Financial Statements
The December 31, 2019 financial statements of the VAA and the December 31, 2019 consolidated financial statements of Lincoln Life are located in the SAI. The SAI is part of the registration statement filed on Form N-4. If you would like a free copy of the SAI, complete and mail the request on the last page of this prospectus, or call 1-877-737-6872.
Investments of the Indexed Accounts
This contract offers several Indexed Accounts which provide a rate of return based in part on the performance of an index you select. This is the Performance Rate, and it may be positive or negative. An Indexed Account is defined by the index tracked, the length of the term, the Crediting Method, the Protection Level or Floor Protection level it provides, and whether or not it includes an Annual Lock.
You may allocate all or a portion of your Purchase Payments into one or more Indexed Accounts. The minimum allocation to an Indexed Account is $2,000; there is no maximum allocation limit. Additional Purchase Payments to an Indexed Account are not allowed during an Indexed Term. A new Indexed Segment is established upon an allocation to an Indexed Segment. Each Indexed Segment has its own Start Date; Crediting Base; Performance Rate; Performance Cap, Participation Rate or Performance Trigger Rate; Contract Value; and End Date.
At this time, the available Indexed Accounts are:
Indexed Accounts with Performance Caps Rates:
1-Year Performance Cap Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Cap, 10% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 20% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 100% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 10% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 10% Protection*
MSCI EAFE Cap, 10% Protection
6-Year Performance Cap Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Cap, 10% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 20% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 30% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 10% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 20% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 30% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 10% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 20% Protection
MSCI EAFE Cap, 10% Protection
6-Year Performance Cap Annual Lock Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
Annual Lock S&P 500® Cap, 10% Protection
Annual Lock Russell 2000® Cap, 10% Protection
Annual Lock Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 10% Protection
Annual Lock MSCI EAFE Cap, 10% Protection
1-Year Performance Cap Indexed Accounts with Floor Protection
S&P 500® Cap, -5% Floor Protection**
S&P 500® Cap, -10% Floor Protection**
Indexed Accounts with Participation Rates:
3-Year Participation Rate Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Participation, 10% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Participation, 10% Protection
Indexed Accounts with Performance Trigger Rates:
1-Year Performance Trigger Rate Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Performance Trigger, 10% Protection
1-Year Performance Trigger Rate Indexed Accounts with Floor Protection
S&P 500® Performance Trigger, -5% Floor Protection**
S&P 500® Performance Trigger, -10% Floor Protection**
*This Indexed Account is currently unavailable to new elections.
**This Indexed Account will be available only to new Contractowners on or about August 17, 2020, and subject to state availability.