Expense deductions are made each Valuation Day from the net assets of the Account for various services to manage investments, administer the Account and the contracts, distribute the contracts and to cover certain risks borne by TIAA. Services are provided “at cost” by TIAA and Services. Currently, TIAA provides investment management services and administration services for the Account, and Services provides distribution services for the Account. TIAA guarantees that in the aggregate, the expense charges will never be more than 2.50% of average net assets per year.
The estimated annual expense deduction rate that appears in the expense table below reflects an estimate of the amount we currently expect to deduct to approximate the costs that the Account will incur from May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009. Actual expenses may be higher or lower.
Please also see “Summary of Account’s Expense Deductions” on page 5 for more detail regarding TIAA’s and Services’ provision of these at cost services to the Account.
After the end of every quarter, we reconcile the amount deducted from the Account as discussed above with the expenses the Account actually incurred. If there is a difference, we add it to or deduct it from the Account in equal daily installments over the remaining days in the quarter. Our at-cost deductions are based on projections of Account assets and overall expenses, and the size of any adjusting payments will be directly affected by how different our projections are from the Account’s actual assets or expenses.
The size of the Account’s assets can be affected by many factors, including premium growth, participant transfers into or out of the Account, and any changes in the value of portfolio holdings. In addition, our operating expenses can fluctuate based on a number of factors including participant transaction volume,
operational efficiency, and technological, personnel and other infrastructure costs. Historically, the adjusting payments have resulted in both upward and downward adjustments to the Account’s expense deductions for the following quarter.
TIAA’s Board of Trustees can revise the expense rates (the daily deduction rate before the quarterly adjustment) for the Account from time to time, usually on an annual basis, to keep deductions as close as possible to actual expenses.
Currently there are no deductions from premiums or withdrawals, but we might change this in the future. Property expenses, brokers’ commissions, transfer taxes, and other portfolio expenses are charged directly to the Account.
Your employer may, in accordance with the terms of your plan, and with TIAA’s approval, withdraw amounts from your Real Estate Account accumulation under your Retirement Choice or Retirement Choice Plus contract, and, on a limited basis, under your GA, GSRA, GA or Keogh contract, to pay fees associated with the administration of the plan. These fees are separate from the expense deductions of the Account, and are not included for purposes of TIAA’s guarantee that the total annual expense deduction of the Account will not exceed the rate 2.50% of average net assets per year.
The amount and the effective date of an employer plan fee withdrawal will be in accordance with the terms of your plan. TIAA will determine all values as of the end of the effective date. An employer plan fee withdrawal cannot be revoked after its effective date. Each employer plan fee withdrawal will be made on a pro-rata basis from all your available TIAA and CREF accounts. An employer plan fee withdrawal reduces the accumulation from which it is paid by the amount withdrawn.
As noted elsewhere in this prospectus, TIAA’s general account plays a significant role in operating the Real Estate Account, including providing a liquidity guarantee, and investment advisory, administration and other services. In addition, Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of TIAA, provides distribution services for the Account.
Liquidity Guarantee.As noted above under “Establishing and Managing the Account — The Role of TIAA — Liquidity Guarantee,” if the Account’s liquid assets and its cash flow from operating activities and participant transactions are insufficient to fund redemption requests, TIAA’s general account has agreed to purchase liquidity units. TIAA thereby guarantees that a participant can redeem accumulation units at their net asset value next determined. For the years ended December 31, 2007, December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the Account expensed $19,409,759, $3,905,051 and $3,170,017, respectively, for this liquidity guarantee from TIAA through a daily deduction from the net assets of the Account.
Investment Advisory, Administrative, and Distribution Services/Certain Risks Borne by TIAA.As noted above under “Expense Deductions” on page 72, deductions are made each Valuation Day from the net assets of the Account for various services
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus73
required to manage investments, administer the Account and distribute the contracts. These services are performed at cost by TIAA and Services. Deductions are also made each Valuation Day to cover mortality and expense risks borne by TIAA.
For the years ended December 31, 2007, December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the Account expensed $49,239,366, $26,899,307 and $19,603,225, respectively, for investment management services and $8,052,314, $6,931,833 and $6,196,549, respectively, for mortality and expense risks provided/borne by TIAA. For the same period, the Account expensed $63,593,008, $45,712,473 and $27,130,406, respectively, for administrative and distribution services provided by Services.
TIAA offers the Real Estate Account as a variable option for the annuity contracts described below. Some employer plans may not offer the Real Estate Account as an option for RA, GRA, GSRA, Retirement Choice, Retirement Choice Plus, or Keogh contracts. CREF is a companion organization to TIAA. A companion CREF contract may have been issued to you when you received the TIAA contract offering the Account. For more information about the CREF annuity contracts, the TIAA traditional annuity, the TIAA Access variable annuity accounts, other TIAA separate accounts offered from time to time and particular mutual funds and investment options offered under the terms of your plan, please see the applicable contracts and respective prospectuses for those investment options.
Importantly, neither TIAA nor CREF guarantee the investment performance of the Account nor do they guarantee the value of your units at any time.
RA and GRA contracts are used mainly for employee retirement plans. RA contracts are issued directly to you. GRA contracts, which are group contracts, are issued through an agreement between your employer and TIAA.
Depending on the terms of your employer’s plan, RA premiums can be paid by your employer, you, or both. GRA premiums can only be paid by your employer. If you’re paying some or all of the entire periodic premium, your contributions can be in either pre-tax dollars by salary reduction or after-tax dollars by payroll deduction. Your employer may offer you the option of making contributions in the form of after-tax Roth IRA-style contributions, though you won’t be able to take tax deductions for these contributions. You can also transfer accumulations from another investment choice under your employer’s plan to your contract. Ask your employer for more information about these contracts.
These are generally limited to supplemental voluntary tax-deferred annuity (TDA) plans and supplemental 401(k) plans. SRA contracts are issued directly to
74Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
you. GSRA contracts, which are group contracts, are issued through an agreement between your employer and TIAA. Generally, your employer pays premiums in pre-tax dollars through salary reduction. Your employer may offer you the option of making contributions in the form of after-tax Roth IRA-style contributions, though you won’t be able to take tax deductions for these contributions. Although you can’t pay premiums directly, you can transfer amounts from other TDA plans.
These are very similar in operation to the GRAs and GSRAs, respectively, except that, unlike GRAs, they are issued directly to your employer or your plan’s trustee. Among other rights, the employer retains the right to transfer accumulations under these contracts to alternate funding vehicles.
Classic IRAs are individual contracts issued directly to you. Joint accounts are not permissible. You and your spouse can each open a Classic IRA with an annual contribution of up to $5,000 or by rolling over funds from another IRA or eligible retirement plan, if you meet the Account’s eligibility requirements. If you are age 50 or older, you may contribute up to $6,000. The combined limit for your contributions to a Classic IRA and a Roth IRA for a single year is $5,000, or $6,000 if you are age 50 or older, excluding rollovers. (The dollar limits listed are for 2008; different dollar limits may apply in future years.) We can’t issue you a joint contract.
Roth IRAs are also individual contracts issued directly to you. You or your spouse can each open a Roth IRA with an annual contribution up to $5,000 or with a rollover from another IRA or a Classic IRA issued by TIAA if you meet the Account’s eligibility requirements, subject to rules applicable to Roth IRA conversions. If you are age 50 or older you may contribute up to $6,000. The combined limit for your contributions to a Classic IRA and a Roth IRA for a single year is $5,000, or $6,000 if you are age 50 or older, excluding rollovers. (The dollar limits listed are for 2008; different dollar limits may apply in future years.) We can’t issue you a joint contract.
Your employer may offer SEP IRAs (Simplified Employee Retirement Plans), which are subject to different rules.
Classic and Roth IRAs may together be referred to as “IRAs” in this prospectus.
These are used exclusively for employer retirement plans and are issued directly to your employer or your plan’s trustee. Your employer pays premiums directly to TIAA (you can’t pay the premiums directly to TIAA) and your employer or the plan’s trustee may control the allocation of contributions and transfers to and from these contracts including withdrawing completely from the Account. If a GA or Institutionally Owned GSRA contract is issued pursuant to
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 75
your plan, the rules relating to transferring and withdrawing your money, receiving any annuity income or death benefits, and the timing of payments may be different, and are determined by your plan. Ask your employer or plan administrator for more information.
TIAA also offers contracts under Keogh plans. If you are a self-employed individual who owns an unincorporated business, you can use the Account’s Keogh contracts for a Keogh plan, and cover common law employees, subject to the Account’s eligibility requirements.
The after-tax retirement annuities (ATRA) are individual non-qualified deferred annuity contracts, issued to participants who are eligible and would like to remit personal premiums under the contractual provisions of their RA contract. To be eligible, you must have an active and premium-paying or paid up RA contract.
Note that the tax rules governing these non-qualified contracts differ significantly from the treatment of qualified contracts. See “Taxes,” on page 91 for more information.
Each of you and your spouse can open a Classic or Roth IRA or a Keogh if you’re a current or retired employee or trustee of an Eligible Institution, or if you own a TIAA or CREF annuity contract or a TIAA individual insurance contract. To be considered a retired employee for this purpose, an individual must be at least 55 years old and have completed at least three years of service at an Eligible Institution. In the case of partnerships, at least half the partners must be eligible individuals and the partnership itself must be primarily engaged in education or research. Eligibility may be restricted by certain income limits on opening Roth IRA contracts.
State regulatory approval may be pending for certain of these contracts and they may not currently be available in your state.
Generally, we’ll issue you a TIAA contract when we receive a completed application or enrollment form in good order. “Good order” means actual receipt of the order along with all information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes your complete application and any other information or supporting documentation we may require. With respect to purchase requests, “good order” also generally includes receipt of sufficient funds by us to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in good order and reserve the right to change or waive any good order
76Prospectus §TIAA Real Estate Account
requirement at any time either in general or with respect to a particular plan, contract or transaction. For individual contracts (for example, RA or SRA contracts), we will generally credit your initial premium within two business days after we receive a completed application in good order and the premium itself. If your application is incomplete and we do not receive the necessary information and signed application in good order within five business days of our receipt of the initial premium, we will return the initial premium at that time. See also “—Determining the Value of Your Interest in the Account” below.
If we receive premiums on your behalf and, for individual contracts, a completed application, before we receive specific allocation instructions from you (or if your allocation instructions violate employer plan restrictions or do not total 100%), we will invest all premiums remitted on your behalf in the default option that your employer has designated. When we receive complete allocation instructions from you, we’ll follow your instructions for future premiums. For most employer plans, if you want the premiums allocated to the default option (and any earnings or losses on them) to be transferred to the options identified in your instructions, you must specifically request that we transfer these amounts from the default option to your investment option choices. However, for some employer plans, we’ll automatically transfer the premiums allocated to the default option (and any earning or losses on them) to the options identified in your instructions, crediting them as of the end of the business day we received your instructions.
We consider your employer’s designation of a default option to be an instruction to us to allocate your premiums to that option as described above. You should consult your plan documents or sales representative to find out what is your employer’s designated default option and to obtain information about that option.
Amounts may be invested in an account other than the Real Estate Account (absent a participant’s specific instructions) only in the limited circumstances identified in the two paragraphs immediately above and the circumstance outlined below under “—Possible Restrictions on Premiums and Transfers to the Account,” namely: (1) we receive premiums before we receive your completed application or allocation instructions, (2) a participant’s allocations violate employer plan restrictions, or (3) we stop accepting premiums for and/or transfers into the Account.
TIAA generally doesn’t currently restrict the amount or frequency of payment of premiums to your contract, although we may in the future. Your employer’s retirement plan may limit your premium amounts. There also may be restrictions on remitting premiums on an IRA. In addition, the Internal Revenue Code limits the total annual premiums you may invest in plans qualified for favorable tax treatment. If you want to directly contribute personal premiums under the contractual provisions of your RA contract, you will be issued an ATRA contract. Premiums and any earnings on the ATRA contract will not be subject to your employer’s retirement plan. The only restrictions relating to these premiums are in the contract itself.
In most cases (subject to any restriction we may impose, as described in this prospectus), TIAA accepts premiums to a contract during your accumulation period. Once your first premium has been paid, your TIAA contract can’t lapse or
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus 77
be forfeited for nonpayment of premiums. TIAA can stop accepting premiums to contracts at any time.
Note that we cannot accept money orders or travelers checks. In addition, we will not accept a third-party check where the relationship of the payor to the account owner cannot be identified from the face of the check.
We will not be deemed to have received any premiums sent to the addresses designated for remitting premiums until the third-party service that administers the receipt of mail through those addresses has processed the payment on our behalf.
You will receive a confirmation statement each time you remit premiums, or make a transfer to or a cash withdrawal from the Account. The statement will show the date and amount of each transaction. However, if you’re using an automatic investment plan, you’ll receive a statement confirming those transactions following the end of each calendar quarter.
If you have any accumulations in the Account, you will be sent a statement in each quarter which sets forth the following information:
| | |
| (1) | Premiums paid during the quarter; |
| | |
| (2) | The number and dollar value of accumulation units in the Account credited to the participant during the quarter and in total; |
| | |
| (3) | Cash withdrawals, if any, from the Account during the quarter; and |
| | |
| | |
| (4) | Any transfers during the quarter. |
You also will receive reports containing the financial statements of the Account and certain information about the Account’s investments.
Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account
To help the U.S. government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
What this means for you:When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, social security number and other information that will allow us to identify you, such as your home telephone number and driver’s license or certain other identifying documents. Until you provide us with the information needed, we may not be able to open an account or effect any transactions for you. Furthermore, if we are unable to verify your identity, or that of another person authorized to act on your behalf, or if it is believed that potentially criminal activity has been identified, we reserve the right to take such action as deemed appropriate, which may include closing your account.
After you receive your contract, you can allocate all or part of your premiums to the Real Estate Account, unless your employer’s plan precludes that choice. You can also allocate premiums to TIAA’s traditional annuity, the CREF variable investment accounts, the TIAA Access variable annuity accounts, other TIAA separate accounts offered from time to time (if available under the terms of your
78Prospectus §TIAA Real Estate Account
employer’s plan) and, in some cases, certain mutual funds if the account or fund is available under your employer’s plan.
You can change your allocation choices for future premiums by:
| | |
| • | writing to our home office at 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017-3206, |
| | |
| | |
| • | using the TIAA-CREF Web Center’s account access feature at www.tiaa-cref.org, or |
| | |
| • | calling our Automated Telephone Service (24 hours a day) at 800 842-2252. |
You may cancel any RA, SRA, Classic IRA, ATRA or Keogh contract in accordance with the contract’s Right to Examine provision (unless we have begun making annuity payments from it) subject to the time period regulated by the state in which the contract is issued. To cancel a contract, mail or deliver the contract with a signed Notice of Cancellation (available by contacting TIAA) to our home office. We’ll cancel the contract, then send either the current accumulation or the premium, depending on the state in which your contract was issued, to whomever originally submitted the premiums.
Each payment to the Real Estate Account buys a number of accumulation units. Similarly, any withdrawal from the Account results in the redemption of a number of accumulation units. The price you pay for accumulation units, and the price you receive for accumulation units when you redeem accumulation units, is the value of the accumulation units calculated for the business day on which we receive your purchase, redemption or transfer request in good order (unless you ask for a later date for a redemption or transfer). This date is called the “effective date.” Therefore, if we receive your purchase, redemption or transfer request in good order before the NYSE closes, that business day will be considered the effective date of your order. If we receive your request in good order after the NYSE closes, the next business day will be considered the effective date of your order.
Payments and orders to redeem accumulation units may be processed after the effective date. “Processed” means credited to you in the Account in the case of a purchase, or debited to you in the Account in the case of a redemption. In the event there are market fluctuations between the effective date and the processing date and the price of accumulation units on the processing date is higher or lower than your price on the effective date, that difference will be paid or retained by Services, the Account’s distributor. This amount, which may be positive or negative, together with similar amounts paid or retained by Services in connection with transactions involving other investment products offered under pension plans administered by TIAA or its affiliates and the amount of interest, if any, paid by Services to participants in connection with certain delayed payments, is apportioned to the Account pursuant to an agreement with Services, under which the Account reimburses Services for the services it has provided to the Account.
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The accumulation unit value reflects the Account’s investment experience (i.e., the real estate net operating income accrued, as well as dividends, interest and other income accrued), realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, as well as Account expense charges.
Calculating Accumulation Unit Values:We calculate the Account’s accumulation unit value at the end of each valuation day. To do that, we multiply the previous day’s value by the net investment factor for the Account. The net investment factor is calculated asAdivided byB, whereAandBare defined as:
| | |
| A. | The value of the Account’s net assets at the end of the current valuation period, less premiums received during the current valuation period. |
| | |
| B. | The value of the Account’s net assets at the end of the previous valuation period, plus the net effect of transactions made at the start of the current valuation period. |
Generally, TIAA allows you to move your money to or from the Real Estate Account in the following ways:
| | |
| • | from the Real Estate Account to a CREF investment account, a TIAA Access variable account (if available) or TIAA’s traditional annuity |
| | |
| • | to the Real Estate Account from a CREF investment account, a TIAA Access variable account (if available) or TIAA’s traditional annuity (transfers from TIAA’s traditional annuity under RA, GRA or Retirement Choice contracts are subject to restrictions) |
| | |
| • | from the Real Estate Account to other companies |
| | |
| • | to the Real Estate Account from other companies/plans |
| | |
| • | by withdrawing cash |
| | |
| • | by setting up a program of automatic withdrawals or transfers |
For more information regarding the transfer policies of CREF, TIAA Access or another investment option listed above, please see the respective contract, prospectus or other governing instrument.
These transactions generally must be for at least $1,000 at a time (or your entire Account accumulation, if less). These options may be limited by the terms of your employer’s plan, by current tax law, or by the terms of your contract, as set forth below. Transfers and cash withdrawals are currently free. TIAA can place restrictions on transfers or charge fees for transfers and/or withdrawals in the future.
As indicated, transfers and cash withdrawals are effective at the end of the business day we receive your request and all required documentation in good order. You can also choose to have transfers and withdrawals take effect at the close of any future business day. For any transfers to TIAA’s traditional annuity, the crediting rate will be the rate in effect at the close of business of the first day
80Prospectus §TIAA Real Estate Account
that you participate in TIAA’s traditional annuity, which is the next business day after the effective date of the transfer.
To request a transfer or to withdraw cash:
| | |
| • | write to TIAA’s home office at 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017-3206 |
| | |
| • | call us at 800 842-2252 or |
| | |
| • | for internal transfers, using the TIAA-CREF Web Center’s account access feature at www.tiaa-cref.org |
You may be required to complete and return certain forms to effect these transactions. We can suspend or terminate your ability to transact by telephone, over the Internet, or by fax at any time, for any reason.
Before you transfer or withdraw cash, make sure you understand the possible federal and other income tax consequences. See “Taxes” on page 91.
Once every calendar quarter you can transfer some or all of your accumulation in the Real Estate Account to TIAA’s traditional annuity, to another TIAA annuity offered by your employer’s plan, to one of the CREF accounts, to a TIAA Access variable annuity account or to mutual funds offered under the terms of your employer’s plan. Transfers to CREF accounts or to certain other options may be restricted by your employer’s plan, current tax law or by the terms of your contract.
You can also transfer some or all of your accumulation in TIAA’s traditional annuity, in your CREF accounts, TIAA Access variable annuity accounts or in the mutual funds or TIAA annuities offered under the terms of your plan to the Real Estate Account, if your employer’s plan offers the Account. Transfers from TIAA’s traditional annuity to the Real Estate Account under RA, GRA or Retirement Choice contracts can only be effected over a period of time (up to nine (9) years) and may be subject to other limitations, as specified in your contract. Amounts held under an ATRA contract cannot be transferred to or from any retirement plan contract.
Because excessive transfer activity can hurt Account performance and other participants, we may further limit how often you transfer or otherwise modify the transfer privilege.
Generally you may transfer funds from the Real Estate Account to a company other than TIAA or CREF, subject to certain tax restrictions. This right may be limited by your employer’s plan. If your employer participates in our special transfer services program, we can make automatic monthly transfers from your RA or GRA contract to another company, and the $1,000 minimum will not apply to these transfers. Roth amounts in a 403(b) or 401(a) plan can only be rolled over to another Roth account under such plan or to a Roth IRA, as permitted by applicable law and the terms of the plans.
Under the Retirement Choice and Retirement Choice Plus contracts, your employer could transfer monies from the Account and apply it to another account or investment option, subject to the terms of your plan, and without your consent.
TIAA Real Estate Account §Prospectus81
Subject to your employer’s plan and federal tax law, you can usually transfer or roll over money from another 403(b), 401(a)/403(a) or governmental 457(b) retirement plan to your qualified TIAA contract. You may also roll over before-tax amounts in a Classic IRA to 403(b) plans, 401(a)/403(a) plans or eligible governmental 457(b) plans, provided such employer plans agree to accept the rollover. Similarly, subject to your employer’s plan, you may be able to roll over funds from 401(a), 403(a), 403(b) and governmental 457(b) plans to a TIAA Classic IRA or, subject to applicable income limits, from an IRA containing funds originally contributed to such plans, to either a TIAA Classic or Roth IRA, subject to rules applicable to Roth IRA conversion. Roth amounts in a 403(b) or 401(a) plan can only be rolled over to another Roth account under such plan or to a Roth IRA, as permitted by applicable law and the terms of the plans. Funds in a private 457(b) plan can be transferred to another private 457(b) plan only. Accumulations in private 457(b) plans may not be rolled over to a qualified plan (e.g., a 401(a) plan), a 403(b) plan, a governmental 457(b) plan or an IRA.
You may withdraw cash from your SRA, GSRA, IRA, or Keogh Real Estate Account accumulation at any time during the accumulation period, provided federal tax law permits it (see below). Real Estate Account cash withdrawals from your RA, GRA, Retirement Choice or Retirement Choice Plus accumulation may be limited by the terms of your employer’s plan and federal tax law. Normally, you can’t withdraw money from a contract if you’ve already applied that money to begin receiving lifetime annuity income. Current federal tax law restricts your ability to make cash withdrawals from your accumulation under most voluntary salary reduction agreements. Withdrawals are generally available only if you reach age 59½, leave your job, become disabled, die, or satisfy requirements related to qualified distributions or if your employer terminates its retirement plan. If your employer’s plan permits, you may also be able to withdraw money if you encounter hardship, as defined by the IRS, but hardship withdrawals can be from contributions only, and not investment earnings. You may be subject to a 10 percent penalty tax if you make a withdrawal before you reach age 59½, unless an exception applies to your situation.
Under current federal tax law, you are not permitted to withdraw from 457(b) plans earlier than the calendar year in which you reach age 70½, leave your job or are faced with an unforeseeable emergency (as defined by law). There are generally no early withdrawal tax penalties if you withdraw under any of these circumstances (i.e., no 10% tax on distributions prior to age 59½). If you’re married, you may be required by law or your employer’s plan to show us advance written consent from your spouse before TIAA makes certain transactions on your behalf.
Special rules and restrictions apply to Classic and Roth IRAs.
82Prospectus §TIAA Real Estate Account
If your employer’s plan allows, you can set up a program to make cash withdrawals or transfers automatically by specifying that we withdraw or transfer from your Real Estate Account accumulation any fixed number of accumulation units, dollar amount, or percentage of accumulation until you tell us to stop or until your accumulation is exhausted. Currently, the program must be set up so that at least $100 is automatically withdrawn or transferred at a time. Further, a systematic plan of this type may allow pre-specified transfers or withdrawals to be made more often than quarterly, depending on the terms of your employer’s plan.
You can set up a program to have monies withdrawn directly from your retirement plan (if your employer’s plan allows) or IRA accumulations to pay your financial advisor. You will be required to complete and return certain forms to effect these withdrawals, including how and from which accounts you want these monies to be withdrawn. Before you set up this program, make sure you understand the possible tax consequences of these withdrawals. See the discussion under “Taxes” below.
From time to time we may stop accepting premiums for and/or transfers into the Account. We might do so if, for example, we can’t find enough appropriate real estate-related investment opportunities at a particular time. Whenever reasonably possible, we will notify you before we decide to restrict premiums and/or transfers. However, because we may need to respond quickly to changing market conditions, we reserve the right to stop accepting premiums and/or transfers at any time without prior notice.
If we decide to stop accepting premiums into the Account, amounts that would otherwise be allocated to the Account will be allocated to the default option designated by your employer instead, unless you give us other allocation instructions. We will not transfer these amounts out of the default option designated by your employer when the restriction period is over, unless you request that we do so. However, we will resume allocating premiums to the Account on the date we remove the restrictions.
Federal law requires us to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. Until we receive the information we need, we may not be able to effect transactions for you. Furthermore, if we are unable to verify your identity, or that of another person authorized to act on your behalf, or if we believe that we have identified potentially criminal activity, we reserve the right to take such action as we deem appropriate, which may include closing your account.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus83
There are participants who may try to profit from making transactions back and forth among the CREF accounts, the Real Estate Account, the TIAA Access variable accounts and the mutual funds or other investment options available under the terms of your plan in an effort to “time” the market or for other reasons. As money is shifted in and out of these accounts, the accounts or funds may incur transaction costs, including, among other things, expenses for buying and selling securities. These costs are borne by all participants, including long-term investors who do not generate these costs. In addition, excessive trading can interfere with efficient portfolio management and cause dilution if traders are able to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies. Consequently, the Account is not appropriate for market timing or frequent trading and you should not invest in the Account if you want to engage in such activity.
To discourage this activity, transfers from the Account to a CREF or TIAA account, or another investment option, are limited to once every calendar quarter (the exception being described on page 83 above in “Systematic Withdrawals and Transfers”).
TIAA reserves the right to reject any purchase or exchange request with respect to the Account, including when it is believed that a request would be disruptive to the Account’s efficient portfolio management. TIAA also may suspend or terminate your ability to transact in the Account by telephone, fax or over the Internet for any reason, including the prevention of excessive trading. A purchase or exchange request could be rejected or electronic trading privileges could be suspended because of the timing or amount of the investment or because of a history of excessive trading by the participant. Because TIAA has discretion in applying this policy, it is possible that similar transaction activity could be handled differently because of the surrounding circumstances. Notwithstanding such discretion, TIAA seeks to apply its excessive trading policies and procedures uniformly to all Account participants. As circumstances warrant, TIAA may request transaction data from intermediaries from time to time to verify whether the Account’s policies are being followed and/or to instruct intermediaries to take action against participants who have violated the Account’s policies. TIAA has the right to modify these policies and procedures at any time without advance notice.
The Account is not appropriate for excessive trading. You should not invest in the Account if you want to engage in excessive trading or market timing activity.
Participants seeking to engage in excessive trading may deploy a variety of strategies to avoid detection, and, despite TIAA’s efforts to discourage excessive trading, there is no guarantee that TIAA or its agents will be able to identify all such participants or curtail their trading practices.
If you invest in the Account through an intermediary, including through a retirement or employee benefit plan, you may be subject to additional market timing or excessive trading policies implemented by the intermediary or plan. Please contact your intermediary or plan sponsor for more details.
84Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
You can receive an income stream from all or part of your Real Estate Account accumulation. Unless you opt for a lifetime annuity, generally you must be at least age 59½ to begin receiving annuity income payments from your annuity contract free of a 10 percent early distribution penalty tax. Your employer’s plan may also restrict when you can begin income payments. Under the minimum distribution rules of the Internal Revenue Code, you generally must begin receiving some payments from your contract shortly after you reach the later of age 70½ or you retire. For more information, see “Minimum Distribution Requirements,” on page 92. Also, you can’t begin a one-life annuity after you reach age 90, nor may you begin a two-life annuity after either you or your annuity partner reach age 90.
Your income payments may be paid out from the Real Estate Account through a variety of income options. You can pick a different income option for different portions of your accumulation, but once you’ve started payments you usually can’t change your income option or annuity partner for that payment stream.
Usually income payments are monthly. You can choose quarterly, semi-annual, and annual payments as well. (TIAA has the right to not make payments at any interval that would cause the initial payment to be less than $100.) We’ll send your payments by mail to your home address or, on your request, by mail or electronic funds transfer to your bank.
Your initial income payments are based on the value of your accumulation on the last valuation day before the annuity starting date. Your payments change after the initial payment based on the Account’s investment experience and the income change method you choose.
There are two income change methods for annuity payments: annual and monthly. Under the annual income change method, payments from the Account change each May 1, based on the net investment results during the prior year (April 1 through March 31). Under the monthly income change method, payments from the Account change every month, based on the net investment results during the previous month. For the formulas used to calculate the amount of annuity payments, see page 88. The total value of your annuity payments may be more or less than your total premiums.
Ordinarily, annuity payments begin on the date you designate as your annuity starting date, provided we have received all documentation necessary for the income option you’ve picked. If something’s missing, we’ll defer your annuity starting date until we receive the missing information. Your first annuity check may be delayed while we process your choice of income options and calculate the amount of your initial payment. Any premiums received within 70 days after payments begin may be used to provide additional annuity income. Premiums received after 70 days will remain in your accumulating annuity contract until you
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 85
have given us further instructions. Ordinarily, your first annuity payment can be made on any business day between the first and twentieth of any month.
Both the number of annuity units you purchase and the amount of your income payments will depend on which income option you pick. Your employer’s plan, tax law and ERISA may limit which income options you can use to receive income from an RA or GRA, GSRA, Retirement Choice, Retirement Choice Plus or Keogh contract. Ordinarily you’ll choose your income options shortly before you want payments to begin, but you can make or change your choice any time before your annuity starting date. After your annuity starting date, you cannot change your income option.
All Real Estate Account income options provide variable payments, and the amount of income you receive depends in part on the investment experience of the Account. The current options are:
| | |
| • | One-Life Annuity with or without Guaranteed Period: Pays income as long as you live. If you opt for a guaranteed period (10, 15 or 20 years) and you die before it’s over, income payments will continue to your beneficiary until the end of the period. If you don’t opt for a guaranteed period, all payments end at your death — so that it’s possible for you to receive only one payment if you die less than a month after payments start. (The 15-year guaranteed period is not available under all contracts.) |
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| • | Annuity for a Fixed Period: Pays income for any period you choose from 5 to 30 years (2 to 30 years for RAs, SRAs and GRAs). (This option is not available under all contracts.) |
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| • | Two-Life Annuities: Pays income to you as long as you live, then continues at either the same or a reduced level for the life of your annuity partner. There are four types of two-life annuity options, all available with or without a guaranteed period — Full Benefit to Survivor, Two-Thirds Benefit to Survivor, 75% Benefit to Annuity Partner and a Half-Benefit to Annuity Partner. Under the Two-Thirds Benefit to Survivor option, payments to you will be reduced upon the death of your annuity partner. |
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| • | Minimum Distribution Option (MDO) Annuity: Generally available only if you must begin annuity payments under the Internal Revenue Code minimum distribution requirements. (Some employer plans allow you to elect this option earlier — contact TIAA for more information.) The option pays an amount designed to fulfill the distribution requirements under federal tax law. (The option is not available under all contracts.) |
You must apply your entire accumulation under a contract if you want to use the MDO annuity. It is possible that income under the MDO annuity will cease during your lifetime. Prior to age 90, and subject to applicable plan and legal restrictions, you can elect a distribution option other than the MDO option and apply any remaining part of an accumulation applied to the MDO annuity to any other income option for which you’re eligible. Using an MDO won’t affect your
86Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
right to take a cash withdrawal of any accumulation not yet distributed. This pay-out annuity is not available under the Retirement Choice or Retirement Choice Plus contracts. Instead, required minimum distributions will be paid directly from these contracts pursuant to the terms of your employer’s plan.
For any of the income options described above, current federal tax law provides that your guaranteed period can’t exceed the joint life expectancy of you and your beneficiary or annuity partner. If you are married at your annuity start date, you may be required by law to choose an income option that provides survivor annuity income to your spouse, unless your spouse waives the right. Other income options may become available in the future, subject to the terms of your retirement plan and relevant federal and state laws. For more information about any annuity option, please contact us.
Receiving Lump Sum Payments (Retirement Transition Benefit): If your employer’s plan allows, you may be able to receive a single sum payment of up to 10 percent of the value of any part of an accumulation being converted to annuity income on the annuity starting date. (This does not apply to IRAs.) Of course, if your employer’s plan allows cash withdrawals, you can take a larger amount (up to 100 percent) of your Real Estate Account accumulation as a cash payment. The retirement transition benefit will be subject to current federal income tax requirements and possible early distribution penalties. See “Taxes” on page 91.
If you haven’t picked an income option when the annuity starting date arrives for your contract, TIAA usually will assume you want theone-life annuity with 10-year guaranteed periodif you’re unmarried, subject to the terms of your plan, paid from TIAA’s traditional annuity. If you’re married, we may assume for youa survivor annuity with half-benefit to annuity partner with a 10-Year guaranteed period,with your spouse as your annuity partner, paid from TIAA’s traditional annuity. If you haven’t picked an income option when the annuity starting date arrives for your IRA, we may assume you want the minimum distribution option annuity.
After you begin receiving annuity income, you can transfer all or part of the future annuity income payable once each calendar quarter (i) from the Real Estate Account into a “comparable annuity” payable from a CREF or TIAA account or TIAA’s traditional annuity, or (ii) from a CREF account into a comparable annuity payable from the Real Estate Account. Comparable annuities are those which are payable under the same income option, and have the same first and second annuitant, and remaining guaranteed period.
We’ll process your transfer on the business day we receive your request in good order. You can also choose to have a transfer take effect at the close of any future business day. Transfers under the annual income payment method will affect your annuity payments beginning on the May 1 following the March 31 which is on or after the effective date of the transfer. Transfers under the monthly income payment method and all transfers into TIAA’s traditional annuity will affect your annuity payments beginning with the first payment due after the monthly
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payment valuation day that is on or after the transfer date. You can switch between the annual and monthly income change methods, and the switch will go into effect on the following March 31.
The amount of annuity payments we pay you or your beneficiary (annuitant) will depend upon the number and value of the annuity units payable. The number of annuity units is first determined on the day before the annuity starting date. The amount of the annuity payments will change according to the income change method chosen.
Under the annual income change method, the value of an annuity unit for payments is redetermined on March 31 of each year — the payment valuation day. Annuity payments change beginning May 1. The change reflects the net investment experience of the Real Estate Account. The net investment experience for the twelve months following each March 31 revaluation will be reflected in the following year’s value.
Under the monthly income change method, the value of an annuity unit for payments is determined on the payment valuation day, which is the 20th day of the month preceding the payment due date or, if the 20th is not a business day, the preceding business day. The monthly changes in the value of an annuity unit reflect the net investment experience of the Real Estate Account. The formulas for calculating the number and value of annuity units payable are described below.
Calculating the Number of Annuity Units Payable: When a participant or a beneficiary converts the value of all or a portion of his or her accumulation into an income-paying contract, the number of annuity units payable from the Real Estate Account under an income change method is determined by dividing the value of the Account accumulation to be applied to provide the annuity payments by the product of the annuity unit value for that income change method and an annuity factor. The annuity factor as of the annuity starting date is the value of an annuity in the amount of $1.00 per month beginning on the first day such annuity units are payable, and continuing for as long as such annuity units are payable.
The annuity factor will reflect interest assumed at the effective annual rate of 4 percent, and the mortality assumptions for the person(s) on whose life (lives) the annuity payments will be based. Mortality assumptions will be based on the then-current settlement mortality schedules for this Account. Annuitants bear no mortality risk under their contracts — actual mortality experience will not reduce annuity payments after they have started. TIAA may change the mortality assumptions used to determine the number of annuity units payable for any future accumulations converted to provide annuity payments.
The number of annuity units payable under an income change method under your contract will be reduced by the number of annuity units you transfer out of that income change method under your contract. The number of annuity units payable will be increased by any internal transfers you make to that income change method under your contract.
88Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
Value of Annuity Units: The Real Estate Account’s annuity unit value is calculated separately for each income change method for each business day and for the last calendar day of each month. The annuity unit value for each income change method is determined by updating the annuity unit value from the previous valuation day to reflect the net investment performance of the Account for the current valuation period relative to the 4 percent assumed investment return. In general, your payments will increase if the performance of the Account is greater than 4 percent and decrease if the value is less than 4 percent. The value is further adjusted to take into account any changes expected to occur in the future at revaluation either once a year or once a month, assuming the Account will earn the 4 percent assumed investment return in the future.
The initial value of the annuity unit for a new annuitant is the value determined as of the day before annuity payments start.
For participants under the annual income change method, the value of the annuity unit for payment remains level until the following May 1. For those who have already begun receiving annuity income as of March 31, the value of the annuity unit for payments due on and after the next succeeding May 1 is equal to the annuity unit value determined as of such March 31.
For participants under the monthly income change method, the value of the annuity unit for payments changes on the payment valuation day of each month for the payment due on the first of the following month.
Further, certain variable annuity payouts might not be available if issuing the payout annuity would violate state law.
TIAA reserves the right, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, to modify the manner in which the number and/or value of annuity units is calculated in the future. No such modification will reduce any participant’s benefit once the participant’s annuitization period has commenced.
Subject to the terms of your employer’s plan, TIAA may pay death benefits if you or your annuity partner dies. When you purchase your annuity contract, you name one or more beneficiaries to receive the death benefit if you die. You can change your beneficiaries anytime before you die, and, unless you instruct otherwise, your annuity partner can do the same after your death.
Your choice of beneficiary for death benefits may, in some cases, be subject to the consent of your spouse. Similarly, if you are married at the time of your death, federal law may require a portion of the death benefit be paid to your spouse even if you have named someone else as beneficiary. If you die without having named any beneficiary, any portion of your death benefit not payable to your spouse will go to your estate.
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If you die during the accumulation period, the death benefit is the amount of your accumulation. If you and your annuity partner die during the annuity period while payments are still due under a fixed-period annuity or for the remainder of a guaranteed period, the death benefit is the present value, based on interest at the effective annual rate of 4%, of the unit annuity payments due for the remainder of the period.
To authorize payment and pay a death benefit, we must have received all necessary forms and documentation, including proof of death and the selection of the method of payment.
Generally, you can choose for your beneficiary the method we’ll use to pay the death benefit, but few participants do this. If you choose a payment method, you can also prevent your beneficiaries from changing it. Most people leave the choice to their beneficiaries. We can prevent any choice if its initial payment is less than $25. If death occurs while your contract is in the accumulation stage, in most cases we can pay the death benefit using the TIAA-CREF Savings & Investment Plan. We won’t do this if you preselected another option or if the beneficiary elects another option. Some beneficiaries aren’t eligible for the TIAA-CREF Savings & Investment Plan. If your beneficiary isn’t eligible and doesn’t specifically tell us to start paying death benefits within a year of your death, we can start making payments to them over five years using the fixed-period annuity method of payment.
Payments During the Accumulation Period:Currently, the available methods of payment for death benefits from funds in the accumulation period are:
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| • | Single-Sum Payment, in which the entire death benefit is paid to your beneficiary at once; |
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| • | One-Life Annuity with or without Guaranteed Period, in which the death benefit is paid monthly for the life of the beneficiary or through the guaranteed period; |
| | |
| • | Annuity for a Fixed Period of 5 to 30 years (not available under Retirement Choice or Retirement Choice Plus), in which the death benefit is paid for a fixed period; |
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| • | Accumulation-Unit Deposit Option, which pays a lump sum at the end of a fixed period, ordinarily two to five years, during which period the accumulation units deposited participate in the Account’s investment experience (generally the death benefit value must be at least $5,000); (This option is not available under all contracts) and |
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| • | Minimum Distribution Option (also called the TIAA-CREF Savings & Investment Plan),which automatically pays income according to the Internal Revenue Code’s minimum distribution requirements(not available |
90Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
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| | under Retirement Choice or Retirement Choice Plus). It operates in much the same way as the MDO annuity income option. It’s possible, under this method, that your beneficiary won’t receive income for life. |
Death benefits are usually paid monthly (unless you chose a single-sum method of payment), but your beneficiary can switch them to quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payments.
Payments During the Annuity Period: If you and your annuity partner die during the annuity period, your beneficiary can choose to receive any remaining guaranteed periodic payments due under your contract. Alternatively, your beneficiary can choose to receive the commuted value of those payments in a single sum unless you have indicated otherwise. The amount of the commuted value will be different than the total of the periodic payments that would otherwise be paid.
Ordinarily, death benefits are subject to federal estate tax. Generally, if taken as a lump sum, death benefits would be taxed like complete withdrawals. If taken as annuity benefits, death benefits would be taxed like annuity payments. For more information on death benefits, see the discussion under “Taxes” below, or for further detail, contact TIAA.
This section offers general information concerning federal taxes. It doesn’t cover every situation. Tax treatment varies depending on the circumstances, and state and local taxes may also be involved. For complete information on your personal tax situation, check with a qualified tax advisor.
The Account is not a separate taxpayer for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code — its earnings are taxed as part of TIAA’s operations. Although TIAA is not expected to owe any federal income taxes on the Account’s earnings, if TIAA does incur taxes attributable to the Account, it may make a corresponding charge against the Account.
During the accumulation period, Real Estate Account premiums paid in before-tax dollars, employer contributions and earnings attributable to these amounts are not taxed until they’re withdrawn. Annuity payments, single-sum withdrawals, systematic withdrawals, and death benefits are usually taxed as ordinary income. Premiums paid in after-tax dollars aren’t taxable when withdrawn, but earnings attributable to these amounts are taxable unless those amounts are contributed as Roth contributions to a 401(a) or 403(b) plan and certain criteria are met before the amounts (and the income on the amounts) are withdrawn. Death benefits are usually also subject to federal estate and state estate or inheritance taxation. Generally, transfers between qualified retirement plans are not taxed. Generally,
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 91
contributions you can make under an employer’s plan are limited by federal tax law. Employee voluntary salary reduction contributions and Roth after-tax contributions to 403(b) and 401(k) plans are limited in the aggregate to $15,500 per year ($20,500 per year if you are age 50 or older). Certain long-term employees may be able to defer up to $18,500 per year in a 403(b) plan ($23,500 per year if you are age 50 or older). Contributions to Classic and Roth IRAs, other than rollover contributions, cannot generally exceed $5,000 per year ($6,000 per year for taxpayers age 50 or older).
