VI. Clawback
Awards, for Tiers 1, 2 and 3, will be recalculated if the relevant company performance measures upon which they are based are restated or otherwise adjusted within the 36-month period following the public release of the financial information. Any material overpayments or adjustments required by law will be owed back to the company.
VII. Administration
Eligible Compensation for purpose of this Plan is defined as a participant’s W-2 gross wages net of any equity compensation activity results, taxable retirement earnings, prior year commissions and bonuses and any other imputed income resulting from employee benefits.
The Board of Directors of the Bank may amend the Plan at any time.
Once established, performance factors will remain in place for the year, unless the Board of Directors decides otherwise.
Participation, performance factors, thresholds, targets and any other participation features are established each Plan year and may change from year to year according to the strategic objectives of the bank.
At least annually, the Chief Financial Officer acting as the highest-ranking risk officer will review this Plan and provide a detailed report including a detailed assessment regarding any risk issues inherent in the Plan. This risk report and the plan document in full will be reviewed by the Personnel and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors to ensure that the plan design is consistent with the compensation philosophy of The Juniata Valley Bank and that the plan does not motivate undue risk taking. The annual review will also include the market competitiveness of the plan, the plan’s alignment with the Bank’s strategic plan, an assessment of how the plan meets the objectives in the Introduction of this document, plus the plan’s impact on the overall safety and soundness of the Bank. The Committee will then provide a report and recommendations to the full Board of Directors who are responsible to approve the Plan. The Board of Directors of the Bank may amend the Plan at any time.
The Plan does not constitute a contract of employment, and participation in the Plan does not give any employee the right to be retained by the Bank or any right or claim to an award under the Plan unless specifically accrued under the terms of this Plan.
Any right of a participant or his or her beneficiary to the payment of an award under this Plan may not be assigned, transferred, pledged, or encumbered.