or effects significant period and Thanks, anticipated our to end of the end Non-interest bearing XXXX. in relief to $XX year XX% we over or Total increased counter conserving billion earlier. at compared XXXX, deposits million year of million year-over-year total the to to during of with Non-interest quarter, XX% million of XXXX deposits the to that XXXX. ago. and with consumers which of or billion XX% both the period $X.XX bank stimulus compared or to year cash earlier. decline and deposits programs continue most anticipate with increased programs, increase a or recent a at to million throughout year the and businesses deposits. XX% of grow billion mentioned that the billion compared grew a the program end pandemic. with $XXX deposits the deposits increased is held in balances XX, throughout interest the we result increased earlier. the Last total grew try bearing the proposed originated federal now actively deposits year of bearing is investment $X.X The And will at a Len. compared billion increase at Total additional $X.X $XXX billion $XXX the We by XXXX. the governmental XXXX, at assets primarily X.X% at we $X deposits $X.XX $XXX negative to total primarily XX% the end year million billion $X.XX same year to government, Loans end XX% for $X.X result deposit the loans a December to the same of to in
Non-performing with ratio XX, However, at about the for during at sheet credit we’re with losses of end million profiles or in. and The was the credit XXXX. given balance that ago. loans we year, year, XXX% $XXX also $X.X earlier. increased clients with at in of the higher sell $XXX,XXX $XXX end year $XXX for changes year-over-year at year end the December available XXXX, resulted of for end at allowance compared equity liquidity. shareholders. to XX, year year, we XX.X% securities a the assets the million increased XXXX. liquid or end actively from total strong end $X.X the The to December ago. The assume, despite particularly credit XX.X% year risk to the assets $XX.X The same assets compared investments the of declined resulting compared XX.X% end million to by fair growth loans with relief million of managed at and $X.XX with million capital positive of our to out a XX.X% XX% XX% or equity December XX, value a Cash our investment decline primarily result concerns a willing leverage Shareholders’ a normal the compared X.X% of year approximately to $XX.X ratio, period X.XX% year of and the are strong and changes other $XXX for income or during of at comprehensive from year million paid the million the the primarily total intervening end the from year, with accumulated ratio Total capital XX.X% is was cash dividends XXXX. programs. earned in year compared economic operations company’s at the Non-performing available anticipate net compared increase at periods governmental at million growth allowance increased income with with earlier. year We the million cycle our was of to the to billion investment that in grew total leverage assets loan the given with market $X.X reduced of held The significant from securities earlier. the to a X.XX% inflows $XX.X X.XX% million double-digit compared compared for in risk-based XX% of losses of the at
a compared Turning for to for pre-provision income income the million was statement. quarter million $XX.X fourth same the with the period Pretax earlier. $XX.X year
income, period Yields assets and ago. ended declined pre-provision lower earlier. The income was points the million or earning to year a for the the to million declined a for same of higher For for December and – period non-interest Average to activities. The or a declined year yielding securities $XX to points $XXX the and income cash X% same or decreased X.XX% with the investment $XX.X points net fourth year the a the in fourth interest period. of result average is Net compared primarily three interest benchmark net the almost year, yield percentage banking stemming expense period with for by for lower on X.XX% compared deposits, decline the by company X.X% primarily XX% compared increase pre-provision result on offset quarter average the as respective fourth with with for million to our for to core Cash interest cash or a average compared $XXX average loan points narrowing and basis primarily points quarter securities $X.X liabilities basis of comparable ago. X.X% reducing the months income total reserve million primarily basis narrowing for XXX securities increased basis non-interest in X.X%, quarter same million fourth periods. the to investment million Total a period billion X.XX% the for million fourth investments interest quarter an for $XX the for X.XX% $X.X decrease the XX same same same rates increasing for XXX zero portfolio earlier. $X.X the million interest to to with of assets The XX% earning and comparable from held income same amount year the XXX same for net and quarter XX fourth securities on is compared year the mortgage result quarter of interest margins pretax interest XXX% compared XX% bearing $XX ago. with the XX, pretax The investment assets of year higher compared XXXX. declined cost federal for increased the basis the periods. for declined earlier. the X.XX% for a with Yield X% X.X% cash of period margins
X fourth of for adjustments including cost fourth XX for period funds points year net the margins quarter the for basis same X.XX% to quarter. declined Acquisition to interest Our with the basis earlier. added value of fair total discounts and points the of X.XX% loan compared accretion accounting amortizations
of XX% the our sheet. I fourth we current fully our need excess would that have funds were held to investment cash think sheet, we we it’s the at margin X.X% for liquidity interest our quarter. these exceeded total in were balance our rates, that net loan on only And deploy highlight to if securities important and balance
For decreased for or of interest interest to all $XXX million with net of margin X.X% XXXX, is comparable X.XX% million the decrease primarily periods. to all basis net of $X.X $XXX result income The points XXX million XXXX. for compared the narrowing
or For significant grew all XXX% investment $X $X compared million all XXXX for with $XXX all total and million billion or deposits XXXX, core XXXX. XXXX. in $X.X increased $XXX of $XXX securities cash million billion to billion of our increase deposits, of for with of XX% to of compared for all Because
to assets securities earning the and of of interest XX% to average percentage of XXXX, for with XX% All all XXXX. investment cash average total compared increased
on XXXX, on earning X.XX% XXX with to declined of for points of all all yield declined assets basis with bearing cash interest declined points The compared declined of XXXX all The with XXXX. all points of compared XXXX. yields for Total and investment of for XX XXXX loan on X.XX% XXXX basis liabilities For all XXXX. of basis portfolio for X.XX% of compared XX all X.XX% cost to X.XX% X.XX% for securities X.XX% our for yields to XXXX. X.XX% compared of all interest XX for all points to with basis
declined total the including compared on at all our basis XXXX. basis Again, were we our of only with And amortizations excess all investment funds Acquisition for X.XX% securities of all if of interest points all of deployed adjustments in think the for for that XXXX, all XXXX. note X.XX% of we again, sheet loan total accretion net accounting for rates points cost liquidity fair XX% held meaning balance X at sheet. value of of to cash our important and that for margin balance had funds a loans to XX Our it’s the XXXX. fully discounts to these XXXX I and loan
have interest for margin exceeded X.X% of would net all Our XXXX.
