Business Segments, Sales of Products and Significant Customers | Note 4: Business Segments, Sales of Products and Significant Customers We discover, acquire and develop mines and other mineral interests and produce and market (i) concentrates containing silver, gold, lead and zinc, (ii) carbon material containing silver and gold, and (iii) doré containing silver and gold. We are currently organized and managed in five segments: Greens Creek, Lucky Friday, Keno Hill, Casa Berardi and Nevada Operations. General corporate activities not associated with operating mines and their various exploration activities, as well as idle properties and environmental remediation services in the Yukon, Canada, are presented as “other.” The nature of the items that reconcile income (loss) from operations to loss before income and mining taxes are not related to our reportable segments. The tables below present information about our reportable segments as of and for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 (in thousands). 2023 2022 2021 Net sales to unaffiliated customers: Greens Creek $ 384,504 $ 335,062 $ 384,843 Lucky Friday 116,284 147,814 131,488 Keno Hill 35,518 — — Casa Berardi 177,678 235,136 245,152 Nevada Operations 960 419 45,814 Other 5,283 474 176 Total sales to unaffiliated customers $ 720,227 $ 718,905 $ 807,473 Income (loss) from operations: Greens Creek $ 113,551 $ 87,297 $ 164,666 Lucky Friday 4,811 27,636 31,683 Keno Hill ( 35,344 ) ( 4,249 ) — Casa Berardi ( 56,683 ) ( 21,799 ) 5,807 Nevada Operations ( 23,724 ) ( 38,134 ) ( 46,115 ) Other ( 47,285 ) ( 63,189 ) ( 72,621 ) Total (loss) income from operations $ ( 44,674 ) $ ( 12,438 ) $ 83,420 Capital additions (excluding non-cash items): Greens Creek $ 43,542 $ 36,898 $ 23,883 Lucky Friday 65,337 50,992 29,885 Keno Hill 44,672 19,725 — Casa Berardi 70,056 39,667 49,617 Nevada Operations 218 333 5,470 Other 62 1,763 193 Total capital additions $ 223,887 $ 149,378 $ 109,048 Depreciation, depletion and amortization: Greens Creek $ 53,995 $ 48,911 48,710 Lucky Friday 24,325 33,704 26,846 Keno Hill 4,277 — — Casa Berardi 66,037 60,962 80,744 Nevada Operations 140 361 15,341 Other — — 152 Total depreciation, depletion and amortization $ 148,774 $ 143,938 $ 171,793 Other significant non-cash items: Greens Creek $ 11,098 $ 2,821 $ 3,653 Lucky Friday ( 916 ) 1,138 1,048 Keno Hill 376 1,669 — Casa Berardi 13,378 1,520 1,284 Nevada Operations 2,086 4,384 7,740 Other 16,908 ( 816 ) ( 20,030 ) Total other significant non-cash items $ 42,930 $ 10,716 $ ( 6,305 ) Identifiable assets: Greens Creek $ 569,369 $ 582,687 $ 589,944 Lucky Friday 578,110 571,510 516,545 Keno Hill 362,986 276,096 — Casa Berardi 683,035 681,631 701,868 Nevada Operations 460,967 466,722 468,985 Other 356,637 348,526 451,466 Total identifiable assets $ 3,011,104 $ 2,927,172 $ 2,728,808 The following are our long-lived assets by geographic area as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 (in thousands): 2023 2022 United States $ 1,698,285 $ 1,670,676 Canada 960,109 891,375 Mexico 7,856 7,739 Total long-lived assets $ 2,666,250 $ 2,569,790 Our sales for 2023 are primarily comprised of metal sales and $ 5.3 million of revenue from our Yukon environmental remediation services. Our products consist of metal concentrates and carbon material, which we sell to custom smelters, metal traders and third-party processors, and unrefined bullion bars (doré), which may be sold as doré or further refined before sale to precious metal traders. Revenue is recognized upon the completion of the performance obligations and transfer of control of the product to the customer. For sales of metals from refined doré, which we currently have at Casa Berardi, the performance obligation is met, the transaction price is known, and revenue is recognized at the time of transfer of control of the agreed-upon metal quantities to the customer by the refiner. Refining, selling and shipping costs related to sales of doré and metals from doré are recorded to cost of sales as incurred. For sales of carbon materials, transfer of control takes place, the performance obligation is met, the transaction price is known, and revenue is recognized generally at the time of arrival at the customer's facility. For concentrate sales, which we currently have at Greens Creek, Lucky Friday, and Keno Hill, the performance obligation is met, the transaction price can be reasonably estimated, and revenue is recognized generally at the time of shipment. Concentrates sold at Lucky Friday typically leave the mine and are received by the customer within the same day. However, there is a period of time between shipment of concentrates from Greens Creek and Keno Hill and their physical receipt by the customer, and judgment is required in determining when control has been transferred to the customer and the performance obligation has been met for those shipments. We have determined control is met, title is transferred and the performance obligation is met upon shipment of concentrate parcels from Greens Creek and Keno Hill because, at that time, 1) legal title is transferred to the customer, 2) the customer has accepted the parcel and obtained the ability to realize all of the benefits from the product, 3) the concentrate content specifications are known, have been communicated to the customer, and the customer has the significant risks and rewards of ownership of it, 4) it is very unlikely a concentrate parcel from Greens Creek will be rejected by a customer upon physical receipt, and 5) we have the right to payment for the parcel. Judgment is also required in identifying our concentrate sales performance obligations. Most of our concentrate sales involve “frame contracts” with smelters that can cover multiple years and specify certain terms under which individual parcels of concentrates are sold. However, some terms are not specified in the