In the EU, Corus has an extensive network of sales offices, processing and service centre locations for the distribution and, in some cases, the further processing of its products. Outside the EU, Corus has sales offices in over twenty countries which are supported by a worldwide trading network and a number of processing and service centres. This network is supported by agency agreements and joint venture or associate arrangements in a number of markets. History and development of the Company Since 1945, the UK steel industry has undergone fundamental changes of structure and ownership. It was nationalised in 1949, substantially denationalised from 1953 onwards and then largely renationalised in 1967, when BSC was formed from 14 of the major UK steel producing companies. On December 5, 1988, HM Government disposed of substantially all of the equity of British Steel in an offering made in the UK, the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan. British Steel’s Ordinary shares were traded on the London Stock Exchange and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), evidenced by American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”), on the New York Stock Exchange up to and including October 5, 1999. On October 6, 1999, British Steel merged with KH to form a new group whose parent company is Corus Group plc. On that date British Steel became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Corus Group plc. On October 8, 1999, British Steel was re-registered as a private company. The merger was implemented by the acquisition of British Steel by Corus Group plc, the new UK holding company, pursuant to a Scheme of Arrangement of British Steel under section 425 of the Companies Act 1985 and a public offer by Corus for the Hoogovens Ordinary shares. Under the terms of the merger, on October 6, 1999, British Steel shareholders received one Ordinary share in Corus in exchange for each British Steel Ordinary share held and either 35 pence in cash or 35 pence in nominal amount of Corus Floating Rate Unsecured Loan Notes 2006 (“Loan Notes”) per existing British Steel share (approximately £694 million in total). Holders of British Steel ADSs received Corus ADSs representing ten Ordinary shares in Corus and $5.8205 cash for each ADS held. Hoogovens ordinary shareholders received 29.18 Corus Ordinary shares in exchange for each Hoogovens Ordinary share. Upon completion of the merger, the former British Steel shareholders held approximately 65% and the former Hoogovens ordinary shareholders held approximately 35% of the issued Ordinary share capital of Corus. Hoogovens Convertible Bonds, which were convertible into Hoogovens Ordinary shares, became exchangeable for Corus Ordinary shares upon completion of the merger. Corus was incorporated in the name of BSKH plc in England and Wales on July 16, 1999 and was established for the purpose of the merger. The name was subsequently changed to Corus Group plc on September 28, 1999, prior to the merger. The corporate headquarters are in London. The address and telephone number of Corus and its agent in the USA are shown on page 118 of the Report & Accounts 2003, contained in the Corus Report on Form 6-K dated March 22, 2004, which is incorporated herein by reference and attached as an exhibit hereto. From October 6, 1999, Corus Ordinary shares were traded on the London Stock Exchange. They were also traded, in the form of ADSs, evidenced by ADRs, on the New York Stock Exchange. In connection with a placing and open offer on November 12, 2003, the existing Ordinary shares of Corus Group plc were subdivided and converted from one existing Ordinary share of 50p into one Ordinary share of 10p and one Deferred share of 40p. For more information see Item 4, ‘Placing and open offer’ on page 11. Prior to October 2003, Corus Group consisted of 20 main business units, focused on specific markets, products and processes. From October 2003, these business units have been structured into four main divisions and a speciality portfolio: Strip Products, Long Products, Aluminium, Distribution and Building Systems, and Speciality Portfolio. The Group will report on this basis from 2004. Avesta Sheffield AB and AvestaPolarit Oyj Abp In September 2000, a proposed merger between Outokumpu Steel Oyj and Avesta Sheffield was announced. This merger was completed on January 22, 2001, creating AvestaPolarit Oyj Abp, one of the |