The maximum contribution limit to a 457(b) non-qualified deferred compensation plan for employees of state and local governments is $15,500 ($20,500 if you are age 50 or older). Special catch-up rules may permit a higher contribution in one or more of the last three years prior to an individual’s normal retirement age under the plan.
Note that the dollar limits listed above are for 2008; different dollar limits may apply in future years.
If you want to withdraw funds or begin receiving income from any 401(a), 403(a), or 403(b) retirement plan or an IRA before you reach age 591/2, you may have to pay a 10 percent early distribution tax on the taxable amount. Distributions from a Roth IRA generally are not taxed, except that, once aggregate distributions exceed contributions to the Roth IRA, income tax and a 10% penalty tax may apply to distributions made (1) before age 591/2(subject to certain exceptions) or (2) during the five taxable years starting with the year in which the first contribution is made to any Roth IRA. A 10 percent penalty tax may apply to amounts attributable to a conversion from an IRA if they are distributed during the five taxable years beginning with the year in which the conversion was made. You won’t have to pay this tax in certain circumstances. Early distributions from 457(b) plans are not subject to a 10% penalty tax unless, in the case of a governmental 457(b) plan, the distribution includes amounts rolled over to the plan from an IRA, 401(a)/403(a), or 403(b) plan. Consult your tax advisor for more information.
In most cases, payments from qualified contracts must begin by April 1 of the year after the year you reach age 701/2, or if later, by retirement. For Classic IRAs, and with respect to 5 percent or more owners of the business covered by a Keogh plan, payments must begin by April 1 of the year after you reach age 701/2. Under the terms of certain retirement plans, the plan administrator may direct us to make the minimum distributions required by law even if you do not elect to receive them. In addition, if you don’t begin distributions on time, you may be subject to a 50 percent excise tax on the amount you should have received but did not. Roth IRAs are generally not subject to these rules requiring minimum distributions during your lifetime. You are responsible for requesting distributions that comply with the minimum distribution rules.
92Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
If we pay an “eligible rollover” distribution directly to you, federal law requires us to withhold 20 percent from the taxable portion. On the other hand, if we roll over such a distribution directly to an IRA or employer plan, we do not withhold any federal income tax. The 20 percent withholding also does not apply to certain types of distributions that are not considered eligible rollovers such as payments from IRAs, hardship withdrawals, lifetime annuity payments, substantially equal periodic payments over your life expectancy or over 10 or more years, or minimum distribution payments.
For the taxable portion of non-eligible rollover distributions, we will usually withhold federal income taxes unless you tell us not to and you are eligible to avoid withholding. However, if you tell us not to withhold but we don’t have your taxpayer identification number on file, we still are required to deduct taxes. These rules also apply to distributions from governmental 457(b) plans. In general, all amounts received under a private 457(b) plan are taxable and are subject to federal income tax withholding as wages. Nonresident aliens who pay U.S. taxes are subject to different withholding rules.
If you paid premiums directly to an RA and the premiums are not subject to your employer’s retirement plan, or if you have been issued an ATRA contract, the following general discussion describes our understanding of current federal income tax law that applies to these accumulations. This discussion does not apply to premiums paid on your behalf under the terms of your employer’s retirement plan. It also does not cover every situation and does not address all possible circumstances.
In General. These annuities are generally not taxed until distributions occur. When distributions occur, they are taxed as follows:
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| • | Withdrawals, including withdrawals of the entire accumulation under the contract, are generally taxed as ordinary income to the extent that the contract’s value is more than your investment in the contract (i.e.,what you have paid into it). |
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| • | Annuity payments are generally treated in part as taxable ordinary income and in part as non-taxable recovery of your investment in the contract until you recover all of your investment in the contract. After that, annuity payments are taxable in full as ordinary income. |
Required Distributions. In general, if you die after you start your annuity payments but before the entire interest in the annuity contract has been distributed, the remaining portion must be distributed at least as quickly as under the method in effect on the date of your death. If you die before your annuity payments begin, the entire interest in your annuity contract generally must be distributed within five years after your death, or be used to provide payments that begin within one year of your death and that will be made for the life of your designated beneficiary or for a period not extending beyond the life expectancy of
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 93
your designated beneficiary. The “designated beneficiary” refers to a natural person you designate and to whom ownership of the contract passes because of your death. However, if the designated beneficiary is your surviving spouse, your surviving spouse can continue the annuity contract as the new owner.
Death Benefit Proceeds.Death benefit proceeds are taxed like withdrawals of the entire accumulation in the contract if distributed in a single sum and are taxed like annuity payments if distributed as annuity payments. Your beneficiary may be required to take death benefit proceeds within a certain time period.
Penalty Tax on Certain Distributions. You may have to pay a penalty tax (10 percent of the amount treated as taxable income) on distributions you take prior to age 591/2. There are some exceptions to this rule, however. You should consult a tax advisor for information about those exceptions.
Withholding. Annuity distributions are generally subject to federal income tax withholding but most recipients can usually choose not to have the tax withheld.
Certain Designations or Exchanges. Designating an annuitant, payee or other beneficiary, or exchanging a contract may have tax consequences that should be discussed with a tax advisor before you engage in any of these transactions.
Multiple Contracts. All non-qualified deferred annuity contracts issued by us and certain of our affiliates to the same owner during a calendar year must generally be treated as a single contract in determining when and how much income is taxable and how much income is subject to the 10 percent penalty tax (see above).
Diversification Requirements. The investments of the Real Estate Account must be “adequately diversified” in order for the ATRA Contracts to be treated as annuity contracts for Federal income tax purposes. It is intended that Real Estate Account will satisfy these diversification requirements.
Owner Control. In certain circumstances, owners of non-qualified variable annuity contracts have been considered for Federal income tax purposes to be the owners of the assets of the separate account supporting their contracts due to their ability to exercise investment control over those assets. When this is the case, the contract owners have been currently taxed on income and gains attributable to the variable account assets. While we believe that the ATRA Contracts do not give you investment control over assets in the Real Estate Account or any other separate account underlying your ATRA Contract, we reserve the right to modify the ATRA Contracts as necessary to prevent you from being treated as an owner of the assets in the Real Estate Account.
While no attempt is being made to discuss the Federal estate tax implications of the Contract, you should keep in mind that the value of an annuity contract owned by a decedent and payable to a beneficiary by virtue of surviving the decedent is included in the decedent’s gross estate. Depending on the terms of the annuity contract, the value of the annuity included in the gross estate may be the
94Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
value of the lump sum payment payable to the designated beneficiary or the actuarial value of the payments to be received by the beneficiary. Consult an estate planning advisor for more information.
Under certain circumstances, the Code may impose a “generation skipping transfer tax” when all or part of an annuity contract is transferred to, or a death benefit is paid to, an individual two or more generations younger than the Owner. Regulations issued under the Code may require us to deduct the tax from your Contract, or from any applicable payment, and pay it directly to the IRS.
The IRS has announced that income from an annuity received by residents of Puerto Rico is U.S.-source income that is generally subject to United States federal income tax.
The discussion above provides general information regarding U.S. federal income tax consequences to annuity purchasers that are U.S. citizens or residents. Purchasers that are not U.S. citizens or residents will generally be subject to U.S. federal withholding tax on taxable distributions from annuity contracts at a 30% rate, unless a lower treaty rate applies. In addition, purchasers may be subject to state and/or municipal taxes and taxes that may be imposed by the purchaser’s country of citizenship or residence. Prospective purchasers who are nonresident aliens are advised to consult with a qualified tax adviser regarding U.S., state, and foreign taxation with respect to an annuity contract purchase.
If you have arranged for us to pay advisory fees to your financial advisor from your accumulations, those partial withdrawals generally will not be treated as taxable distributions as long as:
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| • | the payment is for expenses that are ordinary and necessary; |
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| • | the payment is made from a Section 401 or 403 retirement plan or an IRA; |
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| • | your financial advisor’s payment is only made from the accumulations in your retirement plan or IRA, as applicable, and not directly by you or anyone else, under the agreement with your financial advisor; and |
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| • | once advisory fees begin to be paid from your retirement plan or IRA, as applicable, you continue to pay those fees solely from your plan or IRA, as applicable, and not from any other source. |
However, withdrawals to pay advisory fees to your financial advisor from your accumulations under an ATRA contract will be treated as taxable distributions.
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 95
The Account may be subject to foreign taxes on investments in other countries, including capital gains tax on any appreciation in value when a real estate investment in a foreign jurisdiction is eventually sold. Any potential tax impact will not be reflected in the valuation of the foreign investment and may not be fully reflected in a tax accrual by the Account. Upon payment of any foreign tax by the Account, TIAA will receive a foreign tax credit, which may be available to reduce its U.S. tax burden. The Account is a segregated asset account of TIAA and incurs no material federal income tax attributable to the investment performance of the Account under the Internal Revenue Code. As a result, the Account will not realize any tax benefit from any foreign tax credit that may be available to TIAA; however, to the extent that TIAA can utilize the foreign tax credit in its consolidated tax return, TIAA will reimburse the Account for that benefit at that time. The extent to which TIAA is able to utilize the credits when the Account incurs a foreign tax will determine the amount and timing of reimbursement from TIAA to the Account for the resulting foreign tax credit. The Account’s unit values may be adversely impacted in the future if a foreign tax is paid, and TIAA is not able to utilize (and therefore does not reimburse the Account for), either immediately or in the future, the foreign tax credit earned as a result of the foreign tax paid by the Account.
Although the likelihood of legislative changes is uncertain, there is always the possibility that the tax treatment of your contract could change by legislation or otherwise. Consult a tax advisor with respect to legislative developments and their effect on your contract.
We have the right to modify the contract in response to legislative changes that could otherwise diminish the favorable tax treatment that annuity contract owners currently receive. We make no guarantee regarding the tax status of any contract and do not intend the above discussion as tax advice.
96Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
You may have to make certain choices or changes (e.g., changing your income option, making a cash withdrawal) by written notice satisfactory to us and received at our home office or at some other location that we have specifically designated for that purpose. When we receive a notice of a change in beneficiary or other person named to receive payments, we’ll execute the change as of the date it was signed, even if the signer has died in the meantime. We execute all other changes as of the date received.
You can use our Automated Telephone Service (ATS) or the TIAA-CREF Web Center’s account access feature to check your account balances, transfer to TIAA’s traditional annuity, TIAA Access variable annuity accounts or CREF, and/or allocate future premiums among the accounts and funds available to you through TIAA-CREF. You will be asked to enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and social security number for both systems. (You can establish a PIN by calling us.) Both will lead you through the transaction process and will use reasonable procedures to confirm that instructions given are genuine. If we use such procedures, we are not responsible for incorrect or fraudulent transactions. All transactions made over the ATS and Internet are electronically recorded.
To use the ATS, you need a touch-tone phone. The toll free number for the ATS is 800 842-2252. To use the Internet, go to the account access feature of the TIAA-CREF Web Center at www.tiaa-cref.org. We can suspend or terminate your ability to transact by telephone, over the Internet, or by fax at any time, for any reason.
You don’t have the right to vote on the management and operation of the Account directly; however, you may send ballots to advise the TIAA Board of Overseers about voting for nominees for the TIAA Board of Trustees.
If you received this prospectus electronically and would like a paper copy, please call 877 518-9161 and we will send it to you. Under certain circumstances where we are legally required to deliver a prospectus to you, we cannot send you a prospectus electronically unless you’ve consented.
To lower costs and eliminate duplicate documents sent to your home, we may begin mailing only one copy of the Account’s prospectus, prospectus supplements or any other required documents to your household, even if more than one participant lives there. If you would prefer to continue receiving your own copy of any of these documents, you may call us toll-free at 877 518-9161, or write us.
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 97
Amending the Contracts: The contract may be amended by agreement of TIAA and the contractholder without the consent of any other person, provided that such change does not reduce any benefit purchased under the contract up to that time. Any endorsement or amendment of the contract, waiver of any of its provisions, or change in rate schedule will be valid only if in writing and signed by an executive officer of TIAA.
If You’re Married: If you’re married, you may be required by law or your employer’s plan to get advance written consent from your spouse before we make certain transactions for you. If you’re married at your annuity starting date, you may also be required by law or your employer’s plan to choose an income option that provides survivor annuity income to your spouse, unless he or she waives that right in writing. There are limited exceptions to the waiver requirement.
Texas Optional Retirement Program Restrictions: If you’re in the Texas Optional Retirement Program, you or your beneficiary can redeem some or all of your accumulation only if you retire, die, or leave your job in the state’s public institutions of higher education.
Assigning Your Contract: Generally, neither you nor your beneficiaries can assign your ownership of a TIAA retirement contract to anyone else.
Overpayment of Premiums: If your employer mistakenly sends more premiums on your behalf than you’re entitled to under your employer’s retirement plan or the Internal Revenue Code, we’ll refund them to your employer as long as we’re requested to do so (in writing) before you start receiving annuity income.
Any time there’s a question about premium refunds, TIAA will rely on information from your employer. If you’ve withdrawn or transferred the amounts involved from your accumulation, we won’t refund them.
Errors or Omissions: We reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions on any form, report, or statement that we send you.
Payment to an Estate, Guardian, Trustee, etc.: We reserve the right to pay in one sum the commuted value of any benefits due an estate, corporation, partnership, trustee, or other entity not a natural person. Neither TIAA nor the Account will be responsible for the conduct of any executor, trustee, guardian, or other third party to whom payment is made.
Benefits Based on Incorrect Information: If the amounts of benefits provided under a contract were based on information that is incorrect, benefits will be recalculated on the basis of the correct data. If the Account has overpaid or underpaid, appropriate adjustments will be made.
Proof of Survival: We reserve the right to require satisfactory proof that anyone named to receive benefits under a contract is living on the date payment is due. If we have not received this proof after we request it in writing, the Account will have the right to make reduced payments or to withhold payments entirely until such proof is received.
98 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
The annuity contracts are offered continuously by Services, which is registered with the SEC as a broker-dealer and a registered investment adviser and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). Teachers Personal Investors Services, Inc. (TPIS), which is also registered with the SEC and is a member of FINRA, may participate in the distribution of the contracts on a limited basis. Services and TPIS are direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of TIAA. Their addresses are at 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017-3206. No commissions are paid for distributing the contracts.
TIAA, the Real Estate Account, and the contracts are subject to regulation by the NYID as well as by the insurance regulatory authorities of certain other states and jurisdictions.
TIAA and the Real Estate Account must file with the NYID both quarterly and annual statements. The Account’s books and assets are subject to review and examination by the NYID at all times, and a full examination into the affairs of the Account is made at least every five years. In addition, a full examination of the Real Estate Account operations is usually conducted periodically by some other states.
All matters involving state law and relating to the contracts, including TIAA’s right to issue the contracts, have been passed upon by George W. Madison, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of TIAA. Dechert LLP has provided legal advice to the Account related to certain matters under the federal securities laws.
The financial statements as of December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007 included in this Prospectus have been so included in reliance on the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, given on the authority of said firm as experts in auditing and accounting.
The statutory statements of admitted assets, liabilities and capital and contingency reserves of TIAA as of December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007 included in this Prospectus have been so included in reliance on the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, given on the authority of said firm as experts in auditing and accounting.
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 99
Friedman LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, has audited the statement of revenues and certain expenses of the following properties:
| | |
| (i) | The properties comprising the Account’s joint venture with Developers Diversified Realty Corporation (“DDR”), in which the Account has an 85% equity interest and DDR has a 15% equity interest, for the year ended December 31, 2005; |
| | |
| (ii) | Printemps de l’Homme (Paris, France) for the year ended December 31, 2005; |
| | |
| (iii) | 8600 114th Avenue North, Champlin, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 2006; |
| | |
| (iv) | Seneca Industrial Park, Pembroke Park, Florida, for the year ended December 31, 2006; and |
| | |
| (v) | Preston Sherry, Dallas, Texas, for the year ended December 31, 2006. |
Aarons Grant & Habif, LLC, an independent registered public accounting firm, has audited the statement of revenues and certain expenses of the following properties:
| | |
| | |
| (i) | Camelback Center, Phoenix, Arizona, for the year ended December 31, 2005; |
| | |
| (ii) | Pacific Plaza, San Diego, California, for the year ended December 31, 2006; and |
| | |
| (iii) | Calabash I, Fontana, California and Haven Distribution Center, Rancho Cucamonga, California, for the year ended December 31, 2007. |
| | |
After reasonable inquiry, the Account is not aware of any material factors relating to the specific properties audited by either of Friedman LLP or Aarons Grant & Habif, LLC, other than as specifically set forth elsewhere in this prospectus that would cause the reported financial information indicated in such financial statements not to be necessarily indicative of future operating results.
We have included these financial statements in the prospectus and elsewhere in the registration statement in reliance on the auditing firms’ respective reports, given on the authority of such firms as experts in accounting and auditing.
100 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
The Account has filed with the SEC a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, which contains this prospectus and additional information related to the offering described in this prospectus. The Account also files annual, quarterly, and current reports, along with other information, with the SEC, as required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You may read and copy the full registration statement, and any reports and information filed with the SEC for the Account, at the SEC’s public reference room at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20549. This information can also be obtained through the SEC’s website on the Internet (www.sec.gov). The public may obtain information on the operation of the SEC’s public reference room by calling the SEC at 800 SEC-0330.
TIAA will mail to each participant in the Real Estate Account periodic reports providing information relating to their accumulations in the Account, including premiums paid, number and value of accumulations, and withdrawals or transfers during the period, as well as such other information as may be required by applicable law or regulations. Further information may be obtained from TIAA at 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017-3206.
Customer complaints may be directed to our Participant Relations Unit, P. O. Box 1259, Charlotte, NC 28201-1259, telephone 800 842-2776.
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 101
The financial statements of the TIAA Real Estate Account, financial statements of certain properties purchased by the Account and condensed unaudited statutory-basis financial statements of TIAA follow within this prospectus. The full audited statutory-basis financial statements of TIAA, which are incorporated into this prospectus by reference, are available upon request by calling 877 518-9161.
The financial statements of TIAA should be distinguished from the financial statements of the Account and should be considered only as bearing on the ability of TIAA to meet its obligations under the contracts. They should not be considered as bearing upon the assets held in the Account.
102 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
Audited Financial Statements: |
TIAA Real Estate Account |
104 | Report of Management Responsibility |
105 | Report of the Audit Committee |
| |
Audited Financial Statements: |
107 | Statements of Assets and Liabilities |
108 | Statements of Operations |
109 | Statements of Changes in Net Assets |
110 | Statements of Cash Flows |
111 | Notes to Financial Statements |
123 | Statements of Investments |
142 | Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm |
| |
Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements (Unaudited): |
143 | Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Assets and Liabilities |
143 | Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Operations |
144 | Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements |
| |
Property Financial Statements: |
146 | Joint Venture with Developers Diversified Realty Corporation |
150 | Printemps de l’Homme (Paris, France) |
153 | 8600 114th Avenue North, Champlin, Minnesota |
156 | Seneca Industrial Park, Pembroke Park, Florida |
159 | Preston Sherry, Dallas, Texas |
162 | Camelback Center, Phoenix, Arizona |
165 | Pacific Plaza, San Diego, California |
168 | Calabash I, Fontana, California and Haven Distribution Center, Rancho Cucamonga, California |
| |
171 | Condensed Statutory-Basis Financial Statements Information |
172 | Basis of Presentation |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus103
To the Participants of the TIAA Real Estate Account:
The accompanying financial statements of the TIAA Real Estate Account (“Account”) of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA”) are the responsibility of TIAA’s management. They have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and have been presented fairly and objectively in accordance with such principles.
TIAA has established and maintains an effective system of internal controls over financial reporting designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are properly safeguarded, that transactions are properly executed in accordance with management’s authorization, and to carry out the ongoing responsibilities of management for reliable financial statements. In addition, TIAA’s internal audit personnel provide regular reviews and assessments of the internal controls and operations of the Account, and the Senior Vice President of Internal Audit regularly reports to the Audit Committee of the TIAA Board of Trustees.
The independent registered public accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has audited the accompanying financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005. To maintain auditor independence and avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, it continues to be the Account’s policy (consistent with TIAA’s specific auditor independence policies, which are designed to avoid such conflicts) that any management advisory or consulting services would be obtained from a firm other than the independent accounting firm. The independent auditors’ report expresses an independent opinion of the fairness of presentation of the Account’s financial statements.
The Audit Committee of the TIAA Board of Trustees, comprised entirely of independent, non-management trustees, meets regularly with management, representatives of the independent registered public accounting firm and internal audit personnel to review matters relating to financial reporting, internal controls and auditing. In addition to the annual independent audit of the Account’s financial statements, the New York State Insurance Department and other state insurance departments regularly examine the operations and financial statements of the Account as part of their periodic corporate examinations.
March 20, 2008
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| 
| |
Herbert M. Allison, Jr. | Georganne C. Proctor |
Chairman, President and | Executive Vice President and |
Chief Executive Officer | Chief Financial Officer |
104 Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
To the Participants of the TIAA Real Estate Account:
The TIAA Audit Committee (“Committee”) oversees the financial reporting process of the TIAA Real Estate Account (“Account”) on behalf of TIAA’s Board of Trustees. The Committee operates in accordance with a formal written charter (copies of which are available upon request) which describes the Audit Committee’s responsibilities. All members of the Committee are independent, as defined under the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange.
Management has the primary responsibility for the Account’s financial statements, development and maintenance of a strong system of internal controls and disclosure controls, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Committee reviewed and approved the audit plans of the internal audit group and the independent registered public accounting firm in connection with their respective audits of the Account. The Committee also meets regularly with the internal audit group and the independent registered public accounting firm, both with and without management present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluation of internal controls, and the overall quality of financial reporting. As required by its charter, the Committee will evaluate rotation of the independent registered public accounting firm whenever circumstances warrant, but in no event will the evaluation be later than between their fifth and tenth years of service.
The Committee reviewed and discussed the accompanying audited financial statements with management, including a discussion of the quality and appropriateness of the accounting principles and financial reporting practices followed, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the clarity and completeness of disclosures in the financial statements. The Committee has also discussed the audited financial statements with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent registered public accounting firm responsible for expressing an opinion on the conformity of these audited financial statements with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
The discussion with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP focused on their judgments concerning the quality and appropriateness of the accounting principles and financial reporting practices followed by the Account, the clarity and completeness of the financial statements and related disclosures, and other significant matters, such as any significant changes in accounting policies, internal controls, management judgments and estimates, and the nature of any uncertainties or unusual transactions. In addition, the Committee discussed with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP the auditors’ independence from management and the Account, and has received a written disclosure regarding such independence, as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus105
Based on the review and discussions referred to above, the Committee has approved the release of the accompanying audited financial statements for publication and filing with appropriate regulatory authorities.
Rosalie J. Wolf, Audit Committee Chair
Glenn A. Britt, Audit Committee Member
Donald K. Peterson, Audit Committee Member
David L. Shedlarz, Audit Committee Member
March 20, 2008
106 Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
December 31, | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| | | | | | | |
ASSETS | | | | | | | |
Investments, at value: | | | | | | | |
Real estate properties (cost: $9,804,488,802 and $9,462,471,032) | | $ | 11,983,715,574 | | $ | 10,743,487,689 | |
Real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships (cost: $2,260,919,575 and $1,413,322,924) | | | 3,158,870,373 | | | 1,948,028,002 | |
Marketable securities: | | | | | | | |
Real estate-related (cost: $439,154,248 and $569,326,795) | | | 426,630,212 | | | 704,922,323 | |
Other (cost: $3,371,895,300 and $2,038,681,194) | | | 3,371,865,684 | | | 2,038,938,210 | |
Mortgage loans receivable (cost: $75,000,000 and $75,000,000) | | | 72,519,684 | | | 74,660,626 | |
Total investments (cost: $15,951,457,925 and $13,558,801,945) | | | 19,013,601,527 | | | 15,510,036,850 | |
Cash | | | 6,143,945 | | | 3,585,145 | |
Due from investment advisor | | | 11,195,734 | | | 8,461,793 | |
Other | �� | | 201,826,038 | | | 237,877,545 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | | | 19,232,767,244 | | | 15,759,961,333 | |
| | | | | | | |
LIABILITIES | | | | | | | |
Mortgage loans payable—Note 5 (principal outstanding: $1,427,857,443 and $1,415,032,586) | | | 1,392,092,982 | | | 1,437,149,148 | |
Payable for securities transactions | | | 866,209 | | | 1,219,323 | |
Accrued real estate property level expenses | | | 154,638,976 | | | 169,657,402 | |
Security deposits held | | | 24,632,278 | | | 19,242,948 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | | | 1,572,230,445 | | | 1,627,268,821 | |
| | | | | | | |
NET ASSETS | | | | | | | |
Accumulation Fund | | | 17,160,703,167 | | | 13,722,700,176 | |
Annuity Fund | | | 499,833,632 | | | 409,992,336 | |
TOTAL NET ASSETS | | $ | 17,660,536,799 | | $ | 14,132,692,512 | |
NUMBER OF ACCUMULATION UNITS OUTSTANDING—Notes 6 and 7 | | | 55,105,718 | | | 50,146,354 | |
NET ASSET VALUE, PER ACCUMULATION UNIT—Note 6 | | $ | 311.41 | | $ | 273.65 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus107
| | | | | | | | | | |
Years Ended December 31, | | | 2007 | | | 2006 | | | 2005 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
INVESTMENT INCOME | | | | | | | | | | |
Real estate income, net: | | | | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 987,434,298 | | $ | 834,455,788 | | $ | 618,633,580 | |
Real estate property level expenses and taxes: | | | | | | | | | | |
Operating expenses | | | 247,473,125 | | | 207,452,982 | | | 150,501,136 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 126,925,585 | | | 110,059,852 | | | 88,014,264 | |
Interest expense | | | 83,622,829 | | | 72,160,111 | | | 40,028,630 | |
Total real estate property level expenses and taxes | | | 458,021,539 | | | 389,672,945 | | | 278,544,030 | |
Real estate income, net | | | 529,412,759 | | | 444,782,843 | | | 340,089,550 | |
Income from real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships | | | 93,724,569 | | | 60,788,998 | | | 71,826,443 | |
Interest | | | 129,473,616 | | | 118,621,441 | | | 54,114,448 | |
Dividends | | | 12,439,637 | | | 16,785,769 | | | 16,884,764 | |
TOTAL INCOME | | | 765,050,581 | | | 640,979,051 | | | 482,915,205 | |
EXPENSES—NOTE 2: | | | | | | | | | | |
Investment advisory charges | | | 49,239,366 | | | 26,899,307 | | | 19,603,225 | |
Administrative and distribution charges | | | 63,593,008 | | | 45,712,473 | | | 27,130,406 | |
Mortality and expense risk charges | | | 8,052,314 | | | 6,931,833 | | | 6,196,549 | |
Liquidity guarantee charges | | | 19,409,759 | | | 3,905,051 | | | 3,170,017 | |
TOTAL EXPENSES | | | 140,294,447 | | | 83,448,664 | | | 56,100,197 | |
INVESTMENT INCOME—NET | | | 624,756,134 | | | 557,530,387 | | | 426,815,008 | |
Net realized gain (loss) on: | | | | | | | | | | |
Real estate properties | | | 127,834,921 | | | 76,137,064 | | | 76,164,380 | |
Real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships | | | 70,765,537 | | | — | | | 8,599,762 | |
Marketable securities | | | 47,179,736 | | | 10,257,108 | | | 36,871,417 | |
Total realized gain on investments | | | 245,780,194 | | | 86,394,172 | | | 121,635,559 | |
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on: | | | | | | | | | | |
Real estate properties | | | 898,172,653 | | | 659,370,445 | | | 534,569,631 | |
Real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships | | | 391,332,636 | | | 217,360,271 | | | 167,019,921 | |
Marketable securities | | | (148,659,083 | ) | | 120,453,638 | | | (28,100,691 | ) |
Mortgage loan receivable | | | (2,140,942 | ) | | (339,374 | ) | | — | |
Mortgage loans payable | | | 53,949,280 | | | (26,568,857 | ) | | (29,154,148 | ) |
Net change in unrealized appreciation on investments and mortgage loans payable | | | 1,192,654,544 | | | 970,276,123 | | | 644,334,713 | |
NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN ON INVESTMENTS AND MORTGAGE LOANS PAYABLE | | | 1,438,434,738 | | | 1,056,670,295 | | | 765,970,272 | |
NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS | | $ | 2,063,190,872 | | $ | 1,614,200,682 | | $ | 1,192,785,280 | |
108 Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | | | | |
Years Ended December 31, | | | 2007 | | | 2006 | | | 2005 | |
FROM OPERATIONS | | | | | | | | | | |
Investment income, net | | $ | 624,756,134 | | $ | 557,530,387 | | $ | 426,815,008 | |
Net realized gain on investments | | | 245,780,194 | | | 86,394,172 | | | 121,635,559 | |
Net change in unrealized appreciation on investments and mortgage loans payable | | | 1,192,654,544 | | | 970,276,123 | | | 644,334,713 | |
NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS | | | 2,063,190,872 | | | 1,614,200,682 | | | 1,192,785,280 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Premiums | | | 1,186,870,080 | | | 1,085,057,614 | | | 968,189,436 | |
Net transfers from TIAA | | | 153,136,947 | | | 215,893,898 | | | 172,305,147 | |
Net transfers from CREF Accounts | | | 832,782,037 | | | 1,154,122,836 | | | 1,238,160,587 | |
Net transfers from (to) TIAA-CREF | | | | | | | | | | |
Institutional Mutual Funds | | | (51,611,660 | ) | | (15,318,887 | ) | | 24,967,250 | |
Annuity and other periodic payments | | | (95,776,359 | ) | | (65,192,000 | ) | | (44,487,142 | ) |
Withdrawals and death benefits | | | (560,747,630 | ) | | (404,782,733 | ) | | (248,759,442 | ) |
NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM PARTICIPANT TRANSACTIONS | | | 1,464,653,415 | | | 1,969,780,728 | | | 2,110,375,836 | |
NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS | | | 3,527,844,287 | | | 3,583,981,410 | | | 3,303,161,116 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
NET ASSETS | | | | | | | | | | |
Beginning of period | | | 14,132,692,512 | | | 10,548,711,102 | | | 7,245,549,986 | |
End of period | | $ | 17,660,536,799 | | $ | 14,132,692,512 | | $ | 10,548,711,102 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus109
| | | | | | | | | | |
Years Ended December 31, | | | 2007 | | | 2006 | | | 2005 | |
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations | | $ | 2,063,190,872 | | $ | 1,614,200,682 | | $ | 1,192,785,280 | |
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash used in operating activities: | | | | | | | | | | |
Purchase of real estate properties | | | (639,704,090 | ) | | (2,016,229,061 | ) | | (1,864,646,776 | ) |
Amortization of discount on debt | | | 530,626 | | | 461,761 | | | 170,352 | |
Capital improvements on real estate properties | | | (133,714,188 | ) | | (117,041,456 | ) | | (83,150,771 | ) |
Proceeds from sale of real estate properties | | | 568,120,000 | | | 387,290,000 | | | 511,500,399 | |
Net increase in other investments | | | (1,904,858,906 | ) | | (836,478,000 | ) | | (1,313,958,742 | ) |
Increase in mortgage loan receivable | | | — | | | (74,660,626 | ) | | — | |
Decrease (increase) in other assets | | | 33,317,566 | | | (47,865,701 | ) | | (80,412,203 | ) |
Decrease in amounts due to bank | | | — | | | — | | | (231,476 | ) |
Increase (decrease) in accrued real estate property level expenses and taxes | | | (15,018,427 | ) | | 23,868,125 | | | 60,829,395 | |
Increase in security deposits held | | | 5,389,330 | | | 2,812,909 | | | 2,670,715 | |
Increase (decrease) in other liabilities | | | (353,114 | ) | | 225,514 | | | (1,162,347 | ) |
Net realized gain on investments | | | (245,780,194 | ) | | (86,394,172 | ) | | (121,635,559 | ) |
Net unrealized gain on investments and mortgage loans payable | | | (1,192,654,544 | ) | | (970,276,123 | ) | | (644,334,713 | ) |
NET CASH USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES | | | (1,461,535,069 | ) | | (2,120,086,148 | ) | | (2,341,576,446 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Mortgage loan acquired | | | — | | | 153,000,000 | | | 232,585,341 | |
Principal payments on mortgage loans payable | | | (559,546 | ) | | (320,805 | ) | | (173,361 | ) |
Premiums | | | 1,186,870,080 | | | 1,085,057,614 | | | 968,189,436 | |
Net transfers from TIAA | | | 153,136,947 | | | 215,893,898 | | | 172,305,147 | |
Net transfers from CREF Accounts | | | 832,782,037 | | | 1,154,122,836 | | | 1,238,160,587 | |
Net transfers from (to) TIAA-CREF Institutional | | | | | | | | | | |
Mutual Funds | | | (51,611,660 | ) | | (15,318,887 | ) | | 24,967,250 | |
Annuity and other periodic payments | | | (95,776,359 | ) | | (65,192,000 | ) | | (44,487,142 | ) |
Withdrawals and death benefits | | | (560,747,630 | ) | | (404,782,733 | ) | | (248,759,442 | ) |
NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES | | | 1,464,093,869 | | | 2,122,459,923 | | | 2,342,787,816 | |
NET INCREASE IN CASH | | | 2,558,800 | | | 2,373,775 | | | 1,211,370 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
CASH | | | | | | | | | | |
Beginning of period | | | 3,585,145 | | | 1,211,370 | | | — | |
End of period | | $ | 6,143,945 | | $ | 3,585,145 | | $ | 1,211,370 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURES: | | | | | | | | | | |
Cash paid for interest | | $ | 83,063,017 | | $ | 68,034,179 | | $ | 38,267,618 | |
Debt assumed in acquisition of properties | | $ | 8,922,033 | | $ | 288,950,559 | | $ | 211,400,000 | |
110Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
Note 1—Organization and Significant Accounting Policies
Business: The TIAA Real Estate Account (“Account”) is a segregated investment account of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA”) and was established by resolution of TIAA’s Board of Trustees on February 22, 1995, under the insurance laws of the State of New York, for the purpose of funding variable annuity contracts issued by TIAA. The investment objective of the Account is a favorable long-term rate of return primarily through rental income and capital appreciation from real estate investments owned by the Account. The Account holds real estate properties directly and through wholly-owned subsidiaries. The Account also holds interests in real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships in which the Account does not hold a controlling interest; as such, they are not consolidated for financial statement purposes. The Account also invests in mortgage loans receivable collateralized by commercial real estate properties. The Account also invests in publicly-traded securities and other instruments to maintain adequate liquidity for operating expenses, capital expenditures and benefit payments.
The financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America which may require the use of estimates made by management. Actual results may vary from those estimates. The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies of the Account.
Basis of Presentation: The accompanying financial statements include the Account and those subsidiaries wholly-owned by TIAA for the benefit of the Account. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.
Reclassifications: During 2007, the Account determined that its pro rata share of 2006 undistributed earnings from joint venture investments totaling approximately $24 million was reported as income from real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships for the year ended December 31, 2006 when the Account should have reported this amount as unrealized appreciation on real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships. Accordingly, the Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2006 has been adjusted to reflect a reclassification of these undistributed earnings to unrealized appreciation on real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships equal to this amount. There is no impact to the Account’s total assets, total net assets or net asset value per accumulation unit for the periods presented as a result of this reclassification.
Certain other prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current presentation. These reclassifications did not affect the total assets, total net assets or net increase in net assets previously reported.
Valuation of Real Estate Properties: Investments in real estate properties are stated at fair value, as determined in accordance with procedures approved by
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus111
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the Investment Committee of the TIAA Board of Trustees and in accordance with the responsibilities of the Board as a whole; accordingly, the Account does not record depreciation. Fair value for real estate properties is defined as the most probable price for which a property will sell in a competitive market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale. Determination of fair value involves judgment because the actual market value of real estate can be determined only by negotiation between the parties in a sales transaction. Real estate properties owned by the Account are initially valued at their respective purchase prices (including acquisition costs). Subsequently, the properties are valued on a quarterly cycle with an independent appraisal value completed for each real estate property at least once a year. An independent fiduciary, Real Estate Research Corporation, has been appointed by a special subcommittee of TIAA’s Board of Trustees. The independent fiduciary must approve all independent appraisers used by the Account. TIAA’s appraisal staff performs the other quarterly valuations for each real estate property and updates the property value as appropriate. The appraisals are performed in accordance with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP), the real estate appraisal industry standards created by The Appraisal Foundation. Real estate appraisals are estimates of property values based on a professional’s opinion. The independent fiduciary can also require additional appraisals if a property’s value has changed materially and such change is not reflected in the quarterly valuation review, or otherwise to ensure that the Account is valued appropriately. The independent fiduciary must also approve any valuation change where a property’s value changed by more than 6% from the most recent independent annual appraisal, or if the value of the Account would change by more than 4% within any calendar quarter or more than 2% since the prior month. When a real estate property is subject to a mortgage, the mortgage is valued independently of the property and its fair value is reported separately. The independent fiduciary reviews and approves mortgage valuation adjustments which exceed certain prescribed limits before such adjustments are recorded by the Account. The Account continues to use the revised value for each real estate property and mortgage loan payable to calculate the Account’s daily net asset value until the next valuation review or appraisal.
Valuation of Real Estate Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships: Real estate joint ventures and certain limited partnerships are stated at the Account’s equity in the net assets of the underlying entities, and for the joint ventures, are adjusted to value their real estate holdings and mortgage notes payable at fair value. Upon the disposition of all real estate investments by an investee entity, the Account will continue to state its equity in the remaining net assets of the investee entity during the wind down period, if any, that occurs prior to the dissolution of the investee entity.
112 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
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Valuation of Marketable Securities: Equity securities listed or traded on any national market or exchange are valued at the last sale price as of the close of the principal securities exchange on which such securities are traded or, if there is no sale, at the mean of the last bid and asked prices on such exchange.
Debt securities, other than money market instruments, are valued at the most recent bid price or the equivalent quoted yield for such securities (or those of comparable maturity, quality and type). Money market instruments, with maturities of one year or less, are valued in the same manner as debt securities or derived from a pricing matrix that has various types of money market instruments along one axis and various maturities along the other. Portfolio securities and certain limited partnership interests for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith under the direction of the Investment Committee of the TIAA Board of Trustees and in accordance with the responsibilities of the Board as a whole.
Mortgage Loans Receivable: Mortgage loans receivable are initially valued at the face amount of the mortgage loan funding as representive of fair value. Subsequently, mortgage loans receivable are valued quarterly based on market factors, such as market interest rates and spreads for comparable loans, and the performance of the underlying collateral.
Mortgage Loans Payable: Mortgage loans payable are stated at fair value. Estimated market values of mortgage loans payable are based on the amount at which the liability could be settled (either transferred or paid back) in a current transaction exclusive of direct transaction costs. Different assumptions or changes in future market conditions could significantly affect estimated market value. At times, the Account may assume debt in connection with the purchase of real estate. For debt assumed, the Account allocates a portion of the purchase price to the below- or above-market debt and amortizes the premium or discount over the remaining life of the debt.
Foreign currency transactions and translation: Portfolio investments and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates prevailing at the end of the period. Purchases and sales of securities, income receipts and expense payments made in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates prevailing on the respective dates of the transactions. The effect of any changes in foreign currency exchange rates on portfolio investments and mortgage loans payable is included in the net realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments and mortgage loans payable. Net realized gains and losses on foreign currency transactions include maturities of forward foreign currency contracts, disposition of foreign currencies, and currency gains and losses between the accrual and receipt dates of portfolio investment income and between the trade and settlement dates of portfolio investment transactions.
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Accumulation and Annuity Funds: The Accumulation Fund represents the net assets attributable to participants in the accumulation phase of their investment. The Annuity Fund represents the net assets attributable to the participants currently receiving annuity payments. The net increase or decrease in net assets from investment operations is apportioned between the accounts based upon their relative daily net asset values. Once an Account participant begins receiving lifetime annuity income benefits, monthly payment levels cannot be reduced as a result of the Account’s adverse mortality experience. In addition, the contracts are required to stipulate the maximum expense charge that can be assessed, which is equal to 2.50% of average net assets per year. The Account pays a fee to TIAA to assume these mortality and expense risks.
Accounting for Investments: Real estate transactions are accounted for as of the date on which the purchase or sale transactions for the real estate properties close (settlement date). The Account recognizes a gain on the sale of a real estate property to the extent that the contract sales price exceeds the cost-to-date of the property being sold. A loss occurs when the cost-to-date exceeds the sales price. Any accumulated unrealized gains and losses are reversed in the calculation of realized gains and losses.
Rent from real estate properties consists of all amounts earned under tenant operating leases, including base rent, recoveries of real estate taxes and other expenses and charges for miscellaneous services provided to tenants. Rental income is recognized in accordance with the billing terms of the lease agreements. The Account bears the direct expenses of the real estate properties owned. These expenses include, but are not limited to, fees to local property management companies, property taxes, utilities, maintenance, repairs, insurance, and other operating and administrative costs. An estimate of the net operating income earned from each real estate property is accrued by the Account on a daily basis and such estimates are adjusted when actual operating results are determined.
