Annual report 2019

Our purpose As pioneers in mining and metals, we produce materials essential to human progress

Contents Strategic report Our business 2019 at a glance 4 Chairman’s statement 6 Chief Executive’s statement 10 Financial statements Our business model 14 Our values 15 Group income statement 146 Strategic context 16 Group statement of comprehensive income 147 Our stakeholders 18 Group cash flow statement 148 Our strategy 20 Group balance sheet 149 Key performance indicators 22 Group statement of changes in equity 150 Chief Financial Officer’s statement 27 Reconciliation with Australian Accounting Standards 151 Financial review 29 Outline of dual listed companies structure and basis Portfolio management 38 of financial statements 151 Notes to the 2019 financial statements 152 Business reviews Rio Tinto financial information Iron Ore 40 by business unit 252 Aluminium 44 Copper and Diamonds 48 Energy and Minerals 52 Production, reserves and operations Growth and Innovation 56 Commercial 58 Metals and minerals production 270 Ore reserves 273 Sustainability 60 Mines and production facilities 282 Risk report Additional information Risk management 71 Principal risks and uncertainties 74 Independent limited assurance report Five-year review 81 – Sustainability 290 Shareholder information 292 Contact details 299 Directors’ report Cautionary statement about forward-looking statements 300 Governance Board of Directors 84 Executive Committee 86 Chairman’s governance review 88 How the Board works 90 Matters discussed in 2019 91 Our stakeholders 92 For this Annual report on Form 20-F, certain pages have been omitted. Board effectiveness 94 The Form 20-F is consistent with the page numbering of the Evaluating our performance 96 Annual report. Nominations Committee report 98 Audit Committee report 100 Sustainability Committee report 104 Compliance with governance codes and standards 106 Remuneration report Annual statement by the Remuneration Committee Chairman 110 Remuneration at a glance 113 Implementation report 116 Additional statutory disclosure 139

Our strategy is to create superior value for shareholders by meeting our customers’ needs, maximising cash from our world-class assets and allocating capital with discipline. Image to be retouched 2019 financial highlights $21.2bn $7.2bn underlying EBITDA total dividends declared $10.4bn $3.7bn underlying earnings net debt $9.2bn 24% free cash flow return on capital employed (ROCE)

Strategic report Our business Traditional owners near Amrun, 2019 at a glance 4 our newest bauxite mine in Queensland, Australia. Chairman’s statement 6 Chief Executive’s statement 10 Our business model 14 Our values 15 Strategic context 16 Our stakeholders 18 Our strategy 20 Key performance indicators 22 Chief Financial Officer’s statement 27 Financial review 29 Portfolio management 38 Business reviews Iron Ore 40 Aluminium 44 Copper and Diamonds 48 Energy and Minerals 52 Growth and Innovation 56 Commercial 58 Sustainability 60 Risk report Risk management 71 Principal risks and uncertainties 74 Five-year review 81 2 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Image to be retouched Strategic report Strategic Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 3

Strategic report 2019 at a glance Our business comprises a portfolio of world-class assets that generate strong cash flows through the cycle. Group highlights $14.9bn 50% net cash generated from operating activities total shareholder return (% over five years) (2018: $11.8bn) (2018: 33%) 636 US cents 0.42 underlying earnings per share all injury frequency rate (AIFR) (2018: 512 US cents) (2018: 0.44) 443 US cents 46% total dividend per share reduction in absolute emissions (2018: 550 US cents) (since 2008, managed operations) A train travels through the Pilbara region of Western Australia, home to our iron ore business. 4 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

2019 at a glance Strategic report Strategic �ro�� r���n�� Pilbara managed iron ore operations Fe 16 4 1,700 4 Iron Ore km Iron ore is the primary component of steel. In the mines ports rail power Pilbara region of Western Australia, we have a network plants world-class, integrated portfolio of iron ore assets as well as certain salt assets; we are one of the leading contributors to the seaborne market. Our �n��r��in� quality product suite, including our flagship Pilbara Production* (100% basis) ������ Blend™of iron ore, is well positioned to benefit from continued demand across China, Japan and 326.7mt other markets. $24.1bn $16.1bn iron ore (2018: $18.7bn) (2018: $11.4bn) (2018: 337.8mt) �ro�� r���n�� Managed and non-managed operations Al 4 14 4 7 Aluminium Aluminium is one of the world’s fastest-growing mines smelters refineries hydro major metals. Lightweight and recyclable, it is found power in everything from jet engines to electric vehicles to plants smartphones. Our vertically integrated aluminium portfolio spans from high-quality bauxite mines to �n��r��in� alumina refineries to smelters which, in Canada, are Production* (our share) ������ powered entirely by clean, renewable energy and located in the first decile of the cost curve. 55.1mt 3,171kt $10.3bn $2.3bn bauxite aluminium (2018: $12.2bn) (2018: $3.1bn) (2018: 50.4mt) (2018: 3,231kt) �ro�� r���n�� Managed and non-managed operations Cu 5 1 3 Copper and Diamonds Copper plays a key role in electrification and power mines smelter power generation, including in renewable energy and plants electric vehicles. Our operations span the globe, from Mongolia to the US, and occupy various stages of the mining lifecycle. Our two diamond mines in �n��r��in� Australia and Canada make us one of the largest Production* (our share) ������ producers, and our white and coloured diamonds are some of the world’s most sought-after gems. 577kt $5.8bn $2.1bn mined copper (2018: $6.5bn) (2018: $2.8bn) (2018: 608kt) �ro�� r���n�� Managed operations Ti, B, Fe 6 7 5 3 Energy and Minerals Our Energy and Minerals product group comprises mines processing ports projects materials essential to a wide variety of industries, facilities including renewable energy and agriculture. We produce titanium dioxide, borates, high-grade iron ore pellets and concentrate and uranium. Production* (our share) �n��r��in� Our Ventures division is also exploring growth ������ opportunities in battery metals. 1,206kt 10.5mt titanium dioxide iron ore pellets and # $5.2bn $1.8bn slag concentrates (2018: $5.5bn) (2018: $2.1bn) (2018: 1,116kt) (2018: 9.0mt) * To allow production numbers to be compared on a like-for-like basis, we have excluded production from asset divestments completed in 2018 from our share of prior year production data. The financial data above includes the results of divested assets up to the date of sale. # Year on year decrease attributable to divestments. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 5

Strategic report 6 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

“We aim to achieve and 2019 highlights report Strategic maintain industry- Our value over volume strategy, capital discipline, and strong markets leading safety and for some of our key commodities enabled us to deliver a robust financial sustainability performance in 2019. �ota� �i�i�e��� �ec�are� ������ear or�i�ar� �i�i�e�� performance, per ��are operational excellence, ���� ���ci�� �i�i��n� ��.��n ���� ��� capital discipline and ���� or�in�r� �i�i��n� the financial strength ��.��n ���� ��� to invest throughout ���� ��� the cycle, while ���� ��� providing superior ���� ��� returns to our shareholders.” $7.2bn 382 US cents (2018: $13.5bn) Simon Thompson per share Chairman (2018: 307 US cents per share) 26 February 2020 $10.4bn $45.1bn underlying earnings direct economic contribution Shareholder returns policy Our shareholder returns policy balances We expect total cash returns to shareholders three factors: to be in the range of 40-60% of underlying –– Maintaining a strong balance sheet earnings through the cycle. For our –– Investing for future growth shareholder returns policy, see page 36. –– Directly rewarding shareholders Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 7

Strategic report Chairman’s statement Rio Tinto produces Mining is a highly competitive, capital- and In order to develop future growth options, including energy-intensive, long-cycle industry that has the Resolution copper project in the US and the materials essential major impacts, both positive and negative, on Winu copper-gold exploration project in Australia, society and the environment. To deliver long-term, in 2019, we boosted exploration and evaluation to human progress. sustainable success, we need to meet or surpass expenditure from $488 million to $624 million. our customers’ expectations; invest in developing There is hardly any the skills and capabilities of our people and the Sustainability productive capacity of our assets; build mutually In parallel with this report, we have published our aspect of modern life beneficial relationships with our suppliers and second report on climate change, which has been technology partners; protect the environment; guided by the recommendations of the Taskforce that our products do bring lasting social and economic benefits to our on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). local communities and host governments; and The report includes our new 2030 targets to reduce not touch, and our reward our shareholders. our emissions intensity by 30% and our absolute emissions by 15% from 2018 levels. To deliver these 46,000 employees We aim to achieve and maintain industry-leading targets, we will spend approximately $1 billion over safety and sustainability performance, operational five years in climate-related projects, and research work hard – every excellence, capital discipline and the financial and development. We also report on progress in strength to invest throughout the cycle, while developing a feasible pathway towards our longer shift, every day providing superior returns to our shareholders. term ambition of net zero emissions by 2050. In 2019, I am pleased to report that your company – to safely fulfil has made good progress in all of these areas. The mining and metals value chain includes numerous “hard to abate” sectors, such as our purpose. Performance aluminium smelting, steel making and shipping, Safety is our top priority. In 2019, all of our safety where there are significant technological and performance indicators improved and we had zero economic hurdles to the development of viable fatalities. This is an outstanding achievement that decarbonisation pathways. In order to address reflects years of hard work and commitment by these challenges, we have established a number of the leadership team and all of our employees and technology partnerships that collectively represent suppliers. But we are not complacent, and we know a fundamental pillar of our sustainability strategy. that we now need to sustain this success. However, there are limits to what business can achieve alone. Enabling regulation, such as Overall, the operating performance of the Group carbon pricing, is essential to incentivise the was satisfactory, despite a number of challenges decarbonisation of these sectors, together with during the year, and our value over volume measures to maintain the competitiveness of strategy, capital discipline, and strong markets trade-exposed industries. Urgent, coordinated for some of our key commodities enabled us to government action is therefore needed to deliver a robust financial performance in 2019. encourage such investment within the timeframe required by the Paris Agreement. Underlying earnings increased to $10.4 billion (2018: $8.8 billion), underlying EBITDA rose to We have also made good progress in other areas $21.2 billion (2018: $18.1 billion), representing an of sustainability. For example, we have continued underlying EBITDA margin of 47% (2018: 42%), to promote industry-leading practices in tax and free cash flow amounted to $9.2 billion (2018: transparency by publishing our mineral $7.0 billion). As a result, we were able to maintain development contracts and the beneficial our strong balance sheet, while maintaining our ownership of our managed and non-managed joint track record of superior returns to shareholders. ventures. We believe that such transparency helps The Board has recommended a final ordinary to build trust and will result in better social and dividend of 231 US cents per share, taking total economic outcomes over the long term. dividends declared to shareholders announced this year to $7.2 billion. Tax payments and economic contribution In 2019, we paid $4.5 billion in corporate taxes to We continue to invest in high-return projects to governments around the world, helping our host sustain and grow our production capacity, including governments to provide vital services to their in our iron ore operations in Australia and the citizens and to pursue their development goals. Kennecott copper mine in the US. We also continue Our direct economic contribution to the to make progress with the Oyu Tolgoi underground communities in which we operate – including development in Mongolia, one of the most complex community investment, development capital projects in the world today. contributions and payments to landowners – was $45.1 billion. While the monetary amount is clearly significant, equally important are the opportunities we have created for many thousands of people and local businesses to grow and to prosper. 8 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Chairman’s statement Engagement The Board report Strategic As expectations continue to increase about the This year, the Board bid farewell to Ann Godbehere role of business in society, it is vital that the Board and Dame Moya Greene, who stepped down as hears first hand from stakeholders about their non-executive directors in May and June, perceptions of our performance and the opportunities respectively. I am delighted to welcome Hinda and challenges that lie ahead. This year, we held Gharbi, Jennifer Nason and Ngaire Woods, who join civil society roundtables in Australia, Canada and the Board in 2020. We look forward to benefiting the US. The discussions focused on climate change from their insights and expertise in natural and the environment, industry lobbying and our resources, finance, technology, governance and impact on the communities in which we operate. public policy. We have already acted on much of the valuable feedback that we received at these events – for A look ahead example, by engaging with industry associations in Looking ahead, we continue to face significant Australia and elsewhere on climate change policy; geopolitical uncertainties and we are currently intensifying our focus on delivering our water evaluating the impact of the Covid-19 virus on our monitoring and resettlement compensation business as we enter a new decade, I am pleased commitments to herders in Mongolia; and seeking to say Rio Tinto continues to be well positioned to to improve how we communicate our environmental create long-term, sustainable value for all of performance to the local community and civil our stakeholders. society in Madagascar. We also engaged with customers and suppliers, commissioning a customer attitudes’ survey and inviting a major supplier and technology partner to present their views of Rio Tinto to the Board. Simon Thompson Board members continue to engage with Rio Tinto Chairman employees around the world. Almost 500 people 26 February 2020 attended our second “Employee AGM” in Montreal and individual Board members held smaller town halls in Australia, Madagascar, Singapore, South Africa and the US. The most frequent topics raised by employees in the Q&A sessions at these events related to sustainability, culture and behaviours, and technological change, emphasising the importance that our employees attach to our performance in these critical areas. Some examples of how engagement with our employees has shaped the Board’s thinking and decision- making can be found on pages 92 and 93. Visits to our sites and global hubs are one of the most rewarding parts of my job as Chairman and I am always impressed by the pride and commitment of our employees and the extraordinary scope of the innovations taking place across the Group. I would like to thank J-S, the leadership team and all of our employees for their hard work and dedication over the year, and to congratulate them on their achievements. We look forward to meeting many of our shareholders at our annual general meetings in April and May 2020, in London and Brisbane, respectively. In addition to routine matters, we will be asking shareholders to approve the appointment of KPMG as our new auditors from 1 January 2020. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 9

Strategic report 10 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

“2019 marked another 2019 highlights report Strategic year of strong financial This year, we continued to invest in our business and to strengthen our performance. With portfolio, aiming to ensure our business remains strong and resilient well a strong balance into the future. sheet and continuing All �n�ur� �re�uen�� rate �A���� �n�erl��n� �����A ���� investment in high- ���� �.�� value growth, Rio Tinto ���� �.�� is well-positioned to be ���� �.�� resilient and to thrive.” ���� �.�� J-S Jacques Chief Executive 2019 0��2 ���� 26 February 2020 0.42 $21.2bn per 200,000 hours worked (2018: $18.1bn) (2018: 0.44) $10.4bn $9.2bn underlying earnings free cash flow $14.9bn 24% net cash generated from return on capital employed (ROCE) operating activities Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 11

Strategic report Chief Executive’s statement Over the past years, With a strong balance sheet and our continuing In our Energy and Minerals (E&M) product group, investment in high-value growth, sustainability and a favourable pricing environment, combined with our aim has been workforce capabilities, we are well positioned to be improved operational performance, contributed to resilient, and to thrive, in a new era of complexity. strong results. In 2019, E&M delivered underlying constant: to deliver EBITDA of $1.8 billion, 41% higher than 2018 I am grateful to our employees and partners (excluding divested coal assets). superior shareholder around the world who made our success possible, particularly in safety. As I look back on our Portfolio value and contribute performance in 2019, I am most proud of our teams’ This year, we continued to strengthen our portfolio efforts here. We improved our all injury frequency by increasing investment in high-value growth to society as we rate (AIFR), which was 0.42 this year (down from projects to ensure our business remains strong 0.44 in 2018), reflecting lower severity rates. We and resilient well into the future. produce the materials also ended the year with no fatalities and improved process safety performance. While this is a In December, for example, we announced a essential to modern meaningful achievement, we know we cannot be $1.5 billion investment at our Kennecott copper complacent; we will continue to make safety our mine in Utah, in the US, which will serve to extend life. Our strong focus number one priority, with the aim of sending operations to 2032. In November, we announced everyone home safely at the end of every shift, a $749 million investment in our Greater Tom Price on generating cash every day. operations, in the Pilbara, to help sustain the production capacity of our iron ore business. from our world-class Performance In April, we announced we would sustain current 2019 marked another year of strong financial capacity and extend the life of our Richards Bay assets allows us to do performance for our company, driven by favourable Minerals operation through the investment of iron ore pricing and stronger operational $463 million in the Zulti South project. After a exactly this. performance in the second half of the year. number of security incidents, construction of this project is currently on hold; we will assess We delivered underlying EBITDA of $21.2 billion restarting construction after operations normalise. and an underlying EBITDA margin of 47%. Operating cash flow for the year was $14.9 billion, In April, we committed $302 million of additional free cash flow was $9.2 billion and we ended the expenditure to advance the Resolution Copper year with net debt of $3.7 billion – a strong project in Arizona, in the US, to fund additional 0.42 balance sheet supports our resilience and drilling, orebody studies, infrastructure all injury frequency rate (AIFR) provides optionality. improvements and permitting activities as the project moves to the final stage of permitting. As a result, we were able to announce a record final ordinary dividend of $3.7 billion, or 231 US cents At the Oyu Tolgoi underground copper and gold per share, bringing the full year ordinary dividend mine, in Mongolia, we completed the primary 47% to 382 US cents per share. In total, we announced production shaft – a key milestone – in October Group underlying EBITDA margin $7.2 billion in cash returns to shareholders this 2019. Work continues on the mine design and, year, bringing the total returns declared since 2016 overall, we remain within the cost and schedule to $36 billion. ranges announced in July 2019. We continue to expect to complete the mine design in the first half From an operational perspective, in the first half of 2020 and the definitive estimate of cost and $3.7bn of this year we experienced some challenges in schedule in the second half of 2020. net debt our iron ore business in the Pilbara, in Western Australia, which we proactively addressed, closing To create options for future growth, this year also the year with solid production momentum. Overall, saw us maintain our industry-leading investment shipments for the year were 3% lower than in 2018, in exploration. In 2019, we invested $624 million primarily due to these operational challenges and in 69 programmes in seven commodities across weather-related incidents. Despite this, our Pilbara 17 countries, with copper remaining the focus. For iron ore operations delivered a 72% underlying free example, we were pleased that our Winu copper- on board (FOB) EBITDA margin in 2019. gold exploration project, in Western Australia, had some early success; we ended 2019 with phase 2 In aluminium, this year the market recorded drilling well underway. significant price decreases in alumina and aluminium. Despite these challenges, our We also continued our work to make our portfolio aluminium business maintained its position as the as efficient as possible, in part through the use of sector leader, delivering an EBITDA margin of 26% technology and innovation, including automation. from integrated operations and a 21% increase in We begin 2020 with a fleet of 183 autonomous third-party bauxite sales. trucks, which, in the Pilbara, cost 15% less to operate than an equivalent manned truck. Rio Tinto In copper, our 2019 operational performance was is also home to the world’s largest autonomous affected by lower grades at all operations, which we drill fleet – 26 drills – which this year, in our Pilbara partly offset by higher throughput and productivity iron ore business, unlocked a 25% increase in improvements. Our average realised copper price productivity and a 40% improvement in equipment for the year was down 7% compared to 2018; in utilisation. AutoHaul™, our automated rail network 2019, the London Metal Exchange (LME) recorded a decline of 8%. 12 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Chief Executive’s statement in Western Australia, also continues to play an To continue to improve our performance, we plan With $20 billion of capital expenditure planned report Strategic important role in increasing efficiency; to date, it to spend approximately $1 billion over the next five over the next three years, we will continue has increased capacity by 10mt, a figure we expect years in climate-related projects, research and disciplined investment in our business, renewing to see increase with further optimisation. development, partnerships and other activities to many of our operations through the replacement enhance the climate resilience of our business. For of mines and major equipment and by investing Partners example, in early 2020, we announced a $98 million in growth, notably at Oyu Tolgoi. Once again this year, our focus on partnership investment to build a 34 MW solar plant at our new continued and intensified – we are very clear that Koodaideri iron ore mine in the Pilbara, alongside Sustainability and partnership will remain no business can have sustainable, meaningful a lithium-ion battery energy storage system. The important priorities and indeed, will play an impact on its own. Partnership is a core enabler of plant and battery will limit our annual carbon dioxide increasingly important role across all aspects of our sustainability strategy, and I was very pleased emissions by about 90,000 tonnes (compared to our business. And our promise to our employees with our progress in forming new, innovative conventional gas-powered generation). This is the and contractors – to do everything we can to connections across the value chain. equivalent of taking about 28,000 cars off the road. keep them safe, healthy, and equipped to meet this new era’s challenges and opportunities – For example, recognising that students need the People is as strong as ever. skills to keep pace with a rapidly changing world, This year, I again spent a significant amount of we launched an innovative partnership in Australia time with our employees, visiting 17 assets and And our purpose – to produce materials essential with leading start-up accelerator BlueChilli and each of our global hubs and satellite offices. Over to human progress – will guide our company into Amazon Web Services. Our collective aim is to the course of the year, I held more than 30 town what promises to be an exciting future. fast-track the development of skills needed for halls and small group discussions in 20 locations. the digital future, including critical thinking, I continue to be impressed by our employees’ problem-solving, automation, systems design energy, creativity and ambition, and am proud of and data analytics. Rio Tinto will invest $7 million the efforts we have made to strengthen our culture (A$10 million) in this four-year national and improve innovation, world-class technical J-S Jacques programme, which will crowd-source ideas from talent and commercial capability. All three are Chief Executive other start-ups as well as schools and universities. critical to our success, today and into the future. 26 February 2020 And in Canada, we signed a historic agreement We continued building our innovation culture with the Innu community of Ekuanitshit. Named through initiatives like our Pioneering Pitch “Uauitshitun,” or “mutual support” in the Innu programme, in which our employees are language, the agreement is designed to generate encouraged to come up with new, creative ideas economic development opportunities in a variety of on how to strengthen and improve our business, ways. For example, we will support Innu businesses and then pitch them to a panel of Rio Tinto judges, by providing health and safety training and improving who award up to $250,000 and expert support to their competitiveness in the procurement process. implement the best of them. In 2019, thanks to our $1bn We will also partner in other areas such as environment, employees’ ingenuity, Pioneering Pitch identified to be spent in climate-related projects land stewardship, and traditional practices and $35 million in potential benefit to our business. education, through pre-employment vocational training and school programmes. We also strengthened the technical capability of our employees, including by expanding our Centres We also strengthened our commitment to climate of Excellence (CoEs) from three to eight. Our CoEs change, which has been part of our strategic pool the company’s technical expertise in areas Investing thinking for well over two decades. Since 2008, such as tailings, geotechnical engineering and we have reduced absolute emissions from our process and underground mining safety, allowing managed operations by 46% (18% excluding our experts to collaborate more effectively while A$10m divestments). Today, 76% of our electricity also providing our operations with an easy to in building skills for the digital future consumption at managed operations is supplied access, ready resource. RioExcel, our programme from renewable energy. Most of our operations now for recognising and promoting our technical in Australia have significantly lower carbon intensities than experts, also continued to progress, with 50 sector averages. We announced new climate and employees taking part in 2019. environmental partnerships in 2019, including our initiative with China Baowu Steel Group, our A look ahead customer in China, and Tsinghua University. We As we end one decade and begin another, our believe it is important to work with our customers focus will remain on delivering our value over and suppliers to help support mutual goals to volume strategy, and striving to ensure our reduce emissions and strengthen the resilience company remains strong, resilient and able to of our businesses. deliver superior returns to shareholders in the short, medium and long term. In 2020, we set a new ambition: to reach net zero emissions across our operations by 2050. We also This year, we did significant work on developing set new targets – to reduce our emissions intensity scenarios to help us understand what we need to by 30% and our absolute emissions by 15%, both by do to thrive in this era of increasing complexity. Our 2030 and from 2018 levels. And overall, our growth focus on innovation, operational and commercial between now and 2030 will be carbon neutral. excellence, as well as high-value growth, will be key. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 13

Strategic report Our business model Our ability to create value is underpinned by the quality of our assets, the capability of our people, our operational performance, innovative partnerships and disciplined capital allocation. Explore and evaluate Explore We use some of the most advanced exploration technologies in the world to find potential and new sources of minerals and metals. And we consider new products and operations with an understanding of customers’ and communities’ needs. We are also mindful of the future: evaluate our environmental impact as well as the diversity and balance of our portfolio. Develop and innovate We assess each potential operation with a focus on risk, potential returns, and long-term Develop sustainability and value. Once we have approved an investment, we design and build each operation. We aim to develop every potential site to achieve optimal, long-term productivity and while minimising risks. innovate We work in partnership with a growing network of stakeholders – governments, communities, customers and suppliers – who help expand our thinking, understanding, capabilities and, ultimately, our ability to deliver mutual benefit. Mine and process A safe site is a productive site, and advanced technologies are playing a more important Mine role in how we achieve both. We share best practices across our assets to create safe, and environmentally responsible working practices and a high-performing culture that targets process production at lower costs. At the same time, our operations aim to benefit local economies by contributing jobs, taxes and royalties, contracts with local businesses, and social and community investment. By understanding and respecting our business partners, employees, communities and the environment, we can create sustainable value for all our stakeholders. Market Market and deliver Our minerals and metals are used in a vast array of everyday products – from cars to coffee and pods to smartphones. Our commercial team ensure that we manage our products in line deliver with market and customer needs. And our network of rail, ports and ships means that we can control end-to-end logistics to deliver our products safely, efficiently and reliably. Repurpose and renew We aim to design and run our assets to create a positive legacy once our mining activity Repurpose concludes. Applying this approach could entail rehabilitating the land for a nature reserve, for example, or repurposing it for light industrial use. Each of our sites has rehabilitation and renew plans that we review every year. We see this long-term approach – planning and operating with the future in mind – as integral to running a safe, responsible and profitable business. Disciplined capital allocation Disciplined Our business is underpinned by a disciplined approach to capital allocation; we strive to capital allocation use every dollar prudently. Today, our balance sheet is a key strength, providing a resilient platform for strong and consistent shareholder returns, as well as enabling us to invest throughout the commodity cycle. 14 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Our values Strategic report Strategic Our values reflect our commitment to the safety, rights and wellbeing of our employees, the integrity of our business and supply chain, and respect for the environment. Safety Caring for human life and wellbeing above everything else We make the safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and communities our number one priority. Always. Safely looking after the environment is an essential part of our care for future generations. Teamwork Collaborating for success We work together with colleagues, partners and communities globally to deliver the products our customers need. We learn from each other to improve our performance and achieve success. Respect Fostering inclusion and embracing diversity We recognise and respect diverse cultures, communities and points of view. We treat each other with fairness and dignity to make the most of everyone’s contributions. Integrity Having the courage and commitment to do the right thing We do the right thing, even when this is challenging. We take ownership of what we do and say. And we are honest and clear with each other, and with everyone we work with. This helps us to build trust. Excellence Being the best we can be for superior performance We challenge ourselves and others to create lasting value and achieve high performance. We adopt a pioneering mindset and aim to do better every day. An employee at our aluminium operations in Quebec, Canada. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 15

Strategic report Strategic context The forces shaping the world influence our thinking about our strategy; the actions we take in response will determine the strength and resilience of our business. Our strategy is formulated through the lens of plausible scenarios. We expect to face greater complexity as we move into a new decade, which we believe will be characterised by the interplay between three global forces: geopolitics, society and technology. 16 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Strategic context Strategic report Strategic Technology Society Geopolitics The transition to the fourth stage of Sustainability, including climate change, is Since the middle of the 20th century, geopolitics industrialisation, in which technology becomes becoming an ever more pressing challenge facing has been defined by globalisation – a dominant interwoven into increasing aspects of everyday life, society. Many would argue that the pursuit of force that culminated with the development of continues. This era will be defined by a step change sustainable goals can be constrained by a lack of China, which has been unprecedented in terms of in digital connectivity and ‘intelligent’ systems that accompanying social progress, including efforts to scale and speed. However, while the development can gather and analyse data and communicate with address social and economic inequality. Business gap between countries has narrowed significantly other systems, supported by advanced analytics has an important role to play in addressing each of over the past decade, it is also true that and artificial intelligence. There is no doubt the these challenges – but the private sector cannot globalisation has not benefitted people equally within transition has already been deeply transformative address the unprecedented challenge of climate countries. This is, in turn, fragmenting the social and in some sectors, resulting in a mix of disruption and change alone. It needs to work within strong and political landscape around the world and arguably new opportunity. Whether and how quickly this will predictable policy frameworks and alongside leading to the rise of nationalism and the distrust of a translate to a broader boost in global economic robust local and global institutions promoting political and business establishment that is perceived productivity and growth remains uncertain. inclusive and sustainable growth. by some to be biased towards a global elite. Similarly, while the mining industry has arguably This is certainly the case for our industry. While This change in the geopolitical cycle is further been at the forefront of automating mobile a safe, sustainable approach to mining is critical, accentuated by a marked shift in the relationship equipment over the past decade, the scope of it must also include a strong focus on local between the US and China. Arguably, the world’s digital transformation in the sector has been fairly communities, including jobs and employment, most important relationship stands at a significant limited. Nevertheless, technology and digital will and the effective management of shared resources, juncture as China’s economy reaches maturity and need to play a key role in the industry’s renewed such as air and water, land and waste, through the continues to progress along the New Era roadmap productivity effort, which remains essential after mining life cycle. The mining industry must also be articulated by President Xi Jinping. The interplay a long period of productivity declines during the part of the solution in the global effort to address between geopolitics and technology will be China boom. This effort will require companies climate change. This will require the industry, particularly important as the US and China vie like ours to further develop and strengthen including our business, to work together across the for leadership in the transition to the fourth partnerships – with original equipment full value chain to develop materials with a reduced industrial revolution. This could potentially lead manufacturers, research institutions and environmental footprint and support the transition to divergent technology standards and ecosystems technology providers – to drive and further to a lower-carbon economy. with implications for the structure of global integrate technological innovation in mining. supply chains. Ultimately, addressing societal challenges requires Furthermore, the interplay between technology and broad and deep collaboration, domestically and The mining industry, which is heavily dependent society brings uncertainties related to the future of globally, and the mobilisation of a complex web of on free trade and growth, will need to be resilient in work, as well as the geopolitical and social tensions stakeholders around shared interests. Today, the this new phase of geopolitics. We have already seen that emerge from a greater concentration of wealth international institutions that helped preserve a shift in the industry’s competitive landscape, with and data in large technology companies. On the global stability for much of the 20th century are more acquisitions and minerals development being other hand, innovation and a continued drop in the themselves under pressure, reflecting tensions made by Chinese companies as part of the Chinese cost of low-carbon technologies may lower barriers between segments of society and the established government’s global development strategy known to a faster transition to a more sustainable, geopolitical order. as the Belt and Road Initiative. Ensuring a secure lower-carbon world. supply of critical minerals is also becoming a growing concern for many countries. This points to a potential future in which the market is defined by evolving relationships between host countries of mineral resources and countries, such as China, whose economies generate large demand. Society A world where climate change and the environment, as well as inclusive growth and sustainability, are critical. Technology Geopolitics A world where automation, A world of growing political data and artificial intelligence fragmentation and drive improved performance. nationalism. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 17

Strategic report Our stakeholders As a mining and metals company, we recognise the impact our business can have on our many stakeholders and the wider responsibilities this brings. We work hard to understand our stakeholders’ needs and expectations. We want our success to allow us to invest to meet our obligations to our employees, our customers, suppliers, local communities and host governments, as well as to generate superior returns for our shareholders. There is more detailed information on our stakeholder engagement in the Sustainability section on pages 60 to 70 of this Annual report, and we set out how the Board takes account of stakeholder interests (our ‘section 172(1) Statement’) in the Governance section on pages 92 to 93. Students in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, home to our iron ore business. 18 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Our stakeholders Strategic report Strategic Employees Communities and governments Our 46,000 employees in 36 countries are our most important asset. They Trust and partnership with the communities and governments that host our want to work in an environment where they are safe and respected, and have operations is vital. the opportunity to learn, reach their potential and develop successful careers in a company they can be proud of. Each of these groups has a strong interest not only in the employment opportunities our business creates, both directly and indirectly, but also the We know that engaged employees make a productive and innovative business, wider societal benefits that accrue – be it taxes and royalties or the millions and we have a wide range of activities aimed at understanding their views. In we invest in our communities every year. Understandably, these groups are addition to the day-to-day engagement within teams, we hold numerous town also concerned with the potential environmental and cultural impacts our halls with our Chief Executive and other senior leaders, and have regular operations may have. conversations via our Yammer social platform. We regularly engage with our communities and host governments on a wide By listening in this way, we continue to refine how and what we offer to meet range of topics, including employment opportunities, taxes and royalties, the varying needs of our workforce. We do this by, for example, further environmental protection and local procurement. In our Pilbara iron ore investing in leadership development, as we know leaders are key to engaging business, for example, we conduct an annual survey – called Local Voices – and developing employees; by reviewing how we recognise individuals for their that provides real-time insights to inform decision-making. contribution and excellence; and by setting clear expectations for how we treat each other to bring our organisational values to life and give people a voice. We actively engage in dialogue around global social issues and the environment, including climate change. For example, this year we announced We conduct a six-monthly employee engagement survey to help measure a partnership in China to explore ways to improve environmental performance our progress and to further understand how people feel about the company across the entire steel value chain, in which our iron ore business plays an and its direction. important part. Customers and suppliers Investors Our business works with long-term horizons – our investments must often Our investors include global investment funds, pension funds and corporate deliver returns for decades, not years – and both our customers and suppliers bondholders, as well as tens of thousands of individuals, all of whom have have an interest in developing partnerships that allow them to consistently trusted us with their capital and wish to earn a financial return. share the benefits of our work together. This in turn requires trust and transparency: they want to know that we will do what we say we will do. They are interested in understanding how we run our business: our strategy, our focus on operational excellence and sustainability, the views of our We work closely with customers and suppliers, and in doing so, bring their leadership, including on capital allocation – and the performance that results voice, and the needs of a dynamic market, into our operational, investment and from the confluence of these. We are often also asked about the purpose, production decisions. For example, by extending our supply chain into Chinese values and culture of the Group, as well as the threats and opportunities that ports, we have enabled access to new customers, created value through affect delivery of our strategy. product screening and blending, and increased the optionality in our supply chain. In addition, by working closely with our suppliers we have captured We aim to deliver superior returns to our investors throughout the commodity supply chain innovation to deliver improved operational performance. We have cycle, and we have a comprehensive communication and engagement also continued to enhance how we engage with our markets, customers and programme in addition to our annual general meetings (AGMs) in the UK and suppliers, in part by using technology, data and analytics. We are continuing Australia. In 2018, for example, in addition to our usual programme of meetings to pilot the latest technologies, including blockchain and paperless solutions, and engagement, we held two investor seminars focused on sustainability; and to evolve the way we conduct our business and make our transactions more in late 2019, we held a seminar to update investors on our progress against efficient, safe and cost-effective. our strategy. Our suppliers are vital to our business success and we are continuing to work to improve our partnerships with them. We consider a supply chain of strong local suppliers to be good for our business, local communities and the economy. We are continuing to develop local procurement strategies designed to increase opportunities for businesses to be a part of the Rio Tinto supply chain. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 19

Strategic report Our strategy Portfolio People Performance Partners Our strategy is to create superior Our portfolio of low-cost, long-life Attracting, developing and retaining Safety is our number one priority. We look Partnerships and collaboration are value for shareholders by meeting assets delivers attractive returns the best people is crucial to our success. to generate value from mine to market essential to the long-term success of customers’ needs, maximising cash through the cycle. After a significant We continue to strengthen our technical and also to prioritise value over volume our business. We work closely with portfolio reshaping, we are invested and commercial capabilities through our in our investment decisions. We work technology partners, local suppliers, from our world-class assets and in commodities with strong, Centres of Excellence, and are committed to maximise value in other ways – for governments, community groups, allocating capital with discipline. long-term fundamentals and to building an inclusive and diverse example, by developing new markets for industry leaders and NGOs at all stages material growth opportunities. workforce across our global business. our materials, including as part of the of the mining lifecycle, from exploration transition to a low-carbon economy. to rehabilitation and closure. We believe Our strategy comprises four key areas: We focus on operational excellence to this gives us a competitive edge and Portfolio improve efficiency. also allows us to work more thoughtfully Low-cost, long-life assets that deliver attractive returns and responsibly, and to deliver real benefits to all our stakeholders. People Building capability to drive performance Performance Investing in our business Recognising and promoting Progressing safety Partnering to address Safety, operational and commercial excellence To sustain the strength and resilience of our technical expertise We ended 2019 with strong performance in safety, climate change drive superior margins and returns business, in 2019 we continued to invest in We launched an initiative – RioExcel – to recognise improving our process safety and recording our We have long recognised the reality of climate high-return projects. For example, in December, the important role our technical experts play in first fatality-free year since we began operations, change and its potential to affect our business, Partners we announced a $1.5 billion investment at our delivering our strategy, including safety, growth almost 147 years ago. While we recognise the our communities and our world. However, we also Working with others for future success Kennecott copper mine in Utah, in the US, which and operational excellence. The programme efforts, Group-wide, that led to this performance, recognise that no business can make a meaningful will serve to extend operations to 2032. In supports the career progression and development we know we cannot be complacent. And we again contribution on its own. To that end, this year we November, we announced a $749 million of technical experts – in fields ranging from geology pledge to do everything we can to continually continued to form partnerships to help address investment in our Greater Tom Price operations, to process engineering to asset management and improve, and send everyone home safe and healthy. the climate change challenge. in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, to help data and optimisation – who wish to remain in sustain the production capacity of our iron ore technical roles, rather than become operational or In 2019, we introduced our safety maturity In September, we signed a memorandum of business. In April, we announced we would sustain line leaders. It provides those recognised as experts model (SMM) to expand on our successful critical understanding (MOU) with China Baowu Steel current capacity and extend the life of our Richards with a platform for further career and development risk management (CRM) programme. SMM Group and Tsinghua University to develop and Bay Minerals (RBM) operation, in South Africa, opportunities and exposure across the Group. incorporates a holistic approach to risk, work implement new methods to reduce carbon through the investment of $463 million in the Zulti planning and execution, as well as learning, emissions and improve environmental South project. Construction is currently on hold In 2019, 50 people across our technical disciplines improvement and leadership engagement, performance across the steel value chain. after a number of security incidents – we will assess were recognised as experts – individuals whose including the continued focus on CRM and learning The MOU will enable the formation of a joint a restart after normalisation of operations at RBM. unique contributions help our company challenge from potentially fatal incidents (PFIs). Our working group tasked with identifying a pathway to the status quo, introduce innovative solutions for operations completed an initial self-assessment reducing carbon emissions across the entire steel Also in April, we committed $302 million of safely managing our technical risks, and deliver to familiarise themselves with the model. This was value chain, which accounts for 7-9% of the world’s additional expenditure to advance the Resolution productivity gains. then followed by a baseline assessment and an carbon emissions. Copper project in Arizona, in the US, to fund end-of-year assessment led by Group HSE, and additional drilling, ore body studies, infrastructure RioExcel delivers a deeper pool of technical supported by an independent operational leader. In November, we partnered with the Natural improvements and permitting activities as the expertise for our business – a source of competitive We were pleased that they demonstrated a strong Sciences and Engineering Research Council of project moves to the final stage of permitting. advantage, a more engaged and collaborative improvement over their baseline assessments, Canada (NSERC) to fund a new Industrial Research And in March, we completed the commissioning technical workforce and safer, more productive particularly in leadership and engagement. Across Chair in Climate Change and Water Security at of our $1.9 billion Amrun bauxite mine on the Cape and future-ready operations. the Group, using a nine-point scale, we saw the University of Northern British Columbia. York Peninsula in Queensland, Australia. The mine improvement to an average maturity of 4.5 The C$1.5 million from NSERC and Rio Tinto and associated processing and port facilities will (classified as evolving) from a baseline of 3.4 support research by Dr. Stephen Déry to quantify replace production from our depleting East Weipa (classified as basic). the roles of climate variability, climate change and mine and increase annual bauxite export capacity 50+ water management in the Nechako River basin’s by around 10 million tonnes. men and women recognised via RioExcel water supply. Our Kitimat aluminium smelter is located in British Columbia, with clean hydropower AIFR 0.42 supplied by the Nechako reservoir. down from 0.44 in 2018, marking a strong $5.5bn performance in safety invested to grow and sustain the strength of our business C$1.5m in research funding from NSERC and Rio Tinto Employees at Oyu Tolgoi, where 93% of our employees are Mongolian. 20 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Our strategy Strategic report Strategic Portfolio People Performance Partners Our portfolio of low-cost, long-life Attracting, developing and retaining Safety is our number one priority. We look Partnerships and collaboration are assets delivers attractive returns the best people is crucial to our success. to generate value from mine to market essential to the long-term success of through the cycle. After a significant We continue to strengthen our technical and also to prioritise value over volume our business. We work closely with portfolio reshaping, we are invested and commercial capabilities through our in our investment decisions. We work technology partners, local suppliers, in commodities with strong, Centres of Excellence, and are committed to maximise value in other ways – for governments, community groups, long-term fundamentals and to building an inclusive and diverse example, by developing new markets for industry leaders and NGOs at all stages material growth opportunities. workforce across our global business. our materials, including as part of the of the mining lifecycle, from exploration transition to a low-carbon economy. to rehabilitation and closure. We believe We focus on operational excellence to this gives us a competitive edge and improve efficiency. also allows us to work more thoughtfully and responsibly, and to deliver real benefits to all our stakeholders. Investing in our business Recognising and promoting Progressing safety Partnering to address To sustain the strength and resilience of our technical expertise We ended 2019 with strong performance in safety, climate change business, in 2019 we continued to invest in We launched an initiative – RioExcel – to recognise improving our process safety and recording our We have long recognised the reality of climate high-return projects. For example, in December, the important role our technical experts play in first fatality-free year since we began operations, change and its potential to affect our business, we announced a $1.5 billion investment at our delivering our strategy, including safety, growth almost 147 years ago. While we recognise the our communities and our world. However, we also Kennecott copper mine in Utah, in the US, which and operational excellence. The programme efforts, Group-wide, that led to this performance, recognise that no business can make a meaningful will serve to extend operations to 2032. In supports the career progression and development we know we cannot be complacent. And we again contribution on its own. To that end, this year we November, we announced a $749 million of technical experts – in fields ranging from geology pledge to do everything we can to continually continued to form partnerships to help address investment in our Greater Tom Price operations, to process engineering to asset management and improve, and send everyone home safe and healthy. the climate change challenge. in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, to help data and optimisation – who wish to remain in sustain the production capacity of our iron ore technical roles, rather than become operational or In 2019, we introduced our safety maturity In September, we signed a memorandum of business. In April, we announced we would sustain line leaders. It provides those recognised as experts model (SMM) to expand on our successful critical understanding (MOU) with China Baowu Steel current capacity and extend the life of our Richards with a platform for further career and development risk management (CRM) programme. SMM Group and Tsinghua University to develop and Bay Minerals (RBM) operation, in South Africa, opportunities and exposure across the Group. incorporates a holistic approach to risk, work implement new methods to reduce carbon through the investment of $463 million in the Zulti planning and execution, as well as learning, emissions and improve environmental South project. Construction is currently on hold In 2019, 50 people across our technical disciplines improvement and leadership engagement, performance across the steel value chain. after a number of security incidents – we will assess were recognised as experts – individuals whose including the continued focus on CRM and learning The MOU will enable the formation of a joint a restart after normalisation of operations at RBM. unique contributions help our company challenge from potentially fatal incidents (PFIs). Our working group tasked with identifying a pathway to the status quo, introduce innovative solutions for operations completed an initial self-assessment reducing carbon emissions across the entire steel Also in April, we committed $302 million of safely managing our technical risks, and deliver to familiarise themselves with the model. This was value chain, which accounts for 7-9% of the world’s additional expenditure to advance the Resolution productivity gains. then followed by a baseline assessment and an carbon emissions. Copper project in Arizona, in the US, to fund end-of-year assessment led by Group HSE, and additional drilling, ore body studies, infrastructure RioExcel delivers a deeper pool of technical supported by an independent operational leader. In November, we partnered with the Natural improvements and permitting activities as the expertise for our business – a source of competitive We were pleased that they demonstrated a strong Sciences and Engineering Research Council of project moves to the final stage of permitting. advantage, a more engaged and collaborative improvement over their baseline assessments, Canada (NSERC) to fund a new Industrial Research And in March, we completed the commissioning technical workforce and safer, more productive particularly in leadership and engagement. Across Chair in Climate Change and Water Security at of our $1.9 billion Amrun bauxite mine on the Cape and future-ready operations. the Group, using a nine-point scale, we saw the University of Northern British Columbia. York Peninsula in Queensland, Australia. The mine improvement to an average maturity of 4.5 The C$1.5 million from NSERC and Rio Tinto and associated processing and port facilities will (classified as evolving) from a baseline of 3.4 support research by Dr. Stephen Déry to quantify replace production from our depleting East Weipa (classified as basic). the roles of climate variability, climate change and mine and increase annual bauxite export capacity 50+ water management in the Nechako River basin’s by around 10 million tonnes. men and women recognised via RioExcel water supply. Our Kitimat aluminium smelter is located in British Columbia, with clean hydropower AIFR 0.42 supplied by the Nechako reservoir. down from 0.44 in 2018, marking a strong $5.5bn performance in safety invested to grow and sustain the strength of our business C$1.5m in research funding from NSERC and Rio Tinto Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 21

Strategic report Key performance indicators The Board uses a range of financial and non-financial metrics, reported Key performance All injury frequency rate (AIFR) Key performance Total shareholder return (TSR)1 Underlying earnings and underlying EBITDA indicator definition The number of injuries per 200,000 hours worked by employees indicator definition Combination of share price appreciation (using annual average Underlying earnings represent net earnings attributable to the periodically, to measure Group and contractors at operations that we manage. AIFR includes share price) and dividends paid and reinvested to show the total owners of Rio Tinto, adjusted to exclude items which do not medical treatment cases, restricted workday and lost-day injuries. return to the shareholder over the preceding five years. reflect the underlying performance of the Group’s operations. performance against the four key These items are explained in note 2 of the financial statements. areas of our strategy (portfolio, Underlying EBITDA represents profit before tax, net finance people, performance and partners). items, depreciation and amortisation. It excludes the EBITDA impact of the items mentioned above. This year we reviewed our key performance indicators (KPIs) and made the following changes: –– We have added return on capital employed (ROCE). Strategic pillar People Performance Partners Strategic pillar Portfolio Performance Portfolio Performance This measures how efficiently we generate profits from our assets, reflecting our strategy of investing in a portfolio of low-cost, long-life assets that deliver Relevance to strategy Safety is our number one priority, one of our core values and Relevance to strategy Our strategy aims to maximise shareholder returns through the These financial KPIs measure how well we are managing costs, attractive returns throughout the cycle. & executive an essential component of everything we do. Our goals are to & executive commodity cycle, and TSR is a direct measure of that. increasing productivity and generating the most revenue from –– We have added free cash flow, which measures net cash remuneration maintain zero fatalities, prevent catastrophic events and reduce remuneration each of our assets. returned by the business after investment in sustaining injuries. We continually reinforce our safety culture, in part by Link to executive remuneration and growth capital expenditure. improving leadership and simplifying tools and systems. Reflected in long-term incentive plans, measured equally Link to executive remuneration –– We have removed capital expenditure as a standalone key against the EMIX Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Index Underlying earnings is reflected in the short-term incentive plan; performance indicator as this is a component of the new Link to executive remuneration (see page 113). in the longer term, both measures influence TSR, which is the free cash flow metric. Included in the short-term incentive plan (see page 113). primary measure for long-term incentive plans (see page 113). Non-financial metrics for measuring the people strategic pillar have been developed, including the development in Associated risks –– HSE Associated risks –– Market –– Market 2019 of a culture and values scorecard. In 2020, we will –– Operational and people –– Strategic –– Communities and other key stakeholders consider which of these internal metrics will be used as –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Operational and people published KPIs in future annual reports. Five-year trend All in�ur� �re�uenc� rate �A���� Five-year trend ��r ������� �o�r� �or��� ���� �.�� ���� �.�� ���� �.�� ���� �.�� 2019 0��2 Performance We experienced no fatalities in 2019 and overall delivered strong Performance The share prices of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited reached Underlying earnings of $10.4 billion were $1.6 billion higher than in 2019 safety performance. We reduced our AIFR slightly to 0.42 (from in 2019 new highs in 2019. TSR performance over the five-year period in 2018. Underlying EBITDA of $21.2 billion was $3.1 billion higher 0.44 in 2018) and continued to improve our catastrophic event was driven principally by movements in commodity prices and than 2018. The 17% increase in underlying EBITDA resulted from prevention through a step-change in managing process safety changes in the global macro environment. Rio Tinto significantly higher iron ore prices, partly offset by lower prices for aluminium and more assurance over major hazard risks. Over the past five outperformed the EMIX Global Mining Index over the five-year and copper, higher costs and the absence of contributions from years, our AIFR performance has been strong. period, and slightly outperformed the MSCI World Index. assets divested in 2018. Forward plan We will: Forward plan We will continue to focus on generating the free cash flow from our We will continue to drive superior margins and returns through –– Continue to implement our critical-risk management programme operations that allows us to return cash to shareholders (short-term a focus on operational and commercial excellence and our value and safety maturity model returns) while investing in the business (long-term returns). over volume approach. –– Strengthen our safety leadership and coaching programmes –– Work more closely with contractors and joint-venture partners to improve our safety record –– Continue to implement our major hazard standards, including process safety, water and tailings, with strong assurance processes –– Simplify critical safety tools 1 The TSR calculation for each period is based on the change in the calendar year average share prices for Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited over the preceding five years. This is consistent with the methodology used for calculating the vesting outcomes for Performance Share Awards (PSA). The data presented in this chart accounts for the dual corporate structure of Rio Tinto. 22 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Key performance indicators Strategic report Strategic Key performance All injury frequency rate (AIFR) Key performance Total shareholder return (TSR)1 Underlying earnings and underlying EBITDA indicator definition The number of injuries per 200,000 hours worked by employees indicator definition Combination of share price appreciation (using annual average Underlying earnings represent net earnings attributable to the and contractors at operations that we manage. AIFR includes share price) and dividends paid and reinvested to show the total owners of Rio Tinto, adjusted to exclude items which do not medical treatment cases, restricted workday and lost-day injuries. return to the shareholder over the preceding five years. reflect the underlying performance of the Group’s operations. These items are explained in note 2 of the financial statements. Underlying EBITDA represents profit before tax, net finance items, depreciation and amortisation. It excludes the EBITDA impact of the items mentioned above. Strategic pillar People Performance Partners Strategic pillar Portfolio Performance Portfolio Performance Relevance to strategy Safety is our number one priority, one of our core values and Relevance to strategy Our strategy aims to maximise shareholder returns through the These financial KPIs measure how well we are managing costs, & executive an essential component of everything we do. Our goals are to & executive commodity cycle, and TSR is a direct measure of that. increasing productivity and generating the most revenue from remuneration maintain zero fatalities, prevent catastrophic events and reduce remuneration each of our assets. injuries. We continually reinforce our safety culture, in part by Link to executive remuneration improving leadership and simplifying tools and systems. Reflected in long-term incentive plans, measured equally Link to executive remuneration against the EMIX Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Index Underlying earnings is reflected in the short-term incentive plan; Link to executive remuneration (see page 113). in the longer term, both measures influence TSR, which is the Included in the short-term incentive plan (see page 113). primary measure for long-term incentive plans (see page 113). Associated risks –– HSE Associated risks –– Market –– Market –– Operational and people –– Strategic –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Operational and people Five-year trend All in�ur� �re�uenc� rate �A���� Five-year trend �ota� ��are�o��er ret�r� ��S�� ���er��i�g ear�i�g� a�� ���er��i�g ������ ��r ������� �o�r� �or��� measured over the preceding ve years � mi��ion� (using annual average share price) �n��r��in� ������ �n��r��in� ��rnin�� ���� �.�� ����� ���� �.�� 2015 (18.2%) ���� ������ ����� ���� �.�� 2016 (40.7%) ���� ������ ����� ���� �.�� 2017 5.8% ���� ������ ����� 2019 0��2 2018 33.4% ���� ������ ������ ���� ����� ���� ������ Performance We experienced no fatalities in 2019 and overall delivered strong Performance The share prices of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited reached Underlying earnings of $10.4 billion were $1.6 billion higher than in 2019 safety performance. We reduced our AIFR slightly to 0.42 (from in 2019 new highs in 2019. TSR performance over the five-year period in 2018. Underlying EBITDA of $21.2 billion was $3.1 billion higher 0.44 in 2018) and continued to improve our catastrophic event was driven principally by movements in commodity prices and than 2018. The 17% increase in underlying EBITDA resulted from prevention through a step-change in managing process safety changes in the global macro environment. Rio Tinto significantly higher iron ore prices, partly offset by lower prices for aluminium and more assurance over major hazard risks. Over the past five outperformed the EMIX Global Mining Index over the five-year and copper, higher costs and the absence of contributions from years, our AIFR performance has been strong. period, and slightly outperformed the MSCI World Index. assets divested in 2018. Forward plan We will: Forward plan We will continue to focus on generating the free cash flow from our We will continue to drive superior margins and returns through –– Continue to implement our critical-risk management programme operations that allows us to return cash to shareholders (short-term a focus on operational and commercial excellence and our value and safety maturity model returns) while investing in the business (long-term returns). over volume approach. –– Strengthen our safety leadership and coaching programmes –– Work more closely with contractors and joint-venture partners to improve our safety record –– Continue to implement our major hazard standards, including process safety, water and tailings, with strong assurance processes –– Simplify critical safety tools 1 The TSR calculation for each period is based on the change in the calendar year average share prices for Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited over the preceding five years. This is consistent with the methodology used for calculating the vesting outcomes for Performance Share Awards (PSA). The data presented in this chart accounts for the dual corporate structure of Rio Tinto. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 23

Strategic report Key performance indicators continued Key performance Return on capital employed (ROCE) Net cash generated from operating activities Key performance Free cash flow Net debt indicator definition Underlying earnings before interest divided by average capital Cash generated by our operations after tax and interest, including indicator definition Net cash generated from operating activities minus purchases of Net borrowings after adjusting for cash and cash equivalents, employed (operating assets before net debt). dividends received from equity accounted units and dividends property, plant and equipment and payments of lease principal, other liquid investments and derivatives related to net debt paid to non-controlling interests in subsidiaries. plus sales of property, plant and equipment. (see note 24 of the financial statements). Strategic pillar Portfolio Performance Portfolio Performance Strategic pillar Portfolio Performance Portfolio Performance Relevance to strategy Our portfolio of low-cost, long-life assets delivers attractive This KPI measures our ability to convert underlying Relevance to strategy This KPI measures the net cash returned by the business after This measures how we are managing our balance sheet and & executive returns throughout the cycle and has been reshaped significantly earnings into cash. & executive the expenditure of sustaining and growth capital. This cash capital structure. A strong balance sheet is essential for giving us remuneration in recent years. ROCE measures how efficiently we generate remuneration can be used for shareholder returns, reducing debt and flexibility to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, and for profits from investment in our portfolio of assets. Link to executive remuneration other investment. returning cash to shareholders. Included in the short-term incentive plan; in the longer term, the Link to executive remuneration measure influences TSR which is included in long-term incentive Link to executive remuneration Link to executive remuneration Underlying earnings, as a component of ROCE, is included in plans (see page 113). Included in the short-term incentive plan; in the longer term, the Net debt is, in part, an outcome of free cash flow, which itself is the short-term incentive plan. In the longer term, ROCE also measure influences TSR which is included in long-term incentive reflected in the short-term incentive plan. In the longer term, net influences TSR, which is included in long-term incentive plans. plans (see page 113). debt influences TSR which is reflected in long-term incentive plans (see page 113). Associated risks –– Market –– Market Associated risks –– Market –– Market –– Strategic –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Strategic –– Strategic –– Financial –– Operational and people –– Financial –– Financial –– Operational and people –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Operational and people –– Operational and people Five-year trend �et�r� o� capita� e�p�o�e� ������ �et ca�� ge�erate� �ro� operati�g acti�itie� Five-year trend � � mi��ion� ���� �� ���� ����� ���� ��� ���� ����� ���� ��� ���� ������ ���� ��� ���� ������ ���� ��� ���� ������ Performance ROCE increased five percentage points to 24% in 2019, reflecting Net cash generated from operating activities of $14.9 billion Performance Free cash flow increased by $2.2 billion to $9.2 billion in 2019, Net debt increased by $3.9 billion from net cash of $255 million in 2019 the increase in underlying earnings driven by higher iron ore was 26% higher than 2018. This was primarily due to higher iron in 2019 primarily due to the increase in net cash generated from to net debt of $3.7 billion. This reflects $11.9 billion of cash prices combined with the restructuring of our portfolio through ore prices and favourable working capital movements, partly operating activities. This was partially offset by lower proceeds returns to shareholders in 2019 through dividends and share divestments and investment in growth. offset by higher taxes paid in 2019 relating to the 2018 coking from sales of property, plant and equipment. Capital expenditure buy-backs and a $1.2 billion non-cash increase from the coal disposals. was in line with 2018. implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases”, partly offset by free cash flow of $9.2 billion. Forward plan We will continue to focus on maximising returns from our assets We will focus on effectively converting earnings into cash, Forward plan We aim to continue our focus on free cash flow generation We believe that a strong balance sheet is a major competitive over the short, medium and long term. We will also maintain our underpinned by operational and commercial excellence, through the cycle. We expect capital expenditure to be advantage and essential in a cyclical business. We will therefore disciplined and rigorous approach and invest capital only in including our careful management of working capital. approximately $7 billion in 2020 and $6.5 billion in both continue to manage net debt carefully. projects that we believe will deliver returns that are well above 2021 and 2022. our cost of capital. 24 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Key performance indicators Strategic report Strategic Key performance Return on capital employed (ROCE) Net cash generated from operating activities Key performance Free cash flow Net debt indicator definition Underlying earnings before interest divided by average capital Cash generated by our operations after tax and interest, including indicator definition Net cash generated from operating activities minus purchases of Net borrowings after adjusting for cash and cash equivalents, employed (operating assets before net debt). dividends received from equity accounted units and dividends property, plant and equipment and payments of lease principal, other liquid investments and derivatives related to net debt paid to non-controlling interests in subsidiaries. plus sales of property, plant and equipment. (see note 24 of the financial statements). Strategic pillar Portfolio Performance Portfolio Performance Strategic pillar Portfolio Performance Portfolio Performance Relevance to strategy Our portfolio of low-cost, long-life assets delivers attractive This KPI measures our ability to convert underlying Relevance to strategy This KPI measures the net cash returned by the business after This measures how we are managing our balance sheet and & executive returns throughout the cycle and has been reshaped significantly earnings into cash. & executive the expenditure of sustaining and growth capital. This cash capital structure. A strong balance sheet is essential for giving us remuneration in recent years. ROCE measures how efficiently we generate remuneration can be used for shareholder returns, reducing debt and flexibility to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, and for profits from investment in our portfolio of assets. Link to executive remuneration other investment. returning cash to shareholders. Included in the short-term incentive plan; in the longer term, the Link to executive remuneration measure influences TSR which is included in long-term incentive Link to executive remuneration Link to executive remuneration Underlying earnings, as a component of ROCE, is included in plans (see page 113). Included in the short-term incentive plan; in the longer term, the Net debt is, in part, an outcome of free cash flow, which itself is the short-term incentive plan. In the longer term, ROCE also measure influences TSR which is included in long-term incentive reflected in the short-term incentive plan. In the longer term, net influences TSR, which is included in long-term incentive plans. plans (see page 113). debt influences TSR which is reflected in long-term incentive plans (see page 113). Associated risks –– Market –– Market Associated risks –– Market –– Market –– Strategic –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Strategic –– Strategic –– Financial –– Operational and people –– Financial –– Financial –– Operational and people –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Communities and other key stakeholders –– Operational and people –– Operational and people Five-year trend Five-year trend Free cash ow �et ca�����et �e�t� � mi��ion� � mi��ion� ���� ����� ���� �������� ���� ����� ���� ������� ���� ����� ���� ������� ���� ����� ���� ��� 2019 9,158 ���� ������� Performance ROCE increased five percentage points to 24% in 2019, reflecting Net cash generated from operating activities of $14.9 billion Performance Free cash flow increased by $2.2 billion to $9.2 billion in 2019, Net debt increased by $3.9 billion from net cash of $255 million in 2019 the increase in underlying earnings driven by higher iron ore was 26% higher than 2018. This was primarily due to higher iron in 2019 primarily due to the increase in net cash generated from to net debt of $3.7 billion. This reflects $11.9 billion of cash prices combined with the restructuring of our portfolio through ore prices and favourable working capital movements, partly operating activities. This was partially offset by lower proceeds returns to shareholders in 2019 through dividends and share divestments and investment in growth. offset by higher taxes paid in 2019 relating to the 2018 coking from sales of property, plant and equipment. Capital expenditure buy-backs and a $1.2 billion non-cash increase from the coal disposals. was in line with 2018. implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases”, partly offset by free cash flow of $9.2 billion. Forward plan We will continue to focus on maximising returns from our assets We will focus on effectively converting earnings into cash, Forward plan We aim to continue our focus on free cash flow generation We believe that a strong balance sheet is a major competitive over the short, medium and long term. We will also maintain our underpinned by operational and commercial excellence, through the cycle. We expect capital expenditure to be advantage and essential in a cyclical business. We will therefore disciplined and rigorous approach and invest capital only in including our careful management of working capital. approximately $7 billion in 2020 and $6.5 billion in both continue to manage net debt carefully. projects that we believe will deliver returns that are well above 2021 and 2022. our cost of capital. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 25

