Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Group income statement
- Group statement of comprehensiv
- Group statement of comprehens_2
- Group cash flow statement
- Group cash flow statement (Pare
- Group balance sheet
- Group statement of changes in e
- Group statement of changes in_2
- Principal accounting policies
- Operating segments
- Operating segments - additional
- Net operating costs (excluding
- Employment costs
- Impairment charges
- Share of profit after tax of eq
- Finance income and finance cost
- Taxation
- Earnings per ordinary share
- Dividends
- Goodwill
- Intangible assets
- Property, plant and equipment
- Investments in equity accounted
- Inventories
- Deferred taxation
- Trade and other receivables
- Assets and liabilities held for
- Other financial assets
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Borrowings and other financial
- Leases
- Consolidated net cash_(debt)
- Trade and other payables
- Provisions (including post-reti
- Share capital - Rio Tinto plc
- Share Capital - Rio Tinto Limit
- Financial instruments and risk
- Other reserves and retained ear
- Contingencies and commitments
- Average number of employees
- Principal subsidiaries
- Principal joint operations
- Principal joint ventures
- Principal associates
- Purchases and sales of subsidia
- Directors' and key management r
- Auditors' remuneration
- Related-party transactions
- Exchange rates in US$
- Events after the balance sheet
- Share-based payments
- Post-retirement benefits
- New standards and interpretatio
- Rio Tinto financial information
- Principal accounting policies (
- Operating segments (Tables)
- Operating segments - addition_2
- Net operating costs (excludin_2
- Employment costs (Tables)
- Impairment charges - (Tables)
- Share of profit after tax of _2
- Finance income and finance co_2
- Taxation (Tables)
- Earnings per ordinary share (Ta
- Dividends (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Investments in equity account_2
- Inventories (Tables)
- Deferred taxation (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Assets and liabilities held f_2
- Other financial assets (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Borrowings and other financia_2
- Leases (Tables)
- Consolidated net cash_(debt) (T
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Provisions (including post-re_2
- Share capital - Rio Tinto plc (
- Share capital - Rio Tinto Lim_2
- Financial instruments and ris_2
- Other reserves and retained e_2
- Contingencies and commitments (
- Average number of employees (Ta
- Principal subsidiaries Principa
- Principal joint operations (Tab
- Principal joint ventures (Table
- Principal associates (Tables)
- Directors' and key management_2
- Auditors' remuneration (Tables)
- Related-party transactions (Tab
- Exchange rates in US$ (Tables)
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Post-retirement benefits (Table
- New Standards and Interpretat_2
- Rio Tinto financial informati_2
- Principal accounting policies -
- Operating segments - Summary of
- Operating segments - Summary _2
- Operating segments - Summary _3
- Operating segments - Summary _4
- Operating segments - Summary _5
- Operating segments - Summary _6
- Operating segments - Reconcilia
- Operating segments - Reconcil_2
- Operating segments - Addition_3
- Operating segments - addition_4
- Operating segments - addition_5
- Operating segments - addition_6
- Net operating costs (excludin_3
- Net operating costs (excludin_4
- Employment costs - Summary of e
- Impairment charges - Summary of
- Impairment charges - Additional
- Share of profit after tax of _3
- Finance income and finance co_3
- Taxation - Summary of taxation
- Finance income and finance co_4
- Taxation - Summary of prima fac
- Taxation - Summary of prima f_2
- Taxation - Summary of tax relat
- Taxation - Summary of tax rel_2
- Earnings per ordinary share - S
- Earnings per ordinary share -_2
- Dividends - Summary of dividend
- Dividends - Summary of divide_2
- Dividends - Summary of divide_3
- Dividends - Summary of number o
- Dividends - Additional informat
- Goodwill - Summary of goodwill
- Goodwill - Summary of Allocated
- Goodwill - Additional informati
- Goodwill - Key assumptions calc
- Goodwill - Key assumptions ca_2
- Intangible assets - Summary of
