Terms for Max Resource Corp.
((1400 – 400 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3G2 )
Earn a 60% interest in the
Howell Mineral Property
Earn a 60% interest in the
Crowsnest Mineral Property
Whereas Eastfield Resources Ltd. (herein “Optionor”) owns a 100% undivided interest in the Howell Mineral Property located in the Fort Steele Mining Division of BC and the Crowsnest Mineral Property located in the Fort Steele Mining Division of BC and which are more specifically described in Appendix “A” hereto (the “Properties”).
And whereas MAX Resource Corp. (the “Optionee”) entered into an agreement with the Optionor on June 1, 2008 whereby it has the right to earn a 60% interest in the Howell Mineral Property (the “Howell Agreement”) and the Optionee has made the cash and share payments and completed the work required on the Howell Mineral Property by the first anniversary date (Sections A, B, and C of the Howell Agreement);
And whereas the Optionee is also interested in earning an interest in the Crowsnest Mineral Property.
Now be it hereby agreed that for the mutual undertakings and other consideration herein contained together with the payment of $10.00 from each party to each party, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby agreed, the parties hereto agree to amend the Howell Agreement by amending the remainder of the Howell Agreement as follows:
Subject to the terms of the completion of the option exercise requirements of this agreement (the “Howell / Crowsnest Agreement”), the “Optioneeshall have the right to earn a 60% interest in either or both Properties.
Payments and Exploration Work Requirements to Exercise Option
By completing the following cash payments and exploration expenditures within the times specified, The Optionee can earn a 60% joint venture interest in either or both Properties. Commitments in the first and second years will be combined such as to satisfy obligations for both properties:
Upon execution of this Howell / Crowsnest Agreement the Optionee shall make a$10,000option payment and, shall issue50,000 of its common shares to the Optionor, subject to TSX-V acceptance if required, (Shares to be tradeable four months and one day past issue date).
B.) Fund the exploration of the combined Properties at a minimum cost of $150,000by the first anniversary which shall be deemed to be June 30, 2010. (Commitment of Optionee)
C.)By the First Anniversary Date (June 30, 2010) and at the sole option of the Optionee, the Optionee shall
Make a$20,000 cash payment to the Optionor or issue50,000 of its common shares to the Optionor, subject to TSX-V acceptance if required,
D.) By the Second Anniversary Date (June 30, 2011) and at the sole option of the Optionee, the Optionee shall:
Make a$30,000 cash payment to the Optionor, and
Have funded an additional$250,000 in exploration of the combined Properties.
3.) Give notice to the Optionor which property (properties) is to continue to be included within the agreement.
E) By the Third Anniversary Date (June 30, 2012) and at the sole option of the Optionee, the Optionee shall:
Make a$40,000 cash payment and, subject to TSX-V acceptance if required, issue200,000 of its common shares to the Optionor for the Howell Property and or make a$40,000 cash payment and, subject to TSX-V acceptance if required, issue200,000 of its common shares to the Optionor for the Crowsnest Property.
Have funded an additional$1 in exploration of the Howell Property and or have funded an additional$350,000 in exploration of the Crowsnest Property.
F) By the Fourth Anniversary Date (June 30, 2013)and at the sole option of the Optionee, the Optionee shall:
Make a$50,000 cash payment and, subject to TSX-V acceptance if required, issue200,000 of its common shares to the Optionor for the Howell Property and or make a$50,000 cash payment and, subject to TSX-V acceptance if required, issue200,000 of its common shares to the Optionor for the Crowsnest Property.
Have funded an additional$700,000 in exploration of the Howell Property and or have funded an additional$700,000 in exploration of the Crowsnest Howell Property.
G.) The Optionee shall, at its option, make a $120,000 payment towards a $200,000 payment due to Goldcorp. Inc. and Teck-Cominco Limited for the Howell Property as specified in the underlying agreement between them and Eastfield Resources Ltd. dated June 30, 1999 stated to occur on August 31, 2010 (or at the date as may be extended by Goldcorp / Teck. pursuant to the June 30, 1999 agreement).
