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AA, aaa, AB, abandon, abandoned, abandonment, AC, acadesine, acetate, acid, ACIP, acquiree, aDauberthearing, additionalFosamaxlegal, additionalVioxxlegal, ADELE, adequacy, adjudication, adjunct, admission, admit, adolescent, ADP, adult, advocacy, affirmative, affirmed, afforded, Afor, African, AIT, Alabama, alendronate, allowingVioxxto, alpha, ambrose, AmerisourceBergen, AMI, amortizable, anacetrapib, analogue, andAquaflor, andAsmanex, andCaelyxfor, andCoppertonesun, andCorrectollaxative, andDr, andFosamax, andGardasil, andHyzaar, andIntron, andInvanzfor, andJanumet, andNasonex, andParacoxandCoccivac, andPegIntron, andPegIntronfor, andPneumovax, andPorcilisvaccine, andPrimaxinfor, andResearch, andRestructuring, androgen, andSolarcainesunburn, andSuboxone, andTinactintopical, andVarivax, andVarivaxincreased, andVioxxDerivative, andVioxxForeign, andVytorin, andVytorinandZetia, andZetiadeclined, anemia, angina, angiotensin, Anne, anniversary, annum, answer, anticoagulant, antihyperglycemic, antiplatelet, antiretroviral, AOCI, Apotex, appellate, Appraised, approvedGardasilfor, approvedSaphrisin, approvedSimponi, approvedZegerid, approvedZegeridOTC, arePepcid, arguing, argument, ARIAD, Arizona, arose, Article, asAeriusin, asCordaptivein, asEzetroloutside, asFosamacin, asFosamax, asFosavancethroughout, asInegy, asInegyoutside, asNoncontrolling, asOther, aspect, asPepcid, aspirin, asPreminent, asPrilosec, asRemicade, assetsand, assetsandOther, assetsare, assetsin, assetswere, Astra, AstraZeneca, asVarivax, Atlantic, Aton, atrial, augment, augmenting, Austria, authoritative, autism, auto, Avecia, AWPqui, AZLP, Baby, backstop, backup, bancin, bankruptcy, Banyu, bar, bargaining, Barr, barshay, beende, behavior, Belgium, bellwether, Bench, benchmark, BENCHMRK, benign, beta, betrixaban, bicarbonate, bill, Billingham, binding, biochemical, Biogen, biology, BioTerror, BLA, blend, blinded, blocker, BMD, bone, booster, Boston, bothLocal, bothRemicadeandSimponi, bothTrusoptandCosopt, bothZetiaandZocor, bothZetiaandZocorwere, Botswana, Boulder, break, breakdown, bridge, Britain, Brotherhood, broughtqui, BRUCE, Brun, BsF, budgetary, buyer, byVioxx, CABG, calcitonin, calcium, Canadian, CanadianTrusoptandCosopt, candidate, captionIn, carbonate, card, Cardinal, Cardiome, carefully, Carol, caspofungin, cast, catalyze, categorization, categorized, cathepsin, causation, CDC, Cech, certiorari, cervical, CETP, channel, characterized, charitable, chart, chemistry, chemotherapy, Chesler, chickenpox, Childhood, children, cholesteryl, CID, cilastatin, CIO, circumvent, circumvented, Clara, clark, clean, closer, cohort, Colorado, Columbia, combinesJanuviawith, commercializeRemicadeandSimponi, commercializeSimponi, communicate, communicated, communication, community, complement, concept, concerningVioxx, concerningVytorinand, Condensed, Connaught, Conservation, conservative, consolidatedIncome, consultation, consumedVioxxand, contest, contesting, Cook, CoppertoneandDr, corifollitropin, corruption, Cosmetic, costsand, counterparty, county, coveringVioxxpurchased, Cozaar, CR, CRA, CRT, CSL, Cubicin, Cubist, culmination, cure, curtailment, custody, daptomycin, Dean, Debevoise, decedent, deceiving, decide, decided, deciding, declared, dedicate, dedicated, DEESE, default, defect, defective, defense, defensive, deferral, deliverable, delivery, denied, Denmark, density, dental, denying, deprive, derecognizing, deregulation, deterrent, detrimental, devalued, developmental