Strategic report Key performance indicators continued Climate change is a Key performance Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions indicator definition intensity global challenge and will Total GHG emissions from managed operations, expressed in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO e), per unit of 2 require action across nations, commodity production relative to the 2008 base year. Emissions include direct emissions, plus emissions from imports of across industries, and by electricity and steam, minus electricity and steam exports. society at large. We want Strategic pillar Performance Partners to play our part. Relevance to strategy Climate risks and opportunities have formed part of our strategic & executive thinking and investment decisions for over two decades. We now remuneration have a portfolio that is well positioned for the transition to a low-carbon economy. Link to executive remuneration Our Chief Executive’s performance objectives are reflected in his short-term incentive plan (STIP), which includes delivery of the Group’s strategy on climate change consistent with the new 2030 targets. These are cascaded down into the annual objectives of relevant members of the Executive Committee and other members of senior management. Associated risks –– Market –– Strategic –– Climate change –– Communities and other key stakeholder –– Operational and people Five-year trend ��i��io�� i�te��it� o� o�r �a�age� operatio�� �int�n�it�� ���� � ���� ���� ��.� ���� ��.� ���� ��.� ���� ��.�� ���� ���� Performance In 2019, the emissions intensity of our managed operations fell in 2019 to 70.6 (2008 = 100) and the percentage of our electricity consumption from renewable sources rose from 71% to 76%. We shut our coal power plant and purchased renewable energy certificates at our Kennecott copper operations. This reduces the operation’s annual carbon footprint by as much as 65%, or the equivalent of more than a million tonnes of carbon dioxide. Forward plan Our ambition is to reach net zero emissions by 2050 across our operations. Our 2030 targets are to reduce our emissions intensity by 30% and our absolute emissions by 15%, compared with our 2018 equity baseline. We plan to spend approximately $1 billion over five years on emissions reduction projects, research and development, and activities to enhance the climate resilience of our business. 1 Number adjusted from previous years to ensure comparability over time. 26 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Chief Financial Officer’s statement Our high-quality portfolio of report Strategic long-life, competitive assets has consistently generated superior returns and cash flow. Strong financial results, supported by price We increased our revenues by 7% to $43.2 billion ($45.4 billion including equity accounted units), primarily due to higher iron ore prices. This more than compensated for lower copper and aluminium prices and the absence of revenues from our divestments in 2018, primarily the coking coal assets. Our underlying EBITDA of $21.2 billion increased by 17% compared with 2018, and the underlying EBITDA margin was 47%. Higher prices and weaker local currencies, compared with the US dollar, were the principal drivers of the increase, adding around $4.9 billion in aggregate to EBITDA. Our iron ore shipments were 3% lower in 2019 following weather disruptions and operational challenges in the first half of the year. However, we were able to offset this impact following a strong second half for Iron Ore, higher bauxite volumes, improved aluminium product mix and an increase in by-products from our copper mines, mainly gold and molybdenum. We saw a $0.5 billion increase in cash operating costs, which we present on Underlying EBITDA a unit cost basis. This was primarily comprised of higher Iron Ore unit costs driven by first half challenges in the Pilbara, partly offset by reduced operating $21.2bn costs in aluminium from lower input prices and productivity improvements. 17% increase The movement from 2018 to 2019 underlying EBITDA also reflects the absence of approximately $1.2 billion of contributions from assets divested in 2018, primarily the coking coal business in Australia and the Grasberg copper mine Net cash generated from operating activities in Indonesia. Making disciplined investments for the future $14.9bn Our capital allocation framework is well defined. We will continue to invest in 26% increase safely managing our assets and improving their performance. This means that sustaining capital expenditure is always a priority, reflected in our decision at the half year to lift our sustaining investment to approximately $2.5 billion per Net debt year going forward. Our investment decisions are carried out with considerable rigour and $3.7bn diligence. I believe this provides the best assurance for our shareholders At 2019 year-end that we will only invest in opportunities that create value. In 2019, our capital expenditure was $5.5 billion, reflecting our commitment to invest through the cycle. This comprised $2.6 billion of development capital, of which $1.2 billion was replacement capital, and $2.9 billion of sustaining capital. Our most significant growth project remains the Oyu Tolgoi copper- gold underground project in Mongolia, where we invested $1.3 billion in 2019 on a 100% basis, as we fully consolidate Oyu Tolgoi. And we are ramping up our investments over the coming years with the replacement of iron ore production in the Pilbara, where we have commenced construction of the Koodaideri and Robe River sustaining mines. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 27

Strategic report Chief Financial Officer’s statement continued A strong balance sheet creates resilience and optionality We ended 2019 with net debt of $3.7 billion, an increase of $3.9 billion since 2018. This is due to the $4.8 billion of shareholder returns we paid in 2019 from divestment proceeds received in 2018, as well as the adoption of IFRS16 “Leases” on 1 January 2019, which increased net debt by $1.2 billion. Our world-class assets, combined with a strong balance sheet, support our ability to provide superior cash returns to our shareholders. They also enable us to manage the business through the cycle – allowing us to act counter-cyclically and providing us with optionality. Our strong balance sheet is particularly valuable in the current volatile environment, which has been compounded by the Covid-19 virus. We are evaluating the current situation, and all our operations are looking at opportunities to adjust to any changes in market conditions. Our pay-out ratio continues to exceed the returns policy We implemented our returns policy in 2016, committing to total cash returns to shareholders, through the cycle, of 40 - 60% of underlying earnings, on average. Since its implementation, we have consistently paid out well above this range each year. 2019 was no exception – we are returning 70% of underlying earnings to shareholders. This includes the final ordinary dividend of 231 US cents per share which brings total dividends for the year to 443 US cents, or $7.2 billion. As we look to the future, I am confident our high-quality portfolio will continue to generate superior returns over the short, medium and long term. Jakob Stausholm Chief Financial Officer 26 February 2020 Our world-class assets, combined with a very strong balance sheet, support our ability to provide superior cash returns to our shareholders. It also enables us to manage the business through cycles – allowing us to act counter-cyclically and providing us with optionality. 28 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Financial review Non-GAAP measures At year end 2019 2018 Change report Strategic In addition to IFRS measures, management Net cash generated from operating activities (US$ millions) 14,912 11,821 26% uses non-GAAP measures internally to assess Capital expenditure1 (US$ millions) 5,488 5,430 1% performance. Full reconciliations are provided Free cash flow2 (US$ millions) • 9,158 6,977 31% in the notes to the financial statements. These Underlying EBITDA3 (US$ millions) • 21,197 18,136 17% measures are highlighted with the symbol: • Underlying earnings3 (US$ millions) • 10,373 8,808 18% Net earnings (US$ millions) 8,010 13,638 (41)% Underlying earnings3 per share (US cents) • 636.3 512.3 24% Ordinary dividend per share (US cents) 382.0 307.0 24% Total dividend per share (US cents) 443.0 550.0 (19)% Net (debt)/cash4 (US$ millions) • (3,651) 255 Return on capital employed (ROCE)6 • 24% 19% Our financial results are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Footnotes are set out on page 31. –– Strong safety performance in 2019, with no fatalities and a slightly improved all injury frequency rate, coming from a strong base. Continued improvement in prevention of catastrophic events through a step-change in process safety management. –– $14.9 billion operating cash flow was 26% higher than 2018 and $9.2 billion free cash flow2 was 31% higher than 2018. Both are presented after $0.9 billion tax paid in 2019 relating to the 2018 coking coal disposals. –– $5.5 billion capital expenditure1 was consistent with 2018. In late 2019, we announced the approval of two further investments, at Greater Tom Price (iron ore, $0.8 billion) and Kennecott (copper, $1.5 billion). –– $21.2 billion underlying EBITDA3 was 17% above 2018, primarily driven by higher iron ore prices, with an underlying EBITDA margin7 of 47%. –– $10.4 billion underlying earnings were 18% above 2018. Taking exclusions into account, net earnings of $8.0 billion were 41% lower than 2018, mainly reflecting $1.7 billion8 of impairments in 2019, primarily the Oyu Tolgoi underground project, consistent with our 2019 interim results, and the Yarwun alumina refinery. This compared with $4.0 billion of gains on disposals in 2018. –– Strong balance sheet with net debt4 of $3.7 billion, a rise of $3.9 billion, mainly reflected $11.9 billion of cash returns to shareholders in 2019 through dividends and share buy-backs, and a $1.2 billion non-cash increase from the implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases”, partly offset by free cash flow of $9.2 billion. –– $7.2 billion full-year dividend, equivalent to 443 US cents per share and 70% of underlying earnings, includes $3.7 billion record final ordinary dividend (231 US cents per share). Stronger revenues and underlying EBITDA –– $43.2 billion consolidated sales revenue ($45.4 billion including our share of equity accounted units) was 7% higher than 2018, primarily driven by higher iron ore prices. This was partially offset by lower copper and aluminium prices and the absence of revenues from assets divested in 2018. –– $21.2 billion underlying EBITDA3 was 17% higher than 2018, reflecting the higher iron ore price and the recovery from the operational challenges earlier in the year. This more than compensated for higher unit costs and the absence of underlying EBITDA from assets divested in 2018. –– 30% effective tax rate on underlying earnings3 – one percentage point higher than in 2018, primarily reflecting increased profits in Australia. –– $8.0 billion net earnings – 41% lower than 2018, mainly reflecting the impairments of Oyu Tolgoi and Yarwun alumina refinery in 2019, which compared with gains on disposals in 2018. See table on page 34. $7.2 billion of dividends declared for 2019 US$ US cents billion per share Ordinary dividend Interim ordinary dividend paid in September 2019 2.5 151 Final ordinary dividend to be paid in April 2020 3.7 231 Full-year ordinary dividend 6.2 382 Additional returns Special dividend paid in September 2019 1.0 61 Combined total is 70% of 2019 underlying earnings 7.2 443 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 29

Strategic report Financial review continued Strong cash flow from operations drives free cash flow 2019 2018 US$m US$m Net cash generated from operating activities 14,912 11,821 Capital expenditure1 (5,488) (5,430) Sales of property, plant and equipment 49 586 Lease principal payments (315) – Free cash flow2 9,158 6,977 Disposals* (80) 7,733 Dividends paid to equity shareholders (10,334) (5,356) Share buy-backs (1,552) (5,386) Non-cash impact from implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases” from 1 January 2019 (1,248) – Other 150 132 (Increase)/decrease in net debt4 (3,906) 4,100 * Net disposal proceeds include a cash outflow representing Rössing’s cash balance at the date of the sale. See page 34. See page 31 for other footnotes. –– $14.9 billion in cash generated from operating activities, after $0.9 billion tax paid relating to the 2018 coking coal disposals. This was 26% higher than 2018 and was driven primarily by higher underlying EBITDA from higher iron ore prices and the ongoing management of working capital. –– $5.5 billion capital expenditure1 comprised of $2.6 billion of development capital, of which $1.2 billion is replacement capital, and $2.9 billion of sustaining capital. –– $10.3 billion of dividends paid in 2019 comprised of the 2018 final and special dividends paid in April 2019 ($6.8 billion) and the 2019 interim and special dividends paid in September 2019 ($3.5 billion). –– $1.6 billion paid for 28.4 million share repurchases under the Rio Tinto plc on-market share buy-backs announced in 2018, with the remaining $0.2 billion purchases to be completed no later than 28 February 2020. –– The implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases” on 1 January 2019 increased net debt by $1.2 billion (non-cash movement). –– As a result of the above, and $0.2 billion of other movements, net debt4 increased by $3.9 billion since the end of 2018 to $3.7 billion. Continued investment in growth projects and development –– Greenfield success with further encouraging drill results released in August 2019 at the Winu project in Western Australia. Extensive drilling and geophysical testing programme completed: geotechnical, hydrology, mining, processing and basic engineering studies are well advanced. Targeting first production in 2023, subject to regulatory approvals and consents. –– $624 million spent on exploration and evaluation. This 28% rise was mostly driven by higher greenfield expenditure to underpin future growth projects, as well as increased activity at the Resolution copper project in Arizona, for which we committed $302 million ($166 million our 55% share) in future expenditure. –– $2.6 billion Koodaideri replacement iron ore mine progressed, with key construction activities on schedule. Koodaideri will have a 43 Mt annual capacity underpinning production of our Pilbara Blend™, with first tonnes in late 2021. –– $1.5 billion investment at Kennecott approved in late 2019. Phase 2 of the south wall pushback is expected to extend copper operations to 2032. –– At the Oyu Tolgoi underground copper/gold mine in Mongolia, we completed the primary production shaft in October 2019, a key milestone. Work continued on the mine design and, overall, we remain within the cost and schedule ranges announced in July 2019. We continue to expect to complete the mine design in the first half of 2020 and the definitive estimate9 of cost and schedule in the second half of 2020. –– $463 million investment in the Zulti South project at Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) in South Africa approved in 2019 to sustain current capacity and extend mine life. Construction is on hold after a number of security incidents – we will assess a restart after normalisation of operations at RBM. 30 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Financial review Total cash returns to shareholders declared report Strategic 2019 2018 US$ US$ billion billion Ordinary dividend Interim 2.5 2.2 Final 3.7 2.9 Full-year dividend 6.2 5.1 Additional returns Share buy-back announced in August 2018, completed by 27 February 2019 n/a 1.0 Special dividend announced in August 2019, paid in September 2019 1.0 n/a Total cash returns from operations 7.2 6.1 Combined total as % of underlying earnings 70% 72% Supplementary returns of post-tax divestment proceeds in 2018 Off-market buy-back in Rio Tinto Limited, completed in November 2018 n/a 2.1 On-market buy-back in Rio Tinto plc from 28 February 2019 to 28 February 2020 n/a 1.1 Special dividend of 243 US cents per share paid in April 2019 n/a 3.9 Total supplementary returns n/a 7.1 Total cash returns to shareholders declared for each year 7.2 13.2 Total dividends paid in 2019 in respect of 2018 differ from the 2018 declaration of $13.5 billion due to the impact of exchange rates and the share buy-back. Total cash returns paid to shareholders 2019 2018 US$ US$ billion billion Previous year’s final ordinary dividend paid in April of each year 2.9 3.2 Special dividend announced in February 2019, paid in April 2019 3.9 n/a Interim ordinary dividend paid in September of each year 2.5 2.1 Special dividend announced in August 2019, paid in September 2019 1.0 n/a Share buy-backs 1.6 5.4 Total cash returns paid to shareholders 11.9 10.7 1 Capital expenditure is presented gross, before taking into account any cash received from disposals of property, plant and equipment (PP&E) and excludes capital expenditure for equity accounted units. The following financial performance indicators – which are non-GAAP measures – are those management uses internally to assess performance. We therefore consider them relevant to readers of this document and present them here to give more clarity around the underlying business performance of our operations. 2 Free cash flow is defined as net cash generated from operating activities less purchase of PP&E, plus sales of PP&E less lease principal payments, following the adoption of IFRS 16 “Leases” in 2019. 3 Net and underlying earnings relate to profit attributable to the owners of Rio Tinto. Underlying EBITDA and earnings are defined on page 254. Underlying earnings is reconciled to net earnings on page 35. 4 Net debt / cash is defined and reconciled to the balance sheet on page 188. 5 Net gearing ratio is defined as net debt divided by the sum of net debt and total equity at the end of each period. 6 Return on capital employed (ROCE) is defined as underlying earnings excluding net interest divided by average capital employed (operating assets before net debt). 7 Underlying EBITDA margin is defined as the Group’s underlying EBITDA divided by Product Group total revenues per the financial information by business unit on page 252. Product Group total revenues is defined as consolidated sales revenue plus share of equity accounted unit sales and intra-subsidiary/equity accounted unit sales. 8 See page 173 for a pre-tax analysis of impairment charge. 9 Refer to the 16 July 2019 market release “Update on Oyu Tolgoi underground project”. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 31

Strategic report Financial review continued Underlying EBITDA and underlying earnings by product group 2019 2018 Change US$m US$m Change % Underlying EBITDA Iron Ore 16,098 11,378 4,720 41% Aluminium 2,285 3,095 (810) (26)% Copper & Diamonds 2,073 2,776 (703) (25)% Energy & Minerals 1,762 2,140 (378) (18)% Other operations (77) (70) (7) 10% Reportable segment total 22,141 19,319 2,822 15% Inter-segment transactions (9) – (9) – Product group total 22,132 19,319 2,813 15% Central pension costs, share-based payments and insurance 59 (128) 187 (146)% Restructuring, project and one-off costs (183) (272) 89 (33)% Other central costs (496) (552) 56 (10)% Exploration and evaluation (315) (231) (84) 36% Total 21,197 18,136 3,061 17% Underlying earnings Iron Ore 9,638 6,531 3,107 48% Aluminium 599 1,347 (748) (56)% Copper & Diamonds 554 1,054 (500) (47)% Energy & Minerals 611 995 (384) (39)% Other operations (89) (102) 13 (13)% Reportable segment total 11,313 9,825 1,488 15% Inter-segment transactions (3) – (3) – Product group total 11,310 9,825 1,485 15% Central pension costs, share-based payments and insurance 60 (90) 150 (167)% Restructuring, project and one-off costs (94) (190) 96 (51)% Other central costs (550) (410) (140) 34% Exploration and evaluation (231) (193) (38) 20% Net interest (122) (134) 12 (9)% Total 10,373 8,808 1,565 18% Underlying EBITDA is a key financial indicator which management uses internally to assess performance. It excludes the same items that are excluded in arriving at underlying earnings. See page 252 for more detail and a reconciliation to profit on ordinary activities before finance items and tax. Commentary on financial results To give additional insight into the performance of our business, we report underlying EBITDA and underlying earnings. The principal factors explaining the movements in underlying EBITDA are set out in this table. US$m 2018 underlying EBITDA 18,136 Prices 4,382 Exchange rates 529 Volumes and mix (20) General inflation (303) Energy 75 Operating cash cost movements (523) Higher exploration and evaluation spend (136) One-off items (16) Absence of underlying EBITDA from assets divested in 2018, including coking coal (1,246) Non-cash costs/other 319 2019 underlying EBITDA 21,197 32 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Financial review Significant momentum from higher iron ore prices report Strategic Commodity price movements in 2019 increased underlying EBITDA by $4,382 million compared with 2018. This was primarily driven by the strength in the iron ore price and was partly offset by lower prices for copper and aluminium. We have included a table of prices and exchange rates on page 298. The Platts index for 62% iron fines was 39% higher on average compared with 2018 on a free on board (FOB) basis, driven by supply disruptions in the seaborne market and strong demand following record Chinese steel output. Average London Metal Exchange (LME) prices for copper and aluminium were 8% and 15% lower, respectively, compared with 2018, as global manufacturing activity slowed. The gold price was 10% higher. The 10% tariff on US imports of aluminium from Canada, in place from 1 June 2018, was removed on 19 May 2019, following agreement between the US and Canadian governments. The midwest premium for aluminium in the US averaged $320 per tonne - 24% lower than in 2018. Underlying EBITDA benefits from weaker A$ Compared with 2018, on average the US dollar strengthened by 7% against the Australian dollar, by 3% against the Canadian dollar and by 9% against the South African rand. Currency movements increased underlying EBITDA by $529 million relative to 2018. Volumes flat overall Underlying EBITDA decreased by $20 million compared with 2018 from movements in sales volumes and changes in product mix. A 3% decline in iron ore shipments from the Pilbara, where we experienced weather disruptions and operational challenges at some of our mines in the first half of 2019, were mostly offset by increased bauxite shipments, improved aluminium product mix and higher by-product volumes (gold and molybdenum) from Kennecott and Oyu Tolgoi. Energy prices marginally lower Average movements in energy prices compared with 2018 improved underlying EBITDA by $75 million, mainly due to lower diesel prices. Continued cost pressures Our cash operating costs rose by $523 million compared with 2018 (on a unit cost basis), primarily reflecting an increase in iron ore unit costs, driven by the first half challenges. There was some respite on cost inflation for certain raw materials for Aluminium, in particular caustic soda and petroleum coke. However, this was partly offset by inflationary pressures on other costs. Advancing our options through increased exploration spend We spent $136 million, or 28%, more on exploration and evaluation compared with last year. This went to our highest value projects, particularly on evaluating the Resolution copper project in Arizona, advancing our Winu copper/gold deposit in Australia and progressing our Falcon diamond project in Canada. One-off items One-off items aggregated to be $16 million less than in 2018. 2019 underlying EBITDA includes the impact of a $199 million charge at Escondida to reflect the cancellation of existing coal power contracts, a $68 million impact from the curtailment of operations at Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) and $68 million for operational challenges faced at our ISAL and Kitimat aluminium smelters. In 2018 we suspended operations for two months at Iron Ore Company of Canada before reaching a new labour agreement ($236 million impact). We also suspended production at Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium, following a fatality at our Sorel-Tracy plant and labour disruptions at RBM ($132 million impact). $1.2 billion lower underlying EBITDA following divestments in 2018, primarily coal The significant divestments in 2018 generated $1,246 million of underlying EBITDA in 2018, primarily the coking coal business and the Grasberg copper mine. Movements in our non-cash costs and other items lowered underlying EBITDA by $319 million compared with 2018. Following implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases” on 1 January 2019, a large proportion of our lease expense comprises charges for depreciation and interest and is not included in cash operating costs. In 2019, there was a consequent benefit to underlying EBITDA of approximately $320 million from this change in treatment. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 33

Strategic report Financial review continued Net earnings, underlying earnings Net earnings and underlying EBITDA The principal factors explaining the movements in underlying earnings and net earnings are set out here. In order to provide additional insight into the performance of its business, Rio Tinto reports US$m underlying EBITDA and underlying earnings. The 2018 net earnings 13,638 differences between underlying earnings, underlying Total changes in underlying EBITDA 3,061 EBITDA, and net earnings are set out in this table. Increase in depreciation and amortisation (pre-tax) in underlying earnings (366) Decrease in interest and finance items (pre-tax) in underlying earnings 32 Increase in tax on underlying earnings (1,011) Net earnings Increase in underlying earnings attributable to outside interests (151) Total changes in underlying earnings 1,565 $8.0bn Changes in exclusions from underlying earnings: Movement in net impairment charges (1,554) Movement in gains on consolidation and gains on disposals (4,287) Movement in exchange differences and gains/losses on derivatives (904) Other (448) 2019 net earnings 8,010 Depreciation and amortisation, net interest and tax Our depreciation and amortisation charge was $0.4 billion higher than 2018. This was primarily due to the inclusion of depreciation on leases brought on to the balance sheet on adoption of IFRS 16 and completion of the Amrun bauxite mine. The increase was partly offset by the impact of the weaker Australian and Canadian dollars against the US dollar, along with assets divested in 2018. Interest and finance items (pre-tax) were broadly in line with 2018. This was mainly due to the bond tender we completed in 2018, which reduced our gross debt by $1.9 billion equivalent and incurred $0.1 billion in early redemption costs in 2018. In 2019, there was also a lower level of average net debt and an increase in capitalised interest. This was offset by the inclusion of interest expense on leases following adoption of IFRS 16 “Leases” in 2019. The 2019 effective corporate income tax rate on underlying earnings, excluding equity accounted units, was 30%, compared with 29% in 2018. The effective tax rate on underlying earnings in Australia was 31% in 2019 compared with 30% in 2018. We anticipate an effective tax rate on underlying earnings of approximately 30% in 2020. Items excluded from underlying earnings Net impairment charges increased by $1.6 billion compared with 2018, primarily related to the Oyu Tolgoi underground project in Mongolia and the Yarwun alumina refinery in Queensland, Australia. On 16 July 2019, we announced that completion of the definitive estimate for the Oyu Tolgoi underground project would be delayed until the second half of 2020. We also indicated that first sustainable production could be delayed by 16 to 30 months compared with the original feasibility study guidance in 2016 and that development capital spend may increase by $1.2 billion to $1.9 billion over the $5.3 billion previously disclosed. These matters were identified as an impairment trigger, so we carried out an assessment of the recoverable amount of the project as at 30 June 2019. This resulted in an impairment charge of $0.8 billion, after tax and non-controlling interests, which was included in our 2019 interim results. On page 173 there is a detailed explanation of the impairment process. In 2019, we recognised a $0.8 billion impairment charge (after tax) related to the Yarwun alumina refinery. In prior years, for accounting purposes, the value of Yarwun was considered in aggregate with Queensland Alumina and the Weipa bauxite mine. The ramp-up of the Amrun expansion at Weipa resulted in increased bauxite exports to the extent that Weipa is now considered to generate cash inflows largely independent from the downstream alumina operations. In 2018, we recognised $0.1 billion of after tax charges, mainly relating to the carrying value of the ISAL aluminium smelter in Iceland following its reclassification to assets held for sale. In 2019, we recognised a further $0.1 billion post-tax charge as these assets were reclassified back out of assets held for sale. Gains on disposals were $4.3 billion lower than 2018. In 2019, we recognised a $0.3 billion loss (after tax) from the sale of Rössing Uranium, including a non-cash adjustment for historical foreign exchange losses. In 2018, we realised net gains of $4.0 billion (after tax), primarily from the sale of our Hail Creek and Kestrel coking coal businesses in Australia, the sale of our interest in the Grasberg copper mine in Indonesia and the formation of the ELYSIS joint venture in Canada. We created this joint venture in May 2018 with Alcoa, supported by Apple and the governments of Canada and Quebec, to develop a carbon-free aluminium smelting process and recognised a gain of $0.1 billion (post-tax) on forming the joint venture. 34 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Financial review Exchange differences and gains/losses on derivatives were $0.9 billion lower than 2018. In 2019, these report Strategic gave rise to a $0.2 billion after tax loss. This compared with gains of $0.7 billion in 2018 - mainly on US dollar debt in non-US dollar functional currency Group companies, intragroup balances and on the revaluation of certain derivatives which do not qualify for hedge accounting. These exchange gains are largely offset by currency translation losses recognised in equity. The quantum of US dollar debt is largely unaffected and we will repay it from US dollar sales receipts. There were $0.4 billion in other changes in items excluded from underlying earnings. In 2019, we recognised a $0.2 billion loss (after tax) related to provisions for obligations in respect of legacy operations. In 2018, we recognised a $0.6 billion gain on sale of surplus land at Kitimat and a $0.3 billion increase in the closure provision at the Argyle diamond mine. Profit Net earnings and underlying earnings refer to amounts attributable to the owners of Rio Tinto. The net profit attributable to the owners of Rio Tinto in 2019 was $8.0 billion (2018: $13.6 billion). We recorded a profit after tax in 2019 of $7.0 billion (2018: $13.9 billion) of which a loss of $1.0 billion (2018 profit: $0.3 billion) was attributable to non-controlling interests. Net earnings, underlying earnings and underlying EBITDA The differences between underlying earnings and net earnings are set out in this table (all numbers are after tax and exclude non-controlling interests). 2019 2018 US$m US$m Underlying earnings 10,373 8,808 Items excluded from underlying earnings Impairment charges (1,658) (104) Net (losses)/gains on consolidation and disposal of interests in businesses (291) 3,996 Foreign exchange and derivative (losses)/gains on net debt and intragroup balances and derivatives not qualifying for hedge accounting (200) 704 Losses from increases to closure estimates (non-operating and fully impaired sites) – (335) Gain relating to surplus land at Kitimat – 569 Other exclusions (214) – Net earnings 8,010 13,638 The explanation of excluded items is on page 170. On page 170 there is a detailed reconciliation from underlying earnings to net earnings, including pre-tax amounts and additional explanatory notes. The differences between underlying EBITDA, EBITDA and net earnings are set out in this table. 2019 2018 US$m US$m Underlying EBITDA 21,197 18,136 Net (losses)/gains on consolidation and disposal of interests in businesses (291) 4,622 (Losses)/gains on embedded commodity derivatives not qualifying for hedge accounting (including exchange) (260) 279 Gain on sale of wharf and land in Kitimat, Canada – 602 Change in closure estimate – (376) Change in other exclusions (171) – EBITDA 20,475 23,263 Depreciation and amortisation in subsidiaries excluding capitalised depreciation (4,272) (3,909) Impairment charges (3,487) (132) Depreciation and amortisation in equity accounted units (653) (650) Finance items in subsidiaries (648) (33) Taxation in subsidiaries (4,147) (4,242) Taxation and finance items in equity accounted units (296) (372) Less loss/(profit) attributable to non-controlling interests 1,038 (287) Net earnings 8,010 13,638 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 35

Strategic report Financial review continued Balance sheet Our net debt of $3.7 billion increased by $3.9 billion in 2019, reflecting final, interim and special dividend payments of $10.3 billion and $1.6 billion of share buy-backs, partly offset by our strong free cash flow. It also reflects a non-cash increase of $1.2 billion following the implementation of IFRS 16 “Leases” from 1 January 2019. The introduction of IFRS 16 also resulted in a benefit to underlying EBITDA of approximately $320 million as a large proportion of lease payments are no longer charged to cash operating costs. There was no significant impact on net earnings, after the increase in depreciation and interest on leases. Our net gearing ratio (net debt to total capital) increased to 7% at 31 December 2019 (31 December 2018: negative 1%). Our total financing liabilities at 31 December 2019 (see page 188) were $14.3 billion (31 December 2018: $13.0 billion) and the weighted average maturity was around 10 years. At 31 December 2019, approximately 76% of these liabilities were at floating interest rates (84% excluding leases). The maximum amount within non-current borrowings maturing in any one calendar year was $1.8 billion, which matures in 2025. We had $10.6 billion in cash and cash equivalents plus other short-term cash investments at 31 December 2019 (31 December 2018: $13.3 billion). Our shareholder returns policy The board is committed to maintaining an appropriate balance between cash returns to shareholders and investment in the business, with the intention of maximising long-term shareholder value. At the end of each financial period, the board determines an appropriate total level of ordinary dividend per share. This takes into account the results for the financial year, the outlook for our major commodities, the board’s view of the long-term growth prospects of the business and the company’s objective of maintaining a strong balance sheet. The intention is that the balance between the interim and final dividend be weighted to the final dividend. The board expects total cash returns to shareholders over the longer term to be in a range of 40-60% of underlying earnings in aggregate through the cycle. Acknowledging the cyclical nature of the industry, it is the Board’s intention to supplement the ordinary dividends with additional returns to shareholders in periods of strong earnings and cash generation. We determine dividends in US dollars. We declare and pay Rio Tinto plc dividends in pounds sterling and Rio Tinto Limited dividends in Australian dollars. The 2019 final dividend was converted at exchange rates applicable on 25 February 2020 (the latest practicable date before the dividend was declared). ADR holders receive dividends at the declared rate in US dollars. 36 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Financial review Ordinary dividend per share declared report Strategic 2019 2018 dividends dividends Rio Tinto Group Interim (US cents) 151.00 127.00 Final (US cents) 231.00 180.00 Full-year (US cents) 382.00 307.00 Rio Tinto plc Interim (UK pence) 123.32 96.82 Final (UK pence) 177.47 135.96 Full-year (UK pence) 300.79 232.78 Rio Tinto Limited Interim (Australian cents) 219.08 170.84 Final (Australian cents) 349.74 250.89 Full-year (Australian cents) 568.82 421.73 Special dividend per share declared 2019 2018 dividends dividends Rio Tinto Group Declared with 2019 interim results (US cents) 61.00 – Declared with 2018 full year results – from divestment income (US cents) 243.00 Rio Tinto plc Declared with 2019 interim results (UK pence) 49.82 – Declared with 2018 full year results – from divestment income (UK pence) 183.55 Rio Tinto Limited Declared with 2019 interim results (Australian cents) 88.50 – Declared with 2018 full year results – from divestment income (Australian cents) 338.70 The 2019 final dividend to be paid to our Rio Tinto Limited shareholders will be fully franked. The board expects Rio Tinto Limited to be in a position to pay fully franked dividends for the foreseeable future. On 16 April 2020, we will pay the 2019 final dividend to holders of ordinary shares and holders of ADRs on the register at the close of business on 6 March 2020 (record date). The ex-dividend date is 5 March 2020. Rio Tinto plc shareholders may choose to receive their dividend in Australian dollars, and Rio Tinto Limited shareholders may choose to receive theirs in pounds sterling. Currency conversions will be based on the pound sterling and Australian dollar exchange rates five business days before the dividend payment date. Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited shareholders must register their currency elections by 24 March 2020. We will operate our Dividend Reinvestment Plans for the 2019 final dividend – see our website (riotinto.com) for details. Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited shareholders’ election notice for the Dividend Reinvestment Plans must be received by 24 March 2020. Purchases under the Dividend Reinvestment Plan are made on or as soon as practicable after the dividend payment date and at prevailing market prices. There is no discount available. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 37

Strategic report Portfolio management We have a programme of Capital projects high-quality projects across Total approved a broad range of commodities capital cost (100% unless In 2019, we funded our capital expenditure from Projects (Rio Tinto 100% owned otherwise unless otherwise stated) stated) Status/ Milestones operating activities. We expect to continue funding our capital programme from internal sources, Completed in 2019 except for the Oyu Tolgoi underground Investment in the Compagnie des $0.3bn Approved in 2016. We produced first ore in the fourth development, which is project-financed. Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) bauxite (RT share) quarter of 2018. When the ramp-up is complete the mine in Guinea, West Africa, to project will increase annual capacity from 14.5 to expand capacity 18.5 million tonnes. Ongoing and approved Iron ore Investment in West Angelas and $0.8bn Approved in October 2018, the investments will enable the Robe Valley in the Pilbara region (RT share) us to sustain production of our Pilbara Blend™ and Robe of Western Australia to sustain Valley products. All major environmental approvals have production capacity been received with the exception of the Mesa H approval. All other procurement and construction activities are progressing to plan. First ore is expected in 2021. Investment in Koodaideri, a new $2.6bn Approved in November 2018, the investment incorporates production hub in the Pilbara region of a processing plant and infrastructure including a Western Australia, to sustain existing 166-kilometre rail line connecting the mine to our existing production in our iron ore system network. Key construction activities are on schedule and we expect first production in late 2021. Once complete, the mine will have an annual capacity of 43 million tonnes. Investment in the Greater Tom Price $0.8bn Approved in November 2019, the investment in the operations to help sustain production Western Turner Syncline phase 2 mine will facilitate capacity mining of existing and new deposits. It includes construction of a new crusher and a 13-kilometre conveyor. Pending final government approvals, construction will start in the first half of 2020 with first ore from the crusher expected in 2021. Aluminium Investment in a second tunnel at the $0.5bn Approved in 2017. Project completion is now set for 2021 1000MW Kemano hydropower facility (previously late 2020). Cost forecasts remain on budget. at Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada The project will ensure the long-term reliability of the power supply to the modernised Kitimat smelter and de-risks the hydropower facility. Copper & Diamonds Investment to extend mine life at Rio $0.9bn Funding for the continuation of open pit mining via the Tinto Kennecott, US from 2019 to 2026 push back of the south wall: the project largely consists of simple mine stripping activities and is expected to be complete in 2021. Further investment to extend mine life $1.5bn Approved in December 2019, the investment will further at Rio Tinto Kennecott, US by a further extend strip waste rock mining and support additional six years to 2032 infrastructure development in the second phase of the south wall pushback project. This will allow mining to continue into a new area of the orebody between 2026 and 2032. Development of the Oyu Tolgoi $5.3bn* The project was approved in May 2016. A number of mine underground mine in Mongolia design options are under consideration which have (Rio Tinto 34%) different cost and schedule implications. These options have been defined to a level of accuracy associated with a Conceptual Study or Order of Magnitude Study. First sustainable production could be achieved between May 2022 and June 2023 (includes up to eight months contingency). Preliminary estimates for development capital are $6.5 billion to $7.2 billion. *Subject to the outcomes of the definitive estimate Energy & Minerals Development of the Zulti South project $0.5bn Approved in April 2019, the investment will underpin at Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) in RBM’s supply of zircon and ilmenite over the life of the South Africa (Rio Tinto 74%), to sustain mine. Construction is on hold after a number of security current capacity and extend mine life. incidents – we will assess a restart after normalisation of operations at RBM. 38 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Portfolio management Strategic report Strategic Material acquisitions and divestments Consideration Asset $m Status Divested in 2019 Rössing Uranium 6.5(b) Sold to China National Uranium Corporation Limited Divested in 2018 Hail Creek 1,550(a)(c) Sold to Glencore Kestrel 2,250(a) Sold to a consortium consisting of EMR Capital and PT Adaro Energy TbK Aluminium Dunkerque 500(a) Sold to Liberty House Grasberg 3,500(a)(d) Sold to PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (Inalum) Divested in 2017 Coal & Allied Industries Limited 2,690(a) Sold to Yancoal Australia Limited (a) Before working capital and completion adjustments. (b) Gross cash sales proceeds, excluding cash held by Rössing included within the transaction and transaction costs. Excludes the contingent payment of up to US$100 million linked to uranium spot prices and Rössing’s net income during the next seven calendar years. (c) Excluding proceeds related to sale of Valeria coal development project of $150m (before working capital adjustments). (d) Including a payment received of $107 million in respect of our share of Grasberg’s copper and gold revenues, net of our capital contribution for the year. Over the last three years, we have made no material acquisitions. Further information on acquisitions and divestments is included in note 37 to the financial statements on page 212. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 39

Strategic report Shanghai, China. China is the largest market for our iron ore products, which can be found in the steel used in skyscrapers. Iron Ore Fe 40 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Iron Ore Strategic report Strategic Overview Pilbara Iron Ore in figures In the Pilbara region of Western Australia, we operate a fully integrated network of 16 iron ore mines, four port terminals, a 1,700 kilometre rail 16 network and related infrastructure. integrated mines in Western Australia Our Iron Ore product group includes Dampier Salt, our value over volume strategy. Together, these set also in Western Australia; with three solar salt our business apart from others in the industry and 5 operations, we are the world’s largest exporter of allow us to export our products, including our mainstream iron ore products seaborne salt. Our portfolio of quality assets, highly flagship Pilbara Blend™, to our customers safely, valued product suite, fully integrated system and reliably and efficiently. committed people and partners are key pillars of 4 port terminals Snapshots from the year 1,700km automated rail network, including AutoHaulTM 0.66 $24.1bn 72% $11.4bn AIFR gross sales revenue underlying free Net cash generated 11.9% (2018: 0.63) (2018: $18.7bn) on board (FOB) from operating of residential workforce who are Pilbara EBITDA margin activities indigenous people* (2018: 68%) (2018: $8.3bn) 12,300 employees (includes temporary employees Strengthening our nationally recognised qualifications in automation. and 100% of joint venture operations) Alongside other states, Western Australia will iron ore business *Includes all indigenous people who live in the Pilbara We continued to invest in our Pilbara iron ore assets also benefit from the Future Minds Accelerator, and all members of our Traditional Owner groups who in 2019. Projects with a combined value of $4.6 billion our $7 million programme, developed and have signed Rio Tinto’s Regional Framework Deed, are under construction with $450 million spent launched in partnership with leading start-up regardless of where they live. across projects at Koodaideri, West Angelas and accelerator BlueChilli and Amazon Web Services. the Robe Valley. The programme will work with school-age learners across Australia to fast-track the development of Gross sales revenue We also announced a $749 million investment in skills needed for the digital future. ���� Western Turner Syncline Phase 2 (WTS2) this year. Part of our existing Greater Tom Price operations, In 2019, we continued to strengthen local WTS2 will produce high-quality Brockman ore, procurement. We awarded our 400th scope of work ���� which will support our flagship Pilbara Blend™, the to businesses based in the state; in total, we preferred baseload product for China’s steel mills. partnered with more than 1,900 businesses based With a capital intensity of about $25 per tonne of in Western Australia. For example, we awarded production capacity, the mine is expected to deliver Mondium, a company based in Perth, an an attractive internal rate of return. The haul truck approximate $280 million contract for the design fleet at WTS2 will also use Autonomous Haulage and construction of our WTS2 mine. This contract System (AHS) technology from 2021, which, across is expected to create 450 jobs starting in the first our Pilbara operations, has delivered significant quarter of 2020. safety benefits, enhanced productivity and lowered costs. We also engaged with nearly 50 Pilbara $24.1bn Indigenous-owned businesses, and in 2019, (2018: $18.7bn) Construction of WTS2 will begin in the first quarter awarded more than $42 million to such businesses of 2020, with first ore from the crusher expected in to help develop Koodaideri – our most Net cash generated from operating activities 2021. At its peak, the construction workforce is technologically advanced mine. We also awarded expected to exceed 1,000. a landmark $14 million contract to Yurra Pty Ltd., ���� which is majority owned by the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Our partnership with Corporation, to provide civil maintenance services on and around our Pilbara rail network. Western Australia ���� In 2019, to help Western Australians develop the skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world, our Iron Ore product group invested $10 million in education programmes at a wide range of universities, schools, governments and non-profits. One of our flagship programmes is our partnership with the government of Western Australia and South Metropolitan TAFE (Technical and Further Education) to develop the first $11.4bn (2018: $8.3bn) Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 41

Strategic report Iron Ore continued 2019 year end results 2019 2018 Change Pilbara production (million tonnes – 100%) 326.7 337.8 (3)% Pilbara shipments (million tonnes – 100%) 327.4 338.2 (3)% Salt production (million tonnes – Rio Tinto share)1 5.4 6.2 (12)% Gross sales revenue (US$ millions) 24,075 18,731 29% Underlying EBITDA (US$ millions) 16,098 11,378 41% Pilbara underlying FOB EBITDA margin2 72% 68% Underlying earnings (US$ millions) 9,638 6,531 48% Net cash generated from operating activities (US$ millions) 11,420 8,349 37% Capital expenditure (US$ millions)3 (1,741) (1,302) 34% Free cash flow (US$ millions) 9,601 7,045 36% Return on capital employed4 67% 42% 1 To reflect a change in management responsibility, Dampier Salt is now reported within Iron Ore and we have restated prior year numbers accordingly. Iron Ore Company of Canada and the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea continue to be reported within Energy & Minerals. 2 The Pilbara underlying free on board (FOB) EBITDA margin is defined as Pilbara underlying EBITDA divided by Pilbara revenues, excluding freight revenue. 3 Capital expenditure is the net cash outflow on purchases less sales of property, plant and equipment, capitalised evaluation costs and purchases less sales of other intangible assets. 4 Return on capital employed (ROCE) is defined as underlying earnings excluding net interest divided by average capital employed (operating assets before net debt). �n�erl�ing �����A 201� �� 2019 Safety 2019 Pilbara unit cash costs were $14.4 per ($ million) In 2019, our Iron Ore operations experienced no tonne (2018: $13.3 per tonne). The fire and fatalities, and recorded an all injury frequency rate weather-related events in the first half of the year 2018 underlying EBITDA ������ (AIFR) of 0.66. While slightly higher than the 2018 reduced shipments by 14 million tonnes (100% Price ����� rate of 0.63, the number of significant near miss basis), increasing unit costs by around $0.5 per incidents was approximately 50% lower, year on year. tonne. We incurred approximately $50 million in Exchange rates 247 additional costs in 2019 ($0.2 per tonne) to address Energy 51 Our ongoing commitment to reducing material risk the mine operational challenges. Higher salaries, exposure – including implementing engineering rising fuel prices and cyclical maintenance in 2019 Ination (73) and elimination controls to address vehicle and compared with 2018 were mostly offset by a weaker Flexed 2018 underlying EBITDA ������ driving risks – resulted in a significant reduction in Australian dollar. repeat serious incidences. We also continued our Volumes and mix (426) focus on major hazard risk reduction this year, We expect Pilbara unit cash costs to be $14-15 per Cash costs (560) including proactive management of our water tonne in 2020 (assumes a 0.67 Australian dollar storage and tailings facilities in line with the exchange rate). Increased volume efficiency Other 6 Group standard. compared with 2019 is expected to be offset by 2019 underlying EBITDA ������ longer haul distances and increased maintenance Our strong commitment to safety includes an activity. Koodaideri is on track for first ore in late emphasis on mental health and wellbeing, with 2021. Once fully ramped up it will provide new a range of initiatives in place, including our volumes at a lower cost. industry-leading peer support programme. We have continued investing in productivity and Financial performance automation, and 50% of our truck fleet in the In 2019, we benefited from robust demand for our Pilbara is now fully autonomous. We have a high-quality products driven by strong demand pathway that will see a large majority of the fleet from China and constrained seaborne supply. being automated by the end of 2022. AutoHaulTM, Iron ore shipments were down 3% on 2018, but the world’s first automated heavy-haul, long- recovered strongly in the second half of 2019 after distance rail network, was fully operational in 2019. disruptions earlier in the year, which included weather events, a screen house fire at one of our Our Pilbara operations delivered an underlying ports and operational challenges. FOB EBITDA margin of 72%, compared with 68% in 2018. Underlying EBITDA of $16.1 billion was 41% higher than 2018, reflecting higher prices which were We price the majority of our iron ore sales (76%) by partially offset by higher unit costs. The Platts reference to the average index price for the month index for 62% iron fines on an FOB basis was 39% of shipment. In 2019, we priced approximately 16% higher, on average, compared with 2018. This of sales by reference to the prior quarter’s average increased underlying EBITDA by $5.4 billion index lagged by one month, with the remainder relative to 2018. sold either on current quarter average, current month average or on the spot market. We made approximately 68% of sales including freight and 32% on an FOB basis. 42 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Iron Ore Underlying FOB EBITDA margin We achieved an average iron ore price of $79.0 per We are also investing $1.55 billion with our joint report Strategic wet metric tonne on an FOB basis (2018: $57.8 per venture partners, Mitsui and Nippon Steel, (our wet metric tonne). This equates to $85.9 per dry 53% share is $820 million) at the Robe Valley and 72% metric tonne (2018: $62.8 per dry metric tonne). West Angelas operations. We have received all (2018: 68%) major environmental approvals, with the exception The gross sales revenue for our Pilbara operations of Mesa H, and procurement and construction Pilbara shipments included freight revenue of $1.7 billion (2018: activities are progressing well. We anticipate first (million tonnes – 100% basis) $1.7 billion). ore from these projects in 2021. ���� ���.� Net cash generated from operating activities of In late 2019, the board approved the $749 million ���� ���.� $11.4 billion was 37% higher than 2018, driven by investment in the Western Turner Syncline Phase 2 the same trends as underlying EBITDA. mine, part of the Greater Tom Price operations. This ���� ���.� will facilitate mining of new deposits and includes ���� ���.� The $9.6 billion of free cash flow was 36% higher construction of a new crusher and a 13-kilometre than 2018, reflecting the strong realised pricing conveyor. Pending final government approvals, 2019 �2��� partly offset by royalties, taxes and higher capital construction will start in the first half of 2020 with spend. This included sustaining capital as well as first ore expected in 2021. the construction of Koodaideri. Greenhouse gas emissions Review of operations In 2019, Iron Ore greenhouse gas emissions intensity Our Pilbara mines in Western Australia produced was ~1% higher than the baseline target set in 327 million tonnes (our share is 271 million tonnes) 2008, a rise driven by increases in diesel emissions in 2019 – 3% lower than 2018. Overall material resulting from longer-than-anticipated haul moved in 2019 was the highest on record. Our distances and increased movement of materials. increased focus on waste material movement and pit development will continue in 2020 to improve We have established strategies for the mine performance and pit sequencing. management of greenhouse gas emissions in our Pilbara operations. Subject to government In the first half of 2019, shipments were affected by approvals, construction of the company’s first solar weather events, a screen house fire at one of our plant at the new Koodaideri mine will start in 2020. ports and mine operational challenges. Our second This 34 megawatt plant will be complemented by half performance was strong, with both production a new 12MW/h battery energy storage system that and shipments exceeding the same period in 2018, will help power our entire Pilbara network. despite a planned, extended rail maintenance shutdown which limited rail capacity for 12 days. In October 2019 we commenced trials of portside trading. We maintain some inventory at Chinese ports and can also handle material from third parties and from Iron Ore Company of Canada. New projects and growth options We are progressing our $2.6 billion Koodaideri iron ore mine, with key construction activities on schedule. This new production hub will be our most technologically advanced, incorporating a processing plant and infrastructure including an airport, camp and a 166-kilometre rail line connecting the mine to our existing network. We continue to expect first ore in late 2021. Once fully commissioned, the initial mine development will have an annual capacity of 43 million tonnes. This will increase the lump to fines ratio of the entire portfolio from an average of 35% to 38% and will increase the annual capacity of our Pilbara system to 360 million tonnes. We have multiple project scopes under study for Koodaideri Phase 2, following board approval for a $44 million pre-feasibility study. Ultimately, the capacity of the Koodaideri hub could be up to 70 million tonnes per year, depending on market conditions. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 43

Strategic report Aluminium is used in everything from electric cars to smartphones – and ours is made with a carbon footprint 60% lower than the industry average. Aluminium Al 44 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Aluminium Strategic report Strategic Overview Aluminium in figures We are a global leader in aluminium, with large-scale, high-quality bauxite mines and alumina refineries and, in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, 4 smelters producing aluminium certified as responsible. bauxite mines in Australia, Brazil and Guinea Through our integrated portfolio of mines, refineries certified, responsible aluminium through a “chain and smelters, we produce bauxite, alumina and of custody” spanning the Gove bauxite mine in 4 aluminium. Managing the process from start to Australia to our alumina refinery, aluminium alumina refineries in Australia, Brazil and Canada finish allows us to deliver quality products to our smelters and casthouses in Quebec, Canada. In customers efficiently. These are carefully calibrated 2019, we received further ASI certifications for our to meet their specific and changing needs – from BC Works and Kemano sites in Canada, our Amrun 14 aluminium smelters in Canada, Australia, high-grade bauxite for the global seaborne trade and Weipa bauxite mines, Yarwun alumina refinery, New Zealand, Iceland and Oman to sustainably sourced aluminium to new, lighter and our Bell Bay and NZAS smelters in Australia alloys for the automotive industry. and New Zealand. 7 Our Canadian operations are in the first decile of We also established ELYSIS, a partnership with hydropower plants in Canada supplying the industry cost-curve and produce aluminium Alcoa supported by Apple and the governments of 100% of the electricity we use there using clean, renewable hydropower. In 2016, we Canada and Quebec, to develop smelting technology launched RenewAl™, the world’s first certified low free of direct carbon emissions. Across our aluminium carbon aluminium. We were the first producer to operations, our greenhouse gas emissions intensity 3 offer Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is 60% lower than the industry average. research and development centres in Canada, France and Australia Snapshots from the year 22 sites certified responsible by the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) 0.46 $10.3bn 26% $2.2bn AIFR gross sales revenue underlying EBITDA net cash generated 14,000 (2018: 0.40) (2018: $12.2bn) margin from integrated from operating employees operations activities (2018: 32%) (2018: $2.3bn) Gross sales revenue ���� 2019 A step-change in productivity for An alloy with customer needs our Australian operations in mind In 2017, to strengthen productivity across RTA, we Through discussions with our customers, we are launched an initiative to operate our bauxite mines seeing increasing demand for specialised alloys and our Pacific assets in a more integrated way. We offering improved mechanical properties. We have first put this programme to the test at our Weipa a long and successful track record of developing mine and, in September 2019, achieved a key such products, and our three research and milestone with the commissioning of our development centres have always played a key role. Brisbane-based Bauxite Integrated Operations Centre (BIOC). Today, the BIOC runs 24 hours per In 2019, we launched Revolution-Al™, a new day, seven days a week, and allows us to remotely aluminium alloy that unlocks design potential for $10.3bn monitor, control and operate our Weipa, Gove and car wheels. Created by our team at the Arvida (2018: $12.2bn) Amrun mines. Research & Development Centre in Canada, Revolution-Al™ is 15-20% stronger than a Net cash generated from operating activities Our vision is to have our people and our business traditional alloy, enabling a 7% weight reduction operate to their full potential, to plan with the best versus standard wheels. This new product provides ���� 2019 information available and to exceed our customers’ opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and tyre needs. To this end, the BIOC team collects large wear as well as improve vehicle performance, amounts of data from every mine, enabling us to handling and visual appeal. gain a complete view across the mine’s entire supply chain. Then, using new technologies and Our tests also show that Revolution-Al™ can real-time reporting, we can make quicker, more increase our customers’ productivity. It can be cast accurate and agile decisions to optimise operations. in existing facilities, reduces production time and can be easily recycled. Key to this step change was leveraging experience from our aluminium and iron ore operations’ centres We received our first order in September 2019 and, in Canada and Western Australia, respectively. In as manufacturers compete to make lighter, more 2019, the BIOC delivered over $50 million of efficient cars, this alloy could soon be used to additional value through grade optimisation, better reduce the weight of other car parts, such as $2.2bn resource allocation and quality improvements. chassis parts or suspension components. (2018: $2.3bn) Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 45

