Index-linked annuity contracts are complex insurance and investment vehicles. Investors should speak with a financial professional about the contract’s features, benefits, risks, and fees, and whether the contract is appropriate for the investor based upon his or her financial situation and objectives.
The available Indexed Accounts are listed below:
Indexed Accounts with Performance Cap Rates:
1-Year Performance Cap Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Cap(1), 10% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 20% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap(2), 10% Protection
MSCI EAFE Cap(4), 10% Protection
6-Year Performance Cap Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Cap, 10% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 20% Protection
S&P 500® Cap, 30% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 10% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 20% Protection
Russell 2000® Cap, 30% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 10% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 20% Protection
MSCI EAFE Cap, 10% Protection
6-Year Performance Cap Annual Lock Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
Annual Lock S&P 500® Cap, 10% Protection
Annual Lock Russell 2000® Cap, 10% Protection
Annual Lock Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Cap, 10% Protection
Annual Lock MSCI EAFE Cap, 10% Protection
1-Year Performance Cap Indexed Accounts with Floor Protection
S&P 500® Cap(1), -10% Floor Protection
Indexed Accounts with Participation Rates:
3-Year Participation Rate Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Participation, 10% Protection
Capital Strength Net Fee IndexSM Participation, 10% Protection
Indexed Accounts with Performance Trigger Rates:
1-Year Performance Trigger Rate Indexed Accounts with Protection Level
S&P 500® Performance Trigger, 10% Protection
1-Year Performance Trigger Rate Indexed Accounts with Floor Protection
S&P 500® Performance Trigger, -10% Floor Protection
We calculate an Interim Value in the event you take a withdrawal before the end of a term. The Interim Value calculation is not based on the value of the Index. This means that you could have a negative performance, even if the Index Value has increased. We do not guarantee that an Indexed Account option will always be available. Amounts paid to you from the Indexed Accounts are subject to our credit worthiness and claims paying ability.
Refer to the Risk Factors section beginning on page 13 of this prospectus for more information.
All Purchase Payments allocated to underlying funds will be placed in Lincoln Life Variable Annuity Account N (Variable Annuity Account [VAA]). The VAA is a segregated investment account of Lincoln Life. You take all the investment risk on the Contract Value and the retirement income for amounts placed into one or more of the contract’s variable options (“Subaccounts”), which, in turn, invest in corresponding underlying funds. If the Subaccounts you select make money, your Contract Value goes up; if they lose money, it goes down. How much it goes up or down depends on the performance of the Subaccounts you select. We do not guarantee how any of the Subaccounts or their funds will perform. Also, neither the U.S. Government nor any federal agency insures or guarantees your investment in the contract. The contracts are not bank deposits and are not endorsed by any bank or government agency.
The available Subaccounts are listed below: