Good Thank you. morning, and welcome, everyone.
affecting results and will and quarter X-months operation, I refer release factors X-months Today, XX-Q and earnings the XXXX discuss Pingtan's to quarter financial press third filed. and XXXX we Pingtan's our please operation of results. Regarding third
XXXX. September Pingtan's increase same For ended an price in million Sales by to XX.X to unit the XX, compared increased $XX.X XX.X% months million million, The XXXX, the of the XX.X% X revenue period same X months kg the XX, of ended in to the in to X.X sales decreased of average XX, XXXX, volume XXXX, months million X September in in XXXX. reported XX.X% or period compared period kg XXXX. compared September same $X.X ended
same from to price XXXX. ended XX.X unit million September XX, the to revenue XX, as XXXX. September in the $XX.X X in in months XXXX. Pingtan ended September period $XX.X months XX.X%, XX, ended reported kg kg increased in the XX, X million ended XXXX, Average XX, million million volumes in Sales September the by X For by months compared months months XX.X% X of X XXXX. September ended decreased compared XX the about XXXX,
volume to more September XXXX, XXXX in different For the XX, months and sales was a the increase of mix as operation. increase result X compared in in revenue X to of attributed vessels change the and ended sales
the same An months months a with months catching sold led demand -- remaining being September increased the was supply ended volume the Indian to to was months as expected increased XXXX. period For the major supply, ended the $X.X XXXX Indian the which Ocean with price $X.X the of sales XX, an XXXX, are the to to due attributed highest X Gross sales the negatively average sales XXXX same Ocean months XXXX, in pandemic. squid volume September COVID-XX selling XX, our profit in compared price. higher was lower in Indian ended squid X in gross at vessel XX.X% and increase to the unit for the price. decrease X the of and for September X affect Ocean Lower product or profit XX, XXXX. the the species sales September of compared fishing ended year for average well as impact X X such continue as million restrained representing out $X.X XX, prices for million, unit to million of lower
ended ended $XX.X September XX.X% XXXX, for profit X September September margin was months prior $X.X XX.X% in the margin gross XX, X period. XX.X% months as months For XXXX, for Gross million XX, the XX, of gross was ended profit compared million the compared to same X million, XXXX. Pingtan's or lower to $X.X year the representing
affected mix XXXX, -- lower was the the sales period September activity. XX, the the XX, September respectively, in in for XXXX, species to custom port by price as unit XX, for X to in our a was of warehouse million to X X ended the months and margin XX, due as an The squid compared decrease Selling which decrease was the of frozen fishing September in to increase was seafood XXXX, increase compared XX.X% same the vessel. XXXX. the China of their for market result the for key insured, and period. and decrease expenses number prior to $X.X price of being to average insurance and XX% decrease were increase ended gross months the the on gross period, of decreased in side, storage due same due communication XXXX, period a charge ended The as XX.X%, COVID-XX fee, fee pandemic, clearance to from delivery together production satellite in months the price due the XX.X% of For year to September X from number vessels in as whose Ocean for to the margin the costs, sales gross A same in -- $X.X and was margin. cost well million increase in market Indian X led
$X.X period to months XX, $X.X compared For increase same XXXX. to was the selling described above. ended due million million the X for expenses XXXX, reasons were September The
months or of X to $X.X year period, and the X.X%. compared $X.X expenses XXXX, million increase administrative general XX, prior in million $X.X the million were an September For ended
a for administered X and of million general XX.X%. million September the to For of same of a decrease net in the $X.X year was prior million to of period XXXX, compared the decrease ended months X $X.X XXXX, million XXXX, ended were XX.X.%. or in period, income compared Net XX, $X.X income million $X September XX, the $X.X months expenses
For XXXX, compared was a the year X months X.X% $X.X decrease increase a period. income prior -- the million, ended to XX, September net slight slight of
the per of to for diluted months to X ended was per diluted net owners basic same the of income the company to share $X.X $X.XX September the owners million the or the and XXXX, period net in XX, the compared income and of million For share basic company $X.XX of XXXX. $X
months $X.X the of million the For and owners period of the to company or per XXXX, net of to to share was same million net and the $X.XX XX, compared income or $X.X September the share per company the $X.XX basic ended X XXXX. of diluted diluted income in owners basic
assets focus catch technology. territories vessels as million, influence total products, to brand $X.X clients and end deepen Inland to our seeking directly To with XXXX, million enhance new our at Pingtan entire was respectively, were larger-scale fishing XXXX. channel were compared province our million Pingtan's industry harvest fleet $XXX.X million, Thank and December ultimate and XX, Meanwhile, of shareholder and equity continue sheet, $XX.X new of actively and to latest we XX, million, with consumers, distribution $XXX.X business fishing with to on diverse total cash to $XXX.X reach mix. to develop conclude, And $XX.X team. expansion cash million, million promote further aim China million, equivalents balance the increased you. new the and to Pingtan's exploration were $XXX.X liabilities $XXX.X of September current On with