The Account has limited ownership interests in various real estate funds (limited partnerships and one limited liability corporation) and a private real estate investment trust (“REIT”) (collectively, the “limited partnerships”). The Account records its contributions as increases to the investments, and distributions from the investments are treated as either income or return of capital, as determined by the management of the limited partnerships. Unrealized gains and losses are calculated and recorded when the financial statements of the limited partnerships are received by the Account.
Income from real estate joint ventures is recorded based on the Account’s proportional interest of the income distributed by the joint venture. Income earned by the joint venture, but not yet distributed to the Account by the joint venture investment, is recorded as unrealized gains and losses on real estate joint ventures.
114 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
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Transactions in marketable securities are accounted for as of the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date). Interest income is recorded as earned and includes accrual of discount and amortization of premium as applicable. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon as the Account is informed of the dividend. Realized gains and losses on securities transactions are accounted for on the specific identification method.
Federal Income Taxes: Based on provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 817, the Account is taxed as a segregated asset account of TIAA and as such, the Account should incur no material federal income tax attributable to the net investment activity of the Account.
Note 2—Management Agreements and Arrangements
Investment advisory services for the Account are provided by TIAA employees, under the direction of TIAA’s Board of Trustees and its Investment Committee, pursuant to investment management procedures adopted by TIAA for the Account. TIAA’s investment management decisions for the Account are subject to review by the Account’s independent fiduciary. TIAA also provides all portfolio accounting and related services for the Account.
Through December 31, 2007, administrative and distribution services for the Account are provided by TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC (“Services”) pursuant to a Distribution and Administrative Services Agreement with the Account. Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TIAA, is a registered broker-dealer and a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
TIAA and Services provide their services at cost. TIAA and Services receive payments from the Account on a daily basis according to formulas established each year with the objective of keeping the payments as close as possible to the Account’s expenses actually incurred. Any differences between actual expenses and the amounts paid by the Account are adjusted quarterly.
TIAA also provides a liquidity guarantee to the Account, for a fee, to ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet participant transfer and cash withdrawal requests in the event that the Account’s cash flows and liquid investments are insufficient to fund such requests. TIAA would fund any such transfer and withdrawal requests by purchasing accumulation units in the Account. TIAA also receives a fee for assuming certain mortality and expense risks.
The expenses for the services noted above that are provided to the Account by TIAA and Services are identified in the accompanying Statements of Operations and are reflected in the Condensed Financial Information disclosed in Note 6.
Effective January 1, 2008, the Account entered into a Distribution Agreement for the Contracts Funded by the TIAA Real Estate Account (the “New Distribution Agreement”), dated as of January 1, 2008, by and among TIAA, for itself and on behalf of the Account, and Services.
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Pursuant to the New Distribution Agreement, distribution services for the Account, which include, among other things, (i) distribution of annuity contracts issued by TIAA and funded by the Account, (ii) advising existing annuity contract owners in connection with their accumulations, and (iii) providing assistance in designing, installing and providing administrative services for contract owners or institutions, will be performed by Services. The New Distribution Agreement is terminable by either party upon 60 days written notice and terminates automatically upon any assignment thereof.
Effective January 1, 2008, the administrative functions previously performed for the Account by Services, which include, among other things, (i) computing the Account’s daily unit value, (ii) maintaining accounting records and performing accounting services, (iii) receiving and allocating premiums, (iv) calculating and making annuity payments, (v) processing withdrawal requests, (vi) providing regulatory compliance and reporting services, (vii) maintaining the Account’s records of contract ownership, and (viii) otherwise assisting generally in all aspects of the Account’s operations, will be performed by TIAA.
Both distribution services (pursuant to the New Distribution Agreement) and administrative services will continue to be provided to the Account by Services and TIAA, as applicable, on an at cost basis.
Note 3—Leases
The Account’s real estate properties are leased to tenants under operating lease agreements which expire on various dates through 2058. Aggregate minimum annual rentals for the properties owned, excluding short-term residential and storage facility leases, are as follows:
| | | | |
Years Ending December 31, | | | | |
2008 | | $ | 975,895,973 | |
2009 | | | 906,194,738 | |
2010 | | | 797,243,797 | |
2011 | | | 659,462,763 | |
2012 | | | 549,590,444 | |
2013–2058 | | | 1,934,542,421 | |
Total | | $ | 5,822,930,136 | |
Certain leases provide for additional rental amounts based upon the recovery of actual operating expenses in excess of specified base amounts.
116 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
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Note 4—Investment in Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships
The Account owns interests in several real estate properties through joint ventures and receives distributions and allocations of profits and losses from the joint ventures based on the Account’s ownership interest percentages. Several of these joint ventures have mortgage notes payable on the properties owned. At December 31, 2007, the Account held 12 joint venture investments with non-controlling ownership interest percentages that ranged from 50% to 85%. The Account’s allocated portion of the mortgage notes payable was $1,991,782,600 and $472,167,225 at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively. The Account’s equity in the joint ventures at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 was $2,827,508,939 and $1,668,744,951, respectively. A condensed summary of the financial position and results of operations of the joint ventures is shown below.
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | December 31, 2007 | | December 31, 2006 | |
Assets | | | | | | | | | | |
Real estate properties, at value | | | | | $ | 7,001,687,137 | | $ | 3,650,902,513 | |
Other assets | | | | | | 99,798,401 | | | 63,839,503 | |
Total assets | | | | | $ | 7,101,485,538 | | $ | 3,714,742,016 | |
Liabilities and Equity | | | | | | | | | | |
Mortgage loans payable, at value | | | | | $ | 2,707,160,513 | | $ | 875,560,195 | |
Other liabilities | | | | | | 64,738,173 | | | 47,949,271 | |
Total liabilities | | | | | | 2,771,898,686 | | | 923,509,466 | |
Equity | | | | | | 4,329,586,852 | | | 2,791,232,550 | |
Total liabilities and equity | | | | | $ | 7,101,485,538 | | $ | 3,714,742,016 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31, 2007 | | Year Ended December 31, 2006 | | Year Ended December 31, 2005 | |
Operating Revenues and Expenses | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenues | | $ | 534,468,876 | | $ | 299,078,956 | | $ | 270,519,206 | |
Expenses | | | 315,076,922 | | | 157,806,671 | | | 142,782,169 | |
Excess of revenues over expenses | | $ | 219,391,954 | | $ | 141,272,285 | | $ | 127,737,037 | |
The Account invests in limited partnerships that own real estate properties and receives distributions from the limited partnerships based on the Account’s non-controlling ownership interest percentages. At December 31, 2007, the Account held five limited partnership investments with non-controlling ownership interest percentages that ranged from 5.27% to 18.45%. The Account’s investment in limited partnerships was $331,361,434 and $279,283,051 at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively.
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Note 5—Mortgage Loans Payable
At December 31, 2007, the Account had outstanding mortgage loans payable on the following properties:
| | | | | | | |
Property | | Interest Rate Percentage and Payment Frequency | | Amount December 31, 2007 | | Due |
50 Fremont | | 6.40 paid monthly | | $ | 135,000,000 | | August 21, 2013 |
Ontario Industrial Portfolio(a,b) | | 7.42 paid monthly | | | 8,917,619 | | May 1, 2011 |
Fourth & Madison | | 6.40 paid monthly | | | 145,000,000 | | August 21, 2013 |
1001 Pennsylvania Ave | | 6.40 paid monthly | | | 210,000,000 | | August 21, 2013 |
99 High Street | | 5.52 paid monthly | | | 185,000,000 | | November 11, 2015 |
Reserve at Sugarloaf(a) | | 5.49 paid monthly | | | 25,891,337 | | June 1, 2013 |
1 & 7 Westferry Circus | | 5.40 paid quarterly | (c) | | 267,188,869 | | November 15, 2012 |
Lincoln Centre | | 5.51 paid monthly | | | 153,000,000 | | February 1, 2016 |
Wilshire Rodeo Plaza(b) | | 5.28 paid monthly | | | 112,700,000 | | April 11, 2014 |
1401 H Street(b) | | 5.97 paid monthly | | | 115,000,000 | | December 7, 2014 |
South Frisco Village(b) | | 5.85 paid monthly | | | 26,250,559 | | June 1, 2013 |
Pacific Plaza(a) | | 5.55 paid monthly | | | 8,909,059 | | September 1, 2013 |
Publix at Weston Commons(b) | | 5.08 paid monthly | | | 35,000,000 | | January 1, 2036 |
Total principal outstanding | | | | | 1,427,857,443 | | |
Unamortized discount | | | | | (4,746,752 | ) | |
Amortized principal | | | | | 1,423,110,691 | | |
Fair value adjustment | | | | | 3,585,820 | | |
Cumulative foreign currency translation | | | | | (34,603,529 | ) | |
Total mortgage loans payable | | | | $ | 1,392,092,982 | | |
| |
(a) | The mortgage is adjusted monthly for principal payments. |
| |
(b) | The mortgage was acquired at a discount which is amortized monthly. |
| |
(c) | The mortgage is denominated in British pounds and the principal has been converted to U.S. dollars using the exchange rate as of December 31, 2007. The quarterly payments are interest only, with a balloon payment at maturity. The interest rate is fixed. |
Principal on mortgage loans payable is due as follows:
| | | | |
| | Amount | |
2008 | | $ | 736,371 | |
2009 | | | 788,911 | |
2010 | | | 2,161,722 | |
2011 | | | 10,241,993 | |
2012 | | | 269,313,872 | |
Thereafter | | | 1,144,614,574 | |
Total maturities | | $ | 1,427,857,443 | |
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Note 6—Condensed Financial Information
Selected condensed financial information for an Accumulation Unit of the Account is presented below.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Years Ended December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | | 2004 | | 2003 | |
| |
PER ACCUMULATION UNIT DATA: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 17.975 | | $ | 16.717 | | $ | 15.604 | | $ | 13.422 | | $ | 15.584 | |
Real estate property level expenses and taxes | | | 8.338 | | | 7.807 | | | 7.026 | | | 5.331 | | | 5.890 | |
| |
Real estate income, net | | | 9.637 | | | 8.910 | | | 8.578 | | | 8.091 | | | 9.694 | |
Other income | | | 4.289 | | | 3.931 | | | 3.602 | | | 3.341 | | | 2.218 | |
| |
Total income | | | 13.926 | | | 12.841 | | | 12.180 | | | 11.432 | | | 11.912 | |
Expense charges(1) | | | 2.554 | | | 1.671 | | | 1.415 | | | 1.241 | | | 1.365 | |
| |
Investment income, net | | | 11.372 | | | 11.170 | | | 10.765 | | | 10.191 | | | 10.547 | |
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments and mortgage loans payable | | | 26.389 | | | 22.530 | | | 18.744 | | | 13.314 | | | 2.492 | |
| |
Net increase in Accumulation Unit Value | | | 37.761 | | | 33.700 | | | 29.509 | | | 23.505 | | | 13.039 | |
Accumulation Unit Value: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Beginning of year | | | 273.653 | | | 239.953 | | | 210.444 | | | 186.939 | | | 173.900 | |
| |
End of year | | $ | 311.414 | | $ | 273.653 | | $ | 239.953 | | $ | 210.444 | | $ | 186.939 | |
| |
TOTAL RETURN | | | 13.80 | % | | 14.04 | % | | 14.02 | % | | 12.57 | % | | 7.50 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
RATIOS TO AVERAGE NET ASSETS: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Expenses(1) | | | 0.87 | % | | 0.67 | % | | 0.63 | % | | 0.63 | % | | 0.76 | % |
Investment income, net | | | 3.88 | % | | 4.49 | % | | 4.82 | % | | 5.17 | % | | 5.87 | % |
Portfolio turnover rate: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Real estate properties | | | 5.59 | % | | 3.62 | % | | 6.72 | % | | 2.32 | % | | 5.12 | % |
Marketable securities | | | 13.03 | % | | 51.05 | % | | 77.63 | % | | 143.47 | % | | 71.83 | % |
Accumulation Units outstanding at end of year (in thousands) | | | 55,105 | | | 50,146 | | | 42,623 | | | 33,338 | | | 24,724 | |
Net assets end of year (in thousands) | | $ | 17,660,537 | | $ | 14,132,693 | | $ | 10,548,711 | | $ | 7,245,550 | | $ | 4,793,422 | |
| |
| |
(1) | Expense charges per Accumulation Unit and the Ratio of Expenses to Average Net Assets reflect Account-level expenses and exclude real estate property level expenses which are included in net real estate income. If the real estate property level expenses were included, the expense charge per Accumulation Unit for the year ended December 31, 2007 would be $10.892 ($9.478, $8.441, $6.572, and $7.255 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005, 2004, and 2003, respectively), and the Ratio of Expenses to Average Net Assets for the year ended December 31, 2007 would be 3.71% (3.81%, 3.78%, 3.33%, and 4.04% for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2005, 2004, and 2003, respectively). |
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Note 7—Accumulation Units
Changes in the number of Accumulation Units outstanding were as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Years Ended December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
Credited for premiums | | | 3,795,126 | | | 4,056,196 | | | 4,335,121 | |
Net units credited for transfers, net disbursements and amounts applied to the Annuity Fund | | | 1,164,238 | | | 3,466,667 | | | 4,950,773 | |
Outstanding: | | | | | | | | | | |
Beginning of year | | | 50,146,354 | | | 42,623,491 | | | 33,337,597 | |
| |
End of year | | | 55,105,718 | | | 50,146,354 | | | 42,623,491 | |
| |
Note 8—Commitments and Subsequent Events
During the normal course of business, the Account enters into discussions and agreements to purchase or sell real estate properties. As of December 31, 2007, the Account had an outstanding commitment to purchase a leasehold interest in approximately 40,000 square feet of retail space located in an apartment property owned by the Account in New York and has subsequently purchased for approximately $42.7 million.
As of December 31, 2007, the Account entered into a commitment to purchase an interest in a limited partnership in the amount of $50 million. Together with the Account’s outstanding commitments to purchase interests in five other limited partnerships and to purchase shares in a private real estate equity investment trust, as of December 31, 2007, $87.6 million remains to be funded under these commitments.
The Account is party to various other claims and routine litigation arising in the ordinary course of business. Management of the Account does not believe that the results of any such claims or litigation, individually, or in the aggregate, will have a material effect on the Account’s business, financial position, or results of operations.
Effective March 3, 2008, the Account has entered into an agreement with State Street Bank and Trust Company (“State Street”) to serve as the Account’s service provider to perform certain custodial functions, as well as investment accounting, recordkeeping, and valuation functions relating to portfolio transactions in securities made through the Account, and to provide other data and information as described in the agreement.
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Note 9—New Accounting Pronouncements
In June 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued FASB Interpretation (“FIN”) 48, an interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes.” FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements and is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2006. The adoption of FIN 48 did not have a significant impact on the Account’s financial position and results of operations.
In September 2006, FASB issued Statement No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements.” This Statement defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, and requires additional disclosures about fair value measurements. This Statement does not require any new fair value measurements, but the application of this Statement could change current practices in determining fair value. This Statement is effective January 1, 2008 for the Account. The Account has assessed the impact of Statement No. 157 and determined that it will not significantly change the Account’s financial position and results of operations at the effective date.
In February 2007, FASB issued Statement No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities.” This Statement permits entities to choose to measure financial instruments and certain other items at fair value and is expected to expand the use of fair value measurement when warranted. The Account effectively adopted Statement 159 on January 1, 2008 and plans to report all existing and future Mortgage Loans Payable at fair value using this Statement. Historically, the Account recorded Mortgage Loans Payable at fair value. The Account has assessed the impact of Statement 159 in comparison to historical reporting and determined that it will not significantly change the Account’s financial position and results of operations.
In June 2007, the Accounting Standards Executive Committee (“ACSEC”) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”) issued Statement of Position (SOP) 07-1, Clarification of the Scope of the Audit and Accounting Guide Investment Companies and Accounting by Parent Companies and Equity Method Investors for Investments in Investment Companies. The SOP clarifies which entities are required to apply the provisions of the Investment Companies Audit and Accounting Guide (“Guide”) and provides guidance on accounting by parent companies and equity method investors for investments in investment companies. The SOP is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 2007. In February 2008, FASB issued Staff Position (“FSP”) SOP 07-1-1 indefinitely delaying the effective date of SOP 07-1 to allow FASB time to consider significant issues related to the implementation of SOP 07-1. Management of the Account will continue to monitor FASB developments and will evaluate the financial reporting implications to the Account, as necessary.
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In December 2007, FASB issued Statement No. 141(R), “Business Combinations,” which establishes principles and requirements for how the acquirer shall recognize and measure in its financial statements the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed, any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree and goodwill acquired in a business combination or a gain from a bargain purchase. This Statement is effective for business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after December 15, 2008. The Account is currently assessing the impact that Statement No. 141(R) will have on its financial position and results of operations.
In December 2007, FASB issued Statement No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements – an Amendment of ARB No. 51,” which establishes and expands accounting and reporting standards for minority interests, which will be recharacterized as noncontrolling interests, in a subsidiary and the deconsolidation of a subsidiary. This Statement is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 2008. The Account is currently assessing the potential impact that Statement No. 160 will have on its financial position and results of operations.
122Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
| | Value |
| |
Location/Description | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES—63.04% AND 69.27% | | | | | | | |
ALABAMA: | | | | | | | |
Inverness Center—Office building | | $ | 125,521,529 | | $ | 112,256,914 | |
ARIZONA: | | | | | | | |
Camelback Center—Office building | | | 80,000,000 | | | — | |
Kierland Apartment Portfolio—Apartments | | | 170,084,494 | | | 206,100,000 | |
Mountain RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | — | | | 6,605,429 | |
Phoenix Apartment Portfolio—Apartments | | | 156,109,517 | | | 182,900,000 | |
CALIFORNIA: | | | | | | | |
3 Hutton Centre Drive—Office building | | | 64,200,000 | | | 59,011,323 | |
9 Hutton Centre—Office building | | | — | | | 29,000,000 | |
50 Fremont—Office building | | | 478,000,000 | (1) | | 421,000,000 | (1) |
88 Kearny Street—Office building | | | 123,822,200 | | | 90,310,024 | |
275 Battery—Office building | | | 271,917,498 | | | 231,000,000 | |
980 9th Street and 1010 8th Street—Office building | | | 178,000,000 | | | 168,000,000 | |
Rancho Cucamonga Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 133,000,000 | | | 109,000,000 | |
Capitol Place—Office building | | | 53,539,218 | | | 50,331,828 | |
Centerside I—Office building | | | 67,500,000 | | | 67,000,000 | |
Centre Pointe and Valley View—Industrial building | | | 34,142,741 | | | 32,385,980 | |
Eastgate Distribution Center—Industrial building | | | — | | | 25,558,962 | |
Larkspur Courts—Apartments | | | 97,000,000 | | | 93,043,346 | |
Northern CA RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 69,601,997 | | | 71,317,741 | |
Ontario Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 355,398,714 | (1) | | 298,045,226 | (1) |
Pacific Plaza—Office building | | | 127,130,076 | (1) | | — | |
Regents Court—Apartments | | | 69,000,000 | | | 67,800,000 | |
Southern CA RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 110,718,042 | | | 97,558,473 | |
The Legacy at Westwood—Apartments | | | 126,579,694 | | | 110,231,593 | |
Wellpoint—Office building | | | 51,000,000 | | | 49,000,000 | |
Westcreek—Apartments | | | 39,189,673 | | | 35,300,000 | |
West Lake North Business Park—Office building | | | 68,621,818 | | | 61,000,000 | |
Westwood Marketplace—Shopping center | | | 96,562,192 | | | 91,467,954 | |
Wilshire Rodeo Plaza—Office building | | | 230,439,415 | (1) | | 204,084,734 | (1) |
COLORADO: | | | | | | | |
Palomino Park—Apartments | | | 194,001,036 | | | 184,000,000 | |
The Lodge at Willow Creek—Apartments | | | 43,500,000 | | | 39,501,399 | |
The Market at Southpark—Shopping center | | | 35,800,000 | | | 35,800,000 | |
CONNECTICUT: | | | | | | | |
Ten & Twenty Westport Road—Office building | | | 183,006,040 | | | 175,000,000 | |
DELAWARE: | | | | | | | |
Mideast RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | — | | | 16,014,758 | |
FLORIDA: | | | | | | | |
701 Brickell—Office building | | | 275,941,582 | | | 231,239,379 | |
4200 West Cypress Street—Office building | | | 48,043,650 | | | 43,100,425 | |
Plantation Grove—Shopping center | | | 15,400,000 | | | 15,010,406 | |
Pointe on Tampa Bay—Office building | | | 60,971,897 | | | 50,573,824 | |
Publix at Weston Commons—Shopping center | | | 55,200,000 | (1) | | 54,411,436 | (1) |
Quiet Waters at Coquina Lakes—Apartments | | | 26,204,860 | | | 24,006,100 | |
Royal St. George—Apartments | | | 27,000,000 | | | 25,000,000 | |
Sawgrass Office Portfolio—Office building | | | — | | | 72,000,000 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 123
| |
| | | | | | | |
| | Value |
| |
Location/Description | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
Seneca Industrial Park—Industrial building | | $ | 122,334,422 | | $ | — | |
South Florida Apartment Portfolio—Apartments | | | 68,248,605 | | | 65,099,785 | |
Suncrest Village—Shopping center | | | 19,500,000 | | | 17,009,378 | |
The Fairways of Carolina—Apartments | | | 27,207,661 | | | 25,309,965 | |
The Greens at Metrowest—Apartments | | | — | | | 21,011,825 | |
The North 40 Office Complex—Office building | | | 67,003,544 | | | 63,500,000 | |
Urban Centre—Office building | | | 135,577,463 | | | 121,000,000 | |
FRANCE: | | | | | | | |
Printemps De L’Homme—Shopping center | | | 279,077,542 | | | — | |
GEORGIA: | | | | | | | |
1050 Lenox Park—Apartments | | | 85,500,000 | | | 79,470,836 | |
Atlanta Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 58,300,000 | | | 77,863,416 | |
Glenridge Walk—Apartments | | | 52,900,000 | | | 48,710,574 | |
Reserve at Sugarloaf—Apartments | | | 52,000,000 | (1) | | 49,500,000 | (1) |
Shawnee Ridge Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 76,742,231 | | | 76,117,193 | |
ILLINOIS: | | | | | | | |
Chicago Caleast Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 77,642,826 | | | 74,999,590 | |
Chicago Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 86,420,886 | | | 89,104,640 | |
East North Central RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 38,016,397 | | | 37,503,284 | |
Oak Brook Regency Towers—Office building | | | 86,891,650 | | | 83,200,000 | |
Parkview Plaza—Office building | | | 66,066,513 | | | 59,400,000 | |
KENTUCKY: | | | | | | | |
IDI Kentucky Portfolio—Industrial building | | | — | | | 66,552,034 | |
MARYLAND: | | | | | | | |
Broadlands Business Park—Industrial building | | | 35,500,000 | | | 35,002,731 | |
FEDEX Distribution Facility—Industrial building | | | 9,900,000 | | | 8,500,000 | |
GE Appliance East Coast Distribution Facility—Industrial building | | | 48,000,000 | | | 48,000,000 | |
MASSACHUSETTS: | | | | | | | |
99 High Street—Office building | | | 344,688,328 | (1) | | 291,806,564 | (1) |
Batterymarch Park II—Office building | | | — | | | 13,234,314 | |
Needham Corporate Center—Office building | | | 33,275,228 | | | 22,712,550 | |
Northeast RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 33,300,000 | | | 30,900,000 | |
The Newbry—Office building | | | 389,880,008 | | | 370,745,525 | |
MINNESOTA: | | | | | | | |
Champlin Marketplace—Shopping center | | | 18,375,000 | | | — | |
NEVADA: | | | | | | | |
UPS Distribution Facility—Industrial building | | | 15,900,000 | | | 15,000,000 | |
NEW JERSEY: | | | | | | | |
10 Waterview Boulevard—Office building | | | — | | | 32,100,000 | |
Konica Photo Imaging Headquarters—Industrial building | | | 23,500,000 | | | 23,100,000 | |
Marketfair—Shopping center | | | 95,500,000 | | | 94,058,427 | |
Morris Corporate Center III—Office building | | | 119,600,001 | | | 114,857,104 | |
NJ Caleast Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 42,225,000 | | | 41,920,988 | |
Plainsboro Plaza—Shopping center | | | 51,000,000 | | | 50,900,000 | |
South River Road Industrial—Industrial building | | | 53,400,000 | | | 60,600,000 | |
NEW YORK: | | | | | | | |
780 Third Avenue—Office building | | | 375,000,000 | | | 298,000,000 | |
The Colorado—Apartments | | | 113,033,240 | | | 100,000,000 | |
124Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| | | | | | | |
| | Value |
| |
Location/Description | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
OHIO: | | | | | | | |
Columbus Portfolio—Office building | | $ | 26,314,686 | | $ | 24,600,000 | |
PENNSYLVANIA: | | | | | | | |
Lincoln Woods—Apartments | | | 37,917,165 | | | 37,781,555 | |
TENNESSEE: | | | | | | | |
Airways Distribution Center—Industrial building | | | 24,300,000 | | | 24,857,278 | |
Memphis Caleast Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | — | | | 52,500,000 | |
Summit Distribution Center—Industrial building | | | 27,500,000 | | | 26,300,000 | |
TEXAS: | | | | | | | |
Butterfield Industrial Park—Industrial building | | | — | | | 5,100,000 | (2) |
Dallas Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 154,055,892 | | | 153,210,519 | |
Four Oaks Place—Office building | | | 419,270,107 | | | 306,200,984 | |
Houston Apartment Portfolio—Apartments | | | 296,241,497 | | | 306,042,523 | |
Lincoln Centre—Office building | | | 305,000,000 | (1) | | 270,000,000 | (1) |
Park Place on Turtle Creek—Office building | | | 48,282,785 | | | 44,573,669 | |
Pinnacle Industrial /DFW Trade Center—Industrial building | | | 46,700,000 | | | 45,874,807 | |
Preston Sherry Plaza—Office building | | | 45,500,000 | | | — | |
South Frisco Village—Shopping center | | | 48,500,000 | (1) | | 47,014,065 | (1) |
The Caruth—Apartments | | | 65,427,458 | | | 60,007,237 | |
The Legends at Chase Oaks—Apartments | | | — | | | 29,025,236 | |
The Maroneal—Apartments | | | 40,033,822 | | | 39,113,694 | |
UNITED KINGDOM: | | | | | | | |
1 & 7 Westferry Circus—Office building | | | 436,127,130 | (1) | | 428,574,628 | (1) |
UTAH: | | | | | | | |
Landmark at Salt Lake City (Building #4)—Industrial building | | | — | | | 16,509,871 | |
VIRGINIA: | | | | | | | |
8270 Greensboro Drive—Office building | | | 63,500,000 | | | 62,000,000 | |
Ashford Meadows—Apartments | | | 94,059,776 | | | 89,091,341 | |
Monument Place—Office building | | | — | | | 58,600,000 | |
One Virginia Square—Office building | | | 59,538,690 | | | 53,000,000 | |
The Ellipse at Ballston—Office building | | | 92,504,000 | | | 85,439,350 | |
WASHINGTON: | | | | | | | |
Creeksides at Centerpoint—Office building | | | 42,000,000 | | | 40,508,139 | |
Fourth & Madison—Office building | | | 487,000,000 | (1) | | 398,990,017 | (1) |
Millennium Corporate Park—Office building | | | 158,000,000 | | | 139,107,181 | |
Northwest RA Industrial Portfolio—Industrial building | | | 23,401,540 | | | 20,684,499 | |
Rainier Corporate Park—Industrial building | | | 81,160,792 | | | 69,362,219 | |
Regal Logistics Campus—Industrial building | | | 71,000,000 | | | 66,000,000 | |
WASHINGTON DC: | | | | | | | |
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue—Office building | | | 640,149,632 | (1) | | 552,502,209 | (1) |
1401 H Street, NW—Office building | | | 224,576,156 | (1) | | 207,806,286 | (1) |
1900 K Street—Office building | | | 285,000,000 | | | 255,002,226 | |
Mazza Gallerie—Shopping center | | | 97,000,018 | | | 86,350,179 | |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES (Cost $9,804,488,802 and $9,462,471,032) | | | 11,983,715,574 | | | 10,743,487,689 | |
| |
| |
| |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 125
| |
| | | | | | | |
| | Value |
| |
Location/Description | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
AND 12.56% | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
REAL ESTATE JOINT VENTURES—14.87% AND 10.76% | | | | | | | |
CA—Colorado Center LP | | | | | | | |
Yahoo! Center (50% Account Interest) | | $ | 369,402,407 | (3) | $ | 187,766,625 | (3) |
CA—Treat Towers LP | | | | | | | |
Treat Towers (75% Account Interest) | | | 118,997,021 | | | 94,023,131 | |
GA—Buckhead LLC | | | | | | | |
Prominence in Buckhead (75% Account Interest) | | | 115,427,071 | | | 107,256,320 | |
Florida Mall Associates, Ltd. | | | | | | | |
The Florida Mall (50% Account Interest) | | | 296,486,153 | (3) | | 237,919,775 | (3) |
IL—161 Clark Street LLC | | | | | | | |
161 North Clark Street (75% Account Interest) | | | 3,150,995 | (4) | | 189,183,793 | |
MA—One Boston Place REIT | | | | | | | |
One Boston Place (50.25% Account Interest) | | | 246,440,493 | | | 177,900,327 | |
DDR TC LLC | | | | | | | |
DDR Joint Venture–Various (85% Account Interest) | | | 1,028,297,460 | (3,5) | | — | |
Storage Portfolio I, LLC | | | | | | | |
Storage Portfolio (75% Account Interest) | | | 81,943,321 | (3,5) | | 74,864,074 | (3,5) |
Strategic Ind Portfolio I, LLC | | | | | | | |
IDI Nationwide Industrial Portfolio (60% Account Interest) | | | 76,536,044 | (3,5) | | 70,348,753 | (3,5) |
Teachers REA IV, LLC | | | | | | | |
Tyson’s Executive Plaza II (50% Account Interest) | | | 44,178,210 | | | 40,570,382 | |
TREA Florida Retail, LLC | | | | | | | |
Florida Retail Portfolio (80% Account Interest) | | | 260,879,060 | | | 265,396,677 | |
West Dade Associates | | | | | | | |
Miami International Mall (50% Account Interest) | | | 109,944,638 | (3) | | 97,300,131 | (3) |
West Town Mall, LLC | | | | | | | |
West Town Mall (50% Account Interest) | | | 75,826,066 | (3) | | 126,214,963 | (3) |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL REAL ESTATE JOINT VENTURES (Cost $2,005,340,226 and $1,168,027,179) | | | 2,827,508,939 | | | 1,668,744,951 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS—1.74% AND 1.80% | | | | | | | |
Cobalt Industrial REIT (10.998% Account Interest) | | | 32,840,031 | | | 26,506,381 | |
Colony Realty Partners LP (5.27% Account Interest) | | | 32,505,008 | | | 26,382,659 | |
Heitman Value Partners Fund (8.43% Account Interest) | | | 24,488,535 | | | 24,578,388 | |
Lion Gables Apartment Fund (18.45% Account Interest) | | | 205,162,203 | | | 179,013,211 | |
MONY/Transwestern Mezzanine Fund RP (19.75% Account Interest) | | | — | | | 454,319 | |
MONY/Transwestern Mezz RP II (16.67% Account Interest) | | | 36,365,657 | | | 22,348,093 | |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (Cost $255,579,349 and $245,295,745) | | | 331,361,434 | | | 279,283,051 | |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL REAL ESTATE JOINT VENTURES AND LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (Cost $2,260,919,575 and $1,413,322,924) | | | 3,158,870,373 | | | 1,948,028,002 | |
| |
| |
| |
126Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Shares | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
MARKETABLE SECURITIES—19.97% AND 17.69% | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
REAL ESTATE EQUITY SECURITIES—2.24% AND 3.99% | | | | | | | |
| 51,200 | | | 53,300 | | Acadia Realty Trust | | $ | 1,311,232 | | $ | 1,333,566 | |
| — | | | 68,700 | | Affordable Residential Communities LP | | | — | | | 800,355 | |
| — | | | 68,700 | | Affordable Residential Communities LP share rights (expired 1/23/07) | | | — | | | 16,488 | |
| 3,300 | | | 3,800 | | Alexander’s Inc. | | | 1,165,725 | | | 1,594,670 | |
| 53,100 | | | 54,400 | | Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. | | | 5,398,677 | | | 5,461,760 | |
| 164,585 | | | 166,985 | | AMB Property Corp. | | | 9,473,513 | | | 9,786,991 | |
| 45,100 | | | 42,500 | | American Campus Communities Inc. | | | 1,210,935 | | | 1,209,975 | |
| 214,600 | | | 244,900 | | American Financial Realty Trust | | | 1,721,092 | | | 2,801,656 | |
| 159,700 | | | 181,500 | | Apartment Investment & Management Co. | | | 5,546,381 | | | 10,167,630 | |
| — | | | 408,900 | | Archstone-Smith Trust | | | — | | | 23,802,069 | |
| 200,000 | | | 118,500 | | Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc. | | | 1,438,000 | | | 1,475,325 | |
| 27,500 | | | 33,300 | | Associated Estates Realty Corp. | | | 259,600 | | | 457,542 | |
| 132,200 | | | 138,900 | | AvalonBay Communities Inc. | | | 12,445,308 | | | 18,063,945 | |
| 109,100 | | | 122,400 | | BioMed Realty Trust Inc. | | | 2,527,847 | | | 3,500,640 | |
| 198,600 | | | 217,200 | | Boston Properties Inc. | | | 18,233,466 | | | 24,300,336 | |
| 148,100 | | | 171,500 | | Brandywine Realty Trust | | | 2,655,433 | | | 5,702,375 | |
| 86,500 | | | 94,200 | | BRE Properties Inc. | | | 3,505,845 | | | 6,124,884 | |
| 341,650 | | | 220,300 | | Brookfield Properties Corp. | | | 6,576,763 | | | 8,664,399 | |
| 93,500 | | | 105,200 | | Camden Property Trust | | | 4,502,025 | | | 7,769,020 | |
| 110,900 | | | 121,500 | | CBL & Associates Properties Inc. | | | 2,651,619 | | | 5,267,025 | |
| 74,900 | | | 74,900 | | Cedar Shopping Centers Inc. | | | 766,227 | | | 1,191,659 | |
| 75,400 | | | 87,600 | | Colonial Properties Trust | | | 1,706,302 | | | 4,106,688 | |
| 79,500 | | | 80,600 | | Corporate Office Properties Trust | | | 2,504,250 | | | 4,067,882 | |
| 71,100 | | | 75,500 | | Cousins Properties Inc. | | | 1,571,310 | | | 2,662,885 | |
| — | | | 179,000 | | Crescent Real Estate Equities Company | | | — | | | 3,535,250 | |
| 281,100 | | | — | | DCT Industrial Trust Inc. | | | 2,617,041 | | | — | |
| 205,000 | | | 204,000 | | Developers Diversified Realty Corp. | | | 7,849,450 | | | 12,841,800 | |
| 157,000 | | | 125,500 | | DiamondRock Hospitality Co. | | | 2,351,860 | | | 2,260,255 | |
| 99,000 | | | 84,100 | | Digital Realty Trust Inc. | | | 3,798,630 | | | 2,878,743 | |
| 164,400 | | | 123,500 | | Douglas Emmett Inc. | | | 3,717,084 | | | 3,283,865 | |
| 243,000 | | | 252,100 | | Duke Realty Corp. | | | 6,337,440 | | | 10,310,890 | |
| 51,700 | | | — | | Dupont Fabros Technology | | | 1,013,320 | | | — | |
| 39,400 | | | 42,900 | | EastGroup Properties Inc. | | | 1,648,890 | | | 2,297,724 | |
| 49,900 | | | 49,900 | | Education Realty Trust Inc. | | | 560,876 | | | 737,023 | |
| — | | | 103,400 | | Equity Inns Inc. | | | — | | | 1,650,264 | |
| 37,300 | | | 38,800 | | Equity Lifestyle Properties Inc. | | | 1,703,491 | | | 2,111,884 | |
| — | | | 654,500 | | Equity Office Properties Trust | | | — | | | 31,527,265 | |
| 60,800 | | | 69,900 | | Equity One Inc. | | | 1,400,224 | | | 1,863,534 | |
| 452,300 | | | 544,300 | | Equity Residential | | | 16,495,381 | | | 27,623,225 | |
| 42,000 | | | 43,600 | | Essex Property Trust Inc. | | | 4,094,580 | | | 5,635,300 | |
| 108,700 | | | 120,200 | | Extra Space Storage Inc. | | | 1,553,323 | | | 2,194,852 | |
| 93,700 | | | 103,200 | | Federal Realty Investment Trust | | | 7,697,455 | | | 8,772,000 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus127
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Shares | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| 101,300 | | | 115,300 | | FelCor Lodging Trust Inc. | | $ | 1,579,267 | | $ | 2,518,152 | |
| 74,700 | | | 84,300 | | First Industrial Realty Trust Inc. | | | 2,584,620 | | | 3,952,827 | |
| 41,600 | | | 41,600 | | First Potomac Realty Trust | | | 719,264 | | | 1,210,976 | |
| 384,500 | | | 423,600 | | General Growth Properties Inc. | | | 15,833,710 | | | 22,124,628 | |
| 62,700 | | | 69,600 | | Glimcher Realty Trust | | | 895,983 | | | 1,859,016 | |
| 64,200 | | | 73,800 | | GMH Communities Trust | | | 354,384 | | | 749,070 | |
| 360,900 | | | — | | HCP Inc | | | 12,552,102 | | | — | |
| 141,700 | | | — | | Health Care REIT Inc | | | 6,332,573 | | | — | |
| 84,600 | | | — | | Healthcare Realty Trust Inc | | | 2,147,994 | | | — | |
| 70,900 | | | 59,500 | | Hersha Hospitality Trust | | | 673,550 | | | 674,730 | |
| — | | | 107,500 | | Highland Hospitality Corp. | | | — | | | 1,531,875 | |
| 96,300 | | | 101,700 | | Highwoods Properties Inc. | | | 2,829,294 | | | 4,145,292 | |
| 55,500 | | | 64,000 | | Home Properties Inc. | | | 2,489,175 | | | 3,793,280 | |
| 155,800 | | | 147,900 | | Hospitality Properties Trust | | | 5,019,876 | | | 7,029,687 | |
| 869,070 | | | 973,570 | | Host Hotels & Resorts Inc. | | | 14,808,953 | | | 23,901,143 | |
| 375,400 | | | 396,700 | | HRPT Properties Trust | | | 2,901,842 | | | 4,899,245 | |
| 95,300 | | | 116,700 | | Inland Real Estate Corp. | | | 1,349,448 | | | 2,184,624 | |
| — | | | 84,800 | | Innkeepers USA Trust | | | — | | | 1,314,400 | |
| 54,100 | | | 59,400 | | Kilroy Realty Corp. | | | 2,973,336 | | | 4,633,200 | |
| 365,921 | | | 409,521 | | Kimco Realty Corp. | | | 13,319,524 | | | 18,407,969 | |
| 47,600 | | | 55,300 | | Kite Realty Group Trust | | | 726,852 | | | 1,029,686 | |
| 66,600 | | | 75,000 | | LaSalle Hotel Properties | | | 2,124,540 | | | 3,438,750 | |
| 151,900 | | | 167,000 | | Liberty Property Trust | | | 4,376,239 | | | 8,206,380 | |
| 121,000 | | | 135,900 | | Macerich Co./The | | | 8,598,260 | | | 11,764,863 | |
| 111,900 | | | 118,700 | | Mack-Cali Realty Corp. | | | 3,804,600 | | | 6,053,700 | |
| 59,900 | | | 81,000 | | Maguire Properties Inc. | | | 1,765,253 | | | 3,240,000 | |
| 42,300 | | | 44,000 | | Mid-America Apartment Communities | | | 1,808,325 | | | 2,518,560 | |
| — | | | 100,200 | | Mills Corp./The | | | — | | | 2,004,000 | |
| 155,200 | | | — | | Nationwide Health Properties Inc. | | | 4,868,624 | | | — | |
| — | | | 198,000 | | New Plan Excel Realty Trust | | | — | | | 5,441,040 | |
| 25,400 | | | 25,100 | | Parkway Properties Inc./Md | | | 939,292 | | | 1,280,351 | |
| 65,900 | | | 69,500 | | Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust | | | 1,955,912 | | | 2,736,910 | |
| 72,200 | | | 79,300 | | Post Properties Inc. | | | 2,535,664 | | | 3,624,010 | |
| 427,900 | | | 462,500 | | Prologis | | | 27,120,302 | | | 28,106,125 | |
| 26,900 | | | 30,200 | | PS Business Parks Inc. | | | 1,413,595 | | | 2,135,442 | |
| 214,614 | | | 241,114 | | Public Storage Inc. | | | 15,754,814 | | | 23,508,615 | |
| 31,500 | | | 28,500 | | Ramco-Gershenson Properties | | | 673,155 | | | 1,086,990 | |
| — | | | 157,000 | | Reckson Associates Realty Corp. | | | — | | | 7,159,200 | |
| 115,100 | | | 129,300 | | Regency Centers Corp. | | | 7,422,799 | | | 10,107,381 | |
| 19,300 | | | 20,600 | | Saul Centers Inc. | | | 1,031,199 | | | 1,136,914 | |
| 139,600 | | | — | | Senior Housing Properties Trust | | | 3,166,128 | | | — | |
| 373,221 | | | 412,821 | | Simon Property Group Inc. | | | 32,417,976 | | | 41,814,639 | |
| 98,507 | | | 86,300 | | SL Green Realty Corp. | | | 9,206,464 | | | 11,458,914 | |
| 36,500 | | | 33,500 | | Sovran Self Storage Inc. | | | 1,463,650 | | | 1,918,880 | |
| 124,300 | | | 134,700 | | Strategic Hotels & Resorts Inc. | | | 2,079,539 | | | 2,935,113 | |
| 27,800 | | | 30,900 | | Sun Communities Inc. | | | 585,746 | | | 999,924 | |
| 98,200 | | | 109,400 | | Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc. | | | 1,796,078 | | | 2,924,262 | |
| 52,300 | | | 58,300 | | Tanger Factory Outlet Centers | | | 1,972,233 | | | 2,278,364 | |
128Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Shares | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| 88,800 | | | 98,400 | | Taubman Centers Inc. | | $ | 4,368,072 | | $ | 5,004,624 | |
| 224,000 | | | — | | UDR, Inc. | | | 4,446,400 | | | — | |
| — | | | 250,400 | | United Dominion Realty Trust Inc. | | | — | | | 7,960,216 | |
| 17,000 | | | — | | Universal Health Realty Income Trust | | | 602,480 | | | — | |
| 78,500 | | | 95,400 | | U-Store-It Trust | | | 719,060 | | | 1,960,470 | |
| 221,800 | | | — | | Ventas Inc. | | | 10,036,450 | | | — | |
| 237,100 | | | 245,800 | | Vornado Realty Trust | | | 20,852,945 | | | 29,864,700 | |
| 77,700 | | | 85,500 | | Washington Real Estate Investment | | | 2,440,556 | | | 3,420,000 | |
| 133,000 | | | 148,500 | | Weingarten Realty Investors | | | 4,181,520 | | | 6,847,335 | |
| — | | | 44,700 | | Winston Hotels Inc. | | | — | | | 592,275 | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
(Cost $439,154,248 and $484,071,757) | | | 426,630,212 | | | 619,342,386 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Interest Rate and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
$ | — | | $ | 10,000,000 | | Commercial Mortgage Pass | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.450% 12/15/20 | | | — | | | 10,000,000 | |
| — | | | 3,389,773 | | Credit Suisse Mortgage Company | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.470% 4/15/21 | | | — | | | 3,390,255 | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | GS Mortgage Securities Co | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.682% 5/3/18 | | | — | | | 10,186,930 | |
| — | | | 8,780,566 | | GS Mortgage Securities Co | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.420% 6/6/20 | | | — | | | 8,782,059 | |
| — | | | 9,996,970 | | JP Morgan Chase Commercial | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.440% 11/15/18 | | | — | | | 9,996,970 | |
| — | | | 9,298,609 | | Lehman Brothers Floating | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.430% 9/15/21 | | | — | | | 9,298,971 | |
| — | | | 9,143,864 | | Morgan Stanley Capital | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.440% 7/15/19 | | | — | | | 9,144,605 | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | Morgan Stanley Dean Witter | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.712% 2/3/16 | | | — | | | 10,137,150 | |
| — | | | 14,642,368 | | Wachovia Bank Commercial | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.440% 9/15/21 | | | — | | | 14,642,997 | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
(Cost $0 and $85,255,038) | | | — | | | 85,579,937 | |
| |
| |
| |
(Cost $439,154,248 and $569,326,795) | | | 426,630,212 | | | 704,922,323 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
OTHER MARKETABLE SECURITIES—17.73% AND 13.15% | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT—2.22% AND .86% | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | American Express Bank, FSB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.565% 1/8/07 | | | — | | | 10,000,235 | |
| — | | | 1,500,000 | | American Express Bank, FSB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.290% 1/12/07 | | | — | | | 1,499,996 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus 129
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Interest Rate and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | — | | $ | 24,000,000 | | American Express Bank, FSB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.280% 1/18/07 | | $ | — | | $ | 23,999,578 | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | American Express Centurion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.750% 2/4/08 | | | 25,001,875 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | American Express Centurion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.750% 2/5/08 | | | 20,001,556 | | | — | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | American Express Centurion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.290% 1/3/07 | | | — | | | 24,999,988 | |
| — | | | 19,165,000 | | American Express Centurion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.290% 1/8/07 | | | — | | | 19,164,962 | |
| — | | | 20,000,000 | | American Express Centurion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.290% 1/9/07 | | | — | | | 19,999,954 | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Bank of Montreal | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.030% 2/14/08 | | | 10,004,439 | | | — | |
| 45,000,000 | | | — | | Bank of Montreal | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.100% 3/7/08 | | | 45,031,437 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Bank of Nova Scotia | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.060% 1/16/08 | | | 25,003,988 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Barclays Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.990% 2/27/08 | | | 25,012,510 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Calyon | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.820% 1/31/08 | | | 10,001,100 | | | — | |
| 50,000,000 | | | — | | Calyon | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.050% 3/12/08 | | | 50,032,645 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Deutsche Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.950% 1/24/08 | | | 25,004,197 | | | — | |
| — | | | 3,000,000 | | Deutsche Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.290% 1/9/07 | | | — | | | 2,999,962 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | Deutsche Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.300% 1/22/07 | | | — | | | 29,999,154 | |
| 32,000,000 | | | — | | Dexia Banque SA | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.990% 3/10/08 | | | 32,016,554 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Dexia Banque SA | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.880% 3/25/08 | | | 20,008,286 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Rabobank Nederland | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.020% 3/5/08 | | | 30,016,305 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Royal Bank of Canada | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.060% 1/25/08 | | | 30,007,494 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | SunTrust Banks, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.845% 1/28/08 | | | 19,998,920 | | | — | |
| 40,000,000 | | | — | | Toronto Dominion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.300% 1/22/08 | | | 40,014,108 | | | — | |
| 15,000,000 | | | — | | Toronto Dominion Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.040% 2/26/08 | | | 15,008,718 | | | — | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