Strategic report Aluminium continued 2019 year end results 2019 2018 Change Bauxite production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share) 55,105 50,421 9% Alumina production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share) 7,744 7,980 (3)% Aluminium production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share)1 3,171 3,231 (2)% Gross sales revenue (US$ millions) 10,340 12,191 (15)% Underlying EBITDA (US$ millions) 2,285 3,095 (26)% Underlying EBITDA margin (integrated operations) 26% 32% Underlying earnings (US$ millions) 599 1,347 (56)% Net cash generated from operating activities (US$ millions) 2,183 2,331 (6)% Capital expenditure – excluding EAUs2 (US$ millions) (1,316) (1,683) (22)% Free cash flow (US$ millions) 821 638 29% Return on capital employed3 4% 8% 1 To allow production numbers to be compared on a like-for-like basis, we have excluded production from asset divestments completed in 2018 from our share of prior year production data. The financial data above includes the results of divested assets up to the date of sale. 2 Capital expenditure is the net cash outflow on purchases less sales of property, plant and equipment, capitalised evaluation costs and purchases less sales of other intangible assets. It excludes equity accounted units (EAUs). 3 Return on capital employed (ROCE) is defined as underlying earnings excluding net interest divided by average capital employed (operating assets before net debt). Safety improved by $0.3 billion through productivity gains, 2019 marked a fifth consecutive fatality-free year including raw material efficiencies at the refineries �n�erl�ing �����A 201� �� 2019 for Rio Tinto Aluminium (RTA), and we finished the and lower input prices, primarily for caustic soda ($ million) year with an AIFR of 0.46, a slight increase and petroleum coke. We also benefited from $0.2 compared to 2018 (0.40). billion of gains from increased bauxite volumes and 2018 underlying EBITDA ����� grade optimisation, supported by the successful Price ������� We continued improving the safety maturity across ramp-up of our new Amrun mine in Queensland our sites with a strong emphasis on leadership following its completion in late 2018. Exchange rates 153 safety coaching and critical risk management, Energy 16 completing over 232,000 verifications on We achieved an average realised aluminium price fatality-risk critical controls. We also initiated a of $2,132 per tonne (2018: $2,470 per tonne). This Ination (110) project to increase vehicle-pedestrian segregation, comprised the LME price, a market premium and Flexed 2018 underlying EBITDA ����� including the introduction of a pedestrian detection a value-added product (VAP) premium. The cash system in our smelters. LME price averaged $1,791 per tonne, 15% lower Volumes and mix 316 than 2018. In our key US market, the midwest Cash costs 315 We further enhanced our management of major premium dropped 24% to $320 per tonne on hazards, reducing the number of process safety average in 2019. VAP represented 51% of the Other (212) incidents and strengthening the way we manage primary metal we sold (2018: 54%, excluding the 2019 underlying EBITDA ����� critical risks in process safety and tailings. This Dunkerque smelter which we sold in 2018) and resulted in a 50% reduction in the number of Tier 1 generated attractive product premiums averaging process safety incidents from 2018 to 2019. $234 per tonne of VAP sold (2018: $227 per tonne). We paid a 10% tariff on our Canadian aluminium Our strong commitment to safety extends to exports to the US under Section 232 until the tariff mental health and wellbeing. We continued to was removed on 19 May 2019. provide training and raise awareness on mental health to better support our employees and Although we are broadly balanced in alumina, their families. approximately 2.2 million tonnes of our legacy alumina sales contracts are exposed to a fixed Financial performance linkage to the LME price. These contracts date In 2019, our aluminium business benefited from back to 2005 or earlier, and the majority expire a 21% increase in third-party bauxite sales, between 2023 and 2030. In 2019, the opportunity productivity improvements and lower raw material loss reduced to $0.2 billion, compared with costs, but was affected by significant price $0.5 billion in 2018 when there was significant declines, particularly for alumina and aluminium escalation in the alumina index caused by metal. Despite the challenging market industry supply disruptions. environment, we maintained our position as the leading business in the sector, with an underlying Despite the significantly weaker market EBITDA margin of 26% from integrated operations. environment, we generated $2.2 billion in net cash from operating activities with free cash flow Underlying EBITDA of $2.3 billion declined by 26% increasing by 29% to $0.8 billion. This was compared with 2018, primarily driven by the weaker underpinned by productivity improvements, lower pricing environment. This reduced underlying costs, favourable movements in working capital EBITDA by $1.3 billion, including the impact of and lower capital expenditure, following completion alumina legacy contracts, and was partly offset by of the Amrun project. $0.5 billion of improvements. Operating costs 46 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Aluminium Underlying EBITDA margin Review of operations New projects and growth options report Strategic (integrated operations) Bauxite production was 9% higher than 2018 at The $1.9 billion Amrun bauxite mine on the Cape 55 million tonnes. In Australia, production at the York Peninsula in north Queensland achieved its Pacific managed mines was up by 11% on 2018, design capacity rate of 22.8 million tonnes a year in 26% underpinned by the successful ramp-up of Amrun. the fourth quarter of 2019, supporting higher third (2018: 32%) Production at the non-managed joint ventures party sales and replacing the depleting Weipa mines. (CBG in Guinea and MRN in Brazil) was 1% higher Third‑party bauxite shipments than 2018, but was constrained by the ramp-up In 2019, production from the Sangaredi bauxite (million tonnes – Rio Tinto share) of the expansion project at CBG being slower mine in Guinea was constrained by a slower than than planned. planned ramp-up of the $0.7 billion expansion ���� ��.� project (our share is $0.3 billion). When this ���� ��.� Our production performance enabled us to increase ramp-up is complete, the annual capacity of shipments of bauxite to third parties by 21% to 40 Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) will ���� ��.� million tonnes. Over the past five years, we have increase from 14.5 to 18.5 million tonnes (100% ���� ��.� increased our third-party bauxite sales by 16 million basis, our share of production is 45%). tonnes (70%), maintaining our position as a leading 2019 �9�� global supplier in the seaborne bauxite trade. At the $0.5 billion Kemano project in Kitimat, British Columbia, where we are constructing Aluminium production a second tunnel to de-risk our 100% owned In 2019, gross revenue for bauxite increased 6% (thousand tonnes – Rio Tinto share) hydropower facility, we had excavated 2.7 to $2.5 billion – this includes freight revenue of kilometres of the tunnel by the end of 2019. $464 million (2018: $371 million). ���� ����� Progress has been slower than expected and ���� ����� completion is now expected in 2021 (previously At 7.7 million tonnes, our alumina production late 2020). ���� ����� was 3% lower than 2018, primarily due to major maintenance activities at the Pacific refineries ���� ����� ELYSIS, our joint venture with Alcoa, supported by including a planned five-year maintenance shutdown Apple and the governments of Canada and Quebec, 2019 ��1�1 to service the cogeneration plant at Yarwun. is developing a breakthrough technology that eliminates all direct greenhouse gases from the At 3.2 million tonnes, our aluminium production traditional aluminium smelting process. In 2019, was 2% lower than 2018, primarily due to lower ELYSIS started construction of its new Research volumes at ISAL from a safety-related preventive and Development Centre, which will be located at pot-line outage in the third quarter and at Kitimat, Rio Tinto’s Complexe Jonquière in the Saguenay, due to earlier than planned pot-lining replacement. Quebec. We expect it to be fully operational in the Excluding the non-managed Becancour operation second half of 2020. ELYSIS also announced that where a lock-out constrained operations, the Apple had purchased the first commercial batch Quebec and Pacific smelters performed well, with of aluminium produced using our carbon-free aluminium production for 2019 up 1% on 2018, smelting process. reflecting continued productivity improvements. The restart of Becancour is underway, with full Greenhouse gas emissions ramp-up expected by mid-2020. From 2008 to 2019, RTA’s greenhouse gas emissions intensity has improved by 38%. Using The aluminium industry continues to face our self-generated hydropower, the emissions from challenging conditions in global markets and policy our Canadian smelters are 2.15 tCO2eq. per tonne uncertainty, reflected in low industry profitability. of aluminium, well below the industry average, We continue to actively work on enhancing the while our Vaudreuil alumina refinery has the competitiveness of our smelters, including lowest carbon footprint in the world today. discussing energy pricing with stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability and global competitiveness of our smelters in Australasia and in Iceland. We announced strategic reviews of our interests in the Tiwai Point smelter in New Zealand in October 2019, and in the ISAL smelter in Iceland in February 2020. The strategic reviews will determine the ongoing viability and competitive position of these operations and will consider all options, including curtailment and closure. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 47

Strategic report Copper is an essential component in the infrastructure for renewable energy. Copper and Diamonds Cu 48 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Copper and Diamonds Strategic report Strategic Overview Copper and Diamonds in figures Our copper and diamond businesses have rich expertise in underground mining processes and technology. Combined with our strong people focus, this allows 3 us to relentlessly prioritise safety and continue to be a profitable, future-ready, copper operations in the US, Mongolia and Chile sustainability-driven business. Copper Diamonds 2 copper growth projects in the US and Mongolia Global demand for copper is set to grow, driven by In diamonds, we are a global exploration, mining urbanisation, industrialisation, digital communications and sales and marketing business. As one of the and increasing use of renewable energy: copper plays world’s largest producers of rough diamonds 1 million a key role in electrification and power production. from our two mines, Argyle in Australia and tonnes of carbon emissions avoided by Diavik in Canada, we supply a full range of sizes, moving our Kennecott copper mine Our operations around the world are at various qualities and colours to established and emerging to renewable energy certificates stages in the mining lifecycle, from exploration consumer markets. to programme rehabilitation. Alongside copper, we also produce gold, silver, molybdenum and other 2 materials such as rhenium. We supply customers diamond operations in Canada and Australia in China, Japan and the US. 1st mining company to be certified Snapshots from the year by the Responsible Jewellery Council 210,000 0.29 $5.8bn 41% $1.5bn pounds of copper scrap recycled at our AIFR gross sales revenue underlying EBITDA net cash generated from Kennecott copper mine in the US (2018: 0.46) (2018: $6.5bn) margin (product operating activities group operations) (2018: $2.1bn) (2018: 47%) 7,400 employees Gross sales revenue Reducing our carbon footprint Diamonds to wildlife: life after the ���� As an essential component in electric vehicles and Argyle closure 2019 in solar, hydro and wind energy, copper is helping Our Argyle diamond mine, located in the Kimberley to build a more sustainable future. And at our region of Western Australia, is due to close at the Kennecott copper mine, in Utah, in the western US, end of 2020. To help our employees plan for their we are taking sustainability one step further. post-Argyle future, we launched a programme to help them find new opportunities at Rio Tinto or In 2019, we permanently shut the coal-fired power beyond. Some employees will remain with the mine plant supplying the mine. Together with our for closure activities like decommissioning and purchase of renewable energy certificates, this will rehabilitation. A number have already transferred to reduce Kennecott’s annual carbon footprint by as our iron ore mines in Western Australia, while others much as 65%. The mine’s electricity needs are looking for a change are preparing for a whole new now paired with 1.5 million megawatt hours of career with targeted training. 1 renewable energy certificates, supplied by Rocky $5.8bn Mountain Power, which will reduce carbon Blair, a safety support officer at Argyle, illustrates (2018: $6.5bn) emissions associated with our operation by over the success of the programme: one million tonnes. Net cash generated from operating activities “I’ve been at Argyle for over a decade now, but Sustainability is not new to Kennecott, however; we’re heading towards closure and so we need to ���� since 2005, the mine has been incorporating scrap start thinking about what our life will be like after metal, such as old copper wiring, into its smelting mining finishes. My passion outside of work is process. In 2019, we processed more than 210,000 filming wildlife. I’ve been very lucky to work in the 2019 pounds of copper from this recycled scrap metal – mining industry and be able to travel all over the roughly equivalent to the electrical wiring of 6,500 world: I’ve been to Africa a dozen times, and I’ve been new homes. to some very remote islands diving and filming sharks of all sorts. The beauty of the support I have been given is that it’s allowed me to go out and get my full commercial drone operator certificate. That means that, after Argyle closes, I’m going to be able to 1 have a real crack at filming wildlife as my career. $1.5bn It’s pretty exciting!” (2018: $2.1bn) 1 Includes the results of divested assets up to the date of sale. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 49

Strategic report Copper and Diamonds continued 2019 year end results 2019 2018 Change Mined copper production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share)1 577.4 607.6 (5)% Refined copper production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share) 259.6 274.8 (6)% Diamonds production (000 carats – Rio Tinto share) 17,030 18,427 (8)% Gross sales revenue (US$ millions) 5,815 6,468 (10)% Underlying EBITDA (US$ millions) 2,073 2,776 (25)% Underlying EBITDA margin (product group operations) 41% 47% Underlying earnings (US$ millions) 554 1,054 (47)% Net cash generated from operating activities (US$ millions)2 1,505 2,114 (29)% Capital expenditure – excluding EAUs3 (US$ millions) (1,772) (1,848) (4)% Free cash flow (US$ millions) (284) 266 (207)% Return on capital employed4 5% 9% 1 To allow production numbers to be compared on a like-for-like basis, we have excluded production from asset divestments completed in 2018 from our share of prior year production data. The financial data above, however, includes the results of divested assets up to the date of sale. 2 Net cash generated from operating activities excludes the operating cash flows of equity accounted units (Escondida) but includes dividends from the equity accounted units 3 Capital expenditure is the net cash outflow on purchases less sales of property, plant and equipment, capitalised evaluation costs and purchases less sales of other intangible assets. It excludes equity accounted units (EAUs). 4 Return on capital employed (ROCE) is defined as underlying earnings excluding net interest divided by average capital employed (operating assets before net debt). �n�erl�ing �����A 201� �� 2019 Safety partially offsetting the above impacts, resulting in ($ million) This year, we recorded overall improvement in lower overall production costs compared with 2018. safety at our Copper and Diamond operations, Our copper unit costs, at 93 cents per pound in 2018 underlying EBITDA ����� driven by an unrelenting focus on safety 2019, were 15% lower than in 2018, with higher fundamentals, including emphasis on caring and by-product credits and cost reduction programmes Price (196) visible leadership and coaching, on embedding offsetting the impact of lower copper grades. Exchange rates 43 existing safety initiatives and on using problem solving techniques and engagement with front-line We generated $1.5 billion in cash from our Energy 22 employees. 2019 was also a year free of fatalities, operating activities in 2019, 29% lower than 2018, Ination (48) permanent disabling injuries and significant driven by the 25% reduction in underlying EBITDA process safety incidents. The all injury frequency described above, as well as $0.1 billion lower Flexed 2018 underlying EBITDA ����� rate (AIFR) was 0.29, an improvement from 0.46 in dividends from our 30% equity holding in 2018. Copper & Diamonds met our critical-risk Escondida. Free cash flow of $(0.3) billion reflected 73 Volumes and mix management targets as well as our injury reduction the lower operating cash flow and a sustained level Cash costs (77) targets: the number of injuries declined to 40 in of capital investment ($1.8 billion), mainly relating 2019 (from 65 in 2018). We also saw a significant to activities at the Oyu Tolgoi underground project. Escondida power contract charge (199) reduction in contractor-related incidents as a result of an increased focus on contractor management. Review of operations Grasberg disposal (281) Mined copper production was 5% lower than 2018, Other (40) Financial performance primarily attributable to lower copper grades at all In 2019, our operational performance was affected three operations, partly offset by higher throughput 2019 underlying EBITDA ����� by lower grades at all operations, partly offset by and productivity improvements. Refined copper higher throughput and productivity improvements. production, at 6% lower, largely reflected the reduced copper concentrate availability at Our average realised copper price decreased by Escondida and our Kennecott smelter. 7% to 275 US cents per pound, which compared with an 8% decline in the LME price to 273 US cents Kennecott per pound. Mined copper production was 8% lower than 2018, mostly due to increased grade variability, with At $2.1 billion, underlying EBITDA was $0.7 billion grades on average 11% lower. This grade impact (25%) lower than 2018. This was the result of was partially offset by a 4% improvement in ore $0.2 billion in unfavourable pricing impacts, a processed since 2018. Grades will continue to be $0.2 billion non-cash charge at Escondida in 2019 lower through 2020 before increasing from the first relating to the cancellation of existing coal power quarter of 2021, with the transition from east wall to contracts to be replaced with lower cost renewable south wall mining. Refined copper production was power, $0.1 billion from lower volumes at 5% lower than 2018. This reflected the reduced Escondida, and the divestment of Grasberg, which availability of copper concentrate, a planned contributed $0.3 billion to underlying EBITDA in smelter shutdown and additional unplanned 2018. Our operating assets delivered on their maintenance impacting furnace online time. productivity and improvement programmes, 50 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Copper and Diamonds Underlying EBITDA margin Oyu Tolgoi underground project Other new projects and growth options report Strategic During the fourth quarter of 2019, we took the At Kennecott, we continue to progress stripping decision to remove two of the three mid-access activities on the $0.9 billion phase 1 south wall 41% drives at Oyu Tolgoi. We will retain one mid-access pushback project. Grades are expected to increase (2018: 47%) drive on the apex level of the mine design of Panel 0. in 2021 with the transition from east wall to south The removal of these mid-access drives has an wall mining. Mined copper production unfavourable impact on schedule; overall, the (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share) underground project remains within the range In late 2019, we announced the approval of a announced in July 2019 of a 16 to 30 month delay $1.5 billion investment in Kennecott, extending ���� ���.� in schedule and an increase of $1.2 to $1.9 billion1 operations to 2032. The investment will further ���� ���.� in development capital costs. extend strip waste rock mining and support additional infrastructure development in the ���� ���.� We continue the detailed work on mine design, second phase of the south wall pushback project, ���� ���.� which we still expect to complete in the first half of allowing mining to continue into a new area of the 2020, with a definitive estimate in the second half ore body between 2026 and 2032 and generate 2019 ����� of 2020, as previously disclosed. This will include attractive returns. the estimate of development capital costs and schedule for the underground project based on the At our Resolution Copper project in Arizona, Escondida updated design of Panel 0. deepening of the existing shaft 9 continues, as well Copper production at Escondida was 3% lower than as work on the underground characterisation study 2018. This was mainly due to grade declines, which Decisions on other key underground design to increase ore body knowledge. Permitting and were 8% lower than last year, partly offset by higher elements such as the location of the ore handling studies are progressing well, following the release throughput. system and options for panel sequencing will be of the independently prepared draft Environmental taken in the first half of 2020. These will take into Impact Statement (EIS) for the project in August Following the signing of renewable power consideration the consequential impacts on cost, 2019. A plan is in place with the US Forest Service agreements, Escondida has raised a provision schedule and other key variables such as ore to address comments received on the study to related to the cancellation of existing coal contracts. reserves, project ramp-up profile and peak maintain schedule on the final EIS in 2020. The We have recognised a charge of approximately production, together with improvements in Land Exchange title transfer will be completed $0.2 billion against 2019 underlying EBITDA, productivity. within 60 days of final EIS publication. reflecting our 30% share. Productivity improvements resulted in increased In April 2019, we approved $302 million In addition to the renewable power agreements, underground lateral development during the fourth ($166 million our share) of additional expenditure the Escondida water supply expansion project was quarter, to an average monthly rate of 1,607 for Resolution, to fund additional drilling, orebody successfully completed in December 2019 and the equivalent metres (eqm) compared with 1,214 eqm studies, infrastructure improvements and water requirements of the operation are now in the third quarter. Completion of shaft 2, a key permitting activities, as we progress the project fulfilled entirely by desalinated water production. milestone, occurred in October 2019. Construction to the final stage of the permitting phase. is progressing on shafts 3 and 4 to enable Oyu Tolgoi commencement of main sinking operations for Greenhouse gas emissions As anticipated, mined copper production from the both shafts during the first half of 2020. Copper and Diamonds decreased emissions open pit was 8% lower than 2018 as mining activity intensity by 33.3% since 2008. We discontinued the moved to lower grade areas. Grades were 11% lower Under the Power Source Framework Agreement use of a coal-fired power plant at Kennecott and are for the year, and were partly offset by productivity signed in 2018, Oyu Tolgoi continues to work with also working to reduce our environmental footprint improvements. the government of Mongolia to secure a long term at both of our diamonds operations. At Diavik, in power solution for the project. Different power Canada, our windfarm continues to reduce diesel Diamonds sourcing options are currently under evaluation usage through leading-edge cold-climate Diamond production was 8% lower than 2018. At and discussion with the government of Mongolia to technology. At Argyle, in Western Australia, the Argyle, carat production was down by 8% due to a identify the lowest cost and reliable option for Oyu hydropower scheme reduces our diesel usage for lower recovered grade – this was partially offset by Tolgoi. In February 2020, Oyu Tolgoi submitted a electricity. And as a product group, our sustainability record underground mining and processing rates. feasibility study to the government of Mongolia for strategy continues to focus on carbon and water. At Diavik, carats recovered were down by 8% due the Tavan Tolgoi Power Plant. This envisages a 300 to lower ore availability and grade from the MW coal power plant with a project cost estimate 1 As described above, and as disclosed in a Notice to the ASX/LSE on 16 July 2019, and our 2019 interim financial underground operations – this was partly offset by of around $924 million. We are also progressing results, the level of accuracy of these estimates is higher tonnes and grade from the A21 open pit. alternative options to source domestic power, preliminary in nature and subject to a range of variables. including a renewable power component. These estimates are at a confidence level associated with a Conceptual or Order of Magnitude Study; more work is needed between now and the second half of 2020 to refine the mine design options and study them to a level of confidence and accuracy associated with Feasibility Study quality estimates. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 51

Strategic report TitaniumOur titanium is used is used in a inwide a wide array variety of applications,of products people including use lightweightevery day, bicycles.including lightweight bicycles. Energy and Minerals Ti, B, Fe 52 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Energy and Minerals Strategic report Strategic Overview Energy and Minerals in figures The products from our diverse portfolio of high-quality mining, refining and marketing operations are part of people’s everyday lives and play an important 6 role in the technology and cutting edge materials of the future. mining sites The Energy and Minerals (E&M) portfolio includes and high-grade concentrate with low levels of titanium dioxide; rutile and zircon; borates; iron ore impurities. We continue our study at the Jadar 7 concentrate and pellets; and uranium. Our lithium-borate project in Serbia. We also own processing plants products are used in everything from touch screens interests in a uranium business – Energy Resources and hearing aids to high-strength steel and of Australia – and a uranium project in Canada. corrosion resistant coatings, and in industries such Operations in as aerospace, healthcare, and low-carbon energy. In 2019, we completed the sale of our entire interest in the Rössing Uranium mine in Namibia, formerly 6 As a key global supplier of borates, we meet part of E&M. countries approximately 25% of global demand – and have mining, processing, commercial and research The Rio Tinto Ventures team, also part of E&M, facilities. Our Iron and Titanium business is a major is exploring partnerships and other opportunities 8,600 global producer of high-grade titanium dioxide that will allow us to expand into metals critical employees feedstock. The Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) to a low-carbon economy, with a strong focus is a leading producer of premium iron ore pellets on battery materials. 400,000 trees planted in Madagascar Snapshots from the year Gross sales revenue ���� 0.43 $5.2bn 37% $1.4bn 2019 AIFR gross sales revenue underlying EBITDA net cash generated (2018: 0.55) (2018: $5.5bn) margin (product from operating group operations) activities (2018: 41%) (2018: $1.2bn) Pioneering a new source of lithium “Unthinkable” performance As the world moves to electric vehicles, demand improvements for lithium, for the vehicles’ rechargeable batteries, In 2019, the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) is expected to increase to 1.3 million metric tonnes successfully trialled an electric autonomous – over five times today’s levels. drilling system and continued to develop its $5.2bn (2018: $5.5bn) Integrated Operations Centre. In 2019, we announced a $10 million investment to pilot the production of commercial grade lithium In the harsh climate of northern Canada, where Net cash generated from operating activities at our Boron operations in California. The lithium, electrical storms, blizzards and temperatures 2019 discovered in nearly century-old borates tailings, below -30°C are common, autonomous drills creates additional value from existing waste rocks continue to work in all conditions, including those ���� and as such, does not need to be mined. unsafe for manned crews. One operator is able to control multiple drill rigs remotely, replacing The pilot could potentially produce 10 tonnes per on-the-ground teams operating a single rig. The year of lithium-carbonate, needed in rechargeable autonomous drill trial demonstrated a 30% batteries for electric vehicles and consumer improvement in productivity over standard rigs. electronics. In the coming year, we will consider an additional $50-million investment to build an The autonomous drilling system is one element of industrial-scale lithium plant with capacity for the mining and production process that has been 5,000 tonnes per year, or enough to make batteries brought together in IOC’s Integrated Operations for approximately 15,000 electric vehicles. Centre. The centre houses control and monitoring systems for the equipment in the five operating The discovery of lithium in borates waste is $1.4bn pits, ore delivery system, concentrator, pellet plant, (2018: $1.2bn) significant, and could one day make our current 418km rail line, and port. Housing these systems boron operation the largest domestic producer together has improved communication and of battery-grade lithium in the US. decision-making, as operators who previously worked in different locations spread over hundreds of kilometres now sit next to each other. At IOC, new technology is enabling performance improvements in ways that would have been “unthinkable” only a few years ago. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 53

Strategic report Energy and Minerals continued 2019 year end results 2019 2018 Change Iron ore pellets and concentrates production1 (million tonnes – Rio Tinto share) 10.5 9.0 18% Titanium dioxide slag production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share) 1,206 1,116 8% Borates production (000 tonnes – Rio Tinto share) 520 512 2% Uranium production (000 lbs – Rio Tinto share) 4,754 6,764 (30)% Gross sales revenue (US$ millions) 5,150 5,451 (6)% Underlying EBITDA (US$ millions) 1,762 2,140 (18)% Underlying EBITDA margin (product group operations) 37% 41% Underlying earnings (US$ millions) 611 995 (39)% Net cash generated from operating activities (US$ millions) 1,387 1,245 11% Capital expenditure (US$ millions)2 (551) (442) 25% Free cash flow (US$ millions) 817 796 3% Return on capital employed3 15% 20% 1 To reflect a change in management responsibility, Dampier Salt is now reported within Iron Ore and we have restated prior year numbers accordingly. Iron Ore Company of Canada and the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea continue to be reported within Energy & Minerals. 2 Capital expenditure is the net cash outflow on purchases less sales of property, plant and equipment, capitalised evaluation costs and purchases less sales of other intangible assets. 3 Return on capital employed (ROCE) is defined as underlying earnings excluding net interest divided by average capital employed (operating assets before net debt). �n�erl�ing �����A 201� �� 2019 Safety Financial performance ($ million) Our E&M operations made significant A recovery in volumes at both Rio Tinto Iron & improvements across all key safety metrics this Titanium and Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) 2018 underlying EBITDA 2,140 year. The all-injury frequency rate, for example, following the disruptions in 2018, along with higher was down to 0.43 (from 0.55 in 2018), the result of prices for iron ore pellets and concentrate and Price 327 increased rigour and focused implementation of titanium dioxide feedstocks, contributed to our our safety programmes across our operations, strong financial performance in 2019. Exchange rates 72 made possible by the leadership and engagement Ination (75) of our employees. While 2019 was a fatality-free Underlying EBITDA of $1.8 billion was 18% lower year, at our IOC operations, one of our employees than 2018, but was 41% higher excluding the coal Flexed 2018 underlying EBITDA 2,464 experienced a permanent disabling injury. Our assets we divested in 2018. Volumes were boosted thoughts remain with him and his family; we by an improved operational performance at our Volumes and mix 29 continue to share the analysis and resulting titanium dioxide operations, and the return to lessons learned across the Group to ensure normal operations at IOC following a two-month Cash costs (118) everyone takes all possible steps to prevent such strike in 2018. The higher price environment, in Coal disposals (893) incidents in the future. particular for iron ore pellets and concentrate and titanium dioxide feedstocks, added $0.3 billion to One-off items 281 Process safety incidents were also more than underlying EBITDA compared with 2018. halved in 2019 following our implementation of a Other (1) targeted improvement plan. We are particularly We generated net cash of $1.4 billion from our proud of the performance of QMM operations in operating activities and $0.8 billion of free cash 2019 underlying EBITDA 1,762 Madagascar, which had one recordable injury and flow, reflecting the higher volumes and stronger an all-injury frequency rate of 0.04. Four other E&M pricing environment. These were 11% and 3% sites in Havre-Saint-Pierre, Suzhou, Simandou and higher than 2018, respectively, despite there being Jadar ended the year with no recordable injuries. no contribution from the coking coal assets which we divested in 2018. In 2020, we will continue to implement the Rio Tinto safety maturity model, supported by lessons learned and best practices from 2019. The implementation of the process safety standard will also continue to be a key focus in 2020. 54 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Energy and Minerals Review of operations New projects and growth options report Strategic Energy The $463 million Zulti South construction Uranium production was 30% lower than 2018. project at RBM is on hold after a number of While Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) security incidents – we will assess a restart continued to process existing stockpiles, after normalisation of operations. production was 12% lower than 2018, reflecting lower grades. We have reported production from We are continuing our pre-feasibility study at Rössing Uranium up to the date of completion of the Jadar lithium-borate project in Serbia – this divestment to China National Uranium Corporation will establish the economic business case for Limited on 16 July 2019. the project and include environmental and socioeconomic impact assessments. In late 2019, we announced our support for ERA’s plans for a renounceable entitlement offer to raise We continue to work with our joint-venture $324 million for the rehabilitation of the Ranger partners, Chinalco and the government of Guinea, Project Area in Australia’s Northern Territory. to explore ways to optimise, develop and fund the world-class Simandou iron ore deposit and the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) trans-Guinean infrastructure needed to support Iron ore pellets and concentrate production at IOC the mine. We own 45.05%, Chinalco owns 39.95% was 18% higher than 2018, when operations were and the government of Guinea owns a 15% stake impacted by a two-month strike. in this project. Minerals Greenhouse gas emissions Titanium dioxide feedstock production was 8% Compared with 2018, E&M’s absolute GHG higher than 2018, reflecting improved operational emissions were 11% lower, driven by the sale of performance and the restart of furnaces. our uranium asset in Namibia. There was a 5% Underlying EBITDA margin improvement in E&M’s overall GHG intensity Production at the end of 2019 was affected by the compared to the 2008 baseline year. curtailment of operations at Richards Bay Minerals 37% (RBM) in South Africa. Operations were slowed in (2018: 41%) mid-November, following an escalation in violence in the communities surrounding the operations, Iron ore pellets and concentrate production and curtailed at the beginning of December. (million tonnes – Rio Tinto share) A phased restart began at the end of December. ���� ��.� All nine furnaces at Rio Tinto Fer et Titane (RTFT) ���� ��.� are in operation, with three of four furnaces in operation at RBM. We will decide to idle furnaces ���� ��.� or re-start the remaining idled furnace to match ���� �.� market demand. 2019 10�� Borates production was in line with 2018 and aligned with market conditions. Titanium dioxide slag production (thousand tonnes – Rio Tinto share) ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� 2019 1�20� Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 55

Strategic report The Bauer Cutter rig used for digging vertical trenches at FalCon, Canada. Whether exploring or building assets, we use advanced technology and Growth and Innovation some of the best minds in the business to maximise value across the lifecycle of our operations. Our success, today and in the future, will be predicated upon using cutting- edge technology as well as data and artificial intelligence to establish new and more efficient ways of finding, building, running and closing our operations. This is the mandate of our G&I group. Safety Since G&I’s inception in 2016 there have been no work related fatalities1 and our all-injury frequency rate was 0.28. We have shown safety is our number one priority by continually learning from potentially fatal incidents, focusing on controls to prevent injury and illness, continuing to automate risky manual tasks and preventing catastrophic events, particularly in relation to tailings and process safety. Industry-leading innovation As an industry, we tackle some of the greatest engineering and technical challenges on the planet, and we have a long, proud history of meeting these challenges head on. In exploration, for example, we are using advanced technology to mine data to improve our targeting, which lets us uncover resources that others may have missed – this was true of our Winu copper- gold exploration project, in Western Australia, which was announced in 2019. In studies and construction, innovation and digital design is helping strengthen safety, reduce cost, and find new ways to improve waste and water management. We are also looking at more agile ways to build new mines: starting small, building quickly and safely, and embedding optionality for growth. Technology also has an important role to play in helping us increase productivity and tackle critical industry challenges, such as tailings, energy and carbon reduction initiatives. In 2019, machine learning helped us unlock productivity improvements. For example, at our Kennecott copper mine in Utah, in the US, we used artificial intelligence to optimise the concentrator’s recovery of minerals from the varying types of ore fed into the plant. 1 Health fatality reported in 2017 was reclassified as non-work related. 56 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Growth and Innovation Exploration The underground copper project at Oyu Tolgoi, in report Strategic This year, we explored for seven commodities in Mongolia, achieved a significant milestone with the G&I in figures 17 countries and generated more opportunities completion of construction of Shaft 2, which enables than at any other time in our history. Expenditure the acceleration of work on the underground on exploration and evaluation was $624 million. development. Shaft 2, a 10-metre diameter shaft Of this, $315 million was for the exploration and sunk to approximately 1.3 kilometres, is a critical 0.28 evaluation of greenfield programmes and $309 piece of infrastructure and will enable a step AIFR million was for brownfield programmes in our change in delivering the underground mine. Shaft 2 (2018: 0.19) product groups, mostly copper. can carry 300 people per cage cycle versus a maximum of 60 people per cage cycle through We had some early success in copper exploration at Shaft 1. The 48-tonne capacity cage can now be Winu, Western Australia, and assessment and used to support logistics, transporting supplies and 2,600 interpretation of existing data is ongoing. components for development of the mine. This people shaft also has a production component, which The majority of our projects this year are in the hoists 60 tonnes of rock at about 60 kilometres per early stages of drilling. Projects at a more advanced hour. Completing Shaft 2 provides additional stage are listed in the table below. momentum as we continue to progress detailed work on the mine design, which we expect to +13,400 Projects complete in the first half of 2020, with a definitive contractors In 2019, the projects team in G&I, responsible for estimate for the development of this world-class building our mines and other operations, delivered ore-body in the second half of 2020. Other facilities a significant volume of work safely, on time and on completed in 2019 include the mine dry facility, a budget – or better. We were recognised for our new underground operations control room and the 8 work, winning multiple awards for our Amrun central heating plant expansion. Centres of Excellence – Analytics, bauxite mine in Queensland, Australia, which Asset Management, Automation, officially opened in March, two months ahead of At our Resolution Copper project in Arizona, in US, Energy and Climate Change, Ore schedule and under budget. Amrun achieved its we deepened Shaft 9 further, reaching 1,600 Body Knowledge, Processing, Surface production rate of 22.8 million tonnes in the fourth metres below ground in 2019. Working with our Mining, Underground Mining quarter of 2019, much earlier than planned. Its aluminium business at our Kitimat smelter in Chith Export Facility received the 2019 Australian British Columbia, Canada, we progressed the Exploring for Construction Achievement Award, Institute of construction of a second tunnel to safeguard our Civil Engineers Brunel Medal, and Management hydroelectric power supply. While our tunnel boring Innovation & Excellence Award for Operational machine productivity was lower than expected, 7 Improvement. Our local and Indigenous we reached 2,731 metres at the end of 2019. different commodities in 17 countries participation strategy also received the Best Company Indigenous Procurement Initiative. Introducing Group Technical This year, we introduced Group Technical as the AutoHaul™, the world’s first automated heavy-haul organisation housing G&I’s eight Centres of rail network, was handed over to our Iron Ore Excellence – Analytics, Automation, Asset $2.1bn business in April and received a 2019 Freight Rail Management, Energy and Climate Change, Ore spent on capital projects in 2019 Excellence Award. Construction of Koodaideri, our Body Knowledge, Processing, Surface Mining and intelligent mine in the Pilbara, Western Australia, Underground Mining – representing our most began in 2019: the project remains on budget and critical technical capabilities. Group Technical also In 2019, we delivered a step-change first ore is expected in late 2021. We are leading the provides an added layer of assurance in managing in the way we value data. Our construction of a new crusher and 13 kilometre our major hazard risks and supports the replication Integrated Data Platform, which conveyor at the Western Turner Syncline Phase 2 of best practices in productivity Group-wide. pools operational and external project at our Greater Tom Price iron ore operations. sources of data into a 200 terabyte We completed bulk earthworks for the Robe Valley lake, reduced operating expenses sustaining project’s wetplant area and poured the associated with data sourcing by foundation for the West Angelas Deposit C&D 70-80%. primary crusher facility, both in the Pilbara. G&I worked with our Iron Ore product Advanced stage exploration projects group to award $1.3 billion in contracts to local or Indigenous Project Commodity Country Type Stage businesses for capital projects in the Sudi Mineral Sands Tanzania Greenfield Project of Merit Pilbara, Western Australia. FalCon Diamonds Canada Greenfield Order of Magnitude Pilbara Iron ore Australia Brownfield Project of Merit Oyu Tolgoi Copper Mongolia Brownfield Project of Merit Bingham Canyon Copper US Brownfield Project of Merit Winu Copper Australia Greenfield Order of Magnitude Kalindi Copper Zambia Greenfield Project of Merit Korgantas Copper Kazakhstan Greenfield Project of Merit Janice Lake Copper Canada Greenfield Project of Merit Pribrezhniy Copper Kazakhstan Greenfield Project of Merit Project of Merit – Preliminary evaluation of orebody size, quality and potential. Order of Magnitude – Judging whether an opportunity will be economical to develop. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 57

Strategic report We ship more than 300 million tonnes of iron ore every year from our ports in Western Australia. The Commercial group puts the company’s value over volume Commercial approach into practice. Our Commercial group encompasses our global sales and marketing, procurement, and marine and logistics teams. We maximise the value of our physical flows to improve both our business and that of our customers. We link our customers and markets with our operations in a way that informs production and future investment decisions. We ensure that both the amount and the types of products that we produce meet our customers’ needs and manage the trade-off between volumes, quality, cost and capital expenditure. Safety We are committed to the safety, health and wellbeing of our employees and contractors. We face a diverse range of risks across multiple geographies in our global sales and marketing, procurement and activities. Our primary focus has been implementing Group standards and critical-risk management fatality prevention programmes across our areas of greatest exposure, primarily marine and logistics, and procurement. We have also worked closely with our suppliers and contractors to embed safety into the equipment we procure and our approach to contractor management. In 2019, we had zero fatalities and a 0.04 all-injury frequency rate. In 2020, we intend to build on this and share our focus on safety, health and wellbeing through our daily interactions with our customers and suppliers. Commercial strategy Our Commercial strategy is built around four key pillars. First, deepening our understanding of the value chain. We do this by improving the way we collect, organise and monetise information – solving our customer challenges and continuously generating value. Second, building commercial excellence. We are taking what we do today and doing it better. We aim to sell every tonne we produce to the customer that values it the most, and rigorously measure and improve our performance. Third, expanding our commercial activities into new areas. Moving from simple risk avoidance to an approach where we can better identify, quantify, and manage our risks. Fourth, optimising our end-to-end value chain. We have an integrated approach to matching our production to the changing demand patterns of the market that seeks to ensure the real-time needs of the market can inform our decision-making. 58 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Commercial Strategic report Strategic Market insight and outlook Alumina prices declined in 2019 on the back of report Strategic Global economic conditions remained uncertain increased output, weaker demand and lower Commercial in figures throughout 2019 due to escalated trade tensions caustic soda prices. and heightened geopolitical instability. Global GDP growth is estimated to have slowed to 2.6% vs 3.2% China continued to drive strong growth in seaborne in 2018. China’s GDP growth was approximately bauxite demand in 2019, primarily as a result of 0.04 6.1% in 2019 vs 6.6% in 2018. And this gradual the depletion of domestic, inland bauxite reserves AIFR deceleration is expected to continue despite the and declining quality. To date, this demand has (2018: 0.18) near-term challenges and volatility created by the primarily been met by exports from Australia, advent of Covid-19. In the longer term, the trend of Guinea and Indonesia. income growth in emerging markets, including those in ASEAN countries and India, will continue Copper and Diamonds 1,300 to drive global commodity demand. In China, A number of factors reduced the price of copper employees strong commodity demand will be increasingly in the second half of 2019, primarily changing driven by a large and evolving manufacturing macroeconomic growth expectations and volatility sector, the need to modernise commercial and in equity markets. Longer term demand is expected Singapore residential buildings, and the evolving trends of to remain robust as a result of urbanisation, electrification in a low carbon world. industrialisation and electrification in China and Commercial emerging economies. Iron Ore Hub Despite overall weakness in global macro conditions, Mined supply contracted 1% in 2019 amid with satellite offices in Chicago demand for the quality iron ores we produce enhanced supply-side risks. Disruptions in Latin and Frankfurt and offices in remained strong in 2019. This was mainly driven by America and the African copper belt accounted for China, Japan and South Korea a combination of seaborne supply disruptions and over 75% of global disruptions in 2019 as these record Chinese steel output, which drove prices for regions faced environmental, social and Approximately the benchmark 62% iron ore on a free on board governance challenges and regulatory disruptions (FOB) basis up 39% in 2019 from the average 2018 respectively. These, and other challenges, are price. Approximately 90% of our Pilbara products expected to persist in the coming years. 2,000 are priced with reference to the 62% index. customers across 96 countries Weak diamond jewellery sales during late 2018 Global steel production increased by about 1.3% and early 2019 resulted in weak orders by retailers in 2019 compared to 2018. Record Chinese steel in 2019. production of around 970 million tonnes (MT), >230 more than offset lower steel output outside of Energy and Minerals contracted ships managed at any China. Among other major steel-producing regions, Underlying titanium dioxide pigment demand one time India, the world’s second largest steel producer, weakened in 2019 resulting in lower sales volumes experienced a 2% growth in steel production. of paint. Against this, pricing of titanium dioxide Meanwhile, Japan’s output was down 3.7%, due to feedstock strengthened due to structural operational issues, natural disasters and other shortages of rutile supply. In 2020, we anticipate 37,000 weather-related disruptions. a continuation of the demand trends of 2019 suppliers managed in more cushioned by feedstock supply shortages. than 120 locations 2019 seaborne iron ore supply decreased 30MT compared to 2018, with the cumulative impact of Medium to long-term demand for borates is tied lower shipments following the Brumadinho dam to increases in wealth and living standards and failure and significant weather-related disruptions associated requirements for the agricultural sector. in the first quarter affecting Pilbara suppliers. In 2019, stronger demand in China was offset by China’s domestic supply growth helped meet the weaker demand elsewhere, while trade restrictions supply shortfall in 2019, after overcoming improved and tariffs in India and China impacted the market, environmental and safety standards, and financing a situation we expect to moderately improve availability. Scrap use in China increased in 2019, in 2020. and we expect moderate growth to continue, albeit limited by availability, and the economics of Seaborne iron ore pellet demand stayed robust in collection and use. the beginning of 2019 due to tight fundamentals and supply disruptions. In the second half of 2019, Aluminium reduced mill profitability, lower scrap prices outside The market for primary aluminium contracted by China, and deterioration of developed market steel 1% in 2019 due to lower car production, durables demand saw pellet prices fall. However, we expect output, and soft demand from construction. a recovery through 2020. Chinese output growth continued to weaken in 2019, with capacity reductions of around 3.6MT due to lower prices and disruptions. In addition, there were 0.5MT of environmental winter curtailments. China permanently curtailed around 2MT of capacity in 2019. We expect aluminium demand to improve in 2020, as the transport sector recovers, but political and recessionary risks remain. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 59

Strategic report Sustainability Our values, experience We must care for our employees, respect and care Our portfolio is also an important part of our for the environment when we explore, build and sustainability strategy. In 2018, we became the only and history tell us we must operate, and repurpose or rehabilitate the land major player in our industry to have a portfolio free work in a way that delivers when our operations come to an end. We must of fossil fuel production. Today, our portfolio contribute our fair share to local and national comprises commodities with solid long-term real, lasting benefits. economies, including through the payment of taxes fundamentals, including those critical for the and royalties. transition to a low-carbon economy. We therefore apply high standards to the sustainability issues that are material to our business, our employees, the communities that host us and the customers that buy and use our products. Our goal is to achieve consistent, high-quality social and environmental performance In 2018, we became the across all of our operations and to increase our stakeholders’ knowledge of how we work through only major player in our meaningful disclosures and transparency. We have also made an effort to better understand, engage industry to have a and partner with our key stakeholders to create sustained, mutual value. We support the 2030 portfolio free of fossil development agenda and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. fuel production. Our approach to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) We continue to examine our approach to the UN SDGs in line with our integrated sustainability strategy. 60 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Sustainability Strategic report Strategic Integrated sustainability strategy Our strategy is expressed in three pillars. Running a safe, responsible Collaborating to enable long- Pioneering materials and profitable business term benefits where we operate for human progress Running a safe, responsible and profitable Building on the first pillar, the second focuses The third pillar encompasses activity that business is the foundation of our approach, on the success of our communities and our contributes to a sustainable, low-carbon future, because safety and profitability allow us not contribution to governments and partners, including the materials we produce and the only to manage risks, but also to invest in the including Indigenous groups. innovations we bring to market. future of our company and our communities – and in partnership with others, pioneer new Agreement-making has always characterised our The materials we produce help support economic ways to have a lasting positive impact. This pillar intent to partner for the long term, while respecting growth and facilitate social development because also includes the responsible, transparent and rights, and it still lies at the heart of our community they are used to build bridges, hospitals, schools reliable management of our operational impacts. engagement. For example, this year we signed a and are used in environmentally friendly solutions, historic agreement in Quebec with the Innu such as wind turbines and electric vehicles. Safety is our top priority. The health and safety of community of Ekuanitshit to generate economic our workers and contractors is fundamental to the development opportunities associated with our For more information about how our materials will way we work. In 2019, we delivered positive safety operation in Havre-St-Pierre. support the transition to a low-carbon economy performance across the business, and had no and our approach to climate change, please see our fatalities. Our performance on safety can still We also began revising our approach to climate change report, developed in line with the improve; we must continually work to improve communities and development this year, in Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures, on safety across the Group. But we recognise the alignment with the UN Sustainable Development riotinto.com. achievements made by thousands of our Goals and with global technological, economic and employees this year. Safety extends beyond social changes in mind. For example, we are looking Innovation extends to other parts of our aluminium personal safety, so we also have robust standards, at more holistic ways to contribute, including by business. We also continued to look for ways to processes and tools embedded across our business improving our partnerships with the development manage waste. In September, Queensland Alumina to protect the environment and ensure respect for arms of national, state and provincial governments, Limited (QAL) – an independently managed joint the communities in which we operate. as well as international institutions such as the venture between Rio Tinto and Rusal – along with World Bank Group. the University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute, received an award for research Other activities that help us meet our obligations We are also investing in skills training for the future into technologies that could turn red mud – a waste also sit in this first pillar: our commitment to our of work. For example, we have partnered with the product created during alumina refining – into soil employees’ rights and wellbeing, the ethics and government of Western Australia and South able to grow plants. integrity of our business and supply chain, and Metropolitan TAFE (Technical and Further respect for the environment. Transparency Education) to develop three nationally recognised The closure of our operations is also critical to underpins all of our efforts, including through our qualifications in automation. the sustainable future of our communities. Today, support of global initiatives like the Extractive we plan the design and construction of our operations Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). We also recognise that our business is, in many with closure in mind. We progressively rehabilitate of the 36 countries in which we work, a major the land as we mine in places like Richards Bay source of jobs and opportunity – and we take this Minerals, our operations in KwaZulu-Natal, responsibility seriously. However, the employment South Africa, and our bauxite mines in Queensland, opportunities we create go far beyond our own Australia. The Diavik diamond mine, in the business. For example, in 2019, we spent Northwest Territories, Canada, was designed with $17.2 billion with suppliers around the world. closure in mind: the buildings on site can be removed and, when mining ends, the embankments will be reclaimed and the open pits will be filled with lake water. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 61

Strategic report Sustainability continued 2019 performance against targets Goals Performance To reach zero fatalities, and to eliminate workplace injuries and Zero fatalities at managed operations catastrophic events –– All injury frequency rate (AIFR) at 0.42 (target: 0.38), reduced 5% from 2018 (0.44) –– 1.42 million CRM verifications All businesses will identify at least one critical health hazard material Reduction: 64.6% (38.5% airborne and to their business and will demonstrate a year on year reduction of exposure to that hazard 26.1% noise) –– Participation: 11 sites (167 exposed employees and contractors) 24% reduction in total greenhouse gas emissions intensity between 29.4% decrease in greenhouse gas 2008 and 2020 emissions intensity since 2008 To reduce the rate of new occupational illnesses each year –– 34% decrease in the rate of new occupational illnesses since 2018 To disclose for all managed operations by 2023, their permitted surface –– Target statements defined and approved by our Sustainability water allocation volumes, their annual allocation usage and the estimated Committee, a sub-committee of our Board. Assurance milestone surface water allocation catchment runoff from average annual rainfall schedules have been developed for the water target period (2019 – 23) and performance against these milestones will be tracked and assured To achieve local water stewardship targets for selected sites by 2023 annually. To demonstrate local economic benefits from employment and 90% of assets are on track to achieve procurement of goods and services by reporting yearly against a locally defined target their 2020 significant complaints target To be effectively capturing and managing community complaints and –– 70% of assets are on track to achieve their 2020 local employment target reducing repeat and significant complaints each year –– 84% of assets are on track to achieve their 2020 local procurement target –– 80% of assets are on track to achieve their 2020 repeat complaints target Note: ‘On track’ means 75% or greater progress towards 2020 targets To improve diversity in our business by: 25% of our Executive Committee were –– Increasing women in senior management1 by 2% each year –– Aiming for 50% women in our graduate intake, with 30% from places women, consistent with 2018 where we are developing new businesses –– 22.6% of senior management1 were women, consistent with 2018 –– 18.4% of our workforce were women, up 0.7% from 2018 –– 54% of our graduate intake were women, 4% above target and up 18% from 2018 –– 11.1% of Board roles were held by women. With the new non-executive director appointments announced in February 2020, this percentage has increased to 33% –– 19% of our graduate intake were from places where we are developing new businesses2 Improving our employee engagement and satisfaction 12-point increase in our employee net promoter score (eNPS³) –– 3-point increase in employee satisfaction score (eSAT4) –– 4-point increase in our recommend score –– 37% of Yammer members engage on a monthly basis, on average 1 We define senior management as general managers, Group advisers and chief advisers as well as employees in leadership roles who report directly to Executive Committee members. 2 Identifying with a nationality is not mandatory. Over 48% of our graduates have not formally reported a nationality. 3 eNPS is a measure of “how likely an employee is to recommend Rio Tinto to a friend or colleague”. It is calculated by subtracting the proportion rating 0-6 from the proportion rating 9 and 10 (on a 0-10 scale). 4 eSat is a measure of “how happy an employee is to work at Rio Tinto”. It is calculated by averaging the responses on the 1-7 scale and expressing this out of 100. 62 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Sustainability Strategic report Strategic Our reporting Safety The assessments gave us valuable insight into the Nothing is more important than the safety and effectiveness of key safety management controls. While we have made progress wellbeing of our employees, contractors and We are committed to zero fatalities and a zero harm across various sustainability areas communities. Safety is also one of our core values, work environment, and have maintained our focus – from water to climate change, and part of who we are and the way we work, every on CRM to verify that critical controls are in place. communities to transparency – shift, every day. We also continue to report, investigate and learn from our potential fatal incidents (PFIs). These stakeholders tell us they are Today, we believe all incidents and work-related processes also form part of our SMM model. most interested in hearing about health risks are preventable, so we concentrate on As part of SMM implementation and focus on certain themes: identifying, understanding, managing and, where leadership, in 2019 we also introduced the possible, eliminating these. In 2019, we had no cascaded coaching framework to build safety fatalities. Still, we know we must do better. leadership capability across leadership. This –– Safety replicates the programme from Boyne Smelters, –– Tailings Over the past ten years, both the severity of injuries Australia, which has been a leader in safety for –– Climate change and our all injury frequency rate have fallen many years due to strong safety capability among –– Communities significantly (from 0.81 in 2009 to 0.42 in 2019). its leadership. –– Water We closely monitor leading indicators of injuries, Managing major hazards incidents, occupational illnesses and fatalities. Running a safe, responsible and profitable business These themes are addressed in the In 2019, we continued to focus on eliminating requires us to manage major hazard risks and do pages that follow. Progress against fatalities from our potential fatal incidents (PFIs) everything we can to prevent catastrophic events, and our critical risk management (CRM) programme. including those involving tailings and water storage our targets is set out on pages 63 facilities, chemicals, underground mining and to 67. Rio Tinto is required to disclose mine safety process safety. We identify major hazard risks (low violations or other regulatory matters in probability, high consequence events) and manage 2019 also saw us progress in other accordance with Sections 1503(a) of the Dodd-Frank them by verifying controls, conducting external Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protections Act. reviews and requiring compliance with standards important areas, many of which They are included in the Exhibit 16.1 to this filing. and procedures – such as our tailings and water are integral to our business as well storage facilities’ management standard. Standards as the way we work. For more Eliminating fatalities and procedures provide a consistent approach that information on these topics, please In an effort to move further towards leading is then implemented across our managed operations indicators, we expanded critical risk management around the world. We audit every operation against see pages 68 to 70. to include the safety maturity model (SMM), also our standards, and require our businesses to meet adding it to the Group’s 2019 short-term incentive their health and safety performance requirements plan. SMM is a tool that captures the key elements and targets. We remain committed to the reduction of our safety management system, including CRM, of our process safety risks and continue to run our and builds a roadmap that describes a fully mature Occupied Buildings Programme, which will safety culture. Our model was introduced in 2019 eliminate, or mitigate, the total process safety and each site was assessed using the tool and given exposure to our people occupying buildings. a baseline score, which averaged 3.4 across the Group, using a 9-point scale. Group performance Using data to improve health and safety measures were then set at 3.4 for threshold, 4.4 for By looking for trends in data, we can help keep our target, and 5.7 for outstanding. At the end of the employees and contractors safe. We track health year the sites were reassessed by our internal and safety performance to identify patterns – for auditors and an operations line leader. All sites example, using additional controls to prevent involved showed strong improvement, and across incidents at times of the day when they are more the Group, the average score advanced from the likely. We have started to look beyond traditional baseline of 3.4 to the end of year 4.5, demonstrating health and safety metrics – bringing factors like SMM helped each site strengthen its focus on weather and workers’ accommodation into the zero proactive actions to improve safety. picture – to identify the leading indicators of injuries, incidents, occupational illnesses and fatalities The SMM was well received across our business fatalities. We are factoring our learnings into both as a roadmap to improve safety performance revised health and safety practices in key parts and as a way to increase employee engagement. of our business. 48% Safety and health performance1 2015-19 reduction in all injury 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Fatalities at managed operations 0 3 1 1 4 frequency All injury frequency rate (per 200,000 hours worked) 0.42 0.44 0.42 0.44 0.44 rate over ten years Number of lost-time injuries 230 2282 199 206 220 Lost time injury frequency rate (per 200,000 hours worked) 0.27 0.27 0.25 0.26 0.25 New cases of occupational illness (per 10,000 employees) 20 302 25 47 32 Number of employees3 46,000 47,500 47,000 51,000 55,000 1 Data relating to fatalities, all-injury frequency rate and lost-time injury frequency rate includes all employee and contractor exposure hours and incidents. New cases of occupational illness are reported for employees only. 2 Numbers adjusted from previous years to ensure comparability over time. 3 Includes our share of joint ventures and associates (rounded to the nearest thousand). Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 63

Strategic report Sustainability continued Tailings Tailings management has been listed on our 95 We manage tailings storage facilities (TSFs) at Group-level risk register since 2010. Since 25 sites around the world, with a further five establishing our Group safety standard for tailings active tailings non-managed operational sites and 12 closed and in 2015 and working with the ICMM storage facilities (TSF) legacy sites. Most of these sites have multiple committee in 2016, we have: storage facilities, so we have a total of 95 active TSFs, with 40 more facilities that are closed or –– Established the Surface Mining Centre of Member of the under rehabilitation. We aim to protect the health Excellence Tailings team to pool and provide and safety of people who live and work near our technical expertise, own the technical content International Council of TSFs as well as safeguard the surrounding of the Group tailings safety standard and act as environment, including water. a second line of assurance, conducting Mining & Metals (ICMM) technical risk reviews of our facilities. tailings working group Of these 95 active TSFs, 22 had the last raise as –– Introduced seven training modules that include upstream construction. And of these 22 facilities, leading practices for safe tailings management since 2016. 15 are managed by our joint-venture partners and as regular training for our tailings facility seven by Rio Tinto. We also operate a number of operators. large water storage facilities. Our website lists –– Implemented internal and independent tailings and water storage facilities reflecting any third-party reviews of all designs and major operational and ownership changes. Our facilities studies for operational tailings facilities. Our have been regulated, permitted and managed for Surface Mining Centre of Excellence completed many years; and they comply with local laws, technical risk reviews at each of our managed regulations, permits, licences and other and non-managed tailings facilities (with the requirements. In 2015, we introduced a Group exception of Mineração Rio do Norte, which will safety standard for all tailings and water storage be completed in the first quarter of 2020). The facilities. Our assurance processes verify that our reviews found that while our tailings facilities managed facilities around the world operate in are well managed, we still have an opportunity accordance with this standard. to improve. We are currently working on implementing improvement plans. For our non-managed operational sites with –– Developed a Group procedure to more tailings facilities, we actively participate in technical consistently implement the safety standard, committees in an advisory capacity with our and updated the procedure and the safety joint-venture partners. Each of the technical standard to reflect learnings from our tailings committees has a Tailings Steering Committee, review. or equivalent, to support the effective management –– Supported the ICMM as a co-convener of the of tailings. independent Global Tailings Review, alongside the UN Environment Programme and the There have been no external wall failures at our Principles for Responsible Investment, and TSFs operations for more than 20 years. We are provided feedback on drafts of the proposed dedicated to continuous improvement in tailings standard. management and seek to enhance our governance –– Joined the Minerals Council of Australia Tailings systems and processes while lifting our operational Working Group. capability and practices. –– Participated in the preparation of the International Commission on Large Dams In 2016, we joined the International Council on Tailings Dam Design – Technology Update Mining & Metals (ICMM) tailings working group, (ICOLD bulletin), and in the Australian National which develops tailings management guidance for Committee on Large Dams – Guidelines on member companies. Our work helped inform its Tailings Dams: Planning, Design, Operation 2016 position statement, identifying the six and Closure Revision 1. elements of TSF governance. Our own Group-wide safety standard is consistent with these six key elements: 1. Accountability, responsibility and competency 2. Planning and resourcing 3. Risk management 4. Change management 5. Emergency preparedness and response 6. Review and assurance 64 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Sustainability Our ambition Climate change to enhance the climate resilience of our business. report Strategic Climate risks and opportunities have formed part For example, in early 2020, we announced a $98 of our strategic thinking and investment decisions million (A$144 million) investment to build a 34MW zero for over two decades. We now have a portfolio well solar plant at our new Koodaideri iron ore mine in net emissions by 2050 positioned for the transition to a low-carbon the Pilbara, alongside a lithium-ion battery energy economy, and we are the only major diversified storage system. The plant and battery will limit our company in the industry not involved in fossil fuel annual carbon dioxide emissions by approximately Our targets extraction. While we are uniquely positioned, like 90,000 tonnes (compared to conventional many other businesses, we still face significant gas-powered generation). challenges in meeting our climate change ambition 15% and delivering tangible outcomes. We support the use of market mechanisms and the reduction in absolute emissions by 2030 establishment of stable regulatory frameworks that In addition, each of the commodities we produce support investment in low-carbon technology. has a role to play in the transition to a low-carbon Effective climate policies must prevent “carbon economy – aluminium for electric vehicles, copper leakage” by avoiding the negative unintended for wind turbines, iron ore for critical infrastructure, consequence of transferring industrial production 30% and minerals for rechargeable batteries, including to countries with weaker regulations. reduction in emissions intensity by 2030 lithium. We also test our portfolio against a range of This year, we have set a new ambition to reach net scenarios mapping the policy and technology underpinned by zero emissions by 2050. While there is no doubt pathways necessary to limit global temperature we will face many challenges in achieving this rises. Our analysis indicates that the diversity of our ambition, and we do not yet have a clear pathway portfolio enhances our resilience, including in a $1bn to get there, we will focus on reducing emissions scenario in which the global average temperature spend on climate-related projects over across our operations, partner with others to increase is below 2°C; consistent with the goals of develop new technology solutions and look for the Paris Agreement. the next five years ways to improve the quality of our products. Climate change will only be successfully addressed In 2019, we looked at our operations in detail to through collective action by governments, identify emission reduction opportunities and business and consumers around the world. We are develop marginal abatement cost curves. This working on innovative partnerships to stimulate comprehensive work informed our 2030 targets action with customers and other partners across for our managed and non-managed operations: our value chain. In September, we signed a to reduce our emissions intensity by 30% and Memorandum of Understanding with China’s absolute emissions by 15% compared to our 2018 largest steel producer, China Baowu Steel Group, baseline (equity basis). And our overall growth and Tsinghua University, one of China’s most between now and 2030 will be carbon neutral. prestigious and influential universities, to develop and implement new methods to reduce carbon This will be underpinned by approximately emissions and improve environmental $1 billion spend over five years on climate-related performance across the steel value chain. projects, research and development, and activities Greenhouse gas and energy performance 2015-2019 Task Force on Climate-related 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Financial Disclosures Greenhouse gas emissions intensity We have provided disclosures in line (indexed relative to 2008) 70.6 71.61 72.9 74.4 79.7 with this framework in our climate Total energy use (petajoules) 407 4251 440 458 433 change report, which can be found on riotinto.com. 1 Numbers adjusted from previous years to ensure comparability over time. Commentary Sources of greenhouse gas emissions Net purchases electricity and steam 35.2%; fuel 36.4%; anodes and reductants 24.8%; process gases 3.0%; net land management 0.6% Primary sources of energy used1 Coal 32.2%; hydro 31.1%; natural gas 19.6%; diesel 12.6%; nuclear 0.5%; fuel oil 2.4%; other renewable 1.6%; other 0.0% Sources of electricity used1 Hydro 72%; coal 14.8%; natural gas 8.1%; diesel 0.9%; other 4.2% 1 Due to rounding, the sum may not total 100%. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 65