, developmentexpense, deviation, diabetic, difficile, difficileinfection, diminution, dipeptidyl, disadvantage, disagreement, disappointing, disclaimer, disorder, displaced, displacement, disproportionate, distributeAfluria, distributeRemicadeandSimponi, distributeRemicadeorSimponi, distributor, divestiture, divisional, Dlost, DNA, docket, document, documentation, Dohme, dorzolamide, dropped, drugVytorinand, du, Duke, dupont, dyslipidemia, dysplastic, earmarked, East, EC, Eldon, Electrical, elicit, enable, encourage, encouraged, encouraging, enlargement, enriching, enrichment, ensure, entirety, entitledFriedman, entrance, enumerated, enzyme, EPO, equipmentand, ER, erred, escrow, esmirtazapine, esomeprazole, ester, estradiol, estrogen, ethical, etoricoxib, excessive, excused, exert, exhaustive, expediting, expertise, expiry, exploratory, extraction, faith, fall, Fallon, fault, feature, federalVioxxMDL, feedback, female, fibrillation, Fiffth, fifty, Finland, floor, Florida, flushing, follicle, follicular, footnote, forCaelyxreturn, forClarinexwould, forCosoptandTrusoptexpired, forCozaar, forCozaarandHyzaar, forCozaarandHyzaarexpire, forCozaarwill, forElonvawith, forEmend, forFosamaxlitigation, forGardasilin, forIntegrilin, forIsentressto, forLevitra, format, formation, formoterol, formula, forNasonex, forProQuadwere, forSimponi, forSingulair, forSingulairwill, forTemodarand, forTemodarto, forVytorin, forZetia, forZetiaand, forZostavax, Fosamax, FosamaxLitigation, FosamaxMDL, Foundation, founder, fracture, frame, FRAZIER, fromOther, fundamental, futile, futureVioxxlegal, Garza, gastrointestinal, gather, genital, Gilmartin, glaucoma, Glocer, glucose, glycemic, GmbH, GnRH, Goldstone, grand, Grande, grantedIsentressaccelerated, Great, ground, groundwater, grown, GTx, guide, Gwynedd, hair, hand, hardest, Harrison, Harry, Hawaii, HB, HDL, headcount, headquartered, healing, heartburn, Heller, hereinafter, HIB, Higbee, highest, Hilleman, hip, hire, history, hit, home, Honorable, hot, household, HPV, hydrochloride, hydrochlorothiazide, hydroxide, hyperinflationary, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hypothetical, idec, IIa, iib, immobile, immune, immunization, immunogenicity, imprudent, inAccrued, inAccumulated, inAOCI, inAOCIand, inappropriate, inBolesbecause, inception, includeBridion, includeCozaarandHyzaar, includeDr, includeEmendfor, includeRotaTeq, includingClaritin, includingPrilosec, incomein, incomplete, incretin, Incumbent, inDeferred, indeterminate, India, Indiana, indinavir, inequitable, inEquity, inflationary, influenza, influenzae, inFosamaxandFosamax, infrequent, inGarza, ingestedVioxxand, ingestion, inhibiting, inhibition, inJanuviaandJanumetfor, injured, injury, inLocal, inMaley, inNexiumandPrilosec, inNoncontrolling, inOther, inProperty, input, inResearch, inRestructuring, inseparable, insertion, Insider, Insmed, insolvency, insomnia, insufficient, insulin, intact, integrase, Interbank, interestsin, intermittent, intermittently, intervening, intolerance, intoSaleswhen, intraocular, introductory, intrusion, investmentstotaled, IRO, ischemia, isde, IsentressandSingulair, IVAX, Jacobson, Janumet, Januvia, JanuviaandJanumet, jaw, JPML, JPMorgan, JT, judicial, Judith, juror, jury, justified, KBI, Keenan, Kelley, kellogg, KENNETH, Kentucky, kim, knew, kuhlik, Kynapid, landscape, lapsed, laropiprant, launchedSimponiin, launchedTredaptivein, lawfully, layer, lean, leave, leaving, legacy, legitimate, lengthy, Leonel, Leslie, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