(Cost $422,007,080 and $132,665,429) | | | 422,164,132 | | | 132,663,829 | |
| |
| |
| |
130Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| | | | | | | |
$ | 10,000,000 | | $ | — | | Abbey National North America LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.670% 1/8/08 | | $ | 9,989,577 | | $ | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Abbey National North America LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.930% 1/9/08 | | | 19,976,550 | | | — | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Abbey National North America LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/17/07 | | | — | | | 24,945,207 | |
| 50,000,000 | | | — | | American Express Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.510% 1/14/08 | | | 49,908,220 | | | — | |
| 32,490,000 | | | — | | American Honda Finance Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.50-4.510% 1/29/08 | | | 32,369,946 | | | — | |
| 2,137,000 | | | — | | American Honda Finance Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.380% 1/4/08 | | | 2,135,879 | | | — | |
| 15,438,000 | | | — | | American Honda Finance Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.310% 2/11/08 | | | 15,355,978 | | | — | |
| 7,050,000 | | | | | American Honda Finance Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.250% 2/28/08 | | | 6,996,781 | | | — | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | American Honda Finance Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.210-5.240% 1/22/07 | | | — | | | 49,853,055 | |
| — | | | 17,475,000 | | American Honda Finance Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/9/07 | | | — | | | 17,377,605 | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | Anheuser - Busch Co. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/19/07 | | | — | | | 9,975,019 | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Bank of America Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.970% 1/15/08 | | | 19,960,666 | | | — | |
| 13,200,000 | | | — | | Bank of America Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.780% 3/6/08 | | | 13,087,663 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Bank of America Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.800% 4/8/08 | | | 29,604,246 | | | — | |
| 27,400,000 | | | — | | Bank of Scotland | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.710% 2/26/08 | | | 27,200,523 | | | — | |
| 34,525,000 | | | — | | Bank of Scotland | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.720% 2/29/08 | | | 34,259,731 | | | — | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Barclay’s U.S. Funding Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 1/26/07 | | | — | | | 24,912,383 | |
| — | | | 20,000,000 | | BMW US Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.210% 2/7/07 | | | — | | | 19,894,400 | |
| — | | | 23,050,000 | | BMW US Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/9/07 | | | — | | | 22,921,533 | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Canadian Imperial Holdings, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.703% 1/29/08 | | | 19,926,098 | | | — | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Ciesco LP | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/9/07 | | | — | | | 24,973,942 | |
| — | | | 14,000,000 | | Ciesco LP | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/25/07 | | | — | | | 13,952,299 | |
| 40,000,000 | | | — | | Citigroup Funding Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.850% 1/23/08 | | | 39,880,984 | | | — | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus 131
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | 25,000,000 | | $ | — | | Citigroup Funding Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.650% 2/12/08 | | $ | 24,864,937 | | $ | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Citigroup Funding Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.650% 2/7/08 | | | 24,880,483 | | | — | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | Citigroup Funding Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/11/07 | | | — | | | 49,934,060 | |
| — | | | 35,825,000 | | Citigroup Funding Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 2/5/07 | | | — | | | 35,647,365 | |
| 5,255,000 | | | — | | Coca Cola Co. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.200% 2/15/08 | | | 5,224,421 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Coca Cola Co. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.430% 2/19/08 | | | 19,873,054 | | | — | |
| 13,000,000 | | | — | | Coca Cola Co. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.390% 2/25/08 | | | 12,907,098 | | | — | |
| — | | | 6,000,000 | | Corporate Asset Funding Corp, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/22/07 | | | — | | | 5,982,193 | |
| — | | | 8,760,000 | | Corporate Asset Funding Corp, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/29/07 | | | — | | | 8,725,048 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Corporate Asset Funding Corp, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/7/07 | | | — | | | 24,867,250 | |
| — | | | 54,000,000 | | Corporate Asset Funding Corp, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 2/8/07 | | | — | | | 53,705,295 | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Danske Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.920% 3/6/08 | | | 29,746,338 | | | — | |
| — | | | 7,000,000 | | Dorada Finance Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 1/9/07 | | | — | | | 6,992,704 | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Edison Asset Securitization, LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 3/11/08 | | | 19,789,840 | | | — | |
| — | | | 24,000,000 | | Edison Asset Securitization, LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 1/19/07 | | | — | | | 23,939,287 | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | Edison Asset Securitization, LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/1/07 | | | — | | | 9,955,666 | |
| — | | | 32,900,000 | | Fairway Finance Company, LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/17/07 | | | — | | | 32,826,521 | |
| 20,460,000 | | | — | | General Electric Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.510% 2/19/08 | | | 20,330,987 | | | — | |
| 15,340,000 | | | — | | General Electric Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.550% 2/20/08 | | | 15,241,250 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | General Electric Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.580% 4/8/08 | | | 29,606,721 | | | — | |
| — | | | 23,760,000 | | General Electric Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/18/07 | | | — | | | 23,704,454 | |
| — | | | 13,155,000 | | General Electric Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/8/07 | | | — | | | 13,084,017 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | General Electric Capital Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/15/07 | | | — | | | 29,807,499 | |
132Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | 30,540,000 | | $ | — | | General Electric Co | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.540% 3/4/08 | | $ | 30,290,195 | | $ | — | |
| 13,200,000 | | | — | | Goldman Sachs Group Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.200% 1/08/08 | | | 13,186,155 | | | — | |
| 12,000,000 | | | — | | Govco Incorporated | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.680% 1/28/08 | | | 11,948,442 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Govco Incorporated | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.400% 2/12/08 | | | 19,869,924 | | | — | |
| 37,860,000 | | | — | | Govco Incorporated | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.100% 2/20/08 | | | 37,570,693 | | | — | |
| 29,000,000 | | | — | | Govco Incorporated | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.850% 3/13/08 | | | 28,687,505 | | | — | |
| — | | | 25,700,000 | | Govco Incorporated | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 3/8/07 | | | — | | | 25,454,668 | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | Govco Incorporated | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.330% 1/5/07 | | | — | | | 49,977,665 | |
| 35,140,000 | | | — | | Greenwich Capital Holding | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.850% 4/14/08 | | | 34,649,576 | | | — | |
| — | | | 33,000,000 | | Greyhawk Funding LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 2/6/07 | | | — | | | 32,829,314 | |
| 6,990,000 | | | — | | Harley-Davidson Funding | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.480% 2/21/08 | | | 6,943,777 | | | — | |
| — | | | 8,415,000 | | HBOS Treasury Srvcs PLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 3/21/07 | | | — | | | 8,319,680 | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | HSBC Finance Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.700% 2/21/08 | | | 29,757,135 | | | — | |
| — | | | 40,000,000 | | HSBC Finance Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/26/07 | | | — | | | 39,859,012 | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | IBM Capital Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.250% 3/10/08 | | | 24,773,325 | | | — | |
| — | | | 22,200,000 | | IBM Capital Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.220% 3/16/07 | | | — | | | 21,963,166 | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | IBM International Group | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.725% 1/14/08 | | | 9,981,644 | | | — | |
| 18,900,000 | | | — | | IBM International Group | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.725% 1/15/08 | | | 18,862,829 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | IBM International Group | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.220% 2/27/08 | | | 19,851,712 | | | — | |
| 5,420,000 | | | — | | IBM (International Business Machines Corp.) | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.230% 1/3/08 | | | 5,417,868 | | | — | |
| — | | | 19,000,000 | | IBM (International Business Machines Corp.) | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/10/07 | | | — | | | 18,966,750 | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | ING (US) Finance | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.730% 1/30/08 | | | 19,924,332 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | ING (US) Finance | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.820% 2/22/08 | | | 24,832,460 | | | — | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus 133
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
| |
| 2007 | | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | — | | $ | 25,000,000 | | ING (US) Finance | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 3/27/07 | | $ | — | | $ | 24,695,265 | |
| — | | | 24,000,000 | | Johnson & Johnson | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.270% 1/2/07 | | | — | | | 24,000,000 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Johnson & Johnson | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.200% 1/18/07 | | | — | | | 24,941,555 | |
| — | | | 20,259,000 | | Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 1/29/07 | | | — | | | 20,179,184 | |
| 22,904,000 | | | — | | Kitty Hawk Funding Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.030% 3/14/08 | | | 22,653,437 | | | — | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | Links Finance L.L.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/16/07 | | | — | | | 9,979,190 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | Morgan Stanley Dean Witter | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/12/07 | | | — | | | 29,819,598 | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Nestle Capital Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 2/6/08 | | | 19,906,862 | | | — | |
| 14,500,000 | | | — | | Nestle Capital Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.090% 3/11/08 | | | 14,367,337 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Nestle Capital Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.210% 3/5/08 | | | 19,833,636 | | | — | |
| 9,300,000 | | | — | | Paccar Financial Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.730% 1/14/08 | | | 9,283,038 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Paccar Financial Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.490% 2/11/08 | | | 9,947,220 | | | — | |
| 15,300,000 | | | — | | Paccar Financial Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.500% 2/28/08 | | | 15,185,256 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Park Avenue Receivables | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.650% 3/18/08 | | | 9,884,430 | | | — | |
| 19,645,000 | | | — | | Pfizer Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.410% 5/15/08 | | | 19,285,726 | | | — | |
| — | | | 11,601,000 | | Pitney Bowes Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.300% 1/4/07 | | | — | | | 11,597,578 | |
| 28,000,000 | | | — | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.640-4.750% 1/30/08 | | | 27,893,365 | | | — | |
| 1,500,000 | | | — | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.530% 1/31/08 | | | 1,494,098 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.680% 2/11/08 | | | 9,946,870 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 2/5/08 | | | 19,908,760 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.680% 3/3/08 | | | 9,919,045 | | | — | |
| — | | | 20,500,000 | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.220% 1/3/07 | | | — | | | 20,496,976 | |
| — | | | 1,845,000 | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/11/07 | | | — | | | 1,842,553 | |
134 Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
| |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | — | | $ | 23,000,000 | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.22-5.23% 1/18/07 | | $ | — | | $ | 22,945,922 | |
| — | | | 6,000,000 | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.220% 1/23/07 | | | — | | | 5,981,485 | |
| — | | | 15,000,000 | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 2/15/07 | | | — | | | 14,903,199 | |
| — | | | 14,120,000 | | Private Export Funding Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 3/6/07 | | | — | | | 13,989,828 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Procter & Gamble Co | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 1/12/07 | | | — | | | 24,963,380 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/1/07 | | | — | | | 24,890,625 | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/14/07 | | | — | | | 49,686,455 | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 1/16/08 | | | 9,979,155 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.750% 1/18/08 | | | 9,976,550 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.200% 1/31/08 | | | 9,960,914 | | | — | |
| 4,665,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.750% 1/4/08 | | | 4,662,569 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 2/14/08 | | | 29,830,500 | | | — | |
| 17,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.600% 2/1/08 | | | 16,931,441 | | | — | |
| 8,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.350% 3/12/08 | | | 7,925,696 | | | — | |
| 9,000,000 | | | — | | Procter & Gamble International S.C. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.190% 3/14/08 | | | 8,913,882 | | | — | |
| 12,000,000 | | | — | | Ranger Funding Company LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.110% 1/10/08 | | | 11,981,685 | | | — | |
| 31,573,000 | | | — | | Ranger Funding Company LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.080-5.580% 1/18/08 | | | 31,486,411 | | | — | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | Ranger Funding Company LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/24/07 | | | — | | | 9,967,385 | |
| — | | | 20,000,000 | | Ranger Funding Company LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/25/07 | | | — | | | 19,931,856 | |
| — | | | 23,760,000 | | Ranger Funding Company LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.300% 2/12/07 | | | — | | | 23,616,311 | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Royal Bank of Scotland | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 2/8/08 | | | 24,877,365 | | | — | |
| — | | | 10,000,000 | | Scaldis Capital LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/10/07 | | | — | | | 9,988,068 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Sheffield Receivables Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 1/12/07 | | | — | | | 24,962,735 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus 135
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | — | | $ | 35,750,000 | | Sheffield Receivables Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/17/07 | | $ | — | | $ | 35,670,156 | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Shell International Financial | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.470% 3/28/08 | | | 9,884,402 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Societe Generale North America, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.155% 1/10/08 | | | 19,973,944 | | | — | |
| 15,000,000 | | | — | | Societe Generale North America, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.780% 2/1/08 | | | 14,939,506 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Societe Generale North America, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.830% 3/26/08 | | | 24,718,170 | | | — | |
| 17,420,000 | | | — | | Societe Generale North America, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.640% 4/4/08 | | | 17,201,414 | | | — | |
| — | | | 7,850,000 | | Societe Generale North America, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/10/07 | | | — | | | 7,836,262 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Societe Generale North America, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 1/19/07 | | | — | | | 24,937,902 | |
| — | | | 20,000,000 | | SunTrust Banks, Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.245% 5/1/07 | | | — | | | 20,001,700 | |
| 18,505,000 | | | — | | Svensk Exportkredit AB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.720-4.820% 01/14/08 | | | 18,471,249 | | | — | |
| 17,800,000 | | | — | | Svensk Exportkredit AB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.860% 1/15/08 | | | 17,765,215 | | | — | |
| 36,000,000 | | | — | | Svensk Exportkredit AB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 1/17/08 | | | 35,920,267 | | | — | |
| 16,000,000 | | | — | | Svensk Exportkredit AB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.370% 3/12/08 | | | 15,851,392 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Svensk Exportkredit AB | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.720% 04/09/08 | | | 9,867,500 | | | — | |
| — | | | 14,675,000 | | Swedish Export Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 1/10/07 | | | — | | | 14,657,788 | |
| — | | | 33,895,000 | | Swedish Export Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.24-5.26% 1/16/07 | | | — | | | 33,825,624 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | Swedish Export Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.240% 2/13/07 | | | — | | | 29,816,250 | |
| — | | | 5,800,000 | | The Concentrate Manufacturing Company of Ireland | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/9/07 | | | — | | | 5,790,695 | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Toronto-Dominion Holdings | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.060% 01/31/08 | | | 9,960,914 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Toronto-Dominion Holdings | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.710% 2/11/08 | | | 24,868,050 | | | — | |
| 19,000,000 | | | — | | Toyota Motor Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.520% 1/8/08 | | | 18,980,196 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Toyota Motor Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.880% 2/15/08 | | | 29,826,579 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Toyota Motor Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.740% 2/25/08 | | | 29,787,012 | | | — | |
136 Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Yield(6)and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | 20,000,000 | | $ | — | | Toyota Motor Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.530% 2/28/08 | | $ | 19,850,008 | | $ | — | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | Toyota Motor Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 1/23/07 | | | — | | | 49,846,580 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | Toyota Motor Credit Corp. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.230% 1/25/07 | | | — | | | 29,899,221 | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | UBS Finance, (Delaware) Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.030% 2/13/08 | | | 19,889,486 | | | — | |
| 17,215,000 | | | — | | UBS Finance, (Delaware) Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.000% 2/21/08 | | | 17,101,908 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | UBS Finance, (Delaware) Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.910% 4/7/08 | | | 24,675,782 | | | — | |
| — | | | 17,500,000 | | UBS Finance, (Delaware) Inc. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/20/07 | | | — | | | 17,375,018 | |
| 3,970,000 | | | — | | Unilever Capital Corp | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.230% 1/11/08 | | | 3,964,274 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | United Parcel Service Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.300% 3/18/08 | | | 9,898,686 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | United Parcel Service Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.400% 3/31/08 | | | 29,640,321 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | United Parcel Service Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.340% 4/28/08 | | | 19,680,880 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | United Parcel Service Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.340% 4/29/08 | | | 19,678,000 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | United Parcel Service Inc | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.380% 4/1/08 | | | 19,757,426 | | | — | |
| 7,831,000 | | | — | | Variable Funding Capital Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.640% 4/15/08 | | | 7,694,387 | | | — | |
| — | | | 34,530,000 | | Variable Funding Capital Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/2/07 | | | — | | | 34,371,217 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | Variable Funding Capital Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/5/07 | | | — | | | 29,848,698 | |
| — | | | 25,000,000 | | Variable Funding Capital Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.250% 2/6/07 | | | — | | | 24,870,208 | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Yorktown Capital, LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.875% 4/15/08 | | | 29,527,943 | | | — | |
| — | | | 23,415,000 | | Yorktown Capital, LLC | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.260% 1/4/07 | | | — | | | 23,408,027 | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER (Cost $1,755,527,807 and $1,520,729,804) | | | 1,755,075,702 | | | 1,520,881,551 | |
| |
| |
| |
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus 137
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Interest Rate and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| | | | | | | |
$ | — | | $ | 17,700,000 | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.130% 1/5/07 | | $ | — | | $ | 17,694,938 | |
| — | | | 19,745,000 | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.180% 1/12/07 | | | — | | | 19,719,628 | |
| — | | | 39,969,000 | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.200% 1/19/07 | | | — | | | 39,877,711 | |
| — | | | 23,753,000 | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.180% 2/28/07 | | | — | | | 23,563,451 | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.450% 1/2/08 | | | 25,000,000 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.450% 1/3/08 | | | 24,997,275 | | | — | |
| 28,850,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.661% 1/4/08 | | | 28,843,711 | | | — | |
| 34,945,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.450% 1/7/08 | | | 34,925,990 | | | — | |
| 41,450,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.260-4.900% 1/11/08 | | | 41,409,379 | | | — | |
| 77,800,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.280-4.290% 1/16/08 | | | 77,681,433 | | | — | |
| 32,500,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.260% 1/25/08 | | | 32,418,620 | | | — | |
| 43,830,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.300% 1/28/08 | | | 43,705,917 | | | — | |
| 2,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.480% 2/1/08 | | | 1,993,134 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.200% 2/13/08 | | | 24,879,825 | | | — | |
| 23,694,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.250% 3/12/08 | | | 23,504,638 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.270% 3/17/08 | | | 29,743,140 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.270% 3/19/08 | | | 19,824,180 | | | — | |
| 85,900,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Banks | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.260% 3/24/08 | | | 85,095,804 | | | — | |
| 15,000,000 | | | — | | Federal Home Loan Bank Systems | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.700% 11/20/08 | | | 14,991,900 | | | — | |
| — | | | 13,654,000 | | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.110% 1/2/07 | | | — | | | 13,654,000 | |
| — | | | 22,250,000 | | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.130% 1/16/07 | | | — | | | 22,208,704 | |
| — | | | 43,400,000 | | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.150% 1/24/07 | | | — | | | 43,269,887 | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.130% 1/30/07 | | | — | | | 49,807,250 | |
138 Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Interest Rate and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | — | | $ | 33,675,000 | | Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.150% 1/31/07 | | $ | — | | $ | 33,540,367 | |
| — | | | 30,000,000 | | Federal National Mortgage Association | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.150% 2/6/07 | | | — | | | 29,854,650 | |
| — | | | 23,768,000 | | Federal National Mortgage Association | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.150% 1/8/07 | | | — | | | 23,751,029 | |
| — | | | 50,000,000 | | Federal National Mortgage Association | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.160% 3/21/07 | | | — | | | 49,452,450 | |
| 32,465,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.330% 1/4/08 | | | 32,457,922 | | | — | |
| 18,990,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.230% 2/15/08 | | | 18,894,366 | | | — | |
| 20,000,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.200% 2/19/08 | | | 19,890,140 | | | — | |
| 16,600,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.280% 2/21/08 | | | 16,505,015 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.270% 2/22/08 | | | 24,854,075 | | | — | |
| 23,725,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.170% 3/5/08 | | | 23,554,345 | | | — | |
| 44,000,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.260% 3/6/08 | | | 43,678,492 | | | — | |
| 29,045,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.190-4.280% 3/20/08 | | | 28,786,354 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.280% 3/21/08 | | | 29,729,430 | | | — | |
| 12,840,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.285% 3/26/08 | | | 12,716,864 | | | — | |
| 22,518,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.190-4.240% 3/27/08 | | | 22,299,485 | | | — | |
| 17,890,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.270% 3/28/08 | | | 17,714,356 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.220% 4/24/08 | | | 29,613,930 | | | — | |
| 41,650,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.150-4.180% 4/30/08 | | | 41,085,518 | | | — | |
| 31,901,000 | | | — | | Fannie Mae Discount Notes | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.100% 5/28/08 | | | 31,359,658 | | | — | |
| 30,000,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.330% 1/24/08 | | | 29,928,120 | | | — | |
| 32,470,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.320% 1/31/08 | | | 32,367,460 | | | — | |
| 22,400,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.220% 2/14/08 | | | 22,289,770 | | | — | |
| 25,487,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.210% 2/20/08 | | | 25,344,069 | | | — | |
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 139
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Interest Rate and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
$ | 10,000,000 | | $ | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.320% 2/21/08 | | $ | 9,942,780 | | $ | — | |
| 8,500,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.240% 3/3/08 | | | 8,440,806 | | | — | |
| 17,925,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.120% 3/31/08 | | | 17,737,868 | | | — | |
| 26,735,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.145% 4/10/08 | | | 26,433,563 | | | — | |
| 20,817,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.175% 4/18/08 | | | 20,563,324 | | | — | |
| 10,795,000 | | | — | | Freddie Mac Discount Note | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.180% 4/25/08 | | | 10,654,849 | | | — | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
(Cost $1,105,524,756 and $366,282,560) | | | 1,105,857,505 | | | 366,394,065 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
VARIABLE NOTES—0.26% AND 0.12% | | | | | | | |
| — | | | 19,000,000 | | US Bank NA | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 5.735% 12/5/07 | | | — | | | 18,998,765 | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Wells Fargo Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.600% 1/7/08 | | | 24,999,308 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Wells Fargo Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.600% 1/8/08 | | | 24,999,210 | | | — | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
TOTAL VARIABLE NOTES | | | | | | | |
(Cost $50,000,000 and $19,003,401) | | | 49,998,518 | | | 18,998,765 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BANKERS ACCEPTANCE—0.20% AND 0.00% | | | | | | | |
| 4,359,000 | | | — | | JPMorgan Chase Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.400% 1/18/08 | | | 4,349,127 | | | — | |
| 10,000,000 | | | — | | Wachovia Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.380% 4/21/08 | | | 9,850,480 | | | — | |
| 25,000,000 | | | — | | Wachovia Bank | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 4.300% 5/7/08 | | | 24,570,220 | | | — | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
(Cost $38,835,657 and $0) | | | 38,769,827 | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
(Cost $3,371,895,300 and $2,038,681,194) | | | 3,371,865,684 | | | 2,038,938,210 | |
| |
| |
| |
(Cost $3,811,049,548 and $2,608,007,989) | | | 3,798,495,896 | | | 2,743,860,533 | |
| |
| |
| |
140 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Principal | | | | Value | |
| | | |
2007 | | 2006 | | Issuer, Interest Rate and Maturity Date | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
MORTGAGE LOAN RECEIVABLE—0.38% AND 0.48% | | | | | | | |
$ | 75,000,000 | | $ | 75,000,000 | | Klingle Corporation | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | 6.17% 07/10/11 | | $ | 72,519,684 | | $ | 74,660,626 | |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
(Cost $75,000,000 and $75,000,000) | | | 72,519,684 | | | 74,660,626 | |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL INVESTMENTS | | | | | | | |
(Cost $15,951,457,925 and $13,558,801,945) | | $ | 19,013,601,527 | | $ | 15,510,036,850 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
(1) | The investment has a mortgage loan payable outstanding as indicated in Note 5. |
| |
(2) | Leasehold interest only. |
| |
(3) | The market value reflects the Account’s interest in the joint venture, net of any debt. |
| |
(4) | The market value reflects the final settlement due the Account. The investment was sold on 8/24/07. |
| |
(5) | Located throughout the U.S. |
| |
(6) | Yield represents the annualized yield at the date of purchase. |
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 141
To the Participants of the TIAA Real Estate Account and the Board of
Trustees of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America:
In our opinion, the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the statements of investments, and the related statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the TIAA Real Estate Account (the “Account”) at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Account’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP New York, New York March 20, 2008 |
142 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | | | | |
As of December 31, 2007 | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Historical | | Adjustments | | Pro forma | |
| |
ASSETS | | | | | | | | | | |
Real estate properties and Real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships, at value | | $ | 15,142,585,947 | | $ | 160,428,299 | (a) | $ | 15,303,014,246 | |
Marketable securities | | | 3,798,495,896 | | | — | | | 3,798,495,896 | |
Other | | | 291,685,401 | | | — | | | 291,685,401 | |
| |
TOTAL ASSETS | | | 19,232,767,244 | | | 160,428,299 | | | 19,393,195,543 | |
| |
Mortgage notes payable | | | 1,392,092,982 | | | 160,428,299 | (a) | | 1,552,521,281 | |
Payable for securities transactions | | | 866,209 | | | — | | | 866,209 | |
Accrued real estate property level expenses and taxes | | | 154,638,976 | | | — | | | 154,638,976 | |
Security deposits held | | | 24,632,278 | | | — | | | 24,632,278 | |
| |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | | | 1,572,230,445 | | | 160,428,299 | | | 1,732,658,744 | |
| |
NET ASSETS | | $ | 17,660,536,799 | | $ | — | | $ | 17,660,536,799 | |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
For the Year Ended December 31, 2007 | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Historical | | Adjustments | | Pro forma | |
| |
Rental income | | $ | 987,434,298 | | $ | 23,755,692 | | $ | 1,011,189,990 | |
| |
Operating expenses | | | 247,473,125 | | | 3,654,942 | | | 251,128,067 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 126,925,585 | | | 2,560,376 | (b) | | 129,485,961 | |
Interest expense | | | 83,622,829 | | | 24,920,733 | | | 108,543,562 | |
| |
Total real estate property expenses and taxes | | | 458,021,539 | | | 31,136,051 | | | 489,157,590 | |
| |
Real estate income, net | | | 529,412,759 | | | (7,380,359 | ) | | 522,032,400 | |
Income from real estate joint ventures and limited partnerships | | | 93,724,569 | | | 6,257,959 | (c) | | 99,982,528 | |
Interest and dividends | | | 141,913,253 | | | — | | | 141,913,253 | |
| |
TOTAL INCOME | | | 765,050,581 | | | (1,122,400 | ) | | 763,928,181 | |
EXPENSES | | | 140,294,447 | | | 2,432,559 | (d) | | 142,727,006 | |
| |
INVESTMENT INCOME, NET | | | 624,756,134 | | | (3,554,959 | ) | | 621,201,175 | |
REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAINS | | | 1,438,434,738 | | | — | | | 1,438,434,738 | |
| |
NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS | | $ | 2,063,190,872 | | $ | (3,554,959 | ) | $ | 2,059,635,913 | |
| |
TIAA Real Estate Account §Prospectus 143
Note 1—Purpose and Assumptions
As required by the Securities and Exchange Commission under Regulation S-X Article 11-01(5), these pro forma condensed financial statements of the TIAA Real Estate Account (“Account”) have been prepared because the Account has made significant purchases of real estate property investments during the period from January 1, 2007 through the date of this prospectus. During 2007, the Account purchased seven property investments: three office properties, one industrial property, two retail properties and an 85% interest in a joint venture that owns 65 retail properties. During the period from January 1, 2008 through the date of this prospectus, the Account purchased one retail property lease buyback and two industrial properties. Information regarding these purchases are included under “Recent Transactions” on page 37.
Various assumptions have been made in order to prepare these pro forma condensed financial statements. The pro forma condensed statement of assets and liabilities has been prepared assuming the real estate property investments purchased during the period from January 1, 2008 through the date of this prospectus were purchased as of December 31, 2007. The pro forma condensed statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2007 has been prepared assuming real estate property investments purchased during the period from January 1, 2007 through the date of this prospectus were purchased as of January 1, 2007.
Note 2—Pro Forma Adjustments
The following pro forma adjustments were made in preparing the pro forma condensed financial statements to reflect the purpose described in Note 1.
Pro forma Condensed Statement of Assets and Liabilities:
| | | |
| | | |
| | (a) | To record the cost of the real estate property investment purchased during the period from January 1, 2008 through the date of this prospectus, assuming such investment was purchased with short-term loans on January 1, 2007. |
| | | |
| | | |
| Pro forma Condensed Statement of Operations: |
| | | |
| | | |
| | (b) | To record the rental income and real estate property level expenses of the real estate properties purchased during the period from January 1, 2007 through the date of this prospectus, assuming such properties were owned for the entire year ended December 31, 2007 and were purchased with short-term loans. |
144 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | |
| | (c) | To record the real estate joint venture income of the joint ventures purchased during the period from January 1, 2007 through the date of this prospectus, assuming the joint venture interests were owned for the entire year ended December 31, 2007 and were purchased with a short-term loan. |
| | | |
| | (d) | To record additional investment advisory expense charges which would have been incurred during the year ended December 31, 2007, based on the gross investment amounts involved and assuming the real estate property investments purchased during the period from January 1, 2007 through the date of this prospectus had been purchased as of January 1, 2007. |
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 145
To the Management of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association/Developers Diversified Realty Corp. Joint Venture Portfolio (the “Portfolio”), as described in Note 1, for the year ended December 31, 2005. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Portfolio’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Portfolio’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note 1, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Portfolio’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Portfolio for the year ended December 31, 2005, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

December 6, 2006 |
146 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31, 2005 (Audited) | | Nine Months Ended September 30, 2006 (Unaudited) | |
| |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 201,195,384 | | $ | 151,177,708 | |
Recoveries | | | 46,774,911 | | | 36,116,240 | |
Lease termination fees | | | 387,706 | | | 4,775,876 | |
Other income | | | 229,847 | | | 452,315 | |
| |
| | | 248,587,848 | | | 192,522,139 | |
| |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Common area maintenance | | | 21,220,085 | | | 16,338,417 | |
Operating expenses | | | 4,539,528 | | | 4,196,920 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 29,201,010 | | | 22,614,759 | |
Management fees | | | 11,065,183 | | | 8,415,742 | |
Ground rent | | | 1,330,669 | | | 998,002 | |
Insurance | | | 1,902,789 | | | 1,472,102 | |
General and administrative | | | 183,442 | | | 166,530 | |
| |
| | | 69,442,706 | | | 54,202,472 | |
| |
Excess of revenues over certain expenses | | $ | 179,145,142 | | $ | 138,319,667 | |
| |
| | | | | | | |
See notes to statements of revenues and certain expenses. | | | | |
1—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The Portfolio consists of 67 community retail centers, comprised of 97 individual properties, predominately located in the Southeastern region of the United States. The Portfolio contains approximately 16.7 million square feet of commercial space, and was 97% leased at September 30, 2006. The tenant leases contain provisions for additional rent based on increases in operating expenses and real estate taxes.
The accompanying financial statements are presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statements are not representative of actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Portfolio, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Portfolio.
The statement of revenues and certain expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 147
2—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition
Rental income from leases with scheduled rent increases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Included in rental income for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the nine months ended September 30, 2006 are accruals of $6,441,351 and $3,117,126, respectively, representing the revenue recognized in excess of rents due under the lease agreements. Recoveries, based on payments for real estate taxes and operating expenses, are estimated and accrued.
3—Operating Leases
Space in the Portfolio is rented to tenants under various noncancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under leases in effect at December 31, 2005 are as follows:
| | | | |
Year Ending December 31, | |
| |
2006 | | $ | 191,171,000 | |
2007 | | | 189,242,000 | |
2008 | | | 169,754,000 | |
2009 | | | 158,037,000 | |
2010 | | | 144,599,000 | |
Thereafter | | | 676,827,000 | |
| |
| | $ | 1,529,630,000 | |
| |
4—Related Party Transactions
The owner of the properties in the Portfolio also owns the companies which provide property management services. Management fees of $11,065,183 and $8,415,742 were incurred for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the nine months ended September 30, 2006, respectively.
Metropolitan Construction Services, an affiliate of a stockholder of the properties’ owner, provides construction services, including general contracting services and ongoing repairs and maintenance. Costs of $1,491,974 and $757,799 were incurred for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the nine months ended September 30, 2006, respectively.
148 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
5—Ground Lease Commitments
The Portfolio holds ground leases for certain properties. Rent expense is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The lease terms expire through February 28, 2051. Total rent expense was $1,330,669 and $998,002 for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the nine months ended September 30, 2006, respectively. Included in rent expense are accruals of $685,669 and $514,252 for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the nine months ended September 30, 2006, respectively.
Minimum future annual payments required under the leases are approximately as follows:
| | | | |
Year Ending December 31, | |
2006 | | $ | 645,000 | |
2007 | | | 645,000 | |
2008 | | | 646,000 | |
2009 | | | 647,000 | |
2010 | | | 647,000 | |
Thereafter | | | 57,908,000 | |
| |
| | $ | 61,138,000 | |
| |
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 149
To the Management of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of the property known as Printemps de l’Homme, located at 110 Rue de Provence, Paris, France (the “Property”), as described in Note 1, for the year ended December 31, 2005. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Property’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Property’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note 1, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Property’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Property for the year ended December 31, 2005, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

December 22, 2006 |
150Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
(In thousands) | | Year Ended December 31, 2005 (Audited) | | Nine Months Ended September 30, 2006 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 9,126 | | $ | 7,168 | |
Property tax | | | 253 | | | 198 | |
Office tax | | | 33 | | | 25 | |
Cleaning tax | | | 8 | | | 6 | |
| | | 9,420 | | | 7,397 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Property tax | | | 253 | | | 198 | |
Management fee | | | 68 | | | 36 | |
Office tax | | | 33 | | | 25 | |
Cleaning tax | | | 8 | | | 6 | |
Building insurance | | | 7 | | | 5 | |
| | | 369 | | | 270 | |
Excess of revenues over certain expenses | | $ | 9,051 | | $ | 7,127 | |
See notes to statements of revenues and certain expenses.
1—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The Property consists of a building located at 110 Rue de Provence, Paris, France, which contains approximately 142,000 square feet of commercial space. The building is located in the “Grands Magasins” district, which was created at the end of the 19th century. The Property is leased to one tenant under a lease which expires on September 30, 2010, and which contains a provision for annual increases based on the increase in the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (“INSEE”) index for the cost of construction. In addition, the tenant pays all property expenses, including property, office and cleaning taxes, but excluding management fees.
The accompanying financial statements are presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statements are not representative of actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Property, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Property.
The accompanying financial statements have been converted from Euros to U.S. dollars using the Federal Reserve Board’s average exchange rates for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the nine months ended September 30, 2006 of
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus151
1.2400 and 1.2522, respectively. The conversion rate used for minimum future rents in Note 3 is 1.1842.
The statement of revenues and certain expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
2—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition
Rental income from the lease is recognized as earned over the lease term. Service charges for taxes and insurance are billed as incurred or on an estimated basis as set forth in the lease agreement.
3—Operating Leases
Space in the Property is rented to the tenant under a noncancelable operating lease. Approximate minimum future rents required as of December 31, 2005 are as follows:
| | | | |
Year Ending December 31, | | (Amount in thousands) | |
| |
2006 | | $ | 8,959 | |
2007 | | | 8,959 | |
2008 | | | 8,959 | |
2009 | | | 8,959 | |
2010 | | | 6,719 | |
| |
| | $ | 42,555 | |
| |
152Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
To the Management
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of the property located at 8600 114th Avenue North, Champlin, Minnesota (the “Property”), as described in Note 1, for the year ended December 31, 2006. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Property’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Property’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note 1, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Property’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Property for the year ended December 31, 2006, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

April 9, 2007 |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus153
| | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31, 2006 (Audited) | | Two Months Ended February 28, 2007 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 1,121,203 | | $ | 200,804 | |
Recoveries | | | 214,767 | | | 41,364 | |
| | | 1,335,970 | | | 242,168 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
General and administrative | | | 29,606 | | | 6,819 | |
Management fees | | | 27,311 | | | 5,557 | |
Landscaping/grounds | | | 9,737 | | | 777 | |
General repairs and maintenance | | | 27,097 | | | 625 | |
Security | | | 4,656 | | | 559 | |
Insurance | | | 9,787 | | | 1,647 | |
Real estate tax | | | 128,619 | | | 23,476 | |
Nonreimbursable expenses | | | 2,567 | | | — | |
| | | 239,380 | | | 39,460 | |
Excess of revenues over certain expenses | | $ | 1,096,590 | | $ | 202,708 | |
See notes to statements of revenues and expenses and Independent Auditors’ Report.
