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Blakley, Deborah, Exhibit, expertise, French, King, McCombe, scientific
abandoned, abiding, ability, abundant, accelerate, acceptable, accommodate, accompanying, account, accountable, accounted, accreted, accrued, accumulate, accumulated, accurate, achieved, acquire, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activity, Acton, adapt, added, addition, additional, Adelaide, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adjust, adjusted, adjustment, administered, administration, administrative, advanced, adverse, adversely, affecting, affordable, Africa, afternoon, age, agent, aggressive, agreement, AIF, air, allocated, allocation, alloy, alloyed, alteration, alternative, amalgamated, amended, amendment, America, amortization, amortized, amounted, amsden, analyzing, ancillary, angular, anniversary, annually, annum, anticipate, anticipated, antidilutive, APB, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appointment, approval, approve, approved, approving, approximate, April, area, arise, arising, arsenide, assay, assaying, assessing, asset, assist, assuming, assure, attaching, attend, attest, attract, attractive, auditing, August, authority, auto, automobile, automotive, average, averaged, averaging, awaiting, back, Baker, balance, ball, bankruptcy, barren, based, basic, bay, bear, began, beginning, beneath, beneficially, BHP, Billiton, blanket, blast, blended, block, body, book, borrowed, bottom, boundary, Box, Bradley, breadth, breccia, brecciated, bring, brittle, broken, brought, budget, bulk, calculated, calendar, call, Cambridge, camp, canada, capitalized, carbon, careful, carefully, carried, carrying, case, cash, casting, catalyst, catalytic, cease, ceasing, centered, central, certificate, chalcopyrite, Chapter, charged, charter, chartered, chemical, chemically, chosen, CICA, CIM, circuit, circular, claim, claimed, claiming, clarity, clean, cleaner, cleaning, clerical, clinopyroxene, closely, closing, closure, coarse, cobalt, collect, collective, collectively, combination, combined, combustion, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, commissioned, commissioning, commitment, committed, commodity, comparative, compared, compensation, competence, competing, competition, competitive, complement, complex, complexity, complied, complying, component, composed, composition, comprehensive, comprising, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concentrator, concession, concluded, concurrently, conduct, conducted, conducting, confidence, confidential, confirm, confirmed, conflict, conform, conjunction, connected, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consisting, constituted, constructed, construction, constructive, consultant, consulting, consumed, consumption, contact, contingent, continually, continuation, continue, continued, continuity, contract, contracted, controlling, conventional, conversion, converter, conveyed, Copan, copper, core, corporation, corrosion, cost, costing, costly, Council, counsel, counterparty, court, covenant, coverage, covering, create, credit, Creek, criteria, crushed, crusher, crust, cubic, cumulative, currency, customary, customer, damage, dark, data, date, de, death, debenture, debt, decided, decision, declaration, declared, decline, declined, declining, decrease, decreased, deducting, deep, default, defendant, defense, deferred, deficit, define, delay, delegate, deliver, delivered, delivery, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denominated, density, dental, dentistry, depend, dependent, depletion, deposit, depth, derivative, derived, des, description, design, designate, designated, desirable, destruction, detail, detailed, determinable, determine, determining, develop, development, device, dewatered, diameter, diamond, difficult, diluted, diluting, dilution, diminish, dioxide, dip, direct, direction, directly, discharging, discount, discounted, discovered, discussed, discussing, dissolution, distinct, distribution, District, diversified, diverting, dividend, document, documentation, dollar, domestic, doubtful, douchane, dramatically, drawn, drill, drilling, ductile, due, dump, duration, earn, earth, east, eastern, Education, efficiency, EKATI, electric, electrical, electrode, electronic, elevation, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, emerging, emission, employed, employee, enacted, enactment, encouraging, enforcement, Eng, engineering, England, ensuring, enter, entered, entitled, entitling, environment, environmental, equal, equipment, equity, equivalent, erosion, establish, established, establishing, estimate, Europe, evaluate, evaluating, event, eventual, evidence, examining, exceed, exceeding, excluding, exemplary, exercisable, exercised, exercising