Notes to the Financial Statements
1 Statement of Receipts and Payments of the Consolidated Fund
This Statement is a summary of receipts and payments of the Consolidated Fund Accounts.
1.1 The Consolidated Fund - Opening
The Consolidated Fund accounts are comprised of: Jamaican Dollar Consolidated Fund Bank Account $33.074 billion; United States Dollar Consolidated Fund Bank Account (US$115.418 million @ J$151.5654) $17.493 billion, aggregate of $50.567 billion as of April 1, 2023.
1.2 The Consolidated Fund - Closing
The Consolidated Fund accounts are comprised of: Jamaican Dollar Consolidated Fund Bank Account $58.760 billion; US$ Consolidated Fund Bank Account (US$431.898 million @ J$154.7836) $66.850 billion, aggregate of $125.610 billion as of March 31, 2024.
1.3 Refunds from the Consolidated Fund Account/Central Payments Account
Refunds recovered from erroneous transfers made to the Consolidated Fund Accounts upon the requisite approvals. Negative Warrant amounts refunded from the Central Payment Account.
2. Statement of Financing
This Statement shows receipts and payments from the Consolidated Fund for the year ended March 31, 2024 and how the surplus was used or how the deficit was financed.
2.1 Net Surplus/ (Deficit)
There was a surplus of $74.063 million for the year in comparison to a deficit of $32.449 million for 2023.
3. Statement of Receipts of the Consolidated Fund Compared with Estimates
This Statement includes Revenue Estimates and Actual Receipts, as well as, comparative data from the previous year.
3.1 Tax Revenue Recurrent
These are receipts generated from taxes. Included in this statement are the amounts that were transferred to the Consolidated Fund by the Principal Receivers of Revenue (PRRs). All revenues generated by the PRRs are required to be transferred to the Consolidated Fund.
3.2 Non-Tax Revenue Recurrent
Total receipts recorded for the year in the Consolidated Fund for this revenue category is $83.781 billion. The main revenue components include Miscellaneous Revenue, De-earmarked Receipts, Financial Distributions and Loan Interest. Dividends and Other Miscellaneous Revenue from public bodies are also included.