1—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The Property, located in Champlin, Minnesota, contains approximately 104,000 square feet of commercial space. At February 28, 2007, the Property was 100% leased. Tenant leases include provisions for additional rent based on pro-rata shares of common area maintenance expenses and real estate taxes.
The accompanying financial statement is presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, it is not representative of actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Property, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Property.
The statement of revenues and certain expenses for the two months ended February 28, 2007 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
154Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
2—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition
Rental income from leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Recoveries, based on payments for real estate taxes and operating expenses, are estimated and accrued.
3—Major Tenants
Two tenants lease approximately 70% of the Property’s square footage. Rent from these tenants represented approximately 53% of total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2006 and the two months ended February 28, 2007.
4—Operating Leases
Space in the Property is rented to tenants under noncancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under leases in effect at December 31, 2006 are as follows:
| | | | |
Year Ending December 31, | | | | |
| |
2007 | | $ | 1,186,000 | |
2008 | | | 1,192,000 | |
2009 | | | 1,046,000 | |
2010 | | | 923,000 | |
2011 | | | 729,000 | |
| |
Thereafter | | | 4,231,000 | |
| |
| | $ | 9,307,000 | |
| |
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus155
To the Management of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of Seneca Industrial Park, Pembroke Park, Florida (the “Property”), as described in Note 1, for the year ended December 31, 2006. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Property’s Management. Our responsibility to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Property’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note 1, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Property’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Property for the year ended December 31, 2006 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

December 14, 2007 |
156Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31, 2006 (Audited) | | Eight Months Ended August 31, 2007 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 5,307,909 | | $ | 3,382,703 | |
Recoveries | | | 1,880,632 | | | 1,302,138 | |
Other | | | — | | | 899 | |
| | | 7,188,541 | | | 4,685,740 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Repairs and maintenance | | | 197,927 | | | 216,340 | |
Utilities | | | 86,252 | | | 43,271 | |
Administrative expenses | | | 127,636 | | | 63,910 | |
Management fees | | | 132,327 | | | 116,980 | |
Insurance | | | 158,689 | | | 202,913 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 1,209,053 | | | 838,280 | |
| | | 1,911,884 | | | 1,481,694 | |
Excess of revenues over certain expenses | | $ | 5,276,657 | | $ | 3,204,046 | |
See notes to statements of revenue and certain expenses.
1—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The Property, located in Pembroke Park, Florida, contains approximately 882,000 square feet of commercial space. At August 31, 2007, it was 96% leased to 17 tenants. Most of the leases contain provisions for additional rent for the reimbursement of real estate taxes and operating expenses.
The accompanying financial statements are presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statements are not representative of actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Property, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Property.
The statement of revenues and certain expenses for the eight months ended August 31, 2007 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus157
2—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition
Rental income from leases with scheduled rent increases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Recoveries, based on payments for real estate taxes and operating expenses, are estimated and accrued.
3—Major Tenants
Three tenants lease approximately 60% of the Property’s square footage. Rent from these tenants represented approximately 58% of total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2006 and the eight months ended August 31, 2007.
4—Operating Leases
Space in the Property is rented to tenants under various noncancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under leases in effect at December 31, 2006 are as follows:
| | | | |
Year Ending December 31, | | | | |
| |
2007 | | $ | 5,238,000 | |
2008 | | | 5,093,000 | |
2009 | | | 3,954,000 | |
2010 | | | 3,103,000 | |
2011 | | | 2,042,000 | |
Thereafter | | | 2,169,000 | |
| |
| | $ | 21,599,000 | |
| |
158Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
To the Management
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of the property located at 8201 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas (the “Property”), as described in Note 1, for the year ended December 31, 2006. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Property’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Property’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note 1, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Property’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Property for the year ended December 31, 2006, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

May 7, 2007
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus159
| | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31, 2006 (Audited) | | Three Months Ended March 31, 2007 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 3,193,477 | | $ | 852,734 | |
Recoveries | | | 964,737 | | | 277,604 | |
Parking income | | | 168,076 | | | 43,424 | |
Storage income | | | 2,724 | | | 681 | |
Other income | | | 41,388 | | | 10,308 | |
| | | 4,370,402 | | | 1,184,751 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
General and administrative | | | 558,284 | | | 150,412 | |
Management fees | | | 124,875 | | | 35,545 | |
Landscaping/grounds | | | 14,584 | | | 3,471 | |
General repairs and maintenance | | | 341,519 | | | 70,690 | |
Security | | | 232,292 | | | 63,229 | |
Insurance | | | 38,686 | | | 10,133 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 730,957 | | | 192,820 | |
Nonreimbursable expenses | | | 13,192 | | | 4,786 | |
| | | 2,054,389 | | | 531,086 | |
Excess of revenues over certain expenses | | $ | 2,316,013 | | $ | 653,665 | |
See notes to statements of revenues and certain expenses and Independent Auditors’ Report.
1—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The Property, located in Dallas, Texas, contains approximately 147,000 square feet of commercial space. At March 31, 2007, the Property was 94% leased to 27 tenants. The tenant leases contain provisions for additional rent based on increases in operating expenses and real estate taxes over base period amounts.
The accompanying financial statements are presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statements are not representative of actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Property, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Property.
The statement of revenues and certain expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2007 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
160Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
2—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition
Rental income from leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease terms. Recoveries, based on payments for real estate taxes and certain operating expenses, are accrued.
3—Operating Leases
Space in the Property is rented to tenants under noncancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under leases in effect at December 31, 2006 are as follows:
| | | | |
Year Ending December 31, | | | |
2007 | | $ | 3,447,000 | |
2008 | | | 3,396,000 | |
2009 | | | 2,945,000 | |
2010 | | | 2,706,000 | |
2011 | | | 1,960,000 | |
Thereafter | | | 1,857,000 | |
| | $ | 16,311,000 | |
One tenant leases approximately 17% of the Property’s square footage. Rent from this tenant represents approximately 20% of total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2006.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 161
To the Management of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of Camelback Center – Phoenix, Arizona (the “Property”), as described in Note A, for the year ended December 31, 2005. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Property’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Property’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note A, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Property’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenue and certain expenses of the Property for the year ended December 31, 2005 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Aarons Grant & Habif, LLC
December 28, 2006
162Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | For the Year Ended December 31, 2005 (Audited) | | For the Eleven Months Ended November 30, 2006 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 2,556,012 | | $ | 3,367,516 | |
Recoveries | | | 3,323 | | | 105,779 | |
Other income | | | 40,905 | | | 171,921 | |
Total Revenues | | | 2,600,240 | | | 3,645,216 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Utilities | | | 251,587 | | | 317,633 | |
Repairs and maintenance | | | 496,282 | | | 623,743 | |
Management fees | | | 164,529 | | | 193,022 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 647,707 | | | 754,428 | |
Insurance | | | 34,978 | | | 37,121 | |
Total certain expenses | | | 1,595,083 | | | 1,925,947 | |
Revenues in excess of certain expenses | | $ | 1,005,157 | | $ | 1,719,269 | |
| | | | | | | |
See Independent Auditors’ Report
Note A—Basis of Presentation
The statement of revenue and certain expenses (the financial statement) for the year ended December 31, 2005 and the eleven months ended November 30, 2006 (unaudited) relate to the operations of Camelback Center (the Property), which will be acquired by Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (the Company). The Property located in Phoenix, Arizona, contains 231,345 square feet of rentable commercial space.
The accompanying financial statement is presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statement is not representative of the actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Property, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Property.
Note B—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
This summary of significant accounting policies of the Property is presented to assist in understanding the Property’s financial statement. The financial statement and notes are representations of the Property’s management who is responsible for their integrity and objectivity. These accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting principles and have been consistently applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 163
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reporting and disclosure of revenue and certain expenses during the reporting period to prepare the statement in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue recognition
Revenue from operating leases, which includes scheduled increases over the lease term, is recognized on a straight-line basis.
Unaudited interim statement
The statement of revenue and certain expenses for the eleven months ended November 30, 2006 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
Note C—Future Rent Payments
Space in the Property is rented to tenants under various noncancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under these leases in effect at December 31, 2005 are as follows:
| | | | |
December 31, | | | |
2006 | | $ | 3,012,321 | |
2007 | | | 3,699,562 | |
2008 | | | 3,465,692 | |
2009 | | | 2,850,714 | |
2010 | | | 1,512,778 | |
2011 and thereafter | | | 2,275,662 | |
| | $ | 16,816,729 | |
Note D—Concentrations
One tenant leases approximately 11% of the Property’s square footage. Income from this tenant represented approximately 18% of total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2005.
Note E—Property Management Fees
Property management expense has been included in the financial statement for the Property, with the property management fee on the property ranging from 5 –6% of cash receipts.
164Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
To the Management of
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of Pacific Plaza, San Diego, California (the Property), as described in Note A, for the year ended December 31, 2006. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Property’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Property’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note A, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Property’s revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Property for the year ended December 31, 2006, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Aarons Grant & Habif, LLC
October 18, 2007
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 165
| | | | | | | |
| | For The Year Ended December 31, 2006 (Audited) | | For The Six Months Ended June 30, 2007 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 6,801,679 | | $ | 3,217,385 | |
Recoveries | | | 601,105 | | | 563,070 | |
Other income | | | 34,680 | | | 14,029 | |
Total revenues | | | 7,437,464 | | | 3,794,484 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Insurance | | | 174,762 | | | 92,188 | |
Management fees | | | 228,135 | | | 106,424 | |
Operating expenses | | | 106,176 | | | 128,258 | |
Real estate taxes | | | 933,785 | | | 479,982 | |
Repairs and maintenance | | | 414,696 | | | 181,337 | |
Salaries and wages | | | 163,968 | | | 89,908 | |
Security | | | 70,684 | | | 36,170 | |
Utilities | | | 105,851 | | | 57,250 | |
Total certain expenses | | | 2,198,057 | | | 1,171,517 | |
Revenues in excess of certain expenses | | $ | 5,239,407 | | $ | 2,622,967 | |
See Independent Auditors’ Report
Note A—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The statement of revenues and certain expenses (the financial statement) for the year ended December 31, 2006 and the six months ended June 30, 2007, relate to the operations of Pacific Plaza, San Diego, California (the Property). The Property contains 215,758 square feet of rentable commercial space and was approximately 81% leased at June 30, 2007.
The accompanying financial statement is presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statement is not representative of the actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Property, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Property.
The statement of revenue and certain expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2007 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
166Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
Note B—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect various amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue recognition
Revenue from operating leases, which includes scheduled increases over the lease terms, is recognized on a straight-line basis.
Note C—Future Rent Payments
Space in the Property is rented to tenants under non-cancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under the leases in effect at December 31, 2006 are as follows:
| | | | |
| |
2007 | | $ | 6,196,429 | |
2008 | | | 5,064,270 | |
2009 | | | 3,356,407 | |
2010 | | | 3,459,039 | |
2011 | | | 1,226,969 | |
2012 | | | 362,281 | |
| |
| | $ | 19,665,395 | |
| |
Note D—Concentrations
The Company earned 92% of rent revenue from three tenants during the year ended December 31, 2006.
Note E—Related Party Transactions
During the year ended December 31, 2006, management fees paid to an affiliate of the Property owner totaled $228,135.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 167
To the Management of
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
We have audited the accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses of Calabash I, Fontana, California and Haven Distribution Center, Rancho Cucamonga, California (the Properties), as described in Note A, for the year ended December 31, 2007. This financial statement is the responsibility of the Properties’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Properties’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
The accompanying statement of revenues and certain expenses was prepared for the purpose of complying with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X and, as described in Note A, is not intended to be a complete presentation of the Properties’ revenues and expenses.
In our opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the revenues and certain expenses of the Properties for the year ended December 31, 2007, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Aarons Grant & Habif, LLC
April 17, 2008
168Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
| | | | | | | |
| | For the Year Ended December 31, 2007 (Audited) | | For the Two Months Ended February 29, 2008 (Unaudited) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Rental income | | $ | 5,406,803 | | $ | 901,134 | |
Recoveries | | | 442,721 | | | 76,216 | |
Total Revenues | | | 5,849,524 | | | 977,350 | |
CERTAIN EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Insurance | | | 735,241 | | | 79,039 | |
Management fees | | | 73,557 | | | 11,710 | |
Operating expenses | | | 5,300 | | | 5,300 | |
Repairs and maintenance | | | 21,515 | | | 1,626 | |
Total certain expenses | | | 835,613 | | | 97,675 | |
Revenues in excess of certain expenses | | $ | 5,013,911 | | $ | 879,675 | |
See Independent Auditors’ Report
Note A—Organization and Basis of Presentation
The statement of revenues and certain expenses (the financial statement) for the year ended December 31, 2007 and the two months ended February 29, 2008, relate to the operations of Calabash I, Fontana, California and Haven Distribution Center, Rancho Cucamonga, California (the Properties). The properties in Fontana, California and Rancho Cucamonga, California contain 528,440 square feet and 830,485 square feet of rentable commercial space, respectively, and were 100% leased at February 29, 2008.
The accompanying financial statement is presented in conformity with Rule 3-14 of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-X. Accordingly, the financial statement is not representative of the actual operations for the periods presented, as certain expenses, which may not be comparable to the expenses expected to be incurred in the future operations of the Properties, have been excluded. Expenses excluded consist of interest, depreciation and amortization and certain other expenses not directly related to the future operations of the Properties.
The statement of revenue and certain expenses for the two months ended February 29, 2008 is unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments) necessary for the fair presentation of this statement of revenues and certain expenses for the interim period on the basis described above have been included. The results for such an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the results for the entire year.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 169
Note B—Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect various amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue recognition
Revenue from operating leases, which includes scheduled increases over the lease terms, is recognized on a straight-line basis.
Note C—Future Rent Payments
Space in the Properties is rented to tenants under non-cancelable operating leases. Approximate minimum future rents required under the leases in effect at December 31, 2007 are as follows:
| | | | |
| |
2007 | | $ | 5,458,339 | |
2008 | | | 5,458,339 | |
2009 | | | 3,608,799 | |
2010 | | | 3,282,077 | |
2011 | | | 3,757,114 | |
2012 and Thereafter | | | 14,715,365 | |
| |
| | $ | 36,280,033 | |
| |
Note D—Concentrations
The Properties earned 100% of rent revenue from two tenants during the year ended December 31, 2007.
170Prospectus§ TIAA Real Estate Account
(The following condensed statutory-basis financial statements information has been derived from statutory-basis financial statements which are available upon request.)
| | | | | | | |
| | | |
(Dollars in millions, except share data)* | | | |
| | | |
| | (Unaudited) | |
| | December 31, 2007 | | December 31, 2006 | |
ASSETS | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 131,859 | | $ | 121,775 | |
Mortgages | | | 20,443 | | | 23,756 | |
Real estate | | | 1,672 | | | 1,455 | |
Preferred stocks | | | 4,375 | | | 4,554 | |
Common stocks | | | 4,190 | | | 4,050 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 10,293 | | | 7,372 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments | | | 1,603 | | | 2,464 | |
Investment income due and accrued | | | 1,519 | | | 1,480 | |
Separate account assets | | | 19,021 | | | 15,384 | |
Deferred federal income tax asset | | | 1,076 | | | 964 | |
Other assets | | | 358 | | | 390 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | | $ | 196,409 | | $ | 183,644 | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
LIABILITIES | | | | | | | |
Reserves for life and health insurance, annuities and deposit-type funds | | $ | 147,268 | | $ | 142,418 | |
Contract claims | | | 354 | | | 315 | |
Dividends due to policyholders | | | 2,419 | | | 2,229 | |
Federal income taxes | | | 1,207 | | | 682 | |
Asset valuation reserve | | | 4,436 | | | 3,738 | |
Interest maintenance reserve | | | 603 | | | 682 | |
Separate account liabilities | | | 19,021 | | | 15,384 | |
Commercial paper | | | 952 | | | — | |
Other liabilities | | | 2,304 | | | 1,846 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | | $ | 178,564 | | $ | 167,294 | |
Capital (2,500 shares of $1,000 par value common stock issued and outstanding and $550,000 paid-in capital) | | | 3 | | | 3 | |
Contingency Reserves: | | | | | | | |
For investment losses, annuity and insurance mortality, and other risks | | | 17,842 | | | 16,347 | |
TOTAL CAPITAL AND CONTINGENCY RESERVES | | | 17,845 | | | 16,350 | |
TIAA Real Estate Account§ Prospectus171
(The following condensed statutory-basis financial statements information has been derived from statutory-basis financial statements which are available upon request.)
(Dollars in millions)*
| | | | | | | |
| | (Unaudited) | |
| | December 31, 2007 | | December 31, 2006 | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | |
Insurance and annuity premiums and other considerations | | $ | 10,420 | | $ | 11,154 | |
Annuity dividend additions | | | 2,495 | | | 2,089 | |
Net investment income | | | 10,828 | | | 10,313 | |
TOTAL REVENUES | | $ | 23,743 | | $ | 23,556 | |
EXPENSES | | | | | | | |
Policy and contract benefits | | $ | 10,133 | | $ | 9,812 | |
Dividends to policyholders | | | 4,578 | | | 3,986 | |
Increase in policy and contract reserves | | | 4,820 | | | 4,949 | |
Operating expenses | | | 730 | | | 581 | |
Transfers to separate accounts, net | | | 1,511 | | | 1,903 | |
Other, net | | | 39 | | | 71 | |
TOTAL EXPENSES | | $ | 21,811 | | $ | 21,302 | |
Income before federal income tax and net realized capital (losses) | | | 1,932 | | | 2,254 | |
Federal income tax (benefit) expense | | | 348 | | | (594 | ) |
Net realized capital (losses) less capital gains taxes, after transfers to the interest maintenance reserve | | | (137 | ) | | 608 | |
NET INCOME | | $ | 1,447 | | $ | 3,456 | |
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the basis of statutory accounting principles prescribed or permitted by the New York State Insurance Department (the “Department”), a comprehensive basis of accounting that differs from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”).
The preparation of the Company’s statutory-basis financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses at the date of the financial statements. Actual results may differ from those estimates. The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies followed by the Company:
Investments: Publicly traded securities are accounted for as of the date the investments are purchased or sold (trade date). Other investments are recorded on the settlement date. Realized capital gains and losses on investment transactions are accounted for under the specific identification method. A realized loss is recorded when an impairment is considered to be other-than-temporary. An impairment in an investment is considered to have occurred if an event or change in circumstance indicates that the carrying value of the asset may not be recoverable or the receipt of contractual payments of principal and interest may
172Prospectus §TIAA Real Estate Account
not occur when scheduled. When an impairment has been determined to have occurred, the investment is written down to fair value, except for loan-backed and structured securities which are written down to the sum of their undiscounted expected future cash flows and a realized loss is recorded. Management considers available evidence to evaluate the potential impairment of its investments.
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments: Short-term investments (debt securities with maturities of one year or less at the time of acquisition) that are not impaired are stated at amortized cost using the interest method. Short-term investments impaired are stated at the lower of amortized cost or market value. Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, amounts due from banks, and short term highly liquid investments with original maturity of three months or less.
Bonds: Bonds not backed by loans and not impaired are stated at amortized cost using the interest method. Bonds not backed by loans that are held for sale or NAIC designation 6 and 6Z are valued at the lower of amortized cost or fair value.
Loan-Backed Securities and Structured Securities: Included within bonds are loan-backed securities. Loan-backed securities and structured securities not impaired are stated at amortized cost. The prospective approach is used in determining the carrying amount of interest-only securities, securities for which an other-than-temporary impairment has been recognized or securities whose expected future cash flows are lower than the expected cash flows estimated at the time of acquisition. The retrospective approach, which uses actual and expected future cash flows, is applied when determining the amount of all other loan-backed and structured securities. Estimated future cash flows and expected repayment periods are used in calculating amortization/accretion of premium/discount for loan-backed and structured securities. Loan-backed securities and structured securities held for sale and NAIC designation 6 and 6Z are stated at the lower of amortized cost or fair value. Prepayment assumptions for loaned backed securities and structured securities are obtained from external data services or internal estimates.
Common Stock: Unaffiliated common stocks are stated at fair value.
Preferred Stock: Preferred stocks of relatively high quality in NAIC designations 1, 2 and 3 are stated at amortized cost. Lower quality preferred stocks in NAIC designations 4, 5 and 6 are carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value.
Mortgages: Mortgages are stated at amortized cost, net of valuation allowances, except that purchase money mortgages are stated at the lower of amortized cost or ninety percent of appraised value. Mortgages held for sale are stated at the lower of amortized cost or fair value. A mortgage is evaluated for impairment when it is probable that the receipt of contractual payments of principal and interest may not occur when scheduled. If the impairment is considered to be temporary, a valuation reserve is established for the excess of the
TIAA Real Estate Account §Prospectus173
carrying value of the mortgage over its estimated fair value. Changes in valuation reserves for mortgages are included in net unrealized capital gains/losses on investments. When an event occurs resulting in an impairment that is other-than-temporary, a direct write-down is recorded as a realized loss and a new cost basis is established.
Real Estate: Real estate occupied by the Company and real estate held for the production of income are carried at depreciated cost, less encumbrances. Real estate held for sale is carried at the lower of depreciated cost or fair value, less encumbrances and estimated costs to sell. The Company utilizes the straight-line method of depreciation on real estate. Depreciation is generally computed over a forty-year period. A real estate property may be considered impaired when events or circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. When TIAA determines that an investment in real estate is impaired, a direct write-down is made to reduce the carrying value of the property to its estimated fair value based on an external appraisal, net of encumbrances and a realized loss is recorded.
Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries: Investments in wholly-owned subsidiaries are stated at the value of their underlying net assets as follows: (1) domestic insurance subsidiaries are stated at the value of their underlying statutory net assets; (2) non-insurance subsidiaries are stated at the value of their underlying audited GAAP equity. Dividends and distributions from subsidiaries are recorded in investment income and changes in the equity of subsidiaries are recorded directly to surplus as unrealized gains or losses.
Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies: Investments in limited partnerships and limited liability companies are carried at the Company’s percentage of the underlying GAAP equity of the respective entity’s audited financial statements. An unrealized loss is deemed to be other-than-temporary when there is limited ability to recover the loss. A realized loss is recorded for other-than-temporary impairments.
Contract Loans: Contract loans are stated at outstanding principal balances.
Separate Accounts: Separate Accounts are established in conformity with insurance laws and are segregated from the Company’s general account and are maintained for the benefit of separate account contract holders. The Company’s investments in the TIAA-CREF Mutual Funds (“Retail Funds”), TIAA-CREF Institutional Mutual Funds (“Institutional Funds”), and TIAA-CREF Life Funds are stated at fair value.
Seed Money Investments: Seed money investments are stated at fair value.
Securities Lending: The Company had a securities lending program whereby it loaned securities to qualified brokers in exchange for cash collateral and required a minimum of 102 percent of the fair value of the loaned securities. When securities were loaned, the Company received additional income on the collateral
174 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
and continues to receive income on the loaned securities. The Company’ securities lending program was discontinued in 2006.
Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation: Investments denominated in foreign currencies and foreign currency contracts are valued in U.S. dollars, based on exchange rates at the end of the period. Investment transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the respective transaction dates. All other asset and liability accounts that are denominated in foreign currencies are adjusted to reflect exchange rates at the end of the period. Realized and unrealized gains and losses due to foreign exchange transactions and translation adjustments, are not separately reported but are collectively included in realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, respectively.
Derivative Instruments: The Company has filed a Derivatives Use Plan with the New York State Insurance Department (the “Department”). This plan details TIAA’s derivative policy objectives, strategies, controls and any restrictions placed on various derivative types. The plan also specifies the procedures and systems that TIAA has established to evaluate, monitor and report on the derivative portfolio in terms of valuation, hedge effectiveness and counterparty credit quality. The Company uses derivative instruments for hedging, income generation, and asset replication purposes. Derivatives used by the Company include foreign currency, interest rate and credit default swaps, foreign currency forwards and interest rate cap contracts.
Non-Admitted Assets: For statutory accounting purposes only, certain assets are designated as non-admitted assets (principally furniture, equipment, leasehold improvements, prepaid expenses, and a portion of deferred federal income tax assets (“DFIT”)). Investment-related non-admitted assets totaled $280 million and $90 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The non-admitted portion of the DFIT asset was $1,967 million and $2,022 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The other non-admitted assets were $340 million and $295 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Changes in non-admitted assets are charged or credited directly to contingency reserves.
Furniture and Fixtures, Equipment, Leasehold Improvements and Computer Software: Electronic data processing equipment (“EDP”), computer software, furniture and equipment that qualify for capitalization are depreciated using the straight-line method over 3 years. Office alterations and leasehold tenant improvements that qualify for capitalization are depreciated over 5 years and the remaining life of the lease, respectively.
Accumulated depreciation of EDP equipment and computer software was $233 million and $297 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Related depreciation expenses allocated to TIAA were $35 million, $22 million and $16 million in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. Accumulated depreciation of all furniture and equipment and leasehold improvements, which is non-admitted, was $303 million and $269 million at December 31, 2007, and 2006, respectively.
TIAA Real Estate Account §Prospectus175
Related depreciation expenses allocated to TIAA was $14 million, $20 million and $17 million in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Premium Revenue: Premiums are recognized as income over the premium-paying period of the related policies. Annuity considerations are recognized as revenue when received. Expenses incurred in connection with acquiring new insurance business are charged to operations as incurred.
Policy and Contract Reserves: TIAA offers a range of group and individual retirement annuities and individual life and other insurance products. Policy and contract reserves for such products are determined in accordance with standard valuation methods approved by the Department and are computed in accordance with standard actuarial formulae. The reserves established utilize assumptions for interest mortality and other risks insured. Such reserves are designed to be sufficient for contractual benefits guaranteed under policy and contract provisions.
Reserves for deposit-type funds, which do not contain any life contingencies, are equal to deposits received and interest credited to the benefit of contract holders, less withdrawals that represent a return to the contract holder.
Dividends Declared for the Following Year: Dividends on insurance policies and pension annuity contracts in the payout phase are declared by the TIAA Board of Trustees (“Board”) in the fourth quarter of each year, and such dividends are credited to policyholders in the following calendar year. Dividends on pension annuity contracts in the accumulation phase are declared by the Board in February of each year, and such dividends on the various existing vintages of pension annuity contracts in the accumulation phase are credited to policyholders during the ensuing twelve month period beginning March 1.
Asset Valuation Reserve: The AVR, which covers all invested asset classes, is a reserve required by NAIC SAP to provide for potential future credit and equity losses. Reserve components of the AVR are maintained for bonds, stocks, mortgages, real estate, other invested assets and derivatives. Realized and unrealized credit and equity capital gains and losses, net of capital gains taxes, are credited to or charged against the related components of the AVR. Statutory formulae determine the required reserve components primarily based on factors applied to asset classes, and insurance companies may also establish additional reserves for any component; however, the ultimate balance cannot exceed the statutory maximum reserve for that component. Contributions and adjustments to the AVR are reported as transfers to or from contingency reserves. No voluntary contributions were made in either 2007 or 2006.
Interest Maintenance Reserve: The IMR is a reserve required by NAIC SAP which accumulates realized interest rate-related capital gains and losses on sales of debt securities and mortgages, as defined by NAIC SAP. Such capital gains and losses are amortized out of the IMR, under the grouped method of amortization, as an adjustment to net investment income over the remaining lives of the assets sold.
176Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
Capitalization Policy: The Company’s capitalization threshold was lowered in 2007 to more closely align with industry practices, improve matching of investment benefits and operating expenses, and to better position the Company. Factors considered in developing the capitalization policy included dollar amount of capital expenditures, expected useful life of the asset and the impact of depreciation, process and benefit improvements and the current cost of capitalizable items as it relates to future purchase costs of similar items.
(The following condensed statutory-basis financial statements information has been derived from statutory-basis financial statements which are available upon request.)
| | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2007 | | December 31, 2006 | |
As a percentage of total bond investments: | | | | | | | |
Below investment grade bonds | | | 5.1% | | | 5.5% | |
As a percentage of total mortgage investments: | | | | | | | |
Total mortgage investments in California | | | 23.2% | | | 22.0% | |
Total mortgage investments in office buildings | | | 31.4% | | | 33.8% | |
Total mortgage investments in shopping centers | | | 36.6% | | | 34.8% | |
As a percentage of total real estate investments: | | | | | | | |
Total real estate investments in Florida | | | 17.7% | | | 19.0% | |
Total real estate investments in office buildings | | | 63.7% | | | 60.5% | |
At December 31, TIAA’s general account annuity reserves had the following characteristics (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Amount | | 2007 Percent | | Amount | | 2006 Percent | |
Subject to discretionary withdrawal: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
At book value without adjustment | | | 25,858 | | | 17.6% | | | 25,194 | | | 17.8% | |
At fair value | | | — | | | 0% | | | — | | | 0% | |
Not subject to discretionary withdrawal | | | 120,898 | | | 82.4% | | | 116,660 | | | 82.2% | |
Total annuity reserves and deposit liabilities | | | 146,756 | | | 100.0% | | | 141,854 | | | 100.0% | |
Reconciliation to total policy & contract reserves | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
shown on the balance sheet: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Reserves on other life policies & contracts | | | 512 | | | | | | 548 | | | | |
Reserves on accident & health policies | | | — | | | | | | 16 | | | | |
Total policy and contract reserves | | | 147,268 | | | | | | 142,418 | | | | |
By charter, TIAA is a Stock Life Company that operates on a non-profit basis and through December 31, 1997, was exempt from federal income taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”). Any non-pension income, however, was subject to federal income taxation as unrelated business income. Effective January 1, 1998, as a result of federal legislation, TIAA is no longer exempt from federal income taxation and is taxed as a stock life insurance company.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 177
Beginning with 1998, TIAA has filed a consolidated federal income tax return with its subsidiary affiliates. The consolidated group has entered into a tax-sharing agreement that follows the current reimbursement method, whereby members of the group will generally be reimbursed for their losses on a pro-rata basis by other members of the group to the extent that they have taxable income, subject to limitations imposed under the Code. Amounts due to (receivable from) TIAA’s subsidiaries for federal income taxes were $(43) million and $23 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively.
TIAA’s 1998 and 1999 tax returns representing the first years for which TIAA’s entire business operations were subject to federal income taxation have been audited by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”). In April 2004 the IRS completed its audit and presented TIAA with a Revenue Agent Report asserting certain adjustments to TIAA’s taxable income that would result in additional tax due of $1.1 billion for the 1998 and 1999 tax years. These adjustments would disallow the deductions for certain intangible assets and would adjust certain TIAA tax-basis annuity reserves.
TIAA’s 2000, 2001, and 2002 tax returns have also been audited by the IRS. In April 2006 the IRS completed its audit and presented TIAA with a Revenue Agent Report asserting certain adjustments to TIAA’s taxable income that would result in additional tax due of $391 million for the 2000, 2001, and 2002 tax years. These adjustments would disallow the deductions for certain intangible assets and would adjust certain TIAA tax-basis annuity reserves, which are the same issues raised in the 1998 and 1999 audit.
TIAA’s management filed protests to the IRS’ adjustments in 2004 and in 2006, and entered into discussions with the IRS Appeals Division during 2005. On April 5, 2007, TIAA executed a partial settlement with the IRS Appeals Division resolving the disputed adjustments to tax-basis annuity reserves for the tax years 1998-2002. TIAA agreed to a permanent adjustment of $273 million, reducing the tax-basis annuity reserves for TIAA contracts in force at the beginning of 1998, TIAA’s first year as a taxable entity. In addition, a temporary adjustment of $1.7 billion was applied to TIAA’s 1998 reserve deductions. This adjustment related to reserves established for new rights added to TIAA payout annuity contracts enabling contract-holders to transfer annuity balances into other investment vehicles in accordance with appropriate terms and conditions in the annuity contract. This $1.7 billion adjustment will be recovered by TIAA through future deductions over a 20 year period which began with its 2006 tax return. With one exception that is not material, the IRS agreed to accept all deductions related to the annuity reserves as claimed by TIAA on its 1999-2002 tax returns. With respect to deductions for years subsequent to 2002, no binding agreement has been reached with the IRS for reserves associated with the annuity transferability option, since these years were not before IRS Appeals. Management believes, however, that it is reasonable to expect that deductions related to subsequent years will not be subject to adjustment by the IRS in future audits, and has not provided for any related contingency.
178Prospectus§TIAA Real Estate Account
Disallowed deductions for certain intangible assets were set aside for future negotiations with the IRS. TIAA believes that its unresolved tax position is supported by substantial authority, and will continue to contest these adjustments through IRS appeals and judicial procedures, as needed. TIAA’s management believes that it will ultimately prevail to a significant degree. Nonetheless, TIAA’s management believes that the circumstances surrounding the tax claim by the IRS related to intangible deductions meet the conditions that require TIAA to establish a loss contingency for federal income taxes covering the years 1998-2007.
Although the final resolution of the IRS’ asserted adjustments is uncertain, based on management’s current estimate of the probable loss from this dispute with the IRS, and given the current status of the tax claim, TIAA recorded a contingent tax provision of $1.1 billion as of December 31, 2007 and $659 million as of December 31, 2006. This resulted in a net charge of $533 million against TIAA’s 2007 operations. As a result of the partial settlement with the IRS in 2006, TIAA reduced the reserve previously established, resulting in a net benefit of $594 million.
In July, 2006 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes—An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109 (“FIN 48”). FIN 48 establishes a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefits of positions taken in tax returns, and requires certain expanded disclosures. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006, and is to be applied to all open years as of the effective date. Uncertain tax liabilities are described above. No uncertain tax benefits have been recorded as of December 31, 2007 and as of December 31, 2006.
TIAA Real Estate Account§Prospectus 179
The Real Estate Account has no officers or directors. The Trustees and certain principal executive officers of TIAA as of the date hereof, their dates of birth, and their principal occupations during the past five years, are as follows:
| | |
| | |
Name & Date of Birth (DOB) | | Principal Occupations During Past 5 Years |
Ronald L. Thompson Chairman of the TIAA Board of Trustees DOB: 6/17/49 | | Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Midwest Stamping and Manufacturing Company from 1993 through 2005. Director, Washington University in St. Louis. |
| | |
Elizabeth E. Bailey DOB: 11/26/38 | | John C. Hower Professor of Public Policy and Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Director, CSX Corporation and Altria Group, Inc., Chair, National Bureau of Economic Research; Honorary Trustee, the Brookings Institution. |
| | |
Glenn A. Britt DOB: 3/6/49 | | Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner Cable, since 2001, where he has held several positions since 1972. Director, National Cable & Telecommunications Association, Director of Walter Kaitz Foundation, Cable Labs and Xerox Corporation; Trustee of Polytechnic University. |
| | |
Robert C. Clark DOB: 2/26/44 | | Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor and Austin Wakeman Scott Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, Harvard University. Formerly Dean and Royall Professor of Law, Harvard Law School from 1989 to 2003. Director, Time Warner, Inc. and Omnicom Group. |
| | |
Edward M. Hundert, M.D. DOB: 10/1/56 | | Senior lecturer in Medical Ethics, Harvard Medical School. President, Case Western Reserve University from 2002 to 2006. Formerly, Dean, 2000-2002, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Professor of Medical Humanities and Psychiatry, 1997 to 2002. Board Member, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. |
| | |
Marjorie Fine Knowles DOB: 7/4/39 | | Professor of Law, Georgia State University College of Law. |
| | |
Donald K. Peterson DOB: 8/13/49 | | Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Avaya Inc. from 2002 to 2006 and President and Chief Executive Officer from 2000 to 2001. Formerly, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Lucent Technologies. Chairman, Board of Trustees, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Director, Sanford C. Bernstein Fund Inc. and Emerj Inc. |
| | |
Sidney A. Ribeau DOB: 12/3/47 | | President, Bowling Green University. Director, The Andersons, Convergys and Worthington Industries. |
| | |
Dorothy K. Robinson DOB: 2/18/51 | | Vice President and General Counsel, Yale University since 1986. Trustee, Newark Public Radio Inc., Youth Rights Media, Inc. and Friends of New Haven Legal Assistance. |
| | |
David L. Shedlarz DOB: 4/17/48 | | Retired Vice Chairman of Pfizer Inc. from 2006 to 2007, Executive Vice President from 1999 to 2005 and Chief Financial Officer from 1995 to 2005. Director, Pitney Bowes Inc.; Trustee of International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation and member of J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. National Advisory Board. Chairman and Director, Multiple Sclerosis Society of New York City Chapter. |
| | |
David F. Swensen DOB: 1/26/54 | | Chief Investment Officer, Yale University, and adjunct professor of investment strategy. Trustee, Brookings Institution; Member, University of Cambridge Investment Board. |
180 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
| | |
| | |
TRUSTEES | | (continued) |
| | |
Name & Date of Birth | | Principal Occupations During Past 5 Years |
Marta Tienda DOB: 8/10/50 | | Maurice P. During ‘22 Professor in Demographic Studies, Princeton University. Director, Office of Population Research, Princeton University, 1998-2002. Director, Corporation of Brown University, Sloan Foundation and Jacobs Foundation. |
| | |
Rosalie J. Wolf DOB: 5/8/41 | | Managing Partner, Botanica Capital Partners LLC. Formerly, Senior Advisor and Managing Director, Offit Hall Capital Management LLC and its predecessor company, Laurel Management Company LLC from 2001 to 2003; formerly, Treasurer and Chief Investment Officer, The Rockefeller Foundation. Director, North European Oil Royalty Trust; Chairman, Sanford C. Bernstein Fund, Inc. |
| | |
| | |
Name & Date of Birth | | Principal Occupations During Past 5 Years |
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. DOB: 10/28/51 | | President and Chief Executive Officer of TIAA since April 2008, and President and Chief Executive Officer of CREF since April 2008. Formerly, Chairman of Swiss Re America Holding Corporation and Head of Financial Services and Member of the Executive Committee, Swiss Re from 2006 to 2008; Vice Chairman and member of the Board of the U.S. Federal Reserve from 1999 to 2006 and a member of its Board of Governors from 1997 to 1999; and Partner and Associate, McKinsey & Company from 1984 to 1997. Currently a member of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Advance Study, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Group of Thirty. |
| | |
Georganne C. Proctor DOB: 10/25/56 | | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, TIAA and CREF since 2006. Executive Vice President of Finance for Golden West Financial Corporation, the holding company of World Savings Bank, from 2003 through 2005. From 1994 through 2002, served as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and a member of the board of directors of Bechtel Group, Inc. Director of Redwood Trust, Inc. and Kaiser Aluminum Corporation. |
| | |
Scott C. Evans DOB: 5/11/59 | | Executive Vice President of TIAA since 1999 and Head of Asset Management since 2006 of TIAA and CREF, the TIAA-CREF Mutual Funds, the TIAA-CREF Institutional Mutual Funds, the TIAA-CREF Life Funds and TIAA Separate Account VA-1 (collectively, the “TIAA-CREF Funds”). Also served as Chief Investment Officer of TIAA between 2004 and 2006 and the TIAA-CREF Funds between 2003 and 2006. |
| | |
Mary (Maliz) E. Beams DOB: 3/29/56 | | Executive Vice President of TIAA and the TIAA-CREF Funds since 2007. President and Chief Executive Officer, TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC since 2007. Senior Managing Director and Head of Wealth Management Group of TIAA since 2004. Partner, Spyglass Investments from 2002 to 2003. |
| | |
Gary Chinery DOB: 11/28/49 | | Vice President and Treasurer, TIAA and CREF. |
| | |
William J. Mostyn III DOB: 1/18/48 | | Vice President and Corporate Secretary of TIAA and the TIAA-CREF Funds since April 2008; Deputy General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Bank of America Corporation from 2005 to 2007; Deputy General Counsel, Secretary and Corporate Governance Officer of The Gillette Company from 1974 to 2005. |
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 181
| | |
| | |
| | |
Name & Date of Birth | | Principal Occupations During Past 5 Years |
Margaret A. Brandwein DOB: 11/26/46 | | Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, TIAA Real Estate Account since 2004. From 2001 to 2004, Head of Commercial Mortgages — West Coast for TIAA. |
| | |
Thomas C. Garbutt DOB: 10/12/58 | | Managing Director and Head of Global Real Estate Equity Division, TIAA. |
| | |
Philip J. McAndrews DOB: 12/15/58 | | Managing Director and Head of Real Estate Portfolio Management, TIAA-CREF Global Real Estate since 2005. Between 2003 and 2005, portfolio manager for the Real Estate Account. Between 1997 and 2003, Head of the Real Estate Acquisitions and Joint Ventures group for TIAA. |
182 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
Accumulation: The total value of your accumulation units in the Real Estate Account.
Accumulation Period:The period that begins with your first premium and continues until the entire accumulation has been applied to purchase annuity income, transferred from the Account, or paid to you or a beneficiary.
Accumulation Unit: A share of participation in the Real Estate Account for someone in the accumulation period. The Account’s accumulation unit value changes daily.
Annuity Unit: A measure used to calculate the amount of annuity payments due a participant.
Beneficiary: Any person or institution named to receive benefits if you die during the accumulation period or if you (and your annuity partner, if you have one) die before the guaranteed period of your annuity ends.
Business Day: Any day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open for trading. A business day ends at 4 p.m. Eastern time, or when trading closes on the NYSE, if earlier.
Calendar Day: Any day of the year. Calendar days end at the same time as business days.