frame contracts and/or can be renegotiated as part of annual amendments to the frame contract. We have determined parcel shipments represent individual performance obligations satisfied at the point in time when control of the shipment is transferred to the customer. The consideration we receive for our concentrate sales fluctuates due to changes in metals prices between the time of shipment and final settlement with the customer. However, we are able to reasonably estimate the transaction price for the concentrate sales at the time of shipment using forward prices for the month of settlement, and previously recorded sales and accounts receivable are adjusted to estimated settlement metals prices until final settlement with the customer. Also, it is unlikely a significant reversal of revenue for any one concentrate parcel will occur. As such, we use the expected value method to price the parcels until the final settlement date occurs, at which time the final transaction price is known. At December 31, 2023, metals contained in concentrate sales and exposed to future price changes tota led 0.7 million ounces of silver, 3,490 ounces of gold, 0.4 million pounds of zinc, and 12 million p ounds of lead. However, as discussed in Note 10 , we seek to mitigate the risk of price adjustments by using financially-settled forward contracts for some of our sales. Sales and accounts receivable for concentrate shipments are recorded net of charges for treatment, refining, smelting losses, and other charges negotiated by us with the customers, which represent components of the transaction price. Charges are estimated by us upon shipment of concentrates based on contractual terms, and actual charges typically do not vary materially from our estimates. Costs charged by customers include fixed treatment and refining costs per ton of concentrate and may include price escalators which allow the customers to participate in the increase of lead and zinc prices above a negotiated baseline. Costs for shipping concentrates to customers are recorded to cost of sales as incurred. Sales of metal concentrates and metal products are made principally to custom smelters, third-party processors and metal traders. The percentage of metal sales contributed by each segment is reflected in the following table: Year Ended December 31, 2023 2022 2021 Greens Creek 53.7 % 46.6 % 47.6 % Lucky Friday 16.3 % 20.6 % 16.3 % Keno Hill 5.0 % — 0.0 % Casa Berardi 24.9 % 32.7 % 30.4 % Nevada Operations 0.1 % 0.1 % 5.7 % Other — — — 100 % 100 % 100 % Total sales for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 were as follows (in thousands): Year Ended December 31, 2023 2022 2021 Silver $ 302,284 $ 265,054 $ 293,646 Gold 274,613 298,910 362,037 Lead 72,726 83,384 75,431 Zinc 116,230 123,057 125,292 Less: Smelter and refining charges ( 50,909 ) ( 51,973 ) ( 48,933 ) Total metal sales 714,944 718,432 807,473 Environmental remediation services 5,283 473 — Total sales $ 720,227 $ 718,905 $ 807,473 The following is metal sales information by geographic area based on the location of smelters and metal traders (for concentrate shipments) and the location of parent companies (for doré sales to metal traders) for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 (in thousands): 2023 2022 2021 United States $ 36,307 $ 21,938 $ 71,278 Canada 375,092 406,600 419,090 Japan 52,744 51,375 63,588 Korea 127,590 107,828 203,115 China 103,534 136,514 50,945 Total, excluding gains/losses on forward contracts $ 695,267 $ 724,255 $ 808,016 Metal sales by significant product type for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 were as follows (in thousands): Year Ended December 31, 2023 2022 2021 Doré and metals from doré $ 211,321 $ 255,608 $ 313,337 Carbon 4,333 2,607 4,117 Silver concentrate 356,941 329,165 345,732 Zinc concentrate 80,274 109,177 112,448 Precious metals concentrate 42,398 27,698 32,382 Total, excluding gains/losses on forward contracts $ 695,267 $ 724,255 $ 808,016 Metal sales for 2023, 2022 and 2021 included net gains of $ 19.7 million and net losses of $ 5.8 million, and $ 0.5 million, respectively, on derivative contracts for silver, gold, lead and zinc contained in our sales. See Note 10 for more information. Metal sales from continuing operations to significant metals customers as a percentage of total sales were as follows for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021: Year Ended December 31, 2023 2022 2021 Customer A 24.2 % 35.4 % 37.2 % Customer B 11.8 % 23.9 % 21.5 % Customer C 15.5 % 11.3 % 21.6 % Customer D 15.8 % 3.5 % 6.2 % Our trade accounts receivable balance related to contracts with customers was $ 14.7 million and $ 45.1 million at December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively, and included no allowance for credit losses. Trade accounts receivable balances with significant metals customers as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 were as follows. 2023 2022 Customer B 22.2 % 57.5 % Customer D 34.8 % — Customer E 24.2 % 3.2 % Customer F — 15.9 % Customer G — 11.8 % We have determined our contracts do not include a significant financing component. For doré sales and sales of metal from doré, payment is received at the time the performance obligation is satisfied. Payment for carbon sales is received within a relatively short period of time after the performance obligation is satisfied. The amount of consideration for concentrate sales is variable, and we receive payment for a significant portion of the estimated value of concentrate parcels within a relatively short period of time after the performance obligation is satisfied. We do not incur significant costs to obtain contracts, nor costs to fulfill contracts which are not addressed by other accounting standards. Therefore, we have not recognized an asset for such costs as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. |