Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 21 Exhibit 21
- 21 Exhibit 21
- 23.1 Exhibit 23.1
- 23.1 Exhibit 23.1
- 23.2 Exhibit 23.2
- 23.2 Exhibit 23.2
- 31.1 Exhibit 31.1
- 31.1 Exhibit 31.1
- 31.2 Exhibit 31.2
- 31.2 Exhibit 31.2
- 32.1 Exhibit 32.1
- 32.1 Exhibit 32.1
- 32.2 Exhibit 32.2
- 32.2 Exhibit 32.2
- PDF Independence Holding Company - Form 10-K Sec Filing
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets - P
- Consolidated Income Statement
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Statement of Stock
- Consolidated Statement of Stoc7
- Consolidated Statement of Cash
- Organization, Consolidation, Ba
- Earnings Per Share _Text Block_
- Disposal Groups, Including Disc
- Investments in Debt and Marketa
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text Bl
- Investments in and Advances to
- BusinessCombinationAndDeconsoli
- Goodwill and Intangible Assets
- Reinsurance _Text Block_
- Liability for Future Policy Ben
- Long-term Debt _Text Block_
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text Blo
- Stockholders' Equity Note Discl
- Compensation and Employee Benef
- Commitments and Contingencies D
- Concentration Risk Disclosure _
- Dividend Payment Restrictions _
- Segment Reporting Disclosure _T
- Quarterly Financial Information
- Summary of Investments, Other t
- Condensed Financial Information
- Supplementary Insurance Informa
- Supplemental Schedule of Reinsu
- Organization, Consolidation, 32
- Organization, Consolidation, 33
- Organization, Consolidation, 34
- Organization, Consolidation, 35
- Organization, Consolidation, 36
- Organization, Consolidation, 37
- Organization, Consolidation, 38
- Organization, Consolidation, 39
- Organization, Consolidation, 40
- Organization, Consolidation, 41
- Organization, Consolidation, 42
- Organization, Consolidation, 43
- Organization, Consolidation, 44
- Organization, Consolidation, 45
- Organization, Consolidation, 46
- Organization, Consolidation, 47
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text 48
- Compensation and Employee Ben49
- Organization, Consolidation, 50
- Organization, Consolidation, 51
- Earnings Per Share _Text Bloc52
- Disposal Groups, Including Di53
- Investments in Debt and Marke54
- Investments in Debt and Marke55
- Investments in Debt and Marke56
- Investments in Debt and Marke57
- Investments in Debt and Marke58
- Investments in Debt and Marke59
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text 60
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text 61
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text 62
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text 63
- Investments in and Advances t64
- BusinessCombinationAndDeconso65
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset66
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset67
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset68
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset69
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset70
- Reinsurance _Text Block__ Effec
- Liability for Future Policy B72
- Liability for Future Policy B73
- Liability for Future Policy B74
- Liability for Future Policy B75
- Liability for Future Policy B76
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text B77
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text B78
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text B79
- Stockholders' Equity Note Dis80
- Stockholders' Equity Note Dis81
- Compensation and Employee Ben82
- Compensation and Employee Ben83
- Compensation and Employee Ben84
- Compensation and Employee Ben85
- Compensation and Employee Ben86
- Commitments and Contingencies87
- Concentration Risk Disclosure88
- Dividend Payment Restrictions89
- Segment Reporting Disclosure 90
- Quarterly Financial Informati91
- Summary of Investments, Other92
- Condensed Financial Informati93
- Condensed Financial Informati94
- Condensed Financial Informati95
- Supplementary Insurance Infor96
- Supplemental Schedule of Rein97
- Organization, Consolidation, 98
- Organization, Consolidation, 99
- Organization, Consolidation,100
- Organization, Consolidation,101
- Organization, Consolidation,102
- Organization, Consolidation,103
- Earnings Per Share _Text Blo104
- Earnings Per Share _Text Blo105
- Disposal Groups, Including D106
- Disposal Groups, Including D107
- Investments in Debt and Mark108
- Investments in Debt and Mark109
- Investments in Debt and Mark110
- Investments in Debt and Mark111
- Investments in Debt and Mark112
- Investments in Debt and Mark113
- Investments in Debt and Mark114
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text115
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text116
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text117
- Fair Value Disclosures _Text118
- Investments in and Advances 119
- Investments in and Advances 120
- BusinessCombinationAndDecons121
- BusinessCombinationAndDecons122
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse123
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse124
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse125
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse126
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse127
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse128
- Reinsurance _Text Block__ Ef129
- Liability for Future Policy 130
- Liability for Future Policy 131
- Liability for Future Policy 132
- Liability for Future Policy 133
- Liability for Future Policy 134
- Liability for Future Policy 135
- Long-term Debt _Text Block_ (De
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text 137
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text 138
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text 139
- Income Tax Disclosure _Text 140
- Stockholders' Equity Note Di141
- Stockholders' Equity Note Di142
- Stockholders' Equity Note Di143
- Compensation and Employee Be144
- Compensation and Employee Be145
- Compensation and Employee Be146
- Compensation and Employee Be147
- Compensation and Employee Be148
- Compensation and Employee Be149
- Compensation and Employee Be150
- Commitments and Contingencie151
- Commitments and Contingencie152
- Concentration Risk Disclosur153
- Concentration Risk Disclosur154
- Dividend Payment Restriction155
- Dividend Payment Restriction156
- Segment Reporting Disclosure157
- Quarterly Financial Informat158
- Summary of Investments, Othe159
- Condensed Financial Informat160
- Condensed Financial Informat161
- Condensed Financial Informat162
- Condensed Financial Informat163
- Supplementary Insurance Info164
- Supplementary Insurance Info165
- Supplemental Schedule of Rei166