Strategic report Sustainability continued * Communities important stakeholders. In 2019, we supported the $36m We plan our business for the long term and aim to play Uluru Statement from the Heart, which seeks to a positive role in society, as well as in the communities enshrine an Indigenous voice in the Australian in community in which we operate, where many of our employees and Constitution. We won the ‘Best Company investment their families live. We engage communities in ways that Indigenous Procurement Initiative Award’ at the are inclusive, respecting dignity, rights, culture and Queensland Resources Council Indigenous Awards way of life. We aim to maximise social and economic in recognition of our work at our Amrun bauxite development and minimise potential issues, such as mine. When we work with land-connected groups, $5.5 billion noise and dust. Our vision is to strengthen communities we want to understand their physical, spiritual and so they can sustain and drive their own progress. cultural connection with the local environment. spent with Western As such, we seek their active engagement in Australian businesses – As we continue to automate our operations, monitoring and managing cultural heritage including Pilbara we have scaled up our investment in education impacts. For example, at our Cape Lambert Indigenous-owned businesses partnerships that help develop skills for the future. This operation in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, year, for example, we announced a A$10 million, our turtle monitoring programme, a partnership four-year partnership focusing on skills for the digital with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation future with leaders in Australia’s education and and Attractions, has been expanded to become a innovation sectors, including leading start-up collaboration between operational teams, local accelerator BlueChilli and Amazon Web Services. communities, regulators and the Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation. This proactive We also recognise that we have a role to play management was acknowledged with an promoting and supporting regional economic Excellence in Environmental Management award development. This requires dialogue and at the 2019 Australian Mining Prospect Awards. coordination with other stakeholders, including governments, international organisations, civil Our impact on communities extends beyond our society, communities and other businesses. In operational sites. For example, we work with Madagascar, for example, our QMM team funds suppliers in more than 120 locations, supporting business skills training to support local agricultural the employment of many thousands of people. cooperatives. In Quebec, Canada, we support local In 2019, we spent $17.2 billion with these suppliers; projects and businesses, including the creation of in Mongolia we spent more than $366 million with the “Centre en entrepreneuriat multi-ressources”. local suppliers. In Western Australia, we awarded Established in 2019, the centre supports our 400th scope of work through our local entrepreneurs in the natural resources sector, procurement portal in 2019, and spent A$5.5bn helping them to run more efficient, sustainable and with over 1,900 Western Australian businesses – profitable businesses. We are also looking at ways including Pilbara Indigenous-owned businesses. to deploy financial tools, including social impact Our direct economic contribution is the total value investments, and to amplify the impact of our own of operating costs, employee wages and benefits, community investments. In 2019, we were pleased payments to providers of capital, payments to to make more than $36 million of community government by country, development investments in health, education, local business contributions, payments to landowners and development, vocational skills training, community investments during the year. In 2019, environment, culture, community infrastructure it was $45.1 billion. and services. We consider Indigenous people to be Direct economic contribution 2015-19 (US$ million) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Value add1 27,841 30,504 27,734 20,065 18,888 Payments to suppliers2 17,245 17,2313 16,4713 15,8123 17,968 3 Community contributions* * 192 176 168 187 *Note: In 2019, we adopted new definitions and data collection processes for reporting discretionary community investments, non-discretionary development contributions, management costs and payments to landowners to align with GRI Reporting Standards. As a result of these changes, 2019 data is not comparable with previous years. 1. Sum of payment to employees, governments and returns on capital invested in operations. 2. Includes our share of joint ventures and associates. 3. Numbers restated from those originally published to ensure comparability over time. 2019 Community investment1 36.4 Development contributions2 13.0 Payment to landowners3 147.3 1. Community investments are voluntary financial commitments, including in-kind donations of assets and employee time, made by Rio Tinto to third parties to address identified community needs or social risks. 2. Development contributions are defined as non-discretionary financial commitments, including in-kind donations of assets and employee time, made by Rio Tinto to a third party to deliver social, economic and/or environmental benefits for a community, which Rio Tinto is mandated to make under a legally binding agreement, by a regulatory authority or otherwise by law. 3. Payment to landowners are non-discretionary compensation payments made by Rio Tinto to third parties under land access, mine development, native title, impact benefit and other legally binding compensation agreements. 66 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Sustainability By 2023, we will Water Our new water targets report Strategic In some regions we work in environments where Water targets remain at the heart of our integrated disclose: water is scarce, like the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, water management approach. To be more transparent and others where rainfall can vary greatly from year about our water usage and our water risk profile, to year, such as Weipa in Queensland, Australia. management and challenges, our new water - permitted surface Many of our sites are also experiencing changes in targets consist of one Group target and six rainfall and water availability due to climate change. site-based targets. These will help us improve the water allocation datasets we need to drive good water stewardship; Whatever the context, we see ourselves as water they will also improve our performance over the volumes stewards. We take this commitment seriously, as next five years through a programme of risk water is essential not just for human life, health, awareness and response. and the environment, but for economic prosperity. - annual allocation Our processing plants, refineries, smelters and mines Our Group target use water to process ore, manage dust and promote By 2023, we will disclose for all managed usage rehabilitation. In some instances, water is used to operations: produce hydroelectricity to power our operations. - estimated catchment In places like Tom Price, one of our Pilbara iron ore –– Permitted surface water allocation volumes mines, we also supply drinking water to the –– Annual allocation usage runoff from average surrounding communities. –– Estimated catchment runoff from average annual rainfall rainfall We aim to balance our operational water needs with those of local communities, Traditional Owners and Our site-based targets, which were developed ecosystems. We avoid degrading water resources in line with our ICMM commitments, will help us like lakes, streams and groundwater aquifers, and to focus on the right issues using appropriate to control the quality and quantity of the water we resources at operational sites where water is a use and return to the environment. We also try to recognised risk. use water as efficiently as possible in the design and operation of our sites. At Oyu Tolgoi, in Mongolia, we will maintain our average water use efficiency at 550L/tonne of ore To this end, we now consider water risk against the at the concentrator. We are focused on optimising following four themes: water resource, quantity and the use of the scarce water resources and taking a quality, dewatering and long-term obligations. This stewardship approach to ensure the long-term framework allows us to identify, assess, manage future of the mine, the environment and the and communicate water risk both internally and to livelihoods of local herders. the communities where we operate. QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) operations We support the new ICMM position statement on present a significant risk from a water and broader water stewardship and, from 2020, will report our environmental perspective due to their location, practices against the commitments outlined in the the nature of the surrounding environment and the statement: mining process. So we have committed to reviewing our current practices and infrastructure to develop –– To apply strong and transparent water governance and implement an improved site water –– To manage water at operations effectively management approach by 2023. –– To collaborate to achieve responsible and sustainable water use Fresh water used 2015-19 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Fresh water used (billion litres) 448 401 465 467 460 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 67

Strategic report Sustainability continued 2019 also saw us Biodiversity and ecosystems With this in mind, in 2019, we intensified both our In 2017, we announced a new approach to ensure closure planning and the resources dedicated to it. progress in other we are able to mitigate specific material risks and For example, today, we have a dedicated team impacts at each of our managed sites. To do this, conducting closure studies as well as a team important areas, many our sites aim to first avoid, then minimise and supporting closure planning at our assets. We also restore impacts, implementing offsets if impacts developed a closure readiness framework this year, of which are integral to remain significant. This is a positive and practical which helps sites nearing closure transition evolution of our approach, based on 15 years of effectively, ensuring that all risks are well our business as well as operational experience and engagement with managed and opportunities realised where possible. external stakeholders, including UN Environment We continue to engage stakeholders of our sites the way we work. Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre nearing closure – governments, Traditional Owners, (UNEP-WCMC), BirdLife International, the employees and local communities, for example – to International Union for Conservation of Nature, keep them apprised of progress and planning, which Fauna & Flora International, The Biodiversity helps them plan their futures. Such engagement Consultancy, Hardner & Gullison and others. also helps us transfer the land in a way that optimises its use after mining comes to an end. This year, we began auditing the new standard covering biodiversity protection and natural As we consider the growing importance of closure resource management across our operations. Our to our business, we remain focused on first step was to work with experts from the understanding, planning and optimising for any (UNEP-WCMC) to assess and rank the biodiversity long-term management obligations, such as water sensitivity of the footprint of each operation using treatment, and repurposing and/or remediating the the best available global information and data. This land. Over the last year, as we continued our baseline analysis, along with our internal assurance planning and studies, the associated costs, risks framework, will help us implement robust and opportunities related to closure became biodiversity management programmes. It also clearer; at the end of 2019, closure provisions on encourages our sites to find more ways to work with our balance sheet totalled $11.1 billion (compared host communities and conservation organisations with $10 billion in 2018). to ensure long-term stewardship of the lands and waters where we operate. In Queensland, Australia, Ethics and integrity for example, we work with the Australian Wildlife Integrity is one of our five core values. We have clear Conservancy, the University of Queensland and the standards around competition, data privacy, bribery Queensland Department of Environment & Science and corruption, conflicts of interest, benefits, to help protect Australia’s rarest bird of prey – the sponsorships and donations and fraud. Our code of red goshawk. Working with these partners, we have conduct, The way we work, provides clear guidance refined our tracking and trapping techniques to on how we should conduct our business, no matter gain invaluable information which will contribute to where we work or where we are from. We reinforce conserving this threatened species nationally. these standards with ongoing training, reviews and – where necessary – disciplinary action. We progressively rehabilitate our operations. In 2019, our total land holding was 153,287 square Activities during the year in this area included: kilometres (sq km), of which 3,622 sq km has been –– Focusing resources in areas such as enhanced disturbed (2.4%). In 2019, we rehabilitated business integrity risk assessments and 490 sq km. increased on-site compliance reviews to better support our core assets and business activities Closure –– Reaching more than 4,400 people in 15 We operate with closure in mind, incorporating it countries with face-to-face training on how to into the design of every asset and new project. All spot and manage business integrity dilemmas of our existing operations have a closure plan and –– Reviewing 805 incidents reported either align with our asset closure framework, ensuring through Talk to Peggy, our confidential, closure is considered throughout the lifecycle of independently operated whistleblowing the asset. programme, compliance managers or team leaders, up roughly 19% on last year. 34% of We will be transitioning a number of assets into reported incidents were substantiated. closure over the next five years, including our Argyle diamond mine in Western Australia, which is set to close in late 2020, as well as the Ranger uranium mine, in the Northern Territory, Australia, set to close in 2021. 68 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Sustainability Political integrity Human rights community members on a variety of human report Strategic As a company, we do not favour any political party, We respect all internationally recognised human rights issues including security, land access, an group or individual, or involve ourselves in party rights, prioritising action around salient issues open civic space and labour rights including political matters. Nor do we make any payments to where our operations or business relationships modern slavery. This included roundtables with political parties or candidates. could have the most severe impact on people. global civil society organisations These issues include security, land access and –– Publishing our second annual report on We do not offer, pay or accept bribes, no matter resettlement, indigenous people’s rights, implementation of the VPSHR, also available on where we operate, what the situation is, and who is environmental issues (such as access to water), voluntaryprinciples.org, and our third involved. Nor do we allow our agents or labour rights and in-migration (such as access to modern slavery statement intermediaries to do so. We also have strict health services). We have human rights due –– Implementing a modern slavery clause in our guidelines on giving and receiving benefits. diligence processes in place to identify, prevent and global standard contract for suppliers mitigate the adverse effects of our own operations –– Continuing to screen suppliers for human We engage on public policy on issues that affect or and business relationships. This is a core rights-related risks including modern slavery, could affect our business, including by contributing consideration in our social risk analysis and impact and taking action where necessary relevant information and sharing experiences that assessment processes and is embedded in our –– Actively participating in certification schemes help create robust public policy. Our Business human rights policy. (such as the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative) Integrity Standard includes strict guidelines for and other voluntary initiatives to validate dealing with government officials and politicians, Engaging our stakeholders and getting feedback, company performance on human rights including whether they can be appointed to including complaints, is a vital part of our approach to company positions or engaged as consultants. respecting human rights. It helps us to provide People effective remedies where we identify that we have Employee engagement We join industry associations where membership caused or contributed to harm. It also helps us to We aim to create a workplace that is supportive, provides value to our business, investors and other improve the way we run our operations, and is a inclusive, empowering and engaging. This year, our stakeholders. We publish the principles that guide crucial part of our understanding of systemic Chief Executive visited 17 sites, engaged in small our participation in industry associations, and the issues. All of our sites are required to have in place group discussions at more than 20 locations and way we engage them, as well as a list of the top five a complaints, disputes and grievance mechanism, held more than 30 town halls. He also regularly has industry association memberships by fees paid. We in line with the Criteria of Effectiveness for conversations with employees around the world on also track and disclose how we engage on climate Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms outlined in the our internal Yammer platform, which more than policy issues, disclosing when industry association UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 30,000 of us use. positions are significantly different to our own. (UNGPs). We saw a 12-point increase in our employee Net Transparency We have committed to following core business and Promotor Score (eNPS) over the past 12 months. We are founding members of the Extractive human rights-related standards, are members of This measures how employees feel about the Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and relevant multi-stakeholder initiatives and also company, its leadership and its future. signatory to the B Team Responsible Tax Principles. support other key international human rights We believe greater transparency leads to greater instruments, including: Inclusion and diversity accountability; both are key to building trust and - Voluntary commitments to the OECD Guidelines We aim to recognise and respect diverse cultures, achieving better social and economic outcomes for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Global communities and points of view, and to treat each over the long term. Compact and the Voluntary Principles on Security other with fairness and dignity. and Human Rights (VPSHR) To that end, where they are not subject to - Supporting and implementing the UN Guiding We employ people on the basis of job requirements confidentiality restrictions, this year we disclosed Principles on Business and Human Rights and do not discriminate on any grounds. We do not our minerals development contracts with Supporting the UN Declaration on the Rights of employ forced, bonded or child labour. We employ governments – and we continue to encourage Indigenous Peoples people with disabilities and make considerable governments to allow such disclosures. We also - Striving to obtain the free, prior and informed efforts to offer suitable alternative employment disclosed information about the beneficial owners consent of Indigenous peoples and other affected and retraining to employees who become disabled of our joint ventures in line with EITI standards and communities to access land and natural resources, and can no longer perform their regular duties. expectations. Both sets of disclosures are available in line with the International Finance Corporation on riotinto.com. Performance Standard 7 and the International Our graduate programme continues to help us Council on Mining and Metals position statement bring new perspectives into the organisation, We are also transparent about our taxes paid and on Indigenous peoples and mining. challenging our current practices with new ways of payments to governments. In 2020, we will publish working. This year’s graduate cohort comes from additional country by country disclosures relating Our actions and achievements on human rights in 29 countries, represents 20 nationalities and most to our taxes paid in 2018. We are also working 2019 include: speak at least two languages. We also increased closely with governments and the Organisation for –– Ranking second overall, and as the top our intake of female graduates by 18%, to 54% of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) company within our sector, in the 2019 results the total intake. on new tax reporting codes and policies to ensure for the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark consistency in our reporting procedures. And we –– Supporting Indigenous Australians and the Uluru endorse the B Team Responsible Tax Principles, Statement which support fairer, more sustainable tax systems –– Having open conversations with investors, and global standards of responsible tax practices. global civil society organisations and Land footprint 2015-19 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Land footprint – disturbed (square kilometres) 3,622 3,595 3,616 3,696 3,629 Land footprint – rehabilitated (square kilometres) 490 485 497 541 533 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 69

Strategic report Sustainability continued At the end of 2019, our equal pay gap was less than Our approach to sustainability Notes on data 2% and our gender pay gap was less than 1%. Governance, materiality and assurance The data summarised in this sustainability section Equal pay is at the core of our approach to pay The Sustainability Committee of our Board of relates to calendar years. Unless stated otherwise, equity. This means making sure that men and directors reviews our approach to ensure parameters are reported for all managed operations women employed by the same company in the consistency with our purpose and values, the without adjustment for equity interests. Where same location and performing work of equal value effective management of material sustainability possible, we include data for operations acquired receive the same pay. Unlike equal pay, the gender risks and our contribution to sustainable development. before 1 October of the reporting period. Divested pay gap is also influenced by the relative seniority operations are included in data collection processes of men and women. It is a measure of the difference We conduct a sustainability materiality assessment up until the transfer of management control. between average earnings across the Group, to ensure that we report on topics that matter most regardless of roles – and is expressed as a to our stakeholders as well as to our business. We report against GRI standards and the percentage of men’s earnings. Materiality in sustainability, as opposed to financial requirements of other select reporting frameworks, In 2019: materiality, is the threshold at which an issue or and reflect the ten principles of the ICMM and the topic becomes important enough to be reported mandatory requirements in the ICMM position –– We partnered with universities to build a diverse externally, taking into account the impact and level statements within our policies, standards and pipeline and, through targeted primary and high of perceived importance from stakeholders. procedures. For more about our data definitions, school programmes, attracted students into our reporting of GRI disclosure requirements and the fields of science, technology, engineering In 2019, we updated our materiality assessment our alignment with the ICMM, see the sustainability and mathematics based on a wider engagement with stakeholders, section of riotinto.com. –– Women in operational roles decreased by 3%, providing us with a richer dialogue and pool to 12% overall of information. –– The overall percentage of female employees increased by 0.7% to 18.4% (7,337 women; We engaged an independent external assurance 32,628 men) organisation, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, to provide –– 22.6% of senior management roles were held the directors of Rio Tinto with assurance on selected by women (112 women; 385 men) sustainability subject matters. From 2020, we will –– 11.1% of the Board roles were held by women. be engaging KPMG to complete the independent With the new non-executive director external assurance for future reports. appointments announced in February 2020, this has increased to 33%. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP’s assurance statement satisfies the requirements of subject We define senior management as general matters 1 to 4 of the ICMM assurance procedure. managers, Group advisers and chief advisers as See page 102 of the Governance report for more well as employees in leadership roles who report information on our external auditors and internal directly to Executive Committee members. The assurance. numbers of employees quoted above excludes contractors. Non-financial information statement This section (pages 60 to 70) provides information as required by regulation in relation to: –– Environmental matters –– Our employees –– Social matters –– Human rights –– Corruption and bribery Other related information can be found as follows: –– Our business model – page 14 –– Principal risks and how they are managed – pages 74 to 80 –– Non-financial key performance indicators – pages 22 and 26 70 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Risk report Risk management At Rio Tinto, creating Effective management of risk provides confidence In the longer term, we see societal expectations report Strategic to all our stakeholders in the Group’s ability to meet around the impact of our business on the local shareholder value strategic objectives in alignment with our values – economy, communities and environment Safety, Teamwork, Respect, Integrity and Excellence. continuing to rise. There has also been an increase is the reward for taking in focus by investment firms on environmental, Risk can manifest as opportunities (upside) or social and governance (ESG) issues when and accepting risk threats (downside) that can affect our business considering their investment criteria. Climate performance. change constitutes an important part of the ESG responsibly. framework. Climate risks and opportunities have At Rio Tinto, creating shareholder value is the formed part of our strategic thinking and reward for taking and accepting risk responsibly investment decisions for over two decades. Our through effective risk management. climate change report explains our approach to governance and risk management in this area and Emerging risks sets out our 2030 targets and our ambition to reach As we enter a new era of complexity, we expect net zero emissions by 2050 across our operations. to experience increasing uncertainty from the We continue to enhance our monitoring and interplay of three global forces: geopolitics, management of greenhouse gas emissions, water technology and society. and land use, and rehabilitation. Additionally, we have established partnerships across our value There remain significant implications for the Group chain to explore solutions to climate change. These that arise from ever-growing geopolitical tensions include the International Council on Mining and impacting market sentiment. Rising trade tensions Metals (ICMM), Climate Smart Mining, Elysis, between global centres of demand and supply, Baowu Steel and Tsinghua University. geopolitical frictions such as the Hong Kong crisis, and deteriorating corporate balance sheets have In 2019, we further improved our controls for the potential to slow global growth and impact managing operational risks. In particular, we have demand for our products. This in turn could affect strengthened how we manage the risks of major Group earnings. Additionally, as not all societies hazards through the introduction of Centre of have benefited equally from globalisation, there Excellence (CoE) teams, in geotechnical, is an increasing focus on resource nationalism. underground, process safety, tailings, energy and Global economic conditions remained uncertain climate change and asset management. Our throughout 2019 due to escalated trade tensions partner-to-operate strategy also supports the and heightened geopolitical instability. This value creation and maintenance of mutually combination created market volatility. beneficial partnerships with key stakeholders, including host governments, communities, Advances in technology bring both opportunities customers and suppliers. and threats in the medium term. Digital connectivity, and intelligent systems supported Assessing our risks by advance analytics and artificial intelligence, With the help of management, the Board has are expected to drive the fourth stage of carried out a robust bottom-up assessment of industrialisation. We are focused on being at the the emerging and principal risks of the business. frontier of mining technology, implementing They have also tested the Group’s financial plans industry-leading innovation to sustain our leading for severe but plausible scenarios related to certain cost positions, tackle critical industry challenges, principal risks materialising. Our principal risks are deploy emerging technologies and deliver discussed on the following pages. economic growth options through exploration and orebody optimisation. As we continue to integrate There remain certain threats, such as natural automation in our operations, we are working to disasters and pandemics where there is limited position and prepare our workforce for the future capacity in the international insurance markets to through regular training programmes. We are also transfer such risks. We monitor closely such investing in closing the skills’ gap in Australia’s threats, and develop business resilience plans. We future workforce through a four-year national are currently closely monitoring the potential short programme that fast-tracks development of skills and medium-term impacts of the Covid-19 virus, needed for the digital future. We are acutely aware including for example supply-chain, mobility, that with increasing reliance on technology comes workforce, market demand and trade flow impacts, a necessity to continue to enhance our cyber as well as the resilience of global financial markets security. In 2019, we implemented monitoring to support recovery. Any longer-term impacts will technology to enable us to identify malicious activity also be considered and monitored, as appropriate. at our most critical operating assets, and we continue to build on these capabilities. We also seek to bring a commensurate level of rigour and discipline to our managed and non-managed joint-ventures as we do to our wholly-owned assets, through engagement and influence, subject to applicable laws. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 71

Strategic report Risk management continued How we manage risk –– Embedding risk awareness into all decision- All of our employees and business leaders are Our risk policy and standards commit us to making processes to support leaders in responsible for identifying, evaluating and manage risks in a proactive and effective manner. managing risks proactively and effectively managing risks. Risk management is a key At Rio Tinto, effective risk management requires: to improve business performance by either accountability and performance area for our creating or protecting value leaders. Our Risk team supports the understanding –– Identifying and evaluating risks that matter –– Clearly defined roles and responsibilities and management of risks at all levels of the most in achieving strategic objectives, so for risk management. business. They provide a framework for managing resources can be prioritised in the most and reporting material risks and support the Risk efficient and effective way Our process for identifying, evaluating, planning, Management Committee in escalating key –– Effective communication of risk management communicating, and managing material business issues to the Executive Committee or to the information to decision makers across the risks is designed to manage uncertainty and, where Board, if appropriate. Group, so we can respond at the right level appropriate, to accept a degree of risk to generate of the organisation returns. We have an enterprise-wide risk management information system where all material risks, controls and actions are documented and kept current for managing and reporting purposes. Longer-term viability statement Therefore, our longer-term viability assessment Applying these scenarios, the first three years of Our long-term planning reflects our business examines in detail the first three years (2020-22) of the Group’s business plan is stress tested for the model of running our business in ways that are the business plan, analysing a number of ‘severe impact on the Group’s longer-term viability, safer, smarter and more sustainable. Our business but plausible’ scenarios contemplated within our including whether additional financing facilities will planning processes include preparing a one-year Group’s principal risks and uncertainties. be required. In addition to liquidity and solvency, detailed financial plan and a longer-term life of the assessment also considers a set of metrics over asset outlook. We develop our strategy and make The principal risks and uncertainties included in the period related to financial performance, cash capital investment decisions based on an our longer-term viability assessment are as follows. flows, debt capacity and credit rating, as well as assessment of cash flows and risk over this dividend payments. These metrics are subject multi-decade horizon. We assess our financial Market risk: A global economic crisis triggered by to robust stress tests and reverse stress tests. investment capacity regularly to ensure capital a disrupting factor, such as geopolitical tensions or commitments can be funded in line with our a pandemic event, that could generate global Taken in isolation, the materialisation of each risk disciplined approach to capital allocation. recessionary conditions and lead to an economic does not threaten the viability of the Group’s downturn. Our stress testing includes modelling a business model. The main impact from each risk on Our planning process includes modelling a series of large negative pricing shock assumed in 2021 the Group is a significant decrease in free cash flow, macroeconomic scenarios and using a range of followed by a recovery in most commodities by with consequent reduction in the level of the assumptions considering both internal and external 2024. dividend. The Group has levers to maintain adequate factors. As part of our robust Risk Management levels of liquidity, including reducing discretionary Framework, we closely track, monitor and mitigate Operational risk: A “one-off” catastrophic event capital expenditure and accessing lines of credit. principal risks to our business plan and our resulting from a major operational failure, such as a business model, both in the near and longer term. tailings and water storage event, underground The most ‘severe’ scenario, albeit unlikely, The key assumptions underpinning our long-term event or a geotechnical event, resulting in multiple considers the combination of the financial impact plan include: fatalities, operation cessation and significant of all three risks materialising in a single year. The financial impact. occurrence of this scenario creates an immediate –– Long-term economic growth and commodity severe impact on the Group’s financial performance demand in major markets such as China Stakeholder risk: An adverse action by with an estimated negative free cash flow of $7 –– Continued access and economic viability of stakeholders resulting in a cancellation or billion. The Group has a suite of management resources and reserves to support organic and non-performance in offtake obligations impacting actions available to preserve resilience, including inorganic growth programmes sales revenue for a prolonged period. accessing lines of credit, reducing capital –– Pathways to reduce carbon footprint expenditure, the sale of assets, and raising debt –– No significant industry-wide disruptive The expected financial impact for each risk is while maintaining the shareholder return policy. technology or productivity enhancement to quantified based on our internal macroeconomic Our financial flexibility could potentially be limited unlock very low-cost supply and business analysis, and internal and external during the trough of the crisis. However, the Group’s –– No operational risks materially impacting the benchmarking on similar risks. A probabilistic economic and operational recovery is estimated to be long-term plan approach to quantify risks and impacts is applied within 18 months with business model integrity where relevant. Although the likelihood of more maintained. The viability of the Group under all the Our business plan and macroeconomic forecast than one principal risk materialising in close severe but plausible scenarios tested remained sound. have the greatest level of certainty in the succession is unlikely, the stress test assumes underlying assumptions in the first three years. these risks materialise individually and in Therefore, taking into account the Group’s current This enables a detailed analysis of potential combination to create ‘severe but plausible’ scenarios position and the robust assessment of principal impacts of severe but plausible risks materialising which could threaten the Group’s viability. risks, the directors have assessed the prospects in quick succession, and enables directors to assess of the Group over the next three years (until 31 Rio Tinto’s capacity to exercise financial levers December 2022) and have a reasonable expectation available to maintain the Group’s viability. that we will be able to continue to operate and meet our liabilities as they fall due over that period. 72 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Risk management Roles and responsibilities for risk management in Rio Tinto report Strategic Oversight Board –– Determines the nature and extent of risks that the organisation is willing to take in order to meet our strategic objectives. –– Oversees the risk management process and confirms that management’s strategies are within the Board’s risk appetite and tolerances. Board committees –– Monitor and review the maturity and effectiveness of our risk management framework. –– Review management reports on the strategies and controls applied to any material business risks identified within the committees’ scope. Third line Group Internal Audit –– Provides independent and objective assurance of the effectiveness of the risk management framework. Second line Executive Committee –– Sets and reviews risk management strategies for risks to the Group’s business strategy, planning and (Group investment decisions. level) –– Defines the Group’s risk tolerances around key business objectives and seeks Board endorsement of those tolerances. –– Reviews the Group-level risks at least three times per year and approves material provided to the Board and its committees. –– Approves new or revised Group-level controls (policies, standards and procedures) that support the management of material risks. Risk Management –– Monitors and reviews the effectiveness of the risk management framework across the Group’s Committee operations and functions on behalf of the Executive Committee and Board. –– Provides oversight for the management of material Group-level risks and associated management responses. Risk function –– Coordinates and supports Group-level risk management activity and reporting. –– Embeds risk management into core business processes, such as planning and capital allocation. –– Builds risk management capability and a risk-aware culture throughout the Group. Group’s standard-setters –– Develop, maintain and communicate Group-level controls, including policies, standards and procedures. –– Assure management’s (product groups and Group functions) compliance to Group-level controls and the control effectiveness in managing risk. First line Senior leadership in –– Manage material risks and critical controls within their business activities, escalating when appropriate. (Operational level) product groups and –– Embed risk analysis and management into their business strategy, planning and investment decisions. functions –– Provide oversight of performance in their area of accountability through Risk, Assurance and Compliance forums. Operational –– Identifies, assesses and manages risks in areas in which management is accountable. management –– Executes line and functional management responsibilities for implementing and monitoring performance of actions and controls. Risk community –– Supports alignment, consistency and continuous improvement of risk management. of practice Our risk management framework sets out the The framework also defines the oversight –– Second line assurance is provided by our organisational foundations for designing, responsibilities of the Board and the Executive central support functions and technical Centre implementing, monitoring, reviewing and Committee, supported by Group Internal Audit, the of Excellence teams eg Underground Mining. continually improving risk management Risk Management Committee and central support As our Group standard-setters, their assurance throughout the organisation. functions across our business. activities are planned and managed by the Integrated Assurance Office (IAO). A key element of this framework is our Risk The risk management framework lays out Management oversight of this assurance over Management Standard. Together with the Group’s a “three lines of defence” approach to managing material Group-level risks is supported by Risk Policy, the standard outlines the expected risks and controls: a quarterly Risk Management Committee outcomes from risk management, the roles and meeting chaired by the Rio Tinto Group Chief responsibilities associated with implementing risk –– First line assurance is the role of risk owners Executive. analysis and management effectively, and the and business leaders. Oversight by senior –– Third line assurance is conducted by Group minimum requirements that must be met. leadership teams through the Risk, Assurance Internal Audit (GIA) to provide independent and Compliance forums chaired by product assurance that the risk management and group chief executives and heads of functions. internal controls are effective to the Board and its sub-committees. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 73

Strategic report Principal risks and uncertainties The principal risks and uncertainties outlined Risk impact and trend assessment in this section reflect the risks that could materially affect Rio Tinto, or its ability to meet its strategic objectives, either directly or by triggering a succession of events that in aggregate become material to the Group. Our business units and functions assess the potential economic and non-economic Resource consequences of their respective risks using risks the framework defined by the Group’s Risk Climate HSE & change security Management Standard. Once identified, each risks risks principal risk is reviewed and monitored by the relevant internal experts and by the Risk Strategic Operational risks & people Management Committee and, as appropriate, by risks the relevant Board committees and the Board. We deliver our strategy through The way we work, Communities Market & other key risks which focuses on the “4Ps”: portfolio, people, stakeholder performance and partners. The principal risks, risks uncertainties and trends outlined in this report Very high should be considered as forward-looking Governance impact Financial risks risks statements, and are made subject to the cautionary statement on page 300. High impact Moderate impact Risk trend assessment: Increasing Decreasing Unchanged Market risks We operate in global markets and accept the value impact of exchange rate movements and market-driven prices for our commodities, and pursue a value over volume approach. Commodity prices: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Commodity prices, driven by demand for and supply of the Group’s A rise in commodity prices, or favourable exchange rate movements, generates products, vary and may not be as expected over time. Exchange rate more cash flow from operations, enabling the Group to pursue growth options variations and geopolitical issues may offset or exacerbate this risk. or capital expansions, pay down debt and/or increase returns to shareholders. Potential impact Capturing above-planned returns from commercial insights relating to market –– Business model value movements would deliver additional cash flow to the Group. –– Future financial performance –– Solvency Threats –– Liquidity Falling commodity prices, or adverse exchange rate movements, reduce cash –– Group reputation flow, limiting profitability and shareholder returns. These may trigger impairments and/or impact rating agency metrics. Extended subdued prices Strategy delivery: may reflect a longer-term fall in demand for the Group’s products, and the reduced earnings and cash flow streams resulting from this may limit Portfolio People investment and/or growth opportunities. Failure to deliver planned returns from commercial insights would negatively impact cash flows for the Group. 74 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Principal risks and uncertainties Market risks continued report Strategic China development pathway: risk and uncertainty Opportunities China’s growth pathway could impact demand for the Group’s products Strong growth, positive policy decisions and reforms drive demand for outside of expectations. China is the largest market for our products. commodities, resulting in rising commodity prices that may justify capital expansion and increased shareholder returns in the short to medium term. Potential impact –– Business model value Threats –– Future financial performance An economic slowdown in China, and/or a material change in policy, could –– Solvency result in a slowdown in demand for our products and reduced earnings and –– Liquidity cash flow for the Group. –– Partnerships Strategic delivery: Portfolio People Mitigating actions include: –– Pursue low-cost production, allowing profitable supply throughout the –– Leverage market-facing sales, marketing and trading resources in the Group. commodity price cycle. –– Apply strong governance reflecting relevant regulatory frameworks and –– Maintain a diverse portfolio of commodities across a number of geographies. jurisdictions. –– Maintain a global portfolio of customers and contracts. –– Comply with the Group’s financial risk management practices outlined in –– Monitor multiple leading indicators and undertake detailed industry the Group’s Treasury policy and standard. analysis to inform our forecasting assumptions. Strategic risks Rio Tinto enforces disciplined capital and risk allocation to the best opportunities (organic and inorganic) for shareholders returns. Execution of acquisitions and divestments: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Our ability to secure planned value by successfully executing Proceeds realised from divested assets are greater than planned, allowing divestments and acquisitions may vary. more capital to be returned to shareholders or redeployed into higher-returning or more productive uses. The Group is successful in acquiring and integrating Potential impact businesses on acceptable terms that provide sustainable future cash flow and/ –– Business model value or future growth optionality. –– Future financial performance –– Solvency Threats –– Liquidity Divestment and acquisition activity incurs transaction costs that cannot be –– Group reputation recouped. Such activity may result in value destruction by realising less than fair value for divestments, or paying more than fair value or failing to integrate Strategy delivery: successfully for acquisitions. The Group may also be liable for the past acts or omissions of assets it has acquired that were unforeseen or greater than Portfolio People Partners anticipated at the time of acquisition. The Group may also face liabilities for divested entities if the buyer fails to honour commitments or the Group agrees to retain certain liabilities. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 75

Strategic report Principal risks and uncertainties continued Strategic risks continued Capital project development: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Large capital investments require multi-year execution plans and are An ability to develop projects safely, on time and within budget enhances the complex. The Group’s ability to deliver projects to baseline plan, principally Group’s cash flows, its licence to operate and investor confidence. Effective in terms of safety, cost and schedule, may vary due to changes in technical implementation of optimisation programmes reduces cost and accelerates requirements, law and regulation, government or community development schedules resulting in higher returns earlier. expectations, or through commercial or economic assumptions proving inaccurate through the execution phase. Threats A delay or overrun in a project schedule and/or a significant safety or process Potential impact safety incident could negatively impact the Group’s profitability, cash flows, –– Future financial and operational performance ability to repay project-specific debt, asset carrying values, growth aspirations –– Health, safety, environment and security (HSE&S) and relationships with key stakeholders. –– Solvency –– Liquidity –– Group reputation Strategic delivery: Portfolio Performance Strategic partnerships: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Strategic partnerships play a material role in delivering the Group’s Joint ventures and partnerships offer opportunities to access resources, growth, production, cash and market positioning, and these may not increase shareholder returns, and reduce political, portfolio and operational always develop as planned. risks. We seek to bring a commensurate level of rigour and discipline to our managed and non-managed joint-ventures as we do to our wholly-owned Potential impact assets, through engagement and influence subject to applicable laws. –– Business model value –– Future financial and operational performance Threats –– HSE&S The capacity or financial circumstance or business disposition of our joint –– Group reputation venture partners may present barriers to investment decisions and/or to the realisation of full value for the joint venture(s). For non-managed operations, Strategic delivery: the decisions of the controlling partners may cause adverse impacts to the value of the Group’s interest in the operation, or to its reputation, and may Portfolio Performance Partners expose it to unexpected financial liability. Mitigating actions include: –– Complete detailed, objective due diligence on all material divestments –– Follow rigorous project approval and stage-gating process, including and acquisitions. monitoring and status evaluation, as articulated in the Project Evaluation –– Undertake rigorous third-party due diligence and assurance. Standard and Guidance. –– Involve business unit leaders early in process to recognise integration –– Ensure effective stakeholder management in project development. planning and synergies, or separation of threats and opportunities. –– Approach investments and partnerships with a view to long-term –– Undertake post-investment reviews on divestments and acquisitions to development of relationships rather than short-term transactional advantage. identify key learnings to embed into future initiatives. –– Maintain strong focus on contractor management. –– Consistently approach development of large-scale capital projects –– Actively participate within the governance structures of joint ventures to through a specialised projects division. promote, where possible, alignment with the Group’s policies and strategic priorities. 76 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Principal risks and uncertainties Financial risk report Strategic We maintain a strong balance sheet and liquidity position to preserve financial flexibility through the cycle. Liquidity: risk and uncertainty Opportunities External events and internal capital discipline may impact Group liquidity. Favourable market conditions and strong internal capital discipline could increase Group liquidity and/or balance sheet strength and allow the Group Potential impact to pursue investment or growth opportunities, pay down debt and/or enhance –– Future financial performance returns to shareholders. –– Solvency –– Liquidity Threats –– Group reputation The Group’s ability to raise sufficient funds for planned expenditure, such as capital growth and/or mergers and acquisitions, as well as the ability to Strategic delivery: weather a major economic downturn, could be compromised by a weak balance sheet and/or inadequate access to liquidity. Performance Mitigating actions include: –– Comply with the Group’s Treasury policy and standard, which outlines –– Maintain accurate financial reporting and tracking of our the fundamental principles that govern the Group’s financial risk business performance. management practices. –– Report financial performance monthly to senior management –– Maintain a prudent gearing ratio and other financial metrics and the Board. commensurate with a strong investment-grade credit rating. –– Seek Board approval of the financial strategy, long-term planning and –– Manage the liquidity and financing structure of the Group using forecasts cash flow forecasting. and sensitivity analysis tools to actively monitor, determine and enable –– Apply a shareholder returns policy which allows shareholder returns to access to the appropriate level, sources and types of financing required. adjust with the cycle. –– Subject funds invested by the Group to credit limits and maturity profiles based on Board-approved frameworks to promote diversification and maintain appropriate liquidity. Resources risks We invest to accurately identify new deposits and develop orebody knowledge accurately, which underpin our operations and projects, as well as our projections for the financial performance of the business. Exploration and resources: risk and uncertainty Opportunities The success of the Group’s exploration activity and estimates of Ore The discovery of a new viable orebody can significantly improve future reserves and resources may vary. growth options. Potential impact The volume of ore in reported reserves/resources numbers is based on the –– Business model value geological, commercial and technical information available at the date of the –– Future financial and operational performance report and is, by its nature, incomplete. As new information comes to light, the –– Group reputation economic viability of some Ore reserves and mine plans can be restated upwards. As a result, projects may be more successful and of longer duration Strategy delivery: than initially anticipated. Portfolio Performance Threats A failure to discover new viable orebodies could undermine future growth prospects. If new information comes to light, or operating conditions change, the economic viability of some Ore reserves and mine plans can be restated downwards. As a result, projects may be less successful and of shorter duration than initially anticipated, and/or the asset value may be impaired. Mitigating actions include: –– Comply with the Group’s resources and reserves standard. –– Continually review the prospects of opportunities in the exploration –– Establishment of the Orebody Knowledge Centre of Excellence, as portfolio, and prioritise spend accordingly. part of Group Technical. –– Utilise new technologies where appropriate for exploration and evaluation –– Recruit and retain skilled and experienced exploration and of reserves/resources. evaluation personnel. –– Develop, leverage and manage third-party partnerships. –– Provide stable funding for exploration activities. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 77

Strategic report Principal risks and uncertainties continued Health, safety, environment and security risks Our operations are inherently hazardous. We seek to achieve operational excellence to ensure that our employees and contractors go home safe and healthy, and that there are no adverse impacts on the communities and the environment where we operate. Health, safety, environment and security: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Our operations and projects are inherently hazardous, with the potential Delivering leading performance in health, safety, environment and to cause illness or injury, damage to the environment, disruption to a communities is essential to our business model and our success as a Group. community or a threat to personal security. Meeting or exceeding our commitments in these areas contributes to sustainable development for both Rio Tinto and our partners, and underpins Potential impact our continued access to resources, capital and a diverse workforce to sustain –– Future financial performance the organisation. –– HSE&S –– Communities and social performance Good performance in closure and legacy management of closed sites can –– Group reputation enhance our reputation with stakeholders and enable us to maintain access to land, resources, people and capital, so we can continue to establish new Strategic delivery: projects with the support of local communities. Portfolio People Performance Partners Threats Failure to manage our health, safety, environment or community risks could result in a catastrophic event or other long-term damage that could in turn harm the Group’s financial performance and licence to operate. Mitigating actions include: –– Continued focus on HSE&S as a core priority at all operations and –– Monitor monthly HSE&S performance at the Group level. projects, overseen by the Sustainability Committee and supported by the –– Report, investigate, and share learnings from HSE&S incidents. Group’s Risk Management Committee, as well as second and third line –– Build safety targets into personal performance metrics to incentivise safe assurance activities. behaviour and effective risk management (see Remuneration report). –– The second line assurance is provided by our central support functions –– Develop mutually beneficial partnerships with local communities and and technical Centre of Excellence (CoE) teams to verify compliance with establish appropriate social performance targets. Group HSE&S strategy, policy and performance standards. –– Report annually on performance on greenhouse gas emissions, water, –– Regularly review and audit HSE&S processes, training and controls to and land use and rehabilitation, among others. promote and improve effectiveness at managed and (where practicable) –– Focus on fatality elimination through implementation of a programme non-managed operations. to verify safety risk controls. Climate change We provide essential materials for human progress and a low-carbon future. By collaborating with our partners across the value chain, we aim to do this in a sustainable way and help address climate change challenges. Climate change: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Climate change is a systemic challenge and will require coordinated Climate change has formed part of our strategic thinking and investment actions between nations, between industries and by society at large. It decisions for over two decades. Each of the commodities we produce has a role requires a long-term perspective to address both physical climate change to play in the transition to a low-carbon economy – aluminium in electric and low-carbon transition risks and uncertainties. vehicles, copper in wind turbines, iron ore for critical infrastructure and minerals for rechargeable batteries, such as lithium. Potential impact –– Business model value Threats –– Future financial and operational performance Current and emerging climate regulations have the potential to result in increased –– Group reputation costs, change supply and demand dynamics for our products and create legal compliance issues and litigation, all of which could impact the Group’s financial Strategic delivery: performance and reputation. Our operations also face risk due to physical impacts of climate change, including extreme weather. Portfolio Partners Mitigating actions include: –– Partnering to reduce the carbon footprint across the value chain. This –– Implementation of a series of controls to manage the threat of extreme includes the development of new partnerships to explore pathways with weather, including structural integrity programmes across all critical our customers to improve the environmental performance of our product assets, emergency response plans and flood management plans. These value chains. controls keep our people safe and help our operations return to normal –– Enhancing our resilience to physical climate impacts. We consider capacity as quickly as possible. climate risks over the life of our operations, from the way we design and –– Increasing the supply of the materials essential to building a low-carbon develop new projects through to closure and beyond. Supported by the economy. new Energy and Climate Change Centre of Excellence (CoE), we use –– Setting targets to reduce our emissions (on an absolute and intensity basis) scenarios to assess further medium- and long-term risks. over the short, medium and long term. 78 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Principal risks and uncertainties Communities and other key stakeholder risks report Strategic We recognise the value of positive engagement with a range of stakeholders, and seek to develop collaborative and mutually-beneficial partnerships though our partner-to-operate strategy. Sovereign: risk and uncertainty Opportunities The Group’s operations are located across a number of jurisdictions, Proactive engagement with governments, communities and other which exposes the Group to a wide range of economic, political, societal stakeholders can increase access to new resources, support stable and and regulatory environments. predictable investment frameworks and operational environments, and shape mutually-beneficial policies and legal/regulatory frameworks. Potential impact –– Business model value Threats –– Future financial and operational performance Adverse actions by governments and other stakeholders can result in –– Group reputation operational/project delays or loss of licence to operate. Other potential –– Communities and social performance actions can include expropriation, changes in taxation, and export or foreign investment restrictions, which may threaten the investment Strategic delivery: proposition, title, or carrying value of assets. Legal frameworks with respect to policies such as energy, climate change and mineral law may Portfolio Performance Partners also change in a way that increases costs. Closure, reclamation and rehabilitation: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Planning for the future of our sites after they cease their operating life is We are actively assessing opportunities to find solutions to repurpose and a core business function governed by our Closure Steering Committee. reuse sites for future economic or social benefit through working Estimated costs and liabilities are provided for, and updated annually, collaboratively with our stakeholders. For all new asset developments, we over the life of each operation. However, estimates may vary due to a incorporate closure into the design of our assets, as well as how to optimise number of factors that either create opportunities or challenges. decommissioning, remediation and any long-term management obligations. For existing operations, where possible, we progressively rehabilitate land Potential impact throughout the life of the operations. Business model value Future financial and operational performance Threats Group reputation Plans and provisions for closure, reclamation and rehabilitation may vary over time due to changes in stakeholders’ expectations, legislation, standards, Strategic delivery: technical understanding and techniques. In addition, the expected timing of expenditure could change significantly due to changes in the business Portfolio Performance Partners environment and orebody knowledge that might vary the life of an operation. Mitigating actions include: –– Comply with Group policies and standards which provide guidance –– Develop long-term relationships with a range of international concerning risk management, communities and social performance. and national stakeholders. This is overseen by our Sustainability Committee, and Closure –– In relation to sovereign risk, maintain geographically diverse portfolio Steering Committee. to reduce concentration of exposure to changes in particular locations. –– Collaborate with key stakeholders, and participate in strategic –– Monitor jurisdictional risks, including sovereign risks, and take partnerships and/or governance structures to create opportunities appropriate action. and mitigate threats. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 79

Strategic report Principal risks and uncertainties continued Governance risks Our employees operate in compliance with The way we work (our global code of business conduct), Group delegation of authorities, and all other Group policies, standards and procedures. Regulation and regulatory intervention: risk and uncertainty Opportunities The Group’s reputation and regulatory licences are dependent Good corporate citizens are acknowledged to operate to a high ethical upon appropriate business conduct and are threatened by actual standard, thus attracting talent and securing access to resources and or perceived breaches of law, reputation and our code of conduct. investment opportunities. Potential impact Threats –– Potential impact Fines may be imposed on Group companies for breaching anti-trust rules, –– Business model value anti-corruption legislation, or sanctions or for human rights violations, or for –– Future financial performance other inappropriate business conduct. –– Group reputation A serious allegation or formal investigation by regulatory authorities Strategic delivery: (regardless of ultimate finding) could result in a loss in share price value and/or assets or loss of business. Other consequences could include the criminal People Partners prosecution of individuals and/or Group companies, imprisonment, fines, legal liabilities and reputational damage to the Group. Mitigating actions include: –– Comply with Group policies, standards and procedures that provide –– Dedicate legal and compliance teams to assist Group businesses in complying guidance to our businesses and drive compliance with regulatory obligations and internal standards and procedures. with regulatory obligations. –– Maintain appropriate oversight and reporting, supported by training and –– Identify and meet our regulatory obligations and respond to awareness, to drive compliance with regulatory obligations. emerging requirements. –– Continue to develop and deploy training across relevant sectors of the workforce. Operational and people risks We seek to achieve operational and commercial excellence through the engagement of our workforce and the deployment of effective standards, processes and systems. Operational and commercial excellence: risk and uncertainty Opportunities Accessing, developing and retaining talent as Rio Tinto and our industry Enhance productivity and business resilience through building operational evolves presents a constant challenge. The Group’s ability to maintain its and commercial excellence. competitive position is dependent on the services of a wide range of internal and external skilled and experienced personnel and contracting partners. Threats Business interruption or underperformance may arise from a lack of capability Potential impact in people, standards, processes or systems to prevent, mitigate or recover –– Future financial and operational performance from an interruption (for example, a significant weather event), which results –– Liquidity in a material loss to the Group. –– HSE&S –– Communities and social performance –– Group reputation Strategic delivery: People Performance Mitigating actions include: –– Development of Centres of Excellence for key technical capability –– Comply with the Acceptable Use of Information and Electronic Resources in major hazard and asset management. standard, supported by periodic reviews of IT infrastructure and security –– Continue to provide leadership, technical and commercial controls by dedicated cyber-security team. development opportunities. –– Undertake business resilience planning and execution exercises for –– Comply with slope geotechnical, tailings management, underground plausible and severe scenarios. mining and process safety technical and safety standards, supported by subject-matter experts and audit protocols, reducing the risk of operational failure. 80 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Five-year review Selected financial data report Strategic The selected consolidated financial information below has been derived from the historical audited consolidated financial statements of the Rio Tinto Group. The selected consolidated financial data should be read in conjunction with, and qualified in their entirety by reference to, the 2019 financial statements and notes thereto. The financial statements as included on pages 146 to 246 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as defined in note 1. Rio Tinto Group Income statement data For the years ending 31 December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Amounts in accordance with IFRS US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m Consolidated sales revenue 43,165 40,522 40,030 33,781 34,829 Group operating profit(a) 11,466 17,687 14,135 6,795 3,615 Profit/(loss) for the year 6,972 13,925 8,851 4,776 (1,719) Basic earnings/(losses) for the year per share (US cents) 491.4 793.2 490.4 256.9 (47.5) Diluted earnings/(losses) for the year per share (US cents)(b) 487.8 787.6 486.9 255.3 (47.5) Dividends per share Dividends declared during the year US cents –– interim 151.0 127.0 110.0 45.0 107.5 –– interim special 61.0 –– final 231.0 180.0 180.0 125.0 107.5 –– special 243.0 UK pence –– interim 123.32 96.82 83.13 33.80 68.92 –– interim special 49.82 –– final 177.47 135.96 129.43 100.56 74.21 –– special 183.55 Australian cents –– interim 219.08 –– interim special 88.50 170.84 137.7 59.13 144.91 –– final 349.74 250.89 228.5 163.62 151.89 –– special 338.70 Dividends paid during the year (US cents) –– ordinary 635.0 307.0 235 152.5 226.5 Weighted average number of shares basic (millions) 1,630.1 1,719.3 1,786.7 1,797.3 1,824.7 Weighted average number of shares diluted (millions)(b) 1,642.1 1,731.7 1,799.5 1,808.6 1,824.7 Balance sheet data Total assets 87,802 90,949 95,726 89,263 91,564 Share capital/premium 7,968 8,000 8,666 8,443 8,474 Total equity/Net assets 45,242 49,823 51,115 45,730 44,128 Equity attributable to owners of Rio Tinto 40,532 43,686 44,711 39,290 37,349 (a) Group operating profit or loss includes the effects of charges and reversals resulting from impairments (other than impairments of equity accounted units) and profit and loss on disposals of interests in businesses. Group operating profit or loss amounts shown above excludes equity accounted operations, finance items, tax and discontinued operations. (b) The effects of dilutive securities has not been taken into account when calculating diluted loss per share for the year ended 31 December 2015, in accordance with IAS 33 “Earnings Per Share”. Directors’ approval statement This Strategic report is delivered in accordance with a resolution of the board, and has been signed on behalf of the board by: Simon Thompson Chairman 26 February 2020 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 81

Directors’ report Governance Board of Directors 84 Executive Committee 86 Chairman’s governance review 88 How the Board works 90 Matters discussed in 2019 91 Our stakeholders 92 Board effectiveness 94 Evaluating our performance 96 Nominations Committee report 98 Audit Committee report 100 Sustainability Committee report 104 Compliance with governance codes and standards 106 Remuneration report Annual statement by the Remuneration Committee Chairman 110 Remuneration at a glance 113 Implementation report 116 Additional statutory disclosure 139 Employees at the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine in Mongolia 82 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Governance 83 | riotinto.com | Annual reportAnnual 2019

Governance Board of directors Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited have a common board of directors. The directors are collectively responsible for the stewardship and long-term sustainable success of the Group. Chairman, executive and non-executive directors Simon Thompson Jean-Sébastien Jacques Jakob Stausholm Megan Clark AC Chairman, MA, PhD. Age 60. Appointed April Chief Executive, MSc. Age 48. Appointed Chief Financial Officer, Ms Economics. Independent non-executive director, 2014; chairman from March 2018 March 2016; Chief Executive from July Age 51. Appointed September 2018 BSc, PhD. Age 61. Appointed 2016 November 2014 Skills and experience: Simon has Skills and experience: Jakob has over 20 significant global experience in mining and Skills and experience: J-S has driven years’ experience in senior finance roles in Skills and experience: Megan combines metals, finance and corporate governance. significant transformation projects at Rio Europe, Latin America and Asia, including expertise in the mining and metals Among a wide range of board Tinto, including the strengthening of our in capital-intensive, long-cycle industry with strong leadership experience appointments, Simon was an executive portfolio, and the development of growth businesses, as well as in innovative in science, research and technology, and director of Anglo American plc, where projects and options, such as Koodaideri technology and supply chain optimisation. brings valuable insights on sustainable he held the roles of Chairman and Chief and Winu in Australia and Resolution in Jakob spent six years with the Maersk development and innovation to the Board. Executive Officer of the Base Metals Arizona. Since 2016, Rio Tinto has declared Group, where his roles included group She was Chief Executive of the Division. He also served as chairman of a record $36 billion in cash returns to Chief Financial Officer and executive Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Tarmac, and chairman of the Exploration shareholders while reducing net debt by director of the Group’s integrated Research Organisation (CSIRO) from Division. Earlier in his career he held $10.1 billion. J-S has cultivated transport and logistics business. He was 2009-14. Following roles with Western various investment banking positions at ground-breaking partnerships such as the previously with Royal Dutch Shell plc, Mining Corporation, Megan was a director S. G. Warburg and N M Rothschild. one with China Baowu Steel Group and holding a range of finance positions, at N M Rothschild and Sons (Australia), Tsinghua University to improve environmental including chief internal auditor. In 2019, and a vice president at BHP Billiton. Megan Simon has chaired two FTSE companies: performance across the steel value chain. Jakob visited our operations, projects and received the Australian Academy of 3i plc and Tullow Oil plc. His experience as people in 13 countries, across four Science Medal in 2019. a non-executive director includes serving J-S has over 25 years of experience in continents. This allowed him to identify on the boards of AngloGold Ashanti Limited heavy industry and has worked across Current external appointments: and better understand the opportunities and Newmont Mining Corporation. multiple commodities including Non-executive director of CSL Limited that lie across our operations and to assist aluminium, copper and steel. since 2016 and CARE Australia since 2015. Current external appointments: in evaluating the capital requirements at Head of the Australian Space Agency. Chairman of 3i Group plc since 2015. Current external appointments: each business. Member of the International Council on Current external appointments: Mining and Metals, Global CEO Council – None. Beijing, Business Council of Australia and US Business Council. Former directors who served for part of the year Dame Moya Greene Moya stepped down from the board on 26 June 2019. Ann Godbehere Ann stepped down from the board on 9 May 2019. David Constable Simon Henry Independent non-executive director, Independent non-executive director, Past external appointments over BSc. Engineering. Age 58. Appointed MA, FCMA. Age 58. Appointed April 2017 the last three years February 2017 For details of each director’s past Skills and experience: Simon has appointments, see the Directors’ report on Skills and experience: David has strong significant experience in global finance, page 140. corporate governance, board and corporate governance, mergers and leadership credentials. His international acquisitions, international relations and experience in the engineering, strategy. He draws on over 30 years’ Board committee membership key construction, energy, mining and chemical experience at Royal Dutch Shell plc, where Committee chairman sectors includes the execution of major his roles included Chief Financial Officer Audit Committee capital projects. David was Chief Executive from 2009-17. officer of Sasol Limited from 2011-16, and Remuneration Committee Current external appointments: held various roles at Fluor Corporation Non-executive director of Lloyds Banking Nominations Committee from 1982 to 2011, including Group Group plc since June 2014. Independent Sustainability Committee president, Operations. director of PetroChina Company Limited Current external appointments: since June 2017. Member of the UK Non-executive director of ABB Ltd since Defence Board. Member of the Advisory 2015 and Fluor Corporation since Board of the Centre for European Reform September 2019. Senior advisor, Cerberus and the Advisory Panel of CIMA. Capital Management. Member of U.S. Council of Chief Executive Officers. 84 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Board of directors Chairman, executive and non-executive directors Director appointment after Company secretaries 31 December 2019 Governance Sam Laidlaw Michael L’Estrange AO Hinda Gharbi Steve Allen Independent non-executive director, Independent non-executive director, Independent non-executive director, Group Company Secretary, BA MA, MBA. Age 64. Appointed February BA (Sydney), MA (Oxon). Age 67. Age 49. Appointment effective (Modern Languages and European 2017, May 2019 (senior independent Appointed September 2014 1 March 2020. Studies), Solicitor (England and Wales). director) Age 48. Appointed January 2017 Skills and experience: Michael’s Skills and experience: Hinda is executive Skills and experience: Sam has more distinguished public service career gives vice president of Reservoir & Infrastructure Skills and experience: Steve is company than 30 years’ experience of long-cycle, him practical experience of the at Schlumberger Limited and has some 24 secretary of Rio Tinto plc and joint company capital intensive industries in which safety geopolitical and societal trends which years’ experience for Schlumberger secretary of Rio Tinto Limited. Before joining and stakeholder management are critical. affect Rio Tinto. Michael served in senior working in various engineering, functional Rio Tinto, Steve was deputy general counsel Previous executive roles include: president roles for the Australian government, and line management positions, including at BG Group plc. He served as company and chief operating officer, Amerada Hess including head of the Cabinet Policy Unit health and safety, human resources, secretary of BG Group from 2011-16, Corporation; CEO, Enterprise Oil plc; and secretary of the Department of technology development and operations having previously been chief counsel, executive vice president, Chevron Foreign Affairs and Trade. He was High across France, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, corporate, from 2008-11. Before joining BG Corporation; CEO, Centrica plc; and Commissioner to the United Kingdom. the United Kingdom and the United States. Group in 2005, Steve was a corporate membership of the UK Prime Minister’s Michael chairs our Australia Forum, lawyer for Herbert Smith LLP in London. Current external appointments: Business Advisory Group. which meets twice a year. None. Current external appointments: Current external appointments: Current external appointments: Vice-Chair of the Association of General Chairman of Neptune Energy Group Director and deputy chancellor of the Counsel and Company Secretaries working Holdings Ltd. Chairman, National Centre of University of Notre Dame, Australia. in FTSE-100 companies and a member of Universities & Business. Board member, Non-executive director of Qantas Airways the Corporate Governance Council. Oxford Saïd Business School. Council Limited since April 2016. member, Radley College. Director appointment after Director appointment after 31 December 2019 31 December 2019 Simon McKeon AO Jennifer Nason Ngaire Woods CBE Tim Paine Independent non-executive director, Independent non-executive director, Independent non-executive director, Joint Company Secretary, Rio Tinto BCom, LLB, FAICD. Age 64. Age 59. Appointment effective Age 57. Appointment effective Limited BEc, LLB, FGIA, FCIS. Age 56. Appointed January 2019 1 March 2020. 1 September 2020. Appointed January 2013 Skills and experience: Simon brings Skills and experience: Jennifer has over Skills and experience: Ngaire is the Skills and experience: Tim joined Rio insights into sectors including financial 30 years’ of experience in corporate founding Dean of the Blavatnik School of Tinto in 2012 and became joint company services, the law, government and finance and capital markets. For the past Government, Professor of Global secretary of Rio Tinto Limited in 2013. He charities. He practised as a solicitor before 17 years, she has led the Technology, Economic Governance and the Founder has over 25 years’ experience in corporate serving at Macquarie Group for 30 years, Media and Telecommunications global and Director of the Global Economic counsel and company secretary roles, including as executive chairman of its client practice at JP Morgan, based in the Governance Programme at Oxford including as general counsel and company business in Victoria, Australia. Simon USA. During her time at JP Morgan, she University. As a recognised expert in secretary at Mayne Group, Symbion served as chairman of AMP Limited, MYOB has also worked in the metals and mining public policy, international development Health and Skilled Group. Tim spent 12 Limited and of the Australian government’s sector team in Australia. and governance, she has served as an years at ANZ Bank, including as acting research and development body, CSIRO. adviser to the African Development Bank, general counsel and company secretary. Current external appointments: He was the first president of the Australian the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Director of the American Australian Current external appointments: Takeovers Panel. the Center for Global Development, the Association. Company secretary for the Foundation for International Monetary Fund and the Current external appointments: Australia-Japan Studies. Member of the European Union Chancellor of Monash University. Governance Institute of Australia’s Chairman of the Australian Industry Current external appointments: Legislation Review Committee. Energy Transitions Initiative Steering Board member of the Stephen A. Group. Non-executive director of Spotless Schwarzman Education Foundation and Group Holdings Limited since December Trustee of the Rhodes Trust. 2016 and National Australia Bank Limited since February 2020. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 85

Governance Executive Committee Day-to-day management of the business is delegated by the Board to the Chief Executive and, through him, to other members of the Executive Committee and to certain management committees. Executive Committee The Executive Committee is responsible for The following management committees support the Chief Executive the delivery of strategy, annual plans and in the performance of his duties: commercial objectives. It manages the financial Investment Committee Reviews proposals on investments, acquisitions and disposals. Approves and operational performance of the Group. capital decisions within delegated authority limits, and otherwise recommends matters for approval to the Board, where appropriate. Risk Management Committee Oversees the management and mitigation of the principal risks that could materially impact the Group’s business objectives and exceed its risk tolerances. Ore Reserves Steering Committee Responsible for standards and control procedures in the ore reserves estimation and disclosure process. Ensures that these are effective in meeting internal objectives and regulatory requirements. Disclosure Committee Oversees the identification of inside information and its public disclosure, including processes to ensure such disclosure is accurate and timely. Closure Steering Committee Oversees the process and controls designed to manage the material risks related to rehabilitation, closure and legacy operations. Jean-Sébastien Jacques Jakob Stausholm Bold Baatar Alf Barrios Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Chief Executive, Energy and Minerals Chief Executive, Aluminium Bold has been Chief Executive of our Alf became Chief Executive of Rio Tinto Energy & Minerals (E&M) product group Aluminium (RTA) in 2014. He has overseen Executive Committee members since 2016. Through the development of a significant improvement in safety and The two executive directors, Jean-Sébastien Jacques (Chief Executive) and new products and markets and a financial performance, along with major Jakob Stausholm (Chief Financial Officer), are members of the Executive Committee. responsive market approach, he has growth projects such as the Amrun Their biographies can be found on page 84. helped drive the optimisation of Rio Tinto’s bauxite mine. Alf has championed RTA’s portfolio and generated significant leadership of the industry in sustainability, shareholder value. Bold also has launching the first certified low-carbon responsibility for the Group’s Ventures aluminium and helping it become the first M&A team that explores opportunities in company certified by the Aluminium the battery metals space, alongside other Stewardship Initiative for responsible growth avenues. He has also re-energised production. RTA has also helped to the Group’s focus on Africa and overseen establish ELYSYS, a partnership with Alcoa the development of innovative new supported by Apple and the governments processes, including the extraction of of Canada and Quebec, to further develop lithium from waste rock at our boron mine the world’s first carbon-free smelting in California. Bold has led the Group’s technology. commitment to the rehabilitation and closure of Ranger mine at Energy Resources Australia. 86 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Executive Committee Executive Committee Group Executive appointment after 31 December 2019 Governance Vera Kirikova Steve McIntosh Simone Niven Barbara Levi Group Executive, Human Resources Group Executive, Growth and Innovation Group Executive, Corporate Relations Group Executive, Group General Vera was appointed Group executive, and Health, Safety and Environment Simone was appointed Group executive, Counsel Human Resources, in 2017. Vera brings a Steve became Group executive of Growth Corporate Relations, in 2017. Simone has Barbara was appointed Group executive, people-centric approach to the business & Innovation (G&I) in 2016. In 2019, his played an important role in developing our Group General Counsel in January 2020. and is focused on building a culture that is remit grew to include Health, Safety & vision of partnership aimed at delivering Alongside leading our legal teams around performance driven, inclusive and in which Environment (HSE), bringing our HSE and sustained value to Rio Tinto and to society the world, Barbara oversees a range of everyone can excel. She has been technical experts together to deliver both at large. In 2019, she led the development governance functions including Company responsible for our strategy of shaping a safety and operational excellence. He of our sustainability strategy and supports Secretariat, Ethics & Integrity and the strong workforce for Rio Tinto’s future: oversees the safety and effectiveness of the Group’s efforts on climate change, Technical Evaluation Group. Barbara has this includes the development of a Rio Tinto’s assets throughout their lifecycle. communities and human rights, extensive experience across corporate, technical career framework, a strong Under his leadership, G&I has applied government and other stakeholder commercial and compliance matters. Over talent pipeline, and a new Group-wide innovative, leading-edge technical expertise engagement. Simone also leads the the last 20 years, she has held a number of approach to performance. In 2019, Vera to discover new ore deposits and develop development of our core integrated senior legal roles across Europe and in the helped lead the significant improvement them into assets. He leads our efforts to market and regional country strategies US and was most recently the Group Legal in employee engagement. digitise operations, including the use of and teams, aligned with our commercial Head, M&A and Strategic Transactions automation, artificial intelligence and business priorities. for Novartis. and data science. Chris Salisbury Arnaud Soirat Simon Trott Chief Executive, Iron Ore Chief Executive, Copper and Diamonds Chief Commercial Officer Chris has been Chief Executive of our Iron Arnaud was appointed Chief Executive of Simon became chief commercial officer in Ore product group since 2016, overseeing our Copper & Diamonds (C&D) product 2018 and oversees the selling and marketing consistent strong performance and group in 2016. Under Arnaud’s leadership, of our products, procurement of our goods innovation, including the development of C&D has progressed its growth projects and services and management of our marine the world’s first automated, long-distance, and focused on operational excellence, and logistics activities. Our Commercial heavy haul rail network – AutoHaul™ – and productivity improvement and cost team puts the company’s value over volume the construction of Koodaideri, our most reduction, deploying lean manufacturing approach into practice, bringing market technologically advanced mine. The 2019 to help achieve its strong results, and insights generated from our customer and launch of Australia’s first nationally embedding sustainability in the way the supplier interactions into our operational, recognised qualifications in automation is product group operates. Rio Tinto investment and production decisions. Under an example of his leadership in ensuring diamonds are among the world’s most Simon’s leadership, we have enhanced our our workforce has the skills for the future. coveted and most responsibly sourced; commercial capabilities and implemented Chris places great value on working closely and our copper is part of the sustainability measures to allow the business to better with external partners to create benefit for solution, being essential for clean energy respond to changing market conditions, in the communities in which we operate. technologies, such as electric vehicles part by using new technology and and wind turbines, that help address digitisation to simplify interactions. climate change. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 87

Governance Chairman’s governance review As politics has polarised in many countries, trust in institutions has declined, and the rules-based international order has come under increasing strain. The role of business in Many people have turned instead to business to address these and other society continues to be the pressing environmental and social issues. subject of intense debate. To some extent, this is familiar territory for responsible mining companies. Developing solutions to Mining has profound impacts on the environment and society, both positive and negative. Rio Tinto provides materials that are essential for human many of the great challenges progress; we create jobs, pay taxes, and our activities can be a catalyst for facing humanity today, such economic development. But mining can also have negative environmental and social impacts. At a local level, these may include land disturbance (which can as climate change, the affect biodiversity), noise, dust, air and water emissions; at a regional level, biodiversity crisis or rising significant water consumption (sometimes in water-stressed areas); and on a inequality, would have been global scale, climate change. regarded in the past as Mining also has an impact on local communities, particularly in remote regions, where the creation of well-paid jobs may trigger inward migration, primarily the responsibility increasing inequality and other social changes in communities that have had of national governments, in little contact with industrialised society. some cases working through At Rio Tinto, we have long recognised that mining companies exist at the will of supranational institutions. society, and that we must earn our ‘licence to operate’ by minimising our environmental impact and maximising the long-term social and economic benefits that we bring to our host communities and governments. We are also clear that our long-term, sustainable success depends upon attracting and developing the best employees to manage the ever-increasing complexity of our business, and forming long-term relationships with our customers, suppliers and technology partners to improve productivity and to take full advantage of the technological changes that are sweeping through our industry. Whilst there is always more that we can and should do, I believe that we are making good progress at a local level. But many of the challenges that we face today, such as climate change, are global in scale and cannot be solved by individual company actions alone. As we set out in our climate change report, Rio Tinto is determined to be part of the solution to climate change, supplying essential materials for the energy transition and reducing our direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But the decarbonisation of the full value chain, from mine to end product, requires systems to change on a global scale, involving multiple stakeholders and jurisdictions. Governments around the world, including in the UK, are setting ambitious targets to reach net zero emissions. To achieve this, enabling regulation, such as carbon pricing, is essential to incentivise the private sector to invest in decarbonising ‘hard to abate’ sectors, such as aluminium smelting, steel making and shipping. Since the costs of the energy transition will fall unevenly, governments also need to ensure that adversely-affected communities and regions are adequately supported. So, while business has a vital role to play, we will only succeed in addressing the unprecedented challenge of climate change through the collaborative action of governments, companies and consumers. Perhaps the most significant challenge facing responsible boards today is to Landscape in the Kimberley region of balance short-term efficiency with long-term effectiveness, including Western Australia, home to our Argyle diamond mine. sustaining the ecosystems that support our activities. In some companies and sectors, it is clear that the balance has shifted too far towards short-term gains – cutting costs (and corners) to boost short-term profits. At Rio Tinto, our objective is to maximise long-term sustainable profits to maintain the financial strength to invest in the future and to meet our obligations to wider society. We believe that this focus on long-term sustainable profit also delivers better risk-adjusted returns for our shareholders. 88 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Chairman’s governance review Stakeholder engagement Board evaluation and priorities for 2020 To maintain our long-term effectiveness, it is essential that we engage with In 2019, we appointed Lintstock Limited to undertake an independent, formal a broad range of stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board and its committees. local communities, governments and civil society, to ensure that we A questionnaire was completed by directors, the Group Company Secretary understand their perceptions of our activities and identify opportunities to and certain members of the Executive Committee, who gave their views on the improve our future performance. Over the past year, Board members have met performance of the Board. I held one-to-one discussions with all involved and, representatives from each of these stakeholder groups, across four continents. separately, the senior independent director met with the other directors to assess my performance. In 2019, in view of the provisions of the new UK Corporate Governance Code, we have built on the extensive activities that were already in place for engaging our There was good alignment between the Board and the Executive on the workforce. The mechanisms we have established are set out on page 92 and we strategic risks and opportunities, and the top priorities for the Board in 2020. continue to enhance these to ensure that the views of our workforce are Further details can be found on pages 96 and 97. incorporated into relevant decision-making processes. Governance Shareholder engagement As a Board, we have also placed a greater focus on, and oversight of, our We look forward to meeting more of our shareholders and investors at our customer and supplier relationships. We have received two separate surveys AGMs in April and May 2020, in London and Brisbane respectively. In addition and enjoyed an insightful presentation from one of our major suppliers and to routine matters, we will be asking our shareholders to approve the technology partners. Further details are set out on page 93. appointment of KPMG as our new auditors, for the 2020 financial year. During the year, Board members joined senior executives at roundtable Finally, I am grateful to Jean-Sébastien Jacques, the executive team, our discussions with civil society organisations in Australia, Canada and the US to employees and my colleagues on the Board for all of their hard work, their discuss support for communities locally and global advocacy on issues such as commitment to Rio Tinto and for the exciting future that we are seeking to human rights and indigenous peoples’ rights, climate change and extractives’ create for the company and our stakeholders. transparency. Culture, diversity and the Board Our purpose and strategy encapsulate our longer-term aims and ambitions. The hard part is to establish the right systems and processes and, critically, to Simon Thompson embed the right culture and behaviours to achieve these objectives. As a Chairman Board, we recognise the important role we play in modelling the values and 26 February 2020 behaviours that we wish to see embedded across Rio Tinto and in promoting a culture of openness, inclusion and diversity. This year, the Board began to review how we live those values in our everyday activities and we established a baseline for how those values can be measured as we move forward. You will find more about this on page 91. “We have long recognised that mining In our succession planning, we aim to bring a diverse and complementary companies exist at the will of society and range of skills, knowledge and experience to the Board, so that we are equipped to navigate the operational, social, environmental, regulatory and geopolitical that we must earn our ‘licence to operate’ complexity in which our business operates. Achieving the right blend of skills to by minimising our environmental impact support effective decision-making is a continuing process. Further details of our succession planning are set out in the Nominations Committee report on and maximising the long-term social and pages 98 and 99. economic benefits that we bring to our I would like to express my thanks to Ann Godbehere who stepped down as host communities and governments.” Senior Independent Director and chair of the Audit Committee at the AGM in May 2019. We are grateful for Ann’s wise counsel and for her outstanding stewardship of the Audit Committee. Sam Laidlaw succeeded Ann as senior independent director, while Simon Henry has taken over as chair of the Audit Committee. I would also like to thank Moya Greene, who stepped down as a Non-Executive Director in June 2019, for her contribution to Rio Tinto. On 21 February 2020, we announced the appointment of three new non- executive directors to the Board. Hinda Gharbi, Executive Vice President of Reservoir & Infrastructure at Schlumberger Limited, and Jennifer Nason, a Global Chairman at JP Morgan Chase & Co, will join with effect from 1 March 2020. Ngaire Woods CBE, Professor of International Political Economy at Oxford University, will join with effect from 1 September 2020. The new directors will broaden the experience of the Board, bringing complementary skills and international expertise across diverse backgrounds in natural resources, finance, technology, governance and public policy. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 89

Governance How the Board works Good governance is, fundamentally, about considering the right things, at the right time, with the right people and insights. We have tried to structure the way the Board works to support that objective, to strengthen our strategic focus, and to improve both the challenge and the support that the Board provides to the executive team. Considering the The principal responsibilities of the Board are to: –– Set the Group’s purpose, values and strategy, and ensure that the Group’s culture is aligned with these. right things… –– Appoint the executive team (including the executive directors), who are responsible for fulfilling our purpose, We want to make sure upholding our values, and developing and delivering the strategy. the Board is working in –– Monitor the Group’s performance in delivering its strategy, including ensuring that the necessary resources are in place ways that add the for the Group to meet its objectives. –– Analyse external trends, and assess the opportunities and risks that they may present. most value to the –– Establish a framework of prudent and effective controls that enables these risks to be assessed and managed. business. –– Engage with shareholders and other stakeholders to ensure that their views and concerns are taken into account. Much of our work over the year has been focused on strategy. This has included considering the Group’s climate change strategy framework, as well as potential growth options and future partnerships. At the same time, the Board has increased its engagement with the workforce, with customers and with suppliers as part of a new programme of stakeholder initiatives. We have also considered Group culture and behaviours, while maintaining a disciplined oversight of the operational performance of our core assets and significant investment decisions. … at the right time… To ensure that we are maintaining the right balance between monitoring past performance and thinking about the future, we have developed a detailed rolling agenda for the Board and its committees. We consider matters under four We have reduced the key pillars: the performance of the business; priority items relating to the Group’s strategy and risk profile; items number of Board requiring a Board decision, such as prospective investments; and governance, which includes items relating to our meetings, but various stakeholders, teach-ins and the monitoring of the Group’s ongoing regulatory matters, as well as important increased their length developments in corporate governance. and effectiveness. We have reduced the number of Board meetings, but increased their length and effectiveness. Committee meetings now run consecutively, rather than concurrently, so that Board members can attend all meetings if they wish. We have also added two dedicated strategy meetings to the annual cycle – the first to review the external environment and to identify priorities for the executive team to evaluate, and the second to make decisions for the Group in that macro context. … with the right Recognising that no Board can possess all the necessary skills and experience, we aim to become more effective “conveners of expertise”, arranging site visits, presentations by internal and external experts, and other education people and insights. programmes ahead of critical strategic or investment decisions. These initiatives are underpinned by an improved We want to make sure understanding of the capabilities of the current Board. We have developed a skills and competencies’ matrix for the that we are making the Board (summarised on page 99) which has helped us to identify potential gaps and make informed decisions on new decisions and appointments. judgments that matter, Within the wider organisation, we recognise the need to augment our existing technical strengths by developing or with the skills and recruiting new skills and talent, in some cases from non-traditional sources. This in turn means that we have to adapt our information we need. culture, building on the great strengths that have served Rio Tinto well, while embracing new ideas and fresh approaches. We continue to step up our engagement with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that their ideas and concerns are better reflected in our operational and strategic decision-making. Some of these activities are described on the following pages. 90 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Matters discussed in 2019 We set out below some of the matters which the Board has considered during 2019, grouped under the headings that we use to structure our agendas. Subject area Matters considered Performance At every Board meeting, the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer report on the safety, operating and business performance of the Group against our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as well as how certain material stakeholder issues are being managed. The Board also discusses detailed reports relating to progress on major capital projects, updates on specific operations Governance and functions, and the wider geopolitical and commodity market developments relevant to our business. Examples in 2019 included: –– In May and July, the Board considered updates on progress at the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project. –– In September, the Board discussed plans to address mine operational challenges in the Pilbara iron ore system in Western Australia, particularly at the Greater Brockman Hub. –– In November, the Board reviewed an assessment of the current state of the Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) function, and its vision for the next three to five years. The Board also reviewed and approved the Group’s annual and multi-year business plans and financial results announcements. Strategy and risk The Board discussed and confirmed the Group’s strategy in two separate two-day sessions, in June and September. Topics discussed included: the strategic context for our business, China’s new era, social and people trends, growth and portfolio choices for the business, climate change, energy transition and new commodities, technology and innovation, our people and culture. The Board conducted deep dive reviews of various strategic priorities and risks. In 2019, these included: –– A review, in February, of the Group’s evolving people strategy and culture. –– In April, a detailed briefing on underground mining. –– In July, into the Group’s Commercial function and its strategy and priorities. –– In October, an overview of the Group’s principal risks and mitigating actions. –– In November, the Group’s climate change strategy and new GHG emissions reduction targets as well as a focus on productivity and asset integrity. Decisions Over the course of 2019, the Board discussed and approved over $4 billion of funding in respect of sustaining capital expenditure, new growth projects and mine closures costs. Important investment decisions in 2019 included: –– In April, the Board approved a $463 million investment in the Zulti South mine development project in South Africa. –– In November, the Board approved $749 million of funding to further develop the Tom Price iron ore mine in the Pilbara, Australia. –– Also in November, the Board approved a $1.5 billion investment at Kennecott Copper to extend the life of that mine to 2032. Governance As part of its oversight of governance, the Board also considers its own constitution, composition and performance. At every meeting the Board reviews a rolling forward agenda of matters to be discussed. The Board also reviews and approves any new, or revised, Group policies. In addition, during 2019, the Board considered the following governance- related matters: –– In July, the updates on the views of key stakeholder groups in the form of survey results on the Group’s reputation and brand health, an externally-facilitated investor perception study, and the results of the latest six-monthly employee engagement survey. –– In November, the results of the externally-facilitated evaluation of the Board and its committees (the results of which are detailed on pages 96 and 97). –– In November, a first culture and values scorecard was discussed. This seeks to establish a baseline for the Board to measure the internal and external perception of how, as an organisation, we are increasingly living our values and that our work on culture and values is having a demonstrable impact. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 91

Governance Our stakeholders We are acutely aware that the decisions we make affect the lives of many people. We try very hard to understand the interests of our wide range of stakeholders, and to reflect them in the choices we make in creating long-term sustainable success for our business. In the following section, we detail our key stakeholders and summarise their interests, how the Board has engaged with them, and how what the Board has heard has influenced our decision making. This section serves as our “section 172(1) statement”. Employees1 Introduction How the Board has taken account of these interests Our 46,000 people in 36 countries make Rio Tinto what it is. –– It is clear that the workforce has appreciated the open and transparent way We believe they want to work in a positive environment, where they are safe in which the Board has stepped up its engagement in 2019. This has begun and respected, and have the opportunity to learn, reach their potential and to foster greater trust in, and understanding of, the Board, and has develop successful careers in a company they can be proud of. increased the workforce’s accessibility to Board members. –– In response to feedback received during 2019, we will refocus our How we engage and communicate engagements in 2020 so that the workforce can gain greater insight into the –– We held our first employee ‘AGM’ in Australia in 2018 and, in 2019, almost role and workings of the Board and its committees. The Board will also 500 employees attended our second AGM in Montreal, Canada. The event, structure its engagements to spend more time understanding what is on which was webcast across the Group, featured a panel discussion with employees’ minds. More informal networking opportunities will be directors during which employees asked a range of questions on matters organised and a regular standing item will be introduced at Board meetings such as the Board’s oversight of safety and climate change, and “pop-up” for directors to report back on their engagements. As part of these stalls showcasing various innovations across the Group’s North American engagement activities, the Board intends to spend more time specifically operations. hearing from female employees to better understand their perspectives as –– Our Chief Executive held over 30 town halls and small group discussions in we continue to enhance the diversity of our workplace. 20 locations during 2019, and the main themes and issues were reported –– The Board was pleased to see a continued improving trend in overall regularly to the Board. The Chairman visited nine Rio Tinto mines and employee satisfaction through employee survey results, but the real value offices during the year and had regular townhalls and lunch and breakfast is in those scores that offer room for improvement, and in the ideas and briefings with the workforce as part of these visits. comments that employees submit. These suggest that we can still do –– The Board has begun a series of informal workforce engagements better at explaining our strategy, and at breaking down silos and working whenever it visits sites or attends Rio Tinto offices for meetings. Examples collaboratively. The Board will focus on these areas in 2020. in 2019 include meeting employees running our 4.0 Pioneer Lab in Brisbane, and informal Q&A sessions with sections of senior management Given the Group’s size and complexity, and its geographical spread, the Board and our graduate population in Brisbane, Salt Lake (Kennecott) and in the proposes to continue with a multi-faceted approach to workforce engagement Group’s aluminium business in the Saguenay. that is not led by any one director or group of directors. The Board considers –– We conduct a six-monthly employee engagement survey to measure how that this approach is appropriate, but will continue to keep engagement people feel about the company and its direction. The Board reviews the mechanisms under review to ensure they remain effective. results and a cross-section of the comments. Communities and governments Introduction How the Board has taken account of these interests Trust and partnership between us and the communities and governments that –– In 2019, directors and senior executives attended structured roundtables host our operations is vital. with civil society organisations in Canada and Australia to discuss support for communities locally, and global advocacy on issues such as human Their interest in the potential impacts of our business both positive and rights and Indigenous peoples’ rights, climate change and extractives negative, spans a wide range of issues. These include the taxes we pay and the transparency. jobs we create, as well as how our operations affect the local environment. –– The Board maintains a regular discussion on social issues and the Communities and governments seek our commitment to high standards in environment and, in October 2019, we announced a partnership with managing our operational footprint and respecting community and human Chinese partners to explore ways to improve environmental performance rights. More recently, global trade, the transition to a low-carbon economy, across the entire steel value chain. renewables and energy, disclosure of mining contracts and taxes paid, the –– When approving the $463 million Zulti South Project at Richards Bay in future of work, gender inclusion and Indigenous rights have been themes of South Africa, the Board carefully considered the relationships with focus. provincial government, municipalities and host communities that will be critical to the success of the project. How we engage and communicate –– During 2019, following government and community concern in the wake of –– Our approach to communities is based on regular dialogue and the tailings dam disaster at Vale S.A’s Feijão mine in Brumadinho, Brazil, Rio engagement at every stage of the life of our assets. We openly discuss all Tinto disclosed additional information relating to its global tailings facilities. impacts and seek community feedback and participation. This included information regarding the construction, management and –– The Board has engaged civil society organisations who support monitoring of facilities, and independent reviews. The Sustainability communities locally or through global advocacy. Committee oversaw these updates on the certification and assurance –– We have a regular dialogue with host governments at the national and processes for both tailings and water storage facilities at all current and provincial levels, and with international organisations such as the World legacy sites. A tailings validation taskforce was established which Bank, the International Finance Corporation and multi-stakeholder groups conducted a programme of technical risk reviews of the Group’s facilities, like the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. and reported its findings to the Sustainability Committee. –– The Board has agreed to step up its direct engagement with local communities when visiting Rio Tinto sites in 2020. 1 See note 32 on page 206 for the definition of our workforce 92 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Our stakeholders Investors Introduction How the Board has taken account of these interests Our investors include global fund managers, pension funds and bondholders, –– In response to investor feedback, the Board has continued to focus as well as tens of thousands of individuals, all of whom have put their capital at on a strategy of maximising shareholder returns, while allocating capital risk and need to earn a financial return. to invest for future growth and retaining the financial and operational resilience to position the business strongly through the macro and They are interested in understanding the purpose, values and culture of the commodity cycles. Group, as well as the threats and opportunities that affect our strategy and –– Investors are interested in the theme of renewables (including electric performance. They also want to understand how capital is allocated. vehicles) and how this will translate into future demand for commodities such as lithium, copper, nickel and cobalt. In response, the Board dedicated How we engage and communicate time at its strategy session to assess the portfolio decisions that support –– We hold two AGMs each year, in Australia and in the UK, where investors the transition to a lower-carbon economy. Governance have the opportunity to question and engage with the Board. –– Investors have requested more access to senior executives via conferences, –– We maintain a regular and comprehensive programme of engagement with marketing, site visits and social events. In response, members of the Group investors and research analysts, providing current and potential new executive team participated in the investor seminar in October and this will investors with an opportunity to meet executives, the Chairman and the also be considered further in 2020. senior independent director. –– We held an investor seminar in London in October, where the executive directors and other members of the executive team provided an update on performance and business developments. –– The Board also commissioned an independent perception study in May, seeking the views of institutional investors representing some 40% of the active Rio Tinto register in the US, the UK and Australia. Customers and suppliers Introduction How the Board has taken account of these interests Mining is a long-term business, and both our customers and our suppliers In July 2019, the Board received a detailed teach-in from Simon Trott, our Chief have an interest in developing mutually beneficial partnerships built on trust Commercial Officer, to deepen our understanding of the supply chain and our and transparency; they want to know that we will do what we say we will do. customers’ needs. The Board heard how the Commercial team aims to enhance its activities and the optionality in our portfolio to respond more The impact of changes in technology, geo-political and economic power and dynamically to changes in the supply of and demand for of our products. increasing societal demands to address climate change are creating potential structural shifts in the market. Our Commercial group, working hand-in-hand At that same meeting, the Board heard from Denise Johnson, Group President, with our product groups, works closely with customers and suppliers, and in Resource Industries at one of Rio Tinto’s largest suppliers, Caterpillar, which is doing so, brings their voice, and the needs of a dynamic market, into our the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel operational, investment and production decisions. and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. Denise focused on three key areas: partnership, environmental How we engage and communicate and social trends and technology and innovation. –– By extending our supply chain optionality into Chinese ports, we have enabled just-in-time deliveries, inventory management solutions and To strengthen its understanding of customers’ needs, Commercial undertook a value-added services to our customers. survey across its key commodities targeting 266 customer companies in 25 –– In Bauxite, we combined the strong technical skills in our refineries with our markets. The survey built on previous ad hoc customer surveys in some deep customer relationships and insights to build a new market for our product groups. The results were presented to the Board in November 2019, products in China. and will form a baseline for the Board to measure future customer surveys. Key –– We are working with industry partners on the Aluminium Stewardship insights included that technical knowledge of our customers’ needs is a Initiative, leveraging the low-carbon emissions of our Canadian assets to strength, and there is an opportunity to partner further to understand the deliver a product that is valued by our customers, such as the auto industry. technical changes in customer operations to inform our product offerings. –– Our Commercial group has continued to enhance how we engage with our There is also an opportunity to further simplify our customer interactions as markets and customers, in part by using technology, data and analytics. We part of our own technology agenda, particularly related to documentation, and are continuing to pilot the latest technologies, including blockchain and shipping and logistics management. paperless solutions, to innovate the way we conduct our business and make our transactions more efficient, safe and cost-effective. A dedicated survey of suppliers will be conducted in 2020 and the Board intends to visit major customers in Asia. “The AGM gave people the opportunity to ask the hard questions. I loved the clarity and simplicity with which they gave their answers… Great initiative” Employee feedback on the AGM with the Board September 2019, Montreal, Canada. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 93

Governance Board effectiveness Deepening Board members’ skills and knowledge We continue to build our Board members’ understanding of the business and local operating conditions with a programme of teach-ins, deep dives and site visits. We tailor these activities so they are more relevant to directors’ committee responsibilities, and time them to inform upcoming Board decisions. Examples of how this worked in practice in 2019 are set out below. Teach-ins Richards Bay Minerals We had a teach-in in advance of the Board’s consideration and approval of the $463 million investment to develop the Zulti South project at Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) in South Africa. RBM sells three main products: TiO2 slag, zircon and high purity ductile iron. The teach-in provided the Board with industry, customer and demand and supply context for TiO2. The teach-in also covered potential regulatory policy changes in key customer markets such as China. The presentation examined key risks and opportunities facing the next phase of the Zulti South project, including issues relating to local communities, security, local procurement and employment expectations and contractor management. The Board noted that mitigating the local socio-political (and security) environment had been a key priority during 2018 and were briefed on a recent security threat assessment that confirmed the key potential security risks to operational stability. Deep dives Block caving (Oyu Tolgoi) As the Group’s development of the Oyu Tolgoi underground project has continued in 2019, the Board received a number of detailed briefings on the block cave mining method. The presentations provided historical background and context on the method and explained Rio Tinto’s approach to managing major hazard risks and improving the design, construction and operation of all of our underground mines. Rio Tinto has been involved with four major block cave mining projects over the past 24 years and the deep dive covered how, from this experience, the Group has developed: (i) a global underground safety standard for all our underground mines; (ii) an Underground Centre of Excellence – a centralised function of underground mining experts; (iii) a methodology to apply lessons learned to new projects and operations; (iv) oversight of the construction and caving process by subject matter experts; and (v) ongoing monitoring of peer caving operations. In subsequent presentations during the year, the Board received a detailed teach-in on the three main components of the underground project (the above ground infrastructure; the shafts and below ground supporting infrastructure; and mine development and mine footprint infrastructure), and the governance arrangements in place to support delivery of the project. Site visits Kennecott In advance of the Board’s approval in November 2019 of $1.5 billion of funding to execute Slice 2 of the South Pushback at Rio Tinto Kennecott in Salt Lake, Utah, certain members of the Board visited the fully integrated mining operation in September. The Board visited Bingham Canyon mine and learned about the pending Slice 2 growth option, the crusher relocation, geo-technical risk mitigation and management. Other aspects of the visit included briefings at Barney’s Canyon mine on the status of the closure pre-feasibility study, a walk around the site refinery and briefings on the management of the tailings facility. “There was good, open discussion about the role of copper and diamonds in the Rio portfolio, the future of Kennecott, community engagement and the ESG issues facing the asset… At lunch in the mine administration offices, we were joined by a highly engaged and diverse group of graduates and had a lively Q&A session. Notably, the main subject for questioning was around sustainability and environmental stewardship strategy. Great energy in the room.” Sam Laidlaw Senior independent director 94 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Board effectiveness Case study: the depth of our Board’s engagement on climate change Context Outcomes Climate change represents an unprecedented challenge for the world and for The Board has considered the impact of climate change over the short-term, Rio Tinto. We believe that feasible pathways exist to develop a successful medium-term and long‑term time horizons (see below). The key uncertainties low-carbon economy and, as producers of the materials vital to this transition, are changes in the regulatory response and the speed of development and we want to be part of the solution. adoption of new technologies. 1. Short‑term (1 year): this is the timeframe for our annual financial planning Governance 2. Medium‑term (2-10 years): our annual strategic planning cycle looks Climate change is regularly discussed at the most senior levels of management 10 years ahead and by the Board. The Rio Tinto Board is ultimately accountable for our 3. Long‑term (beyond 10 years): this is the timeframe for our long‑term approach to climate change, which is part of our overall sustainability strategy outlook and scenario planning and is embedded in the strategy for the business. Governance The Board approves our climate policy and sets the Group’s ambition and –– 76% of our electricity consumption at our managed operations is emissions targets. The Sustainability Committee is responsible for monitoring supplied from renewable sources. 29% reduction in intensity performance against the targets and ensuring operational-level resilience. The of our operations since 2008. Sustainability Committee also has oversight of key sustainability risk areas that –– Ambition of net zero emissions by 2050. may be related to climate change in areas such as biodiversity and water and of –– Our new 2030 targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions for our managed the effectiveness of associated controls. and non-managed operations (on an equity share basis) are to reduce our emissions intensity by 30% and our absolute emissions by 15%, The Board met seven times in 2019 and covered climate change on five both from 2018 levels. separate occasions. The Board aims to become more effective as “conveners of –– In addition, our overall growth between now and 2030 will be carbon expertise”. In February 2019, we invited Lord Adair Turner, Chairman of the neutral. Energy Transitions Commission, to speak to the Board. Simon Thompson is –– Underpinned by approximately $1 billion estimated spend on also a Commissioner on the Energy Transition Commission. climate-related projects over five years. –– Our partnerships to address emissions in the value chain (see below). At the two strategy meetings (in June and September 2019), the Board discussed: –– The Group’s long-term climate change ambition Future priorities –– Options for our 2030 carbon emissions targets following detailed analysis of As we look to the future, we will continue to take action in four areas: abatement options and offsets 1. Producing the materials essential for a low-carbon future –– A potential approach with regard to the emissions from our value chains 2. Reducing the carbon footprint of our operations –– The Group’s capabilities to pursue the various components of the climate 3. Partnering to reduce the carbon footprint across our value chain change strategy framework (see opposite). 4. Enhancing our resilience to physical climate risks. The Board also discussed industry association memberships and approved the Highlights of our recent progress disclosure of our review of associations’ climate policy positions. In November 2019, the Board considered and agreed in principle the long-term ambition, 2018 Completed the sale of Rio Tinto’s remaining coal 2030 targets and financing of our climate change initiatives, which are set out businesses in our climate change report. 2019, February Rio Tinto joined Energy Transitions Commission April Published the annual update of our review of the role of In addition, in November 2019, Simon Thompson and Megan Clark hosted industry associations discussions focusing on climate change with civil society organisations and May Supported World Bank launch of Climate-Smart investors. Mining facility September –– Established our Energy & Climate Centre of Excellence –– Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition published report on carbon pricing and competitiveness –– Signed Memorandum of Understanding with Baowu Steel and Tsinghua University December Apple purchased the first commercial batch of aluminium from Elysis made without any direct CO2 emissions in the smelting process 2020, February Board approval of our 2030 targets for our operational emissions and our long-term ambition to be net zero “One of our important decisions was to by 2050 move the responsibility for climate change to the corporate strategy and business development team, which puts the issue at the heart of our business” Simon Thompson Chairman Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 95

Governance Evaluating our performance shorter form questionnaire and conducting an interview. Lintstock is a An effective board depends on the personal specialist corporate advisory firm with no other connection to Rio Tinto. development of individual directors and The Board reviewed the evaluation outcome at its November 2019 meeting in continuous improvement in the operation Brisbane and agreed an action plan, summarised below. Overall, respondents of the Board as a whole. agreed that the performance of the Board had improved since the last review, and observed a steady improvement in Board dynamics. We measure our performance each year by carrying out a formal annual review of the Board, its committees and the chairman. Individual assessments The Chairman is responsible for evaluating the performance of non-executive In 2019, we engaged Lintstock to conduct an externally facilitated, independent directors. In 2019, he met each non-executive director to review their views on evaluation. The evaluation was based on a questionnaire and interview process and contribution to the Board, as well as their training requirements. and covered: Board composition and dynamics; oversight of key stakeholders, strategy and culture; understanding of the external environment; management The non-executive directors, led by the senior independent director, are responsible of meetings, including time allocation and Board support; quality of for the performance evaluation of the Chairman. The senior independent management information on performance and investment decisions; risk director met with the non-executive directors and, separately, the executive management; effectiveness of succession planning and human resource directors to gather feedback to provide to the Chairman on his performance. management; and priorities for change. All Board members and the Group Company Secretary participated in the review. In addition, certain members of the Group Executive were requested to contribute to the review by answering a Topic 2019 progress on 2018 actions Actions for 2020 Board The appointments of Hinda Gharbi, Jennifer Nason and Ngaire Preserve more time for informal debate, for example during Board dinners. composition / Woods bring expertise in natural resources, finance, dynamics technology, governance and public policy to the Board. Prudent planning was undertaken to begin identifying internal successors for the roles of Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer. Strategy The involvement of the Board in strategy, the clarity of the The Board will continue to focus on the following strategic priorities in 2020: Group’s strategy and the communication of strategy –– Risk appetite, particularly in the context of growth opportunities in new countries externally were positively rated, as was the Board’s –– China oversight of strategic implementation. –– Continued focus on Commercial and markets –– People, culture and the Group’s operating model –– Technology –– Resource nationalism –– ESG factors including climate change –– The Group’s licence to operate in key jurisdictions. The Chief Financial Officer will continue to consider an enhanced framework of financial metrics against which the Board can analyse and stress test strategic options, new investments and business plan scenarios. Further involvement of the executive team in strategic discussions. Board Overall, the quality of Board documentation received –– Create a template for Board and committee papers to provide greater reporting a positive rating, with papers generally viewed as well brevity, clarity and consistency. written and clear. –– Continue to combine and enhance Chief Executive/ Chief Financial Officer reports. –– Short presentations to allow more time for discussions of key issues and risks –– On key investment decisions, improve discussion of upside / downside risks and alternative strategies –– Focused ‘teach-ins’ on key issues –– Shift agendas to focus more on external factors affecting the business. Stakeholders The Board’s understanding of stakeholders was rated –– Engage with customers/suppliers during a Board visit to China positively overall, although a greater understanding of China –– Increase Board engagement with top talent and senior management was considered desirable. –– Increase engagement with US investors –– Increase Board awareness of government views in key countries of operation The Board’s understanding and oversight of workforce views –– Increase engagement with local communities on Board site visits was assessed as good through the various mechanisms that have been established. The Board and its committees will continue to utilise external speakers and subject-matter experts to enhance understanding, including of China, climate Oversight of culture was also rated positively, although the change and the energy transition. need to ensure that a supportive culture amongst senior management was stressed. Further workforce engagement initiatives will seek to build understanding, across different jurisdictions, of employee attitudes to work practices and to the company in general. 96 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Evaluating our performance Directors’ attendance at scheduled Board and committee meetings during 20191 Committee appointments Board Audit Nominations Remuneration Sustainability Chairman and executive directors Simon Thompson 7/7 5/5 4/4 Jean-Sébastien Jacques 7/7 Jakob Stausholm 7/7 Non-executive directors Governance Megan Clark 7/7 5/5 4/4 4/4 David Constable 7/7 6/6 5/5 Ann Godbehere- retired 9 May 2019 3/3 2/2 2/2 2/2 Moya Greene- retired 26 June 2019 3/3 2/2 2/2 2/2 Simon Henry 7/7 6/6 5/5 4/4 Sam Laidlaw 7/7 5/5 4/4 4/4 Michael L’Estrange 7/7 5/5 4/4 Simon McKeon- appointed 1 January 2019 7/7 6/6 5/5 4/4 1 Outside of the scheduled meetings of the Board and committees for 2019, certain ad hoc meetings took place to consider more urgent matters. Our plans and priorities for 2020 The Board has identified the following focus areas for 2020: Focusing on strategy and growth options Culture, capacity and capability –– Continue to consider the Group’s three- to five-year strategy –– Continue to enhance the Board’s oversight of culture and behaviours against a number of different external scenarios and a maturing –– Ensure that the Group has the organisational capacity and capabilities to financial framework deliver its strategic objectives –– Seek to identify appropriate growth options for the business, while –– Review the executive and senior management talent pipeline and maintaining the Group’s disciplined approach to capital allocation. succession plans –– Consider the Group’s employee value proposition. Operational excellence and efficiency Stakeholder engagement –– Monitor the Group’s operational performance –– Improve the Board’s understanding of key customers and suppliers –– Review the Group’s technology roadmaps. –– Continue to formalise mechanisms to hear the views of the Group’s workforce, and to shape decision-making accordingly. Supporting Board dynamics Training and development –– Support the on-boarding of the newly appointed non‑executive directors –– Continue to enhance the Board’s knowledge of Asia, and China in particular –– Continue to enhance relations between executive and non-executive –– Conduct deep dives into the Group’s commercial (marketing, logistics and members of the Board, creating an informal, challenging but procurement) activities and our Aluminium product group supportive environment –– Teach ins will be organised in 2020 in relation to technology, exploration –– Provide support and advice on Group initiatives and emerging issues, and closure (with a programme of deep dives into each of the Group’s major including community engagement models, strategic scenario planning, closure projects). digitalisation and the Group’s technology strategy –– Increase Executive Committee involvement in strategic discussions. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 97

Governance Nominations Committee report Achieving and maintaining greater female representation on the Board Last year, we reported that 27% of our Board members were women. This was a The Nominations Committee seeks significant step towards achieving the recommendations of the Hampton Alexander to ensure that the Board has the right review that 33% of the Board is comprised of female directors, and our succession mixture of skills, experience and planning at this time last year was structured to deliver on this recommendation. background to enable it to identify and In 2019, we had planned for the recruitment of an additional non-executive director to replace Ann Godbehere, who stood down from the Board in May respond appropriately to current and 2019. In June 2019, Moya Green resigned unexpectedly from the Board, future opportunities and challenges. having underestimated the time commitment involved. As a result, we re-doubled our search efforts, appointing two separate search firms, Russell It reviews the composition of the Board and leads the process for Reynolds Associates and Spencer Stuart to conduct a parallel search for the appointments, making recommendations to the Board as part of vacant positions. Neither firm has any other connection with Rio Tinto. As at succession planning for both non-executive and executive directors. the end of 2019, there were eight men and one woman on the Board. It oversees the development of a diverse pipeline for succession. It approves proposals for appointments to the Executive Committee On 21 February 2020, we announced the appointment of three new and monitors the succession plans and talent pipeline for Executive independent non-executive directors to the Board. Hinda Gharbi and Jennifer Committee members and their direct reports. Nason will join with effect from 1 March 2020. Ngaire Woods CBE will join with effect from 1 September 2020. Hinda Gharbi is Executive Vice President of Reservoir & Infrastructure at Schlumberger, a position she assumed in February, 2019. She has been on the Simon Thompson Schlumberger executive committee for the last three years and has been with Nominations Committee chairman the company for 24 years, working in various engineering, functional and line 26 February 2020 management positions, including health and safety, human resources, technology development and operations across France, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Hinda has dual Building an inclusive culture Australian-Tunisian nationality. Rio Tinto is committed to promoting behaviours that support an inclusive and diverse workplace and that reflect our values of safety, teamwork, respect, Jennifer Nason is a Global Chairman at JP Morgan, with over 30 years’ integrity and excellence. This commitment is set out in our global code of experience of corporate finance and capital markets. For the past 17 years, she conduct, The way we work. has led the Technology, Media and Telecommunications global client practice, based in the USA. During her time at JP Morgan, she has also worked in the The Board leads by example and recognises that it has an important role to metals and mining sector team in Australia. Jennifer has dual Australian-US play in creating an environment in which all contributions are valued, different nationality and is a current director and former chair of the American Australian perspectives are embraced, and biases are acknowledged and overcome. The Association. Board shares ownership with the Executive Committee of the Group’s inclusion and diversity policy, which can be found on the Group’s website. Ngaire Woods is the founding Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government, Professor of Global Economic Governance and the Founder and Director of the Membership of the Committee Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University. She has been a All non-executive directors are members of the Nominations Committee. Fellow of University College, Oxford for the past 17 years. She has also been a The Chief Executive and the Human Resources Group Executive are invited visiting lecturer at Harvard University and the Central European University. As a to attend all or part of most meetings. The Committee is chaired by the recognised expert in public policy, international development and governance, Chairman of the Board, unless the matter under consideration relates to the she has served as an adviser to the African Development Bank, the Asian role of the Chairman. Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Center for Global Development, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union. She serves on the board Appointments to the Board – our policy of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Education Foundation and as a Rhodes Trustee. We base our appointments to the Board on merit, and on objective selection Ngaire is a dual New Zealand and British citizen. criteria, with the aim of bringing a range of skills, knowledge, and experience to Rio Tinto. This involves a formal and rigorous process to source strong candidates The new directors will broaden the experience of the Board, bringing from diverse backgrounds, and conducting appropriate background and complementary skills and international expertise from diverse backgrounds reference checks on the shortlisted candidates. We aim to appoint people who in natural resources, finance, technology, governance and public policy. will help us address the operational and strategic challenges and opportunities facing the company now and in the future, and ensure that our Board is diverse Once the appointments all take effect later this year, we will have achieved the in terms of gender, nationality, social background and cognitive style. Hampton Alexander recommendation that one third of our Board members are female. We believe that an effective Board provides a range of perspectives, combining the experience of directors who have developed a deep understanding of our The Group has continued to set measurable gender diversity objectives for business over several years, with the fresh insights of newer appointees. the composition of senior management and graduate intake. As part of the We aim for our Board composition to reflect the global nature of Rio Tinto’s Chief Executive’s individual objectives for 2020 there is a commitment to business: currently seven different nationalities are represented, including improving gender diversity in senior management and operational roles, and from our major countries of operation. The key skills and experience of our to continuing to build an inclusive culture. This forms part of his short-term Board are set out on the table on the opposite page. incentive plan and is cascaded down to the Executive Committee and senior management. Performance by the Chief Executive against his individual We only engage recruitment agencies that are signed up to the Voluntary Code objectives is reviewed and agreed by the Board. In 2019, female representation of Conduct on diversity best practice and this commitment has underpinned within senior management remained at 22.6% (112 women and 385 men), the search criteria for the three new appointments to the Board that we against a target of 24.4%. We made a significant improvement in the gender announced in February 2020. diversity of graduates, and the female graduate intake was 54% (against a 98 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Nominations Committee report target of 50%). For the total workforce population, gender balance improved Executive Committee succession planning from 17.7% to 18.4% (7,332 women and 32,628 men). As a Committee, we have During 2019, the Committee received regular presentations from the Chief reviewed and endorsed the gender diversity objectives for 2020 and we will Executive on the composition and performance of the Executive Committee. monitor progress on the programmes and initiatives designed to achieve them. These updates included detailed consideration of the performance and Further information with regard to the performance against the targets set for development requirements of individual members of the Executive Committee, 2019 and on our 2020 objectives can be found on page 62. and a review of their direct reports and other high-potential individuals who could become members of the Executive Committee in due course. The discussions Our Executive Committee is currently 27% female and includes nine different included a review of the diversity of the senior management pipeline, and how nationalities. the approach taken at all levels of seniority can support increased diversity. Year in review Changes to our committees Succession planning Following the resignation of Ann Godbehere in May 2019, the Committee The Committee, on behalf of the Board, regularly assesses the balance agreed to the following appointments: Governance of executive and non-executive directors, and the composition of the Board –– Sam Laidlaw was appointed to the role of senior independent director in terms of skills, experience, diversity and capacity. We have recently –– Simon Henry was appointed as chair of the Audit Committee. increased to 30 the number of days that we expect non-executive directors to commit to the role. The Committee undertook a review of committee appointments following the new appointments of Hinda, Jennifer and Ngaire as non-executive directors The way in which we look at succession planning is as follows: and made the following recommendations to the Board: –– Long‑term Board succession – planning for the refreshment of the Board –– Hinda will be appointed to the Audit and Sustainability Committees and its committees –– Jennifer will be appointed to the Remuneration and Sustainability –– Ensuring that the Board is sufficiently resilient to take account of Committees unexpected changes –– Ngaire will be appointed to the Remuneration and Sustainability Committees. –– Executive director succession planning – including internal ‘ready-now’ candidates from amongst the Executive Committee Board re-election and Board composition –– The internal pipeline and external candidates for positions on the Directors are accountable to shareholders. Each director is subject to election Executive Committee by shareholders at the first AGMs after their appointment, and is then required –– Succession of the Chairman, senior independent director and committee to seek re-election at each year’s AGMs. chairs, taking into account the requirement to be able to demonstrate sufficient experience and time commitment for these roles, and our In planning the composition of the non-executive part of the Board, a balance aim to achieve diversity must be struck between retaining a collective understanding of the company –– Engagement with key stakeholders on our succession plans. and its business with a progressive refresh of the Board’s composition. The tenure of the current non-executive directors (including the Chairman) is Our recent Board evaluation exercise considered our succession planning shown in the chart below: process. As we move forward we will continue to consider the balance of experience and skills on the Board, and ensure that over the longer term there �on�e�ec���ve ��rec�or �en�re is sufficient mining experience and knowledge of our key jurisdictions. Further ��n�r� � n�m��r o� �ir�ctor� details of the Board evaluation are on pages 96 and 97. ��� ���r� � ��� ���r� � ��� ���r� � Skills and experience of the Chairman and non-executive directors Subject -matter Key Significant expert strength experience Total Business leadership Sustainable success in business at a senior executive level. – 2 6 8 Capital projects Experience working in an industry with projects involving large-scale long-cycle capital outlays. 1 3 2 6 Proficiency in financial accounting and reporting, corporate finance and internal controls, corporate Financial funding, and associated risks. 1 2 3 6 Mergers & acquisitions Experience in corporate transactions and actions and joint ventures. 2 3 –─ 5 Experience in multiple global locations, exposed to a range of political, cultural, regulatory and Global experience business environments. – 8 1 9 Corporate governance Experience with a major organisation that demonstrates rigorous governance standards. – 6 1 7 Government and International relations Interaction with government and regulators and involvement in public policy decisions. 2 – 2 4 Familiarity with issues associated with workplace health and safety, asset integrity, environment HSSE/ESG and social responsibility, and communities. – 5 2 7 Senior executive experience in marketing, and the development of product and/or customer Marketing management strategies. – – 2 2 Senior executive experience in a large, global mining organisation involved in the discovery, Mining acquisition, development and marketing of natural resources. – 3 – 3 HR/Remuneration Understanding the link between strategy, performance and remuneration outcomes. – 1 4 5 A strong understanding of technology and innovation, and the development and implementation of Technology/Digital initiatives to enhance production. – 3 – 3 This data takes account of the appointments of Hinda Gharbi, Jennifer Nason and Ngaire Woods announced on 21 February 2020. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 99

Governance Audit Committee report Membership The members of the Committee are all non-executive directors. Each was, I am pleased to present my first report at all times, independent and free of any relationship that would affect their on the activities of our Audit Committee impartiality. You can find biographies of the current Committee members on pages 84 and 85. The Chairman of the Board is not a member of the having succeeded Ann Godbehere, who Committee. stepped down as the chair of the As Rio Tinto’s securities are listed in Australia, the UK and the US, we follow Committee after the 2019 AGM. the regulatory requirements and best practice governance recommendations 2019 was a busy year for the Committee. In addition to our continued for audit committees in each of these markets. focus on financial reporting and the framework for internal control and risk management, we spent considerable time on the accounting Australian listing requirements treatment and external disclosures related to our Oyu Tolgoi In Australia, the members, and the Committee as a whole, meet the independence underground project in Mongolia. requirements of the ASX Principles. Specifically, the Committee members between them have the accounting and financial expertise and a sufficient understanding of the industry in which the company operates to be able In July 2019, we announced an impairment charge to the carrying to discharge the Committee’s mandate effectively. value of the project, reflecting potential changes in the project cost and schedule. Oyu Tolgoi is set to become one of the largest copper UK listing requirements mines in the world, and is a huge and highly complex development In the UK, the members meet the requirements of the FCA’s Disclosure project. The Committee held three additional meetings in the first Guidance and Transparency Rules, and the provisions of the Code relating half of 2019 to ensure we sufficiently understood the geotechnical to audit committee composition. Simon Henry, the chair of the Committee, is complexity of the project in order to reach our accounting judgement considered by the Board to have recent and relevant financial experience. on the impairment assessment and disclosures. I am grateful to my Simon Henry and David Constable both have extensive prior experience of the Committee colleagues for their time and diligence on this important natural resources sector. Simon McKeon has gained experience of the mining matter, and to management for the quality of analysis provided to sector by serving on the Board and on the Committee, and through regular site support the assessment. visits, reports and presentations. The Committee as a whole has competence relevant to the sector in which the company operates. We announced in 2018 that KPMG would succeed PwC as the Group’s auditors following completion of the 2019 audit. The US listing requirements Committee has carefully monitored the orderly transition as KPMG In the US, the requirements for the Committee’s composition and role are set have shadowed the half-year and year-end audits during 2019. I out in SEC and NYSE rules. The Board has designated Simon Henry as an would like to record my thanks to PwC for the high quality audit “audit committee financial expert”. The Board also believes that the other service they have provided to Rio Tinto over the years. members of the Committee are financially literate by virtue of their wide business experience. The Committee has also continued to closely follow regulatory developments in the UK audit market, in particular in relation to the Induction for new members Kingman, Brydon and CMA reviews. While the three reviews address New members receive a tailored induction. As part of his induction, Simon different questions, they share a common aim in promoting high McKeon met the Group Financial Controller, the heads of Group Internal Audit, quality audits and restoring public trust and confidence in the Ethics & Integrity and Investor Relations, as well as the lead audit engagement statutory audit function. We support that objective, and will continue partners in the UK and Australia. He also took part, with other Committee to engage with the review processes to try to ensure that any members, in teach-ins on new accounting standards, and on the process for recommended changes help to achieve it. measuring and reporting on mineral resources and ore reserves. I would like to record my sincere thanks to Ann Godbehere for her Committee remit excellent stewardship of this Committee, and also to Moya Greene The Committee’s objectives and responsibilities are set out in our terms of who stepped down as a director, and member of the Committee, in reference (see the Rio Tinto website). These follow the relevant best practice June 2019. I am also extremely grateful to David Constable and recommendations in Australia, the UK and the US. Simon McKeon for the support they have given me in this, my first year as chair of the Committee. Our main duties are: –– Financial reporting – we review the key judgments needed to apply accounting standards and to prepare the Group’s financial statements. We also review the narrative reporting that goes with these, with the aim of maintaining integrity in the Group’s financial reporting. Finally, we monitor any exclusions made in deriving alternative (non-GAAP) performance Simon Henry measures such as underlying earnings. Audit Committee chairman –– External audit – we oversee the relationship with the external auditors and 26 February 2020 review all the non-audit services they provide, and the fees for these, to safeguard the auditors’ independence and objectivity. We also assess the effectiveness of the external audit and, when necessary, carry out a formal tender process to select new auditors. –– Framework for internal control and risk management – we monitor the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls, including those over financial reporting. We also oversee the Group’s risk management framework. –– Group Internal Audit (GIA) – we oversee the work of GIA, and its head, who reports functionally to our Committee chair. –– Ethics and integrity – we oversee the work of the Group’s Ethics & Integrity function. 100 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