Commuted Value: The present value of annuity payments due under an income option or method of payment not based on life contingencies. Present value is adjusted for investment gains or losses since the annuity unit value was last calculated.
Eligible Institution: A nonprofit institution, including any governmental institution, organized in the United States.
ERISA: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.
General Account: All of TIAA’s assets other than those allocated to the Real Estate Account or to other existing or future TIAA separate accounts.
Good Order: Actual receipt of an order along with all information and supporting legal documentation necessary to effect the transaction. This information and documentation generally includes your complete application and any other information or supporting documentation we may require. With respect to purchase requests, “good order” also generally includes receipt of sufficient funds by us to effect the purchase. We may, in our sole discretion, determine whether any particular transaction request is in good order and reserve the right to change or waive any good order requirement at any time either in general or with respect to a particular plan, contract or transaction.
TIAA Real Estate Account § Prospectus 183
Income Change Method: The method under which you choose to have your annuity payments revalued. Under the annual income change method, your payments are revalued once each year. Under the monthly income change method, your payments are revalued every month.
Separate Account: An investment account legally separated from the general assets of TIAA, whose income and investment gains and losses are credited to or charged against its own assets, without regard to TIAA’s other income, gains or losses.
Valuation Day: Any day the NYSE is open for trading, as well as, for certain contracts, the last calendar day of each month. Valuation days end as of the close of all U.S. national exchanges where securities or other investments of the Account are principally traded. Valuation days that aren’t business days will end at 4 p.m. Eastern Time.
Valuation Period: The time from the end of one valuation day to the end of the next.
184 Prospectus § TIAA Real Estate Account
Item 13. Other Expenses of Issuance and Distribution.
| | | | |
SEC Registration Fees | | $ | 196,500 | |
Costs of printing and engraving | | | 600,000 | * |
Legal fees | | | 50,000 | * |
Blue Sky Registration Fees | | | 5,000 | * |
Accounting fees | | | 20,000 | * |
Miscellaneous | | | 3,500 | * |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 875,000 | * |
| |
| |
Item 14. Indemnification of Directors and Officers.
Trustees, officers, and employees of TIAA may be indemnified against liabilities and expenses incurred in such capacity pursuant to Article Six of TIAA’s bylaws (see Exhibit 3(B)). Article Six provides that, to the extent permitted by law, TIAA will indemnify any person made or threatened to be made a party to any action, suit or proceeding by reason of the fact that such person is or was a trustee, officer, or employee of TIAA or, while a trustee, officer, or employee of TIAA, served any other organization in any capacity at TIAA’s request. To the extent permitted by law, such indemnification could include judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement, and expenses, including attorney’s fees. TIAA has in effect an insurance policy that will indemnify its trustees, officers, and employees for liabilities arising from certain forms of conduct.
Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to trustees, officers, or employees of TIAA, pursuant to the foregoing provision or otherwise, TIAA has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in that Act and is therefore unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment of expenses incurred or paid by a trustee, officer, or employee in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by a trustee, officer, or employee in connection with the securities being registered, TIAA will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in that Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.
Item 15. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities.
Item 16. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules.
| | |
(1) | (A) | Distribution Agreement for the Contracts Funded by the TIAA Real Estate Account, dated as of January 1, 2008, by and among Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, for itself and on behalf of the Account, and TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC.7 |
| | |
(3) | (A) | Charter of TIAA (as amended)1 |
| | |
| (B) | Bylaws of TIAA (as amended)6 |
| | |
(4) | (A) | Forms of RA, GRA, GSRA, SRA, IRA Real Estate Account Endorsements3, Keogh Contract,4 Retirement Select and Retirement Select Plus Contracts and Endorsements2and Retirement Choice and Retirement Choice Plus Contracts.4 |
| | |
| (B) | Forms of Income-Paying Contracts3 |
| | |
| | |
(5) | | Opinion and Consent of George W. Madison, Esquire* |
| | |
| | |
(10) | (A) | Independent Fiduciary Agreement, dated February 22, 2006, by and among TIAA, the Registrant, and Real Estate Research Corporation5 |
| | |
| (B) | Custodian Agreement, dated as of March 3, 2008, by and between TIAA, on behalf of the Registrant, and State Street Bank and Trust Company, N.A.8 |
| | |
| | |
(23) | (A) | Consent of George W. Madison, Esquire (filed as Exhibit 5)* |
| | |
| (B) | Consent of Dechert LLP** |
| | |
| | |
| (C) | Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP* |
| | |
| (D) | Consent of Friedman LLP* |
| | |
| (E) | Consent of Aarons Grant & Habif, LLC* |
| |
* | Filed herewith. |
| |
| |
** | Previously filed. |
| |
| |
1 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to the Account’s Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed December 21, 2004 (File No. 333-121493). |
| |
2 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to the Account’s Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed April 29, 2004 (File No. 333-113602). |
| |
3 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to the Account’s Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed April 30, 1996 (File No. 33-92990). |
| |
4 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to the Account’s Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed May 2, 2005 (File No. 333-121493). |
| |
5 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.(a) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Account filed on March 15, 2006. |
| |
6 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3(B) to the Account’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2006 and filed with the Commission on November 14, 2006. |
| |
7 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to the Account’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the Commission on January 7, 2008. |
| |
8 | Previously filed and incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10(B) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K of the Account filed on March 20, 2008. |
| |
(b) | Financial Statement Schedules |
All Schedules have been omitted because they are not required under the related instructions or are not applicable.
Item 17. Undertakings.
The undersigned Registrant hereby undertakes:
(1) To file, during any period in which offers or sales are being made, a post-effective amendment to this Registration Statement:
| | |
| (i) | To include any prospectus required by Section 10(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933. |
| | |
| (ii) | To reflect in the prospectus any facts or events arising after the effective date of the Registration Statement (or the most recent post-effective amendment thereof) which, individually or in the aggregate, represent a fundamental change in the information set forth in the Registration Statement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any increase or decrease in volume of securities offered (if the total dollar value of securities offered would not exceed that which was registered) and any deviation from the low or high end of the estimated maximum offering range may be reflected in the form of prospectus filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b) if, in the aggregate, the changes in volume and price represent no more than a 20 percent change in the maximum aggregate offering price set forth in the “Calculation of Registration Fee” table in the effective registration statement. |
| | |
| (iii) | To include any material information with respect to the plan of distribution not previously disclosed in the Registration Statement or any material change to such information in the Registration Statement. |
(2) That, for the purpose of determining any liability under the Securities Act of 1933, each such post- effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initialbona fideoffering thereof.
(3) To remove from registration by means of a post-effective amendment any of the securities being registered which remain unsold at the termination of the offering.
(4) To provide the full financial statements of TIAA promptly upon written or oral request.
(5) That, for the purpose of determining liability under the Securities Act of 1933 to any purchaser, each prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b) as part of a registration statement relating to an offering, other than registration statements relying on Rule 430B or other than prospectuses filed in reliance on Rule 430A, shall be deemed to be part of and included in the registration statement as of the date it is first used after effectiveness. Provided, however, that no statement made in a registration statement or prospectus that is part of the registration statement or made in a document incorporated or deemed incorporated by reference into the registration statement or prospectus that is part of the registration statement will, as to a purchaser with a time of contract of sale prior to such first use, supersede or modify any statement that was made in the registration statement or prospectus that was part of the registration statement or made in any such document immediately prior to such date of first use.
(6) That, for the purpose of determining liability of the Registrant under the Securities Act of 1933 to any purchaser in the initial distribution of the securities:
The undersigned Registrant undertakes that in a primary offering of securities of the undersigned Registrant pursuant to this Registration Statement, regardless of the underwriting method used to sell the securities to the purchaser, if the securities are offered or sold to such purchaser by means of any of the following communications, the undersigned Registrant will be a seller to the purchaser and will be considered to offer or sell such securities to such purchaser:
| | |
| (i) | Any preliminary prospectus or prospectuses of the undersigned Registrant relating to the offering required to be filed pursuant to Rule 424; |
| | |
| (ii) | Any free writing prospectus relating to the offering prepared by or on behalf of the undersigned Registrant or used or referred to by the undersigned Registrant; |
| | |
| (iii) | The portion of any other free writing prospectus relating to the offering containing material information about the undersigned Registrant or its securities provided by or on behalf of the undersigned Registrant; and |
| | |
| (iv) | Any other communication that is an offer in the offering made by the undersigned Registrant to the purchaser. |
Following are the full audited statutory-basis financial statements of TIAA:
DECEMBER 31, 2007
April 1, 2008
To the Policyholders of
Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association of America:
The accompanying statutory-basis financial statements of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA”) are the responsibility of management. They have been prepared on the basis of statutory accounting principles, a comprehensive basis of accounting comprised of accounting principles prescribed or permitted by the New York State Insurance Department. The financial statements of TIAA have been presented fairly and objectively in accordance with such statutory accounting principles.
TIAA has established and maintains an effective system of internal controls over financial reporting designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are properly safeguarded, that transactions are properly executed in accordance with management’s authorization, and to carry out the ongoing responsibilities of management for reliable financial statements. In addition, TIAA’s internal audit personnel provide regular reviews and assessments of the internal controls and operations of TIAA, and the Senior Vice President of Internal Audit regularly reports to the Audit Committee of the TIAA Board of Trustees.
The independent auditors of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has audited the accompanying statutory-basis financial statements of TIAA for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005. To maintain auditor independence and avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, it continues to be TIAA’s policy that any management advisory or consulting services, which is not in accordance with TIAA’s specific auditor independence policies designed to avoid such conflicts, be obtained from a firm other than the independent auditor. The independent auditors’ report expresses an opinion on the fairness of presentation of these statutory-basis financial statements.
The Audit Committee of the TIAA Board of Trustees, comprised entirely of independent, non-management trustees, meets regularly with management, representatives of the independent auditor and internal audit personnel to review matters relating to financial reporting, internal controls and auditing. In addition to the annual independent audit of the TIAA statutory-basis financial statements, the New York State Insurance Department and other state insurance departments regularly examine the operations and financial statements of TIAA as part of their periodic corporate examinations.
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| Herbert M. Allison, Jr. |
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| 
| Chairman, President and |
| Chief Executive Officer |
| |
| Georganne C. Proctor |
| 
| Executive Vice President and |
| Chief Financial Officer |
To the Policyholders of
Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association of America:
The Audit Committee (“Committee”) oversees the financial reporting process of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA”) on behalf of TIAA’s Board of Trustees. The Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Trustees and operates in accordance with a formal written charter (copies are available upon request) that describes the Committee’s responsibilities.
Management has the primary responsibility for TIAA’s financial statements, the development and maintenance of an effective system of internal controls over financial reporting, operations, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Committee reviewed and approved the audit plans of the internal audit group and the independent auditors in connection with their respective audits. The Committee also meets regularly with the internal and independent auditors, both with and without management present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluation of internal controls, and the overall quality of financial reporting. The Committee has direct responsibility for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the external financial accounting firm. As required by its charter, the Committee will evaluate rotation of the external financial accounting firm whenever circumstances warrant, but in no event will the evaluation be later than the tenth year of service.
The Committee reviewed and discussed the accompanying audited statutory-basis financial statements with management, including a discussion of the quality and appropriateness of the accounting principles and financial reporting practices followed, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the clarity of disclosures in the statutory-basis financial statements. The Committee has also discussed the audited statutory-basis financial statements with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent auditors who are responsible for expressing an opinion on these financial statements based on their audits.
The discussion with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP focused on the effectiveness of TIAA’s internal control over financial reporting, significant accounting policies and practices and significant judgments made by management. In addition, the Committee discussed with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP the auditors’ independence from management, and the Board has received a written disclosure regarding such independence, as required by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Based on the review and discussions referred to above, the Committee has approved the release of the accompanying audited statutory-basis financial statements for publication and filing with appropriate regulatory authorities.
Rosalie J. Wolf, Audit Committee Chair
Glenn A. Britt, Audit Committee Member
Donald K. Peterson, Audit Committee Member
David L. Shedlarz, Audit Committee Member
April 16, 2008
Report of Independent Auditors To the Board of Trustees of
Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association of America:
We have audited the accompanying statutory statements of admitted assets, liabilities and capital and contingency reserves of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the related statutory statements of operations, changes in capital and contingency reserves, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
As described in Note 2 to the financial statements, the Company prepared these financial statements using accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Insurance Department of the State of New York, which practices differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The effects on the financial statements of the variances between the statutory basis of accounting and accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, although not reasonably determinable, are presumed to be material.
In our opinion, because of the effects of the matter discussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial statements referred to above do not present fairly, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, or the results of its operations or its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the admitted assets, liabilities and capital and contingency reserves of the Company as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007, on the basis of accounting described in Note 2.
As discussed in Note 2 to the financial statements, on January 1, 2007, the Company adopted Statement of Statutory Accounting Principles No. 97, Investments in Subsidiary, Controlled, and Affiliated Entities, A Replacement of SSAP No. 88.
/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
April 1, 2008
| | | | | | | |
| | December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | (in millions) | |
ADMITTED ASSETS | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 131,859 | | $ | 121,775 | |
Mortgages | | | 20,443 | | | 23,756 | |
Real estate | | | 1,672 | | | 1,455 | |
Preferred stocks | | | 4,375 | | | 4,554 | |
Common stocks | | | 4,190 | | | 4,050 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 10,293 | | | 7,372 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments | | | 1,603 | | | 2,464 | |
Investment income due and accrued | | | 1,519 | | | 1,480 | |
Separate account assets | | | 19,021 | | | 15,384 | |
Net deferred federal income tax asset | | | 1,076 | | | 964 | |
Other assets | | | 358 | | | 390 | |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS | | $ | 196,409 | | $ | 183,644 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Liabilities | | | | | | | |
Reserves for life and health insurance, annuities and deposit-type contracts | | $ | 147,622 | | $ | 142,733 | |
Dividends due to policyholders | | | 2,419 | | | 2,229 | |
Federal income taxes | | | 1,207 | | | 682 | |
Asset valuation reserve | | | 4,436 | | | 3,738 | |
Interest maintenance reserve | | | 603 | | | 682 | |
Separate account liabilities | | | 19,021 | | | 15,384 | |
Commercial paper | | | 952 | | | — | |
Other liabilities | | | 2,304 | | | 1,846 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | 178,564 | | | 167,294 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Capital and Contingency Reserves | | | | | | | |
Capital (2,500 shares of $1,000 par value common stock issued and outstanding and $550,000 paid-in capital) | | | 3 | | | 3 | |
Contingency Reserves: | | | | | | | |
For investment losses, annuity and insurance mortality, and other risks | | | 17,842 | | | 16,347 | |
| |
| |
| |
TOTAL CAPITAL AND CONTINGENCY RESERVES | | | 17,845 | | | 16,350 | |
| |
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| | | | | | | |
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| |
See notes to statutory - basis financial statements.
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Years Ended December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | (in millions) | |
REVENUES | | | | | | | | | | |
Insurance and annuity premiums and other considerations | | $ | 10,420 | | $ | 11,154 | | $ | 10,863 | |
Annuity dividend additions | | | 2,495 | | | 2,089 | | | 2,065 | |
Net investment income | | | 10,828 | | | 10,313 | | | 9,985 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
TOTAL REVENUES | | $ | 23,743 | | $ | 23,556 | | $ | 22,913 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
BENEFITS AND EXPENSES | | | | | | | | | | |
Policy and contract benefits | | $ | 10,133 | | $ | 9,812 | | $ | 7,962 | |
Dividends to policyholders | | | 4,578 | | | 3,986 | | | 3,860 | |
Increase in policy and contract reserves | | | 4,820 | | | 4,949 | | | 6,243 | |
Net operating expenses | | | 730 | | | 581 | | | 458 | |
Net transfers to separate accounts | | | 1,511 | | | 1,903 | | | 2,072 | |
Net, other | | | 39 | | | 71 | | | 117 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
TOTAL BENEFITS AND EXPENSES | | $ | 21,811 | | $ | 21,302 | | $ | 20,712 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Income before federal income taxes and net realized capital gains (losses) | | $ | 1,932 | | $ | 2,254 | | $ | 2,201 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Federal income tax expense (benefit) | | | 348 | | | (594 | ) | | 526 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Net realized capital gains (losses) less capital gains taxes, after transfers to interest maintenance reserve | | | (137 | ) | | 608 | | | 297 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
NET INCOME | | $ | 1,447 | | $ | 3,456 | | $ | 1,972 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
See notes to statutory - basis financial statements.
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Years Ended December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | (in millions) | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Net income | | $ | 1,447 | | $ | 3,456 | | $ | 1,972 | |
Net unrealized capital gains on investments | | | 865 | | | 398 | | | 497 | |
Change in the asset valuation reserve | | | (698 | ) | | (689 | ) | | (305 | ) |
Change in net deferred federal income tax asset | | | 57 | | | (1,154 | ) | | 110 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Change in non-admitted assets: | | | | | | | | | | |
Net deferred federal income tax asset | | | 55 | | | 1,155 | | | (171 | ) |
Other invested assets | | | (199 | ) | | (20 | ) | | (26 | ) |
Other | | | (36 | ) | | 14 | | | (81 | ) |
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle | | | — | | | — | | | 55 | |
Change in contingency reserves as a result of reinsurance | | | — | | | (13 | ) | | (17 | ) |
Other, net | | | 4 | | | 11 | | | (19 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
NET CHANGE IN CAPITAL AND CONTINGENCY RESERVES | | | 1,495 | | | 3,158 | | | 2,015 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
CAPITAL AND CONTINGENCY RESERVES AT BEGINNING OF YEAR | | | 16,350 | | | 13,192 | | | 11,177 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
CAPITAL AND CONTINGENCY RESERVES AT END OF YEAR | | $ | 17,845 | | $ | 16,350 | | $ | 13,192 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
See notes to statutory - basis financial statements.
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Years Ended December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | (in millions) | |
CASH FROM OPERATIONS | | | | | | | | | | |
Insurance and annuity premiums and other considerations | | $ | 10,420 | | $ | 11,153 | | $ | 10,860 | |
Miscellaneous income | | | 159 | | | 106 | | | 72 | |
Net investment income | | | 10,789 | | | 10,296 | | | 9,932 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total Receipts | | | 21,368 | | | 21,555 | | | 20,864 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Policy and contract benefits | | | 10,100 | | | 9,788 | | | 7,954 | |
Dividends paid to policyholders | | | 1,892 | | | 1,849 | | | 1,830 | |
Operating expenses | | | 747 | | | 674 | | | 591 | |
Federal income tax benefit | | | (10 | ) | | (62 | ) | | (15 | ) |
Net transfers to separate accounts | | | 1,505 | | | 1,904 | | | 2,068 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total Disbursements | | | 14,234 | | | 14,153 | | | 12,428 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net cash from operations | | | 7,134 | | | 7,402 | | | 8,436 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
CASH FROM INVESTMENTS | | | | | | | | | | |
Proceeds from long-term investments sold, matured, or repaid: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | | 11,663 | | | 17,210 | | | 17,386 | |
Stocks | | | 3,326 | | | 2,269 | | | 1,307 | |
Mortgages and real estate | | | 5,556 | | | 4,388 | | | 4,840 | |
Other invested assets | | | 2,576 | | | 2,105 | | | 2,049 | |
Miscellaneous proceeds | | | 4 | | | 7 | | | (69 | ) |
Cost of investments acquired: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | | 21,599 | | | 20,425 | | | 24,832 | |
Stocks | | | 3,120 | | | 1,582 | | | 1,276 | |
Mortgages and real estate | | | 2,412 | | | 3,612 | | | 4,544 | |
Other invested assets | | | 4,846 | | | 2,409 | | | 2,460 | |
Miscellaneous applications | | | 174 | | | 173 | | | 72 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net cash from investments | | | (9,026 | ) | | (2,222 | ) | | (7,671 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
CASH FROM FINANCING AND OTHER | | | | | | | | | | |
Net deposits on deposit-type contracts funds | | | 12 | | | (3 | ) | | (9 | ) |
Net collateral for security lending disbursements | | | — | | | (3,460 | ) | | (84 | ) |
Net commercial paper issued | | | 952 | | | — | | | — | |
Other cash provided (applied) | | | 67 | | | (77 | ) | | (295 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net cash from financing and other | | | 1,031 | | | (3,540 | ) | | (388 | ) |
| |
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| | | | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | |
CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS, END OF YEAR | | $ | 1,603 | | $ | 2,464 | | $ | 824 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
See notes to statutory - basis financial statements.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 1 – Organization
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA” or the “Company”) was established as a legal reserve life insurance company under the insurance laws of the State of New York in 1918. Its primary purpose is to aid and strengthen nonprofit educational and research organizations, governmental entities and other nonprofit institutions by providing retirement and insurance benefits for their employees and their families and by counseling these organizations and their employees on benefit plans and other measures of economic security.
Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation:
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the basis of statutory accounting principles prescribed or permitted by the New York State Insurance Department (the “Department”), a comprehensive basis of accounting that differs from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”). The Department requires insurance companies domiciled in the State of New York to prepare their statutory-basis financial statements in accordance with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (“NAIC”) Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual (“NAIC SAP”), subject to any deviation prescribed or permitted by the Department (“NY SAP”).
The table below provides a reconciliation of the Company’s net income and contingency reserves between NAIC SAP and the NY SAP annual statement filed with the Department. The primary differences arise because the Company maintains more conservative reserves, as prescribed or permitted by NY SAP, under which annuity reserves are generally discounted on the basis of contractually guaranteed interest rates and mortality tables (in millions).
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net Income, NY SAP | | $ | 1,429 | | $ | 2,334 | | $ | 2,001 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
NY SAP Prescribed or Permitted Practices: | | | | | | | | | | |
Additional Reserves for: | | | | | | | | | | |
Term Conversions | | | — | | | 1 | | | — | |
Deferred and Payout Annuities issued after 2000 | | | 490 | | | 374 | | | 395 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Net Income, NAIC SAP | | $ | 1,919 | | $ | 2,709 | | $ | 2,396 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Contingency Reserves, NY SAP | | $ | 17,824 | | $ | 15,279 | | $ | 13,220 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
NY SAP Prescribed or Permitted Practices: | | | | | | | | | | |
Goodwill Limitation | | | 28 | | | 34 | | | — | |
Additional Reserves for: | | | | | | | | | | |
Term Conversions | | | 9 | | | 9 | | | 8 | |
Deferred and Payout Annuities issued after 2000 | | | 3,385 | | | 2,895 | | | 2,521 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Contingency Reserves, NAIC SAP | | $ | 21,246 | | $ | 18,217 | | $ | 15,749 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies – (continued)
Reconciliations of Net Income and Contingency Reserves: Subsequent to the filing of its NY SAP financial statements, the Company made the following adjustments to the Statutory-Basis financial statements. Reconciliations of TIAA’s net income and contingency reserves between the NY SAP as originally filed and these audited financial statements are shown below (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | Net Income | | Capital and Contingency Reserves | | Net Income | | Capital and Contingency Reserves | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
NY SAP – as filed with Department | | $ | 1,429 | | $ | 17,827 | | $ | 2,334 | | $ | 15,282 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Adjustment to Current Federal Income Taxes | | | 18 | | | 18 | | | 1,122 | | | 1,122 | |
Change to Deferred Income Taxes | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | (1,117 | ) |
Change in Non-Admitted Deferred Income Taxes | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 1,063 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Audited Financial Statement | | $ | 1,447 | | $ | 17,845 | | $ | 3,456 | | $ | 16,350 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Application of Accounting Pronouncements:Beginning January 1, 2005, the Company implemented SSAP No. 88,Investments in Subsidiary, Controlled, and Affiliated Entities, A Replacement of SSAP No. 46. As a result of this guidance, the Company started recording its equity investment in its investment subsidiaries based on audited GAAP equity. Previous statutory accounting guidance required the insurer to make statutory adjustments to convert GAAP equity to a statutory equity basis. As a consequence of this change, prepaid expenses and leasing commissions recorded as assets under GAAP, for investment subsidiaries that contain real estate, were admitted and included on the balance sheets. The initial application of this standard resulted in a $55 million increase in the carrying value of the investment subsidiaries and to the Company’s net admitted assets and aggregate write-ins for special surplus funds at January 1, 2005.
For reporting periods ending on or after December 31, 2007, SSAP No. 97,Investment in Subsidiary, Controlled, and Affiliated Entities, A Replacement of SSAP No. 88, was implemented. The statement establishes statutory accounting principles for investments in subsidiaries, controlled and affiliated entities. SSAP 97 clarified the bases that a company could use to value its equity investment in its investment subsidiaries. The initial application of this statement resulted in a $249.5 million increase in non-admitted assets.
For reporting periods ending December 31, 2007 and thereafter, SSAP No. 96,Settlement Requirements for Intercompany Transactions, An Amendment to SSAP No. 25, became effective. This statement established a statutory aging threshold for admission of loans and advances to related parties outstanding as of the reporting date. The statement requires transactions between related parties to be in the form of a written agreement and must provide for timely settlement of amounts owed, with a specific due date. This change resulted in a $30.5 million increase in non-admitted assets.
For reporting periods beginning after January 1, 2007, SSAP No. 95,Exchanges of Nonmonetary Assets, A Replacement of SSAP No. 28 – Nonmonetary Transactions,was implemented. This statement established statutory accounting principles for certain types of nonmonetary transactions.
Accounting Principles Generally Accepted in the United States:The Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) dictates the requirements for financial statements that are prepared in conformity with GAAP with the applicable authoritative accounting pronouncements. As a result, the Company cannot refer to financial statements prepared in accordance with NAIC SAP and NY SAP as having been prepared in accordance with GAAP. The differences between GAAP and NAIC SAP would have a material effect on the Company’s financial statements and the primary differences can be summarized as follows:
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies – (continued)
Under GAAP:
| |
• | The asset valuation reserve (“AVR”) is eliminated as a reserve and the credit-related realized gains and losses are reported in the statement of income on a pretax basis as incurred; |
| |
• | The interest maintenance reserve (“IMR”) is eliminated and the realized gains and losses resulting from changes in interest rates are reported as a component of net income rather than being accumulated in and subsequently amortized into income over the remaining life of the investment sold; |
| |
• | Dividends on insurance policies and annuity contracts are accrued as the related earnings emerge from operations rather than being accrued in the year when they are declared; |
| |
• | Certain assets designated as “non-admitted assets” are included in the GAAP balance sheet rather than excluded from assets in the statutory balance sheet; |
| |
• | Policy acquisition costs are deferred and amortized over the lives of the policies issued rather than being charged to operations as incurred. Policy and contract reserves are based on estimates of expected mortality, morbidity, persistency and interest rather than being based on statutory mortality, morbidity and interest requirements; |
| |
• | Investments in wholly-owned subsidiaries, other entities under the control of the parent, and certain variable interest entities are consolidated in the parent’s financial statements rather than being carried at the parent’s share of the underlying audited GAAP equity or statutory surplus of a domestic insurance subsidiary; |
| |
• | Investments in bonds considered to be “available for sale” are carried at fair value rather than amortized cost; |
| |
• | State taxes are included in the computation of deferred taxes. A deferred tax asset is recorded for the amount of gross deferred tax assets expected to be realized in future years, and a valuation allowance is established for deferred tax assets not realizable, rather than not being included in the deferred income tax asset; |
| |
• | For purposes of calculating the defined benefit and the post-retirement benefit obligations, active participants not currently vested would also be included in determining the liability; |
| |
• | Annuities that do not incorporate significant insurance risk are classified as investment contracts and are not accounted for as insurance contracts; |
| |
• | Derivatives are generally valued at fair value rather than being accounted for in a manner consistent with the hedged item, even when the derivatives qualify for hedge accounting; |
| |
• | Loan-backed and structured securities that are determined to have an other-than-temporary impairment are written down to fair value and not to the sum of undiscounted estimated future cash flows; |
| |
• | Certain reinsurance transactions are accounted for as financing transactions under GAAP and as reinsurance for statutory purposes, and assets and liabilities are reported gross of reinsurance for GAAP and net of reinsurance for statutory purposes. |
The effects of these differences, while not determined, are presumed to be material.
Accounting Policies:
The preparation of the Company’s statutory-basis financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses at the date of the financial statements. Actual results may differ from those estimates. The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies followed by the Company:
Investments: Publicly traded securities are accounted for as of the date the investments are purchased or sold (trade date). Other investments are recorded on the settlement date. Realized capital gains and losses on investment transactions are accounted for under the specific identification method. A realized loss is recorded when an impairment is considered to be other-than-temporary. An impairment in an investment is considered to have occurred if an event or change in circumstance indicates that the carrying value of the asset may not be recoverable or the receipt of contractual payments of principal and interest may not occur when scheduled. When an impairment has been determined to have occurred, the investment is written down to fair value, except for loan-backed and structured securities which are written down to the sum of their undiscounted expected future cash
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies – (continued)
flows and a realized loss is recorded. Management considers available evidence to evaluate the potential impairment of its investments.
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments: Short-term investments (debt securities with maturities of one year or less at the time of acquisition) that are not impaired are stated at amortized cost using the interest method. Short-term investments impaired are stated at the lower of amortized cost or market value. Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, amounts due from banks, and short term highly liquid investments with original maturity of three months or less.
Bonds: Bonds not backed by loans and not impaired are stated at amortized cost using the interest method. Bonds not backed by loans that are held for sale or NAIC designation 6 and 6Z are valued at the lower of amortized cost or fair value.
Loan-Backed Securities and Structured Securities: Included within bonds are loan-backed securities. Loan-backed securities and structured securities not impaired are stated at amortized cost. The prospective approach is used in determining the carrying amount of interest-only securities, securities for which an other-than-temporary impairment has been recognized or securities whose expected future cash flows are lower than the expected cash flows estimated at the time of acquisition. The retrospective approach, which uses actual and expected future cash flows, is applied when determining the amount of all other loan-backed and structured securities. Estimated future cash flows and expected repayment periods are used in calculating amortization/accretion of premium/discount for loan-backed and structured securities. Loan-backed securities and structured securities held for sale and NAIC designation 6 and 6Z are stated at the lower of amortized cost or fair value. Prepayment assumptions for loaned backed securities and structured securities are obtained from external data services or internal estimates.
Common Stock:Unaffiliated common stocks are stated at fair value.
Preferred Stock:Preferred stocks of relatively high quality in NAIC designations 1, 2 and 3 are stated at amortized cost. Lower quality preferred stocks in NAIC designations 4, 5 and 6 are carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value.
Mortgages:Mortgages are stated at amortized cost, net of valuation allowances, except that purchase money mortgages are stated at the lower of amortized cost or ninety percent of appraised value. Mortgages held for sale are stated at the lower of amortized cost or fair value. A mortgage is evaluated for impairment when it is probable that the receipt of contractual payments of principal and interest may not occur when scheduled. If the impairment is considered to be temporary, a valuation reserve is established for the excess of the carrying value of the mortgage over its estimated fair value. Changes in valuation reserves for mortgages are included in net unrealized capital gains/losses on investments. When an event occurs resulting in an impairment that is other-than-temporary, a direct write-down is recorded as a realized loss and a new cost basis is established.
Real Estate:Real estate occupied by the Company and real estate held for the production of income are carried at depreciated cost, less encumbrances. Real estate held for sale is carried at the lower of depreciated cost or fair value, less encumbrances and estimated costs to sell. The Company utilizes the straight-line method of depreciation on real estate. Depreciation is generally computed over a forty-year period. A real estate property may be considered impaired when events or circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. When TIAA determines that an investment in real estate is impaired, a direct write-down is made to reduce the carrying value of the property to its estimated fair value based on an external appraisal, net of encumbrances and a realized loss is recorded.
Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries: Investments in wholly-owned subsidiaries are stated at the value of their underlying net assets as follows: (1) domestic insurance subsidiaries are stated at the value of their underlying statutory net assets; (2) non-insurance subsidiaries are stated at the value of their underlying audited GAAP equity. Dividends and distributions from subsidiaries are recorded in investment income and changes in the equity of subsidiaries are recorded directly to surplus as unrealized gains or losses.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies – (continued)
Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies: Investments in limited partnerships and limited liability companies are carried at the Company’s percentage of the underlying GAAP equity of the respective entity’s audited financial statements. An unrealized loss is deemed to be other-than-temporary when there is limited ability to recover the loss. A realized loss is recorded for other-than-temporary impairments.
Contract Loans: Contract loans are stated at outstanding principal balances.
Separate Accounts:Separate Accounts are established in conformity with insurance laws and are segregated from the Company’s general account and are maintained for the benefit of separate account contract holders. The Company’s investments in the TIAA-CREF Mutual Funds (“Retail Funds”), TIAA-CREF Institutional Mutual Funds (“Institutional Funds”), and TIAA-CREF Life Funds are stated at fair value.
Seed Money Investments:Seed money investments are stated at fair value.
Securities Lending:The Company had a securities lending program whereby it loaned securities to qualified brokers in exchange for cash collateral and required a minimum of 102 percent of the fair value of the loaned securities. When securities were loaned, the Company received additional income on the collateral and continues to receive income on the loaned securities. The Company’ securities lending program was discontinued in 2006.
Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation: Investments denominated in foreign currencies and foreign currency contracts are valued in U.S. dollars, based on exchange rates at the end of the period. Investment transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the respective transaction dates. All other asset and liability accounts that are denominated in foreign currencies are adjusted to reflect exchange rates at the end of the period. Realized and unrealized gains and losses due to foreign exchange transactions and translation adjustments, are not separately reported but are collectively included in realized and unrealized capital gains and losses, respectively.
Derivative Instruments:The Company has filed a Derivatives Use Plan with the Department. This plan details TIAA’s derivative policy objectives, strategies, controls and any restrictions placed on various derivative types. The plan also specifies the procedures and systems that TIAA has established to evaluate, monitor and report on the derivative portfolio in terms of valuation, hedge effectiveness and counterparty credit quality. The Company uses derivative instruments for hedging, income generation, and asset replication purposes. Derivatives used by the Company include foreign currency, interest rate and credit default swaps, foreign currency forwards and interest rate cap contracts. See Note 12.
Non-Admitted Assets: For statutory accounting purposes only, certain assets are designated as non-admitted assets (principally furniture, equipment, leasehold improvements, prepaid expenses, and a portion of deferred federal income tax assets (“DFIT”)). Investment-related non-admitted assets totaled $280 million and $90 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The non-admitted portion of the DFIT asset was $1,967 million and $2,022 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The other non-admitted assets were $340 million and $295 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Changes in non-admitted assets are charged or credited directly to contingency reserves.
Furniture and Fixtures, Equipment, Leasehold Improvements and Computer Software: Electronic data processing equipment (“EDP”), computer software, furniture and equipment that qualify for capitalization are depreciated using the straight-line method over 3 years. Office alterations and leasehold tenant improvements that qualify for capitalization are depreciated over 5 years and the remaining life of the lease, respectively.
Accumulated depreciation of EDP equipment and computer software was $233 million and $297 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Related depreciation expenses allocated to TIAA were $35 million, $22 million and $16 million in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. Accumulated depreciation of all furniture and
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 2 – Significant Accounting Policies – (concluded)
equipment and leasehold improvements, which is non-admitted, was $303 million and $269 million at December 31, 2007, and 2006, respectively. Related depreciation expenses allocated to TIAA was $14 million, $20 million and $17 million in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Premium Revenue: Premiums are recognized as income over the premium-paying period of the related policies. Annuity considerations are recognized as revenue when received. Expenses incurred in connection with acquiring new insurance business are charged to operations as incurred.
Policy and Contract Reserves:TIAA offers a range of group and individual retirement annuities and individual life and other insurance products. Policy and contract reserves for such products are determined in accordance with standard valuation methods approved by the Department and are computed in accordance with standard actuarial formulae. The reserves established utilize assumptions for interest mortality and other risks insured. Such reserves are designed to be sufficient for contractual benefits guaranteed under policy and contract provisions.
Reserves for deposit-type funds, which do not contain any life contingencies, are equal to deposits received and interest credited to the benefit of contract holders, less withdrawals that represent a return to the contract holder.
Dividends Declared for the Following Year: Dividends on insurance policies and pension annuity contracts in the payout phase are declared by the TIAA Board of Trustees (“Board”) in the fourth quarter of each year, and such dividends are credited to policyholders in the following calendar year. Dividends on pension annuity contracts in the accumulation phase are declared by the Board in February of each year, and such dividends on the various existing vintages of pension annuity contracts in the accumulation phase are credited to policyholders during the ensuing twelve month period beginning March 1.
Asset Valuation Reserve: The AVR, which covers all invested asset classes, is a reserve required by NAIC SAP to provide for potential future credit and equity losses. Reserve components of the AVR are maintained for bonds, stocks, mortgages, real estate, other invested assets and derivatives. Realized and unrealized credit and equity capital gains and losses, net of capital gains taxes, are credited to or charged against the related components of the AVR. Statutory formulae determine the required reserve components primarily based on factors applied to asset classes, and insurance companies may also establish additional reserves for any component; however, the ultimate balance cannot exceed the statutory maximum reserve for that component. Contributions and adjustments to the AVR are reported as transfers to or from contingency reserves. No voluntary contributions were made in either 2007 or 2006.
Interest Maintenance Reserve: The IMR is a reserve required by NAIC SAP which accumulates realized interest rate-related capital gains and losses on sales of debt securities and mortgages, as defined by NAIC SAP. Such capital gains and losses are amortized out of the IMR, under the grouped method of amortization, as an adjustment to net investment income over the remaining lives of the assets sold.
Capitalization Policy:The Company’s capitalization threshold was lowered in 2007 to more closely align with industry practices, improve matching of investment benefits and operating expenses, and to better position the Company. Factors considered in developing the capitalization policy included dollar amount of capital expenditures, expected useful life of the asset and the impact of depreciation, process and benefit improvements and the current cost of capitalizable items as it relates to future purchase costs of similar items.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 3 – Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks, and Common Stocks
The amortized cost and estimated fair values, and unrealized gains and losses of long-term bonds, preferred stocks, and common stocks at December 31, are shown below (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | Gross Unrealized | | | | |
| | | | |
| | Estimated Fair Value | |
| | Cost** | | Gains | | Losses | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
December 31, 2007 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
U.S. Government | | $ | 4,812 | | $ | 325 | | $ | — | | $ | 5,137 | |
All Other Governments | | | 741 | | | 83 | | | (4 | ) | | 820 | |
States, Territories & Possessions | | | 842 | | | 176 | | | (3 | ) | | 1,015 | |
Political Subdivisions of States, | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Territories & Possessions | | | 18 | | | 3 | | | — | | | 21 | |
Special Revenue & Special Assessment, | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Non-guaranteed Agencies & Government | | | 25,990 | | | 602 | | | (333 | ) | | 26,259 | |
Public Utilities | | | 4,897 | | | 263 | | | (107 | ) | | 5,053 | |
Industrial & Miscellaneous | | | 94,571 | | | 3,026 | | | (2,882 | ) | | 94,715 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total Bonds | | | 131,871 | | | 4,478 | | | (3,329 | ) | | 133,020 | |
Preferred Stocks | | | 4,382 | | | 41 | | | (279 | ) | | 4,144 | |
Common Stocks Unaffiliated | | | 1,349 | | | 143 | | | (15 | ) | | 1,477 | |
Common Stocks Affiliated*** | | | 2,714 | | | 1,849 | | | — | | | 4,563 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total Bonds and Stocks | | $ | 140,316 | | $ | 6,511 | | $ | (3,623 | ) | $ | 143,204 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | Gross Unrealized | | | | |
| | | | |
| | Estimated Fair Value | |
| | Cost** | | Gains | | Losses | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
December 31, 2006 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
U.S. Government | | $ | 1,393 | | $ | 31 | | $ | (3 | ) | $ | 1,421 | |
All Other Governments | | | 922 | | | 113 | | | (2 | ) | | 1,033 | |
States, Territories & Possessions | | | 942 | | | 164 | | | (7 | ) | | 1,099 | |
Political Subdivisions of States, | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Territories & Possessions | | | 19 | | | 3 | | | — | | | 22 | |
Special Revenue & Special Assessment, | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Non-guaranteed Agencies & Government | | | 25,164 | | | 499 | | | (359 | ) | | 25,304 | |
Public Utilities | | | 4,831 | | | 231 | | | (90 | ) | | 4,972 | |
Industrial & Miscellaneous | | | 88,507 | | | 2,550 | | | (1,277 | ) | | 89,780 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total Bonds | | | 121,778 | | | 3,591 | | | (1,738 | ) | | 123,631 | |
Preferred Stocks | | | 4,564 | | | 128 | | | (62 | ) | | 4,630 | |
Common Stocks Unaffiliated | | | 1,129 | | | 166 | | | (12 | ) | | 1,283 | |
Common Stocks Affiliated*** | | | 2,768 | | | 2,510 | | | — | | | 5,278 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total Bonds and Stocks | | $ | 130,239 | | $ | 6,395 | | $ | (1,812 | ) | $ | 134,822 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
** Amortized cost for bonds and original cost for stocks net of cumulative recorded other-than-temporary impairments.
*** Also reported in Note 6 Subsidiaries and Affiliates.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 3 – Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks, and Common Stocks – (continued)
Impairment Review Process: All securities are subjected to TIAA’s process for identifying other-than-temporary impairments. The quarterly impairment identification process utilizes, but is not limited to, a screening process based on declines in fair value of more than 20%. The Company writes down securities that it deems to have an other-than-temporary impairment in value in the period the securities are deemed to be impaired, based on management’s case-by-case evaluation of the decline in value and prospects for recovery. Management considers a wide range of factors in the impairment evaluation process, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) the extent to which and the length of time the fair value has been below amortized cost; (b) the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer; (c) whether the debtor is current on contractually obligated interest and principal payments; (d) the intent and ability of the Company to retain the investment for a period of time sufficient to allow for any anticipated recovery in fair value or repayment; (e) information obtained from regulators and rating agencies; (f) the potential for impairments in an entire industry sector or sub-sector; and (g) the potential for impairments in certain economically-depressed geographic locations. Where an impairment is considered to be other-than-temporary, the Company recognizes a write-down as an investment loss and adjusts the cost basis of the security accordingly. The Company does not change the revised cost basis for subsequent recoveries in value. Once an impairment write-down has been recorded, the Company continues to review the impaired security for appropriate valuation on an ongoing basis.
