation, alteration, altered, alternate, alternating, alternative, amalgamate, amalgamated, amalgamation, Amaruq, amenable, America, American, Ammar, ammonia, Amphi, AMQ, analytical, analyze, analyzed, anastomosing, ancillary, Andrew, angle, angular, Anishinabeg, Anishnabeg, anniversary, announced, Anuraaqtuq, appliable, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approaching, apron, Arabia, Archean, architecture, arctic, Argentina, arid, arise, arising, arm, arrangement, arriving, arsenopyrite, artificial, Asamera, assay, assaying, assemblage, assert, assertion, assigned, assimilating, assist, assumption, atmospheric, attempt, attenuation, attract, August, AusIMM, Australasian, Australia, autoclave, automated, automatically, automation, BA, Bachelor, back, backfill, backfilled, backup, bacteria, Badiu, Bakaru, Baker, ball, Ballarat, band, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bar, barge, Barnat, Barqueno, barren, Barrick, Barsele, basalt, basaltic, BASc, baseline, Bathurst, bay, BBB, bearing, Beaver, Beaverhouse, bed, bedding, began, behaviour, Belanger, belt, bench, Bendigo, beneath, beneficially, berm, bid, billion, Bilodeau, biodiversity, Bioenergy, biography, biological, biotitic, bismuth, bit, Blake, blasted, blasting, blended, block, body, Boiler, Bolduc, borehole, borrow, borrowed, borrower, bottleneck, bottom, Bouchard, boundary, Bouquet, Bousquet, Boyd, branching, breach, breadth, break, breaking, brecciated, bribery, bridge, British, brittle, brought, brown, Brunswick, Bud, buffer, build, building, built, bulk, bullion, burst, bus, buy, bypassed, ca, Cabinet, Cadillac, call, called, Cambridge, Camflo, camp, cancelled, cap, capable, capacity, capping, caption, captive, captured, carbon, carbonate, carbonatized, card, care, career, cargo, caribou, Caro, Caron, carried, carry, carrying, case, cast, Cayden, CDP, cease, ceased, ceasing, CEEC, ceiling, Celej, cell, cemented, Centerra, central, Centre, CEO, Cerro, certainty, certified, cessation, CFA, CFO, chain, Chairman, chalcopyrite, challenged, challenging, channel, characterized, chart, charter, chartered, charterholder, chemical, chert, cherty, Chicoutimi, Chihuahua, child, Chile, chip, Chipriona, CHL, chlorite, choose, Churchill, chute, CIL, CIM, CIP, circuit, circular, circulating, CIRNAC, Citibank, civil, claim, claimed, Clan, Clarkson, classified, clastic, Claude, clause, clay, clean, cleavage, closest, closure, CMC, CN, coagulant, coal, Coalition, coarse, coast, Cobalt, Cochrane, Coco, cohort, cold, collaboration, collaboratively, collect, collected, collection, collective, collectively, College, Colombia, Colorado, Columbia, column, columnar, Comaplex, commenced, commencement, commencing, comment, Commerce, commercial, commercially, comminution, commit, commitment, committed, committing, commodity, commonly, communicable, compaction, comparison, compatible, compensatory, compete, Competency, competing, complementary, complex, complexity, component, compound, comprehensive, compression, compressor, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, Comptroller, compulsory, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concentrator, conceptual, condemnation, cone, confidence, confidential, configuration, confirm, confirmed, conflict, conflicting, congestion, conglomerate, conglomeratic, conjunction, Connell, consecutive, consequential, conservation, consideration, constrained, constraining, constraint, consult, Consultant, consultation, consulting, consumer, consuming, consumption, contact, contamination, contemplate, contemplated, content, context, continental, contract, contracting, contractor, contrary, contrast, contrasting, conventional, conventionally, Conversely, conversion, convex, conveyed, conveyor, convicted, cooperation, cooperative, coordination, copepod, core, cored, Cormark, CORRA, corridor, corrupt, corruption, cost, Council, counsel, counter, counterparty, country, court, covenant, coverage, CPA, CQS, create, created, creation, credit, Creek, Creston, CRIRSCO, critical, crosscut, crosscutting, CrowdStrike, Crown, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crustal, crystalline, cubic, cultural, culturally, culture, Cumberland, cured, currency, curtail, customary, cut, cutting, cyanidation, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclone, Dakota, dam, Dany, dark, Darwin, database, David, de, death, Deborah, debt, decant, decided, decision, Declaration, declare, declared, declaring, decline, decommissioning, decrease, decreased, decree, dedicated, deducting, deem, deemed, deep, deeper, deepest, default, defective, deferred, deficient, deformation, deformed, degrade, delay, delayed, delaying, delegate, delegated, delete, Delfer, delineating, delivery, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, density, department, depend, dependent, depending, depleted, Depletion, deposit, Depositary, deposited, deposition, depth, derivative, derived, destabilization, destroy, destroyed, destruction, detail, detailed, Detour, detoxified, detriment, Devin, dewatered, dewatering, diamond, diesel, difficult, difficulty, dike, diligence, dimension, diminished, diorite, dioritic, dioxide, dip, Diploma, diplomatic, dipping, direct, directed, direction, directional, director, dirty, disadvantage, disagreement, disappointed, disbanded, discharge, discharged, discharging, discontinuation, discontinue, discount, discovered, discovery, displacement, disposal, dispose, disproportionate, dispute, disputed, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, dissolve, dissolved, dissolving, distance, distinct, Distinguished, distraction, distributed, distribution, District, diverse, diversification, Diversity, divert, divided, dividend, division, Dja, Dobie, Doctorate, document, documentation, documented, domain, dome, Dominican, Dominion, dore, dormitory, double, downgrade, downstream, downtime, Doyon, Dr, drainage, dramatically, drawpoint, drew, drift, driven, driver, drone, drought, drum, dry, DSR, du, Dubuisson, dug, Dumagami, dumped, Dundee, duration, dust, duty, earlier, earliest, earn, earned, earning, Earth, earthen, earthwork, easier, eastern, EBITDA, Econ, economy, edge, education, educational, effluent, El, elapse, electric, electrical, electricity, electrification, electrify, electrochemical, electrode, electrolyte, electromagnetic, electrowinning, elevation, eleven, eliminate, elimination, Elizabeth, Ellison, elution, embankment, embedded, emission, emit, employ, employed, employee, emulsion, enable, enclose, enclosed, encountered, encountering, encourage, Endangered, endorsed, energy, enforce, enforcement, Eng, Engineer, engineered, engineering, England, enhanced, enlarged, enriched, enrichment, ensuing, entail, enter, entered, entering, entity, envelope, episode, epizonal, EPS, equitable, erosion, esker, ethical, Europe, European, event, eventual, eventually, evidence, evolving, exacerbated, excavate, excavated, excavation, exceed, exceeding, Excellence, excellent, excessive, exclusive, exert, expand, expanded, expanding, expended, expenditure, experience, experienced, experiencing, Expiration, expire, expiring, export, expose, exposed, exposure, expropriation, Ext, extent, extreme, extremely, extruded, fabric, face, facilitate, facilitating, facility, fail, failed, failure, fairly, fall, false, farm, fault, faulting, faulty, FAusIMM, Favored, favour, favourable, favourably, FCA, FCPA, feature, fed, federal, Federation, fee, feed, feeder, feeding, feldspar, fell, Fellow, felsic, felt, ferric, field, fight, fill, filled, filling, filter, filtered, filtering, filtration, final, Finally, finance, financing, fine, finely, finer, Finland, Finnish, fire, FireFox, fish, Fitch, Fix, fixed, fixing, fleet, flexibility, flexible, flood, flooding, flotation, flowsheet, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating, fluctuation, focused, focussed, fold, folded, folding, foliated, foliation, fool, footprint, footwall, force, forced, foregoing, Forestry, forma, formal, formalized, formally, formation, Formula, forum, forward