Exhibit 99.13(e)
Aberdeen U.S. Registered Advisers (the “Aberdeen Advisers”)
Proxy Voting Guidelines
Effective as of June 1, 2017
Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”) requires the Aberdeen Advisers to vote proxies in a manner consistent with clients’ best interest and must not place its interests above those of its clients when doing so. It requires the Aberdeen Advisers to: (i) adopt and implement written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure that the Aberdeen Advisers vote proxies in the best interest of the clients, and (ii) to disclose to the clients how they may obtain information on how the Aberdeen Advisers voted proxies. In addition, Rule 204-2 requires the Aberdeen Advisers to keep records of proxy voting and client requests for information.
As registered investment advisers, the Aberdeen Advisers have an obligation to vote proxies with respect to securities held in its client portfolios in the best economic interests of the clients for which it has proxy voting authority.
The Aberdeen Advisers invest for the clients’ portfolios in companies globally and actively target investment in those companies with sound corporate governance practices. The Aberdeen Advisers are committed to exercising responsible ownership with a conviction that companies adopting best practices in corporate governance will be more successful in their core activities and deliver enhanced returns to shareholders.
Aberdeen and its affiliated U.S. registered advisers (the “Aberdeen Advisers”) have adopted a proxy voting policy. The proxy voting policy is designed and implemented in a way that is reasonably expected to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interests of clients.
Voting decisions are made by the Aberdeen Advisers’ investment managers, and are based on their knowledge of the company and discussions with management — Aberdeen Advisers’ investment managers consider explanations from companies about their compliance with relevant corporate governance codes and may refer to independent research from voting advisory services in reaching a voting decision. Where contentious issues arise in relation to motions put before a shareholders’ meeting, Aberdeen Advisers will usually contact the management of the company to exchange views and give management the opportunity to articulate its position. The long term nature of the relationships that we develop with investee company boards should enable us to deal with any concerns that we may have over strategy, the management of risk or governance practices directly with the chairman or senior independent director. In circumstances where this approach is unsuccessful, Aberdeen Advisers are prepared to escalate their intervention by expressing their concerns through the company’s advisers, through interaction with other shareholders or attending and speaking at General Meetings.
As an independent asset manager, Aberdeen is free of many of the conflicts of interest that can compromise the implementation of a rigorous and objective proxy voting policy. However, in managing third party money on behalf of clients, there are a limited number of situations where potential conflicts of interest could arise in the context of proxy voting. One case is where funds are invested in companies that are either clients or related parties of clients. Another case is where one fund managed by Aberdeen invests in other funds managed by Aberdeen.
For cases involving potential conflicts of interest, Aberdeen Advisers have implemented procedures to ensure the appropriate handling of proxy voting decisions. The guiding principle of Aberdeen
Advisers’ conflicts of interest policy is simple — to exercise our right to vote in the best interests of the clients on whose behalf we are managing funds.
The first step is to identify any significant potential conflicts of interest in advance by highlighting those stocks where a potential conflict may arise. These stocks are recorded in a conflicts of interest database.
The provisional voting decision made by a fund manager or other individual will be compared against any third party proxy voting research or recommendations. For those cases where there is a contentious issue, including among others those cases where there is a difference between the provisional voting decision and the third party voting recommendation, the rationale will need to be more detailed than in a standard case. The process for handling these cases will be overseen by the designated corporate governance specialist, but in active portfolios the final decision on contentious proxy voting matters rests with the respective regional head of equities.
This policy has been developed by the Aberdeen corporate governance working group. The implementation of this policy, along with the conflicts of interest database, will be reviewed periodically by the group. Aberdeen’s Corporate Governance Policy and Principles are published on our website:
To the extent that an Aberdeen Adviser may rely on sub-advisers, whether affiliated or unaffiliated, to manage any client portfolio on a discretionary basis, the Aberdeen Adviser may delegate responsibility for voting proxies to the sub-adviser. However, such sub-advisers will be required either to follow these Policies and Procedures or to demonstrate that their proxy voting policies and procedures are consistent with these Policies and Procedures or otherwise implemented in the best interests of the Aberdeen Advisers’ clients.
Upon request, the Aberdeen Advisers will provide clients with a copy of these Policies and Procedures, as revised from time to time.
As disclosed in Part 2A of each Aberdeen Adviser’s Form ADV, a client may obtain information on how its proxies were voted by requesting such information from its Aberdeen Adviser. Unless specifically requested by a client in writing, and other than as required for the Funds, the Aberdeen Advisers do not generally disclose client-specific proxy votes to third parties.
Our proxy voting records are available per request and on the SEC’s website at SEC.gov.
The U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) has indicated that an investment adviser with a duty to vote proxies has an obligation to take reasonable steps under the circumstances to ensure that it receives the proxies. Failure to take any action to reconcile proxies would cause Aberdeen to fail to satisfy ERISA’s fiduciary responsibility provisions. Appropriate steps include informing the Plan sponsor and its trustees, bank custodian or broker/dealer custodian of the requirement that all proxies be forwarded to the adviser and making periodic reviews during the proxy season, including follow-up letters and phone calls if necessary. When voting proxies, an investment manager must consider proxies as a Plan asset and vote only in the best economic interests of the Plan participants, vote consistently among clients, and avoid specific client voting instructions about voting proxies.
DOL has provided investment managers with the following guidance about their ERISA responsibilities, including proxy voting, compliance with written statements of investment policy, and active monitoring of corporate management by Plan fiduciaries:
i. | Where the authority to manage Plan assets has been delegated to an investment manager, only the investment manager has authority to vote proxies, except when the named fiduciary has reserved to itself or to another named fiduciary (as authorized by the plan document) the right to direct a Plan trustee regarding the voting of proxies. |
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ii. | Investment managers, as Plan fiduciaries, have a responsibility to vote proxies on foreign issues that may affect the value of the shares in the Plan’s portfolio and will vote such proxies unless the cost of doing so cannot be justified. |
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iii. | An investment manager is required to comply with statements of investment policy, unless compliance with the guidelines in a given instance would be imprudent and therefore failure to follow the guidelines would not violate ERISA. ERISA does not shield the investment manager from liability for imprudent actions taken in compliance with a statement of investment policy. |
On occasions when it is deemed to be a fiduciary for an ERISA client’s assets, Aberdeen will vote the Plan assets in accordance with Aberdeen’s Proxy Voting Policy. Aberdeen will provide each ERISA client (upon request) with proxy voting records to demonstrate how proxies for securities held in the portfolio were voted.