The gross unrealized losses and estimated fair values for securities by the length of time that individual securities had been in a continuous unrealized loss position are shown in the table below (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Cost** | | Gross Unrealized Loss | | Estimated Fair Value | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
December 31, 2007 | | | | | | | | | | |
Less than twelve months: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 34,629 | | $ | (1,887 | ) | $ | 32,742 | |
Preferred Stocks | | | 1,801 | | | (144 | ) | | 1,657 | |
Common Stocks | | | 128 | | | (15 | ) | | 113 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total less than twelve months | | | 36,558 | | | (2,046 | ) | | 34,512 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Twelve months or more: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | | 29,431 | | | (1,442 | ) | | 27,989 | |
Preferred Stocks | | | 1,457 | | | (135 | ) | | 1,322 | |
Common Stocks | | | 10 | | | — | | | 10 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total twelve months or more | | | 30,898 | | | (1,577 | ) | | 29,321 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total – All bonds, preferred & common stocks | | $ | 67,456 | | $ | (3,623 | ) | $ | 63,833 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
** Amortized cost for bonds and original cost for stocks net of cumulative reported other-than-temporary impairments.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 3 – Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks, and Common Stocks – (continued)
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Cost** | | Gross Unrealized Loss | | Estimated Fair Value | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
December 31, 2006 | | | | | | | | | | |
Less than twelve months: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 24,750 | | $ | (384 | ) | $ | 24,366 | |
Preferred Stocks | | | 1,737 | | | (43 | ) | | 1,694 | |
Common Stocks | | | 76 | | | (12 | ) | | 64 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total less than twelve months | | $ | 26,563 | | $ | (439 | ) | $ | 26,124 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Twelve months or more: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 35,790 | | $ | (1,354 | ) | $ | 34,436 | |
Preferred Stocks | | | 273 | | | (19 | ) | | 254 | |
Common Stocks | | | 10 | | | — | | | 10 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total twelve months or more | | | 36,073 | | | (1,373 | ) | | 34,700 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total – All bonds, preferred & common stocks | | $ | 62,636 | | $ | (1,812 | ) | $ | 60,824 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
** Amortized cost for bonds and original cost for stocks net of cumulative recorded other-than-temporary impairments.
For 2007, the categories of securities where the estimated fair value declined and remained below cost for twelve months or greater were concentrated in mortgage-backed securities (27%), commercial mortgage-backed securities (26%), finance (12%), asset-backed securities (10%), and public utilities (9%). The preceding percentages were calculated as a percentage of the gross unrealized loss. The Company held twenty-five securities where each had a gross unrealized loss greater than $5 million at December 31, 2007. Nine of these securities remained below cost by 20% or more for twelve months or greater. Two of the securities were asset-backed securities and five were commercial mortgage backed securities with the estimated undiscounted future cash flows supporting the current carrying value.
For 2006, the categories of securities where the estimated fair value declined and remained below cost for twelve months or greater were concentrated in asset-backed securities (19%), mortgage-backed securities (27%), manufacturing (13%), finance (13%), public utilities (10%), and oil and gas (4%). The preceding percentages were calculated as a percentage of the gross unrealized loss. The Company held fifteen securities where each had a gross unrealized loss greater than $5 million at December 31, 2006. One of these securities remained below cost by 20% or more for twelve months or greater. The security was an asset-backed security and the estimated undiscounted future cash flows supported the carrying value of the security.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 3 – Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks, and Common Stocks – (continued)
The statutory carrying values and estimated fair values of long-term bond investments at December 31, 2007, by contractual maturity, are shown below (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | Carrying Value | | Estimated Fair Value | |
| |
| |
| |
Due in one year or less | | $ | 2,002 | | $ | 2,023 | |
Due after one year through five years | | | 12,275 | | | 12,809 | |
Due after five years through ten years | | | 24,846 | | | 25,214 | |
Due after ten years | | | 29,539 | | | 30,963 | |
| |
| |
| |
Subtotal | | | 68,662 | | | 71,009 | |
Residential mortgage-backed securities | | | 33,792 | | | 33,660 | |
Commercial mortgage-backed securities | | | 21,940 | | | 21,043 | |
Asset-backed securities | | | 7,465 | | | 7,308 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 131,859 | | $ | 133,020 | |
| |
| |
| |
Bonds not due at a single maturity date have been included in the preceding table based on the year of final maturity. Actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to prepay obligations, although prepayment premiums may be applicable.
Included in the preceding table under asset-backed securities is TIAA’s exposure to sub-prime mortgages totaling approximately $4 billion. Ninety-nine percent (99%) of the sub-prime securities were rated investment grade (NAIC 1 and 2).
Included in the preceding table are NAIC 6 and 6Z long-term bonds investments totaling approximately $690 million. The statutory carrying of these investments are listed in the following table (in million):
| | | | |
| | Carrying Value | |
| |
| |
Due in one year or less | | $ | 10 | |
Due after one year through five years | | | 15 | |
Due after five years through ten years | | | 258 | |
Due after ten years | | | 326 | |
| |
| |
Subtotal | | | 609 | |
Residential mortgage-backed securities | | | 2 | |
Commercial mortgage-backed securities | | | 6 | |
Asset-backed securities | | | 73 | |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 690 | |
| |
| |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 3 – Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks, and Common Stocks – (continued)
The carrying values of long-term bond investments were diversified by industry classification at December 31 as follows:
| | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
Residential mortgage-backed securities | | | 25.6 | % | | 26.1 | % |
Commercial mortgage-backed securities | | | 16.6 | | | 15.6 | |
Finance and financial services | | | 10.0 | | | 10.1 | |
Manufacturing | | | 8.6 | | | 10.4 | |
Public utilities | | | 6.9 | | | 6.9 | |
Government | | | 6.8 | | | 4.7 | |
Asset-backed securities | | | 5.7 | | | 7.0 | |
Oil and gas | | | 4.1 | | | 3.9 | |
Communications | | | 3.5 | | | 4.0 | |
Real estate investment trusts | | | 3.0 | | | 3.1 | |
Services | | | 2.9 | | | 2.8 | |
Revenue and special obligations | | | 2.1 | | | 2.1 | |
Retail and wholesale trade | | | 2.0 | | | 2.0 | |
Transportation | | | 1.2 | | | 1.3 | |
Mining | | | 1.0 | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | | 100.0 | % | | 100.0 | % |
| |
| |
| |
At December 31, 2007 and 2006, 94.9% and 94.5%, respectively, of the long-term bond portfolio was comprised of investment grade securities.
During 2007 and 2006, the Company recorded bonds and stocks acquired through troubled debt restructurings with the book value aggregating $42 million and $8 million, respectively, of which $42 million and $3 million were acquired through non-monetary transactions, respectively. When restructuring troubled debt, TIAA generally accounts for assets at their fair value at the time of restructuring or at the carrying value of the assets given up if lower. If the fair value is less than the carrying value of the assets given up, the required write-down is recognized as a realized capital loss. During 2007 and 2006, the Company also acquired bonds and stocks through exchanges aggregating $804 million and $990 million, of which $37 million and $25 million were acquired through non-monetary transactions, respectively. When exchanging securities, TIAA generally accounts for assets at fair value unless the exchange was as a result of restricted 144A’s exchanged for unrestricted securities, which are accounted for at book value. During 2007 and 2006, TIAA acquired common stocks from Other Invested Asset fund investment distributions totaling $55 million and $35 million, respectively.
Debt securities of $8 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively, were on deposit with governmental authorities or trustees, as required by law.
In the second quarter 2006 the Company discontinued the securities lending program.
The Company does not have any restricted common stock or preferred stock.
For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, the carrying amount of bonds and stocks denominated in a foreign currency was $4,188 million and $3,873 million, respectively. Bonds that totaled $1,612 million and $1,408 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively, represent amounts due from related parties that are collateralized by real estate owned by TIAA’s investment subsidiaries and affiliates.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 3 – Long Term Bonds, Preferred Stocks, and Common Stocks – (concluded)
The Company uses a third party proprietary system in determining the market value of its loan-backed securities. In 2007, the Company changed from the retrospective method to the prospective method due to negative yields on specific structured securities totaling $78 million. This change was in accordance with SSAP 43. The Company also changed its accounting to the prospective method for loan-backed securities whose expected cash flows fell substantially below those expected at the time of acquisition.
Note 4 – Mortgages
The Company originates mortgages that are principally collateralized by commercial real estate. The coupon rates for non mezzanine commercial mortgages originated during 2007 ranged from 4.96% to 8.77% and ranged from 5.10% to 7.08% for 2006.
The Company also acquires mezzanine real estate loans, which are secured by a pledge of direct or indirect equity interests in an entity that owns real estate. The coupon rate for mezzanine real estate loans acquired during 2007 ranged from 5.83% to 6.96% and ranged from 5.58% to 6.40% for 2006.
The maximum percentage of any one loan to the value of the security at the time of the loan, exclusive of insured, guaranteed or purchase money mortgages, was 80% for commercial loans (includes mezzanine loans).
For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, the carrying value of mezzanine real estate loans was $832 million and $867 million, respectively.
Impairment Review Process: The Company monitors the effects of current and expected market conditions and other factors on the collectibility of mortgages to identify and quantify any impairment in value. Any impairment is classified as either temporary, for which, a recovery is anticipated, or other-than-temporary. Mortgages held to maturity with impaired values at December 31, 2007 and 2006 have been written down to net realizable values based upon independent appraisals of the collateral while mortgages held for sale have been written down to the current fair value of the loan, as shown in the table below. For impaired mortgages where the impairments were deemed to be temporary, an allowance for credit losses has been established, as indicated below (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Investment in impaired mortgages, with temporary allowances for credit losses (at net carried value plus accrued interest) | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — | |
Related temporary allowances for credit losses | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — | |
Investment in impaired mortgages, net of other-than-temporary impairment losses recognized | | $ | 164 | | $ | 1,031 | | $ | 92 | |
Related write-downs for other-than-temporary impairments | | $ | (9 | ) | $ | (26 | ) | $ | (3 | ) |
Average investments in impaired mortgages | | $ | 746 | | $ | 179 | | $ | 380 | |
Interest income recognized on impaired mortgages during the period | | $ | 40 | | $ | 5 | | $ | 21 | |
Interest income recognized on a cash basis during the period | | $ | 50 | | $ | 6 | | $ | 24 | |
The activity affecting the allowance for credit losses on mortgages was as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
Balance at the beginning of the year | | $ | — | | $ | — | |
Provisions for losses charged against contingency reserves | | | — | | | 8 | |
Write-downs for other-than-temporary impaired assets charged against the allowance | | | — | | | (2 | ) |
Recoveries of amounts previously charged off | | | — | | | (6 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
Balance at the end of the year | | $ | — | | $ | — | |
| |
| |
| |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 4 - Mortgages - (continued)
Mortgage Diversification: At December 31, the carrying values of mortgage investments were diversified by property type and geographic region as follows:
| | | | | | | |
Property Type | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Shopping centers | | | 36.6 | % | | 34.8 | % |
Office buildings | | | 31.4 | | | 33.8 | |
Industrial buildings | | | 16.4 | | | 14.3 | |
Apartments | | | 6.2 | | | 6.2 | |
Mixed-use projects | | | 5.3 | | | 6.7 | |
Hotel | | | 3.5 | | | 3.7 | |
Other | | | 0.6 | | | 0.5 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | | 100.0 | % | | 100.0 | % |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Geographic Region | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Pacific | | | 28.7 | % | | 28.9 | % |
South Atlantic | | | 22.8 | | | 23.3 | |
North Central | | | 13.5 | | | 13.7 | |
Middle Atlantic | | | 11.6 | | | 11.5 | |
South Central | | | 10.9 | | | 10.2 | |
Mountain | | | 4.4 | | | 5.3 | |
New England | | | 4.2 | | | 4.5 | |
Other | | | 3.9 | | | 2.6 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | | 100.0 | % | | 100.0 | % |
| |
| |
| |
At December 31, 2007 and 2006, approximately 23.2% and 22.0% of the mortgage portfolio, respectively, was invested in California and was included in the Pacific region shown above.
Scheduled Mortgage Maturities: At December 31, 2007, contractual maturities for mortgages were as follows (in millions):
| | | | |
| | Carrying Value | |
| |
| |
Due in one year or less | | $ | 1,536 | |
Due after one year through five years | | | 9,007 | |
Due after five years through ten years | | | 8,816 | |
Due after ten years | | | 1,084 | |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 20,443 | |
| |
| |
Actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to prepay mortgages, although prepayment premiums may be applicable.
There were no mortgages with restructured or modified terms at December 31, 2007 and 2006. Investment income earned on these mortgages were $ 0, $ 0 and $11 million, which would have been approximately $ 0, $ 0 and $17 million, if they had performed in accordance with their original terms at December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. When restructuring mortgages, TIAA generally requires participation features, yield maintenance
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 4 - Mortgages - (concluded)
stipulations, and/or the establishment of property-specific escrow accounts funded by the borrowers. With respect to impaired loans, the Company accrues interest income to the extent it is deemed collectible. Due and accrued income on any mortgage in default for more than eighteen months is non-admitted. Cash received on impaired mortgages that are performing according to their contractual terms is applied in accordance with those terms. For mortgages in the process of foreclosure, cash received is initially held in suspense and applied as return of principal at the time that the foreclosure process is completed, or the mortgage is otherwise disposed. There were no mortgages with interest more than 180 days past due at December 31, 2007 and 2006.
During 2007, the Company did not reduce the interest rate of outstanding loans.
The Company has no Reverse Mortgages as of December 31, 2007 and 2006.
Mortgages that totaled $212 million and $222 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively, represent the carrying value of amounts due from related parties that are collateralized by real estate owned by TIAA investment subsidiaries and affiliates.
For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, the carrying value of mortgages denominated in foreign currency was $745 million and $577 million, respectively.
The Company does not underwrite nor does it hold sub-prime mortgages in the commercial mortgage portfolio and does not have any material indirect exposure from sub-prime lenders who are tenants in buildings that are secured by commercial mortgages.
Note 5 – Real Estate
The Company makes investments in commercial real estate directly, through wholly owned subsidiaries and through real estate limited partnerships. The Company monitors the effects of current and expected market conditions and other factors on the reliability of real estate investments to identify and quantify any impairment in value. Other-than-temporary impairments on directly owned real estate investments for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 were $ 0 and $2 million, respectively, and these amounts are included in the impairment table in Note 4. The 2006 other-than-temporary impairments were recorded on properties that were not expected to be held until recovery. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, TIAA’s directly owned real estate investments of $1,672 million and $1,455 million, respectively, were carried net of third party mortgage encumbrances, which totaled approximately $163 million and $166 million, respectively.
At December 31, the carrying values of real estate investments were diversified by property type and geographic region as follows:
| | | | | | | |
Property Type | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Office buildings | | | 63.7 | % | | 60.5 | % |
Industrial buildings | | | 15.5 | | | 17.9 | |
Mixed-use projects | | | 14.9 | | | 17.4 | |
Apartments | | | 2.7 | | | 1.8 | |
Land held for future development | | | 2.3 | | | 2.1 | |
Retail | | | 0.7 | | | — | |
Income-producing land underlying improved real estate | | | 0.2 | | | 0.3 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | | 100.0 | % | | 100.0 | % |
| |
| |
| |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 5 – Real Estate - (concluded)
| | | | | | | |
Geographic Region | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
South Atlantic | | | 42.5 | % | | 47.2 | % |
North Central | | | 13.9 | | | 16.0 | |
Middle Atlantic | | | 13.6 | | | 3.9 | |
Pacific | | | 12.5 | | | 12.7 | |
South Central | | | 8.0 | | | 9.1 | |
Other | | | 7.6 | | | 8.8 | |
Mountain | | | 1.9 | | | 2.3 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | | 100.0 | % | | 100.0 | % |
| |
| |
| |
At December 31, 2007 and 2006, approximately 17.7% and 19.0% of the real estate portfolio, respectively, was invested in Florida and was included in the South Atlantic region shown above.
Depreciation expense on directly owned real estate investments for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, was $53 million, $50 million and $53 million, respectively; the amount of accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2007 and 2006 was $328 million and $275 million, respectively.
For 2007 and 2006, there were no real estate properties acquired via the assumption of debt or in satisfaction of debt.
The Company’s real estate portfolio does not have any material exposure from sub-prime lenders who are tenants in the buildings that are directly owned.
The Company does not engage in retail land sales operations.
Note 6 - Subsidiaries and Affiliates
TIAA’s investment subsidiaries and affiliates have been created for legal or other business reasons and are primarily involved in real estate and securities investment activities for the Company. The larger investment subsidiaries and affiliates are ND Properties, Inc., TIAA Realty, Inc., Ceres Agricultural Properties, LLC and 485 Properties, LLC (in millions).
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net Carrying Value | | $ | 4,550 | | $ | 3,921 | | $ | — | |
Other Than Temporary Impairment * | | $ | 9 | | $ | 11 | | $ | 94 | |
Net Investment Income (distributed from investment subs and aff.) | | $ | 132 | | $ | 191 | | $ | 286 | |
Amounts due from (to) subs and affiliates | | $ | 2 | | $ | (19 | ) | $ | 20 | |
Capital Contributions | | $ | 1,529 | | $ | 231 | | $ | — | |
Return of Capital | | $ | 1,216 | | $ | 992 | | $ | — | |
The 2007 other-than-temporary impairments relate to real estate investments that were impaired and/or reclassified to Held for Sale, and written down to external appraisal values or estimated net sales price.
TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Company (“TIAA-CREF Life”), TIAA’s only insurance subsidiary, became a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of TIAA as of December 31, 2005 (in millions).
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net Carrying Value | | $ | 356 | | $ | 341 | | $ | — | |
Amounts due from subs and affiliates | | $ | 25 | | $ | 33 | | $ | 2 | |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 6 - Subsidiaries and Affiliates – (concluded)
TIAA’s operating subsidiaries primarily consist of TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. (“TFI”), Teachers Personal Investors Services (“TPIS”) and Teachers Advisors, Inc. (“Advisors”) which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of TIAA-CREF Enterprises, Inc. (“Enterprises”) a wholly-owned subsidiary of TIAA, TIAA-CREF Trust Company, FSB (“Trust”), TIAA-CREF Institutional & Services LLC (“Services”), TIAA-CREF Asset Management Commingled Funds Trust I (“TCAM”), TIAA-CREF Investment Management, LLC, and TIAA Global Markets, Inc. (“TGM”), TIAA-CREF Redwood, LLC, and Extension Funds I and II which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of TIAA (in millions).
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net Carrying Value | | $ | 810 | | $ | 871 | | $ | — | |
Other Than Temporary Impairment | | $ | 56 | | $ | 36 | | $ | — | |
Net Investment Income (distributed from investment subs and aff.) | | $ | — | | $ | 3 | | $ | 7 | |
Amounts due from subs and affiliates | | $ | 121 | | $ | 58 | | $ | 84 | |
Capital Contributions | | $ | 148 | | $ | 82 | | $ | — | |
Return of Capital | | $ | 228 | | $ | 3 | | $ | — | |
The 2007 other-than-temporary impairments were a result of a decline in equity value of three subsidiaries for which the carrying value is not expected to be recovered.
To conform to the NAIC Annual Statement presentation, the Company’s share of net carrying value of these entities is reported as affiliated common stock or as other long-term investments.
TIAA provides a $750 million uncommitted and unsecured 364-day revolving line of credit to TGM. During 2007, there were 3 drawdowns totaling $500 million that were repaid by December 31, 2007. For the year ended December 31, 2007, outstanding principal on this line of credit plus accrued interest was $ 0.
In October 2004, TIAA extended a $100 million committed and unsecured 364-day revolving line of credit to TCAM. In 2007, there were 13 draw downs totaling $314 million. At December 31, 2007, outstanding principal plus accrued interest totaled $26 million.
As of December 31, 2007 and 2006, TIAA’s investments in TIAA-CREF mutual funds totaled approximately $863 million and $759 million, respectively. These amounts are reported in the caption “Common Stocks” in the accompanying balance sheets.
Note 7 - Other Long-Term Investments
The components of TIAA’s carrying value in other long-term investments at December 31, were (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
Unaffiliated Other Invested Assets | | $ | 6,379 | | $ | 4,233 | |
Affiliated Other Invested Assets | | | 3,003 | | | 2,365 | |
Other Assets | | | 911 | | | 774 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total other long-term investments | | $ | 10,293 | | $ | 7,372 | |
| |
| |
| |
As of December 31, 2007, unaffiliated other invested assets of $6,379 million consist primarily of private equity funds of which $4,420 million invest in securities and $1,501 million invest in real estate related holdings. As of December 31, 2007, affiliated other invested assets totaling $3,003 million represents investment subsidiaries totaling $2,247 million of which $1,289 million invest primarily in real estate related holdings. The remaining $756 million of affiliated other invested assets represents operating subsidiaries and trusts. Other assets in the table above consist primarily of contract loans.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 7 - Other Long-Term Investments - (concluded)
For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, other-than-temporary impairments in other long-term investments for which the carrying value is not expected to be recovered were $42 million and $45 million, respectively.
For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, other long-term investments denominated in foreign currency were $875 million and $752 million, respectively.
The Company holds investments in Low Income Housing Tax Credits (“LIHTC”) which have remaining tax credit years ranging from 2 years to 16 years with holding periods ranging from 16 years to 20 years. The Company’s investment in LIHTC properties are not currently subject to regulatory review and do not exceed 10% of the Company’s admitted assets. As of December 31, 2007, the Company had commitments to purchase tax credits of $32.7 million of which $32.1 million is to be disbursed in 2008 and $0.6 million in 2009.
Note 8 - Commitments
The outstanding obligation for future investments at December 31, 2007, is shown below by asset category (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2008 | | 2009 | | In later years | | Total Commitments | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Bonds | | $ | 91 | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | 91 | |
Mortgages | | | 367 | | | 14 | | | — | | | 381 | |
Real estate | | | 6 | | | — | | | — | | | 6 | |
Common stocks | | | 350 | | | 111 | | | 51 | | | 512 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 1,804 | | | 1,250 | | | 2,357 | | | 5,411 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 2,618 | | $ | 1,375 | | $ | 2,408 | | $ | 6,401 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The funding of bond commitments is contingent upon the continued favorable financial performance of the potential borrowers and the funding of mortgage and real estate commitments are generally contingent upon the underlying properties meeting specified requirements, including construction, leasing and occupancy. Due to TIAA’s due diligence in closing mortgage commitments, there is a lag between commitment and closing. For other long–term investments, primarily fund investments, there are scheduled capital calls that extend into future years.
In addition to the amounts in the above table, the Company is a limited partner in the Hines Development Fund Limited Partnership (“Development Fund I & II”) whose primary focus is the development and redevelopment of real estate projects in Western Europe. Each of the limited partners made a specified commitment to the fund; TIAA committed 130 million Euros which is approximately $189.7 million to Development Fund I and 100 million Euros which is approximately $145.9 million to Development Fund II as of December 31, 2007. The limited partners’ commitments are pledged as collateral to facilitate the financing of the activities of the fund by third parties through equity lines of credit. The limited partners do not anticipate funding their commitments but remain committed to do so should it become necessary for the Development Fund to make cash capital calls.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 9 – Investment Income and Capital Gains and Losses
Net Investment Income: The components of net investment income for the years ended December 31, were as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Bonds | | $ | 7,901 | | $ | 7,536 | | $ | 7,519 | |
Mortgages | | | 1,481 | | | 1,781 | | | 1,799 | |
Real estate | | | 246 | | | 244 | | | 278 | |
Stocks | | | 512 | | | 368 | | | 400 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 918 | | | 635 | | | 411 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments | | | 90 | | | 46 | | | 23 | |
Other | | | 5 | | | 4 | | | 3 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total gross investment income | | | 11,153 | | | 10,614 | | | 10,433 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Less securities lending expenses | | | — | | | (13 | ) | | (126 | ) |
Less investment expenses | | | (448 | ) | | (423 | ) | | (455 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net investment income before amortization of net IMR gains | | | 10,705 | | | 10,178 | | | 9,852 | |
Plus amortization of net IMR gains | | | 123 | | | 135 | | | 133 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net investment income | | $ | 10,828 | | $ | 10,313 | | $ | 9,985 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Due and accrued income excluded from net investment income is as follows: Bonds in or near default or that are over 90 days past due; Preferred Stocks that are over 90 days past due and with a NAIC designation of 4, 5 or 6; Common Stocks Affiliated related to real estate with rents over 90 days past due; Mortgages with amounts greater than the excess of property value over the unpaid principal balance and on mortgages in default more than eighteen months; and Real Estate relating to rent in arrears for more than 90 days. The total due and accrued income excluded from net investment income was $1 million, $2 million and $2 million during 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Future rental income expected to be received under existing real estate leases in effect as of December 31, 2007 (in millions).
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2008 | | 2009 | | 2010 | | 2011 | | 2012 | | Thereafter | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Future rental income | | $ | 150 | | $ | 132 | | $ | 116 | | $ | 97 | | $ | 77 | | $ | 165 | |
Realized Capital Gains and Losses: The net realized capital gains (losses) on sales, redemptions and write-downs of investments for the years ended December 31, were as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Bonds | | $ | (74 | ) | $ | 125 | | $ | 64 | |
Mortgages | | | 7 | | | (31 | ) | | 6 | |
Real estate | | | 2 | | | 70 | | | 283 | |
Stocks | | | 77 | | | 407 | | | 112 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 56 | | | 50 | | | (39 | ) |
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments | | | 5 | | | 7 | | | (5 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total before capital gains taxes and transfers to the IMR | | | 73 | | | 628 | | | 421 | |
Transfers to IMR | | | (44 | ) | | (20 | ) | | (124 | ) |
Capital gains taxes | | | (166 | ) | | — | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net realized capital gains (losses) less capital gains taxes, after transfers to the IMR | | $ | (137 | ) | $ | 608 | | $ | 297 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 9 – Investment Income and Capital Gains and Losses - (concluded)
Write-downs of investments resulting from other-than-temporary impairments (“OTTI”), included in the preceding table, were as follows for the years ended December 31 (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Other-than-temporary impairments: | | | | | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 339 | | $ | 109 | | $ | 214 | |
Mortgages | | | 49 | | | 27 | | | 20 | |
Real estate | | | — | | | 2 | | | 11 | |
Stocks | | | 100 | | | 33 | | | 121 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 42 | | | 45 | | | 93 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 530 | | $ | 216 | | $ | 459 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The Company did not have any restructured mortgages during 2007 and 2006, therefore there were no related losses recognized.
Proceeds from sales of long-term bond investments during 2007, 2006 and 2005 were $4,840 million, $9,275 million and $5,547 million respectively. Gross gains of $190 million, $327 million and $262 million and gross losses, excluding impairments considered to be other-than-temporary, of $65 million, $172 million and $76 million were realized on these sales during 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Unrealized Capital Gains and Losses:The net changes in unrealized capital gains (losses) on investments, resulting in a net increase (decrease) in the valuation of investments for the years ended December 31, were as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Bonds | | $ | 299 | | $ | 220 | | $ | (317 | ) |
Mortgages | | | 95 | | | 3 | | | 12 | |
Stocks | | | 92 | | | 173 | | | 60 | |
Other long-term investments | | | 379 | | | 2 | | | 741 | |
Cash, cash equivalents & short-term investments | | | — | | | — | | | 1 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 865 | | $ | 398 | | $ | 497 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Note 10 – Securitizations
When TIAA sells bonds and mortgages in a securitization transaction, it may retain interest-only strips, one or more subordinated tranches, residual interest, or servicing rights, all of which are retained interests in the securitized receivables. The Company’s ownership of the related retained interests may be held directly by the Company or indirectly through an investment subsidiary. The retained interests are associated with Special Purpose Entities/Qualified Special Purpose Entities, (“SPEs/QSPEs”), that issue equity and debt which is non-recourse to the Company. Fair value used to determine gain or loss on a securitization transaction is based on quoted market prices, if available; however, quotes are generally not available for retained interests, so the Company either obtains an estimated fair value from an independent pricing service or estimates fair value internally based on the present value of future expected cash flows using management’s best estimates of future credit losses, forward yield curves, and discount rates that are commensurate with the risks involved.
Advisors, a downstream subsidiary of TIAA, provides investment advisory services for most assets securitized by the Company.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 10 – Securitizations – (concluded)
During 2007, TIAA entered into a securitization transaction in which it sold commercial mortgages with a total principal balance of approximately $2,092 million and recognized a gain of approximately $34 million. TIAA received proceeds of approximately $2,009 million and retained subordinated interests with a fair value of approximately $77 million. The total cash flows received on interests retained were approximately $2,017 million for the year ending 2007. TIAA’s total principal amount outstanding is $2,092 million, derecognized piece is $2,009 million, and retained principal amount is $83 million. There were no delinquencies or credit losses at December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
The following table summarizes the Company’s retained interests in securitized financial assets from transactions originated since 2000 (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Sensitivity Analysis of Adverse Changes in Key Assumptions | |
| | | | | | | | |
| |
Issue Year | | Type of Collateral | | Carrying Value | | Estimated Fair Value | | | 10% Adverse | | 20% Adverse | |
| |
| |
| |
| | |
| |
| |
2000 | | Bonds | | $ | 75 | | $ | 72 | (a | ) | $ | (2 | ) | $ | (4 | ) |
2001 | | Bonds | | $ | 241 | | $ | 271 | (b | ) | $ | (6 | ) | $ | (12 | ) |
2002 | | Bonds | | $ | 27 | | $ | 17 | (c | ) | $ | (1 | ) | $ | (2 | ) |
2007 | | Mortgages | | $ | 75 | | $ | 64 | (d | ) | $ | (3 | ) | $ | (6 | ) |
The key assumptions applied to both the fair values and sensitivity analysis of the retained interests on December 31, 2007 was as follows:
| | |
| a) | The retained interests securitized in 2000 are valued utilizing a discounted cash flow methodology. Cash flows are discounted at rates ranging from 6.01% to 11.00%. Considerations in the determination of discount rates would include transaction structure and credit quality of underlying assets. To test valuation sensitivity, the fair values of the retained interests were recalculated using 10% and 20% adverse changes in the overall discount rate. |
| | |
| b) | The retained interests securitized in 2001 were valued using an independent third-party pricing service, which uses the discounted cash flow analysis of anticipated cash flows. Cash flows are discounted at rates ranging from 4.61% to 28.02%. Considerations in the determination of discount rates would include transaction structure and credit quality of underlying assets. To test valuation sensitivity, the fair values of the retained interests were recalculated using 10% and 20% adverse changes in the overall discount rate. |
| | |
| c) | The retained interests securitized in 2002 were valued utilizing a discounted cash flow methodology. Cash flows are discounted at 18%. Considerations in the determination of discount rates would include transaction structure and credit quality of underlying assets. To test valuation sensitivity, the fair values of the retained interests were recalculated using 10% and 20% adverse changes in the overall discount rates. |
| | |
| d) | The retained interests securitized in 2007 were valued using an independent third-party pricing service, which uses the discounted cash flow analysis of anticipated cash flows, including assumptions of anticipated prepayment speeds. Cash flows are discounted at rates ranging from 5.61% to 15.47%. Considerations in the determination of discount rates would include transaction structure and credit quality of underlying assets. To test valuation sensitivity, the fair values of the retained interests were recalculated using 10% and 20% adverse changes in the overall discount rates. |
Note that the sensitivity analysis above does not give effect to any offsetting benefits of financial instruments which may hedge the risks inherent to these financial interests. Additionally, changes in particular assumption, such as discount rates, may in practice change other valuation assumptions which may magnify or counteract the effect of these disclosed sensitivities.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 11 – Disclosures About Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The estimated fair value amounts of financial instruments presented in the following tables were determined by the Company using market information available as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 and appropriate valuation methodologies. However, considerable judgment is necessarily required to interpret market data in developing the estimates of fair value for financial instruments for which there are no available market value quotations. The estimates presented are not necessarily indicative of the amounts the Company could have realized in a market exchange.
The use of different market assumptions and/or estimation methodologies may have a material effect on the estimated fair value amounts.
| | | | | |
December 31, 2007 | | Carrying Value | | Estimated Fair Value | |
| |
| |
| |
| | (in millions) | |
Assets | | | |
Bonds | | 131,859 | | 133,020 | |
Mortgages | | 20,443 | | 20,919 | |
Preferred stocks | | 4,375 | | 4,144 | |
Common stocks | | 4,190 | | 6,039 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments | | 1,603 | | 1,603 | |
Contract loans | | 862 | | 862 | |
Derivative financial instruments | | 44 | | 45 | |
Separate account assets | | 19,021 | | 19,021 | |
| | | | | |
Liabilities | | | | | |
Liability for deposit-type contracts | | 454 | | 454 | |
Derivative financial instruments | | 810 | | 868 | |
Separate account liabilities | | 19,021 | | 19,021 | |
| | | | | |
December 31, 2006 | | Carrying Value | | Estimated Fair Value | |
| |
| |
| |
| | (in millions) | |
Assets | | | |
Bonds | | 121,775 | | 123,631 | |
Mortgages | | 23,756 | | 24,117 | |
Preferred stocks | | 4,554 | | 4,630 | |
Common stocks | | 4,050 | | 6,561 | |
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments | | 2,464 | | 2,464 | |
Contract loans | | 732 | | 732 | |
Derivative financial instruments | | 29 | | 35 | |
Separate account assets | | 15,384 | | 15,384 | |
| | | | | |
Liabilities | | | | | |
Liability for deposit-type contracts | | 428 | | 428 | |
Derivative financial instruments | | 581 | | 650 | |
Separate account liabilities | | 15,384 | | 15,384 | |
Bonds: The fair values for publicly traded long-term bond investments were determined using prices provided by third party pricing services. For privately placed long-term bond investments without a readily ascertainable market value, such values were determined with the assistance of an independent pricing service utilizing a discounted cash flow methodology based on coupon rates, maturity provisions and credit assumptions.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 11 – Disclosures About Fair Value of Financial Instruments – (concluded)
The aggregate carrying values and estimated fair values of publicly traded and privately placed bonds at December 31, were as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
| | Carrying Value | | Estimated Fair Value | | Carrying Value | | Estimated Fair Value | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Publicly traded bonds | | $ | 96,235 | | $ | 96,573 | | $ | 87,509 | | $ | 88,649 | |
Privately placed bonds | | | 35,624 | | | 36,447 | | | 34,266 | | | 34,982 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Total bonds | | $ | 131,859 | | $ | 133,020 | | $ | 121,775 | | $ | 123,631 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Mortgages: The fair values of mortgages were generally determined by discounted cash flow methodology based on coupon rates, maturity provisions and credit assumptions.
Preferred Stocks:The fair values of preferred stocks were determined using prices provided by third party pricing or valuations from the NAIC.
Common Stocks:Fair value of unaffiliated common stock is based on quoted market prices, where available, or prices provided by state regulatory authorities. The Company estimates the fair value of its common stock affiliated real estate entities by determining the fair value of the underlying real estate assets of the affiliated entities.
Cash, Cash Equivalents, Short-Term Investments and Contract Loans: The carrying values were considered reasonable estimates of fair value.
Insurance and Annuity Contracts: TIAA’s insurance and annuity contracts entail mortality risks and are, therefore, exempt from the fair value disclosure requirements related to financial instruments.
Deposit-type contracts: For deposit-type contracts the fair value approximates the carrying value. The carrying value is payable upon demand.
Derivative Financial Instruments: The fair values of interest rate cap contracts and credit default swap contracts are estimated by external parties and are reviewed internally for reasonableness based on anticipated interest rates, estimated future cash flows, and anticipated credit market conditions. The fair values of foreign currency swap and forward contracts and interest rate swap contracts are estimated internally based on estimated future cash flows, anticipated foreign exchange relationships and anticipated interest rates and such values are reviewed for reasonableness with estimates provided by TIAA’s counterparties.
Note 12 – Derivative Financial Instruments
The Company uses derivative instruments for hedging, income generation, and asset replication purposes. The Company does not engage in derivative financial instrument transactions for speculative purposes. The Company enters into derivatives directly with counterparties of high credit quality (i.e., rated AA- or better at the date of a transaction) and monitors counter-party credit quality on an ongoing basis. The Company does not require cash collateral on derivative instruments. TIAA’s counterparty credit risk is limited to the net positive fair value of its derivative positions for each individual counter-party, unless otherwise described below. Effective January 1, 2003 TIAA adopted SSAP 86, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities,”and has applied this statement to all derivative transactions entered into or modified on or after that date.
Foreign Currency Swap Contracts: TIAA enters into foreign currency swap contracts to exchange fixed and variable amounts of foreign currency at specified future dates and at specified rates (in U.S. dollars) as a cash flow hedge to manage currency risks on investments denominated in foreign currencies. This type of derivative instrument is traded over-the-counter, and the Company is exposed to both market and counter-party risk. The changes in the carrying value of foreign currency exchange rates are recognized as unrealized gains or losses.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 12 – Derivative Financial Instruments - (continued)
Derivative instruments used in hedging transactions that do not meet or no longer meet the accounting criteria of an effective hedge are accounted for at fair value according to accounting guidance. The net unrealized losses for the year ended December 31, 2007, from foreign currency swap contracts that do not qualify for hedge accounting treatment was $160 million.
Foreign Currency Forward Contracts: TIAA enters into foreign currency forward contracts to exchange foreign currency at specified future dates and at specified rates (in U.S. dollars) as a cash flow hedge to manage currency risks on investments denominated in foreign currencies. This type of derivative instrument is traded over-the-counter, and the Company is exposed to both market and counter-party risk. The changes in the value of the contracts related to foreign currency exchange rates are recognized as unrealized gains or losses. A foreign exchange premium/(discount) is recorded at the time a contract is opened, based on the difference between the forward exchange rate and the spot rate. The Company amortizes the foreign exchange premium/(discount) into investment income over the life of the forward contract or at the settlement date, if the forward contract is less than a year. The net unrealized loss for the year ended December 31, 2007, from foreign currency forward contracts that do not qualify for hedge accounting treatment was $16 million.
Interest Rate Swap Contracts: TIAA enters into interest rate swap contracts to hedge against the effect of interest rate fluctuations on certain variable interest rate bonds. These contracts are designated as cash flow hedges and allow TIAA to lock in a fixed interest rate and to transfer the risk of higher or lower interest rates. This type of derivative instrument is traded over-the-counter, and the Company is exposed to both market and counter-party risk. TIAA also enters into interest rate swap contracts to exchange the cash flows on certain fixed interest rate bonds into variable interest rate cash flows. These contracts are entered into as a fair value hedge in connection with certain interest sensitive products. Generally, no cash is exchanged at the outset of the contract and no principal payments are made by either party. These transactions are entered into pursuant to master agreements that provide for a single net payment to be made by one counter-party at each due date. Net payments received and net payments made or accrued under interest rate swap contracts are included in net investment income. Derivative instruments used in hedging transactions that do not meet or no longer meet the accounting criteria of an effective hedge are accounted for at fair value. The net unrealized loss for the year ended December 31, 2007, from interest rate swap contracts that do not qualify for hedge accounting treatment was $14 million.
Interest Rate Cap Contracts: TIAA purchases interest rate cap contracts to hedge against the market risk of a rising interest rate environment as part of the Company’s asset and liability management program for certain interest sensitive products. This type of derivative instrument is traded over-the-counter, and the Company is exposed to both market and counter-party risk. Under the terms of the interest rate cap contracts, the selling entity makes payments to TIAA on a specified notional amount if an agreed-upon index exceeds a predetermined strike rate. Such payments received under interest rate cap contracts are recognized as investment income. Interest rate cap contracts are generally carried at fair value. There are no interest rate caps outstanding as of December 31, 2007.
Credit Default Swap Contracts: As part of a strategy to replicate desired credit exposure in conjunction with high-rated host securities, TIAA writes (sells) credit default swaps on single name credit and credit indices to earn a premium by essentially issuing “insurance” to the buyer of default protection (Replicated Synthetic Asset Transactions or RSAT). This type of derivative instrument is traded over-the-counter, and the Company is exposed to market, credit and counter-party risk. The carrying value of credit default swaps represents the unamortized premium received for selling the default protection. This premium is amortized into investment income over the life
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 12 – Derivative Financial Instruments – (concluded)
of the swap. The Company has negligible counterparty credit risk with the buyer. The Company also purchases credit default swaps to hedge against unexpected credit events on selective investments in the TIAA portfolio. These swap contracts qualify as fair value hedges and the premium payment to the counterparty is expensed. Derivative instruments used in hedging transactions that do not meet or no longer meet the criteria of an effective hedge are accounted for at fair value. The net unrealized loss for the year ended December 31, 2007, from credit default swap contracts that do not qualify for hedge accounting treatment was $4 million.
