Buenos Aires, February 26, 2020
Securities and Exchange Commission
Relevant-Event. “Asociación por la Defensa de Usuarios y Consumidores – ADUC vs. BBVA Asset Management S.A.S.G.F.C.I. and Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.” First Instance National Court on Commercial Matters No. 5 Secretariat No. 9
With due consideration:
I hereby address you in my capacity as Head of Market Relations, in order to inform that Banco BBVA Argentina S.A acting as a Depositary Company of Common Investment Funds and BBVA Francés Asset Management S.A. acting as Managing Company of said funds, have been notified of a class action lawsuit filed by “Asociación por la Defensa de Usuarios y Consumidores – ADUC.”
The plaitiff acting on behalf of financial consumers, claims the damage caused to the investors of Common Investment Funds administered by BBVA Francés Asset Management S.A., for the alleged validation of an unilateral modification of the price of the forward contracts executed in the Term Market of Rosario (Mercado a Término de Rosario) and Argentina Clearing S.A. entered into after September 29, 2015, with an expiration date until June 2016 inclusive.
It is important to note that this action is informed based on the criteria established by the Argentine Securities Commission, since it is materially impossible to determine whether the claim is of significant economic importance, as the company has not yet had the opportunity to analyze in detail the content of said claim and its possible implications.
Kind regards,
Córdoba 111, piso 31 (C1054AAA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
IGJ17-10-19 N° 21332 L° 97 T SA (T.O)