Chief morning, third is Today, quarter both President hear Good Bala. welcome you Johnson to from and Mannatech's and Mannatech’s XXXX me Officer, everyone. you. Al David This and will Executive Thank earnings call.
I the Harbor first read Before statement. call, the we will begin Safe
During statements, can we involve performance. future forward-looking call, this financial make events conference may which or future
should, believe, terminologies, be would, potential, Forward-looking the or will, by project, can estimate, hope, could, phrases identified and such statements intend, continue, predict, may, generally of use as plan expects, anticipate, feel similar terminology. speak statements and or that uncertainties or are words caution forward-looking factors the other only negative as risks, such such events, and We of of subject today. certain to listeners
review to submissions. We our our also listeners SEC refer
active results that the dollar In to and been or In U.S. company non-GAAP income modified to utilize presented the various Accounting Principles requirements discuss with XXXX currencies foreign plan growth. buying sales I our On associates constant commission exclude financial leadership the impact measure, changes Non-GAAP compensation to in into Measures. development is titles experience Accepted have accordance dollars measure on GAAP, for associate volume which our business our available due Generally will was to a Financial of translation adjusted we've revised designed directly X, recently of the sales, customers. addition revised I doing non-GAAP is we net be financial so, alternative under growth financial the our useful hope non-GAAP business as stimulate stimulate accompanying This financial to investors reconciliation performance comparable should the maximize measure XX-Q the indicator to better new and provides and associates. measure is exclusive building strength The and which ongoing compensation that non-GAAP this levels to an dollars. information streams, heading it of of most of measure A measures. XXXX, of for operations. provides plan, considered the our to filed business our this July we an not preferred financial believe and GAAP to to
and million $X.XX diluted quarter third for the share was structure. members this In addition, a of per per as for time, diluted XXXX. our customers I to or XXXX quarter At compared $X.X plan their third a $X.X few concerning pricing compensation will the re-designated XXXX preferred or million Net third share net results. XXXX of income as modified income make the comments operating quarter $X.XX of of
The benefits third earn million for plan quarter net million, the associates $XX average sales the provide during XXXX Pack incentives. $XXX compensation and June of now an XXXX been fees. of sales before with of XXXX the right to to fiscal is $XX.X or $XX for XX.X% of associate net fees, implemented with the associate the sales historically value we and replaced million plan, those which approximately had commissions, XX on of average XXXX. sales In decreased have connection year quarter by XXXX compensation third compared pack $X.X to
to the from XXXX. within million approximately approximately XXXX, $X.X $XXX,XXX ending decreased sales in Specifically by as $XXX,XXX three XX, during months Americas pack September compared to same the the period
our of of of quarter third For sales in Americas our approximately consolidated XX.X% quarter sales, net the accounted outside consolidated operations our to for the of compared XXXX, net third XXXX. XX.X% the
customers. independent was revenue independent increase a compared $XX.X customer, number XXXX million and preferred million or net million the X.X% X.X% by as X.X% associate same partially sales XXXX. active in by preferred saw to per Third quarter decreased of a period which for in $XX.X in to the $X.X We active associates Asia-Pacific offset and decrease
September XXXX. ending to number the Pacific XXX,XXX months period of product compared as decreased in from X,XXX three to XX, XXX,XXX same in the orders by XXXX, the approximately Asia During
September During XXXX. to $X.X same ended million XXXX, sale to the Pacific as decreased three $X.X million in by the months pack $X.X period Asia XX, compared revenue million from in
the X.X% and three EMEA decreased East was ended XX.X% across For period the XXXX, as $X.X of Africa independent months or the net September number to by decrease a sales active customer, associate offset preferred $X.X due per million by South $X.X to independent for million and was customers. preferred This and same active decline associates a revenue in XX, Middle increase Europe, million partially to X.X% which XXXX. in in compared
in months to number to compared the XXXX ended the by same increased region three September this the X,XXX XX, XXXX. in XX,XXX period as orders During EMEA XX,XXX of product approximately
the same During $X.X September revenue ended XX, months million XXXX in as to in to EMEA the period sale by $X.X million compared from decreased three pack million $X.X XXXX.
The $X.X the XXXX to million or XXXX. for $XX the XX.X% Americas same of to by three a associates decrease to preferred active September compared primarily customers. as $XX.X preferred and X.X% For the period active associate in and due independent in ended was months and million independent decreased in XX% decline per decrease million revenue in customer net a the XX, sales number
in period XX, the by XXXX. September as XX,XXX same number During decreased from the in XXXX three to Americas of X,XXX orders the the months XX,XXX to compared ending product
months million million income operating pack Commission September XXXX XX, an During period for as million or ended operations, same statement September quarter XXXX. reviewing quarter $XX.X to third million In the to to for of compared compared X.X% XXXX $X.X revenue for same the decreased our XXXX $X.X sale $X.X million by as by compared in million XXXX. the to as Americas million for of third period XXXX. income in $X.X the the expense third XX, of our in $X.X $XX.X operating ending to quarter three million from was $X.X decreased the the
in three increased XX% net XX.X% from the compensation for compared same in months the for as result for to a ending to XX, XXXX. a period of the or of as XX, XXXX. for same As million ending period commissions plan by September Incentive September to about XX.X% sales new XXXX $X.X adopting XXXX $X.X percent three the million months costs decreased $XXX,XXX the
For sales of percentage months remained the XX, ending three percentage the as X.X%. net same incentives September of XXXX
For of and of the we million in in the months million decrease a three period compared ended September by payroll XX.X% for million $X.X $X.X selling severance or costs. million $X.X as million XXXX XX, Last administrative This same employees greater number had decrease decreased XXXX. consisted $X.X charge. expenses a to year to $X.X and
marketing $X.X decrease million costs compensation. in and a in related a We also witnessed $X.X stock-based million decrease
million credit the in three to September million For decrease such expenses, million a million same in This and to operating and other expense in research XXXX. $X.X the compared as fees, XX, due $X.X period for entertainment or decrease office decrease months XX.X% as several a ended and and XXXX by costs, costs million was to categories $X.X travel legal $X.X card $X.X consulting decreased development.
XX, and partially developed decrease million million year expense. cash of caused third to In cash the In XX, the or increase in professional $XX.X XXXX. debt XXXX, by December addition, fees and XX.X% which decreases increased internally balance equivalents to to was both These million of our million $X.X quarter. during further by million our software $X.X offset were by $X.X bad sheet impairment last occurred as review, a $XX.X $X.X of September the million
centers and During XXXX, in training September projects, invested various the $X.X in XX, equipment. software offices improvements approximately ended in leasehold nine international approximately $XXX,XXX office months and in we back-office million $XXX,XXX approximately
September XXXX, benefit. XXXX For the three the XX, was months for tax September ended rate effective company's and XX, a
working $XX.X of million XX, total liabilities is at capital compared to total assets, current Our current December as XX, defined million XXXX, $XX.X as September less XXXX.
balance million XXXX million compared at by inventory $XX.X to decreased net XXXX. September million at Our $XX December as to $X.X XX, XX,
inventory third call Mr. we Bala. primarily costs. $X.X million months time, to to X.XX At nine XXXX XX, ended decreased in balance to turn finished for the CEO, to XXXX. million during repurchases. over XXXX, and event in XX, paid September compared Al the million to September dividends $X.X at Accounts as the goods this to increased XX, I will X.XX quarter, payable at XXXX, compared the stock Mannatech's same as $X.X period December During turn Also due