Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Consolidated Statement of Profi
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Statement of Finan
- Consolidated Statement of Chang
- Consolidated Statement of Cha_2
- Consolidated Statement of Cash
- Consolidated Statement of Cas_2
- Corporate information
- Basis of preparation and accoun
- Significant accounting judgment
- Investments in subsidiaries
- Investment in joint ventures
- Revenue from contracts with cus
- Depreciation, amortization, shi
- Income tax expense
- Earnings per share
- Property, plant and equipment
- Investment property
- Intangible assets
- Inventories
- Other current assets
- Trade and other receivables
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Leases
- Issued capital
- Dividends declared and paid
- Reserves
- Share-based payment
- Trade and other payables
- Provision
- Contract liabilities
- Lease liabilities
- Loans and borrowings
- Deferred grants
- Other financial liability
- Related party disclosures
- Commitments and contingencies
- Segment information
- Financial risk management objec
- Capital management
- Fair value measurement
- Financial assets and financial
- Comparative figures
- Subsequent events
- Basis of preparation and acco_2
- Basis of preparation and acco_3
- Investments in subsidiaries (Ta
- Investment in joint ventures (T
- Revenue from contracts with c_2
- Depreciation, amortization, s_2
- Income tax expense (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Investment property (Tables)
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Other current assets (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Leases (Tables)
- Issued capital (Tables)
- Dividends declared and paid (Ta
- Reserves (Tables)
- Share-based payment (Tables)
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Provision (Tables)
- Contract liabilities (Tables)
- Lease liabilities (Tables)
- Loans and borrowings (Tables)
- Deferred grants (Tables)
- Related party disclosures (Tabl
- Commitments and contingencies (
- Segment information (Tables)
- Financial risk management obj_2
- Capital management (Tables)
- Fair value measurement (Tables)
- Financial assets and financia_2
- Corporate Information - Additio
- Basis of Preparation and Acco_4
- Basis of Preparation and Acco_5
- Basis Of Preparation And Acco_6
- Basis of preparation and acco_7
- Significant Accounting Judgme_2
- Investments in Subsidiaries - D
- Investments in Subsidiaries - S
- Investments in Subsidiaries -_2
- Investments in Subsidiaries - A
- Investment in Joint Ventures -
- Investment in Joint Ventures _2
- Investment in Joint Ventures _3
- Investment in Joint Ventures _4
- Revenue from Contracts with C_3
- Revenue from Contracts with C_4
- Revenue from Contracts with C_5
- Revenue from contracts with c_6
- Revenue from contracts with c_7
- Revenue from contracts with c_8
- Depreciation, amortization, s_3
- Depreciation, amortization, s_4
- Depreciation, amortization, s_5
- Depreciation, amortization, s_6
- Depreciation, amortization, s_7
- Depreciation, amortization, s_8
- Depreciation, amortization, s_9
- Income Tax Expense - Summary of
- Income Tax Expense - Additional
- Income Tax Expense - Reconcilia
- Income Tax Expense - Reconcil_2
- Income Tax Expense - Summary _2
- Income Tax Expense - Summary _3
- Income Tax Expense - Classifica
- Income Tax Expense - Deferred T
- Earnings Per Share - Summary of
- Earnings Per Share - Additional
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Investment Property - Summary o
- Investment Property - Summary_2
- Intangible Assets - Summary of
- Intangible Assets - Goodwill -
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Inventories - Summary of Invent
- Inventories - Summary of Analys
- Other Current Assets - Summary
- Other Current Assets - Summar_2
- Trade and Other Receivables - S
- Trade and Other Receivables -_2
- Trade and Other Receivables - A
- Trade and Other Receivables - M
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Sum
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - S_2
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Add
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - S_3
- Leases - Additional Information
- Leases - Summary of detailed In
- Leases - Summary of Detailed _2
- Leases - Summary of Detailed _3
- Leases - Summary of Detailed _4
- Issued capital - Summary of Iss
- Issued capital - Summary of I_2
- Issued capital - Additional Inf
- Dividends Declared and Paid - S
- Dividends Declared and Paid -_2
- Reserves - Summary of Statutory
- Reserves - Summary of Statuto_2
- Reserves - Summary of Other Com
- Share-based Payment - Additiona
- Share-based Payment - Number an
- Share-based Payment - Fair Valu
- Trade and Other Payables - Summ
- Trade and Other Payables - Su_2
- Trade and Other Payables - Su_3
- Provision - Summary of Provisio
- Contract Liabilities - Summary
- Lease Liabilities - Summary of
- Loans and borrowings - Summary
- Loans and borrowings - Addition
- Deferred Grants - Summary of De
- Other financial liability - Add
- Related Party Disclosures - Add
- Related Party Disclosures - Sig
- Related Party Disclosures - Com
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies_2
- Segment Information - Additiona
- Segment Information - Summary o
- Segment Information - Summary_2
- Financial Risk Management Obj_3
- Financial Risk Management Obj_4
- Financial Risk Management Obj_5
- Financial Risk Management Obj_6
- Financial Risk Management Obj_7
- Financial Risk Management Obj_8
- Capital Management - Summary of
- Fair Value Measurement - Fair V
- Financial Assets and Financia_3
- Financial Assets and Financia_4
- Comparative figures - Additiona
- Subsequent Events - Additional