, liabilitieswere, liable, LIBOR, lieu, likelihood, linked, literature, liver, London, losartan, lossare, Louisiana, lowest, LP, lumbar, Lupin, machinery, magnesium, magnitude, maker, makingGardasilthe, maleate, Maley, mammalian, managerial, mania, manic, manipulation, Marion, marketCozaarandHyzaar, marketedZetiathrough, marketingVytorinandZetia, marketRemicadeandSimponi, marketRemicadeto, marketSimponi, marketSimponifor, Martin, MBL, McKesson, MDL, mechanism, Medarex, Medco, medicationPepcid, medium, Melinda, men, Merced, MerckandGarza, merged, Merial, Merieux, merit, metformin, MFF, MI, Michigan, Middle, migraine, mineral, minimisand, Ministry, MIRIAN, misconduct, mismanagement, misrepresented, mistrial, MMD, modestly, modification, momentum, momestasone, monohydrate, monthly, Morgan, mortgage, motion, MRK, MSD, MSP, mTOR, multidistrictVioxxlitigation, municipal, musculoskeletal, Mylan, Nasonexnasal, nationwide, Native, nausea, neck, negligence, netin, neurodegenerative, neurological, neutralizeClostridium, Nevada, Nexium, niacin, noncancellable, Nonfinancial, nonforfeitable, nonprescription, Nonqualified, Nordic, Northern, notification, notional, NovaCardia, nuisance, NYSE, Obama, Obesity, ocular, odanacatib, ofAccumulated, ofAfluriain, ofC, ofClarinex, ofComvaxwill, ofCordaptivein, ofCosoptandTrusoptdeclined, ofCozaar, ofCozaarand, ofCozaarandHyzaargrew, ofElonva, ofElonvamay, official, ofFosamax, ofFosamaxand, ofFosamaxandFosamax, ofGardasil, ofGardasilfor, ofGardasilin, ofHyzaarin, ofIntegrilinInjection, ofJanumet, ofJanuvia, ofJanuviaandJanumetin, ofJanuviafor, ofNasonexnasal, ofNexium, ofNuvaRing, ofOther, ofPegIntronfor, ofPneumovax, ofPrimaxin, ofPrimaxinwere, ofProQuad, ofRecombivax, ofRegulation, ofRemicadeandSimponiincluded, ofRemicaderecognized, ofRotaTeqgrew, ofSimponiin, ofSimponiwithin, ofSingulair, ofSingulairin, ofSingulairrose, ofSingulairwere, ofStocrinin, ofTemodar, ofTredaptivebegan, ofVarivaxandZostavax, ofVioxx, ofVioxxand, ofVioxxon, ofVioxxpurchased, ofVytorin, ofVytorinand, ofVytorinandZetia, ofVytorinandZetiaand, ofVytorinandZetiadeclined, ofVytorinandZetiafollowing, ofVytorinandZetiain, ofVytorinare, ofVytorincaused, ofVytorinwould, ofZegeridOTC, ofZetia, ofZetiaand, ofZetiaandVytorin, ofZetiaandVytorinprior, ofZetiaandVytorinwere, ofZocor, ofZostavax, ofZostavaxwill, Ohio, omeprazole, onNexium, onPrimaxinhave, Ontario, onVioxxandFosamax, ophthalmological, Ophthalmology, opposition, orexin, orZetiaincrease, osteoanabolic, outpatient, outsource, outsourcing, overcharged, overlapping, overpayment, overturned, owed, owner, pain, pandemic, panel, par, Parenteral, Pasteur, pattern, payor, payroll, PDvaccine, pediatric, Pentavalent, peptide, peripheral, permissive, persistent, pervasive, peter, petitioner, phantom, Pharma, pharmacodynamic, pharmacology, phenomena, Philadelphia, phosphate, physical, Pike, pioglitazone, pivotal, placement, plaintiff, play, pleasure, pledged, Plimpton, pneumococcal, Poland, pollen, polyvalent, Pomezia, Pont, poorest, Portola, Portugal, postcombination, precombination, predetermined, preferential, prefilled, prejudice, premarket, prescriptionClaritinfor, prescriptionZegerid, presence, preservative, preserve, preserved, preserving, pretax, prioritization, prioritize, prioritizing, privacy, proceed, productsCozaarandHyzaarwill, productsper, productsZetiaand, promptly, promulgated, ProQuad, ProQuadandZostavax, prostaglandin, prostate, prove, proven, providingRotaTeq, providingRotaTeqto, province, provincial, PSC, PSU, psychiatric, psychotic, psychotropic, punitive, purchasedVetsulinfor, purportedly, pursue, pursued, PwC, Quadrivalent, quashed, Quebec, Queen, ragweed, Rahway, raltegravir, Ranbaxy, randomized, rapamycin, rapidly, Raymond, reader, ready, reassessment, recalcitrant, recast, receivableandAccrued, reclassification, reconsideration, recover, recovered, recurrent, RED, Reddy, redesign, reducedIncome, redundant, reevaluation, reexamine, refile, refined, refining, refused, refusing, regardingVioxx, regardingVioxxin, regimen, rehearing, rehearingen, reinforce, rejected, rejection, relapse, relinquishment, remeasure, remeasured, remeasurement, remedial, remediating, remediation, renamed, replicate, replication, reproductive, resistant, rest, retrial, retried, retrospective, revoked, revoking, rFSH, rhythm, Rio, RNAi, robust, Rochelle, role, rolofylline, Rosenblatt, Rosetta, RotaTeq, RotaTeqandSingulair, RSU, rubella, safe, safeguarded, safer, sample, Samuel, San, Sandoz, sanofi, Santa, Santen, sarcopenia, SARM, Saskatchewan, satisfaction, saturation, sBLA, SCALET, scarce, School, se, Seattle, sector, securitization, segregated, seized, sensing, severalVioxxProduct, SGP, Shenk, shortage, shorter, simultaneously, SIP, Sirna, sitagliptin, slated, society, soil, someProQuad, sought, Southern, Spain, spectrum, spent, spine, SPMSD, spot, Standardsapplicable, standing, stanley, Station, statute, stay, stayed, stewardship, Stockpile, stomach, strike, sublease, succeed, sued, Suffolk, sugar, suggested, sulfate, supplyAfluriato, surgery, survey, surviving, swap, Sweden, Switzerland, symbol, symptomatic, syringe, tafluprost, tamaction, tamand, Tatlock, taxation, taxesby, taxeswould, telcagepant, temozolomide, Teva, text, thatGardasilmay, thatVytorin, thatVytorinorZetiaincrease, thatZostavaxwill, theBolescase, theFlemingsbellwether, theFosamax, theFosamaxLitigation, thefosamaxmdl, theFosamaxmultidistrict, theFosamaxproduct, theGravestrial, theMcDarbymatter, theory, thereof, thetimopticproduct, thevioxx, theVioxxDerivative, theVioxxERISA, theVioxxForeign, theVioxxLitigation, thevioxxproduct, theVioxxReserve, thevioxxsettlement, theVioxxShareholder, theVytorinstudy, Thier, thimerosal, thirty, thisform, threatened, threshold, thrombotic, throughOther, thrust, tiered, timetable, timolol, toAggrastat, Tobacco, toIsentressfollowing, tolerability, tolerated, tooth, tort, toSalesmay, toSimponi, toSubutex, toVioxx, toVioxxin, toVioxxproduct, toVioxxto, toVytorin, toxicology, TPM, TPP, TRA, traditional, transient, treatmentRemicadeandSimponi, truthful, Tsukuba, TTP, Turkey, twelve, unallocated, unamortized, unconditional, unconditionally, unconsolidated, uncured, underinsured, underperforming, understood, undertaken, underwritten, undue, unexpected, unified, uniformly, uninsured, University, unjust, unjustly, unobservable, unreasonable, unrecorded, unregistered, unsupported, upcoming, upheld, upholding, upper, uptake, upward, urology, usage, user, USP, vacant, vardenofil, varicella, vascular, vast, vendor, Venezuelan, verdict, vernakalant, vernakalent, vertebral, view, Vioxx, VioxxERISA, VioxxForeign, VioxxLitigation, VioxxProduct, VioxxReserve, VioxxSettlement, VioxxShareholder, virtue, visibility, voice, voluntarily, vomiting, vorapaxar, vulvar, Vytorinrepresent, waive, warranty, Washoe, waste, wasting, Water, weakening, weaker, wear, week, welfare, Wellcome, Wendell, West, whichever, Whitehouse, wholly, widow, WILLIE, Wilmington, withdrew, withdrewVioxx, withheld, withinDeferred, withinMarketing, withinRestructuring, withPegIntronorIntron, withRemicadehave, withVytorin, Wound, writ, Xa, yen, young, Zealand, Zeneca, Zocorand, zoster
