Segmental analysis | 2 Segmental analysis Operating segments The Group’s operating segments are established on the basis of those components of the Group that are evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. The Group has determined the chief operating decision maker to be its Chief Executive Officer. The Group has a single group of similar services and products, being the supply of communications services and related products. Revenue is attributed to a country based on the location of the Group company reporting the revenue. With the exception of Vodacom, which is a legal entity encompassing South Africa and certain other smaller African markets, and Vantage Towers which comprises companies providing mobile tower infrastructure in a number of European markets, segment information is primarily provided on the basis of geographic areas, being the basis on which the Group manages the rest of its worldwide interests. Transactions between operating segments are charged at arm’s-length prices. The operating segments for Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Vodacom and Vantage Towers are individually material for the Group and are each reporting segments for which certain financial information is provided. The aggregation of other operating segments into the Other Europe and Other Markets reporting segments reflects, in the opinion of management, the similar local market economic characteristics and regulatory environments for each of those operating segments as well as the similar products and services sold and comparable classes of customers. In the case of the Other Europe region (comprising Albania, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal and Romania), this largely reflects membership or a close association with the European Union, while the Other Markets segment (comprising Egypt, Ghana and Turkey) largely includes developing economies with less stable economic or regulatory environments. Common Functions is a separate reporting segment and comprises activities which are undertaken primarily in central Group entities that do not meet the criteria for aggregation with other reporting segments. Revenue disaggregation Revenue reported for the period includes revenue from contracts with customers, comprising service and equipment revenue, as well as other revenue items including revenue from leases and interest revenue arising from transactions with a significant financing component. The tables below and overleaf disaggregate the Group’s revenue by reporting segment. The table below presents the results for the six months ended 30 September 2022. Revenue from contracts Total Service Equipment with Other Interest segment Adjusted revenue revenue customers revenue 1 revenue revenue EBITDAaL €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Six months ended 30 September 2022 Germany 5,730 675 6,405 178 9 6,592 2,677 Italy 2,125 198 2,323 49 5 2,377 759 UK 2,712 630 3,342 34 16 3,392 685 Spain 1,782 142 1,924 31 10 1,965 445 Other Europe 2,552 281 2,833 53 8 2,894 843 Vodacom 2,472 509 2,981 207 14 3,202 1,084 Other Markets 1,721 230 1,951 2 — 1,953 671 Vantage Towers — — — 657 — 657 330 Common Functions 2 268 23 291 405 — 696 (250) Eliminations (155) — (155) (643) — (798) — Group 19,207 2,688 21,895 973 62 22,930 7,244 Notes: 1. Other revenue includes lease revenue recognised under IFRS 16 ‘Leases’. 2. Comprises central teams and business functions. 2 Segmental analysis (continued) The table below presents the comparative information for the six months ended 30 September 2021. Revenue from contracts Total Service Equipment with Other Interest segment Adjusted revenue revenue customers revenue 1 revenue revenue EBITDAaL €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Six months ended 30 September 2021 Germany 5,777 475 6,252 183 12 6,447 2,892 Italy 2,187 265 2,452 49 6 2,507 917 UK 2,521 593 3,114 30 17 3,161 638 Spain 1,866 178 2,044 33 13 2,090 445 Other Europe 2,502 248 2,750 52 8 2,810 836 Vodacom 2,271 455 2,726 190 12 2,928 1,062 Other Markets 1,752 201 1,953 5 — 1,958 683 Vantage Towers — — — 611 — 611 305 Common Functions 2 252 31 283 424 — 707 (213) Eliminations (118) — (118) (611) (1) (730) — Group 19,010 2,446 21,456 966 67 22,489 7,565 Notes: 1. Other revenue includes lease revenue recognised under IFRS 16 ‘Leases’. 2. Comprises central teams and business functions. A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDAaL, the Group’s measure of segment profit, to the Group’s profit before taxation for the financial period is shown below. Six months ended 30 September 2022 2021 €m €m Adjusted EBITDAaL 7,244 7,565 Restructuring costs (142) (172) Interest on lease liabilities 204 199 Loss on disposal of property, plant & equipment and intangible assets (11) (26) Depreciation and amortisation on owned assets (4,807) (4,949) Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures 343 111 Other income/(expense) 104 (108) Operating profit 2,935 2,620 Investment income 211 129 Financing costs (1,418) (1,473) Profit before taxation 1,728 1,276 The Group’s non-current assets are disaggregated as follows: 30 September 31 March 2022 2022 €m €m Non-current assets 1 Germany 42,709 43,190 Italy 10,129 10,519 UK 5,847 6,226 Spain 6,129 6,433 Other Europe 6,855 8,548 Vodacom 6,319 6,383 Other Markets 3,349 2,467 Vantage Towers 8,190 8,179 Common Functions 2 2,011 2,103 Group 91,538 94,048 Notes: 1. Comprises goodwill, other intangible assets and property, plant & equipment . 2. Comprises central teams and business functions. |