Average net debt during the period was some £1,581m and net debt at 28 December 2002 amounted to £1,236m (29 Dec 2001: £1,560m; 30 Dec 2000: £1,676m). Cash and short term investments at 28 December 2002 amounted to £270m (29 Dec 2001: £184m; 30 Dec 2000: £273m). The treasury policies summarised below applied throughout the period and are consistent with the prior year. At 28 December 2002, the Group had £2,389m in committed borrowing facilities, of which £948m was unutilised (see note on subsequent cancellation below). On 31 January 2001, Corus arranged a new €2,400m syndicated bank facility, which replaced a €1,500m syndicated facility of Corus and most of the committed bank facilities of the former Hoogovens Group. On 11 January 2002, the Company issued €307m of 3% guaranteed unsubordinated bonds due 2007, convertible into shares of the Company. Funds from the bond issue amounting to approximately €300m were used to pay down and cancel part of the €2,400m bank facility described above. Most of the proceeds of the debtor securitisation programme launched in April 2002 were used to pay down and cancel, to the extent of £240m, a further part of the €2,400m syndicated bank facility. On 30 December 2002 the syndicated bank facility was reduced by voluntary cancellation of €460m, €260m of which would have matured in January 2003 and €100m of which would have matured in March 2003. The balance of the remaining syndicated facility was €1,400m. Discussions with the Company’s bankers are currently ongoing regarding the replacement of this facility from January 2004. The Company believes that current facilities are sufficient to meet the needs of its present activities. The syndicated bank facility incorporates covenants on balance sheet ratios but not on interest cover or cash flow. Total borrowings at 28 December 2002 were £1,506m (29 Dec 2001: £1,744m; 30 Dec 2000: £1,949m). These included: €396m in 5.375% euro bonds due 2006 (€400m issued at 99.086%) €307m in 3% convertible bonds due 2007 £198m in 6.75% sterling bonds due 2008 (£200m issued at 99.122%) £150m in 11.5% debenture stock due 2016 (secured) NLG200m 6.75% bonds due 2004 NLG335m 4.625% subordinated convertible bonds due 2007 NLG300m 5.625% bonds due 2008. Other borrowings included £366m principally in US dollars, euros and sterling under long term bank facilities with maturities of up to five years, bank overdrafts of £36m and finance lease obligations totalling £43m. Of the total borrowings, £363m of bank borrowings carry interest on variable rate terms, which ranged at period end between 1.25% and 7.68% with a weighted average of 4.3%. |