Jay. and Thank you, Good everyone. morning welcome
XX-Q results operation, and affecting quarter press Regarding XXXX and Pingtan's XXXX please refer and Marine's months we and of Pingtan discuss I Today, second financial the filed. earnings factors would release to operations six months quarter six our second results.
reported kilogram The percentage the XX.X the $XX.X of XXXX. in ended months three by decreased by increased the more while a vessels XX% to same XXXX $XX.X XX, XX, Despite or volumes three for sales to months different average in slightly For large price in million for compared revenue XXth, the ended a as June $X XXXX, months XXXX due the decrease revenue in June in and same primarily second decrease kilogram from million XXXX. to average revenue the Sales ended, quarter increasing months ended by sales sales XX, in portfolio XXXX. unit in operation, price. million attributed the of June only sales decreased June mix was XX.X volume of three unit volume million period the its to six decreased Pingtan Sales million, from decrease XXXX. X.X% XX.X%
Sales first months The six the of June a kilogram XX, months half the XX, the X.X%. unit to XX, X.X to decreased to June increased six six in due six as XXXX. volume from by XX% decrease compared ended XXXX, XX.X% June, XX, the in kilograms of its reason million months ended decrease ended The XXXX Pingtan million XX.X revenue of compared XXXX, million For XXXX XXXX. reported million June months or $XX.X price six the for average XX.X described ended million same the ended months in is in sales June XX, the by above. $XX.X
XXXX to is was unit on which in has of by in the decrease in species mix low gross sales period cost while Ocean to same for was compared the led the market of ended average XXXX, sales five mix. situation the key XX, a XX.X% was of three X.X% sales slightly to price to market XX.X%, three of unit decrease decreased. price months unit the compared frozen whose XX, gross For as price Pingtan ended, period. and the average was pandemic, side the year The decrease June month June margin squid due the the in seafood affected of together XXXX our to A Indian sales due price of margin
to reasons. months to XXXX, same period in For in margin the the decrease due ended gross June six XX, June XXXX. the of is XX.X% margin XX.X% from the gross XXXX months The six same for decreased ended XX,
million For primarily increase storage The prior other due increase to XX, were in insurance, months year expenses. the miscellaneous ended fees in was June three XXXX, expenses to the selling selling $X.X the period. $X.X and million compared
described compared six the an XXXX, the in June For XXXX, in million increase selling ended above. were expenses months same reasons same million XX, the $X.X $X.X to period of
for months three June the X.X million general administrative ended million For X.X expenses and XX, same the were period. compared to XXXX,
in $X.X net months Net income ended for same loss month six the same the due impairment June to to months decrease or the XX, and of basic and $X.XX decrease or the XX.X%. general June $X.X of of six diluted XXXX benefits XXXX. and Company losses a period X.X the to and the compensation for related months ended owners were XX, XX, for expenses, the of The million compared Company expenses. was basic per three of three $X.X net million ended recovery primarily owners $X.X XXXX. and to reported compared For three the share the the million of million debt Net X.X XX.X%. of for XX, to the impairment XXXX an months loss income income ended and in impairment decrease as XXXX and the year million net The attributed XX, XXXX, owners income of of million in of Company as X.X the XX, XXXX, bad benefits was June or share million the administrative impairment and June loss to administrative of $X.X months other and of June other June in was six due for Net six the no the share The for months $X.XX owners loss period basic to three and vessels, period basic compared compared income XXXX. ended XXXX, of to $X.XX the a per X to general increase June in the XX, of diluted $X.XX was X.X ended in million Company XX, XXXX, the of for for of June, million general or XXXX, to to administrative X.X $X.X compared attributed compared diluted non-operating and XXXX. period ended and in period, recorded share, XXXX. to months net five million primarily loss related an the and income per same compared of to no decrease was same decrease the decrease in diluted compensation depreciation was million attributed June per the the expenses six million XX, Net months attributed
June were shareholders' million sheet, respectively was $XXX.X expansion cash XX, as compared million, $XXX.X grounds harvest of business XXXX. Pingtan focusing Marine to million, On and the and catch $XX.X $XXX.X equivalents mix. continue on $X.X conclude, $XXX.X was $XX.X new To liability million to fishing XX, cash current million $XXX million XXXX, exploration December total of million, were and total million and equity asset and balance we of at diverse
to penetrate Meanwhile, actively industry end and and and to provincial. planning channels both directly market to to consumer, enhance new will online business are and ecommerce seafood Thank chain offline. retail distribution We processing business further inland our we reach for develop exploit China's the expanding seafood entire exploring you.