Theundersignedis,ontherecordsoftheBureauofLandManagement,Unit Operator under the Paradise Unit Agreement,Nye and Mineral Counties, Nevada, No.NVN-88316X, approved and effective onApril14, 2010.
And hereby designates:
Name: | Empire Petroleum Corporation | |
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Address: | 8801 S. Yale, Suite 120 | |
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| Tulsa, Oklahoma 74137-3575 | |
as itsagent, withfull authority to act on itsbehalf in complying with the terms oftheunit agreement and regulations applicablethereto and on whomtheAuthorized Officeror his representativemay serve written or oral instructions in securing compliance with the Oil andGas Operating Regulations in the SE/4NE/4, Sec.11, T.12N,R. 34ENye andMineralCounties,Nevada.Bond coveragewillbe provided under (Statewide, Nationwide, Lessee) Bond No.NVB000540.
Itis understood that this Designationof Agentdoes not relieve theUnit Operator of responsibility forcompliance withthe terms oftheunitagreement andthe OilandGas OperatingRegulations. It is also understood that this Designation of Agent doesnot constituteandassignment ofanyinterestunder theunit agreement or any lease committed thereto.
Incase ofdefault onthe part ofthe designated agent, theUnit Operatorwillmake full and prompt compliance with all regulations, leaseterms, or ordersof the Secretary of the Interior or his duly authorized representative.
The UnitOperator agrees to promptly notifythe AuthorizedOfficerof any change in the designatedagent.
This Designation of Agent is deemed to be temporary and in no manner a permanent arrangement. A designatedagent may no designate another partyas agent.
This designation is given only to enablethe agent hereindesignated todrill theabove specified well. It is understood that thisDesignation of Agent is limited to the field operations performedwhiledrillingand completing thespecified well and does not include administrative actions requiring specific authorizationof the Unit Operator. This designation in noway will serveasauthorization fortheagent to conduct field operationsfor the specifiedwell after it hasbeen completed for production. Unlesssooner terminated, this designation shall terminate when there is filed in theappropriate office of the Bureauof LandManagement, all reports andaWell Completion Report and Log (Form 3160-4) as requiredby the approved Application for Permitto Drill for the specified well.
In the event the above specified well is completed as a non-paying unit well, theauthority for thedesignated agentto operate this wellshall be establishedby completionofthe Delegation ofAuthority to Operate Non-paying Unit Wellformand submittal of the form to the appropriate office of the Authorized Officer.
June 15, 2010 | | Cortez Exploration, L.L.C. |
Date | | Unit Operator |
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June 15, 2010 | | /s/ O. F. Duffield |
Date | | O. F. Duffield, Authorized Officer, Manager |