about in you, to Carlos, not from QX thank a QX participating to a and very last of talking thank quick year, different I’d QX -- start everyone between start and for call. the just our making comparison earnings change slightly QX. but like Well, QX
of terms sequential would revenue. our is start how I So, in with main KPIs? movement
point compare recession because constant of revenue, is a percentage if we basically which X.X to QX, So the we've good some in currency we of on economies. the a evaluating in sign on or evolution increase had downturns QX been QX, potential
a side. -- sign X.X% So result told record is that's good that revenue some the a positive what of so we revenue QX you having a had of a base on on we sales
report Looking a at let's EBITDA, we increase. can there significant is say, where
percentage would some with had reported we costs of half But those we incremental So of is bringing some site accelerating costs our and last would points that like a QX severance X.X talked is about that QX second lot actions the of hurt and EBITDA actions shutdown, others. that are year. off. we like a lot What quarter, benefit that paying
and So are we are we the increasing so we else. now are about, points to X.X, X.X revenue of the with very all EBITDA far of from even what percentage economy everything talking XX.X%
flow, the trend. On are the operating cash same we keeping
positive So we X.X in QX were this at year. of
expenses and we hedge of I will free quarter. flow had cash August that have which Looking payments the chart at drove better We down the to and in flow. bond that finance free explain you. a Then the had cash the for all
of X.X% see now on looking constant had way QX QX, compared ’XX. that looking, ‘XX we had Looking of points which a more the basis, on QX so at again, compared to is X basis, down. what we again to because in -- minus We so a QX we traditional you sign that constant reduction on revenue, we good a QX percentage a the showed in had
to down was ‘XX QX X% ‘XX. of of compared QX So,
gradual that slight a in reduction showing way, volume a we -- QX. So reduction this on or of a reduction a in space saw it's
down. severance year, at margin of some QX. XX.X costs that to where still much had impact still mentioned, Brazil, did costs wallet to again, down QX, way, Looking with have I on they we in compared reduction get EBTIDA is mentioned lingering And in part we our we was have the of from We year But driving return last consolidated QX terms lot main volume In that off when a last back, effects but Atento, big, of is had as most clients share had compared that we had which like one scenario, were some some are not in percentage the volume and by some we at, that economic very of a we also volumes points. not as them. of X.X a of the volumes
details in related in was volumes we last some that the could relates we profitability part X% throughout volumes we sector that So Brazil, cyber-attack have return, are the price reduction to X%, that that minimum which also X%, didn't do that our by and to or -- looking received revenue in and out more of the down that cyber below do. quarter that targets
in year, competitive Telefónica, Telefónica in the one sure On revenue way, decided participate. revenue, makes way the we and down them So continue we is the two And efficiency implemented down. reduction actually that year. EBITDA did adjustment XX.X% and This in the they revenue in volumes; margin. our a -- they moved throughout that has mainly with components: not efficiency. is volume, terms of to had cost reducing cost program to make they a we us X% by that early to the entire huge other are partially on they prices more that are together of one a driven
are we four have we we EBITDA there. the to managed offset We volume that in because downturn severance some of points margin, Brazil. part But percentage So closed on still down volume XX.X. reduction of which at the that
on the the can different. see Americas, year, economic throughout of X.X% because last a our we we is We countries the all year, less good continue in pretty is could all line in last volume base. increase with segment, Americas line. Multisector at in scenario we the terms sign a which much of the the have -- Looking with to almost same of had -- is even downturn -- quarter completely that in -- revenue
had as from as revenue XXXX, the fact margins again some low. a resume in a on countries COVID. cases, the outcome good And increase higher longer a after impact in In the basically on positive but that that's hyperinflation, had of we and EBITDA So Telefónica. of which effect a has recover react revenue. are we the Argentina the that we volume growth also those Telefónica, we negative are positive took Argentina terms to in to
we QX. year, in a in in In volumes in growth percentage of some EMEA, the in showing the contracts. X.X some in mainly off down of So by the drivers insurance do here also contracts between for other energy we had the Americas. sector. as We Multisector, that in and XX% XX% Telefónica, case almost is in a in took of over onshore on one margin that the had EMEA And we The terms have points minus the the on driven have mix that's X.X came contracts a is from We Multisector. offshore. the points beginning sector EBITDA of percentage of which result competitors of
offshore the to we throughout because are situation revert on slightly is onshore. growing that in last to more we weeks more would the So offshore. on see that The expectation than we now, than are growth -- onshore more can the QX,
Looking at basically our costs did we cash paid lot in flow improvement that mentioned, as the -- a I operational we of off. indirect breach, and QX
$XX had million we So QX. in
that very $XX going is it’s billing, Mexico, EBITDA a in had of mentioned EBITDA minus had in Peru, main negative of the a procedures have million of we increase our in $XX we the in of also Columbia, terms last implemented reached SAP, exactly we capital. a collections. new I the EBITDA. delaying or billing the way U.S. that million But quarter. that countries and issue a very, process, leases, so closing some $XX million is in an southern GAAP we program Now wave changes, that Taking bit $X We the a the of basically the million, little efficiency in implementation, the of cash working implementation well. $X delayed quarter, the the for which in out bill-to-pay million QX, for in
more that compensate expect to We QX.
we working So actions. for only we $X result quarter QX terms when that is had QX always Combine actually change a have already of a million, positive all with closing, but what it in best that capital in the collections. as our not compensate discussed significantly of
Some clients actually anticipate payments December. to
million down in have cash discussed a that finance and we hedge. of flow million that that XX. cash have would doing. $XX of QX we million, And level very our reduced as of cybersecurity, operating $X flow. is quarter. million the that $XX.X relates terms we $XX in to of we usually was sites, way, positive in because that free are on expense -- CapEx, what we continue figures in the make we million August, by the in very, The our positive that's and finance that. our basically us expect basically other plus less control quarter bond $X our negative expenses a security, are Everything droves bonds to flow have some around investments growth, availability hedge, But So we same are
very, very in for That working and what positive. a cash. EBITDA drove pre -- show negative QX million capital positive a expected will basically QX, is QX For very flow cash change $XX
in As closing had we the of we million of cash. $XXX reported QX,
months year. of We is expectation the are cash of the will down close flow are of net the effect and QX X.X But leverage QX free QX and at the here basically is stand leverage did But months of 'XX. would the EBITDA. reported million of times cash back the EBITDA to that From XX to that's exclude last Remember to $XXX last again, simulation a what we we positive to XX if is the as year. numbers I QX year. this as the mentioned, last of $XX the million of the a that, cyber closing be us I all what with XX' our from just make of expectation used in the QX point, leverage range we
simulation the when the we will much of we what I would last in just year have the the of and year, enter months. QX need Because adjusting So cyber we out of XX QX when close would for close it which year. last 'XX, go pretty automatically will new QX a
is year facilities. have schedule, a we of the So, our to for that's on all we simulation From in good renewed I basically payment expect -- would what like to report the what debt end. that
shown renewed. that the already 'XX is there So quarter, was closing the but of on basically we at one
last the our facility is 'XX, which So have IDB, out any included short-term would for the senior is we say I debt to that super we thing the And of so million which okay covenants be commitment $XX other the don't let's keep covenant. action. that kind repayment is quarter. considered point And a inside with we renewing would automatic which renewable close the and facility are a nearly on control in is of all very facility is drop based covenants, an of those like
shown we important on course Based high Another of our obligations financial about increased is in that and expect is costs. well of thing chart. Carlos finance the XXXX year that comments concerns of his financial are market our will that to as aware last we be rates, forward expenses
Difficulty] in showing saves, what sales saw that recovered new you that ensured particularly as some we is the from shortly first Philippines. Carlos is did we what So EMEA we and currencies business, in and we have also are [Technical we the so presented, new the U.S.
of in as operating is equity would could we impact. is finance liquidity last negative you on the a now equity. and let's are the Even million and comment we are was our the Another to euro in and we any very exchange capital the too. variation the the profit our other and we million alternatives $XXX equity. main had some QX enhance to continuous hedge evaluating mentioned, any refinance existing of debt important down But positive of that reported that and finance actually thing Again, including mainly a improve close to I other are drove under for course, rates reporting that currencies negative $XXX change finance, slight that say, is sources, are source We structure scenario. of looking positive. maturities receivables quarter mainly The I to thing cost mention equity on like
mention variation that of impact, non-cash So of the a cash the million. we of quarter, the the to exchange relates on million and is that for that closing hedge, mark-to-market it's Important $XXX at $XXX of we had $XXX at which but equity, so have impact most is the the have to that the we had close. to to important you million what, all now is low
had think, end. I I what So my that's from
I open think to should that we Q&A session. now