The Government continues to be committed to treating crime as a developmental problem, recognizing its multi-dimensional nature. The Citizen Security Plan outlined above represents one such strategy, however, other strategies include legislative and justice reform, increased focus on rehabilitation in correctional institutions, use of evidence-based approaches, intelligence and technology to dismantle organized crime and remove profit from illegal activities. The strategic combination of law enforcement strategies, improved systems of accountability and social intervention allows for Government to fulfill its obligation to the citizen, including protection of rights while maintaining public order and providing for improved safety and security for all.
The Law Reform Act (Zones of Special Operations) (Special Security and Community Development) (the “ZOSO Act”) passed in 2017 and further strengthened with some amendments in 2023, underpins a new and innovative intervention which targets localities with high levels of violent crime. The Law Reform Act gives the Prime Minister, on the advice of the National Security Council, powers to declare specific high-crime localities of Jamaica as zones for special security operations and community development measures.
All zones declared operate according to plan, and the social environment has improved in those zones since implementation. The introduction of these zones of special operations, have led to the reduction in category one crimes in the targeted areas.
In December 2020, a Joint Select Committee of Parliament was established to review the implementation of the ZOSO Act. An analysis examining crime rates before and during the intervention as at December 3, 2020, showed a combined average reduction of 76.5%.
Additionally, on January 18, 2018, increasing violence in the parish of St. James led the Governor General, on the advice of the Prime Minister, to declare a state of public emergency in St. James. States of public emergency were also declared on March 18, 2018 in St. Catherine North (police division), and on September 23, 2018 in the Kingston Central, Kingston Western and St. Andrew South police divisions. A state of public emergency provides Jamaica’s security forces with enhanced powers to detain persons search premises, vehicles and persons without a warrant, stop and question persons and seize property. However, declaration of a state of emergency does not indicate the suspension of the rule of law or that any action taken is beyond or exempted from review. The aforementioned states of emergency ended in January 2019.
Subsequently, the Prime Minster declared other states of emergency, which ran from April 30, 2019 to August, 2020. States of emergency where declared for the parishes of St. James, Hanover and Westmoreland on April 30, 2019 which ended on May 28, 2020. States of emergency were also declared on July 7, 2019 for St. Andrew South Police Division and on September 5, 2019 for Clarendon and St. Catherine North (Police division) which ended on May 5 and 19, 2020 respectively. A state of emergency was declared on June 14, 2020 in the Kingston Western and Kingston Central Police divisions which ended in August 2020.
In June 2021, states of emergency were declared in the Kingston Western and Kingston Central police divisions. In November 2021, states of emergency were again declared in the police divisions of St. Andrew South, Kingston East in the Corporate Area, St. James, Hanover, and Westmoreland.
In December 2022, states of public emergency (“SOPEs”) were in effect in eight parishes across Jamaica, namely, St. Ann, Clarendon, St. Catherine, Kingston, St. Andrew, St. James, Westmoreland, and Hanover.
On February 15, 2023, SOPEs were declared in the parishes of Clarendon and St. Ann, as well as specified areas in Kingston and St. Andrew. On March 14, 2023, SOPEs were declared in the parishes of Clarendon and St. James. On May 16, 2023, SOPEs were declared in the parishes of Clarendon, St. James and Hanover. On June 22, 2023 SOPEs were declared in the parishes of St. James and Westmoreland. On November 8, 2023, SOPEs were declared in the parishes of St. James. On December 8, SOPEs were declared in the parishes of St. James, Hanover, Westmoreland, Clarendon, St. Catherine and the St. Andrew South Police Division and on November 23, 2023, the parishes of Hanover, St. James St. Catherine and Clarendon.
The use of the provisions of Law Reform (Zones of Special Operations) (Special Security and Community Development Measures) Act 2017 was continued in 2023, when on the April 18, 2023, extensions were granted for ZOSOs in Savanna-la-mar, Parade Gardens, Norwood, Mount Salem, Greenwich Town, August Town, and Denham Town. A further extension was granted in December 2023.