Transactions between the Bank and its subsidiaries meet the definition of related party transactions. If these transactions are eliminated on consolidation, they are not disclosed as related party transactions.
Transactions between the Bank, TD Ameritrade, and Symcor Inc. (Symcor) also qualify as related party transactions. There were no significant transactions between the Bank, TD Ameritrade, and Symcor during the year ended October 31, 2018, other than as described in the following sections and in Note 12.
Other Transactions with TD Ameritrade and Symcor
The Bank is party to an insured deposit account (IDA) agreement with TD Ameritrade, pursuant to which the Bank makes available to clients of TD Ameritrade, FDIC-insured money market deposit accounts as either designated sweep vehicles or asnon-sweep deposit accounts. TD Ameritrade provides marketing and support services with respect to the IDA. The Bank paid fees of $1.9 billion during the year ended October 31, 2018 (October 31, 2017 – $1.5 billion; October 31, 2016 – $1.2 billion) to TD Ameritrade related to deposit accounts. The amount paid by the Bank is based on the average insured deposit balance of $140 billion for the year ended October 31, 2018 (October 31, 2017 – $124 billion; October 31, 2016 – $112 billion) with a portion of the amount tied to the actual yield earned by the Bank on the investments, less the actual interest paid to clients of TD Ameritrade, and the balance tied to an agreed rate of return. The Bank earns a servicing fee of 25 bps on the aggregate average daily balance in the sweep accounts (subject to adjustment based on a specified formula).
As at October 31, 2018, amounts receivable from TD Ameritrade were $137 million (October 31, 2017 – $68 million). As at October 31, 2018, amounts payable to TD Ameritrade were $174 million (October 31, 2017 – $167 million).
The Bank and other financial institutions provided TD Ameritrade with unsecured revolving loan facilities. The total commitment provided by the Bank was $338 million, which was undrawn as at October 31, 2018, and October 31, 2017.
The Bank hasone-third ownership in Symcor, a Canadian provider of business process outsourcing services offering a diverse portfolio of integrated solutions in item processing, statement processing and production, and cash management services. The Bank accounts for Symcor's results using the equity method of accounting. During the year ended October 31, 2018, the Bank paid $86 million (October 31, 2017 – $93 million; October 31, 2016 – $97 million) for these services. As at October 31, 2018, the amount payable to Symcor was $14 million (October 31, 2017 – $15 million).
The Bank and two other shareholder banks have also provided a $100 million unsecured loan facility to Symcor which was undrawn as at October 31, 2018, and October 31, 2017.
For management reporting purposes, the Bank reports its results under three key business segments: Canadian Retail, which includes the results of the Canadian personal and commercial banking businesses, Canadian credit cards, TD Auto Finance Canada, and Canadian wealth and insurance businesses; U.S. Retail, which includes the results of the U.S. personal and business banking operations, U.S. credit cards, TD Auto Finance U.S., U.S. wealth business, and the Bank's investment in TD Ameritrade; and Wholesale Banking. The Bank's other activities are grouped into the Corporate segment.
Canadian Retail is comprised of Canadian personal and commercial banking, which provides financial products and services to personal, small business, and commercial customers, TD Auto Finance Canada, the Canadian credit card business, the Canadian wealth business, which provides investment products and services to institutional and retail investors, and the insurance business. U.S. Retail is comprised of the personal and business banking operations in the U.S. operating under the brand TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank®, primarily in the Northeast andMid-Atlantic regions and Florida, and the U.S. wealth business, including Epoch and the Bank's equity investment in TD Ameritrade. Wholesale banking provides a wide range of capital markets, investment banking, and corporate banking products and services, including underwriting and distribution of new debt and equity issues, providing advice on strategic acquisitions and divestitures, and meeting the daily trading, funding, and investment needs of the Bank's clients. The Bank's other activities are grouped into the Corporate segment. The Corporate segment includes the effects of certain asset securitization programs, treasury management, the collectively assessed allowance for incurred but not identified credit losses in Canadian Retail and Wholesale Banking, elimination of taxable equivalent adjustments and other management reclassifications, corporate level tax items, and residual unallocated revenue and expenses.
The results of each business segment reflect revenue, expenses, and assets generated by the businesses in that segment. Due to the complexity of the Bank, its management reporting model uses various estimates, assumptions, allocations, and risk-based methodologies for funds transfer pricing, inter-segment revenue, income tax rates, capital, indirect expenses and cost transfers to measure business segment results. The basis of allocation and methodologies are reviewed periodically to align with management's evaluation of the Bank's business segments. Transfer pricing of funds is generally applied at market rates. Inter-segment revenue is negotiated between each business segment and approximates the fair value of the services provided. Income tax provision or recovery is generally applied to each segment based on a statutory tax rate and may be adjusted for items and activities unique to each segment. Amortization of intangibles acquired as a result of business combinations is included in the Corporate segment. Accordingly, net income for business segments is presented before amortization of these intangibles.
Non-interest income is earned by the Bank primarily through investment and securities services, credit fees, trading income, service charges, card services, and insurance revenues. Revenues from investment and securities services are earned predominantly in the Canadian Retail segment with the remainder earned in Wholesale Banking and U.S. Retail. Revenues from credit fees are primarily earned in the Wholesale Banking and Canadian Retail segments. Trading income is earned within Wholesale Banking. Both service charges and card services revenue are mainly earned in the U.S. Retail and Canadian Retail segments. Insurance revenue is earned in the Canadian Retail segment.
Net interest income within Wholesale Banking is calculated on a taxable equivalent basis (TEB), which means that the value ofnon-taxable ortax-exempt income, including dividends, is adjusted to its equivalentbefore-tax value. Using TEB allows the Bank to measure income from all securities and loans consistently and makes for a more meaningful comparison of net interest income with similar institutions. The TEB adjustment reflected in Wholesale Banking is reversed in the Corporate segment.
The Bank purchases CDS to hedge the credit risk in Wholesale Banking's corporate lending portfolio. These CDS do not qualify for hedge accounting treatment and are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in current period's earnings. The related loans are accounted for at amortized cost. Management believes that this asymmetry in the accounting treatment between CDS and loans would result in periodic profit and loss volatility which is not indicative of the economics of the corporate loan portfolio or the underlying business performance in Wholesale Banking. As a result, these CDS are accounted for on an accrual basis in Wholesale Banking and the gains and losses on these CDS, in excess of the accrued cost, are reported in the Corporate segment.
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