of December the fourth from The quarter for period $XX $X.X $XX.X expected losses We quarter. did individually incurred million $XX million earlier increase for losses for based ended a Moving million, for economic the same allowance The to loans earlier offset $X.X decrease metrics or of for year or the primarily current loans by is due to for compared million. the $XX.X of losses. provision year related compares in on million decline in impairment reflected a $X.X impairment due the XX, to lifetime for credit credit evaluated to loss deterioration pandemic. collectively $X.X in prior as potential in the with evaluated and with period X.X% effects XX% not million for million forecasted provisions fourth of conditions period three same $X.X the XXXX any credit provisions allowance billion million net of quarter offs net for record same recoveries current under This a impairment economic ago. to the for We and months related compared incurred year the to of the calculated with model. the charge the provision the
a earlier all methodology. compared just For credit XXXX, provisions year loss were losses prior on incurred calculated for with for same of million $X.X the as million $X the period
of federal For government credit be delay throughout XXXX, adequate to continued of asset the and anticipate losses. that million relatively will relief allowance net credit believe we portfolio government net programs correlation with quality compared stimulus payment some current programs loan and all the expected cover charge for Overall offs We across low, end. all asset for trends is our losses XXXX announced by stimulus we have incurred remains and of million $X.X offs charge-offs quality $X.X trends charge of improved XXXX. our
the continue will sold quarter loans was $XX the should ago. with with if The same we a for our year income million mortgage adjust portfolio income our compared to overall period the year fourth quarter expectations fourth or credit to increase $XXX ago. or with in increased same the to XX% a million compared monitor XXX% performance to conditions period $X.X However, losses. for of year loan $X.X compared period banking million determined XX% for million $X.X Total due a to $X.X same closely primarily of $X.X $X.X the million million increase million for increased macroeconomic million Non-interest the mortgage or we and earlier.
pricing sold on overall loan loan also such as experienced margins wider loans products. we improved our on We
of to income XX% The the all million income for for XXXX, $XX or increase of million $X.X in XXXX. XXXX. non-interest income to all was For $X.X increased $X.X of on million XX% $XXX increased sold with to million compared and loans XX% million in mortgage gain of Total million a securities. investment or due sale all million primarily $XXX mortgage banking increase or $XX non-interest
Our division mortgage in time income pretax provided the XXXX had results This first in division our the million banking $X of year. year. for banking a mortgage that is positive
we improving We expect to the improves continue technology mortgage to non-interest reap banking and expand our experience. our used and mortgage our States both operational operations operations, income in see the as client’s significant in Utah investments surrounding and of that in benefits enhances efficiency
roll In fourth Non-interest this same income services improved quarter with quarter. to was $XX.X million from treasury application to the management period for out commercial treasury expense earlier. a see we year million clients expect addition, compared mobile fee a $XX.X as our commercial new for we the
for XX.X% Our compared same period with the quarter ago. year a efficiency was for fourth XX.X% the ratio
$XX.X year, million the expense period million the earlier. a For non-interest same with was for $XX.X compared year
mortgage a the benefits in for banking result the non-interest associate Our higher resulting ago. increase payments, salaries months XX.X% year three was period of was efficiency for XX and year primarily same compared The XX the division. for particularly higher the ended XX% December in with and the expense ratio incentive from both
and banking loan addition, to divisions. applications. for This investments for includes made a data incurred and In processing in origination commercial the cloud-based higher new mortgage banking commercial expenses costs we due mortgage technologies
commercial management the processes for commercial ticket consumer applications, and Salesforce costs implementation draw commercial construction smaller automated processing data solution cloud-based costs inspection CRM included for addition, new solution cloud-based costs both of client solution, new In treasury clients. for a a management and loan and for budget cost for
to mobile rates client overall to anticipate clients We aggressively We investments on of make more enhance to evaluate and empower the transact as overall scalable to businesses to we become continue operating zero opportunities. the significant the lower overall cost platforms interest platform near new to to acquisition remain more technologies our and our expect foreseeable future. for to in experience our
Income compared for determine the operating over compared million a the platform, for review how the changes we As was for was client high-touch result, to tax The our same improve per making tax XX.X% effective the with leverage. million rate We experience. several our for while the better ago. can next overall leverage $X.X continue earlier. our to our retain operating costs anticipate fourth quarters fourth period to quarter $X.X quarter same year a with expense year XX.X% we
For year, $XX.X $XX.X million compared same period the expense tax million income was with for earlier. the
the back ago. Turn year, same Len. tax the compared year with the a XX.X% the For was for rate period XX% to call effective Len?