These duties feed into an annual work plan that ensures we consider issues on a Use of Committee meeting time in 209 timely basis. The Committee has authority to investigate any matters within our remit. We have the power to use any Group resources we may reasonably require, �in�nci�� r��ortin� ��� and we have direct access to the external auditors. We can also obtain ��t�rn�� ���it ��� independent professional advice at the Group’s expense, where we deem �nt�rn�� contro� �n� ri�� m�n���m�nt ��� necessary. No such advice was required during 2019. �nt�rn�� ���it ��� �t�ic� �n� int��rit� ��� The Committee chairman reports to the Board after each meeting on the main �o��rn�nc� �� items discussed, and the minutes of our meetings are circulated to the Board. We had six regular meetings in 2019, plus four additional meetings. Of the additional meetings, three related to the Oyu Tolgoi underground project, and one to the transition of external auditor. Attendance at these meetings is Governance included in the table on page 97. The Committee has met twice to date in 2020. Other focus areas in 2019 In addition to our scheduled workload, the Committee also considered: The Chairman of the Board, the Chief Financial Officer, the Group financial –– An annual review and benchmarking of Rio Tinto’s accounting policies and controller and the heads of GIA, Ethics & Integrity and Risk regularly attend our an overview of newly issued IFRS standards and interpretations meetings, as do the Group General Counsel and the Group Company Secretary. –– An independent third party review of Rio Tinto’s cyber security posture and We invite other senior executives and subject-matter experts as needed. resilience and the management response to the key findings and recommendations The external auditors were present at all of the scheduled Committee meetings –– A summary of the key financial measures relating to the Group’s pension during the year, and at all but one of the additional meetings. The auditors plans and the factors affecting those figures review all materials on accounting or tax matters in advance of each meeting, –– A ‘teach-in’ on the process for measuring Mineral Resources and Ore and their comments are included in the papers circulated to Committee Reserves and for their public reporting under the Joint Ore Reserves members. The audit partners also meet with our Committee chair ahead of Committee Code (described on page 94) each meeting to discuss key issues and raise any concerns. –– After a robust process, in early 2020 the Committee recommended to the Board that the draft 2019 Annual report is, taken as a whole, fair, balanced The Committee meets regularly in private session. We also hold regular private and understandable. discussions with the Chief Financial Officer, the heads of GIA and Ethics & Integrity, and the external auditors. Management do not attend these sessions. We also reviewed the quality and effectiveness of the Group’s internal control The Committee chair also has regular contact and discussions with these and risk management systems with members of the Sustainability Committee, stakeholders outside the formal meetings. who oversee a number of key corporate risks. This review included the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls over financial reporting, and the Group’s disclosure controls and procedures in accordance with sections 404 and 302 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. The Committee also considered reports from GIA and PwC on their work in reviewing and auditing the control environment. Significant issues relating to the financial statements There were four significant issues considered by the Committee in relation to the financial statements: Matters considered Conclusion Review of carrying value of The Committee assessed management’s determination of cash-generating units, review of impairment triggers and cash-generating units and consideration of potential impairment charges and reversals over the course of the year. For cash-generating units impairment charges/reversals where impairment indicators were identified (Oyu Tolgoi and Yarwun alumina refinery), the Committee considered the key judgments made by management in relation to discount rates, forecasted commodity prices and specifically for Oyu Tolgoi the range of mine design options. The Committee reviewed disclosures related to impairment reviews in note 6 and the impairment charges of $1.7 billion. Application of the policy for The Committee reviewed the Group’s policy for exclusion of certain items from underlying earnings and confirmed the items excluded from consistent application of this policy year on year. The items excluded from underlying earnings comprised income of underlying earnings $0.1 billion and expenses of $2.5 billion. A reconciliation of underlying earnings to net earnings is presented in note 2. Estimate of provision for The Committee reviewed the significant changes in the estimated provision for closure, restoration and environmental closure, restoration and obligations by product group and legacy management. The Committee received an update on the closure cost environmental obligations estimate for Rio Tinto Kennecott, where this major pre-feasibility study has been ongoing for more than three years. At 31 December 2019, the Group’s balance sheet included provision for close-down, restoration and environmental obligations of $11.1 billion as described in note 26. The Group’s tax exposures The Committee considered management’s assessment of the Group’s tax exposures, including the recoverability of deferred tax assets which are uncertain due to the timing of expiry of tax loss carry-forwards in certain jurisdictions. The Committee received updates on the status of ongoing discussions with the Australian Tax Office relating to the transfer pricing of certain transactions with the Group’s commercial centre in Singapore and considered the appropriateness of provisions for uncertain tax positions. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 101

Governance Audit Committee report continued Contact with regulators The Chief Financial Officer can approve other services that are not During the year, the Company engaged with the FRC’s Corporate Reporting “pre-approved” up to the value of $50,000 and an aggregate value of no more Review team in relation to disclosures made in respect of the Oyu Tolgoi than $100,000. Fees exceeding $100,000 in aggregate require approval from cash-generating unit in previous years. Management’s written responses were the Committee or the Committee chair. reviewed by the Committee chairman and discussed with the external auditors. In reporting the Oyu Tolgoi impairment charge in the interim financial At the half-year and year-ends, the Chief Financial Officer and the external statements to 30 June 2019, we considered this feedback and extended the auditors report to the Committee on non-audit services performed and the fees disclosure to include description of the mineral resources contributing to the payable. assessment of recoverable amount. In August 2019, the FRC wrote again to the Company confirming that their enquiries, based on a limited scope review of All of the non-audit services provided by PwC in 2019 were either within the the Annual report and Accounts on this matter, had been satisfactorily predetermined approval levels or approved by the Committee. We are satisfied concluded. that the provision of non-audit services by PwC in accordance with this procedure is compatible with the general standard of independence for auditors and the External auditors other requirements of the relevant Australian, UK and US regulations. Engagement of the external auditors For the current financial year, PwC remain our auditors. The UK entity of PwC Fees for audit and non-audit services audits Rio Tinto plc, and the Australian entity audits Rio Tinto Limited. The UK The amounts payable to the external auditors, PwC, in each of the past audit engagement partner, Paul Barkus, was appointed in 2016, and the two years were: Australian partner, Debbie Smith, was appointed in 2017. 2019 2018 This year, as usual, we agreed the scope of the auditors’ review of the half-year $m $m accounts, and of their audit of the full-year accounts taking into consideration Audit fees 16.4 16.7 the key risks and areas of material judgment for the Group. We also approved Non-audit fees: the fees for this work and the engagement letters for the auditors. Assurance services 2.7 4.2 Safeguarding independence and objectivity, and maintaining Taxation services 0.1 0.0 effectiveness All other fees 0.0 0.2 In our relationship with the external auditor we need to ensure that they retain Total non-audit fees 2.8 4.4 their independence and objectivity, and to be effective in performing the Non-audit: audit fees (in-year) 17% 26% statutory audit. For further analysis of these fees, please see note 39. Use of the external auditors for non-audit services The external auditors have significant knowledge of our business and of how None of the individual non-audit assignments was significant, either in terms of we apply our accounting policies. That means it is sometimes cost-efficient for the work done or the fees payable. We have reviewed the non-audit work in them to provide non-audit services. There may also be confidentiality reasons aggregate. We are satisfied that neither the work done, nor the fees payable, that make the external auditors the preferred choice for a particular task. compromised the independence or objectivity of PwC as our external auditors. However, safeguarding the external auditor’s objectivity and independence is Independence of the external auditors an overriding priority. For this reason, and in line with the FRC’s Ethical PwC are required to provide a declaration to the directors in relation to their Standard, the Committee ensures that the external auditors do not perform compliance with the independence requirements of the Australian Corporations any functions of management, undertake any work which they may later need Act 2001 and the professional code of conduct for external auditors. A copy of to audit or rely upon in the audit, or serve in an advocacy role for the Group. this is on page 257. We have a policy governing the use of the auditors to provide non-audit services. No person who served as an officer of Rio Tinto during 2019 was a director The cap on the total fees that may be paid to the external auditors for non-audit or partner of PwC at a time when they conducted an audit of the Group. services in any given year is 70% of the average of the audit fees for the preceding three years. This is in line with the FRC’s Ethical Standard. Non-audit assignments Effectiveness of the external auditors fall into two broad categories: We reviewed the effectiveness of PwC as auditors at our meeting in June 2019. –– Audit, audit-related or other “pre-approved” services where we believe We considered the results of a survey containing questions on PwC’s objectivity, there is no threat to auditors’ independence and objectivity, other than quality and efficiency. It was completed by a range of operational and corporate through the fees payable. executives across the business, and by Committee members. The overall rating –– Other services that have not been “pre-approved”. of PwC’s effectiveness was positive. We apply different approval regimes to these areas of work. Approval of Appointment of the auditors “pre-approved” services is as follows: As announced in June 2018, subject to shareholder approval, KPMG LLP will be –– Up to $50,000 – subject to prior notification to management, this work can appointed as Rio Tinto plc’s external auditors and KPMG will be appointed as be awarded. Rio Tinto Limited’s external auditors with effect from the 2020 financial year. –– From $50,001 to $100,000 – requires the Chief Financial Officer’s approval. These appointments will be proposed as a joint resolution at the 2020 AGMs, –– Over $100,000 and with a tender process – if the external auditors are with a separate resolution seeking authority for the Committee to determine successful in the tender, the appointment requires the Chief Financial the external auditors’ remuneration. Officer’s approval. –– From $100,001 to $250,000 without a tender process – requires the Chief Financial Officer’s approval. –– Over $250,000, without a tender process – requires the Committee’s or Committee chair’s approval. In each case, the nature of the assignment and the fees payable are reported to the Committee. 102 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Audit Committee report Risk management and internal controls Governance of the annual plan We review Rio Tinto’s internal control systems and the risk management Each year’s internal audit plan is approved by the Audit Committee and the framework. We also monitor risks falling within our remit, especially those Sustainability Committee. The plan is focused on higher-risk areas and any relating to the integrity of financial reporting. A summary of the business’s specific areas or processes chosen by the Committees. It is also aligned with internal control and risk management systems, and of the principal risks and any risks identified by the external auditors. Both committees are given regular uncertainties we face, is in the Strategic report on pages 74 to 80. updates on progress, including any material findings, and can refine the plans as needed. Importantly, responsibility for operating and maintaining the internal control environment and risk management systems sits at asset level. Leaders of our Effectiveness of the internal audit programme businesses and functions are required to confirm annually: that adequate The Audit Committee monitors the effectiveness of the GIA function throughout internal controls are in place; that these are operating effectively and are the year, with updates on performance at every meeting. designed to identify any failings and weaknesses that may exist; and that any required actions are taken promptly. We are satisfied that the quality, experience and expertise of GIA is appropriate Governance for the business and that GIA was objective and performed its role effectively. Two management committees, the Executive Committee and the Disclosure We also monitored management’s response to internal audits during the year. Committee, review reports on the Group’s control framework. The work they do We are satisfied that improvements are being implemented promptly in satisfies the relevant requirements of the Code, the ASX Principles, the NYSE response to internal audit findings, and believe that management supports the Standards and section 404 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. effective working of the internal audit function. GIA runs an annual testing programme on the internal control environment, Ethics, integrity and the whistleblowing programme and presents its findings to the Audit Committee, Sustainability Committee The business has a long-established ethics programme, known as The way we and the Executive Committee. work, supported by a whistleblowing programme branded as “Talk to Peggy”. The whistleblowing programme enables employees, in confidence, to raise The Audit Committee also regularly monitors our risk management and concerns about possible improprieties. internal control systems (including internal financial controls). We aim to have appropriate policies, standards and procedures in place, and ensure that they The head of Ethics & Integrity attended two of our Committee meetings during operate effectively. 2019. His reports covered a broad range of areas, including ethics, regulatory and compliance issues. As part of considering the risk management framework, the Committee receives regular reports from the Group financial controller, the General Committee effectiveness Counsel and the head of Group Tax on material developments in the legal, The Committee reviews its effectiveness annually, In 2019, this was regulatory and fiscal landscape in which the Group operates. accomplished through an independent, externally facilitated evaluation of the Board and its Committees. The Board, supported by the Audit Committee, has completed its formal annual review of the effectiveness of our risk management and internal control The performance of the Audit Committee was highly rated, with no areas of systems. This review included consideration of our material financial, concern raised. In terms of improvements, it was agreed that the Committee’s operational and compliance controls. The Board concluded that the Group has programme should continue to develop to ensure an appropriate focus on risk an effective system of risk management and internal control. management and risk appetite. While the current composition of the Committee was found to be good, it was felt an additional member would be beneficial. Internal control over financial reporting The main features of our internal control and risk management systems in relation to financial reporting are explained on pages 142 and 143. Audit transition Internal audit Following a tender process in the first half of 2018, the Committee Programme structure recommended the appointment of KPMG to replace PwC as our external GIA provides independent and objective assurance of the adequacy and auditors with effect from the 2020 financial year. Their appointment will effectiveness of risk management and internal control systems. It also may be subject to the approval of shareholders at our upcoming AGMs. recommend improvements.
In July 2019, KPMG confirmed to the Committee that they had exited all While the head of GIA reports administratively to the Chief Executive, prohibited services with the Group and formally declared their appointment to, or removal from, this role requires the consent of the Audit independence. Committee Chair. The head of GIA is accountable to the chairs of both the Audit and Sustainability Committees, communicates regularly with both, and During 2019, the Committee has overseen activities to prepare and plan attends all regular committee meetings. Our GIA team therefore operates for the transition in time for the 2020 half year review. This has included independently of management. Their mandate is set out in a written charter, extensive interaction between management and the KPMG team to help approved by the Audit Committee. GIA uses a formal internal audit them build their knowledge of the group and develop their audit plan. methodology, which is consistent with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIAs) KPMG partners and teams have visited a number of operations and group internationally- recognised standards. locations and held a two day global planning workshop in London. In parallel, KPMG have shadowed PwC through the 2019 half year review When needed, the team brings in external partners to help achieve its goals. and 2019 audit and begun their review of PwC’s audit files. They have also There is a clear policy to address any conflicts of interest, which complies with attended a number of Audit Committee meetings. Detailed planning and the IIA’s standards on independence. This policy identifies a list of services preparation work will continue through 2020. which need prior approval from the head of GIA. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 103

Governance Sustainability Committee report Other areas of focus for the Committee in its monitoring of Rio Tinto’s Our business’s long-term future is impacts on the local environments in which we operate have been the inextricably linked to our responsibility development of Rio Tinto’s closure strategy and risk framework, and oversight of the next phase of our water stewardship targets. The to our people, our communities and the Committee also reviewed progress on the Group’s Communities and Social global environment in which we operate. Performance strategy implementation, and our approach to understanding and monitoring the impacts our operations have on our communities. The role of the Sustainability Committee is to support the board in promoting and monitoring Rio Tinto’s fulfilment of this responsibility. I We are committed to being part of the solution on climate change and the thank the members of the Committee, Sam Laidlaw, Simon Henry and transition to a low-carbon future. The bushfires in Australia this year have Michael L’Estrange, for their support. been a stark reminder of the impact that human actions are having on the climate. The Committee supports the Board in its strategic response to The Committee oversees the Group’s integrated approach to sustainability. climate change and in monitoring the Group’s performance against our This approach has three pillars: running a safe, responsible and profitable targets and aspirations. We have made good progress, with 76% of the business; collaborating with others to enable long-term benefits where Group’s electricity coming from renewable energy sources in 2019 and our we operate; and helping to pioneer a more sustainable future. We do this portfolio repositioned to focus on the resources of the future. However, we by monitoring the Group’s performance on health, safety, environment, recognise there are significant challenges, such as the long-term energy asset security, and communities, including human rights. We set the supply in parts of our business, and the pathways for low-carbon steel governance framework for the oversight of these important areas, and we production. We are committed to being open about our own performance and monitor management’s progress on each of them. We review how strategies in addressing these challenges. To that end, in 2019 the Committee management assesses the Group’s most material sustainability risks, and oversaw the publication of our climate change report and the completion of the associated controls and mitigating actions deployed by management abatement curves for each of our assets to guide investments that will for those risks. support a transition to a low‑carbon future, and to inform our targets. Following completion of this work, the Board has approved a new ambition to In this way, the Committee helps support the sustainable development reach net zero emissions by 2050. We have also set new emissions targets: to of Rio Tinto’s businesses, as well as Rio Tinto’s contribution to both local reduce absolute emissions by 15% by 2030 and emissions intensity by 30% and global sustainable development. over the same period. Rio Tinto will spend around $1 billion over five years in emissions reduction projects, research and development, and activities to Safety of our people remains our first priority. In 2019, this commitment enhance the climate resilience of our business. saw a continued improvement across key safety metrics, most importantly delivering a year where we experienced zero fatalities. In 2019, your directors visited our Kennecott Copper Mine in Utah, our However, the Committee recognises that there is no room for complacency. Aluminium operations in the Saguenay in Quebec, and the Yarwun alumina Our teams at every site are dedicated to eliminating fatalities in our business. operations and Boyne smelters in Gladstone, Queensland. These visits This has meant over one million verifications to check that controls were gave directors valuable insights into how the Group’s focus on safety and in place to address our critical risks and prevent an incident or injury the local environments in which we operate is implemented in practice. occurring. I commend our teams and thank them on behalf of the Committee for their efforts and dedication. The Committee also We listen to our stakeholders to understand their evolving priorities. recognises that we must continue to embed critical risk management, and Simon Thompson and I met with various non-government and civil learn from both actual and potential significant incidents to prevent them society organisations in Australia to ascertain their priorities and happening again. concerns. This work has assisted us in developing our sustainability strategies, and in enhancing our disclosure on Rio Tinto’s sustainability This year we have prioritised deep dives into our control frameworks for practices and key risks. the management of the risks of underground safety, process safety and health risks in the business. The Committee has maintained a vigilant oversight of our controls in place for tailings dams and water storage. We received further updates on our certification and assurance processes for our tailings and waste water facilities at all current and legacy sites. Megan Clark A tailings validation taskforce was established, which oversaw a Sustainability Committee chairman programme of technical risk reviews of the Group’s facilities. 26 February 2020 Our key responsibilities The Committee has the authority and access to resources to investigate all The purpose of the Sustainability Committee is to promote, support and matters falling within its terms of reference. These terms of reference are monitor the sustainable development of Rio Tinto’s businesses, as well as published on the Rio Tinto website, and feature a full list of our responsibilities, Rio Tinto’s contribution to the sustainable development of the communities which include: and countries in which we operate, and to global sustainable development. –– Reviewing the Group’s relevant policies, and overseeing the management processes designed to ensure compliance with them. The Committee does this by overseeing, on behalf of the Board, key –– Monitoring management’s commitment to the behaviours required by sustainable development areas including in particular health, safety, those policies and standards. environment (including climate change, and closure and legacy management), –– Assessing the Group’s health, safety, security, environment and asset security, and relationships with communities (including human rights of communities framework. communities, employees, and contractors; and sustainable development –– Reviewing reports from management on fatalities and other serious issues as they relate to suppliers and supply chains). In relation to these incidents, considering recommendations for improvement, and receiving important areas we oversee Rio Tinto’s performance, monitor Rio Tinto’s follow-up reports on their implementation. compliance with its responsibilities and commitments, and review the –– Reviewing the measures for the safety component of the short-term effectiveness of controls designed to manage the associated risks. incentive plans for the executive team, and assessing performance against them, making recommendations to the Remuneration Committee as a result. 104 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Sustainability Committee report –– Reviewing and approving the proposed annual plan for independent audit We supported the Board in its review of our 2018 modern slavery statement. and assurance projects within our scope, and reviewing their outcomes and recommendations. Some of the initiatives we have overseen in relation to human rights, –– Carrying out a formal review each year of the role and responsibilities of our and the work being done to contribute to our local communities, is set out Committee, its organisation and effectiveness, and its terms of reference. in the Sustainability section on pages 60 to 70 of this report. Our year in review Closure and remediation We met four times in 2019, covering a wide range of activities, which are We received an overview of the development and execution of Rio Tinto’s summarised below. strategy and risk framework for closure, and received an update on important works being progressed at selected closure assets. Health and safety Recognising that we must continue to learn from both actual and potential Governance, assurance and disclosure significant incidents to prevent them happening again, the Committee Each year, we review the Group’s key risks associated with health, safety, Governance examined the circumstances leading to, and key learnings from, the following security, environment, and community and social performance. incidents in 2019: –– A fire in January at the screen house at our Cape Lambert A port facility We reviewed and approved the Group’s assessment of its most material in the Pilbara sustainability topics, a process which combines feedback from internal leaders –– An incident in March on the railway mainline of the Iron Ore Company of and subject-matter experts, and considers stakeholder expectations as well Canada in which a rail maintenance worker suffered a permanent disabling as an analysis of the external environment. injury –– A potentially fatal incident in March in which two technicians were trapped The Committee sees transparency as an important part of Rio Tinto’s approach inside a reactor at a gas treatment centre at the Kitimat aluminium smelter to sustainability, and we encourage disclosure of sustainability related in British Columbia, Canada. information both proactively and in response to regulatory requirements. Other work relating to health and safety undertaken by the Committee this Our other work included: year included: –– Reviewing the 2018 Sustainable development report, the Sustainable development sections of the 2018 Annual report, and Rio Tinto’s 2018 –– Overseeing a review of the control framework for the management of the slavery and human trafficking statement. risk of a major underground safety event –– Overseeing implementation of changes to Rio Tinto’s operating model –– Overseeing the expansion of critical risk management implementation for the health, safety, environment and security functions. through the introduction of the Safety Maturity Model –– Receiving a report on the annual review of Rio Tinto’s whistleblowing –– Reviewing strategies to manage and minimise exposure to per- and programme and, in particular, an examination of the data on claims related poly-fluroroakyl substances (PFAS) at Rio Tinto sites to issues directly concerned with sustainability. –– Receiving a report on the safety improvement efforts within the Copper –– Evaluating the Committee’s performance and reviewing its scope and Diamonds product group and responsibilities as reflected in its terms of reference. –– Monitoring the progress of an independent study undertaken by the University of Manchester at the request of Rio Tinto to investigate concerns about a Use of Committee meeting time in 209 potential increased risk of cancer in the Rössing Uranium Mine mine workforce –– Reviewing the implementation of key recommendations from the 2018 ����t� �n� ����t� ��� review of the process safety control environment �n�ironm�nt� inc���in� c�im�t� c��n�� ��� –– Reviewing the outcomes of the Group’s 2018 short-term incentive plan in �o��rn�nc�� ����r�nc� �n� �i�c�o��r� ��� relation to safety, and the design for the 2019 targets. �omm�niti�� �n� �oci�� ��r�orm�nc� �� ��o��r� �n� r�m��i�tion �� We also assessed Rio Tinto’s safety and health performance compared with �t��r �inc���in� ����t ��c�rit�� �� mining industry peers within the ICMM, and peers with comparable risk profiles across other industries. This demonstrated that safety strategy is aligned with industry best practice and our performance on occupational illness rates is on a par with our ICMM peers. Environment, including climate change This illustration does not include time spent by the Committee In addition to the work the Committee has done in monitoring the progress on administrative items or attending site visits. of our tailings validation taskforce, our work supporting the Board on environmental and climate change issues has included the following: Our process –– We received an update on the development of Rio Tinto’s water stewardship The Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive, the Global Head of HSES, the targets for 2019-2023, being the third set of global water targets for Rio Corporate Relations Group Executive and the Group General Counsel regularly Tinto, since reporting against water targets commenced in 2008. We also attend our meetings. reviewed our water disclosures. –– We monitored progress against our climate change targets, commissioned The Committee chair reports to the Board after each meeting, and our minutes reports on investor trends, and reviewed and oversaw the publication of Rio are tabled before the Board. All directors have access to the Committee’s Tinto’s first climate change report. papers. –– We received a presentation on the long-term implications of climate change for the mining sector. Our sustainable development strategy and performance are described in detail on pages 60 to 70 of this report as well as in our climate change report, which Communities and social performance can be found on our website. We continued to provide oversight of the Group’s communities and social performance strategy, with a particular focus on relationships with communities and human rights, including in our supply chains. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 105

Governance Compliance with governance codes and standards Application of and compliance with governance codes and standards facilitated effectiveness review and details of this are provided on pages 96 to This section sets out our compliance with the applicable governance codes 97 of the Governance report. and standards. As our shares are listed on both the Australian and London Securities/Stock Exchanges, we set out how we have complied with the B. The company’s purpose, values and strategy and alignment with culture codes and standards governing those bodies on the following pages: Through our The way we work framework, the board sets the company’s purpose, –– London Stock Exchange – UK Corporate Governance Code (2018 values, and standards for the Group’s employees. The board is committed to version) (the UK Code), see pages 106 to 108. acting in accordance with these values, championing, and embedding these in the –– Australian Securities Exchange – ASX Corporate Governance Council’s organisation. The board considers how the culture of the company is aligned with Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (3rd edition) these values and standards. How this is achieved is explained in detail on pages 8 (the ASX Principles), see pages 108 to 109. to 9, 88 to 89 and 92 to 93. In addition, as explained within the Chairman’s governance review, as a foreign private issuer (FPI) with American Depository Receipts (ADRs) C. Company performance and risk management listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), we need to report any The board leads the development of long-term investment plans for significant corporate governance differences from the NYSE listing the company. It aims to make good quality decisions at the right time, to standards. achieve the company’s objectives, in alignment with our purpose, values and strategy. The role of the board in establishing and monitoring the internal Statement of compliance with the Code and ASX Principles control environment is set out in the Audit Committee report on pages 100 to Throughout 2019 and as at the date of this report, the Group has applied 103. The way in which the company manages risk is set out on pages 71 to 73. the Principles of the UK Code and the ASX Principles. The UK Code is available For information on the delegation of business to management please refer to at www.frc.org.uk, and the ASX Principles at www.asx.com/au. For the pages 86 to 87. purposes of ASX Listing Rule 4.10.3 and the ASX Principles, pages 84 to 109 of this report form our “Corporate Governance Statement”. This statement The formal schedule of matters reserved for the board’s decision, available is current as at 26 February 2020, unless otherwise indicated, and has been on our website, covers areas including: setting the Group’s purpose and approved by the board. Corporate governance documents and policies strategic vision; monitoring performance of the delivery of the approved referenced can be found at riotinto.com/invest/corporategovernance. strategy; approving major investments, acquisitions and divestments; the oversight of risk and the setting of the Group’s risk appetite; and reviewing We have complied with all relevant provisions of the UK Code throughout 2019. the Group’s governance framework. Difference from NYSE listing standards D. Stakeholder engagement We have reviewed the NYSE Standards and consider that our practices are The Chairman undertakes regular engagement with our major shareholders, broadly consistent with them, with the following exceptions where the literal in addition to that carried out by the Chief Executive, the Chief Financial Officer requirements of the NYSE Standards are not met due to differences in and investor relations team. The committee chairs also engage with their corporate governance between the US, UK and Australia: relevant stakeholders and details of this engagement is provided in each of –– The NYSE Standards state that companies must have a nominating/ the committee reports. We have mapped our key stakeholders and continually corporate governance committee composed entirely of independent work to understand their views and we take account of our responsibilities to directors which, in addition to identifying individuals qualified to become our stakeholders when making business decisions. We explain more about this board members, develops and recommends to the board a set of corporate in our section 172 (1) statement, set out on on page 92 to 93. governance principles applicable to the company. Our Nominations Committee comprises the Chairman and independent non-executive Details of how the board undertakes workforce engagement are set out on directors, information about which is set out on pages 98 to 99. This page 92. The board as a whole is responsible for workforce engagement. Committee does not develop corporate governance principles for the Information on workforce engagement is therefore reported to the board and board’s approval. The board itself develops such principles. engagement activities are undertaken either by the full board (such as employee –– Under US securities law and the NYSE Standards, the company is required town halls or AGMs) or by individual directors. Our directors are geographically to have an audit committee that is directly responsible for the appointment, diverse and this allows us to engage with a greater number of employees on an compensation, retention and oversight of the work of external auditors. ongoing basis. As we have not selected one of the methods in the UK Code, While our Audit Committee makes recommendations to the board on these we have explained on page 92 why our arrangements are effective and matters, and is subject to legal and regulatory requirements on oversight appropriate for Rio Tinto. We will continue to review that they are effective. of audit tenders, the ultimate responsibility for the compensation of the external auditors and the appointment of the external auditors of Rio Tinto At the 2019 AGM Resolution 19 ‘Authority to purchase Rio Tinto plc shares’ rests with the shareholders. was passed with less than 80% of votes in favour and Shining Prospect (a –– Under US securities law and the NYSE Standards, an audit committee is subsidiary of the Aluminium Corporation of China (“Chinalco”)) voted against. required to establish procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment Chinalco has not sold any Rio Tinto plc shares and now has a holding of over of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls and audit 14% given its non-participation in Rio Tinto’s significant share buy-back matters. The whistleblowing programme enables employees to raise any programmes over the last three years. This places Chinalco close to the 14.99% concerns confidentially or anonymously. The board has responsibility to threshold agreed with the Australian government at the time of Chinalco’s ensure that the programme is in place and to review the reports arising original investment in 2008. An update was given in the Interim financial from its operations. statement provided on 1 August 2019, which was within the six month period. The UK Code E. Our workforce policies and practices Board leadership and company purpose Workforce Group policies are approved by the board. All the policies relating to A. Making the board effective our workforce take account of the global nature of our company. Our Our board provides effective and entrepreneurial leadership. It is collectively whistleblowing process is overseen by the board and every member of the responsible for the stewardship and long-term success of the Group. There workforce has access to the ‘Talk to Peggy’ programme and details of this is a framework of prudent and effective controls that enable risk to be assessed programme are on page 68. The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing and managed. The Chairman’s governance statement on pages 88 to 89 sets Whistleblower Protections) Bill 2018 came into effect in Australia in July 2019 out how we assess our impact on wider society. See page 91 for the key and given the global nature of the company, the whistleblowing processes were activities undertaken by the board during the year and the factors that were reviewed to ensure compliance. Additional training was given to the relevant considered when making decisions. In 2019, the board undertook an externally members of the workforce. 106 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Compliance with governance codes and standards Division of responsibilities The Group company secretary is the trusted interlocutor within the board F. The role of the Chairman and its committees, and between senior management and the non-executive The Chairman leads the board and is responsible for its overall effectiveness. directors. He is responsible for advising the board, through the Chairman, He was independent on the date of his appointment. He recognises the on all governance matters. He supports the Chairman in ensuring that the importance of creating a boardroom culture which encourages openness and information provided to the board is of sufficient quality and appropriate detail debate and ensures constructive relations between executive and non-executive in order for the board to function effectively and efficiently. directors. Further information on how this influences the board’s decision- making, can be found in How the board works on page 90. Composition, Succession and Evaluation J. Appointments to the board The Chairman is responsible for: the management of the board and its The Nominations Committee ensures a formal, rigorous and transparent committees; director performance; induction; training and development; procedure for the appointment of new directors. It is also responsible for board succession planning; engagement with external stakeholders and attendance succession planning, regularly assessing the balance of skills, experience, by the board at shareholder meetings. The Chairman is supported by the senior diversity and capacity required to oversee the delivery of Rio Tinto’s strategy. Governance independent director, the Group company secretary and the Chief Executive. It reviews proposals for appointments to the Executive Committee, and The senior independent director is responsible for acting as a sounding board monitors executive succession planning. All non-executive directors are for the Chairman and engages with shareholders to develop a balanced members of the Nominations Committee. The committee is chaired by the understanding of their interests and concerns. For further details, please see Chairman, apart from when the committee is dealing with the appointment our Board Charter which sets out the role, responsibilities, structure, of his or her successor. The Nominations Committee report on pages 98 to 99 compositions and conduct of the board, as well as the role of the Chairman, the sets out the board’s approach to succession planning and how this supports senior independent director and the Chief Executive – the development of a diverse pipeline, at all levels. All directors are subject to riotinto.com/en/invest/corporate-governance/board-governance. annual re-election at the AGM. G. Composition of the board Details of external search consultancies used for board appointments can be As at the date of this report, the board comprises of 9 members: 6 independent found in the Nominations Committee report on pages 98 to 99. NEDs, the Chairman, the Chief Executive and the Chief Financial Officer. On 21 February 2020, we announced the appointment of three additional non- K. Skills, experience and knowledge of the board and its committees executive directors: Hinda Gharbi, Jennifer Nason and Ngaire Woods. Once the In our succession planning, we aim to bring a diverse and complementary appointments are effective, the board will comprise 12 members and 9 range of skills, knowledge and experience to the board, so that we are equipped independent NEDs. This is considered to be an appropriate size for the to navigate the operational, social, regulatory and geopolitical complexity in business, and to provide the right balance of executive and non-executive which our business operates. Achieving the right blend of skills and diversity directors. It allows for sufficient diversity of experience on the board, and to support effective decision-making is a continuing process. Further details ensures that we can also have individuals with specific expertise. The on tenure and experience of the board are set out in the Nominations Nominations Committee report considers appointments, succession planning Committee report on pages 98 to 99. and the mix of skills and experience of the board on pages 98-99. The board is satisfied that it has the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence, L. Board evaluation and knowledge of the company to enable its members to discharge their A board and committee effectiveness evaluation is carried out each year. respective duties and responsibilities effectively, and that no individual or The evaluation considers (but is not limited to): the balance of board members’ group can dominate the board’s decision-making. Only the Chairman and skills and experience; independence; diversity; the running of the board; and committee members have the right to attend the meetings of the Nominations, directors’ knowledge of the company. Every third year, the board evaluation is Audit and Remuneration Committees. Attendance by all other individuals is by externally facilitated. An externally facilitated board evaluation was carried out invitation only. in 2019. The terms of reference for this review and the outcomes are discussed on pages 96 to 97. There is a clear division of responsibilities between the leadership of the board and the executive leadership of our business. The Chief Executive is Audit, risk and internal control responsible for the day-to-day management of the business and, under a M. Internal and external audit Group delegation of authority framework, delegates to other members of the The Audit Committee monitors the independence and effectiveness of the Executive Committee. internal audit function and external auditors. Following an audit tender process in 2018, the board endorsed the appointment of KPMG as external auditor for H. Role of non-executive directors the 2020 financial year. PwC will step down as auditors in 2020. The We list all of the non-executive directors that we consider to be independent appointment of KPMG is subject to the approval of shareholders at our AGMs on page 84 to 85 of this report. Over 50% of the board (excluding the chair) are in 2020. The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing key judgements non-executive directors. The non-executive directors constructively challenge within the Group’s financial statements and narrative reporting, with the aim and help develop proposals on strategy. They are also responsible for of maintaining the integrity of the Group’s financial reporting. For further detail, scrutinising management performance and ensuring that financial information, please refer to the Audit Committee report on pages 100 to 103. risks and controls, and systems of risk management are robust. Sam Laidlaw was appointed as the senior independent director (SID) during 2019. The board N. Fair, balanced and understandable assessment met once without the chair present and a full assessment of the chair’s The board is responsible for the presentation of a fair, balanced and capability was carried out as part of the externally facilitated board evaluation understandable assessment of the company’s position and prospects, not only process, details of which are on pages 96 to 97. Each director has undertaken to in the Annual report. We have a robust process in place including through the allocate sufficient time to the Group in order to discharge their responsibilities Disclosure Committee, to ensure that this is the case. effectively, and this is kept under review by the Nominations Committee. The directors’ other appointments are listed on pages 84 to 85. O. Risk management and internal control framework The board is ultimately responsible for aligning the risk appetite of the I. Board processes and role of the Company Secretary company with our long-term strategic objectives, taking into account the How the board works on page 90 explains the decision-making process of the principal and emerging risks faced by the company. Please refer to pages 71 board and the steps it takes to function efficiently, including how it considers to 73 for further details on our business planning cycle and risk management stakeholders in this process. framework and how these support our longer-term viability statement. For further details on our approach to risk, please refer to the Group’s Risk policy. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 107

Governance Compliance with governance codes and standards continued Remuneration Recommendation 1.5 P. Remuneration policies and practices Rio Tinto has a Group-wide, board-endorsed Inclusion and diversity policy. A The Remuneration Committee supports the board by setting our summary of the policy is available on our website. The board sets objectives Remuneration Policy. Through long-term and short-term incentives, our for achieving diversity for the board and the Group and states that the board Remuneration Policy is designed to help drive a performance culture which and Executive Committee will annually review the Group’s performance against incentivises executives to deliver the Group’s long-term strategy and create them. Page 62 of the Annual report sets out the measurable objectives and our superior shareholder value over the short, medium and long term. The overarching performance against them. The respective proportions of men and women on aim is to ensure our remuneration structure and policies reward fairly and the board, in senior executive positions and across the whole organisation responsibly with a clear link to corporate and individual performance, and to is reported on pages 62 and 98 to 99 of the Annual report. the company’s long-term strategy and values. We have worked to ensure that we have a clear policy that can be understood by shareholders and stakeholders. Recommendation 1.6 The performance of the board, and of each of its committees and individual Q. Procedure for developing Remuneration Policy directors, was reviewed in 2019, as it is each year. Detailed information on We have a formal and transparent procedure for developing our Remuneration the board and committee evaluation and the evaluation of the Chairman Policy, and no director is involved in deciding their own remuneration. and the non-executive directors is set out on page 96 to 97 of the Annual Executive remuneration is set with regard to the wider workforce and through report. market benchmarking. For further detail, please refer to the Remuneration Committee report on pages 110 to 138. The Remuneration Committee is Recommendation 1.7 supported by remuneration consultant Deloitte. The board received assurance The performance of Executive Committee members, including executive from the Remuneration Committee and from Deloitte that they did not have directors, is continually evaluated as part of the Group’s performance evaluation any connections with Rio Tinto or the board that would have impaired its cycle. Further details are set out in the Remuneration report on pages 110 to independence. Please refer to page 116 of this Annual report for further detail. 138. R. Exercising independent judgement Principle 2: Structure the board to add value The Remuneration Committee is comprised of 4 non-executive directors Recommendation 2.1 to ensure independent judgement with regard to remuneration outcomes. The Nominations Committee includes all non-executive directors and is chaired The Remuneration Committee considers remuneration on an annual basis by the Chairman of the board. The board is satisfied that all non-executive and determines outcomes by assessing executive performance against directors, including the Chairman (as appropriate), continue to meet the test for performance criteria, details of which can be found on pages 110 to 138 of this independence under the UK Code, the ASX Principles and the NYSE Standards. Annual report. This states how our Remuneration Policy has been applied and The Nominations Committee’s terms of reference are available on our website. sets out details of any adjustments made or discretions exercised. The Nominations Committee report on pages 98 to 99 provides further details on its role and responsibilities. Details on membership, the number of times ASX Principles the Committee met, and the attendance of members are set out on page 97. Principle 1: Lay solid foundations for management and oversight Recommendation 1.1 Recommendation 2.2 Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited have a common board of directors. The A board skills matrix showing key attributes in terms of skills, experience and principal role of the board is to set the Group’s strategy and to review its strategic diversity that are relevant to the board is set out on page 99 of the Annual report. direction regularly. The board also has responsibility for corporate governance. A formal schedule of matters reserved for the board is available on our website. Recommendations 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 The Nominations Committee is responsible for assessing the independence The board delegates responsibility for day-to-day management of the business of each non-executive director against an independence framework which to the Chief Executive and other members of the Executive Committee. A combines the requirements of the Code, the ASX Principles and NYSE Standards. number of management committees support the Chief Executive and the The Nominations Committee reviews and approves this framework each year. Executive Committee. The structure of these committees is set out on page 86. The board is satisfied that all of its non-executive directors are independent Recommendation 1.2 in character and judgment and are free from any relationships (material The Nominations Committee, on behalf of the board, ensures a formal, or otherwise) or circumstances that could create a conflict of interest. rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors. Further information on the appointment approach is set out on pages 98 to 99. The Chairman was considered independent upon his appointment and, in the board’s view, he continues to satisfy the tests for independence under The Notice of annual general meeting includes a statement that the board the ASX Principles and the NYSE Standards. considers that all directors continue to perform effectively and demonstrate appropriate levels of commitment. It also provides reasons why each director The name, skills and experience of each director, together with their terms is recommended for re-election, highlighting the director’s relevant skills and in office, are shown in the biographical details on pages 84 to 85. experience. Further information on the skills and experience of each director is set out on pages 84 to 85 of the Annual report. Recommendation 2.6 On joining Rio Tinto, all directors receive a full, formal induction programme. Recommendation 1.3 It is delivered over a number of months, and tailored to their specific The company has written agreements setting out the terms of appointment requirements, taking into account their prospective committee responsibilities. for each director and senior executive. Non-executive directors are appointed Further details are set out on pages 100 and 107 of the Annual report. by letters of appointment. Executive directors and other senior executives are employed through employment service contracts. Further information is set All directors are expected to commit to continuing their development during out on pages 123 and 128 of the Annual report. their tenure. This is supported through a combination of: site visits; internal business; and operational briefings provided in or around scheduled board Recommendation 1.4 and committee meetings. In addition, the Group company secretary provides The Group company secretary is accountable to the board and advises the regular updates on corporate governance developments in the UK, Australia Chairman, and, through the Chairman, the board on all governance matters. and the US. Further details are set out on page 94 of the Annual report. The appointment and removal of the Group company secretary is a matter reserved for the board. 108 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Compliance with governance codes and standards Principle 3: Act ethically and responsibly Recommendation 6.2 Recommendation 3.1 Our main channels of communication with the investment community are Rio Tinto’s commitment to integrity and compliance is set out in The way we work, through the Chairman, Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer, who have a global code of conduct for all employees. This is available on our website. regular meetings with the Group’s major shareholders. The senior independent director has a specific responsibility to be available to shareholders who have Principle 4: Safeguard integrity in corporate reporting concerns which have not been resolved through contact with the Chairman, Chief Recommendation 4.1 Executive or Chief Financial Officer, or for whom such contact is inappropriate. The Audit Committee report on pages 100 to 103 provides details on the role We have a number of processes and initiatives to ensure that members of the and responsibilities of the Committee. The Audit Committee’s terms of board understand the views of major shareholders. The Chief Financial Officer reference are available on our website. Further details on membership, the reports to the board at each meeting, and provides regular investor updates. number of times the Committee met during 2019 and the attendance of In addition, the head of investor relations reports regularly to the board, and members are set out on page 97. an annual survey of major shareholders’ opinions is presented to the board by the Group’s investor relations advisers. Further information on engagement Governance Recommendation 4.2 with shareholders and investors during 2019 is set out on pages 92 to 93 of the Details on compliance with the financial reporting requirements Annual report. contemplated under this recommendation are set out on pages 142 and 143 of the Annual report. Recommendation 6.3 The AGMs present an opportunity to provide a summary business Recommendation 4.3 presentation, to inform shareholders of recent developments, and to give them Rio Tinto’s external auditors, PwC, attend Rio Tinto’s AGMs and are available the opportunity to ask questions. Generally, the chairs of all board committees to answer questions about the conduct of the external audit and the are available to answer questions raised by shareholders, and all directors are preparation and content of the independent auditors’ report. expected to attend where possible. In 2019, all the directors attended the AGMs. The AGMs are webcast and transcripts of the Chairman’s and Chief Principle 5: Make timely and balanced disclosure Executive’s speeches are made available on our website. A summary of the Recommendation 5.1 proceedings at the meetings, and the results of voting on resolutions, are made Rio Tinto recognises the importance of effective and timely communication available as soon as practicable after the meetings. with shareholders and the wider investment community.
Recommendation 6.4 It is our policy to make sure that all information disclosed or released by Shareholders can choose to communicate electronically with the companies the Group is accurate, complete and timely and complies with all continuous and the share registrars. The contact details for the registrars are on page 299 and other disclosure obligations under applicable Listing Rules and other and on our website. relevant legislation. Principle 7: Recognise and manage risk To ensure that trading in our securities takes place in an informed and orderly Recommendations 7.1, 7.2 market, we have established a Disclosure Committee to oversee compliance with The board is ultimately responsible for risk management and internal controls our continuous disclosure obligations. The group disclosure and communications and for ensuring that the systems in place are robust and take into account the policy, terms of reference of our Disclosure Committee, together with our principal risks faced by the Group. The board delegates certain matters relating adopted procedures in relation to disclosure and management of relevant to the Group’s risk management framework to the Audit Committee, and the information, support compliance with our disclosure obligations. A copy of the Audit Committee provides updates to the board on matters discussed at each group disclosure and communications policy is available on our website. meeting. Further details on the Group’s governance framework for risk management and internal control are set out on pages 71 to 73 of the annual The Group’s Disclosure Committee is responsible for determining whether report. information relating to Rio Tinto may require disclosure to the markets under the continuous disclosure requirements in the jurisdictions in which Rio Tinto is listed. Recommendation 7.3 In accordance with its terms of reference, the specific focus of the Disclosure Further information on Rio Tinto’s Group Internal Audit function is set out on Committee is to consider and determine on a timely basis whether information page 103 of the annual report. would, to the extent that the information is not public and relates directly or indirectly to Rio Tinto, be likely to have a material effect on the price of Rio Tinto Recommendation 7.4 securities if that information was generally available. A description of the principal risks and uncertainties that could affect Rio Tinto (including economic, environmental and social sustainability risks), and of the The members of the Committee are the Chief Executive; Chief Financial Officer; Group’s governance framework for risk management and internal control, are Group company secretary; the Group general counsel; the head of investor on pages 74 to 80 of the Annual report. relations and the Corporate relations Group executive. Principle 8: Remunerate fairly and responsibly Principle 6: Respect the rights of security holders Recommendation 8.1 Recommendation 6.1 The Remuneration report on pages 110 to 138 provides details on the role and Our website includes pages dedicated to corporate governance, providing responsibilities of the committee. The Remuneration Committee’s terms information on compliance with governance codes and standards (the Code, ASX of reference are available on our website. Further details on membership, Principles and the NYSE Standards); the terms of reference of the committees; the number of times the Committee met during 2019 and the attendance of risk management and financial reporting; and board governance including members are set out on page 97. selection, appointment and re-election of directors, director’s independence and board performance evaluation. Recommendation 8.2 Rio Tinto’s policies and practices regarding remuneration of non-executive All information released to the markets is posted in the media section directors, executive directors and senior executives are set out on pages 110 to of our website. Our website also provides general investor information. 138 in the Remuneration report. Annual and half-year results, as well as any major presentations, are webcast and the materials are available on our website, which also contains Recommendation 8.3 presentation material from investor seminars. Rio Tinto’s approach on participating in equity based remuneration schemes is set out on pages 110 to 138 and page 142 of the Annual report. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 109

Governance Annual Statement by the Remuneration Committee Chairman On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to introduce our 2019 directors’ The Committee’s overarching remuneration report (Remuneration report). purpose is to ensure the This year we have further simplified the format of our Remuneration report by using more charts and tables. The Remuneration report is in two parts. Our remuneration structure and “Remuneration At a glance” section provides a summary of our Remuneration policies reward fairly and Policy (Policy), which was approved by shareholders in 2018, and other key information and performance highlights from 2019. Our full Policy remains responsibly. available on the company website. The main part of the Remuneration report sets out how the Policy was applied in 2019 and related remuneration outcomes (Implementation report) for which we seek your support at our Annual General Meetings (AGMs). We will also be seeking shareholder approval for a resolution relating to potential termination benefits that may apply to a departing executive. This resolution seeks to renew existing approvals previously granted by shareholders in accordance with Australian requirements. We are not proposing any material changes to the previously granted approvals, nor any increase in the amounts we pay on termination to any departing executive. Remuneration Policy The Committee’s overarching purpose is to ensure the remuneration structure and policies reward fairly and responsibly with a clear link to corporate and individual performance, aligning remuneration outcomes with the delivery of long-term strategy and value. We aim to provide competitive rewards that attract, retain and motivate executives based on policies which are competitive in the market and are appropriately stretching and incentivise the right behaviours. We also ensure that there is alignment between executive remuneration and wider company pay policies, with a particular focus on gender pay differential and general pay equity. During 2019, I met with several shareholders and institutions for discussions related to governance and broader executive remuneration. In preparation for our Policy review in 2020, I took this opportunity to explore initial views on what role alternative pay models such as restricted stock might play in the compensation mix as we seek to balance the challenges associated with a cyclical business with the need to provide long-term incentives for our senior executive team. It is quite clear that shareholder perspectives on directors’ remuneration continue to vary not only by investor but also geographically between our UK and Australian investor bases. I look forward to continuing this dialogue in preparation for an updated Policy for approval at the 2021 AGMs. The Committee continues to monitor closely the evolving governance landscape and investor views. From a UK perspective, we recognise shareholder sentiment around aligning executive pension contributions with those of the broader employee population. Current contribution levels for our UK-based Executive Directors are slightly below 25% and are broadly consistent with the majority of our UK employees. We will consider this aspect further as part of a holistic review of the arrangements as we develop our next Policy. Climate change represents perhaps the greatest long-term threat to our business and we are determined to be part of the solution. The Committee will be including climate change-related objectives for our Executive Directors in the 2020 Short-Term Incentive Plan (STIP). With respect to post-employment shareholding, our current long term incentive plans ensure that our Executive Directors are materially aligned and exposed to the shareholder experience for a number of years after leaving the company. A five-year vesting period applies under the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) and a three-year vesting period under our bonus deferral plan. Vesting is not accelerated for eligible leavers whilst awards lapse for ineligible leavers. In addition, effective from 1 January 2020, Executive Directors will be required to continue to meet their shareholding requirement for a period of A train runs along the Iron Ore of Canada two years after ceasing employment. Further details are set out on pages (IOC) rail line, taking some of the world’s 114 and 117. highest-quality iron ore to market. 110 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Annual statement by the Remuneration Committee Chairman 2019 remuneration outcomes in the context of broader business The maximum opportunity for our executives under the STIP remains performance unchanged. For the 2020 safety measures, the weighting of SMM and all injury In 2019 we had zero fatalities. The implementation of critical risk management frequency rate (AIFR) will become 40% and 20% respectively (30% and 30% in (CRM) across all our operations and increased sharing and deeper analysis of 2019). The adjustment in weighting strengthens the holistic focus on improving incidents that have the potential to result in a fatality has been the foundation our safety culture and performance. The applicable targets are disclosed on of this. page 126. We expect to disclose the 2020 financial and individual targets retrospectively in the 2020 Implementation report. The level of PSAs, as a In an effort to move towards leading indicators, the safety maturity model percentage of base salary, to be granted in March 2020, is unchanged from (SMM) framework included in the 2019 STIP expands on CRM to include a more 2019 for the Chief Executive and will be 410% for the Chief Financial Officer. holistic inclusion of our safety management system. In 2019, all of our safety Awards to other Executive Committee members vary from between 375% and performance indicators improved, resulting in a Group STIP safety result above 410% of base salary. target at 64% of maximum. Pay in the broader context Governance Despite a number of challenges on the operational side, our value over volume During 2019, the Committee materially expanded its review of reward structures strategy, good capital discipline, and strong markets for some of our key and outcomes across the Group covering all elements of pay. In addition, as commodities enabled us to deliver a robust financial performance in 2019. This part of the broader employee engagement at board level, we visited a range of resulted in a combined adjusted earnings and cash flow result of above target. operational sites across three continents, and held our 2019 employee AGM in Significant adjustments related to the unbudgeted early cancellation of a Montreal. These are valuable channels of engagement between the Board, the power purchase agreement at Escondida, which was replaced with a lower cost Committee and our employees on a broad range of topics including pay. As we and carbon footprint energy source, and an increase in remediation provisions review our Policy this year, we will remain sensitive to and cognisant of this for water management at Kennecott in the US. During the year, iron ore broader context to ensure the Policy we put forward in 2021 continues to have shipments were impacted by several tropical cyclones across north West all the desired attributes of fairness, transparency, simplicity, proportionality, Australia which significantly exceeded previous experience and 2019 plan alignment to culture and a robust risk adjustment framework. assumptions. Using the standard methodology for calculating the weather adjustment (which has in the past resulted in both upward and downward The CEO pay ratio of 66:1 is primarily driven by the percentage of total adjustments), the outcome would have been 56%. The Committee agreed that remuneration for the Chief Executive that is performance related and reflects the impact of these weather events could not have been further mitigated in the slightly higher STIP pay-out and the estimated 24 percentage point 2019. Nevertheless, in view of the rising frequency of extreme weather events increase in the LTIP vesting outcome for 2019 compared to 2018. As most of and the need to increase resilience to climate change, the Committee exercised the variable compensation for the Chief Executive is delivered in company downward discretion, reducing the post-adjustment outcome to 51%. shares, the ratio is also impacted by changes in the share price which provides alignment to the shareholder experience. The Committee continues to be From a shareholder perspective, over the five-year performance period of the mindful of the relationship between executive remuneration and that of our 2015 performance share award (PSA), Rio Tinto outperformed both the EMIX broader employee population. Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Index. Over the same period, the share price for Rio Tinto plc increased by 50% and for Rio Tinto Limited by over 70%, During 2019 and as part of the 2020 remuneration review, gender pay reaching its highest ever level during 2019. The estimated vesting for the 2015 continued to be a key focus at all levels of the organisation. The Committee award, combining the two TSR and EBIT margin portions is 67.9% of maximum. monitors both equal pay and the gender pay gap across our employee This includes an estimate for the EBIT margin measure as the reported data for all population, and maintains a focus on the gender diversity in senior management the comparator companies is not currently available. roles as a means to address the gender pay gap across the Group. We are pleased with the broader initiatives being implemented across the Group in this In the context of the Group’s overall performance during the five-year area and note that the Group-wide equal pay and gender pay gaps remain at performance period and the shareholder experience over that timeframe, the less than 2% and 1% respectively. Further details, together with the steps we Committee concluded that the vesting of awards was justified. Accordingly, the are taking in this area, are provided on page 69 of this report. portion of the award relating to TSR will vest on 27 February 2020. The Committee will make a final determination of the relative improvement in EBIT As always, I welcome shareholder feedback and comments on the 2019 margin measure when the final EBIT margin performance of the comparator Remuneration report. I look forward to engaging further with shareholders group companies becomes available in May 2020. If applicable, this portion of during the course of 2020 for the review of our next Policy. the award will vest on 31 May 2020. Yours sincerely 2020 remuneration decisions With effect from 1 March 2020, the annual base salary for Executive Directors has been increased by 2.11%. This is in line with the UK consumer price index (CPI) and below the salary increase budget applied to UK employees which was in excess of 3%. The increases reflected country CPI for half of the Executive Sam Laidlaw Committee, and a modest market adjustment for the remaining half. The Remuneration Committee Chairman approach used by the Committee to assess the level and appropriateness of 26 February 2020 these increases was consistent with that applied to the broader employee population taking account of, among other factors, an assessment of market competitiveness against relevant peer companies and pay equity, in particular gender pay, considerations. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 111

Governance Annual statement by the Remuneration Committee Chairman continued About our reporting Our regulatory responsibilities impact the volume of information we provide, As our shares are listed on both the Australian and as well as the complexity. In Australia, we need to report on a wider group of London Stock Exchanges, the information provided executives, as described in the following paragraph. In addition, as set out in our visual below, the two reporting regimes follow different methodologies for within our Remuneration report must comply with calculating remuneration. the reporting requirements of both countries. In the UK, we need to report remuneration for the Board, including the Executive Directors. The Australian legislation requires disclosures in respect of “key management personnel”, being those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group. The key management personnel are, in addition to the directors, all members of the Executive Committee. Throughout this Remuneration report, the members of the Executive Committee are collectively referred to as “executives”. They are listed on page 86, with details of the positions held during the year and dates of appointment to those roles. Structure of our Remuneration report The differing approaches explained We have included an At a glance section that summarises key information As well as the difference in methodology for measuring remuneration, in one place, resulting in our Remuneration report being organised into the there are also key differences in how remuneration is reported in the UK following parts: and Australia. Annual statement by the Remuneration Committee Chairman 110 UK –– For reporting purposes, remuneration is divided into fixed and Remuneration At a glance including a summary of the Remuneration 113 variable elements. Policy –– We report remuneration in the currency it is paid, eg, where a UK executive is Implementation report, which shows how the Policy has been 116 paid in pound sterling, remuneration is reported in pound sterling. applied as required under the legislation including Tables 1a-3a incorporating additional disclosures required under the Australia Australian regulations –– For reporting purposes, remuneration is divided into short and long term elements. Shareholder voting –– All remuneration is reported in US dollars, so using the previous example, As required under UK legislation, the full Remuneration Policy section of the the UK executives’ remuneration would be converted to US dollars using the 2017 report was subject to a binding vote at our 2018 AGMs on 11 April 2018 in average exchange rate for the financial year (except STIP, which is converted London, and 2 May 2018 in Melbourne. It passed with votes for the Policy of at the year end exchange rate). 95.6%, and will apply for three years, until a new Policy is presented at the 2021 –– The visual below summarises the elements of each component of AGMs. A summary of our Policy is provided in this report, and the full Policy can be remuneration, as well as the significant differences in the approaches found at: https://www.riotinto.com/invest/reports/annual-report. to measurement. The Implementation report, together with the annual statement by the UK Australia Remuneration Committee Chairman, is subject to an advisory vote each year as �i��� ��ort�t�rm required by UK legislation. Under Australian legislation, the Remuneration report Base salary Base salary as a whole is subject to an advisory vote. All remuneration-related resolutions will be voted on at the AGMs as Joint Decision Matters by Rio Tinto plc and Benets STIP – cash element Rio Tinto Limited shareholders. Pension Cash benets ��� ����� o� t�� ��n�ion contri��tion �n� ���m�nt in �i�� o� ��n�ion ��i� ��rin� t�� ���r. Non-monetary benets ��ri���� �on��t�rm STIP – cash element STIP - deferred share element ����� on t�� �morti��� ���� ��ir ����� o� ����rr�� ���r�� �t t�� tim� o� �r�nt. STIP – deferred share element LTIP LTIP �����r�� �t �oint o� ���tin�. ����� on t�� �morti��� ���� ��ir ����� o� t�� ��� �t tim� o� �r�nt. Pension and superannuation �cco�ntin� ���i�. �ot�� r�m�n�r�tion 112 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration at a glance Base salary Short-Term Incentive Plan Long-Term Incentive Plan Share ownership guidelines This section sets out key elements of our Policy, performance and remuneration outcomes for 2019. Remuneration Policy: at a glance Our Remuneration Policy applies to our Executive and non-executive directors and to the Chairman. In accordance with Australian law, it also sets out the broad policy principles that apply to members of the Executive Committee who are not directors. Our full Policy as approved at our 2018 AGMs can be found at: https:// www.riotinto.com/invest/reports/annual-report. Our five priorities: Safety People Cash Partnerships Growth Governance Element Purpose and link to strategy Operation and opportunity Base salary We pay competitive salaries to hire, –– Base salaries are reviewed annually by the Committee. motivate and retain highly –– Any increase is normally aligned with the wider workforce. competent people. –– Maximum individual increase of 9%, or inflation if higher, per annum. –– An increase above the maximum for executives who are not directors may be made in the event of internal promotion or increase in responsibility or where the executive’s base salary is significantly below market positioning. Pension or We provide locally competitive Rio Tinto may choose to offer: superannuation post-employment benefits in a –– Participation in a pension plan, superannuation fund; or cost-efficient manner in order to –– Cash payments in lieu of pension contributions. hire and retain. –– For appointments made from 1 June 2018, the maximum level of company contribution to an Executive Director’s scheme annually is 25% of base salary. –– For appointments prior to 1 June 2018 the maximum was 35%. Other benefits We provide competitive benefits in a –– Executives are eligible to receive benefits which may include healthcare, allowance for cost-efficient manner in order to professional tax services, company car or car allowance, and international relocation hire and retain. allowance and benefits. Short-Term Incentive STIP focuses participants on –– At least 50% of the measures will relate to financial performance and a significant Plan (STIP) including achieving demanding annual component will relate to safety performance. Bonus Deferral performance goals, which are based –– 25% of maximum is awarded for threshold performance; 50% for target; and 100% for Award (BDA) on the Group’s five priorities, in outstanding. Between threshold and target, and between target and outstanding, the pursuit of the creation of sustainable award is pro-rated on a straight-line basis. In the case of the Executive Directors, the shareholder value. We demand that percentage award is multiplied by 1.2 subject to the 200% cap. sustainable business practices are –– The Committee retains the right to exercise discretion, both upwards and downwards, to adhered to, particularly in the ensure that the level of award payable is appropriate. context of safety. –– 50% of the STIP is delivered in shares that are deferred for three years as a BDA with the remainder of the STIP delivered in cash with no deferral. –– Maximum opportunity is capped at 200% of salary for each executive. –– Malus, claw‑back and suspension provisions apply to the STIP and BDA. Performance Share PSA are designed to provide a simple All executives are eligible to participate in the LTIP. Performance is measured against TSR Awards (PSA) under and transparent mechanism for relative to the EMIX Global Mining Index (50%) and to the MSCI World Index (50%). the Long-Term aligning executive reward with the –– For PSAs granted from 2013 until 2017, there was an additional performance condition of Incentive Plan (LTIP) execution of an effective business improvement in EBIT margin relative to the global mining comparators. This condition strategy that delivers superior is not applicable on awards granted in 2018 and beyond. long-term shareholder returns. –– Awards have a maximum face value of 438% of base salary (excluding dividend equivalents). –– The awards have an expected value of approximately 50% of face value. –– The maximum expected value of PSA is 219% of base salary (ie 438% x 50%). The maximum threshold value is 98.6% of base salary (ie 438% x 22.5%). –– Award levels are set to incentivise long-term performance and to contribute towards the competitiveness of the overall remuneration package. –– How performance is generated is as important as what level of performance is delivered. Before vesting, the Committee will satisfy itself that relative TSR is an appropriate measure of the underlying performance of the business, and may adjust vesting accordingly. –– Malus, claw‑back and suspension provisions apply to LTIP awards. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 113

