Chief morning, third is Today, quarter both President hear Good Bala. welcome you Johnson, to from and Mannatech's and Mannatech's XXXX me Officer, everyone. you. Al David This and will Executive Thank earnings call.
I the harbor first read Before statement. call, the we will begin safe
During statements, can we involve performance. future forward-looking call, this financial make events conference may which or future
should, believe, terminologies be would, potential, Forward-looking the or will, by project, can estimate, or hope, could, phrases identified and such statements intend, continue, predict, may, generally of use as plan expects, anticipate, feel other We speak and and similar are uncertainties such words subject or listeners statements factors other only the negative as of such forward-looking risks and caution of terminology. to today. events, certain that
review to submissions. We our our also listeners SEC refer
should I a our XX-Q make XXXX the Measures. under time, results. of business reconciliation GAAP on this not results that our financial heading the directly dollars. GAAP, translation that In third filed available recently of the to it non-GAAP sales, of GAAP presented to financial discuss a believe Financial most is dollar comparable to exclude measure, strength comments sales this investors indicator to which considered useful non-GAAP operations. is in is due financial to measure will alternative and ongoing operating into concerning quarter will impact accordance an as financial measure of non-GAAP financial an foreign At exclusive few adjusted This of I be U.S. measure constant of information net changes our A the provides I this measure performance Non-GAAP been accompanying measures. to the addition have currencies non-GAAP to
quarter per year. income a million to $X.XX income quarter was of $X.X operations share million or last $X.XX quarter of compared our of for million third to for for net XXXX. Our per as diluted the XXXX million third taxes, net same third or period diluted was the share compared to loss Due $X.X the $X.X $X.X from
the For rate rate compared the as ending XX, certain same valuation Cuts mix to jurisdictions statutory recorded federal rate a from for XX, the the and intangible earnings XXXX. of ended of global XXXX, tax effective a our the due X the impact XXXX, as of XX.X% the benefit XXX.X% the months effective the of losses tax result foreign months September Tax income, The to for across Jobs September period were three company's different new in GILTI, in was and low-tax jurisdictions, on allowances Act.
million increased of third third quarter or of to The $XX X.X% of million sales sales to quarter XXXX million for $XX compared $X net the by XXXX. net
constant X.X% a For sales dollar compared period sales XXXX, while or XX, affected caused associate ending of pack XXXX. placed. foreign in the period to September value and sales ended X-month fee $X.X increased a our same on XXXX for exchange months X net GAAP million orders as net the the decrease basis, and unfavorable the in September net average number the orders XXXX also were product comparisons The by XX, of these
XXX,XXX XXXX respectively. positions XX, of active XXXX and same XXXX, compared associate third The fees For during associate and total the to to held quarter of based to period XXX,XXX, customers and to to by preferred sold product continuing in the XXXX. ending as months XX,XXX same increased X.X% our $XXX average of packs associates network September period the approximately of was period as for individuals increased the XX.X% by independent number XX-month ending order $XXX September X compared The number the paid XX,XXX XX, new and trailing on during XXXX. in a XXXX
outside quarter operations of our XXXX. the XXXX, our third of for quarter consolidated in to consolidated our compared Americas of XX.X% sales XX.X% third accounted of net net the the of sales, approximately For
Pacific of quarter in sales and XX.X% same In Asia by XXXX net $XX.X to or $X.X to third of decreased million Africa, the increased XXXX. million the net $XX.X compared period as of $X.X X% $X.X Europe, by sales million in million Mid-East to EMEA, in to or the decreased or compared sales or XXXX third of of same $XX.X $XX.X million for to quarter third million compared the in million million period period Americas in to million in the $X.X X.X% net XXXX $X.X as by the same XXXX. quarter XXXX. as
as quarter third of for compared million of to XXXX. quarter was million income operating for $X.X operating $X.X Our the the of XXXX income third the
$X.X million During XXXX. of and million $X.X of $X.X million Europe and a quarter, during and Japan, costs decrease stock-based a quarter million administrative as and and consisted increase expenses selling the to a offset labor compared third decrease the This in costs, to expense decrease warehouse and expenses Australia million in in our contract costs. $X.X administrative third in compensation selling offices, decreased headquarters, in million payroll $X.X in by distribution increase $X.X
costs three or to million the million. September X.X% by ending XX, For $X.X months decreased XXXX, other operating $X.X
XX, The and costs $X.X equivalents from For was XXXX. period by increase or $XX.X increase office a XX.X% the cash million in from travel due and a operating XXXX, to miscellaneous ended in was million X decrease $XX entertainment a at costs the consulting expenses. legal other in a in decrease months million by balance December $X.X million for XX, our fees percentage primarily of XXXX. of to XX.X% million sales as other same of in million expenses. partially XX.X% In reviewing $X.X and decreased operating million operating net September $XX.X offset decreased decrease and as a and costs $X.X September This XXXX, XX, to sheet the
in and and During approximately approximately $X.X million XXXX, furniture million invested projects, leasehold million September months $X.X ended in XX, in the software nine we back-office equipment. $X.X improvements
million XX, XXXX, assets working current was defined total compared Our $XX.X of million September $XX.X to XXXX. current December as XX, capital liabilities at as less total
XX, compared Our LIFE $X.X million increased markets. to our by $XX.X at balances invested million in Ambrotose growth XXXX, inventory XX, inventories. at million XXXX. introduced December as in net We We to $X.X September
proud repurchases. have open I over we that tender offer also, invested our and we've time, Mr. returned call Mannatech's back repurchase And Bala. shareholders. CEO, market a stock million million $X.X the dividend to common to to to At Al I'm pursuant this Finally, payments will turn $X.X in