- Intangible assets - Summary o_2
- Intangible assets - Summary o_3
- Intangible assets - Summary o_4
- Intangible assets - Additional
- Property, plant and equipment P
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, plant and equipment_3
- Investments in equity account_3
- Investments in equity account_4
- Inventories - Summary of invent
- Inventories - Additional inform
- Deferred Taxation - Reconciliat
- Deferred Taxation - Deferred ta
- Deferred Taxation - Deferred _2
- Deferred Taxation - Recognised
- Deferred Taxation - Recognise_2
- Trade and other receivables - S
- Trade and other receivables -_2
- Assets and liabilities held f_3
- Assets and liabilities held f_4
- Other financial assets - Summar
- Other financial assets - Summa
- Cash and cash equivalents - Sum
- Cash and cash equivalents - Add
- Borrowings and other financia_3
- Borrowings and other financia_4
- Borrowings and other financia_5
- Leases Leases - Summary of Leas
- Leases - Summary of capitalised
- Leases - Narrative (Detail)
- Consolidated net cash_(debt) -
- Consolidated net cash_(debt) _2
- Trade and other payables - Summ
- Trade and other payables - Su_2
- Provisions, including post-reti
- Provisions, including post-re_2
- Share capital - Rio Tinto plc -
- Share capital - Rio Tinto plc_2
- Share capital - Rio Tinto plc_3
- Share capital - Rio Tinto Lim_3
- Share capital - Rio Tinto Lim_4
- Share capital - Rio Tinto Lim_5
- Financial instruments and ris_3
- Other reserves and retained e_3
- Financial instruments and ris_4
- Other reserves and retained e_4
- Financial instruments and ris_5
- Financial instruments and ris_6
- Financial instruments and ris_7
- Financial instruments and ris_8
- Financial instruments and ris_9
- Financial instruments and ri_10
- Financial instruments and ri_11
- Financial instruments and ri_12
- Financial instruments and ri_13
- Financial instruments and ri_14
- Financial instruments and ri_15
- Financial instruments and ri_16
- Financial instruments and ri_17
- Financial instruments and ri_18
- Financial instruments and ri_19
- Financial instruments and ri_20
- Financial instruments and ri_21
- Financial instruments and ri_22
- Financial instruments and ri_23
- Financial instruments and ri_24
- Financial instruments and ri_25
- Contingencies and commitments -
- Contingencies and commitments_2
- Contingencies and commitments_3
- Contingencies and commitments_4
- Average number of employees - S
- Average number of employees -_2
- Principal subsidiaries Princi_2
- Principal subsidiaries - Subsid
- Principal joint operations - Su
- Principal joint operations - _2
- Principal joint ventures - Summ
- Principal joint ventures - Su_2
- Principal joint ventures - Su_3
- Principal joint ventures - Reco
- Principal joint ventures - Re_2
- Principal associates - Summary
- Principal associates - Summar_2
- Principal associates - Addition
- Principal associates - Reconcil
- Principal associates - Summar_3
- Purchases and sales of subsid_2
- Directors' and key management_3
- Directors' and key management_4
- Directors' and key management_5
- Auditors' remuneration - Audito
- Auditors' remuneration - Audi_2
- Related-party transactions - Su
- Exchange rates in US$ - Summary
- Events after the balance shee_2
- Share-based payments - Charge h
- Share-based payments - Addition
- Share-based payments - Summary
- Share-based payments - Manageme
- Post-retirement benefits - Summ
- Post-retirement benefits - Addi
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_2
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_3
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_4
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_5
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_6
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_7
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_8
- Post-retirement benefits - Su_9
- Post-retirement benefits - S_10
- Post-retirement benefits - S_11
- Post-retirement benefits - S_12
- Post-retirement benefits - S_13
- Post-retirement benefits - Resu
- Post-retirement benefits - Re_2
- New Standards and Interpretat_3
- New Standards and Interpretat_4
- New Standards and Interpretat_5
- Rio Tinto financial informati_3
- Rio Tinto financial informati_4
- Uncategorized Items - rio-20191