Information is requested regarding the proposal of fees to be paid to the Board of Directors for fiscal year 2019. Please report the overall amount proposed to be set as fees as well as the amount proposed for technical administrative duties. Furthermore, inform the number of members of the Board of Directors who are paid fees and the number of members who are paid remunerations for technical administrative duties. Also, if the amount of fees to be paid to the board of directors includes fees for the members of the Audit Committee, or other committees. If so, inform how many of them are paid fees as members of that committee.
A report is requested on whether any Directors are employees of the company and if so, number and amount of salary.
Additionally, it is requested to report the amounts paid as fees to the Board of Directors and technical administrative duties for fiscal year 2018 with the same detail.
Also, please inform the computable income of the fiscal year submitted for consideration. In this regard, it is requested to inform specifically on any adjustments made to the results of the fiscal year to get the computable income. All of this in order to verify compliance with the limits established by Section 261 of Law No. 19,550 regarding the relationship between fees and dividends proposed on computable income.
Finally, confirm whether total amounts approved for fiscal years 2016, 2017 and 2018 were AR$ 7,012,512, AR$ 7,914,395 and AR$ 13,840,114 respectively.
All this in order to be analyzed in relation to market values and the limits set forth in section 261 of the Argentine Companies Law.
The remuneration proposed for Board members as fees for the performance of their duties in fiscal year 2019 amounts to AR$ 23,078,832.81, payable to seven directors. Such amount includes fees to members of the Audit Committee and other committees.
None of the Directors appointed during the reporting periods were in a regular employment relation with the Entity or have received fees for the performance of technical and administrative duties.
All the fees proposed to be paid to the members of BBVA Argentina’s Board have been previously approved by the Appointment and Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee has expressed a favorable opinion on such proposals under Law No. 26,831.
The results of the year amount to AR$ 31,008,200 (in thousands), from which the legal reserve of AR$ 6,201,640 is deducted, and an amount of AR$ 23,079 is added as fees. Consequently, the computed profit is AR$ 24,829,639, which gives a computed profits to dividends ratio of 10.06%.
Also, we confirm that the total amounts you mention above as approved for fiscal years 2016, 2017 and 2018 as Board members’ fees are correct. It should be noted that during such fiscal years the Board was formed by six Directors.
e. (Item 7) “Consideration of the Supervisory Committee remuneration corresponding to the Fiscal Year No 145, ended on December 31, 2019”
Av. Córdoba 111, piso 31 (C1054AAA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
IGJ 17-10-19 N° 21.332 L.97 T SA (T.O)