, exhaust, existing, expand, expanded, expansion, expect, expected, expense, expensed, experienced, expiration, expire, expiry, exploitation, exploration, explore, exploring, expose, exposure, expressed, extend, extended, extension, extensive, extensively, extent, extract, extraction, facilitate, facility, facing, factor, failure, fair, fairly, Falconbridge, familiar, FAS, FASB, fault, favour, fax, feasible, feature, february, fed, federal, fee, feed, fill, final, finalized, financially, financing, fine, finer, fish, fitted, fix, fixed, fixing, fleet, float, floating, flooding, floor, flotation, flow, fluctuate, focused, force, foreman, foreseeable, forma, formula, forty, forward, fossilized, found, fourth, Fox, free, freight, fuel, full, fully, GAAP, gabbro, gabbroic, gabbronorite, gain, gas, gathered, generate, generated, geological, geotextile, glacial, global, glossary, gneissic, gold, good, governed, governing, government, governmental, gradually, grant, granting, gravel, greg, grid, grinding, ground, group, growth, guarantee, guidance, gyratory, habitat, half, harbor, hard, harmed, harmful, haul, haulage, head, health, hear, heard, hedge, hedged, hedging, hereof, heterolithic, high, highly, Highway, hiring, historical, Historically, hold, holder, hole, hornblende, hosted, human, hydraulic, hydrocarbon, ideal, identified, identify, ii, iii, impact, impacted, impair, impairment, impede, implemented, implied, important, imposition, impoundment, imprecise, impregnated, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaccurate, incentive, inclement, include, inclusion, inclusive, Inco, income, incorporated, incorporation, increase, increased, increasing, incur, incurred, incurring, indemnified, independence, indirect, indirectly, induced, industrial, industrialized, industry, inert, infill, influence, influencing, infringe, inherent, inherently, initial, injected, injury, inorganic, insolvency, insolvent, inspecting, installation, insufficient, insulate, insurance, insure, insuring, intake, intend, intended, intense, interim, international, interpretation, interpreted, interrupted, interruption, interval, intrinsic, introduction, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invaded, inventory, investigation, investing, investment, invited, involuntary, involve, involved, involving, iridium, isolation, isomerticite, issuable, issuance, issue, issuing, iv, Japan, jewelery, jewelry, John, joint, July, June, junior, Justice, justified, key, kind, knowledge, knowledgeable, kotulskite, Kristiansand, laboratory, lac, lake, Lakefield, land, large, larger, largest, law, lb, LDI, lead, leading, lease, legislation, lender, length, letter, level, LIBOR, life, light, limit, limited, line, liquidation, listed, literate, litigation, loan, local, located, location, London, long, longer, longhole, longitudinal, lost, low, lower, lowered, Madeleine, mafic, magma, mailed, main, maintain, maintained, majeure, making, malleable, manage, managed, manager, managing, mandated, mandatory, manner, manufacture, manufacturer, margin, market, marketing, Martinrea, matching, maturing, maturity, maximum, measure, measuring, mechanical, meet, meeting, melanogabbro, merenskyite, merit, metal, metallurgical, metasedimentary, method, metre, metric, michael, mill, milled, milling, million, mine, mined, mineralized, minimized, minimum, Ministry, misstatement, mitigate, mix, mixture, MNDM, Mobile, model, monetary, monoxide, month, monthly, moving, Multilateral, NAP, Narego, natural, nature, navigable, necessarily, negative, negatively, negotiated, negotiating, negotiation, net, nickel, nil, nominal, nominated, nominee, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, Norway, note, November, numbered, objective, obligated, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occupation, occupational, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, October, office, offset, offsetting, oil, Oklahoma, ongoing, open, opening, operated, operating, operation, opinion, opportunity, option, optionee, order, ordinary, orebody, organic, organization, origin, original, orthopyroxene, osmium, ounce, overburden, overhead, oversee, overseeing, ownership, oxidation, oz, Ozark, PAL, par, parity, Partial, partially, participate, participating, particle, partly, patent, Patrick, Paved, pay, payable, paying, PDL, pegmatitic, pen, pentlandite, perception, perform, performing, periodic, periodically, permit, permitting, personal, personnel, PetroCorp, PGM, phase, physical, pillar, pit, placement, plaintiff, plan, planar, planned, plant, platinum, pledge, plutonic, policy, political, pollution, polyethylene, polymetallic, portal, portion, posit, positive, postal, posted, potential, potentially, pound, power, powered, predict, predicted, predominantly, preferred, preliminary, premium, prepare, preparing, present, presentation, presented, presently, pressure, prevent, prevented, price, priced, pricing, primarily, primary, principally, priority, private, pro, proceed, processing, produce, producer, product, production, profit, profitability, program, progressing, project, projected, projection, prolonged, propane, properly, property, proposed, prospecting, protect, protecting, protection, Proterozoic, prove, proven, province, provincial, provision, provisionally, proxy, publicly, punitive, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, put, pyrite, pyroxene, pyroxenite, pyrrhotite, qualified, quality, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quorum, quoted, ramp, range, ranging, rank, ranking, rate, ratio, reached, reaching, reaction, read, reader, reagent, realizable, realization, realized, realizing, reappointment, receipt, receivable, receive, received, reclamation, reclassification, reclassified, recognition, recommend, record, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recycled, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refer, referred, refined, Refinery, refining, reflect, reflecting, reform, registrar, regrind, relate, release, released, relevant, reliable, reliance, remain, remaining, remediation, remedied, removed, remuneration, renew, renewed, renewing, renounced, repaid, repay, repayable, repayment, replace, replacement, represent, representation, representing, require, requiring, reset, reside, resigned, resist, resistance, resistant, resolution, response, responsibility, responsible, restoration, restricted, restructuring, resultant, resulted, resulting, retain, retaining, retention, retirement, retreat, returned, revenue, reverse, reviewed, reviewing, revise, rhodium, rich, Richard, risk, road, Roby, rock, rotary, royalty, RPA, runoff, Russia, Russian, ruthenium, SABC, safe, safeguarded, safety, SAG, sale, salvage, sample, sampling, scope, scoping, scrap, sea, secondary, sector, secure, securing, security, sedar, sedimentary, segment, sell, selling, senior, sensitive, separate, separated, separately, September, septum, settle, settled, settlement, shape, shareholder, shear, sheared, Shebandowan, Sheridan, shipped, shop, short, shown, silicate, sill, single, sink, site, situated, size, slope, small, smelter, smelting, solid, solidified, source, south, southeast, Southern, southwest, spaced, specific, speculative, spent, sperrylite, SPG, spot, spread, stabilizing, stage, standard, standardized, standby, standing, stated, statement, statistical, statute, steel, Steven, stockpile, stockpiled, stoping, storage, store, stored, strategic, strategy, Street, strike, stringent, strip, stripping, strong, structure, study, subcommittee, subdivided, sublevel, submission, subordinated, subsequent, subsidiary, substance, substantial, substantially, substantively, substation, substitute, subtotal, successful, successfully, successive, successor, Sudbury, suffer, sufficient, Suite, summary, Superior, supervised, supervising, supplement, supplied, supply, support, supporting, surface, suspended, sustain, sustaining, swap, symbol, synthetic, table, target, targeted, tarnish, tarnishing, technology, Tegucigalpa, terminated, termination, test, testing, textural, texture, thereof, thickened, Thompson, throughput, Thunder, till, timely, timing, titled, TMF, ton, tonalite, tonne, Toronto, trace, traced, trade, trading, transaction, transfer, transition, transportation, transporting, Treasurer, treasury, treated, treatment, troy, truck, truncated, trust, TSX, Twilight, type, typically, ultimate, ultimately, ultramafic, unable, unanticipated, unavailability, uncertain, unconsolidated, underground, underlain, underlying, understanding, undertaken, undiscounted, undue, uneconomic, unexpected, unfeasible, unforeseen, unidentified, union, unlimited, unpaid, unrealized, unreliable, untramafic, unusual, update, updated, ursa, utilized, valid, valuable, valuation, variability, variable, variably, varitextured, vary, vendor, ventilation, venture, verified, vertical, vest, vested, vesting, viability, viable, Vice, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntary, vote, vulnerability, vysotskite, warehouse, warrant, waste, water, weakening, weather, website, weight, weighted, west, white, wholly, wide, widely, width, wiring, work, worked, workforce, working, world, wound, write, writing, written, yield, zone
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 1.1 EX-1.1
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- 1.3 EX-1.3
- 1.4 EX-1.4
- 23.1 EX-23.1
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- 23.15 EX-23.15
- 31.1 EX-31.1
- 31.2 EX-31.2
- 32.1 EX-32.1
- 32.2 EX-32.2
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