ABO, abridge, Absent, absorb, acceleration, acceptance, accompanied, acknowledged, Adaptive, adversity, advertised, advice, AEROLIZER, AFRIN, Agenda, aggregation, agree, albuterol, alert, allegation, analyzed, ankylosing, antiviral, APB, appointed, approximated, AQUAFLOR, array, Arthur, Assistant, attached, attestation, Auditor, AVELOX, backlog, balanced, BANAMINE, Baxter, BBB, bear, Becherer, bioequivalence, border, borne, broadly, build, building, Bulletin, buying, CAELYX, calculating, calling, captioned, captured, Carl, Carroll, CEO, Cheeley, CIGNA, CLARINEX, Cleveland, CMS, COCCIVAC, Colligan, collusion, companywide, comparing, compensating, complicated, computed, concentrated, congestion, consecutive, constantly, construed, context, contributor, copied, correcting, CORRECTOL, correspondingly, coupled, coupon, Creelman, curve, DC, dealing, deducted, deducting, defer, deposit, dermatological, detected, determinable, diagnosed, differentiation, diluted, disability, disabled, discharge, discovering, disincentive, dividing, dosage, downgrade, downgraded, DPI, effected, elderly, emphasized, employing, enforce, enjoy, EPA, Equalization, error, Eugene, executory, explanatory, expressed, extensively, FAS, fenofibrate, filer, finite, Fitch, focusing, foreseeable, formulating, front, fungal, Galloping, generating, glioblastoma, globalize, glycoprotein, grow, Harmonization, heavy, HFA, Hill, HOMEAGAIN, Ian, incidental, indemnify, indigent, ineffective, infringed, innovator, INTEGRILIN, interferon, intermediate, internally, interpretive, intrinsic, introduce, INTRON, investigated, Irish, Jay, journal, Kathryn, koehler, Kogan, labeled, labor, lag, lattice, laxative, lease, lesser, limitation, LOTRIMIN, mail, Manati, mandated, Manhattan, mark, matching, maximizing, McGrath, media, moving, multiforme, multiplied, Mundy, NE, negotiating, Notwithstanding, NOXAFIL, NUFLOR, numeric, obstructive, obtainable, occasion, ofForm, Omaha, oncological, Oordt, opt, ordinary, oropharyngeal, override, packaged, PARACOX, parasiticide, Parkinson, passage, payout, periodic, permitting, pet, Pharmacia, pharmacovigilance, PhRMA, plaque, PMDA, pool, posting, postpone, prescribing, prevented, principle, processing, progressing, projection, pronounced, proportional, prosecute, prosecutorial, PROVENTIL, PRP, psoriatic, published, pulmonary, purport, Queisser, Rabbi, radio, rated, Ratify, ratio, rebalanced, rebate, REBETOL, recording, recourse, recruited, refinancing, reinvest, relying, REMICADE, remitted, remote, renewable, rent, repairing, replacing, reputation, retired, revalidation, reverting, revocation, rigor, Road, Ron, Room, rule, SAB, Sabatino, Salnoske, satisfy, seasonality, secure, securing, SERP, Servicing, shifting, signatory, significance, sizable, SLICE, Smith, societal, SOLARCAINE, stabilizing, steady, stocking, streamlined, Street, stringent, SUBOXONE, SUBUTEX, sunburn, supervision, suspension, switch, switching, syndicate, talent, team, television, Tennessee, thinly, TINACTIN, topical, trained, transferable, Transformational, Treasurer, trending, trustee, Turner, turning, TWISTHALER, UK, ulcerative, underwriting, unissued, unqualified, upgrade, upgrading, Upsher, urgent, utilize, van, variability, veterinary, virtual, vision, waiver, Washington, Watson, web, Weinbach, widely, withholding, Wolf, workload, wrong, WTO
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