c. (Item 4) Consideration of the results of the corporate Fiscal Year No. 145 ended on December 31, 2019. Dealing with the unappropriated retained earnings as of December 31, 2019, for the amount of AR$ 31,008,199,765.84. It is proposed to apply: a) AR$ 6,201,639,953.17 to the Legal Reserve; and b) AR$ 24,806,559,812.67 to the optional reserve for future distribution of results pursuant the Argentine Central Bank Distribution of Results, Ordered Text.
Please confirm whether the proposal to be considered in the meeting is that set forth in this item of the agenda.
Regarding the allocation of the optional reserve for future distribution of results, please inform the grounds for the proposal and its appropriateness; reason and advisability should be clearly and thoroughly explained, stating whether it is reasonable and responds to a prudent management, all in accordance with sections 66 subsection 3 and 70 of the Argentine Companies Law.
The company is also requested to state the estimated term for the reserve to be detached in order to distribute dividends. Furthermore, please provide a detail of the evolution of the Reserve for Future Dividends, indicating current composition, the date on which it was established and its last movements.
Finally, inform whether at the time of this Meeting there is any restriction in force for the Company to distribute dividends.
Since CNV Resolution No. 777/18 provides that the distribution of profits must be stated in the currency in force as of the date of the Shareholders Meeting by using the price index corresponding to the month prior to said meeting, please confirm whether the proposal included both in this answer and in the Annual Report included in the Financial Statements would be restated. If so, indicate calculation index and updated amounts.
(Item 5) Partial detachment (desafectación parcial) of the optional reserve, for future distribution of earnings, to apply the amount of AR$ 2,500,000,000 to the payment of a cash dividend subject to the previous authorization of the Argentine Central Bank. Delegate to the Board the determination of a date to make dividends available to the Shareholders.
Inform on the proposal to be submitted for consideration on this item of the agenda, specifying the amount that will represent the partial detachment of the optional reserve for future distributions of results in order to pay a cash dividend for the sum of AR$ 2,500,000,000.
Also inform the date by which the Board of Directors shall be entitled to make dividends available to shareholders.