| | | | | | | | |
| | Board committees | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | Set out below are reports from each of the | During the year ended 31 December 2004, | | During the year ended 31 December 2004, |
| | principal Board committees: | the principal activities of the Committee | | the Committee: |
| | | | included consideration of the following: | | | |
| | Audit Committee | | | | • | evaluated the balance of skills, knowledge |
| | Comprises Lord Sharman (Chairman), Peter | • | quarterly, interim and full year | | | and experience on the Board and prepared |
| | Backhouse, Elwyn Eilledge, Keith Mackrell | | financial results; | | | | a description of the role and capabilities |
| | and, since 27 January 2005, Baroness Hogg. | | | | | required for planning Board succession; |
| | The Secretary to the Committee is Ben | • | the 2004 internal audit plan; | | | |
| | Mathews. All members of the Committee | | | | • | identified, using external boardroom |
| | are deemed independent and, specifically, | • | quarterly and full year internal control | | | search consultants, potential new |
| | the Committee has concluded that its | | and assurance reports from the internal | | | non-executive Director candidates; |
| | membership meets the requirements of the | | audit function; | | | |
| | Combined Code, Sarbanes-Oxley and NYSE | | | | • | adopted revised Terms of Reference |
| | listing rules. During 2004, the Board | • | the effectiveness of the internal | | | for the Committee; and |
| | reviewed the membership of the | | audit function; | | | |
| | Committee and has determined that Lord | | | | • | recommended to the Board the |
| | Sharman and Elwyn Eilledge are the Audit | • | the effectiveness of the external | | | appointment of Baroness Hogg as a |
| | Committee financial experts for the | | audit process; | | | non-executive Director of the Company. |
| | purposes of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. | | | | | |
| | | | • | the independence and objectivity of the | | The other Board committees are: |
| | The Committee assists the Board in | | external auditors and revisions to its policy | | | |
| | fulfilling its responsibilities in respect of: | | on the engagement of the external auditors | | Chairman’s Committee |
| | | | | (including review and monitoring of any | | Comprises Sir Robert Wilson (Chairman), |
| | • | overseeing the Group’s financial reporting | | non-audit services they provide); | | Keith Mackrell, Frank Chapman, William |
| | | process, including the internal control | | | | Friedrich and Ashley Almanza. The Secretary |
| | | structure and procedures for financial | • | the budget and framework for the supply | | to the Committee is Ben Mathews. The role |
| | | reporting and monitoring the integrity | | of non-audit services by the external | | of the Chairman’s Committee is to advise |
| | | and appropriateness of the Group’s | | auditors, and approval of such budget | | and assist the Chairman in the preparation |
| | | financial statements; | | and framework; | | for Board meetings. The Committee also |
| | | | | | | acts on behalf of the Board between |
| | • | the manner in which the Group’s | • | the 2004 external audit plan and | | scheduled meetings. |
| | | management ensures and monitors the | | associated audit fees; | | | |
| | | adequacy of financial, operational and | | | | Group Executive Committee |
| | | compliance internal controls and risk | • | the Group’s internal control framework | | The Committee has primary authority for |
| | | management processes designed to | | including the risk management process | | the day-to-day management of the Group’s |
| | | manage significant risk exposures; | | and progress on the management of key | | operations within limits set by the Board. |
| | | | | risks identified by the Group; | | It is chaired by the Chief Executive and |
| | • | the selection, compensation, | | | | membership comprises the Executive |
| | | independence and performance of the | • | the introduction of International Financial | | Directors and those senior managers whose |
| | | Group’s external auditors; and | | Reporting Standards; | | details are set out on pages 46 and 47. The |
| | | | | | | Secretary to the Committee is Ben Mathews. |
| | • | the independence and performance | • | compliance with Section 404 of the | | | |
| | | of the Group’s internal auditors. | | Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002; | | Finance Committee |
| | | | | | | Comprises Sir Robert Wilson (Chairman), |
| | Specifically, the Audit Committee: | • | the Annual Report disclosure items | | Frank Chapman, William Friedrich and Ashley |
| | | | | relevant to the Audit Committee; and | | Almanza. The Secretary to the Committee is |
| | • | regularly reviews the external and internal | | | | Ben Mathews. The Committee is responsible |
| | | audit work plans; | • | revised Terms of Reference for | | for financing and treasury policy decisions. |
| | | | | the Committee. | | During the year, the Committee adopted |
| | • | requests, receives and reviews reports | | | | revised Terms of Reference. |
| | | from management on actions taken | Remuneration Committee | | | |
| | | to address risk areas identified by | Comprises Elwyn Eilledge (Chairman), Peter | | | |
| | | management and/or the internal | Backhouse, Paul Collins, Sir John Coles, | | Corporate Responsibility Committee |
| | | audit process; | Dame Stella Rimington and, since | | Comprises Sir John Coles (Chairman) and |
| | | | 27 January 2005, Baroness Hogg. The | | Sir Robert Wilson. The Secretary to the |
| | • | receives and reviews an annual report on | Secretary to the Committee is Ben | | Committee is Ben Mathews. Established |
| | | the changes in the nature and potential | Mathews. The Committee is responsible for | | in February 2005, the role of the Committee |
| | | impact of the significant risks to the | setting, reviewing and recommending to | | is to assist the Board in providing strategic |
| | | Group, identified at an annual Group | the Board for approval BG Group’s overall | | leadership, direction and oversight and |
| | | Executive risk workshop, and the internal | remuneration policy and strategy. Full | | setting the policy on Corporate |
| | | controls in place to manage them; and | details are set out in the Remuneration | | Responsibility and Health, Safety, Security |
| | | | Report on pages 51 to 60. | | and Environment within the Group. |
| | • | annually evaluates on behalf of the Board | | | | | |
| | | the design and effectiveness of the | Nominations Committee | | | |
| | | internal control structure and procedures | Comprises Sir Robert Wilson (Chairman), | | | |
| | | of the Group for the purposes of financial | Paul Collins, Dame Stella Rimington and | | | |
| | | reporting and the Group’s disclosure | Keith Mackrell. The Secretary to the | | | |
| | | controls and procedures. | Committee is Ben Mathews. The role of the | | | |
| | | | Committee is to review the structure and | | | |
| | | | composition of the Board, to identify | | | |
| | | | candidates to fill Board vacancies, including | | | |
| | | | their election by shareholders and to review | | | |
| | | | its own performance on an annual basis. | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |