Buenos Aires, April 16, 2020
Securities and Exchange Commission
RE: Relevant Fact.
New call to General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting.
Dear Sirs,
We address you, as Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. proxies, to inform you that the Board of Directors in his meeting held on the date hereof, has resolved to convene a new General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held on May 15, 2020, at 4 p.m.
In that respect, we hereby inform that so long as, on the date of the Meeting, there exist any prohibition, limitation or restriction for the free circulation of people in general, as a consequence of the sanitary emergency situation pursuant to Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 297/2020 and National Executive Power successive rules and/or other regulations promulgated or to be promulgated on the safeguards and restrictions to be complied with as a result of the emergency situation and isolation prescription, the Meeting convened for May 15, 2020 shall be held as a remote meeting complying with the measures prescribed by CNV General Resolution No. 830/2020.
In this sense, we hereby inform that all the Shareholders shall have the same right and opportunity to participate in the Meeting as if it were held in person. The virtual Meeting shall be held through WebEx platform, video conferences and virtual meetings system provided by Cisco which enables (i) free access to the Meeting by all the participants (shareholders and/or their proxies, Directors, General Manager, members of the Supervisory Committee and their staff); (ii) the possibility of participation in it with voice and vote though the simultaneous transmission of sound, images and speeches during the holding of all the Meeting, guaranteeing the principle of equal treatment to all the participants; and (iii) the recording of the development of the Meeting in digital form and keeping of digital copy support.
The shareholders shall have to communicate their attendance to the Meeting by email addressed toinvestorelations-arg@bbva.com, At. Inés Lanusse, serving such sending as sufficient evidence for clearance, with at least three (3) business days in advance to the date of the meeting, i.e until May 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. including it. Unless otherwise indicated, there shall be used the same email address from which each shareholder informed its attendance to inform the link of the video conference. In case of proxies, the corresponding enabling
Av. Córdoba 111, piso 31 (C1054AAA) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
IGJ17-10-19 N° 21.332 L.97 T SA (T.O)