Equity Index Options: TIAA purchases out-of-the- money put options on the S&P 500 Index to hedge a portion of the General Account equity position against a sudden or sustained decline in value. These options are traded over-the-counter and the Company is exposed to both market and counterparty risk. These instruments are carried at fair value. The net unrealized loss for the year ended December 31, 2007 from the Equity Index Option contracts that do not qualify for hedge accounting was $3 million.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| | | |
| |
| |
| | | | (in millions) | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | Carrying | | Estimated | | | | Carrying | | Estimated | |
| | | | Notional | | Value | | FV | | Notional | | Value | | FV | |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Foreign currency swap contracts | | Assets | | 252 | | 13 | | 14 | | 768 | | 18 | | 17 | |
| | Liabilities | | 3,235 | | (776 | ) | (819 | ) | 2,554 | | (543 | ) | (620 | ) |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Subtotal | | 3,487 | | (763 | ) | (805 | ) | 3,322 | | (525 | ) | (603 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Foreign currency forward contracts | | Assets | | 73 | | 1 | | 1 | | 125 | | 2 | | 2 | |
| | Liabilities | | 215 | | (27 | ) | (27 | ) | 244 | | (24 | ) | (24 | ) |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Subtotal | | 288 | | (26 | ) | (26 | ) | 369 | | (22 | ) | (22 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Interest rate swap contracts | | Assets | | 361 | | 17 | | 17 | | 164 | | 9 | | 9 | |
| | Liabilities | | 39 | | — | | — | | 399 | | (6 | ) | (6 | ) |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Subtotal | | 400 | | 17 | | 17 | | 563 | | 3 | | 3 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Credit default swap contracts (RSAT) | | Assets | | 436 | | — | | — | | 426 | | — | | 7 | |
| | Liabilities | | 1,424 | | (3 | ) | (19 | ) | 1,174 | | (2 | ) | 6 | |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Subtotal | | 1,860 | | (3 | ) | (19 | ) | 1,600 | | (2 | ) | 13 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Credit default swap contracts (other) | | Assets | | 215 | | 2 | | 2 | | — | | — | | — | |
| | Liabilities | | 291 | | (3 | ) | (3 | ) | 328 | | (6 | ) | (6 | ) |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Subtotal | | 506 | | (1 | ) | (1 | ) | 328 | | (6 | ) | (6 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equity Index Options | | Assets | | 600 | | 11 | | 11 | | — | | — | | — | |
| | Liabilities | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Subtotal | | 600 | | 11 | | 11 | | — | | — | | — | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total Derivatives | | Assets | | 1,937 | | 44 | | 45 | | 1,483 | | 29 | | 35 | |
| | Liabilities | | 5,204 | | (809 | ) | (868 | ) | 4,699 | | (581 | ) | (650 | ) |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Total | | 7,141 | | (765 | ) | (823 | ) | 6,182 | | (552 | ) | (615 | ) |
| | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
During 2007, the average fair value of derivatives used for other than hedging purposes, which are the credit default swaps used in replication synthetic asset transactions was $3 million in assets.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 13 – Separate Accounts
The TIAA Separate Account VA-1 (“VA-1”) is a segregated investment account and was organized on February 16, 1994 under the insurance laws of the State of New York for the purpose of TIAA issuing and funding individual variable annuity contracts. VA-1 was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, (the “Commission”) effective November 1, 1994 as an open-end, diversified management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Currently, VA-1 consists of a single investment portfolio, the Stock Index Account (“SIA”). The SIA was established on October 3, 1994 and invests in a diversified portfolio of equity securities selected to track the overall market for common stocks publicly traded in the United States.
The TIAA Real Estate Account (“REA”) is a segregated investment account and was organized on February 22, 1995 under the insurance laws of the State of New York for the purpose of funding variable annuity contracts. REA was registered with the Commission under the Securities Act of 1933 effective October 2, 1995. REA’s target is to invest between 75% and 85% of its assets directly in real estate or in real estate-related investments, with the remainder of its assets invested in money market instruments, government and corporate debt securities and other publicly traded securities to maintain adequate liquidity.
The TIAA Separate Account VA-3 (“VA-3”) is a segregated investment account and was organized on May 17, 2006 under the laws of the State of New York for the purposes of funding individual and group variable annuities for employees of colleges, universities, other educational and research organizations, and other governmental and non-profit institutions. Its main purpose is to invest funds for retirement and pay income based on a choice of investment accounts.
Other than the guarantees disclosed in Note 21, the Company does not make any guarantees to policyholders on its separate accounts. Both accounts offer full or partial withdrawal at market value with no surrender charges. The assets and liabilities of these accounts (which represent participant account values) are carried at fair value (directly held real estate is carried at appraised value).
Information regarding separate accounts of the Company for the years ended December 31 is as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | Non-guaranteed Separate Accounts | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
Premiums and considerations | | $ | 3,343 | | $ | 3,356 | |
| | | | | | | |
Reserves: | | | | | | | |
For accounts with assets at: | | | | | | | |
Fair value | | | 18,752 | | | 15,126 | |
Amortized cost | | | — | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
Total reserves | | $ | 18,752 | | $ | 15,126 | |
| | | | | | | |
By withdrawal characteristics: | | | | | | | |
At fair value | | | 18,752 | | | 15,126 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total reserves | | $ | 18,752 | | $ | 15,126 | |
| |
| |
| |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 13 – Separate Accounts – (concluded)
The following is a reconciliation of transfers to or (from) the Company to the Separate Accounts (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
Transfers as reported in the Summary of Operations of the Separate Accounts Statement: | | | | | | | |
Transfers to Separate Accounts | | $ | 3,698 | | $ | 3,647 | |
Transfers from Separate Accounts | | | (2,186 | ) | | (1,741 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
Net transfers to or (from) Separate Accounts | | $ | 1,512 | | $ | 1,906 | |
| | | | | | | |
Reconciling Adjustments: | | | | | | | |
Fund transfer exchange gain/(loss) | | $ | (1 | ) | $ | (3 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | |
Transfers as reported in the Summary of Operations of the Life, Accident & Health Annual Statement | | $ | 1,511 | | $ | 1,903 | |
| |
| |
| |
Note 14 – Management Agreements
Under Cash Disbursement and Reimbursement Agreements, TIAA serves as the common pay-agent for its operating subsidiaries. The Company has allocated expenses of $1,369 million to its various subsidiaries and affiliates during 2007. In addition, under management agreements, TIAA provides investment advisory and administrative services for TIAA-CREF Life and administrative services to the TIAA-CREF Trust Company, FSB, and VA-1.
Activities necessary for the operation of the College Retirement Equities Fund (“CREF”), a companion organization, are provided at cost by two subsidiaries of TIAA, TIAA-CREF Investment Management, LLC (“Investment Management”) and Services, which provide investment advisory, administrative and distribution services for CREF.
Such services are provided in accordance with an Investment Management Services Agreement between CREF and Investment Management, and in accordance with a Principal Underwriting and Administrative Services Agreement between CREF and Services. The management fees collected under these agreements and the equivalent allocated expenses, which amounted to approximately $1,075 million, $889 million and $729 million in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively, are not included in the statements of operations and had no effect on TIAA’s operations.
Advisors provides investment advisory services for VA-1, certain proprietary funds and other separately managed portfolios in accordance with investment management agreements. TPIS and Services distribute variable annuity contracts for VA-1 as well as registered securities for certain proprietary funds.
All services necessary for the operation of REA are provided at cost by TIAA and Services. TIAA provides investment management services for REA. Distribution and administrative services are provided in accordance with a Distribution and Administrative Services Agreement between REA and Services. Effective January 1, 2008 the Distribution and Administrative Services Agreement between REA and Services was modified to limit the work done by Services to distribution activities with TIAA assuming responsibility for all administrative activities. TIAA and Services receive management fee payments from REA on a daily basis according to formulae established each year with the objective of keeping the management fees as close as possible to actual expenses attributable to operating REA. Any differences between actual expenses and daily charges are adjusted quarterly.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 14 – Management Agreements (concluded)
The following is the amounts due to/(from) subsidiaries and affiliates:
| | | | | | | |
Subsidiary/Affiliate | | Receivable | | Payable | |
| |
| |
| |
College Retirement Equity Fund | | $ | 89.5 | | $ | 23.9 | |
Investment Management
| | | —
| | | 1.2
| |
TC Life | | | 24.3 | | | — | |
TIAA-CREF Trust Company FSB | | | 1.2 | | | — | |
Services | | | 0.4 | | | — | |
TIAA Real Estate Account | | | 10.4 | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 125.8 | | $ | 25.1 | |
| |
| |
| |
Note 15 – Federal Income Taxes
By charter, TIAA is a Stock Life Company that operates on a non-profit basis and through December 31, 1997, was exempt from federal income taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”). Any non-pension income, however, was subject to federal income taxation as unrelated business income. Effective January 1, 1998, as a result of federal legislation, TIAA is no longer exempt from federal income taxation and is taxed as a stock life insurance company.
Beginning with 1998, TIAA has filed a consolidated federal income tax return with its subsidiary affiliates. The consolidated group has entered into a tax-sharing agreement that follows the current reimbursement method, whereby members of the group will generally be reimbursed for their losses on a pro-rata basis by other members of the group to the extent that they have taxable income, subject to limitations imposed under the Code. Amounts due to (receivable from) TIAA’s subsidiaries for federal income taxes were $(43) million and $23 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The affiliates that file a consolidated federal income tax return with TIAA are as follows:
TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Company
TIAA-CREF Enterprises, Inc.
Dan Properties, Inc.
JV Georgia One, Inc.
Teachers Michigan Properties, Inc.
JV Minnesota One, Inc.
JWL Properties, Inc
Liberty Place Retail, Inc.
MOA Enterprises, Inc.
ND Properties, Inc.
Savannah Teachers Properties, Inc.
TCT Holdings, Inc.
Teachers Advisors, Inc.
Teachers Boca Properties II, Inc.
Teachers Pennsylvania Realty, Inc.
Teachers Personal Investors Service, Inc.
T-Investment Properties Inc.
T-Land Corp.
WRC Properties, Inc.
TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc.
TIAA-CREF Trust Company, FSB
MOA Investors I, Inc.
730 Texas Forest Holdings, Inc.
TIAA Global Markets, Inc.
T-C Sports Co., Inc.
TIAA Board of Overseers
TIAA Realty, Inc.
TIAA Park Evanston, Inc.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 15 – Federal Income Taxes - (continued)
A reconciliation of TIAA’s statutory tax rate to its actual federal income tax rate was as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Years Ended December 31, | |
| |
| |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Net gain from operations | | $ | 1,932 | | $ | 2,254 | | $ | 2,201 | |
Realized Capital Gains (Losses) inclusive of OTTI | | | 73 | | | — | | | — | |
Statutory rate | | | 35 | % | | 35 | % | | 35 | % |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Tax at statutory rate | | $ | 702 | | $ | 789 | | $ | 770 | |
Investment items | | | (87 | ) | | (242 | ) | | (139 | ) |
Consolidation and dividends from subsidiaries | | | (113 | ) | | (48 | ) | | (121 | ) |
Amortization of interest maintenance reserve | | | (43 | ) | | (47 | ) | | (47 | ) |
Adjustment to policyholder dividend liability | | | 67 | | | 17 | | | (12 | ) |
Accrual of contingent tax for current year | | | 423 | | | 467 | | | 564 | |
Settlement of contingent tax exposure | | | — | | | (1,033 | ) | | — | |
Net operating loss carry forward utilized | | | (400 | ) | | (489 | ) | | (482 | ) |
Book/tax differences – capital gain | | | 51 | | | — | | | — | |
Capital loss carry forward utilized | | | (146 | ) | | — | | | — | |
Other | | | 61 | | | (8 | ) | | (7 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Federal income tax expense (benefit) | | $ | 515 | | $ | (594 | ) | $ | 526 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Effective tax rate | | | 25.7 | % | | (26.4 | )% | | 23.9 | % |
TIAA had net capital loss carryforwards of $418 million from previous years that were fully offset by net realized capital gains of $893 million in 2007, resulting in tax incurred on capital gains of $166 million for 2007. The effective rate for 2007 reflects the capital gains tax. No capital gains are reflected in the effective rate for prior years because no capital gains tax was incurred.
The components of TIAA’s net deferred tax asset were as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | | Change | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Gross deferred tax assets | | $ | 3,114 | | $ | 3,025 | | $ | 89 | |
Gross deferred tax liabilities | | | (71 | ) | | (39 | ) | | (32 | ) |
Deferred tax assets, non-admitted | | | (1,967 | ) | | (2,022 | ) | | 55 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Net deferred tax asset, admitted | | $ | 1,076 | | $ | 964 | | $ | 112 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
TIAA’s gross and net admitted deferred tax assets were primarily attributable to differences between tax basis and statutory basis reserves and the provision for policyholder dividends payable in the following year. Gross deferred tax liabilities were primarily due to investment income due and accrued and market discount deferred on bonds. All of TIAA’s deferred tax liabilities have been recognized. The increase in net admitted deferred tax asset is primarily due to the growth of amounts owed for both policyholder dividends and deferred compensation.
At December 31, 2007, TIAA’s gross deferred tax asset of $3.1 billion did not include any benefit from Net Operating Loss (“NOL”) carryforwards. Consistent with prior years, however, TIAA’s federal income tax return for 2007 will include a significant NOL carryforward as a result of tax deductions related to intangible assets. The NOL carryforward on TIAA’s 2007 federal income tax return is estimated to approximate $11.4 billion. These intangible asset tax deductions were not recognized as a benefit, because they were not eligible to be recorded for statutory financial statement purposes and, therefore, were not considered in TIAA’s gross deferred tax asset calculation.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 15 – Federal Income Taxes - (concluded)
The Department concurred with this interpretation by TIAA. The NOL carryforward for tax purposes expires between 2013 and 2022. TIAA did not incur federal income taxes in the current or preceding years that would be available for recoupment in the event of future net losses.
TIAA’s 1998 and 1999 tax returns representing the first years for which TIAA’s entire business operations were subject to federal income taxation have been audited by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”). In April, 2004 the IRS completed its audit and presented TIAA with a Revenue Agent Report asserting certain adjustments to TIAA’s taxable income that would result in additional tax due of $1.1 billion for the 1998 and 1999 tax years. These adjustments would disallow the deductions for certain intangible assets and would adjust certain TIAA tax-basis annuity reserves.
TIAA’s 2000, 2001, and 2002 tax returns have also been audited by the IRS. In April, 2006 the IRS completed its audit and presented TIAA with a Revenue Agent Report asserting certain adjustments to TIAA’s taxable income that would result in additional tax due of $391 million for the 2000, 2001, and 2002 tax years. These adjustments would disallow the deductions for certain intangible assets and would adjust certain TIAA tax-basis annuity reserves, which are the same issues raised in the 1998 and 1999 audit.
TIAA’s management filed protests to the IRS’ adjustments in 2004 and in 2006, and entered into discussions with the IRS Appeals Division during 2005. On April 5, 2007, TIAA executed a partial settlement with the IRS Appeals Division resolving the disputed adjustments to tax-basis annuity reserves for the tax years 1998-2002. TIAA agreed to a permanent adjustment of $273 million, reducing the tax-basis annuity reserves for TIAA contracts in force at the beginning of 1998, TIAA’s first year as a taxable entity. In addition, a temporary adjustment of $1.7 billion was applied to TIAA’s 1998 reserve deductions. This adjustment related to reserves established for new rights added to TIAA payout annuity contracts enabling contract-holders to transfer annuity balances into other investment vehicles in accordance with appropriate terms and conditions in the annuity contract. This $1.7 billion adjustment will be recovered by TIAA through future deductions over a 20 year period which began with its 2006 tax return. With one exception that is not material, the IRS agreed to accept all deductions related to the annuity reserves as claimed by TIAA on its 1999-2002 tax returns. With respect to deductions for years subsequent to 2002, no binding agreement has been reached with the IRS for reserves associated with the annuity transferability option, since these years were not before IRS Appeals. Management believes, however, that it is reasonable to expect that deductions related to subsequent years will not be subject to adjustment by the IRS in future audits, and has not provided for any related contingency.
Disallowed deductions for certain intangible assets were set aside for future negotiations with the IRS. TIAA believes that its unresolved tax position is supported by substantial authority, and will continue to contest these adjustments through IRS appeals and judicial procedures, as needed. TIAA’s management believes that it will ultimately prevail to a significant degree. Nonetheless, TIAA’s management believes that the circumstances surrounding the tax claim by the IRS related to intangible deductions meet the conditions that require TIAA to establish a loss contingency for federal income taxes covering the years 1998-2007.
Although the final resolution of the IRS’ asserted adjustments is uncertain, based on management’s current estimate of the probable loss from this dispute with the IRS, and given the current status of the tax claim, TIAA recorded a contingent tax provision of $1.1 billion as of December 31, 2007 and $659 million as of December 31, 2006. This resulted in a net charge of $533 million against TIAA’s 2007 operations. As a result of the partial settlement with the IRS in 2006, TIAA reduced the reserve previously established, resulting in a net benefit of $594 million.
In July, 2006 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes – An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109 (“FIN 48”). FIN 48 establishes a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefits of positions taken in tax returns, and requires certain expanded disclosures. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006, and is to be applied to all open years as of the effective date. Uncertain tax liabilities are described above. No uncertain tax benefits have been recorded as of December 31, 2007 and as of December 31, 2006.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 16 – Pension Plan and Postretirement Benefits
Retirement Plans, Deferred Compensation, Post Employment Benefits and other Post Retirement Benefit Plans
TIAA maintains a qualified, noncontributory defined contribution pension plan covering substantially all employees. All qualified employee pension plan liabilities are fully funded through retirement annuity contracts. Contributions are made semi-monthly to each participant’s contract based on a percentage of salary, with the applicable percentage varying by attained age. All contributions are fully vested after three years of service. Forfeitures arising from terminations prior to vesting are used to reduce future employer contributions. The accompanying statements of operations include contributions to the pension plan of approximately $34 million, $32 million and $28 million in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. This includes supplemental contributions made to company-owned annuity contracts under a non-qualified deferred compensation plan.
In addition to the pension plan, the Company provides certain other postretirement life and health insurance benefits to eligible retired employees who meet prescribed age and service requirements. As of December 31, 2007, the measurement date, the status of this plan for retirees and eligible active employees is summarized below (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | Postretirement Benefits | |
| |
| |
| | 12/31/2007 | | 12/31/2006 | | 12/31/2005 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Change in benefit obligation | | | | | | | | | | |
Benefit obligation at beginning of period | | $ | 106 | | $ | 102 | | $ | 113 | |
Eligibility cost | | | 3 | | | 3 | | | 3 | |
Interest cost | | | 6 | | | 5 | | | 5 | |
Actuarial (gains) and losses | | | (12 | ) | | (1 | ) | | (14 | ) |
Benefit paid | | | (4 | ) | | (4 | ) | | (5 | ) |
Plan amendments | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Benefit obligation at end of period | | $ | 99 | | $ | 105 | | $ | 102 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Fair value of assets | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Funded status | | $ | (99 | ) | $ | (105 | ) | $ | (102 | ) |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Unrecognized initial transition obligation | | | 4 | | | 5 | | | 5 | |
Unrecognized net (gain) or losses | | | — | | | 12 | | | 13 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Accrued postretirement benefit cost | | $ | (95 | ) | $ | (88 | ) | $ | (84 | ) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The Company is expecting to receive a 28% federal subsidy for plan prescription benefits arising from the Medicare Prescription Drug Act of 2003 (“The Act”).
The postretirement benefit obligation for non-vested employees was approximately $65 million at December 31, 2007 and approximately $60 million at December 31, 2006.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 16 – Pension Plan and Postretirement Benefits – (continued)
The net periodic postretirement (benefit) cost for the years ended December 31 includes the following components (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | Postretirement Benefits | | |
| | |
| | |
| | | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | | |
| | |
| |
| |
| | |
| Components of net periodic cost | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Eligibility cost | | $ | 3 | | $ | 3 | | $ | 3 | | |
| Interest cost | | | 6 | | | 5 | | | 5 | | |
| Amortization of transition obligation | | | 1 | | | 1 | | | 1 | | |
| | |
| |
| |
| | |
| Net periodic cost | | $ | 10 | | $ | 9 | | $ | 9 | | |
| | |
| |
| |
| | |
The cost of postretirement benefits includes a reduction arising from The Act subsidy of $3 million for 2007 and 2006, respectively.
The Company allocates benefit expenses to certain subsidiaries based upon salaries. The cost of postretirement benefits reflected in the accompanying statements of operations was approximately $4 million for both 2007 and 2006, and $3 million for 2005.
The assumptions used by the Company to calculate the benefit cost and obligations in the year are as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | Postretirement Benefits | | |
| | |
| | |
| | | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | | |
| | |
| |
| |
| | |
| Weighted-average assumption | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Discount rate for benefit costs | | | 5.75 | % | | 5.50 | % | | 5.75 | % | |
| Discount rate for benefit obligations | | | 6.25 | % | | 5.75 | % | | 5.50 | % | |
| Rate of increase in compensation levels | | | 4.00 | % | | 4.00 | % | | 4.00 | % | |
| Medical cost trend rates | | | 5.00-10.00 | % | | 5.00-11.00 | % | | 5.00-10.00 | % | |
| Immediate Rate | | | 10.00 | % | | 11.00 | % | | 10.00 | % | |
| Ultimate Rate | | | 5.00 | % | | 5.00 | % | | 5.00 | % | |
| Year Ultimate Rate Reached | | | 2013 | | | 2013 | | | 2011 | | |
| Ultimate medical care cost trend rate after a five year gradual decrease | | | 5.00 | % | | 5.00 | % | | 5.00 | % | |
| Dental cost trend rate | | | 5.25 | % | | 5.25 | % | | 5.25 | % | |
The assumed medical cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported. A one-percentage point increase and decrease in assumed medical cost trend rates would have the following effects (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | Postretirement Benefits | | |
| | |
| | |
| | | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | | |
| | |
| |
| |
| | |
| One percentage point increase | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Increase in postretirement benefit obligation | | $ | 10 | | $ | 11 | | $ | 10 | | |
| Increase in eligibility and interest cost | | $ | 1 | | $ | 1 | | $ | 1 | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| One percentage point decrease | | | | | | | | | | | |
| (Decrease) in postretirement benefit obligation | | $ | (9 | ) | $ | (9 | ) | $ | (9 | ) | |
| (Decrease) in eligibility and interest cost | | $ | (1 | ) | $ | (1 | ) | $ | (1 | ) | |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 16 – Pension Plan and Postretirement Benefits – (continued)
Estimated Future Benefit Payments
The following benefit payments are expected to be paid (in millions):
| | | |
Gross Cash Flows (Before Medicare Part D Subsidy Receipts) |
| | | |
2008 | 6 | | |
2009 | 7 | | |
2010 | 7 | | |
2011 | 8 | | |
2012 | 8 | | |
Total for 2013-2017 | 48 | | |
| | | |
Medicare Part D Subsidy Receipts |
| | | |
2008 | 0.3 | | |
2009 | 0.3 | | |
2010 | 0.4 | | |
2011 | 0.5 | | |
2012 | 0.6 | | |
Total for 2013-2017 | 5.2 | | |
The Company also maintains a non-qualified deferred compensation plan for non-employee trustees and members of the TIAA Board of Overseers. The plan provides an award equal to 50% of the annual stipend that is invested annually in company-owned annuity contracts. Payout of accumulations is normally made in a lump sum following the trustees’ or member’s separation from the Board.
The Company has provided an unfunded Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (“SERP”) to certain select executives and any TIAA associate deemed eligible by the Board of Trustees.
The SERP provided an annual retirement benefit payable at normal retirement calculated as 3% of the participant’s 5-year average total compensation based on an average of the highest five of the last ten years multiplied by the number of years of service not in excess of 15 years. This amount is reduced by the benefit arising from the basic TIAA defined contribution annuity contracts. The measurement date of the SERP liability is December 31, 2007.
Effective July 31, 2007, the SERP was curtailed. Under this curtailment, all participants, who had not attained the age of 55 and completed five years of service forfeited their benefits under the plan. The one time cost associated with the curtailment of $5 million was due to the need to recognize the past service liability. This one time cost is included in the 2007 SERP total expense. In addition an expense of $11 million was recognized by the Company relating to the funding of separate annuity contracts for individuals who forfeited benefit given the SERP curtailment.
The accumulated benefit obligation totaled $42 million and $49 million as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The Company had an accrued pension cost of $45 million and $35 million and accrued an additional minimum liability of $ 0 and $14 million as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. As of December 31, 2007 and 2006, the projected benefit obligation for non-vested employees totaled $ 0 and $4 million.
The SERP obligations were determined based upon a discount rate of 6.21% and a rate of compensation increase of 5.0% at December 31, 2007. In accordance with NAIC SSAP No. 89, only vested obligations are reflected in the funded status.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 16 – Pension Plan and Postretirement Benefits – (concluded)
The obligations of TIAA under the SERP are unfunded, unsecured promises to make future payments. As such, the plan has no assets. Contributions for a given period are equal to the benefit payments for that period. The expected rate of return on plan assets is not applicable. During 2007 and 2006, the SERP expense, including expenses associated with the curtailment, totaled $11 million and $7 million, respectively.
Future benefits expected to be paid by the SERP are as follows (in millions):
| | | | | |
| 1-1-2008 to 12-31-2008 | | $ | 2 | |
| 1-1-2009 to 12-31-2009 | | $ | 4 | |
| 1-1-2010 to 12-31-2010 | | $ | 4 | |
| 1-1-2011 to 12-31-2011 | | $ | 4 | |
| 1-1-2012 to 12-31-2012 | | $ | 4 | |
| 1-1-2013 to 12-31-2017 | | $ | 18 | |
Note 17 – Policy and Contract Reserves
Policy and contract reserves are determined in accordance with standard valuation methods approved by the Department and are computed in accordance with standard actuarial formulae. The reserves are based on assumptions for interest, mortality and other risks insured and establish a sufficient provision for all benefits guaranteed under policy and contract provisions.
For annuities and supplementary contracts, policy and contract reserves are generally equal to the present value of guaranteed benefits. For most annuities, the present value calculation uses the guaranteed interest and mortality table or a more conservative basis and for most accumulating annuities the reserve thus calculated is equal to the account balance. For the Personal Annuity (“PA”), deferred annuity reserves in the general account are equal to the account balance plus the present value, at the maximum statutory valuation rate on an issue year basis, of excess interest guaranteed beyond the valuation date. In addition, a reserve is maintained in the general account for the PA’s Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit (“GMDB”) provision. The reserve for the GMDB is calculated in accordance with Actuarial Guideline 34, Variable Annuity Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit Reserves and New York State Regulation 151 and was approximately $0.1 million at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively.
For retained assets, an accumulation account issued from the proceeds of annuities and life insurance policies, reserves held are equal to the total current account balances of all account holders.
The Tabular Interest, Tabular Less Actual Reserve Released and Tabular Cost have all been determined by formulae as prescribed by the NAIC except for deferred annuities, for which tabular interest has been determined from the basic data.
In aggregate, the reserves established for all annuity and supplementary contracts utilize assumptions for interest at a weighted average rate of approximately 3%. Approximately 88% of annuity and supplementary contract reserves are based on the 1983 Table set back 9 or 10 years or the Annuity 2000 table set back 9, 10, or 12 years.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 17 – Policy and Contract Reserves - (continued)
Withdrawal characteristics of annuity actuarial reserves and deposit-type contracts at December 31, are as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| | |
| |
| |
| | | Amount | | Percent | | Amount | | Percent | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Subject to Discretionary Withdrawal | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| At fair value | | $ | 18,752 | | | 11.3 | % | $ | 15,126 | | | 9.6 | % |
| At book value without adjustment | | | 25,858 | | | 15.6 | % | | 25,194 | | | 16.1 | % |
| Not subject to discretionary withdrawal | | | 120,898 | | | 73.1 | % | | 116,660 | | | 74.3 | % |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Total (gross) | | | 165,508 | | | 100.0 | % | | 156,980 | | | 100.0 | % |
| | | | | |
| | | | |
| |
| Reinsurance ceded | | | — | | | | | | — | | | | |
| | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| Total (net) | | $ | 165,508 | | | | | $ | 156,980 | | | | |
| | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Annuity reserves and deposit-type contact funds for the year ended December 31, are as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
General Account: | | | | | | | |
Total annuities (excluding supplementary contracts with life) | | $ | 146,066 | | $ | 141,184 | |
Supplementary contracts with life contingencies | | | 235 | | | 242 | |
Deposit-type contracts | | | 455 | | | 428 | |
| |
| |
| |
Subtotal | | | 146,756 | | | 141,854 | |
Separate Accounts: | | | | | | | |
Annuities | | | 18,752 | | | 15,126 | |
| |
| |
| |
Total | | $ | 165,508 | | $ | 156,980 | |
| |
| |
| |
For Ordinary and Collective Life Insurance, reserves for all policies are calculated in accordance with New York State Insurance Regulation 147. Reserves for regular life insurance policies are computed by the Net Level Premium method for issues prior to January 1, 1990, and by the Commissioner’s Reserve Valuation Method for issues on and after such date. Annual renewable and five-year renewable term policies issued on or after January 1, 1994 use segmented reserves, where each segment is equal to the term period. The Cost of Living riders issued on and after January 1, 1994 also use segmented reserves, where each segment is equal to one year in length.
Reserves for the vast majority of permanent insurance policies, term insurance policies, and regular insurance policies use Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary Mortality Tables with rates ranging from 2.25% to 6.00%. Term conversion reserves are based on TIAA term conversion mortality experience and 4.50% interest.
Liabilities for incurred but not reported life insurance claims and disability waiver of premium claims are based on historical experience and set equal to a percentage of paid claims. Reserves for amounts not yet due for incurred but not reported disability waiver of premium claims are a percentage of the total Active Lives Disability Waiver of Premium Reserve.
The Company waives deduction of deferred fractional premiums upon death of the insured and returns any portion of the final premium beyond the date of death. Surrender values of approximately $0.1 million in excess of the legally computed reserves were held as an additional reserve liability at December 31, 2007 and $0.2 million at December 31, 2006, respectively. As of December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006, TIAA had $1.6 billion and $1.4 billion, respectively, of insurance in force for which the gross premiums were less than the net premiums according to the standard of valuation set by the Department. Reserves to cover these insurance amounts totaled $20.6 million and $25.3 million at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively.
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 17 – Policy and Contract Reserves - (concluded)
For Immediate Annuities not involving life contingencies and Supplementary Contracts not involving life contingencies, for each valuation rate of interest, the tabular interest has been calculated as the product of the valuation rate times the mean liability for the year. For all other funds not involving life contingencies, tabular interest has been calculated as the total interest credited to such funds.
Note 18 – Reinsurance
In 2005 and 2004, the Company entered into reinsurance agreements with RGA Reinsurance Company. In accordance with these agreements, the Company assumed Credit Life, Credit A&H, Term Life and Whole Life liabilities through coinsurance funds withheld and modified coinsurance arrangements on a proportional basis. During 2007 the Credit Life and Credit A&H agreement was recaptured, as well as one of the Term Life and Whole Life agreements were recaptured. The statutory coinsurance reserves on these agreements at the end of the statutory reporting period immediately before recapture were approximately $18.4 million and $41.2 million, respectively.
At December 31, disclosures related to these assumed coinsurance agreements were (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
| Aggregated assumed premiums | | $ | (2 | ) | $ | 52 | | $ | 164 | |
| Reinsurance payable on paid and unpaid losses | | $ | — | | $ | 1 | | $ | 1 | |
| Modified coinsurance reserves | | $ | 171 | | $ | 162 | | $ | 142 | |
| Increase in policy and contract reserves | | $ | (50 | ) | $ | 9 | | $ | 57 | |
| Funds withheld under coinsurance | | $ | — | | $ | 14 | | $ | 11 | |
The Company recaptured two of the retrocession agreements with RGA Reinsurance Company effective September 30 and October 1, 2007.
In 2004, TIAA and TIAA-CREF Life entered into a series of agreements with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”) including an administrative agreement for MetLife to service the long-term care business of TIAA and TIAA-CREF Life, an indemnity reinsurance agreement where TIAA and TIAA-CREF Life ceded to MetLife 100% of the long-term care liability and an assumption reinsurance agreement where, after appropriate filings in each jurisdiction, MetLife has begun the process of offering the TIAA and TIAA-CREF Life policyholders the option of transferring their policies from TIAA and TIAA-CREF Life to MetLife. At December 31, 2007 there were still premiums in force of $30 million.
The Company remains liable for reinsurance ceded if the reinsurer fails to meet its obligation on the business assumed. All reinsurance is placed with unaffiliated reinsurers. The Company does not have reinsurance agreements in effect under which the reinsurer may unilaterally cancel the agreement. Amounts shown in the financial statements are reported net of the impact of reinsurance. The major lines in the accompanying financial statements that were reduced by these reinsurance agreements include (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | 2007 | | 2006 | | 2005 | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
| Insurance and annuity premiums | | $ | 46 | | $ | 36 | | $ | 38 | |
| Policy and contract benefits | | $ | 91 | | $ | 101 | | $ | 109 | |
| Increase in policy and contract reserves | | $ | 187 | | $ | 32 | | $ | (19 | ) |
| Reserves for life and health insurance | | $ | 736 | | $ | 923 | | $ | 890 | |
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 19 – Commercial Paper Program
TIAA began issuing commercial paper in May 1999 and currently has a maximum authorized program of $2 billion. The Company had $952 million and $ 0 outstanding obligations, as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively.
The Company maintains a committed and unsecured 5-year revolving credit facility of $1 billion with a group of banks to support the commercial paper program. This liquidity facility has not been utilized.
Note 20 – Capital and Contingency Reserves and Shareholders’ Dividends Restrictions
The portion of contingency reserves represented or reduced by each item below as of December 31, are as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | |
| | 2007 | | 2006 | |
| |
| |
| |
Net unrealized capital gains | | $ | 865 | | $ | 398 | |
Asset valuation reserve | | $ | (698 | ) | $ | (689 | ) |
Deferred federal income tax | | $ | (55 | ) | $ | (1,155 | ) |
Non-admitted asset value | | $ | (180 | ) | $ | 1,149 | |
Provision of reinsurance | | $ | — | | $ | (13 | ) |
Other | | $ | 4 | | $ | 11 | |
Capital:TIAA has 2,500 shares of class A common stock authorized, issued and outstanding. All outstanding shares of the Company are collectively held by the TIAA Board of Overseers, a nonprofit corporation created to hold the stock of TIAA. By charter, the Company operates without profit to its sole shareholder.
Dividend Restrictions: Under the New York Insurance Law, the Company is permitted without prior insurance regulatory clearance to pay a stockholder dividend as long as the aggregated amount of all such dividends in any calendar year does not exceed the lesser of (i) 10% of its surplus to policyholders as of the immediately preceding calendar year and (ii) its net gain from operations for the immediately preceding calendar year (excluding realized investment gains). TIAA generally has not paid dividends to its shareholder and has no plans to do so in the current year.
Note 21 – Contingencies and Guarantees
Subsidiary and Affiliate Guarantees:
TGM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TIAA, was formed for the purpose of issuing notes and other debt instruments and investing the proceeds in compliance with the investment guidelines approved by the Board of Directors of TGM. TGM is authorized to issue up to $5 billion in debt and TIAA’s Board of Trustees authorized TIAA to guarantee up to $5 billion of TGM’s debt. As of December 31, 2007, TGM had $2,536 million of outstanding debt and accrued interest. The Company also provides a $750 million uncommitted and unsecured 364-day revolving line of credit to TGM. During 2007, there were 3 draw downs totaling $500 million that were repaid by December 31, 2007. As of December 31, 2007, there were no outstanding principal amount plus accrued interest.
The Company has a financial support agreement with TIAA-CREF Life. Under this agreement, the Company will provide support so that TIAA-CREF Life will have the greater of (a) capital and surplus of $250 million, (b) the amount of capital and surplus necessary to maintain TIAA-CREF Life’s capital and surplus at a level not less than 150% of the NAIC Risk Based Capital model or (c) such other amount as necessary to maintain TIAA-CREF Life’s financial strength rating at least the same as TIAA’s rating at all times. This agreement is not an evidence of indebtedness or an obligation or liability of the Company and does not provide any creditor of TIAA-CREF Life with recourse to TIAA. The Company made no additional capital contributions to TIAA-CREF Life during 2007 under this agreement. The Company provides a $100 million unsecured 364-day revolving line of credit to TIAA-CREF Life. As of December 31, 2007, $30 million of this facility was maintained on a committed basis for which the
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 21 – Contingencies and Guarantees - (continued)
Company received a commitment fee of 3 bps per annum on the undrawn committed amount. During 2007, there were 59 draw downs totaling $76 million that were repaid by December 31, 2007. As of December 31, 2007, outstanding principal plus accrued interest was $ 0.
The Company provides guarantees to the CREF accounts, for which it is compensated, for certain mortality and expense risks, pursuant to an Immediate Annuity Purchase Rate Guarantee Agreement. The Company also provides a $1 billion uncommitted line of credit to CREF and the Institutional Mutual Funds. Loans under this revolving credit facility are for a maximum of 60 days and are made solely at the discretion of the Company to fund shareholder redemption requests or other temporary or emergency needs of CREF and the Funds. It is the intent of the Company, CREF and the Funds to use this facility as a supplemental liquidity facility, which would only be used after CREF and the Funds have exhausted the availability of the current $1.5 billion committed credit facility that is maintained with a group of banks.
Separate Account Guarantees:The Company provides mortality and expense guarantees to VA-1, for which it is compensated. The Company guarantees that, at death, the total death benefit payable from the fixed and variable accounts will be at least a return of total premiums paid less any previous withdrawals. The Company also guarantees that expense charges to VA-1 participants will never rise above the maximum amount stipulated in the contract.
The Company provides mortality, expense and liquidity guarantees to REA and is compensated for these guarantees. The Company guarantees that once REA participants begin receiving lifetime annuity income benefits, monthly payments will never be reduced as a result of adverse mortality experience. The Company also guarantees that expense charges to REA participants will never rise above the maximum amount stipulated in the contract. The Company provides REA with a liquidity guarantee to ensure it has funds available to meet participant transfer or cash withdrawal requests. If REA cannot fund participant requests, the Company’s general account will fund them by purchasing Accumulation Units in REA. The Company guarantees that participants will be able to redeem their Accumulation Units at the then current daily Accumulation Unit Value. No amounts have been accrued under these guarantees at year-end.
The Company provides mortality and expense guarantees to VA-3 and is compensated for these guarantees. The Company guarantees that once VA-3 participants begin receiving lifetime annuity income benefits, monthly payments will never be reduced as a result of adverse mortality experience. The Company also guarantees that expense charges to VA-3 participants will never rise above the maximum amount stipulated in the contract.
Leases: The Company occupies leased office space in many locations under various long-term leases. At December 31, 2007, the future minimum lease payments are estimated as follows (in millions):
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Year | | 2008 | | 2009 | | 2010 | | 2011 | | 2012 | | Thereafter | | Total | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Amount | | $ | 36 | | | 27 | | | 24 | | | 23 | | | 21 | | | 82 | | $ | 213 | |
Leased space expense is allocated among the Company and affiliated entities. Rental expense charged to the Company for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 was approximately $32 million, $35 million and $24 million, respectively.
The Company transferred title to land and building located at 485 Lexington Avenue and 750 Third Avenue, New York, New York to 750-485 Fee Owner LLC, an entity formed by SL Green Corp, on July 28, 2004. The Company had leased and continued to operate the properties after closing pursuant to a Master Lease, which expired on December 31, 2005. The deposit method of accounting required that the Company defer recognition of the gains
DECEMBER 31, 2007
Note 21 – Contingencies and Guarantees - (concluded)
from disposition of these properties until expiration of the lease. At December 31, 2005 the Company recognized the gain of $237 million on the sale.
The Company’s lease obligation under the Master Lease was $30 million and $32 million for the year 2005. Sublease rental income was $14 million for the year 2005.
Other Contingencies and Guarantees:
In the ordinary conduct of certain of its investment activities, the Company provides standard indemnities covering a variety of potential exposures. For instance, the Company provides indemnifications in connection with site access agreements relating to due diligence review for real estate acquisitions, and the Company provides indemnification to underwriters in connection with the issuance of securities by or on behalf of TIAA or its subsidiaries. It is the TIAA’s management’s opinion that the fair value of such indemnifications are negligible and do not materially affect the Company’s financial position, results of operations or liquidity.
Other contingent liabilities arising from litigation and other matters over and above amounts already provided for in the financial statements or disclosed elsewhere in these notes are not considered material in relation to the Company’s financial position or the results of its operations.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant, TIAA Real Estate Account, has duly caused this Amendment to this Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in New York, New York, on the 1st day of May, 2008.
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| By: | /s/ Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. | |
| |
| |
| | Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. | |
| | President and Chief Executive Officer |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Amendment to this Registration Statement has been signed by the following trustees and officers of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, in the capacities and on the dates indicated.
| | | | | |
Signature | | Title | | Date | |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | |
/s/ Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. | | President and | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | Chief Executive Officer | | | |
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. | | (Principal Executive Officer) | | | |
| | | | | |
/s/ Georganne C. Proctor | | Executive Vice President and | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | Chief Financial Officer | | | |
Georganne C. Proctor | | (Principal Financial and | | | |
| | Accounting Officer) | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Chairman of the Board of Trustees | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Ronald L. Thompson | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Elizabeth E. Bailey | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Glenn A. Britt | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Robert C. Clark | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Edward M. Hundert M.D. | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Marjorie Fine Knowles | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Donald K. Peterson | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Sidney A. Ribeau | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Dorothy K. Robinson | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
David L. Shedlarz | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
David F. Swensen | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Marta Tienda | | | | | |
| | | | | |
* | | Trustee | | May 1, 2008 | |
| | | | | |
Rosalie J. Wolf | | | | | |
| |
* | Signed by Stewart P. Greene as attorney-in-fact pursuant to powers of attorney filed herewith. |