The Board At 1 January 2005 the Board comprised the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Chief Executive, five non-executive directors and three executive directors. Mr Jacques Schraven joined the Board as a non-executive director and Deputy Chairman on 1 December 2004. Mr Rauke Henstra also joined the Board as an executive director on 1 October 2004. Mr Henk Vrins, an executive director, retired on 1 March 2004 and Mr Richard Turner, a non-executive director, retired on 31 December 2004. Mr Stuart Pettifor and Mr Maarten van Veen will be retiring on 31 May 2005. The Board regards all the current non-executive directors as being independent. Dr Anthony Hayward was the nominated Senior Independent Director during the year. During the latter part of 2003 there was a comprehensive review of the Board, its membership and its operations carried out in conjunction with external advisers, Whitehead Mann. Following this review new terms of reference were prepared for all Board committees, being Nominations, Audit, Remuneration and Health, Safety and Environment committees. During the year a full review of the effectiveness of the Board, its committees, the Chairman and other members was undertaken in conjunction with Mercer Delta Consulting. The conclusions of this review were that significant | | progress had been made in improving the Board’s effectiveness, in particular providing greater clarity as to the roles and responsibilities of the Board, its committees, the Chairman, the Senior Independent Director and the Chief Executive. In addition, the Chairman conducted an evaluation of each director’s performance and contribution to the Board during the year, and the Senior Independent Director carried out a similar evaluation of the Chairman. The terms of reference of the Board committees may be found on the Company’s website or hard copies may be obtained from the Company. All directors have been kept informed and updated on changes in governance and regulatory and legislative requirements through the year by the Company Secretary. New directors have received introductory training with regard to the Company and its activities and, as appropriate, their roles and responsibilities as directors of a listed company. It is intended to continue this programme during 2005 with regular briefings and seminars on relevant matters. Attendance at meetings by directors is set out in the schedule opposite. The Board has a formal schedule of matters reserved to it, and a detailed programme of items for discussion and review at its meetings. These include reviews on a regular basis of the financial results and forecasts of the Company, the approval of annual plans and capital expenditure proposals, appointments to the Board and its committees, the | | appointment of external professional advisers, the Company’s risk management process and annual risk review, communications with shareholders and the approval of the Report & Accounts. The Board has delegated authority within certain financial limits for the management of the Company’s operations to the Chief Executive and he in turn is authorised to sub-delegate authority to other executive directors and senior managers within the Company. All directors have had full and timely access to relevant information relating to the Company’s affairs which may be needed to enable them to discharge properly their duties and responsibilities. There is a procedure in place for directors to obtain independent professional advice at the Company’s expense in connection with their duties. During the year directors collectively were advised by the Company’s professional advisers, although no director availed himself of separate advice. All directors have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary and other executives within the Company. The biographies of the current Board of directors are set out on pages 66 and 67. Non-executive directors are appointed for terms of three years subject to the normal re-election by the shareholders in general meeting. All directors, both executive and non-executive are reelected on a rotational basis, and no director will serve for more than three years without having been re-elected by the shareholders. |