Governance Element Purpose and link to strategy Operation and opportunity Shareholding Aligning executives’ interests with –– Over a five-year period, executives should aim to reach a share ownership in Rio Tinto guidelines those of shareholders through the shares equivalent in value to: requirement to build up and maintain –– Chief Executive: four times base salary a material shareholding in the company. –– Other Executives: three times base salary –– From 1 January 2020, Executive Directors will be expected to retain a holding for two years after leaving the Group. Termination policy Appropriately reward eligible and –– Notice period is normally 12 months, during which executives will receive their base ineligible leavers. salary, STIP and other benefits. –– An eligible leaver may be awarded a discretionary STIP award on a pro rata basis, payable on the normal STIP payment date in cash. –– Any unvested BDA from prior year awards will normally vest on the scheduled vesting date. –– Unvested LTIPs will normally be retained by eligible leavers and vest on the scheduled vesting date, subject to performance conditions where applicable. –– PSA and Management Share Awards (MSA), where applicable, will be reduced where the executive leaves within 36 months of grant. –– PSA granted prior to 2018 are subject to malus and claw‑back following termination, and all LTIP awards granted from 2018 are subject to malus, claw‑back and suspension following termination. Malus, claw‑back and Enables the Committee to use its Under both the malus and claw‑back provisions, where the Committee determines that suspension discretion to reduce awards where an exceptional circumstance has occurred, it may at its discretion, reduce the number of actions could lead to reputational shares to be received on vesting of an award, or, for a period of two years after the vesting damage to the Group. of an award, the Committee can claw‑back value from a participant. The circumstances under which the Committee exercises such discretion may include, inter alia: –– fraud or misconduct; –– an error in the Group’s financial statements which requires a material downward restatement; –– personal performance of a participant, of their product group or of the Group does not justify vesting or where the participant’s conduct or performance has been in breach of their employment contract, any laws, rules or codes of conduct applicable to them or the standards reasonably expected of a person in their position; –– misstatement or misrepresentation of performance; –– where any team, business area, member of the Group or profit centre in which the participant works or worked has been found guilty in connection with any regulatory investigation or has been in breach of any laws, rules or codes of conduct applicable to it or the standards reasonably expected of it; or –– a catastrophic safety or environmental event. Under the suspension provisions, the Committee may suspend the vesting of an award (for up to five years) until the outcome of any internal or external investigation is concluded and may then reduce or lapse the participant’s award based on the outcome of that investigation. Note that where suspension applies, the 24-month claw‑back period will not extend beyond the period commencing from the original vesting date. Remuneration mix We provide an appropriate balance For the Chief Executive: between fixed and variable –– 83% of the maximum remuneration and 55% of threshold remuneration is components with a focus on performance-based (STIP and LTIP). long-term variable pay which reflects –– 70% of maximum performance-based pay and 44% of threshold performance-based the long-term nature of the business. pay is delivered as deferred shares. For the other Executives: –– 82% of the maximum remuneration and 52% of threshold remuneration is performance-based (STIP and LTIP). –– 69% of maximum performance-based pay and 43% of threshold performance-based pay is delivered as deferred shares. 114 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Remuneration at a glance 2019 performance 2019 remuneration outcomes STIP Executive Director remuneration (£’000) 70% of the STIP award for executives is determined based on safety (20%) and The charts below set out the maximum and actual executive remuneration, financial performance (50%). as calculated under the UK regulations. As explained on page 112, there are differences in both reporting and methodology for measuring remuneration Safety under the Australian regulations. Safety performance is assessed in three areas: –– All injury frequency rate (AIFR) �ean����a�t�en �ac�ue� –– Binary fatality measure ��i�� ���c�ti�� –– Implementation of safety maturity model (SMM) 2019 Actual remuneration (percentage of maximum) For 2019, the total assessment for the Group’s safety performance was above ������ ������ ������ Governance target, at 64% of maximum. ������ ���.��� ���.��� Fixed STIP LTIP ������ Financial Two measures are used to assess financial performance, with both unflexed 209 Threshold remuneration (percentage of maximum) and flexed targets (adjusted for commodity prices) for each measure. We also ������ ���� ���� adjust for exceptional and non-controllable items. Overall, the net impact of all ������ ���.��� ���.��� adjustments was a Group financial STIP outcome of 51% of maximum. Actual Fixed STIP LTIP ������ performance against threshold, target, and outstanding performance for each measure is set out in the charts below: 209 Maximum remuneration ������ ������ ������ Underlying earnings target range (threshold to outstanding) – US$ Fixed STIP LTIP ������ �.��n ��.��n Target: 9.3bn Unexed �a�o� �tau��ol� �.��n ��.��n Chief Financial Ofcer Target: 12.1bn Flexed 2019 Actual remuneration (percentage of maximum) �ct���� ��.��n £1,009 £873 (100%) (56.3%) STIP free cash ow target range (threshold to outstanding) – US$ Fixed STIP £1,882 �.��n ��.��n Target: 11.2bn Unexed 209 Threshold remuneration (percentage of maximum) £1,009 £388 ��.��n ��.��n (100%) (25.0%) Target: 15.2bn Flexed Fixed STIP £1,397 �ct���� ��.��n 209 Maximum remuneration LTIP £1,009 £1,550 Rio Tinto outperformed against the EMIX Global Mining Index and the MSCI Fixed STIP £2,559 World Index, resulting in a vesting of 45.6% under these two components, out of a maximum of 66.7%. This outcome reflects the design intention that Share ownership requirements executives should not unduly benefit from windfall gains when commodity prices are high, nor suffer when prices are low. Jean-Sébastien Jacques meets his share ownership requirement and Jakob Stausholm is on target to reach his share ownership requirements within five The estimated performance against the EBIT margin measure is that Rio Tinto years of appointment as an Executive Director. is ranked 4th against a comparator group of 11, which would result in a vesting of 22.3% out of a maximum 33.3% for this measure. The estimated performance �ean����a�t�en �ac�ue� will be recalculated following the vesting of the EBIT margin measure in May 2020. ���oint�� ���� ���� � �ro�� ���� ����r� Total shareholder return �io �into �ro�� ���� �.�� ���� ��o��� �inin� �n��� �ar�et ��0� ���� �or�� �n��� 150 �a�o� �tau��ol� 100 ���oint�� ���t�m��r ���� � �ro�� ���� ����r� ���� �.�� 50 ���� �.�� �ar�et ��0� 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 209 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 115

Governance Implementation report This Implementation report is presented How we work The Group Company Secretary attends meetings as secretary to the to shareholders for approval at our AGMs. Committee. The Chief Executive, Group Executive Human Resources and Head It outlines how our Remuneration Policy of Reward attend appropriate parts of the meetings at the invitation of the Chairman of the Committee. No individual is in attendance during discussions was implemented in 2019, and how we about their own remuneration. intend to operate it in 2020. Independent advisers Introduction Until October 2019, the Committee engaged Willis Towers Watson as The single total figure of remuneration tables on page 118 shows remuneration independent advisers; from October 2019, the Committee appointed Deloitte for our Executive Directors, gross of tax and in the relevant currency of award or as independent advisers, following a competitive tender. Willis Towers Watson payment. and Deloitte were the only remuneration consultants that provided advice to the Committee during 2019. In table 1a on page 130, we report information regarding executives in accordance with Australian statutory disclosure requirements. The information The Committee has a protocol for engaging and working with remuneration is shown gross of tax and in US dollars. The remuneration details in table 1a consultants to ensure that “remuneration recommendations” (being advice include accounting values relating to various parts of the remuneration relating to the elements of remuneration for key management personnel, as package, most notably PSAs granted under the Group’s LTIP arrangements, defined under the Australian Corporations Act) are made free from undue and require a different methodology for calculating the pension value. The influence by key management personnel to whom they may relate. We figures in the single total figure of remuneration table on page 118 are therefore monitored compliance with these requirements throughout 2019. Willis Towers not directly comparable with those in table 1a. Where applicable, amounts have Watson and Deloitte gave declarations to the effect that any remuneration been converted using the relevant average exchange rates included in the recommendations were made free from undue influence by key management notes to table 1a. personnel to whom they related, and the Board has received assurance from the Committee and is satisfied that this was the case. In table 1b on page 132, we report the remuneration of the Chairman and the non-executive directors. Willis Towers Watson and Deloitte are members of the Remuneration Consultants’ Group, and voluntarily operate under its Code of Conduct (the Certain information contained within the Remuneration report is audited, as Code) in relation to executive remuneration consulting in the UK. The Code is outlined on page 138. based upon principles of transparency, integrity, objectivity, competence, due care and confidentiality. Willis Towers Watson and Deloitte have confirmed Remuneration Committee responsibilities that they adhered to the Code throughout 2019 for all remuneration services The Committee’s responsibilities are set out in our terms of reference, which we provided to Rio Tinto. The Code is available online at review each year and are published in the corporate governance section of the remunerationconsultantsgroup.com. Rio Tinto website. Our responsibilities include: –– determining the Group’s remuneration structure and policies, and assessing The Committee are satisfied that the Willis Towers Watson and Deloitte their cost, including pension and superannuation arrangements for engagement partners and advisory teams that provided remuneration advice executives; to the Committee, do not have any connections with the company or individual –– determining the mix and use of short and long term incentive plans directors that may impair their independence. During 2019, Willis Towers for executives; Watson and Deloitte’s services also included attending Committee meetings –– overseeing the operation of the Group’s short and long term incentive plans and giving advice in relation to management proposals. Willis Towers Watson for executives, including approving awards, setting performance criteria, and was paid US$160,131 (2018: US$259,919) and Deloitte was paid US$53,164 for determining any vesting; these services. Fees were charged on the basis of time and expenses incurred. –– determining contractual notice periods and termination commitments, and setting retention and termination arrangements for executives; In addition to remuneration recommendations, Willis Towers Watson also –– determining awards under the Group’s all-employee share plan; provided general and technical executive remuneration services. These –– monitoring gender pay; and services included advice about remuneration of employees other than key –– determining the terms of service upon appointment for the chairman and management personnel. We received other services and publications relating executives, and any subsequent changes. to remuneration data from a range of sources. During the year Deloitte also provided internal audit, tax compliance and other non-audit advisory services. We consider the level of pay and conditions for all employees across the Group These services were provided under separate engagement terms and the when determining executive remuneration. Committee is satisfied that there were no conflicts of interest. Committee membership The members of the Committee during the year and to the date of this report were: Sam Laidlaw (Chairman) Megan Clark Ann Godbehere (to 9 May 2019) Moya Greene (to 26 June 2019) Simon McKeon (from 1 January 2019) Simon Thompson 116 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report How the Committee spent its time in 2019 Share ownership policy for executives During 2019, the Committee met four times. We fulfilled our responsibilities The Group understands the importance of aligning executives’ interests as set out in our terms of reference. with those of shareholders and expects executives to build up and maintain a material shareholding. Executives should aim to reach a share ownership Our work in 2019 and in the early part of 2020 included: (defined below) in Rio Tinto shares equivalent in value to: –– reviewing and determining any base salary adjustments for executives; Share ownership requirement –– reviewing and determining “threshold”, “target” and “outstanding” targets for the safety and financial components of the 2019 STIP; Chief Executive 4 x base salary –– reviewing actual performance against the targets for the 2019 STIP and Other Executives 3 x base salary assessing applicable adjustments; –– reviewing and determining the final EBIT margin outcome for PSA with a The Committee expects executives to build up their shareholding over a performance period ending 31 December 2018; five-year period by holding shares that vest under the LTIPs. We may accept –– reviewing and determining the total shareholder return (TSR) outcome and longer periods for new hires, given the five-year vesting periods for PSA. Governance the estimated EBIT margin outcome for PSA with a performance period ending 31 December 2019; Shares are treated as “owned” if they are not subject to restriction, which includes –– reviewing and determining LTIP grants for executives in 2020; shares directly held by an executive and any shares where there is a beneficial –– determining the terms of appointment for the new Group Executive, Group interest. A beneficial interest includes any shares for which an executive receives General Counsel, Barbara Levi; the benefit of ownership (such as a right to receive dividends) without directly –– determining the terms of retirement for the outgoing Group Executive, owning the shares. Given its mandatory nature and the absence of performance Health Safety & Environment, Joanne Farrell, and the outgoing Group conditions, a value for unvested BDA is included with a 50% discount for the Executive, Group General Counsel, Philip Richards; likely effects of taxation. –– acting in accordance with the terms of the deferral agreement for the former Chief Executive, Sam Walsh and other impacted executives; We also have shareholding requirements for senior management who are not –– reviewing the strategy and annual reports on the Group’s global benefit members of the Executive Committee. plans; –– considering the Group’s response to the changes in UK legislation, including From 1 January 2020, Executive Directors will be expected to continue to meet the UK Corporate Governance Code, in respect of executive remuneration; the share ownership policy (or if the holding requirement is not met at this date, –– reviewing progress towards the Group’s share ownership requirements the relevant holding at the time) for two years after stepping down from the –– determining the 2020 STIP targets; Board. When considered alongside the existing leaver provisions for share –– appointing Deloitte as the new independent advisers to the Committee; and awards, the Committee believes that the policy will ensure that executives will –– preparing the Remuneration report (including this Implementation report). remain aligned with shareholders for an extended period after ceasing employment. Performance review process for executives Rio Tinto conducts annual performance reviews for all its executives. We set out details of executives’ beneficial interests in Rio Tinto shares in table Our key objectives for the performance review process are to: 2 on page 133. Awards of shares under long term incentive plans are shown in –– improve organisational effectiveness by creating alignment between the tables 3 and 3a on pages 134 to 137. executive’s objectives and Rio Tinto’s strategy; and –– provide a consistent, transparent and balanced approach to measure, Executives’ external and other appointments recognise and reward executive performance. Our executives may be invited to become non-executive directors of other companies. Our policy is that such appointments can bring benefits to the Group The Chief Executive conducts the review for members of the Executive by broadening the experience and knowledge of executives. Therefore where Committee, and recommends the performance outcomes to the Committee. there is no likelihood of a conflict of interest, the Board will normally consent. The Chief Executive’s performance is assessed by the Chairman of the Board. Our policy limits each executive’s external appointment to one FTSE 100 Performance reviews for all executives took place in 2019 or early 2020. company directorship or equivalent. The executive typically retains any fees earned. Neither of the Executive Directors currently has an external directorship. UK Corporate Governance Code During the year and when determining Executive Director remuneration the Committee took into account the relevant requirements of the UK Corporate Governance Code. As set out throughout the Remuneration report we consider that our arrangements are clear, simple, predictable, proportionate and aligned to our culture. The Committee also takes steps to ensure that risks associated with excessive rewards are identified and mitigated. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 117

Governance Implementation report continued Base salary Short-Term Incentive Plan Long-Term Incentive Plan Single total figure of remuneration (£’000) Value of Bonus – STIP payment LTIP awards vesting Single Base Total Deferred Face Share price Total total % Executive Director (£’000) Year salary Benefits Pension fixed Cash shares value appreciation variable figure change Jean-Sébastien Jacques 2019 1,133 71 280 1,484 850 851 1,984 627 4,312 5,796 27.4% (Chief Executive) 2018 1,105 68 274 1,447 778 778 1,114 434 3,104 4,551 - 2019 775 62 172 1,009 436 437 0 0 873 1,882 86.9% Jakob Stausholm(a) (Chief Financial Officer) 2018 258 440 57 755 126 126 0 0 252 1,007 - (a) The details for 2018 reflect remuneration for the period 3 September to 31 December 2018 At the end of the performance period, LTIP values are based on estimates of both the number of shares that will ultimately vest, as well as share price. These estimates are restated in the following year, once actual values are known. See LTIP section for further detail. �ean����a���en �ac��e� �a�o� ��a���o�� �e�� Percentage of total remuneration earned as: ��.�� ���� ����� ����� ����� ���� ����� ����� �on���r�orm�nc� r���t��� ��r�orm�nc� r���t��� Base salary, STIP LTIP ���� ��.�� ��.�� ��.�� 2018 ��� ��� benets and pension ��.�� Base salary (2019) Consistent with prior practice, annual salary increases for executives Annual base Annual base Annual base salary at salary at Total base salary at are generally in line with the base pay increases applying to the broader 1 January 1 March salary paid 1 March employee population. Salaries are reviewed with effect from 1 March. 2019 2019 in 2019 2020 % Executive Director £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 change Jean-Sébastien Jacques 1,110 1,138 1,133 1,162 2.11 Jakob Stausholm 775 775 775 791 2.11 Benefits (2019) Includes healthcare, allowance for professional tax compliance services, car and fuel allowances, and non-performance based awards under the all-employee share plans. Pension Pension benefits can either be paid as contributions to Rio Tinto’s company pension fund or as a cash allowance. In line with the applicable policy, cash allowances may be reduced by the value of the employer’s national insurance payable on cash allowances. In addition to the payments set out in the accompanying table, under Australian Superannuation Guarantee legislation the company pays superannuation contributions to an Australian superannuation fund in respect of Jean-Sébastien Jacques’ working days in Australia. The pound sterling equivalent of these superannuation contributions is offset against the cash allowance paid to Jean-Sébastien Jacques. Pension contributions paid to the Cash in lieu of pension Rio Tinto pension fund contributions paid Total Pension provision as Executive Director £’000 £’000 £’000 percentage of base pay Jean-Sébastien Jacques 10 270 280 24.8% Jakob Stausholm 12 160 172 22.2% 118 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report STIP Outcome for 2019 For an individual executive’s STIP outcome, the weighted safety, financial and individual STIP result are added to determine the total result. The resultant STIP is delivered equally in cash and deferred shares. Weighted result Delivered in: Percentage of: Total STIP Deferred Maximum Maximum Safety Financial Individual Apply 1.2 (% of Base pay Total STIP Cash shares STIP STIP Target STIP Executive Director (20%) (50%) (30%) Total multiplier base pay) £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 awarded forfeited awarded Jean-Sébastien Jacques 12.8 25.5 24.0 62.3 74.8 149.5 1,138 1,701 850 851 74.8% 25.2% 124.6% Jakob Governance Stausholm 12.8 25.5 18.0 56.3 56.3 112.6 775 873 436 437 56.3% 43.7% 112.6% Maximum STIP is capped at 200% of base salary with awards of: –– 25% of maximum for threshold –– 50% of maximum for target –– 100% of maximum for outstanding performance –– In the case of the Chief Executive, the percentage award is multiplied by 1.2, subject to a 200% cap, in accordance with his contractual terms and the 2018 Remuneration Policy. Under the recruitment terms for the Chief Financial Officer, the percentage award is not multiplied by 1.2. Half of the STIP award will be paid in cash in March 2020, and the remainder will be delievered in deferred shares as a BDA, vesting in December 2022. If the executive resigns or is dismissed for misconduct, or for any other reason that the Committee decides, the deferred shares will lapse. Safety and financial measures for 2019 Performance categories Weighting Commentary Safety 20% Our goal is zero harm, including, above all, the elimination of workplace fatalities, so we consider safety as a key performance measure. We include Group safety measures alongside Group financial measures in the STIP for Executive Directors and other executives. The STIP measures for Product Group Chief Executive Officers (PGCEOs) include product group financial and safety measures in addition to Group financial measures. Safety measures for all executives in 2019 included a standalone binary fatality measure (40%), with the remainder split between all injury frequency rate (AIFR) (30%) and measures relating to our safety maturity model (SMM) (30%). Financial 50% Our current financial measures are based on KPIs that are used in managing the business. The first, underlying earnings, gives insight to cost management, production growth and performance efficiency on a like-for-like basis. This reflects the fact that Rio Tinto is focused on reducing operating costs, increasing productivity and generating maximum revenue from each of our assets. A reconciliation of net earnings/(losses) to underlying earnings is provided in note 2 (Operating segments) on page 167. The second, STIP free cash flow, is also an important measure to the business. It demonstrates how we convert underlying earnings to cash, and provides further insight into how we are managing costs and increasing efficiency and productivity. STIP free cash flow comprises net cash generated from operating activities, less purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, plus sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, adjusted to exclude dividends paid to holders of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries and development capital expenditure. When we measure financial performance against the annual plan, half is measured against the original plan, and half is “flexed” to exclude factors that are outside management’s control, such as the impact of fluctuations in exchange rates, or quoted metal and other prices. “Flexed” financial targets are typically higher than the “unflexed” targets set by the Board when commodity prices rise, as was the case in 2019, and lower when commodity prices fall. Actual underlying earnings and STIP free cash flow results are compared against equally weighted “flexed” and “unflexed” targets. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 119

Governance Implementation report continued Actual performance Calculation of total STIP award The following tables summarise the calculation of STIP award for the Executive Directors. Below threshold (25% relative performance) payout is zero on the Group safety and financial measures. Group safety measures Weight Result (out of (% of Weighted 100%) 2019 performance maximum) result Commentary Maximum In 2019 there were zero fatalities across the Group. �c��a� � Performance against the binary fatality measure was therefore Binary fatality 8.0 ���im�m � 100.0 8.0 maximum for all executives. Threshold Target Maximum AIFR target performance was set at 0.38 with threshold at 0.42 and maximum at 0.30. In line with normal procedures, the Committee All injury frequency rate ���� sought guidance from the Sustainability Committee on safety (AIFR) 6.0 �.�� 25.0 1.5 performance for 2019. Injury rates as measured by AIFR remained similar to 2018, with the AIFR in 2019 at 0.42, compared to 0.44 in 2018. Safety maturity model ��� (SMM) 6.0 ��r��t��.� 55.0 3.3 In 2019 the SMM framework was introduced to include a more holistic inclusion of our safety management system. Target performance was set at 4.4 with threshold at 3.4 and maximum at 5.7. All sites showed strong improvement over their baseline assessments, particularly in leadership and engagement. We saw an improvement across the Group to an average maturity of 4.5 (evolving) from a baseline of 3.4 Total group safety 20.0 64.0 12.8 (basic). See page 63 for more detail on the measurement of SMM. Group financial measures Weight Result (out of (% of Weighted 100%) 2019 performance ($bn) maximum) result Commentary on financial measures Threshold Target Maximum The “flexed” earnings and “flexed” cash flow results were below target, and the “unflexed” earnings and “unflexed” cash flow results were between target and outstanding. This resulted in an overall ���� adjusted financial outcome of 51% of maximum compared to the Underlying earnings 12.5 �.� 78.0 9.8 unadjusted financial outcome of 42% of maximum. The performance targets for financial measures are disclosed on page 115. The most significant adjustments related to the early cancellation of Underlying earnings – ���� a power purchase agreement at Escondida, which was replaced with flexed 12.5 ��.� 33.0 4.0 a lower cost and carbon footprint energy source, and an increase in remediation provisions for water management at Kennecott in the US. During the year, iron ore shipments were impacted by several tropical cyclones across northern Western Australia which significantly exceeded prior experience and 2019 plan assumptions. Using the ���� standard methodology for calculating the weather adjustment (which STIP free cash flow 12.5 ��.� 70.0 8.8 has in the past resulted in both upward and downward adjustments), the outcome would have been 56%. The Committee agreed that the impact of these weather events could not have been further mitigated in 2019. Nevertheless, in view of the rising frequency of STIP free cash flow – ���� extreme weather events and the need to increase resilience to flexed 12.5 ��.� 25.0 3.0 climate change, the Committee exercised downward discretion, reducing the post-adjustment outcome to 51%. The Committee considers the final adjusted result to reflect the appropriate balance between underlying business performance, a strong market for key commodities and recognition of events Total group financial 50.0 51.0 25.5 outside of management’s control. Individual objectives Result Weight (out (% of Weighted of 100%) maximum) result Commentary Jean-Sébastien Jacques 30.0 80.0 24.0 Refer to page 121. Jakob Stausholm 30.0 60.0 18.0 Refer to page 121. 120 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report Commentary on individual performance against personal objectives. Jean-Sébastien Jacques Jakob Stausholm Safety –– Zero fatalities during the year. –– Zero fatalities during the year. –– Reduction in Tier 1 process safety and environmental –– Demonstrated leadership and commitment to the safety incidents and further strengthening the Group’s critical risk agenda through visits to multiple sites. management process. –– Strong leadership of climate change strategy, including preparation of the TCFD2 Report and revised emissions- reduction targets for 2030. –– Construction and commissioning of Elysis pilot plant to test new technology for decarbonisation of the aluminium smelting Governance process. –– Strong leadership response to the Brumadinho disaster in Brazil, initiating an in-depth audit of tailing management facilities worldwide, industry-leading disclosure, and strong advocacy for higher industry-wide standards through the ICMM. People –– Improved employee engagement, achieving positive eNPS –– Contributed to improved employee engagement in the scores for the first time, and eSAT scores at benchmark levels. achievement of positive eNPS scores for the first time, Yammer participation across the Group is best in class at > and eSAT scores at benchmark levels. 30,000 users. –– Actively led succession planning and leadership –– Recognition through employee engagement survey of development across the Finance function. continued improvement in wellbeing across the Group. –– Progress made towards diversity and gender targets, –– Strong leadership of our Purpose (‘Pioneering Human but further improvement needed. Progress’) and values, enhanced by the roll-out of a critical –– Clear demonstration of personal commitment to ‘The way Behaviours framework across the organisation. we work’ and our ethics and integrity priorities. –– Improved Executive Committee succession planning and –– Embedded the Group’s Operating Model and continued leadership development, including the recruitment of several to pursue efficencies. high-potential, diverse, senior operational and functional leaders. –– Embedded the Group’s Operating Model, including Centres of Excellence. Cash –– TSR of 41%, reflecting record average annual share price –– Maintained our strong balance sheet and improved our performance. credit rating. –– Good shareholder understanding of performance and strategic –– Strong engagement across the investor portfolio, with priorities confirmed by third party investor survey. improvement in risk exposure to enhance our economic –– M2M productivity target missed (for a variety of reasons), but interests. management of asset integrity strengthened to drive future –– Achieved working capital targets for 2019. performance. –– Developed management information system enhancing –– Led strong response to operational challenges in Iron Ore visibility of data in the organisation. in H1. –– Commercial activities developing in accordance with plan to support future productivity objectives. Partnership –– Strong engagement with key stakeholders in Australia, –– Continued to strengthen critical relationships with Canada, China and the USA. shareholders. –– Launched a range of innovative partnerships, including with –– Led our investor relations engagement strategies to FutureSkills in Australia (technical education), and with Baowu reinforce our presence in key markets. and Tsinghua University in China (climate change). –– Maintained strong ranking on reputation indices, including Alva, IPSOS MORI and Alva ESG. Growth –– Good project management performance at Koodaideri –– Contribution to growth pipeline, primarily through the (Australia) and Resolution Shaft 9 (USA). Cost overrun and Evaluation Committee and Investment Committee delay at Oyu Tolgoi in Mongolia largely due to unforeseeable processes, with a clear focus on Tier 1 potential projects. geotechnical conditions. Delay at Zulti South in South Africa as a result of community unrest. –– Good progress with the Winu copper deposit in Australia, including fast-track process to accelerate appraisal. –– Ventures presented several options for inorganic growth, but none considered to be value-accretive on a risk-adjusted basis. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 121

Governance Implementation report continued LTIP PSAs granted in 2015 were based on three performance conditions, all measured over a five-year performance period: –– TSR relative to the EMIX Global Mining Index – one-third –– TSR relative to the MSCI World Index – one-third –– Improvements in EBIT margin relative to global mining comparators – one-third Performance against the improvement in the EBIT margin measure cannot be finalised until May in the year following the end of the five-year performance period. This is due to the reporting timeframes for companies in the EBIT margin comparator group and the time taken for the external source (currently S&P Capital IQ) to report the relevant data. Accordingly, the value of the shares vesting included in the single total figure of remuneration table for 2019 is an estimate, which is then adjusted once the actual figures are known. The original estimate is based on: –– the TSR portion of the award (with estimated associated dividend equivalent shares) which vest in February following the end of the five-year performance period –– an estimate of vesting of the EBIT margin portion of the award (with estimated associated dividend equivalent shares) based on latest available EBIT margin ranking as at the date of this report –– the average share prices for Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited over the last quarter of the relevant year, as the market value price of shares at the date on which all shares vest is not ascertainable by the date on which the Remuneration report is approved by the directors The actual values associated with the LTIP vesting is then recalculated following the vesting of the EBIT margin portion of the award at the end of the following May based on the actual share prices on the date of vesting. The estimated LTIP values are then restated, if applicable, in the following Remuneration report, as shown below: Estimated Actual Year Shares, included EBIT margin (including LTIP EBIT margin LTIP in single Granted rank out Overall dividend Share outcome rank out Overall Share outcome Executive Director figure Award shares of 11(a) vesting % equivalents) price (£’000) of 11(b) vesting % price (£’000) Jean-Sébastien 2019 2015 PSA 72,768 4th rank 67.9% 62,117 £42.04 2,611 Will be determined in May 2020 Jacques (12,691) 2018 2014 PSA 70,057 5th rank 41.3% 34,537 £37.44 1,293 5th rank 42.98% £43.27 for 1,548 (5,581) TSR element £45.103 for EBIT element (a) Estimated vesting of the EBIT margin portion in 2019 is 67.07% (2018 estimate: 24%). (b) Actual vesting of the EBIT margin portion of the 2014 PSA was 28.93%. Jakob Stausholm’s first LTIP award was made in September 2018, with a performance period ending 31 December 2022. Calculation of 2015 PSA vesting Our remuneration consultants, Deloitte, calculated performance against the TSR measures. The dual TSR measures recognise that the company competes in the global market for investors as well as within the mining sector, and aligns to the philosophy of rewarding executives for stable returns over the long-term relative to the broader market and the mining sector. Weighted 2019 vesting Performance Vesting Weighting achievement TSR relative to EMIX Global Mining index Threshold Equal to index 22.5% Maximum Outperformance of the index by 6% per annum 100.0% One third Actual 7.5% per annum 100.0% 33.33% TSR relative to MSCI World index Threshold Performance equal to index 22.5% One third Maximum Outperformance of the index by 6% per annum 100.0% Actual 1.1% per annum 36.7% 12.23% Improvement in EBIT margin Threshold Above the sixth ranked company Nil Estimate 4th 67.07% One third Maximum Rank of 1st or 2nd 100.0% 22.36% Overall vesting 67.92% 122 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report PSAs granted in 2019 End of the period over % which the Face value of Face value of of vesting performance award (% of award at threshold Average share Conditional conditions have Executive Director Type of award Grant date base salary) (£’000) performance price over 2018 shares awarded Vesting month to be fulfilled Jean-Sébastien Jacques PSA 18 March 2019 430% 4,893 22.5% £38.94 125,665 Feb 2024 31 Dec 2023 Jakob Stausholm PSA 18 March 2019 400% 3,100 22.5% £38.94 79,609 Feb 2024 31 Dec 2023 PSAs to be granted in March 2020 Governance End of the period over % which the Face value of Face value of of vesting Conditional performance award (% of award at threshold Average share shares to be conditions have Executive Director Type of award base salary) (£’000) performance price over 2019 awarded Vesting month to be fulfilled Jean-Sébastien Jacques PSA 430% 4,997 22.5% £43.43 115,049 Feb 2025 31 Dec 2024 Jakob Stausholm PSA 410% 3,245 22.5% £43.43 74,711 Feb 2025 31 Dec 2024 Executive Directors’ shareholding In line with our share ownership policy, Executive Directors’ shareholdings are calculated using the closing price of Rio Tinto shares on the latest practicable date each year before the report is published. For the purposes of this 2019 report, the closing price on 14 February 2020 has been applied. Multiple of base salary Holding of ordinary shares Year guideline needs Executive Director 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 Guidelines to be met On target 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 Jean-Sébastien Jacques 4.3 3.3 4.0 2021 Meets 97,578 64,740 Jakob Stausholm 0.9 0.8 3.0 2023 Yes 15,078 15,000 The multiple of base salary shown above includes the value of 50% unvested Bonus Deferred Awards (BDA). Service contracts Chief Executive’s pay and employee pay In the table below we compare the changes from 2018 to 2019 in salary, benefits Date of appointment and annual incentives of the Chief Executive to that of the Australian employee Executive Director Position held during 2019 to position Notice period population (chosen because approximately 40% of our employees are Jean-Sébastien Jacques Chief Executive 2 July 2016 12 months employed in Australia, more than in any other country). Jakob Stausholm Chief Financial Officer 3 September 2018 12 months Changes to the Chief Executive’s base salary, benefits and annual incentive are Either party can terminate their contract with notice in writing, or immediately explained in the single total figure of remuneration table on page 118. by paying the base salary only in lieu of any unexpired notice. Percentage Chief Executive pay ratio Percentage Percentage change in change in change in other annual The ratio of the total remuneration of the Chief Executive to the median total salary paid benefits paid incentive(a) remuneration of all Rio Tinto employees for 2019 was 66:1 (2018: 48:1, restated Chief Executive 2.5% 4.4% 9.3% for actual 2014 PSA vesting). This has been calculated using the single total figure of remuneration for the Chief Executive and the median employee in the Australian employees 4.3% 1.5% 7.1% Group. (a) The percentage change in annual incentive compares the incentive outcomes for the 2018 performance year, to that for the 2019 performance year. The ratio is primarily driven by the percentage of total remuneration that is performance related, and reflects the increased STIP and LTIP vesting outcomes for 2019 compared to 2018. This further demonstrates the alignment to the shareholder experience as measured by total shareholder return. The Committee continues to be mindful of the relationship between executive remuneration and that of our broader employee population. The Committee’s decision making will continue to be supported by regular and detailed reporting on these matters. As the company employs fewer than 250 employees in the UK, the analysis has been provided on a voluntary basis. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 123

Governance Implementation report continued Chief Executive’s remuneration over time: summary The graph below shows Rio Tinto’s TSR performance for awards granted under the 2015 PSA. It uses the same methodology as that used to calculate the Long-term Long-term vesting for the PSA granted in 2015 with a performance period that ended incentive incentive vesting vesting on 31 December 2019. Single total Annual STIP against against figure of award against maximum maximum TSR (US$) – Rio Tinto Group vs EMIX �io �into �ro�� remuneration maximum opportunity opportunity (a) (b)(c) (c) ���� ��o��� �inin� �n��� Year Chief Executive (’000) opportunity (SOP) (PSA) Global Mining and MSCI World Indices ���� �or�� �n��� 2010 Tom Albanese £4,512 87.8% 0.0% 24.3% �ot�� r�t�rn ���i� �� ��c�m��r ���� � ��� 2011 Tom Albanese £4,256 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 200 2012 Tom Albanese £4,040 0.0% 100.0% 61.7% 2013 Tom Albanese £53 0.0% – 150 Sam Walsh A$9,993 72.1% 50.0% 2014 Sam Walsh A$10,476 88.4% 49.0% 100 2015 Sam Walsh A$9,141 81.9% 43.6% 2016 Sam Walsh A$1,657 – – 50 Jean-Sébastien Jacques £3,116 82.4% 50.5% 2017 Jean-Sébastien Jacques £3,821 73.4% 66.7% 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (d) 2018 Jean-Sébastien Jacques £4,551 70.1% 43.0% (a) TSR for the MSCI and EMIX indices has been calcualted using 12 month average Return 2019 Jean-Sébastien Jacques £5,796 74.8% 67.9% Index data for the year sourced from DataStream. (b) Rio Tinto’s Group TSR has been calculated using a weighted average for Rio Tinto plc and (a) Tom Albanese held the role of Chief Executive until 17 January 2013, and left the Group on Rio Tinto Limited. The weighting is based on the free-float market capitalisation of each 16 July 2013. The single total figure of remuneration for Tom Albanese for 2013 is for the entity as at the start of the period. period up until 17 January 2013. Sam Walsh took over as Chief Executive from 17 January 2013, having previously been Chief Executive, Iron Ore and Australia. The single total figure The following graph illustrates the TSR performance of the Group against the of remuneration for Sam Walsh for 2016 is for the period up until 1 July 2016. Jean- Sébastien Jacques took over as Chief Executive on 2 July 2016, having previously been EMIX Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Index over the ten years to the Chief Executive, Copper & Coal. end of 2019. (b) In 2011 and 2012, Sam Walsh elected to receive his full LTIP awards under the PSP and as a result he has no options granted in 2011 or 2012 under the SOP and which had performance periods that ended on 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2014 respectively. The SOP The graph meets the requirements of Schedule 8 of the UK Large and Medium- ceased operation from 2013 and LTIP awards from 2013 have been made as PSA. sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (as (c) All outstanding but unvested LTIP awards earned in previous years lapsed and were amended) and is not an indication of the likely vesting of PSA granted in 2015. forfeited when Tom Albanese left the Group. (d) The 2018 single total figure of remuneration for Jean-Sébastien Jacques reported in the 2018 Annual report was £4,289 based on the estimated vesting of the 2014 PSA of 41.3%. TSR (US$) – Rio Tinto Group vs EMIX �io �into �ro�� The restated 2018 single total figure of remuneration is £4,551 based on the actual vesting Global Mining and MSCI World Indices ���� ��o��� �inin� �n��� of the 2014 PSA of 43.0% �ot�� r�t�rn ���i� �� ��c�m��r ���� � ��� ���� �or�� �n��� TSR 250 We use relative TSR against the EMIX Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Index as two-thirds of our performance measures when we determine the 200 vesting of PSA granted in 2015. The remaining third is based on the improvement in EBIT margin relative to the comparator group. 150 The effect of this performance on the value of shareholdings, as measured by 100 TSR delivered over the past five years, based on the sum of dividends paid and share price movements during each calendar year, is detailed in the table 50 below. 0 Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Dividends paid Share price – Share price – shareholder (a) TSR has been calculated using spot Return Index data as at the last trading day for the during the year Rio Tinto plc pence Rio Tinto Limited A$ return (TSR) year sourced from DataStream. The indices chosen are those used for measuring PSA US cents per performance. Year share 1 Jan 31 Dec 1 Jan 31 Dec Group % (b) Rio Tinto’s Group TSR has been calculated using a weighted average for Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited. The weighting is based on the free-float market capitalisation of each 2015 226.5 3,000 1,980 58.00 44.71 (32.5%) entity as at the start of the period. 2016 152.5 1,980 3,159 44.71 59.90 41.4% 2017 235.0 3,159 3,942 59.90 75.81 43.8% The following table summarises the average vesting of performance shares for Executive Directors since 2016. The estimated outcome for the 2014-2018 2018 307.0 3,942 3,730 75.81 78.47 (4.4%) performance period, reported in the 2018 Annual report of 41.3%, has been restated 2019 635.0 3,730 4,503 78.47 100.40 38.5% with the actual outcome of 42.98%. The overall vesting level for the 2015-2019 performance period is an estimate based on the estimated EBIT margin outcome. The data presented in this table reflects the dual corporate structure of Rio Tinto. We weight the two Rio Tinto listings to produce a Group TSR figure in line % of maximum shares with the methodology used for the 2015 PSA. Performance period Vesting year vested 2012-15 2016 43.6 The performance conditions for PSA are provided in the notes to table 3 on pages 136 2013-16 2017 50.5 and 137. 2013-17 2018 66.7 2014-18 2019 43.0 2015-19 2020 67.9 Average vesting – 54.3 124 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report The Chairman’s Committee conducted a review of non-executive director fees The Share Option Plan (SOP) ended for new awards from 2013. No awards of in November 2019. Following this review, it was determined that all fees and share options have been made since 2012 and no executives hold any vested travel allowances remain unchanged effective from 1 January 2020. and unexercised options. The additional £10,000 allowance for eligible Australian directors is to Past-director payments compensate them for additional UK National Insurance contributions which, As disclosed previously, a deed of deferral was entered into with the former unlike directors based in other jurisdictions, they are not able to offset against Chief Executive, Sam Walsh. This was in connection to the investigations their local tax payments. concerning the Simandou project. We set out details of each element of remuneration, and the single total figure At the date of this report, regulatory investigations are still not complete. The of remuneration, paid to the Chairman and non-executive directors during 2019 Committee remains of the view that the further deferral of amounts that would and 2018 in US dollars in table 1b on page 132. No post-employment, otherwise have been payable on 31 December 2018 is appropriate. termination or share-based payments were made. Statutory minimum Governance superannuation contributions for non-executive directors are deducted from What we paid our Chairman and non-executive directors the director’s overall fee entitlements when these are required by Australian Positions held superannuation law. We list the non-executive directors who held office during 2019 below. Each held office for the whole of 2019 unless otherwise indicated. Their years of The total fee and allowance payments made to the Chairman and appointment are reported in “Board of directors” on pages 84 to 85. non‑executive directors in 2019 are within the maximum aggregate annual Name Title amount of £3 million set out in the Group’s constitutional documents, Simon Thompson Chairman approved by shareholders at the 2009 AGMs. Megan Clark Non-executive director Share ownership policy for non-executive directors David Constable Non-executive director Rio Tinto has a policy that encourages non-executive directors to build up a Ann Godbehere Non-executive director to 9 May 2019 shareholding equal in value to one year’s base fee within three years of their Moya Greene Non-executive director to 26 June 2019 appointment. Details of non-executive directors’ share interests in the Group, including total holdings, as set out in table 2 on page 133. Simon Henry Non-executive director Sam Laidlaw Non-executive director Non-executive directors’ share ownership Michael L’Estrange Non-executive director The non-executive directors’ shareholdings are calculated using the market price Simon McKeon Non-executive director of Rio Tinto shares on the latest practicable date before this report is published: Annual fees payable Share ownership level at 31 December 2019 as a Share ownership level at 31 The table below shows the annual fees paid in 2019 and payable in 2020, to the multiple of base fee (or December 2018 as a multiple of Chairman and non-executive directors. Director Chairman’s fee) base fee (or Chairman’s fee) Simon Thompson(a) 3.3 (0.4) 3.4 (0.4) 2020 2019 Megan Clark 2.9 2.6 Director fees David Constable 1.1 1.1 Chairman’s fee £730,000 £730,000 Simon Henry 0.2 0.2 Non-executive director base fee £95,000 £95,000 Sam Laidlaw 3.3 3.4 Non-executive director base fee for Australian residents £105,000 £105,000 Michael L’Estrange 1.5 1.5 Senior independent director £45,000 £45,000 Simon McKeon 5.0 – Committee fees (a) The multiple of Chairman’s fee is represented in brackets following Simon Thompson’s Audit Committee Chairman £40,000 £40,000 appointment as Chairman from 5 March 2018 Audit Committee Member £25,000 £25,000 In some cases, the value of the shares and the multiple of base fee as at 31 Remuneration Committee Chairman £35,000 £35,000 December 2019 is higher than the multiple reported as at 31 December 2018 Remuneration Committee Member £20,000 £20,000 as a result of higher share prices. Sustainability Committee Chairman £35,000 £35,000 Sustainability Committee Member £20,000 £20,000 Nominations Committee Member £7,500 £7,500 Meeting allowances Long distance (flights over 10 hours per journey) £10,000 £10,000 Medium distance (flights of 5-10 hours per journey) £5,000 £5,000 The Chairman’s fee is determined by the Committee, and was last increased on 1 July 2013. All other fees are subject to review by the Board on the recommendation of the Chairman’s Committee. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 125

Governance Implementation report continued The 2019 STIP awards are detailed in the table below. Base salary We reviewed the base salaries for the Executive Committee and the resulting Percentage of: adjustments are set out below. The approach used to assess the level and appropriateness of any adjustments was consistent with that applied to the 2019 STIP Maximum award (% of 2019 STIP Maximum STIP Target STIP broader employee population. This included an assessment of market (000’s) salary)(a) award STIP awarded forfeited awarded competiveness against relevant peer companies, a focus on gender pay equity Bold Baatar 112.6% £605 56.3% 43.7% 112.6% and maintaining purchasing power with country consumer price index used as a proxy. Alfredo Barrios 97.8% C$1,001 48.9% 51.1% 97.8% Joanne Farrell 106.6% A$925 53.3% 46.7% 106.6% (Stated in ’000) 2020 2019 % change Vera Kirikova 112.6% £475 56.3% 43.7% 112.6% Bold Baatar £564 £537 5.00% Stephen McIntosh 114.2% A$1,183 57.1% 42.9% 114.2% Alfredo Barrios C$1,044 C$1,024 1.99% Simone Niven 124.6% £525 62.3% 37.7% 124.6% Vera Kirkova £451 £422 7.00% Philip Richards 106.6% £505 53.3% 46.7% 106.6% Barbara Levi £440 – – Chris Salisbury 106.8% A$1,106 53.4% 46.6% 106.8% Stephen McIntosh A$1,055 A$1,036 1.85% Arnaud Soirat 131.8% £708 65.9% 34.1% 131.8% Simone Niven £451 £422 7.00% Simon Trott 118.6% S$1,122 59.3% 40.7% 118.6% Chris Salisbury A$1,055 A$1,036 1.85% Arnaud Soirat £564 £537 5.00% (a) Results out of 100% have been rounded to one decimal place and STIP awards have been rounded to the nearest thousand units. As the actual STIP awards do not use rounding Simon Trott S$ 975 S$946 3.00% conventions, small rounding variances may occur. STIP measures, weightings and targets for 2020 STIP As in 2019, the STIP measures and weightings for executives will be 50% for Overview of STIP weightings and measures for 2019 financial, 30% for individual and 20% for safety measures. The individual The following table shows the measures and weightings used to determine targets include objectives relating to safety, people, cash, partnership and growth. STIP awards for executives in 2019. For the Executive Directors these will include climate change-related objectives. Weighting for Executive Directors and Group Weighting for The financial and individual targets that have been set for 2020 are considered Executives PGCEOs by the Board to be commercially sensitive. As such, the specific targets for Safety – split between standalone binary these measures, and the performance against them, are expected to be measure for fatality, AIFR and SMM 20% 20% described retrospectively in the 2020 Implementation report. The Group Financial measures split equally between financial targets relate to underlying earnings and STIP free cash flow. underlying earnings and STIP free cash flow for the Group 50% 20% 2020 safety measures, weightings and targets Financial measures split equally between Rio Tinto had a fatality free year in 2019. Our primary objective in 2020 is to underlying earnings and STIP free cash flow maintain this focus on fatality prevention. for the relevant product group 0% 30% Individual measures based on key strategic In 2019, SMM was introduced to provide a roadmap to improve safety culture initiatives of each role and contribution to and performance. The SMM builds on the CRM approach by including overall company performance 30% 30% leadership, overall risk management, work planning and execution, and learning and improvement. Strong improvement was observed across all The Group safety result was 64% of maximum and the average performance elements, with the greatest improvement in site leadership and coaching. The against safety goals for executives was above “target”. 2019 year-end SMM assessments provided the business with valuable insight on the effectiveness of key safety management controls which enable targeted Detailed commentary on the performance of each product group is on pages support and areas of focus. 40 to 59. Average performance against the individual product group financial goals was below “target”. Safety maturity in this context has resulted in a change to the weighting of our safety remuneration measures for all executives in 2020. This will include an The Committee reviewed the individual performance of executives who are not increase in the weighting of our measure relating to SMM (40%), with the Executive Directors and, on average, considered them above “target”. This remainder split between the standalone binary fatality measure (40%) and reflected performance against our safety, people, cash, partnership and growth AIFR (20%). objectives. The standalone measure for fatality will continue to be assessed as follows: –– If a fatality occurs, there is no payment made in relation to this measure. –– An outcome of outstanding is paid if no fatality occurs. –– The metric will apply equally across all executives, regardless of the location of any fatality. For the SMM measure, “target” performance for the Group has been set at 5.5. The “threshold” number for calculation purposes is 4.5 and “outstanding” performance has been set at 6.5. For the AIFR measure, “target” performance for the Group has been set at 0.37. The “threshold” number for calculation purposes is 0.42, and “outstanding” performance has been set at 0.31. 126 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report LTIP The performance conditions for the PSAs granted since 2019 are set out below. Outcomes for the period ended 31 December 2019 TSR performance is measured equally against the EMIX Global Mining Index Eligible executives will receive shares in Rio Tinto plc or Rio Tinto Limited in 2020 and the MSCI World Index. from the vesting of PSA granted in 2015. All executives who were granted these awards will also receive additional shares equal to the dividends that would Outperformance of the index by 6% per annum 100% of award vests have been paid on the PSA shares that vest had they owned them during the Performance between equal to the index and 6% Proportionate vesting between five-year performance period. No dividends will be paid in respect of the share outperformance 22.5% and 100% vesting awards that lapse. Performance equal to the index 22.5% of award vests Performance less than the index Nil vesting An estimate of the total value of PSA that will vest is included in the single total figure of remuneration. The actual PSA values will be recalculated following Management Share Awards (MSA) the vesting of the EBIT margin portion of the award, based on the actual share Executives are not eligible to receive MSA after their appointment. However, Governance prices on the date of vesting (31 May 2020). The estimated PSA values will be Bold Baatar, Joanne Farrell, Vera Kirikova, Stephen McIntosh, Simone Niven, restated, if applicable, in the 2020 Annual report. Chris Salisbury, Arnaud Soirat and Simon Trott received grants prior to their appointments as executives that vested during the year.
LTIP awards granted in 2019 The maximum potential value of PSA granted in 2019 was 438% of base salary. Plan period Plan period that ended 28 February 2019 The Committee decided that the PSA granted in 2019 would have a face value Vesting period 11 March 2016 – 28 February 2019 as shown in the table below. The eventual value received will depend on the Group’s relative TSR performance during the years 2019-2023 and the share % of shares vested 100% price at vesting. The 2019 PSA may vest after five years in 2024. The % of shares forfeited – performance conditions for the awards granted in 2019 are consistent with the performance conditions for awards to be granted in 2020 as set out on this page. Share ownership The following table shows the share ownership level for members of the LTIP awards for 2020 Executive Committee as a multiple of base salary. The Committee sets award levels to incentivise executives to meet the Share ownership level at long-term strategic goals of the Group, to support retention and to contribute 31 December 2019 as a multiple towards the competitiveness of the overall remuneration package. With this in of base salary mind, we determined that LTIP awards consist of conditional shares in 2020 Bold Baatar 2.8 and will have the face values shown in the table below. Alfredo Barrios 3.3 Consistent with prior years, we calculated the awards using the average share Vera Kirikova 1.2 price over the previous calendar year to mitigate the impact of short-term Stephen McIntosh 3.6 volatility in the share price. The awards granted in 2020 will therefore be Simone Niven 1.6 calculated using the 2019 average share prices for Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited of £43.43 and A$94.22 respectively. Chris Salisbury 4.2 Arnaud Soirat 3.4 Simon Trott 2.1 Maximum value (% of 1 March base salary) 2020 2019 Share ownership level is calculated using the market price of Rio Tinto shares Bold Baatar 410 375 on the latest practicable date before this report was published (14 February Alfredo Barrios 375 375 2020), and we define “share ownership” on page 117. Vera Kirikova 410 375 All current executives who were employed as at 31 December 2018 have Barbara Levi 375 – increased their holding of ordinary shares during 2019, and are making progress Stephen McIntosh 375 375 towards their share ownership requirements. The value of the shares has also Simone Niven 410 410 increased due to higher share prices. Chris Salisbury 375 375 Post-employment benefits Arnaud Soirat 410 410 Executives may participate in the pension, superannuation, and post-employment Simon Trott 410 375 medical and life insurance benefits which are typically offered to employees in Average 394 384 similar locations. The expected value of the awards is equal to 50% of the face value. The Departures from the Executive Committee percentage vesting at “threshold” performance is 22.5%. The 2020 award will Joanne Farrell left the Executive Committee on 30 September 2019 and will vest after five-years in 2025, subject to the Group’s performance against the leave the Group on 31 March 2020. She will receive her normal base salary and relative TSR measures. other contractual benefits until 31 March 2020. She remained eligible to receive a STIP award for the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019, which has been calculated on actual business and individual performance and will be paid fully in cash in March 2020. Joanne is ineligible for a base salary review or LTIP grant in March 2020. Outstanding LTIP awards will be treated, where required, in accordance with eligible leaver provisions of each plan with pro-rating, where applicable, up to 31 March 2020. Joanne will receive a payment of A$217,694 for unused and accrued annual leave and long-service leave as at her termination date in line with Australian legislation and policy. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 127

Governance Implementation report continued Philip Richards left the Executive Committee and the Group on 31 December Other share plans 2019. He received his normal base salary and contractual benefits until All employee share plans 31 December 2019. He remained eligible to receive a STIP award for the period The Committee believes that all employees should be given the opportunity to 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019, which has been calculated based on become shareholders in our business, and that share plans help engage, retain actual business and individual performance and will be paid fully in cash in and motivate employees over the long-term. Rio Tinto’s share plans are March 2020. He received a payment equivalent to 6 months’ base salary, paid therefore part of its standard remuneration practice, to encourage alignment in December 2019, to remain available to assist with transitional arrangements with the performance of the Group. Executives may participate in broad-based for a period of up to 12 months following his termination. Outstanding LTIP share plans that are available to Group employees generally and to which awards were treated, where required, in accordance with eligible leaver provisions performance conditions do not apply. of each plan with pro‑rating, where applicable, up to 31 December 2019. Philip received a payment of £ 937 for unused and accrued annual leave as at his A global employee share purchase plan is normally offered to all eligible termination date in line with UK legislation and policy. employees unless there are local jurisdictional restrictions. Under the plan, employees may acquire shares up to the value of US$5,000 (or equivalent in Service contracts other currencies) per year, or capped at 10% of their base salary if lower. Each All executives have service contracts which can be terminated by the company share purchased will be matched by the company, providing the participant with 12 months’ notice in writing, or by the employee with six months’ notice in holds the shares, and is still employed, at the end of the three-year vesting writing, or immediately by the company by paying base salary only in lieu of period. any unexpired notice. Approximately 19,000 (44%) of our employees are shareholders as a result of Positions held and date of appointment participating in this plan. In the UK, these arrangements are partially delivered Date of through the Share Ownership Plan which is a UK tax approved arrangement. appointment Under this plan, eligible participants may also receive an annual award of Free Name Position(s) held during 2019 to position Shares up to the limits prescribed under UK tax legislation. Other executives Bold Baatar Chief Executive, Energy & Minerals 1 December 2016 Management Share Awards (MSA) Alfredo Barrios Chief Executive, Aluminium 1 June 2014 The MSA are designed to help the Group attract the best staff in an increasingly competitive labour market, and to retain key individuals as we deliver our Vera Kirikova Group Executive, Human Resources 1 January 2017 long-term strategy. MSA are conditional awards that are not subject to a Stephen McIntosh Group Executive, Growth & Innovation 2 July 2016 performance condition. They vest at the end of three years subject to Simone Niven Group Executive, Corporate Relations 1 January 2017 continued employment, to act as a retention tool. Shares to satisfy the awards Chris Salisbury Chief Executive, Iron Ore 2 July 2016 are bought in the market, and no new shares are issued. Executives are not Arnaud Soirat Chief Executive, Copper & Diamonds 2 July 2016 eligible for the MSA after appointment. Simon Trott Chief Commercial Officer 1 January 2018 ��en re��nera��on �� �e��vere� ��� �o��o�in� c��rt �ro�i��� � tim��in� o� ���n tot�� r�m�n�r�tion i� ���i��r��� ��in� ���� �� �n ���m���. ���� ���� �n� ���� ��� ��r�orm�nc� ���� ���� ���r� ���ro�������tin� o� t�� m����r�m�nt comm�nc�� ��� �ortion o� t�� ���� ��� ������r ��r�orm�nc� ��rio�� ���tin� o� t�� ��� �ortion o� t�� ���� ���� ���� c��� ��i�� ��� ������r ��r�orm�nc� ��rio�� ����rr�� ���r�� ���oc�t�� ��� ���� ����r�� ���tin� o� t�� ���� m�r�in ���� ��� ���tin� o� t�� ���� m�r�in �ortion o� t�� ���� ��� ���oc�t�� ������r �ortion o� t�� ���� ��� ������r ��r�orm�nc� ��rio�� ��r�orm�nc� ��rio�� ���tin� o� ���� ��� ��� � �ear� ��r�orm�nc� m����r�� ���� ��r�orm�nc� m����r�� ����rr�� ���r�� � �ear� �a�e �a�ar� ��n ��� ��r ��� ��c ��� ��r ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� 128 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report Dilution Relative spend on remuneration Awards under the Share Option Plan, the 2013 Performance Share Plan, the To show our relative spend on remuneration, the directors have shown other 2018 EIP and all employee plans may be satisfied by, in the case of Rio Tinto significant disbursements of the company’s funds for comparison. plc, treasury shares or the issue of new shares or the purchase of shares in the market. In the case of Rio Tinto Limited, the plans are satisfied by the purchase Difference in Stated in US$m 2019 2018 spend of shares in the market and can be satisfied by the issue of new shares. Remuneration paid(a) 4,522 4,765 (243) In the UK, the Investment Association has issued corporate governance Distributions to shareholders(b) 11,886 6,333 5,553 guidelines in relation to the amount of new shares that may be issued having Purchase of property, plant and regard to the total issued share capital. Under the guidelines, the rules of a equipment and intangible assets(c) 5,488 4,482 1,006 scheme must provide that commitments to issue new shares or reissue Corporate income tax paid(c) 4,549 2,307 2,242 treasury shares, when aggregated with awards under all of a company’s other schemes, must not exceed 10% of the issued ordinary share capital (adjusted (a) Total employment costs for the financial year as per note 5 to the financial statements. Governance (b) Distributions to shareholders include equity dividends paid to owners of Rio Tinto and own for share issuance and cancellation) in any rolling ten-year period. shares purchased from owners of Rio Tinto as per the Group cash flow statement. (c) Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, and corporate income tax Furthermore, commitments to issue new shares or reissue treasury shares paid during the financial year are as per the Group cash flow statement and are calculated as per note 1 to the financial statements. under executive (discretionary) schemes should not exceed 5% of the issued ordinary share capital of a company (adjusted for share issuance and Gender pay cancellation) in any rolling ten-year period. This may be exceeded where Rio Tinto is committed to ensuring that employees with similar skills, vesting is dependent on the achievement of significantly more stretching knowledge, qualifications, experience and performance are paid equally performance criteria. Rio Tinto plc is in compliance with these guidelines. for the same or comparable work. As at 31 December 2019 these limits had not been exceeded. The company’s statement on pay equity, and our approach to inclusion and In Australia, as a condition of relief from prospectus requirements, the diversity, are set out on pages 69 to 70, and on the company’s website. Australian Securities and Investments Commission has imposed a cap on the issue of shares to employees of 5% of issued capital during a three-year period. An additional voluntary disclosure on UK gender pay reporting is set out on the As Rio Tinto Limited satisfies awards by market purchase, Rio Tinto Limited is company’s website. in compliance with this requirement. All other share awards are satisfied by shares that are purchased in the market. Further information in respect of the share plan arrangements and outstanding balances under each plan can be found in note 43 to the financial statements. Shareholder voting In the table below, we set out the results of the remuneration-related resolutions approved at the Group’s 2019 AGMs. Our meetings with shareholders in 2019 were well attended and provided an opportunity for the Committee chairman to discuss remuneration-related topics with shareholders. Resolution Total votes cast Votes for Votes against Votes withheld(a) Approval of the Directors’ remuneration report: Implementation report 1,143,455,162 1,070,321,199 73,133,963 24,817,450 93.6% 6.4% Approval of the Directors’ remuneration report 1,151,989,943 1,069,822,503 82,167,440 16,285,082 92.9% 7.1% (a) A vote “withheld” is not a vote in law, and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes for and against the resolution. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 129

Governance Implementation report continued Table 1a – Executives’ remuneration Short-term benefits Other cash-based Non-monetary Total short-term Stated in US$‘000(a) Base salary Cash bonus(b) benefits(c) benefits(d)(e) benefits Executive Directors 2019 1,447 1,118 350 64 2,979 Jean-Sébastien Jacques 2018 1,476 989 350 62 2,877 2019 989 573 223 57 1,842 Jakob Stausholm 2018 345 160 518 138 1,161 Other Executives 2019 683 398 148 56 1,285 Bold Baatar 2018 697 275 152 33 1,157 2019 769 383 247 123 1,522 Alfredo Barrios(f) 2018 773 361 249 146 1,529 2019 450 486 19 43 998 Joanne Farrell(g) 2018 630 276 27 38 971 2019 536 312 129 19 996 Vera Kirikova 2018 547 242 132 19 940 2019 717 414 150 81 1,362 Stephen McIntosh 2018 752 415 95 79 1,341 2019 536 345 124 17 1,022 Simone Niven 2018 547 305 112 5 969 2019 603 664 143 40 1,450 Philip Richards 2018 615 290 146 28 1,079 2019 717 387 179 53 1,336 Chris Salisbury 2018 752 335 181 48 1,316 2019 683 465 148 61 1,357 Arnaud Soirat 2018 697 472 152 109 1,430 2019 691 416 26 23 1,156 Simon Trott 2018 686 334 734 75 1,829 Notes to table 1a – Executives’ remuneration (a) “Table 1a – Executives’ remuneration” is reported in US$ using A$1 = US$0.69531; £1 = US$1.27661; C$1 = US$0.75370; S$1 = US$0.73307 (2019 average rates), except for cash bonuses which use A$1 = US$0.70033; £1 = US$1.31397; C$1 = US$0.76578; S$1 = US$0.74167 (2019 year-end rates). (b) “Cash bonus” relates to the cash portion of the 2019 STIP award to be paid in March 2020. (c) “Other cash-based benefits” typically include cash in lieu of a car and fuel and, where applicable, cash in lieu of company pension or superannuation contributions. (d) “Non-monetary benefits” for executives include healthcare coverage, provision of a car, professional tax compliance services/advice and flexible perquisites. (e) “Non-monetary benefits” for executives living outside their home country include international assignment benefits comprising, where applicable, housing, education, relocation expenses, tax equalisation and related compliance services, assignee and family home leave trips and international assignment payments made to and on their behalf. (f) Other cash-based benefits for Alf Barrios for 2018 have been restated as pension cash supplement of C$15,000 (US$12,000) was omitted. The previous figure disclosed for 2018 was US$237,000. (g) The details for 2019 reflect remuneration for the period 1 January to 30 September 2019. 130 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report Table 1a – Executives’ remuneration continued Long-term benefits: Value of shared-based awards(h) Post-employment benefits(k) Other post- Currency of Pension and employment Termination Total actual Stated in US$’000(a) BDA(i) PSA MSA Others(j) superannuation benefits benefits renumeration(l) payment Executive Directors 2019 1,047 3,028 – 8 27 – – 7,089 £ Jean-Sébastien Jacques 2018 947 2,270 – 9 36 – – 6,139 £ 2019 174 491 – 1 15 – – 2,523 £ Jakob Stausholm 2018 39 50 – – 8 – – 1,258 £ Governance Other Executives 2019 327 1,071 6 8 13 – – 2,710 £ Bold Baatar 2018 258 732 51 7 13 – – 2,218 £ 2019 472 1,675 – 4 21 – – 3,694 C$ Alfredo Barrios 2018 507 1,195 – 4 20 – – 3,255 C$ 2019 179 656 5 3 128 – – 1,969 A$ Joanne Farrell 2018 270 610 64 4 164 – – 2,083 A$ 2019 242 713 3 8 13 – – 1,975 £ Vera Kirikova 2018 176 483 20 7 13 – – 1,639 £ 2019 398 1,070 7 4 47 – – 2,888 A$ Stephen McIntosh 2018 338 739 64 4 112 – – 2,598 A$ 2019 270 794 3 5 18 – – 2,112 £ Simone Niven 2018 204 534 25 5 36 – – 1,773 £ 2019 148 772 – 5 – – 310 2,685 £ Philip Richards 2018 146 504 – 4 – – – 1,733 £ 2019 389 1,149 8 – 17 – – 2,899 A$ Chris Salisbury 2018 341 775 68 – 19 – – 2,519 A$ 2019 402 1,117 8 5 13 – – 2,902 £ Arnaud Soirat 2018 323 797 75 5 13 – – 2,643 £ 2019 211 694 48 4 165 – – 2,278 S$ Simon Trott 2018 132 335 76 4 141 – – 2,517 S$ (h) The value of share-based awards has been determined in accordance with the recognition and measurement requirements of IFRS2 “Share-based Payment”. The fair value of awards granted under the Management Share Awards (MSA), the Bonus Deferral Awards (BDA) and the Performance Share Awards (PSA) have been calculated at their dates of grant using valuation models provided by external consultants, Lane Clark and Peacock LLP, including an independent lattice-based option valuation model and a Monte Carlo valuation model which take into account the constraints on vesting and exercise attached to these awards. Further details of the valuation methods and assumptions used for these awards are included in note 43 (Share-based Payments) in the financial statements. The fair value of other share-based awards is measured at the purchase cost of the shares from the market. The non-executive directors do not participate in the long term incentive share plans. (i) “BDA” represents the portion of the 2016 – 2019 STIP awards deferred into Rio Tinto shares. (j) “Others” includes the Global Employee Share Plan (myShare) and the Share Ownership Plan. (k) The costs shown for defined benefit pension plans and post-retirement medical benefits are the service costs attributable to the individual, calculated in accordance with IAS 19. The cost for defined contribution plans is the amount contributed in the year by the company. (l) “Total remuneration” represents the disclosure of total emoluments and compensation required under the Australian Corporations Act 2001 and applicable accounting standards. Further details in relation to aggregate compensation for executives, including directors, are included in note 38 (Directors’ and key management remuneration). Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 131

Governance Implementation report continued Table 1b – Non-executive directors’ remuneration Single total Fees and Non-monetary figure of Currency of Stated in US$‘000(a) allowances(b) benefits(c) remuneration(d) actual payment Chairman 2019 932 2 934 £ Simon Thompson(e) 2018 844 8 852 £ Non-executive directors 2019 263 21 284 A$ Megan Clark 2018 303 29 332 A$ 2019 252 23 275 £ David Constable 2018 289 34 323 £ 2019 108 9 117 £ Ann Godbehere(f) 2018 304 12 316 £ 2019 107 3 110 £ Moya Greene(g) 2018 70 – 70 £ 2019 241 4 245 £ Simon Henry 2018 215 9 224 £ 2019 270 3 273 £ Sam Laidlaw 2018 229 8 237 £ 2019 188 13 201 A$ Michael L’Estrange 2018 256 19 275 A$ Simon McKeon 2019 250 14 264 A$ Notes to table 1b – Non-executive directors’ remuneration (a) The remuneration is reported in US$. The amounts have been converted using the relevant 2019 average exchange rates of £1 = US$1.27661 and A$1 = US$0.69531 (1 January to 31 December 2019 average). (b) “Fees and allowances” comprises the total fees for the Chairman and all non-executive directors, and travel allowances for the non-executive directors (other than the Chairman). The payment of statutory minimum superannuation contributions for Australian non-executive directors is required by Australian superannuation law. These contributions are included in the “Fees and allowances” amount disclosed for Australian non-executive directors. (c) “Non-monetary benefits” include, as in previous years, amounts which are deemed by the UK tax authorities to be benefits in kind relating largely to the costs of non-executive directors’ expenses in attending board meetings held at the company’s UK registered office (including associated hotel and subsistence expenses) and professional tax compliance services/advice. Given these expenses are incurred by directors in the fulfilment of their duties, the company pays the tax on them. (d) Represents disclosure of the single total figure of remuneration under Schedule 8 of the Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (as amended) and total remuneration under the Australian Corporations Act 2001 and applicable accounting standards. (e) The amounts reported for Simon Thompson in 2018 reflect the period when he was a non-executive director from 1 January to 4 March 2018 and then Chairman of the Board from 5 March to 31 December 2018. (f) The amounts reported for Ann Godbehere reflect the period when she was an active member of the Board from 1 January to 9 May 2019. (g) The amounts reported for Moya Greene reflect the periods when she was an active member of the Board from 1 January to 26 June in 2019 and 17 September to 31 December in 2018. Further details in relation to aggregate compensation for executives, including directors, are included in note 38 (Directors’ and key management remuneration). 132 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report Table 2 – Directors’ and executives’ beneficial interests in Rio Tinto shares Rio Tinto plc(a) Rio Tinto Limited Movements 1 Jan 31 Dec 14 Feb 1 Jan 31 Dec 14 Feb Exercise of 2019(b) 2019(c) 2020(d) 2019(b) 2019(c) 2020(d) options(e) Compensation(f) Other(g) Directors Megan Clark – – – 5,245 5,770 5,770 – – 525 David Constable 2,547 2,547 2,547 – – – – – – Ann Godbehere (h) 3,100 3,100 – – – – – – – Moya Greene (h) 2,618 2,618 – – – – – – – Simon Henry 500 500 500 – – – – – – Governance Jean-Sébastien Jacques 64,740 97,578 97,603 – – – – 62,082 (29,219) Sam Laidlaw 7,500 7,500 7,500 – – – – – – Michael L'Estrange – – – 3,103 3,103 3,103 – – – Simon McKeon – – – 10,000 10,000 10,000 – – – Jakob Stausholm 15,000 15,078 15,102 – – – – 93 9 Simon Thompson 7,458 7,458 7,458 – – – – – – Executives Bold Baatar 17,231 28,920 28,952 – – – – 15,725 (4,004) Alfredo Barrios 17,906 38,812 38,843 – – – – 38,977 (18,040) Joanne Farrell (h) 3,175 3,528 – 41,001 50,234 – – 16,382 (6,796) Vera Kirikova 3,768 6,788 6,825 – – – – 4,564 (1,507) Barbara Levi (h) – – – – – – – – Stephen McIntosh 8,478 2,673 2,673 17,784 28,748 28,775 – 17,331 (12,145) Simone Niven 5,895 10,077 10,077 – – – – 6,459 (2,277) Philip Richards (h) 68 200 – – – – – 121 11 Christopher Salisbury – – – 27,837 38,188 38,188 – 17,873 (7,522) Arnaud Soirat 155 2,380 2,404 20,626 27,393 27,393 – 23,225 (14,209) Simon Trott 74 169 169 11,536 18,391 18,417 – 6,853 123 Notes to table 2 – Directors’ and executives’ beneficial interests in Rio Tinto shares (a) Rio Tinto plc ordinary shares or American Depositary Shares. (b) Or date of appointment, if later. (c) Or date of retirement / date stepped down from the Executive Committee, if earlier. (d) Latest practicable date prior to the publication of the 2019 Annual report. (e) Shares obtained through the exercise of options under the Rio Tinto Share Savings Plan or the Share Option Plan. The number of shares retained may differ from the number of options exercised. (f) Shares obtained through awards under the Rio Tinto Share Ownership Plan, the Global Employee Share Plan and/or vesting of the Performance Share Awards (PSA), Management Share Awards (MSA) and Bonus Deferral Awards (BDA) granted under the Group’s Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) arrangements. (g) Share movements due to the sale or purchase of shares, or shares received under dividend reinvestment plans. (h) Ann Godbehere and Moya Greene retired as directors on 9 May 2019 and 26 June 2019 respectively. Joanne Farrell and Philip Richards retired from the Executive Committee on 30 September 2019 and 31 December 2019 respectively. Barbara Levi joined the Executive Committee on 1 January 2020. Interests in outstanding awards under LTIPs and option plans are set out in table 3. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 133

Governance Implementation report continued Table 3 – Plan interests (awards of shares under long term incentive plans) Market value of Award/ Market 31 14 Market award at grant price 1 January Lapsed/ Dividend December February Vesting period Date of price at release Name date at award(a)(b) 2019 Awarded cancelled units Vested 2019 2020 concludes release release US$(d) Bonus Deferral Awards 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 5,703 – – 1,079 6,782 – – - 2 Dec 2019 £42.26 365,886 Bold 15 May 2018 £42.30 7,389 – – – – 7,389 7,389 1 Dec 2020 – – – Baatar 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 5,205 – – – 5,205 5,205 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 14,230 – – 2,692 16,922 – – - 2 Dec 2019 £42.26 912,934 Alfredo 15 May 2018 £42.30 10,097 – – – – 10,097 10,097 1 Dec 2020 – – – Barrios 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 6,715 – – – 6,715 6,715 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 6,511 – – 966 7,477 – – - 2 Dec 2019 A$97.92 509,070 Joanne 15 May 2018 A$83.61 6,478 – – – – 6,478 6,478 1 Dec 2020 – – – Farrell 18 Mar 2019 A$93.17 – 4,307 – – – 4,307 4,307 1 Dec 2021 – – – Jean- 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 22,163 – – 4,194 26,357 – – - 2 Dec 2019 £42.26 1,421,948 Sébastien 15 May 2018 £42.30 21,401 – – – – 21,401 21,401 1 Dec 2020 – – – Jacques 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 18,681 – – – 18,681 18,681 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 1,811 – – 342 2,153 – – - 2 Dec 2019 £42.26 116,153 Vera 15 May 2018 £42.30 6,308 – – – – 6,308 6,308 1 Dec 2020 – – – Kirikova 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 4,581 – – – 4,581 4,581 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 7,526 – – 1,116 8,642 – – 2 Dec 2019 A$97.92 588,388 Stephen 15 May 2018 A$83.61 7,569 – – – – 7,569 7,569 1 Dec 2020 – – – McIntosh 18 Mar 2019 A$93.17 – 6,467 – – – 6,467 6,467 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 1,704 – – 322 2,026 – – - 2 Dec 2019 £42.26 109,302 Simone 15 May 2018 £42.30 6,713 – – – – 6,713 6,713 1 Dec 2020 – – – Niven 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 5,766 – – – 5,766 5,766 1 Dec 2021 – – – Philip 15 May 2018 £42.30 5,327 – – – – 5,327 5,327 1 Dec 2020 – – – Richards 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 5,487 – – – 5,487 5,487 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 7,772 – – 1,153 8,925 – – - 2 Dec 2019 A$97.92 607,656 Chris 15 May 2018 A$83.61 8,525 – – – – 8,525 8,525 1 Dec 2020 – – – Salisbury 18 Mar 2019 A$93.17 – 5,214 – – – 5,214 5,214 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 8,051 – – 1,523 9,574 – – - 2 Dec 2019 £42.26 516,513 Arnaud 15 May 2018 £42.30 6,328 – – – – 6,328 6,328 1 Dec 2020 – – – Soirat 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 8,913 – – – 8,913 8,913 1 Dec 2021 – – – Jakob Stausholm 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 3,022 – – – 3,022 3,022 1 Dec 2021 – – – 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 1,335 – – 198 1,533 – – - 2 Dec 2019 A$97.92 104,374 Simon 15 May 2018 £42.30 1,313 – – – – 1,313 1,313 1 Dec 2020 – – �� Trott 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 – 6,140 – – – 6,140 6,140 1 Dec 2021 – – – 134 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report Table 3 – Plan interests (awards of shares under long term incentive plans) continued Market Performance / value of Award/ Market 31 14 vesting (MSA) Market award at grant price 1 January Lapsed/ Dividend December February period Date of price at release Name date at award(a)(b) 2019 Awarded cancelled units Vested 2019 2020 concludes(c) release release US$(d) Management Share Awards Bold Baatar 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 4,317 – – 433 4,750 – – – 28 Feb 2019 £43.27 262,385 Joanne Farrell 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 4,318 – – 345 4,663 – – – 28 Feb 2019 A$96.68 313,459 Vera Governance Kirikova 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 1,878 – – 188 2,066 – – – 28 Feb 2019 £43.27 114,124 Stephen McIntosh 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 4,364 – – 349 4,713 – – – 28 Feb 2019 A$96.68 316,820 Simone Niven 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 2,277 – – 228 2,505 – – – 28 Feb 2019 £43.27 138,373 Chris Salisbury 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 4,632 – – 371 5,003 – – – 28 Feb 2019 A$96.68 336,315 Arnaud Soirat 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 5,057 – – 405 5,462 – – – 28 Feb 2019 A$96.68 367,170 Simon 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 2,353 – – 188 2,541 – – – 28 Feb 2019 A$96.68 170,813 Trott 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 2,695 – – – – 2,695 2,695 27 Feb 2020 – – – Performance Share Awards 28 Feb 2019/ £43.27/ 166,269/ 17 Mar 2014 £31.80 7,765 – (4,429) 589 3,925 – – 31 Dec 2018 3 Jun 2019 £45.38 53,002 23 Mar 2015 £29.43 14,954 – – – – 14,954 14,954 31 Dec 2019 – – – Bold 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 17,270 – – – – 17,270 17,270 31 Dec 2020 – – – Baatar 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 85,174 – – – – 85,174 85,174 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 £42.30 63,039 – – – – 63,039 63,039 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 51,752 – – – 51,752 51,752 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ £43.27/ 922,932/ 15 Sep 2014 £32.35 43,568 – (24,844) 3,072 21,796 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 £45.10 292,964 23 Mar 2015 £29.43 66,390 – – – – 66,390 66,390 31 Dec 2019 – – – Alfredo 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 73,140 – – – – 73,140 73,140 31 Dec 2020 – – – Barrios 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 91,721 – – – – 91,721 91,721 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 £42.30 66,050 – – – – 66,050 66,050 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 57,011 – – – 57,011 57,011 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ A$96.68/ 189,971/ 17 Mar 2014 A$61.28 7,448 – (4,247) 475 3,676 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 A$100.43 59,355 23 Mar 2015 A$58.21 7,539 – – – – 7,539 7,539 31 Dec 2019 – – – Joanne 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 8,637 – – – – 8,637 8,637 31 Dec 2020 – – – Farrell 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 66,295 – – – – 66,295 66,295 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 A$83.61 48,612 – – – – 48,612 48,612 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 A$93.17 - 41,620 – – – 41,620 41,620 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ £43.27/ 1,500,620/ 17 Mar 2014 £31.80 70,057 – (39,950) 5,323 35,430 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 £45.10 475,836 23 Mar 2015 £29.43 72,768 – – – – 72,768 72,768 31 Dec 2019 – – – Jean- 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 84,005 – – – – 84,005 84,005 31 Dec 2020 – – – Sébastien 12 Sep 2016 £22.95 79,966 – – – – 79,966 79,966 31 Dec 2020 – – – Jacques 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 184,994 – – – – 184,994 184,994 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 £42.30 139,995 – – – – 139,995 139,995 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 125,665 – – – 125,665 125,665 31 Dec 2023 – – – 14 Sep 2015 £23.98 1,758 – – – – 1,758 1,758 31 Dec 2019 – – – 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 5,636 – – – – 5,636 5,636 31 Dec 2020 – – – Vera 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 66,803 – – – – 66,803 66,803 31 Dec 2021 – – – Kirikova 15 May 2018 £42.30 45,219 – – – – 45,219 45,219 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 40,591 – – – 40,591 40,591 31 Dec 2023 – – – Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 135

Governance Implementation report continued Table 3 – Plan interests (awards of shares and options under long term incentive plans) continued Market value of Award/ Market 31 14 Performance Market award at grant price 1 January Lapsed/ Dividend December February period Date of price at release Name date at award(a)(b) 2019 Awarded cancelled units Vested 2019 2020 concludes(c) release release US$(d) 28 Feb 2019/ A$96.68/ 193,265/ 17 Mar 2014 A$61.28 7,578 – (4,322) 483 3,739 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 A$100.43 60,333 23 Mar 2015 A$58.21 11,429 – – – – 11,429 11,429 31 Dec 2019 – – – Stephen 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 13,093 – – – – 13,093 13,093 31 Dec 2020 – – – McIntosh 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 79,152 – – – – 79,152 79,152 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 A$83.61 58,040 – – – – 58,040 58,040 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 A$93.17 - 49,689 – – – 49,689 49,689 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ £43.27/ 78,384/ 17 Mar 2014 £31.80 3,660 – (2,088) 277 1,849 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 £45.10 24,759 23 Mar 2015 £29.43 5,041 – – – – 5,041 5,041 31 Dec 2019 – – – Simone 11 Mar 2016 £20.00 9,109 – – – – 9,109 9,109 31 Dec 2020 – – – Niven 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 66,803 – – – – 66,803 66,803 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 £42.30 49,440 – – – – 49,440 49,440 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 44,379 – – – 44,379 44,379 31 Dec 2023 – – – 11 Sep 2017 £36.78 57,810 – – – – 57,810 57,810 31 Dec 2021 – – – Philip 15 May 2018 £42.30 50,872 – – – – 50,872 50,872 31 Dec 2022 – – – Richards 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 45,666 – – – 45,666 45,666 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ A$96.68/ 203,886/ 17 Mar 2014 A$61.28 7,994 – (4,559) 510 3,945 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 A$100.43 63,685 23 Mar 2015 A$58.21 16,175 – – – – 16,175 16,175 31 Dec 2019 – – – Chris 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 13,898 – – – – 13,898 13,898 31 Dec 2020 – – – Salisbury 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 79,152 – – – – 79,152 79,152 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 A$83.61 63,457 – – – – 63,457 63,457 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 A$93.17 - 49,689 – – – 49,689 49,689 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ A$96.68/ 416,444/ 17 Mar 2014 A$61.28 16,326 – (9,310) 1,043 8,059 – – 31 Dec 2018 3 Jun 2019 A$98.70 127,921 23 Mar 2015 A$58.21 17,658 – – – – 17,658 17,658 31 Dec 2019 – – – Arnaud 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 20,230 – – – – 20,230 20,230 31 Dec 2020 – – – Soirat 9 Mar 2017 £32.03 85,174 – – – – 85,174 85,174 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 £42.30 57,657 – – – – 57,657 57,657 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 56,582 – – – 56,582 56,582 31 Dec 2023 – – – Jakob 10 Sep 2018 £35.16 29,886 – – – – 29,886 29,886 31 Dec 2022 – – – Stausholm 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 79,609 – – – 79,609 79,609 31 Dec 2023 – – – 28 Feb 2019/ A$96.68/ 130,950/ 17 Mar 2014 A$61.28 5,135 – (2,929) 327 2,533 – – 31 Dec 2018 31 May 2019 A$100.43 40,851 23 Mar 2015 A$58.21 8,216 – – – – 8,216 8,216 31 Dec 2019 – – – Simon Trott 11 Mar 2016 A$44.57 9,412 – – – – 9,412 9,412 31 Dec 2020 – – – 9 Mar 2017 A$60.14 8,085 – – – – 8,085 8,085 31 Dec 2021 – – – 15 May 2018 £42.30 57,188 – – – – 57,188 57,188 31 Dec 2022 – – – 18 Mar 2019 £42.67 - 50,598 – – – 50,598 50,598 31 Dec 2023 – – – (a) Awards denominated in pound sterling were for Rio Tinto plc ordinary shares of 10 pence each and awards denominated in Australian dollars were for Rio Tinto Limited shares. All awards are granted over ordinary shares. (b) The weighted fair value per share of Bonus Deferral Awards granted in 2019 was £41.51 for Rio Tinto plc and A$91.65 for Rio Tinto Limited and for Performance Share Awards was £24.68 for Rio Tinto plc and A$54.55 for Rio Tinto Limited. Conditional awards are awarded at no cost to the recipient and no amount remains unpaid on any shares awarded. (c) Details of performance conditions for the PSA are provided below. For awards granted from 2013, for the TSR component (constituting two-thirds of the award for awards granted until 2017 and constituting 100% for awards granted from 2018), where TSR performance is measured against both the EMIX Global Mining Index and the MSCI World Index, the award will vest as follows: –– Out-performance of the index by 6% per annum –– 100% award vests –– Performance between equal to the index and 6% per annum –– Proportionate vesting between 22.5% and 100% vesting out-performance –– Performance equal to the index –– 22.5% award vests –– Performance less than index –– Nil vesting 136 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Remuneration report / Implementation report For awards granted from 2013 to 2017, one-third of the award is subject to an EBIT margin condition measuring the change in the EBIT margin of Rio Tinto and each of the comparator companies (measured on a “point-to-point” basis using the last financial year in the performance period and the financial year prior to the start of the performance period). This will be calculated using independent third-party data. Vesting will be subject to Rio Tinto’s interpolated ranking position using the following schedule. –– Equal to or greater than 2nd ranked company –– 100% award vests –– Between the 5th and 2nd ranked companies –– Proportionate vesting between 22.5% and 100% vesting –– Above the 6th ranked company –– 22.5% award vests –– Equal to the 6th ranked company or below –– Nil vesting The TSR performance condition (two thirds of the award) vests in February with the EBIT performance condition (one third of the award) vesting in May. Due to the phased vesting nature of the award, details of each vest are displayed separately side by side within the table. For awards granted from 2018 the EBIT performance condition will not apply. Instead the award is subject to the TSR measures described above, with each applied to 50% of the award Governance If vesting is achieved, participants will be entitled to receive a number of additional shares whose market value reflects the aggregate cash amount of dividends that would have been received had the number of shares which have vested at the end of the performance period been held throughout the period. (d) The amount in US dollars has been converted at the rate of US$1.27661 = £1 and US$0.69531 = A$1, being the average exchange rates for 2019. (e) For the Performance Share Awards granted on 23 March 2015 with a performance period that concluded on 31 December 2019, 45.56% of the award vested in relation to the TSR portion of the award. The remaining performance condition of relative EBIT margin will be assessed later in 2020. (f) The closing price at 31 December 2019 was £45.03 for Rio Tinto plc ordinary shares and was A$100.40 for Rio Tinto Limited ordinary shares. The high and low prices during 2019 of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited shares were £49.765 and £36.43 and A$107.05 and A$76.65 respectively. As of 14 February 2020, executives held 2,671,784 shares awarded and not vested under long term incentive plans. No executive held any options. Table 3a – Plan interests (award of shares under all-employee share arrangements) myShare Share Ownership Plan Total activity in 2019 Value of Value of Value of Value of Matching Matching Matching Matching Value of Free Value of Plan shares shares shares shares shares Free shares Plan interests interests at awarded in vested in awarded in vested in awarded in vested in Grants Vesting at 31 1 January year(b) year(c) year(b) year(c) year(d) year(d) in year in year December 2019(a) ('000) ('000) ('000) ('000) ('000) ('000) ('000) ('000) 2019(a) Bold Baatar 311.31 4 5 0 0 5 0 9 5 392.86 Alfredo Barrios 291.28 4 8 0 0 0 0 4 8 235.95 Joanne Farrell 278.66 4 9 0 0 0 0 4 9 219.03 Jean-Sébastien Jacques 664.70 2 4 2 4 5 9 9 17 520.29 Vera Kirikova 547.15 2 6 2 0 5 5 9 11 508.24 Stephen McIntosh 278.66 4 9 0 0 0 0 4 9 219.03 Simone Niven 363.00 0 0 0 0 5 9 5 9 286.00 Philip Richards 67.00 1 0 1 0 5 0 7 0 174.52 Chris Salisbury 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Arnaud Soirat 148.00 1 0 1 0 5 0 7 0 250.96 Jakob Stausholm 0.00 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 60.09 Simon Trott 298.11 5 9 0 0 0 0 5 9 260.09 (a) All shares shown are Rio Tinto plc shares except in the cases of Joanne Farrell and Stephen McIntosh which are Rio Tinto Limited shares and Simon Trott who holds a combination of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited shares. (b) myShare and Share Ownership Plan Matching share awards are granted on a quarterly basis (January, April, July and October) throughout the year. (c) The vesting of a Matching share is dependent on continued employment with Rio Tinto and the retention of the associated Investment share purchased by the participant for 3 years. (d) Share Ownership Plan Free Shares vest after 3 years. (e) Share Ownership Plan awards shown above and the vested Matching shares under myShare are included, where relevant, in the Executive’s share interests in Table 2. (f) All currency figures are shown in USD and rounded. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 137

Governance Implementation report continued Audited information Under Schedule 8 of the Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (as amended), the following information is auditable: –– the 2019 performance for the purposes of the STIP on page 115; –– the single total figure of remuneration for each director, as set out on page 118 and table 1b on page 132; –– details of the directors’ total pension entitlements, as set out on page 118; –– details of taxable benefits on page 118; –– details of scheme interests awarded to the directors during the financial year, as set out on pages 123 and table 3 and 3a on pages 134 to 137; –– details of payments to past directors as set out on page 125; –– details of shareholding ownership policy and directors’ share ownership on pages 123 and 125; –– statement of the directors’ shareholdings and share interests, as set out in tables 2, 3 and 3a on pages 133 to 137 of the Implementation report; –– STIP objectives and outcomes for 2019 as set out on pages 119 to 121 and LTIP outcome and award granted for 2019 as set out on pages 122 to 123. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission issued an order dated 14 December 2015, under which the Remuneration report must be prepared and audited in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 applied on the basis of certain modifications set out in the order (as detailed on page 255). The information provided in the Remuneration report has been audited as required by section 308 (3C) of the Australian Corporations Act 2001. Directors’ approval statement This Directors’ Remuneration report is delivered in accordance with a resolution of the Board, and has been signed on behalf of the Board by: Sam Laidlaw Chairman of the Remuneration Committee 26 February 2020 138 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Additional statutory disclosure The directors present their report and audited consolidated financial statements –– On 19 June 2019 Rio Tinto announced that Rio Tinto Iron Ore was for the year ended 31 December 2019. experiencing operational challenges, particularly in the Greater Brockman hub in the Pilbara. In light of these challenges Pilbara shipments for 2019 Scope of this report were revised to between 320 million tonnes and 330 million tonnes For the purposes of UK company law and the Australian Corporations Act 2001: (previously between 333 million tonnes and 343 million tonnes). –– the additional disclosures under the heading “Shareholder information” –– On 26 June 2019, Dame Moya Greene retired from the board as a non- on pages 292 to 298 are hereby incorporated by reference to, and form part executive director. of, this Directors’ report; –– In July 2019 Rio Tinto completed the sale of its entire interest in the Rössing –– the Strategic report on pages 4 to 81 provides a comprehensive review of uranium mine in Namibia to China National Uranium Corporation Limited Rio Tinto’s operations, its financial position and its business strategies and (CNUC) for an initial cash payment of $6.5 million plus a contingent prospects, and is incorporated by reference into, and forms part of this payment of up to $100 million. Directors’ report; certain items that would ordinarily need to be included in –– In July 2019 Rio Tinto provided an update on the schedule and cost of the this Directors’ report (including an indication of likely future developments Oyu Tolgoi underground project in Mongolia. Preliminary estimates for Governance in the business of the company and the Group) have, as permitted, instead the development capital spend were revised to $6.5 billion to $7.2 billion, been discussed in the Strategic report, while details of the Group’s policy on an increase of $1.2 billion to $1.9 billion from the $5.3 billion previously addressing financial risks and details about financial instruments are shown disclosed. Achievement of first sustainable production was revised to in note 30 to the Group financial statements; and between May 2022 and June 2023, a delay of 16 to 30 months compared –– taken together, the Strategic report and this Directors’ report are intended to the original feasibility study guidance in 2016. to provide a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of: the –– On 25 September 2019 Rio Tinto signed a Memorandum of Understanding development and performance of the Group’s business during the year with China’s largest steel producer, China Baowu Steel Group and Tsinghua and its position at the end of the year; its strategy; likely developments; University, one of China’s most prestigious and influential universities, to and any principal or emerging risks and uncertainties associated with the develop and implement new methods to reduce carbon emissions and Group’s business. improve environmental performance across the steel value chain. –– The Directors’ declaration on page 256 is also incorporated into this –– In October 2019 Rio Tinto announced it would conduct a strategic review of Directors’ report. its interest in New Zealand’s Aluminium Smelter (NZAS) at Tiwai Point, to determine the operation’s ongoing viability and competitive position. For the purposes of compliance with DTR 4.1.5R(2) and DTR 4.1.8R, the required –– On 4 November 2019 Rio Tinto announced it achieved a significant content of the “Management report” can be found in the Strategic report or this milestone at the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia with the completion of Shaft 2, Directors’ report, including the material incorporated by reference. which enabled the acceleration of work on the underground development. –– In November 2019 Rio Tinto announced that it would support Energy A full report on director and executive remuneration and shareholdings can be Resources of Australia Limited’s (ERA) plans for a renounceable entitlement found in the Remuneration report on pages 110 to 138 which for the purposes of offer to raise $324 million (A$476 million) for the rehabilitation of the Ranger the Australian Corporations Act 2001, forms part of this Directors’ report. Project Area in Australia’s Northern Territory. –– In November 2019 Rio Tinto approved a $749 million (A$1 billion) investment Dual listed structure and constitutional documents in its existing Greater Tom Price operations (100% owned) to help sustain The dual listed companies (DLC) structure of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto the production capacity of its world-class iron ore business in the Pilbara Limited, their constitutional provisions and voting arrangements – including of Western Australia. restrictions that may apply to the shares of either company under specified –– In December 2019 Rio Tinto approved a $1.5 billion investment (100 per cent circumstances – are described on pages 292 and 293. basis) to continue production at its Kennecott copper operations in the United States. The investment extended operations at Kennecott to 2032. Operating and financial review –– In February 2020 Rio Tinto announced it would conduct a strategic review Rio Tinto’s principal activities during 2019 were minerals and metals of the ISAL smelter in Iceland, to determine the operation’s ongoing viability exploration, development, production and processing and marketing. and explore options to improve its competitive position. –– In February 2020, Rio Tinto’s subsidiary Energy Resources of Australia Ltd Subsidiary and associated undertakings principally affecting the profits or net assets (ERA) announced the completion of an entitlement offer, which was of the Group in the year are listed in notes 33 to 36 to the financial statements. underwritten by the Group. As a result of the issue of new shares to the Group, our interest in ERA has increased from 68.39% to 86.33%. The following significant changes and events affected the Group during 2019 –– In February 2020, Rio Tinto announced the appointment of three new and up to the date of this report: independent non-executive directors to the board. They were Hinda Gharbi, Jennifer Nason and Ngaire Woods. –– In February 2019 Rio Tinto announced that it had discovered copper-gold –– In February 2020, Rio Tinto announced that it expected Pilbara iron ore mineralisation at the Winu Project in the Yeneena Basin of the Paterson shipments in 2020 to be between 324 million tonnes and 334 million tonnes Province in Western Australia. (100% basis) versus previous guidance of between 330 million tonnes and –– In March 2019 Rio Tinto announced it had completed the commisioning of 343 million tonnes. the $1.9 billion Amrun bauxite mine on the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland, Australia. Details of events that took place after the balance sheet date are further described –– In April 2019 Rio Tinto announced the next stage in the development of in note 42 to the financial statements. Richards Bay Minerals in South Africa through the construction of the Zulti South project. The $463 million (Rio Tinto share $343 million) investment Risk identification, assessment and management will sustain RBM’s current capacity and extend its mine life. Construction is The Group’s principal risks and uncertainties are listed on pages 74 to 80. on hold after a number of security incidents. The Group’s approach to risk management is discussed on pages 71 to 73. –– In April 2019 Rio Tinto committed $302 million of additional capital to advance its Resolution Copper project in the US state of Arizona. The Share capital investment funded additional drilling, ore-body studies, infrastructure Details of the Group’s share capital as at 31 December 2019 are described in improvements and permitting activities. notes 27 and 28 to the financial statements. Details of the rights and obligations attached to each class of shares are covered on pages 292 to 293, under the heading “Voting arrangements”. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 139

Governance Additional statutory disclosure continued In situations where an employee share plan operated by the company and plan Directors’ and executives’ beneficial interests participants are the beneficial owners of shares but not the registered owners, A table of directors’ and executives’ beneficial interests in Rio Tinto shares voting rights are normally exercised by the registered owner at the direction of is on page 133. the participant. Secretaries Details of certain restrictions on holding shares in Rio Tinto and certain Steve Allen is company secretary of Rio Tinto plc and joint company secretary, consequences triggered by a change of control are described on page 293 together with Tim Paine, of Rio Tinto Limited. Steve’s and Tim’s qualifications under the heading “Limitations on ownership of shares and merger obligations”. and experience are described on page 85. There are no other restrictions on the transfer of ordinary Rio Tinto shares save for: –– restrictions that may from time to time be imposed by laws, regulations Indemnities and insurance or Rio Tinto policy (for example relating to market abuse, insider dealing, The Articles of Association of Rio Tinto plc and the Constitution of Rio Tinto share trading or an Australian foreign investment); Limited provide for them to indemnify, to the extent permitted by law, directors –– restrictions on the transfer of shares that may be imposed following and officers of the companies, including officers of certain subsidiaries, against a failure to supply information required to be disclosed, or where registration liabilities arising from the conduct of the Group’s business. The directors, of the transfer may breach a court order or a law, or in relation to unmarketable Group company secretary and joint company secretary of Rio Tinto Limited, parcels of shares; together with employees serving as directors of eligible subsidiaries at the –– restrictions on the transfer of shares held under certain employee share Group’s request, have also received similar direct indemnities. Former directors plans while they remain subject to the plan. also received indemnities for the period in which they were directors.These are qualifying third-party indemnity provisions for the purposes of the UK At the AGMs held in 2019, shareholders authorised: Companies Act 2006, in force during the financial year ended 31 December –– the on-market purchase by Rio Tinto plc or Rio Tinto Limited or its 2019 and up to the date of this report. No amount has been paid under any subsidiaries, of up to 126,772,263 Rio Tinto plc shares (representing of these indemnities during the year. approximately 10% of Rio Tinto plc’s issued share capital, excluding Rio Tinto plc shares held in Treasury at that time); Qualifying pension scheme indemnity provisions (as defined by section 235 –– the off-market purchase by Rio Tinto plc of up to 126,772,263 Rio Tinto plc of the UK Companies Act 2006) were in force during the course of the financial shares acquired by Rio Tinto Limited or its subsidiaries under the above year ended 31 December 2019 and up to the date of this Directors’ report, authority; and for the benefit of trustees of the Rio Tinto Group pension and superannuation –– the off-market and/or on-market buy-back by Rio Tinto Limited of funds across various jurisdictions. No amount has been paid under any up to 55.6 million Rio Tinto Limited shares (representing approximately of these indemnities during the year. 15% of Rio Tinto Limited’s issued share capital at that time). The Group purchased directors’ and officers’ insurance during the year. Substantial shareholders In broad terms, this cover indemnifies individual directors and officers Details of substantial shareholders are included on page 294. against certain personal legal liability and legal defence costs for claims arising out of actions connected with Group business. Dividends Details of dividends paid and declared for payment, together with Employment of disabled persons the company’s shareholder returns policy are explained on page 36. Our statement on the employment of disabled persons is on page 69. Directors Engagement with UK employees The names of directors who served during or since the end of the year and Our statement on engagement with UK employees is on page 92. their period of appointment are listed on pages 84 and 85, together with details of each directors qualifications, experience and special responsibilities, and Engagement with suppliers, customers and others in a business current directorships. relationship with the company Our statement on engagement with suppliers, customers and others A table of directors’ attendance at board and committee meetings during 2019 in a business relationship with the company is on page 93. is on page 97. Statutory Audit Services Order At the 2020 AGMs, Hinda Gharbi and Jennifer Nason will stand for election, The Group has fully complied with the Statutory Audit Services Order. Ngaire Woods will stand for election with effect from 1 September, 2020, and all other directors will stand for re-election. Previous listed directorships Details of each director’s previous directorships of other listed companies (where relevant) held in the past three years are set out below: David Constable –– Anadarko Petroleum Company (July 2016 to August 2019) Sam Laidlaw –– HSBC Holdings plc (January 2008 to April 2017) Jakob Stausholm –– A P Moller-Maersk A/s (December 2016 to March 2018) Simon Thompson –– Tullow Oil plc (May 2011 to April 2017) 140 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Additional statutory disclosure Purchases Rio Tinto plc shares(a) and Rio Tinto plc American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) Total number of shares Maximum number Total number of shares purchased as part of of shares that may Average purchased to satisfy Total number of shares publicly announced be purchased Total number of price per company dividend purchased to satisfy plans or under plans or shares purchased(b) share US$(c) reinvestment plans employee share plans programmes(d)(k) programmes 2019 1 to 31 Jan 6,253,189 49.71 – – 6,253,189 76,033,612(f) 1 to 28 Feb 5,401,268 56.38 – – 5,401,268 70,632,344(f) (f) 1 to 31 Mar 1,866,278 56.46 – – 1,866,278 68,766,066 Governance 1 to 30 Apr 2,816,717 59.88 1,023,851 319,702 1,473,164 125,299,099(g) 1 to 31 May 1,596,086 58.14 – – 1,596,086 123,703,013(g) 1 to 30 Jun 1,514,392 59.18 – 149,435 1,364,957 122,338,056(g) 1 to 31 Jul 1,953,181 59.53 – – 1,953,181 120,384,875(g) 1 to 31 Aug 2,803,415 51.33 – – 2,803,415 117,581,460 (g) 1 to 30 Sep 1,738,314 52.71 528,356 168,712 1,041,246 116,540,214 (g) 1 to 31 Oct 1,682,872 51.00 – – 1,682,872 114,857,342(g) 1 to 30 Nov 1,677,420 53.62 – – 1,677,420 113,179,922(g) 1 to 31 Dec 1,827,773 57.34 – 584,815 1,242,958 111,936,964 (g) 31,130,905(e) 54.74 1,552,207 1,222,664 28,356,034 – 2020 1 to 31 Jan 1,962,815 58.41 – – 1,962,815 109,974,149(g) 1 to 14 Feb 840,082 54.22 – – 840,082 109,134,067(g) Rio Tinto Limited shares Total number of shares Maximum number Total number of shares Total number of purchased as part of of shares that may Average purchased to satisfy shares purchased to publicly announced be purchased Total number of price per company dividend satisfy employee plans or under plans or shares purchased(b) share US$(c) reinvestment plans share plans(h) programmes(d)(k) programmes 2019 1 to 31 Jan – – – – – 1,866(i) 1 to 28 Feb – – – – – 1,866(i) 1 to 31 Mar – – – – – 1,866(i) 1 to 30 Apr 1,623,567 69.49 1,397,150 226,417 – 1,866(i) 1 to 31 May – – – – – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 30 Jun – – – – – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 31 Jul – – – – �� 55,600,000(j) 1 to 31 Aug – – – – – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 30 Sep 910,307 63.17 788,265 122,042 – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 31 Oct – – – – – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 30 Nov – – – – – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 31 Dec 791,445 71.49 – 791,445 – 55,600,000(j) 3,325,319 68.24 2,185,415 1,139,904 – – 2020 1 to 31 Jan 21,555 70.02 – 21,555 – 55,600,000(j) 1 to 14 Feb – – – – – 55,600,000(j) (a) Rio Tinto plc shares have a nominal value of 10 pence each. (b) Monthly totals of purchases are based on the settlement date. (c) The shares were purchased in the currency of the stock exchange on which the purchases took place and the sale price has been converted into US dollars at the exchange rate on the date of settlement. (d) Shares purchased in connection with the dividend reinvestment plans and employee share plans are not deemed to form any part of any publicly announced plan or programme. (e) This figure represents 2.5% of Rio Tinto plc issued share capital at 31 December 2019. (f) At the Rio Tinto plc AGM held in 2018, shareholders authorised the on-market purchase by Rio Tinto plc, Rio Tinto Limited and its subsidiaries of up to 133,746,522 Rio Tinto plc shares. This authorisation expired on 11 July 2019. (g) At the Rio Tinto plc AGM held in 2019, shareholders authorised the on-market purchase by Rio Tinto plc, Rio Tinto Limited and its subsidiaries of up to 126,772,263 Rio Tinto plc shares. This authorisation will expire on the later of 10 July 2020 or the date of the 2020 AGM. (h) The average price of shares purchased on-market by the trustee of Rio Tinto Limited’s employee share trust during 2019 was $70.18. (i) At the Rio Tinto Limited AGM held in 2018 shareholders authorised the off-market and/or on-market buy-back of up to 41.2 million Rio Tinto Limited shares. (j) At the Rio Tinto Limited AGM held in 2019 shareholders authorised the off-market and/or on-market buy-back of up to 55.6 million Rio Tinto Limited shares. (k) Rio Tinto purchased US$1.6 billion of shares through an on-market purchase of Rio Tinto plc shares during 2019 which comprised a return of US$0.7 billion of the US$1.0 billion programme announced on 1 August 2018 and US$0.9 billion of the US$3.2 billion programme announced on 20 September 2018, returning the post-tax proceeds of the coal assets to shareholders. The US$3.2 billion programme comprised the A$2.9 billion off-market share buy-back of Rio Tinto Limited shares which was completed on 12 November 2018 and US$1.1 billion on market buy-back of Rio Tinto plc shares of which the remaining US$0.2 billion will be completed no later than 28 February 2020. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 141

Governance Additional statutory disclosure continued Political donations Greenhouse gas emissions (a)(b) The Group made no political donations (as defined by the UK Companies Act (in million tCO2-e) 2006) in the EU, Australia or elsewhere during 2019. 2019 2018(g) Scope 1(c) 17.1 17.8 Government regulations Scope 2(d) 9.7 10.9 Our operations around the world are subject to extensive laws and regulations Total greenhouse gas emissions(e) 26.4 28.2 imposed by local, state, provincial and federal governments. These regulations govern many aspects of our work – from how we explore, mine and process ore, Ratios (f) to conditions of land tenure and health, safety and environmental requirements. Greenhouse gas emissions intensity index 70.6 71.6 They also govern how we operate as a company in relation to securities, taxation, Greenhouse gas emissions intensity (tCO -e/t of product) 0.062 0.065 intellectual property, competition and foreign investment, provisions to protect 2 data privacy, conditions of trade and export and infrastructure access. In addition (a) Rio Tinto’s greenhouse gas emission for managed operations are reported in accordance to these laws, several of our operations are governed by specific agreements with the requirements under Part 7 of the UK Companies Act 2006 (Strategic report made with governments, some of which are enshrined in legislation. and Directors’ report) Regulations 2013. Our approach and methodology used forthe The geographic and product diversity of our operations reduces determination of these emissions are available at: https://www.riotinto.com/sustainability/sustainability-reporting. the likelihood of any single law or government regulation having (b) Rio Tinto’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory is based on definitions provided by a material effect on the Group’s business as a whole. The World Resource Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Carbon Reporting and Accounting Standard, March 2004. (c) Scope 1 emissions include “emissions from combustion of fuel and operation of manage Environmental regulations facilities. These include emissions from land management and livestock management Rio Tinto is subject to various environmental laws and regulations in the at those facilities. countries where it has operations. Rio Tinto measures its performance against (d) Scope 2 emissions include “emissions from the purchase of electricity, heat, steam or cooling. (e) Total emissions is the sum of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, minus emissions that are environmental regulation by tracking and rating incidents according to their associated with the generation of electricity, heat, steam or cooling supplied to others. actual environmental and compliance impacts using five severity categories These emissions exclude indirect emissions associated with transportation and use of our (minor, medium, serious, major or catastrophic). Incidents with a consequence products reported at https://www.riotinto.com/sustainability/sustainability-reporting. (f) Rio Tinto greenhouse gas intensity index is the weighted emissions intensity for each of rating of major or catastrophic are of a severity that require notification Rio Tinto’s main commodities relative to the commodity intensities in the 2008 base year to the relevant product group Chief Executive and the Rio Tinto Chief Executive (set to 100). This index includes approximately 97 (97.18%)% of Rio Tinto’s emissions from immediately after the incident occurring. In 2019, there were no environmental managed operations. (g) All numbers are restated to ensure comparability over time. Amendments are due to changes incidents at managed operations with a major or catastrophic impact. in measurement and calculation methodologies including the adoption of updated global warming potentials from the IPCC fourth assessment report or immaterial updates to data. During 2019, three managed operations incurred fines amounting to US$ 18,964 (2018: US$284,684). Details of these fines are reported Exploration, research and development in the performance section of the sustainability report at: The Group carries out exploration, research and development, described https://www.riotinto.com/sustainability/sustainability-reporting. in the Growth and Innovation section on pages 56 to 57. Exploration and evaluation costs, net of any gains and losses on disposal, generated a net loss Australian corporations that exceed specific greenhouse gas emissions before tax of $614 million (2018: $210 million). Research and development or energy use thresholds have obligations under the Australian National costs were $45 million (2018: $45 million). Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER). All Rio Tinto entities covered under this Act have submitted their annual NGER reports by the Financial instruments required 31 October 2019 deadline. Details of the Group’s financial risk management objectives and policies, and exposure to risk, are described in note 30 to the financial statements. Further information on the Group’s environmental performance is included in the Sustainability section of this Annual report, on pages 60 to 70, and on Dealing in Rio Tinto securities the website. Rio Tinto operates rules which restrict the dealing in Rio Tinto securities by directors and employees who may be in possession of “inside information”. These individuals must seek clearance before any proposed dealing takes place. Our rules also prohibit such persons from engaging in hedging or other arrangements which limit the economic risk in connection to Rio Tinto securities issued, or otherwise allocated, as remuneration that are either unvested, or that have vested, but remain subject to a holding period. We also impose restrictions on a broader group of employees, requiring them to seek clearance before engaging in similar arrangements over any Rio Tinto securities. Financial reporting Financial statements The directors are required to prepare financial statements for each financial period that give a true and fair view of the state of the Group at the end of the financial period, together with profit or loss and cash flows for that period. This includes preparing financial statements in accordance with UK company law that give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs, and preparing a Remuneration report that includes the information required by Regulation 11, Schedule 8 of the Large- and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (as amended) and the Australian Corporations Act 2001. 142 Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com

Additional statutory disclosure In addition, the UK Corporate Governance Code recommends that the board The Group’s internal controls over financial reporting include policies provides a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the company’s and procedures designed to ensure the maintenance of records that: position and prospects in its external reporting. –– accurately and fairly reflect transactions and dispositions of assets; –– provide reasonable assurances that transactions are recorded as necessary, Rio Tinto’s management conducts extensive review and challenge in support enabling the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, of the board’s obligations, aiming to strike a balance between positive and and that receipts and expenditures are made with the authorisation of negative statements and provide good linkages throughout the Annual report. management and directors of each of the companies; and –– provide reasonable assurance regarding the prevention or timely detection The directors were responsible for the preparation and approval of the Annual of unauthorised acquisition, use or disposition of the Group’s assets that report for the year ended 31 December 2019. They consider the Annual report, could have a material effect on its financial statements. taken as a whole, to be fair, balanced and understandable, and that it provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group’s position, Due to inherent limitations, internal controls over financial reporting cannot performance, business model and strategy. provide absolute assurance. Similarly, these controls may not prevent or detect Governance all misstatements, whether caused by error or fraud within each of Rio Tinto plc The directors are responsible for maintaining proper accounting records, in and Rio Tinto Limited. accordance with UK and Australian legislation. They have a general responsibility to safeguard the assets of the Group, and to prevent and detect fraud and other There were no changes to internal controls over financial reporting during irregularities. The directors are also responsible for ensuring that appropriate the relevant period that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to systems are in place to maintain and preserve the integrity of the Group’s website. materially affect, the financial reporting of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited. Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial Management’s evaluation of the effectiveness of the company’s internal statements may differ from current and future legislation in other jurisdictions. controls over financial reporting was based on criteria established in The work carried out by the Group’s external auditors does not take into Internal Control-Integrated Framework (2013), issued by the Committee account such legislation and, accordingly, the external auditors accept no of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission. Following this responsibility for any changes to the financial statements after they are made evaluation, management concluded that our internal controls over financial available on the Group’s website. reporting were effective as at 31 December 2019. The directors, senior executives, senior financial managers and other members of staff who are required to exercise judgment while preparing the Group’s financial Directors’ declaration statements, are required to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty and The directors’ statement of responsibilities in relation to the Group’s financial in accordance with the highest ethical standards, as are all Group employees. statements is set out on page 256. The directors consider that the 2019 Annual report presents a true and Non-audit services and auditor independence fair view and has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting Details of the non-audit services and a statement of independence regarding standards, using the most appropriate accounting policies for Rio Tinto’s the provision of non-audit services undertaken by our external auditor, including business, and supported by reasonable judgments and estimates. The the amounts paid for non-audit services, are set out on page 102 of the accounting policies have been consistently applied as described on pages 152 Directors’ report. to 166, and directors have received a written statement from the Chief Executive and the Chief Financial Officer to this effect. In accordance with the Going concern internal control requirements of the Code and the ASX Principles, this written The directors, having made appropriate enquiries, have satisfied themselves statement confirms that the declarations in the statement are founded on a that it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in sound system of risk management and internal controls, and that the system preparing the financial statements. Additionally, the directors have considered is operating effectively in all material respects in relation to financial reporting longer-term viability, as described in their statement on page 72. risks. Further information on directors’ responsibilities in the light of UK Disclosure and Transparency Rules is included on page 256. 2020 AGMs The 2020 AGMs will be held on 8 April in London and 7 May in Brisbane. Separate Disclosure controls and procedures notices of the 2020 AGMs will be produced for the shareholders of each company. The Group maintains disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in US Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e). Management, with the participation of the Chief Directors’ approval statement Executive and Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of the The Directors’ report is delivered in accordance with a resolution of the board. Group’s disclosure controls and procedures in relation to US Exchange Act Rule 13a-15 (b), as of the end of the period covered by this report, and has concluded that the Group’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective at a reasonable assurance level. Simon Thompson Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting Chairman Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal 26 February 2020 controls over financial reporting. These controls, designed under the supervision of the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer, provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of the Group’s financial reporting and the preparation and presentation of financial statements for external reporting purposes, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as defined on page 152. Annual report 2019 | riotinto.com 143