Comment 10.The name of this series includes the word “global.” Please add disclosure to your |
prospectus that 1) sets forth a policy that under normal market conditions, the fund will invest at least |
40% of its assets outside the United States (and, when market conditions are not deemed favorable, at |
least 30%) and 2) states that the fund will invest in at least three countries outside the U.S. If you do not |
add the prospectus disclosure, please remove “Global” from the fund’s name. |
Response: The Registrant respectfully declines to add the specific disclosure, and the |
Registrant intends to keep the word “Global” in the Fund’s name. Rule 35d-1 under the |
Investment Company Act of 1940 prohibits Funds from using materially deceptive and misleading |
names and lists types of materially deceptive and misleading names. Fund names that suggest |
investment in certain countries or geographic regions are not to be used unless the fund adopts |
certain policies; however, the Commission has made clear that “global” does not fall into this |
category. See Rule 35d-1(a)(3); Rule 35d-1 Adopting Release footnote 42 (“The terms |
‘international’ and ‘global,’ however, connote diversification among investments in a number of |
different countries throughout the world, and ‘international’ and ‘global’ funds will not be subject to |
the rule. We would expect, however, that investment companies using these terms in their |
names will invest their assets in investments that are tied economically to a number of countries |
throughout the world.”); see also Frequently Asked Questions about Rule 35d-1 (Investment |
Company Names) December 4, 2001, Question 10 (making clear that funds with the word |
“global” in the name are not subject to Rule 35d-1). In keeping with the position the Commission |
expressed in the Rule 35d-1 Adopting Release, the Global Multi-Strategy Fund intends to invest |
in a variety of foreign securities and therefore intends to have investments that are tied |
economically to a number of countries throughout the world. The Registrant will add language to |
state substantially as follows: “The Fund intends to invest in securities that are tied economically |
to a number of countries throughout the world, including the U.S.; however, the Fund has no |
requirements as to the amount of its net assets that it invests in foreign securities.” |
The number of countries in which the Global Multi-Strategy Fund will invest, as well as the |
amount of the fund’s assets that are invested outside the U.S., will vary from time to time. The |
“Principal Investment Strategies” and “Principal Risks” sections discuss exposure to foreign |
investments in several places, including references to “a global range of investment |
opportunities”, currencies, emerging markets, a global macro strategy, emerging market risk and |
foreign securities risk. In the Statement of Additional Information, the list of non-fundamental |
investment restrictions states that the Global Multi-Strategy Fund may invest up to 100% of its |
assets in foreign securities. Depending on market conditions, the Global Multi-Strategy Fund |
intends to invest anywhere it can to get the best returns. To implement its strategy, the Global |
Multi-Strategy Fund will look throughout the world for its investments. Consistent with the |
definition of “global”, using the word “global” in the name of the Fund makes clear that the Fund |
will seek investments in many places, but does not suggest that the Fund is tied to any one |
particular region. See Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11thed. 2005 at page 532 (“of, |
relating to, or involving the entire world: WORLDWIDE”). |
The Registrant respects the Commission’s concerns regarding materially deceptive and |
misleading fund names; however, the Registrant believes such concern is misplaced here. The |
use of the word “global” for this fund aligns with the Commission’s published view of the word |
“global” as well as this Fund’s intended investment approach. See Rule 35d-1 Proposing |
Release in Investment Company Act Release No. 22530 (Feb. 27, 1997) (“For example, while an |
investment company with a name that includes the words ‘international’ or ‘global’ generally |
suggests that the company invests in more than one country, these terms may describe a number |
of investment companies that have significantly different investment portfolios. Among other |
things, the number of countries in which an ‘international’ or ‘global’ investment company may |
invest at any one time may appropriately differ from company to company.” (Footnote omitted)). |