, fossil, fossilized, Fosterville, foundation, founder, Fourax, fourth, fracture, fraud, free, frequency, frequent, frequently, Fresh, Front, froth, FTSE, fuel, fulfill, fulfilled, fulfilling, full, fully, function, gabbro, Gagnon, GAICD, gain, gained, galena, gangue, gas, gate, gathered, Gekko, Geo, Geochemistry, geographic, geographical, geological, Geologist, geology, Geomark, geomechanical, geometry, geophysical, geopolitical, George, geotechnical, Germany, GEZ, GGPPA, GHG, Gilbert, Gill, Gilt, glacial, glossary, goal, GoGold, good, goodwill, Goose, Gordon, Gouldie, governmental, GP, grace, gradual, gradually, graduate, grain, grained, granularity, gravel, gravity, Gray, greater, greatest, green, greenfield, greenhouse, greenschist, greenstone, Grenville, greywacke, GRI, grid, grind, grinding, grizzly, Grosskopf, ground, groundwater, group, grow, growing, Grupo, guarantee, guaranteed, Guerrero, Guest, gyratory, habitat, half, halfway, hamlet, Hammond, handling, hanging, Harbour, hardware, harm, haul, haulage, hauled, hauling, HBA, headframe, healthy, heap, heat, heating, heavier, heavily, heavy, hectare, hedge, hedging, height, Hemisphere, Hermosillo, high, highest, highly, highway, hinge, hire, hiring, history, hoist, hold, holding, hole, hollow, Holt, home, Honorary, Hope, Hopper, horizon, horizontal, hornblende, host, hostage, hosted, Houle, house, housed, HPGR, Hudson, human, hydraulic, hydroelectric, hydrogeological, hydrothermal, hyphen, IAS, Ignited, IIBA, illegal, illustrated, immaterial, impair, impaired, impairment, Imperial, import, important, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, impossible, impound, impoundment, impractical, improper, inability, incidental, inclination, inclined, inclusion, inclusive, Inco, increasingly, incurrence, indefinite, India, indirect, indirectly, Indonesia, infill, infiltration, inflation, inflationary, influence, influenced, infraction, infrastructure, inhabited, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, initiating, Initiative, injury, Inlet, Innovation, innumerable, inorganic, input, inquiry, inside, insolvency, insolvent, instability, installation, installed, installing, Institute, instituted, institution, institutional, insurance, insure, intake, intelligence, intense, intensity, intensive, interbedded, intercalated, intercepted, interest, intergovernmental, intergrown, interim, intermediate, intermittently, interpolation, interpretation, interpreted, interrupted, intersected, Intervening, intervention, introduced, Introductory, intrude, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, Inuit, Inuk, invasion, inventory, invest, invested, investee, investigating, investigation, investing, Investissement, investment, investor, invite, involuntary, iron, irregular, Island, isolate, isolated, isolating, isolation, ISSB, item, Itivia, iv, IVR, Jalisco, Jean, jet, John, joined, joining, jointly, Jonathan, judged, judicial, June, junior, justified, Kangislulik, Karl, Kewagama, KIA, Kiistala, kilometre, kilovolt, kitchen, Kitcisakik, Kitikmeot, Kittil, Kittila, Kivalliq, Kivallirmiut, KLG, Knelson, knowledge, Kolho, komatiite, La, lab, laboratory, Lac, lack, Laflamme, Lakehead, laminated, land, landfill, landform, landing, landscaped, language, Lapa, Larder, large, largely, larger, largest, Larouche, Larry, Latin, launched, lava, Laval, lawyer, layer, layering, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, Lean, Leanne, lease, leasing, Lecturer, led, Leetma, leg, lender, length, Leona, lesser, letter, leverage, liability, liable, liberated, licence, license, lift, light, likelihood, lime, limestone, line, linear, liner, linkage, linked, linking, literate, lithium, lithological, lithostratigraphic, litre, live, Liverpool, living, LLCFZ, loaded, loading, Loan, local, localized, locally, located, locating, location, lock, locked, lode, London, long, longer, longest, longitudinal, longstanding, loose, Louvicourt, low, lower, lowering, lowest, LP, LR, LTA, Lucky, lying, Macassa, machine, mafic, magazine, magma, magnetic, Magnitude, main, mainstay, maintenance, Malartic, malfunctioning, malware, Mammoth, manifest, manifested, manipulation, Manitoba, manner, manufacturing, map, Marban, marine, Martine, Mascota, Massicotte, massive, Matachewan, matrix, mature, matured, maturity, Maverix, maximize, maximum, MBA, McCombe, McMaster, McMullen, Meadowbank, meaningful, mechanical, media, meet, meeting, Melema, Meliadine, member, mentioned, Mentor, mentoring, merged, Merger, mesothermal, metallurgical, metallurgist, Metallurgy, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphosed, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, method, metre, metric, Mexico, mica, micron, middle, Midway, Milder, milestone, million, MINARCO, Minera, minimize, minimum, Minister, Ministry, misstatement, mitigate, mitigation, mixing, mixture, mobile, model, modelled, modelling, moderate, modification, modified, modifying, modular, molten, Moment, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, Montreal, Moody, Moosonee, Morocco, mortgage, motivate, motor, Mouska, move, moved, movement, moving, MSN, muck, mucking, Multijurisdictional, Multilateral, multiple, muskeg, Mw, MWP, MXP, nameplate, narrow, narrower, Nasdaq, native, NBFI, NDC, NE, nearby, nearest, negative, negatively, negotiation, Neighbour, network, networking, neutral, Nevada, Newcrest, newly, Newport, nickel, Nicole, NIRB, noise, nominal, Nordic, north, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, notice, notification, Nova, November, NSR, NTI, nullification, Nunavut, NWB, NWT, Oakville, OBCA, objective, objectivity, obligor, observable, observation, observed, occasion, occasionally, occupational, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, ocean, October, Odyssey, offer, offering, official, offset, offsite, OGQ, OIQ, Omicron, ongoing, onsite, OP, Opatica, opinion, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, order, orderly, ordinarily, ordinary, orebody, oriented, origin, original, originally, originated, originating, orogenic, Osisko, outcome, outcrop, outdoor, outer, outline, outlined, outlining, Output, overburden, overcoming, overflow, overhead, overlying, Overnight, overprinting, oversee, oversight, oversize, owed, owing, owner, ownership, Oxford, oxidation, Oxide, oxidize, oxygen, pace, package, pad, paid, Pan, Paquin, parallel, parallelism, parcel, Parliament, partially, particle, partner, partnership, party, passage, passed, passive, pastefill, patented, path, Patron, pattern, paved, pay, payable, payback, paying, payment, PDF, pebble, peer, pelitic, pending, penetrated, penetration, Penna, people, percentage, perception, peridotitic, permafrost, permanent, peroxide, perpendicular, Peru, pervasive, Peter, Petroleum, Petrucci, phase, phased, Phoenix, phosphate, physical, Pich, Pierre, pile, pillar, pillowed, Pioneering, pipeline, Piqiganig, pit, Pitre, placement, planar, plane, plant, plate, plated, platinum, play, pledge, plunge, pocket, point, polishing, politician, polluting, pollution, polydeformed, pond, Pontiac, poor, poorly, porphyritic, porphyry, port, Portage, portal, Porter, portfolio, portion, pose, position, positive, post, Postle, postponement, potable, potassic, potential, potentially, pound, powerline, Prairie, Prater, pre, precautionary, precipitate, precipitation, precise, predecessor, predict, predicted, predominant, predominantly, preferred, Pregnant, Preissac, preliminary, prerequisite, prescribed, presence, President, pressure, prevalent, price, priced, pricing, primarily, prime, principle, priority, privacy, pro, proactive, Probe, procure, procurement, produce, produced, producer, producing, professional, profile, profitability, program, progressed, progressive, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, prolonged, prominent, promote, promoted, promoting, proper, properly, proponent, proportion, proportional, prospect, prospecting, prospective, Prospector, protect, protected, protection, protocol, protracted, Proulx, provincial, proximity, proxy, PT, Pty, publish, published, publishing, pulp, pump, pumped, pumping, punishment, pure, purity, purpose, pursue, put, PwC, Pyke, pyrite, pyrrhotite, qualified, qualify, quality, quantity, quarrying, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Quebec, Queen, questionable, quickly, Radium, Rail, Railway, rainfall, Raizman, Rand, range, ranged, Rankin, ransom, rapid, rare, rarely, rateably, ratified, ratio, raw, Rayo, RBC, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, reactivation, read, readily, ready, reagent, receipt, recipient, recirculating, reclaim, reclaimed, reclaiming, reclamation, recognition, recognized, recognizing, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconnaissance, recoverable, recreational, recruitment, recycled, redemption, reduction, Reef, refinancing, refine, refined, refiner, refinery, refining, regime, region, regional, Regionally, registrar, regrind, regular, rehabilitate, rehabilitating, rehabilitation, reinforce, reinforcing, rejoining, relationship, reliant, relocation, rely, remittance, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, render, rendered, renegotiation, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, Reno, rental, repaid, repair, repatriation, repay, repayment, replenishing, Repo, represent, representation, representing, Republic, repurchased, reputation, reputational, requisite, Research, resembling, resident, residual, resign, resignation, resolution, resolve, restart, restricted, restrictive, resubmitting, resume, retain, retaliatory, retention, retreat, retreating, Retrieval, retrospective, return, returned, returning, reuse, revoked, revolving, RGMP, rich, Riddarhyttan, ridge, rig, River, road, Robert, Robichaud, Robitaille, robust, rock, rockfill, role, Ronde, room, rope, Roscoe, rotating, rotation, round, rounded, Royal, royalty, RPA, run, runoff, Russia, Ryan, safe, safeguard, safely, safety, SAG, sale, saline, salvage, sample, sampling, sand, sandstone, Santa, SASB, satellite, satisfy, Saudi, Sauveur, scale, scanning, scattered, scenario, scheme, schist, schistose, schistosity, Scholarship, School, Schulich, Science, scientific, scoop, Scotia, SCP, screen, screened, screening, scrutiny, sea, seafloor, sealed, sealift, Sean, season, sector, SEDAR, sediment, sedimentary, sedimentation, seek, select, selected, sell, selling, senior, seniority, sentiment, separate, separated, separately, separation, September, sequence, sequentially, sericite, session, settle, settled, settlement, sewage, shack, shaft, shale, shallow, shallowly, shape, shear, sheared, shearing, shell, shield, shift, shifting, ship, shipped, shipping, shop, shore, shortly, shovel, showing, shown, shutdown, side, signatory, significantly, Siksik, silica, silicate, silicified, silo, silt, Simon, simple, simply, single, sink, sinking, site, situated, size, skimmed, Sladen, slope, slowdown, slower, SLR, sludge, slurry, small, smaller, smelted, smelter, smelting, Snowden, snowmelt, social, SOFR, software, solid, solidification, Soltoro, solution, Sonora, sophisticated, sort, sorted, source, sourced, sourcing, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, SOX, spaced, spare, spatial, spatially, specialty, specific, speculative, speed, spend, spent, sphalerite, split, splitter, spot, Sprott, St, stability, stabilize, stable, stack, stacked, stacking, staffing, stage, stake, stakeholder, staking, standby, station, steady, steel, steep, steeply, step, sterilization, stewardship, Stockholm, stockpile, stockwork, stop, stope, stoping, stoppage, storage, stored, Storuman, straight, strain, strained, strategic, strategy, Strathcona, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, stream, streaming, stressed, strictly, strike, stringency, stringent, stringer, strip, stripping, strong, stronger, strongly, structural, structure, Structured, study, style, subheading, submission, subparallel, Subprovince, subscribe, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substation, subsurface, successfully, successor, sudden, suffer, suggested, sulphate, sulphide, sulphidized, sulphur, summer, sump, Sunday, Sunderland, supergroup, Superintendent, Superior, supplement, supplemented, support, supported, supporting, supportive, surety, surface, Surimau, surveying, suspend, suspended, suspending, suspension, swarm, Sweden, Swedish, symbol, synvolcanic, table, Tagamou, Tahoe, Tail, tailing, tailored, tangible, tank, Tarachi, tariff, Task, taxation, Taykwa, TCFD, TD, team, technological, technology, tectonic, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tender, tenure, terminate, terminated, Terrex, territorial, Territory, texture, theft, therefrom, thereunder, thermal, thick, thickened, thickener, thin, thiocyanate, tholeiitic, thousand, threat, threatened, threshold, thrusted, tie, tightly, till, timetable, Tiriganiaq, TMAC, tonalite, tonalitic, tonsa, tool, top, topsoil, tourmaline, tower, town, Township, toxic, toxicity, traced, track, tractor, traditional, traditionally, traffic, Trailblazer, trailer, trained, training, tram, transfer, transferred, transformation, transformed, transformer, transitory, translation, transport, transportation, transported, transporting, transverse, trash, travel, Traxxin, Treasurer, treat, treated, treatment, treaty, trench, trend, trending, truck, trucking, true, truncated, Trust, trustee, Truth, TSF, TSM, TSXV, Tunngavik, turbiditic, turn, type, typically, UG, Ukraine, ultimate, ultimately, ultramafic, unable, unanticipated, unauthorized, unavailable, uncemented, uncertain, unclear, uncommitted, unconditional, unconsolidated, uncover, underflow, underground, underlain, underlie, underlying, underneath, understand, understanding, underway, undetected, undiluted, undrawn, uneconomic, uneconomical, unexpected, unfavourable, unforeseen, uniform, uninterrupted, Union, unique, Unity, universal, Universit, University, unlimited, unplanned, unpredictable, unprofitable, Unrefined, unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unscheduled, unsecured, unsuccessful, unusual, upper, upward, Urastar, USA, usage, utilized, UV, vacated, valid, validity, valuable, valuation, variable, variably, variant, variation, Vaughan, vault, vehicle, vein, vendor, ventilation, verification, verified, verify, Veronika, vertical, vertically, vessel, VFD, viability, viable, vibrating, Vice, vicinity, Victoria, Victorian, view, viewed, Vincent, violating, violation, violent, visible, vision, visionary, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcanogenic, Vollmershausen, volume, voluntary, VPSHR, vulnerability, vulnerable, wacke, wall, Wallbridge, war, ware, warehouse, warehousing, warming, warrant, warranty, Wasamac, wash, waste, water, waterline, watershed, wayaparrangu, weak, wear, weather, weathering, weight, Wesmeg, west, western, Weston, westward, Westwood, wet, Whale, wheel, Whinney, wide, widely, widened, wider, widespread, width, wildlife, Wilson, wind, window, wing, Winnipeg, winze, withdraw, withdrawn, withdrew, WMC, Wolfe, women, won, Woodburn, Woodland, work, worked, workforce, working, workshop, world, worldwide, worth, written, WRSF, Wurrung, Yanick, yearly, yellow, Yellowknife, yield, Zadra, Zealand, zone
accepted, accretion, assessed, attributable, blackout, BTR, chapter, check, Classification, Codification, communicated, complying, consolidating, dealing, effected, efficient, electronically, eligible, emerging, exempt, exercisable, furnish, hereto, herewith, ID, implicit, incorporation, Instruction, Interactive, knowingly, Label, Linkbase, listing, mark, migrating, Nadler, page, paragraph, participation, PCAOB, practicable, Presentation, promptly, realistic, reconcile, recorded, referencing, registrant, reportable, requested, Rule, Schema, send, Sponsoring, standing, summarized, Taxonomy, thereon, Treadway, treasury, undersigned, voting, Washington, XBRL, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
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- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
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