Other Terms
Assessment Work Filing and Reclamation
All work shall be filed (to the maximum level available from the required expenditure of each yearly exploration work requirement) until a three-year period of good standing has been established for all claims. Once a three-year period of good standing is established for all claims it shall be maintained at such a level by making supplementary filings from time to time as required. The Optionee shall complete or fund required reclamation caused by its activities on the Property or Properties and shall be responsible for any required remediation as a result of its exploration activities that may continue past the termination of this agreement.
Area of Influence
An area of influence shall be created at the date of this agreement which incorporates those lands which lie within one kilometre of the rectangular area which incorporates the outermost boundaries of the claims in existence on the date of the Howell / Crowsnest agreement. If either Party acquires mineral claims or titles within the Area of Influence, that party must offer the other party a thirty day option to acquire an interest in those claims or titles that is proportionate (60% to the Optionee and 40% to the Optionor) by repaying its proportionate share of the acquisition costs and accepting its proportionate share of obligations.
Agreements between Eastfield Resources Ltd., Cominco Ltd and Placer Dome (CLA) Limited
and Eastfield Resoruces Ltd. and Foxcorp Holdings Ltd.
The Optionee shall be bound by all the items in the June 30, 1999 agreement between Eastfield Resources Ltd., Cominco Ltd and Placer Dome (CLA) Limited and by all subsequent amendments to this agreement pursuant to the Howell Property and by all the items in the July 20, 2004 agreement between Eastfield Resources Ltd. and Foxcorp Holdings Ltd. pursuant to the Crowsnest property.
Optionee shall be the operator for preparation and oversight of exploration activities on the Property. Optionee will endeavor to consult with Optionor with regards to the planning and implementation of exploration programs.
Joint Venture Terms
Upon Optionee earning a 60% interest in either or both the Properties, the Howell / Crowsnest Agreement shall cease and shall be replaced by a separate Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) for either or both of the Howell and Crownest Properties that shall be conformable to prevailing industry standards and shall include but not be limited to the following terms for either or both Joint Venture Agreements:
A.) Optionee shall be the Operator of the JVA for as long as its interest is 50% or more and shall have the right to prepare annual work programs and budgets, which shall be approved by the JVA with the Operator having the casting vote in the case of a tie.
B.) An aggressor clause that will allow the non-Operator to propose an annual exploration budget in any year that the operator fails to propose a budget that exceeds $300,000.
C.) A standard dilution clause that will provide dilution of a non-performing Party to a 1.0% NSR when its participating interest in the JVA is diluted to 5%. The NSR so specified may be extinguished at any time by payment to the non-performing Party of $1,000,000. The dilution formula will deem initial expenditures of $1,500,000 for Optioneeand $1,000,000 for Optionor.
D.) If either Party acquires mineral claims or titles within the Area of Influence after the formation of the JVA, that party must offer the other party a thirty day option to acquire an interest in those claims or titles that is proportionate to its participating interest in the JVA at the time by repaying its proportionate share of the acquisition costs and accepting its proportionate share of obligations. If such acquisition is made the claims or titles will become part of the JVA.
E.) Funding of exploration costs will be advanced to the Operator in an amount sufficient to cover major contracts and other expenses for the subsequent 90 day period.
This Agreement shall terminate upon the failure of the Optionee to timely complete any payment or performance set out herein, subject to receipt of 30 day’s notice of termination delivered by the Optionor, within which time Optionee may cure such failure by making the required payment or performing the required activity. In the event that the Option is terminated or abandoned as set out above, the Optionee will have no further right or interest in the Property and will have no further obligations hereunder except as provided in the section titled “Assessment work Filing and Reclamation”.
During the term of the Agreement, either party may at any time request a more formal version that incorporates the understandings set out herein together with whatever additional terms are required to make such agreement effective and if necessary using the facilities of a binding arbitrator to reach consensus.
Assignability and First Right of Refusal
Project interests of both Optionee and Optionor shall be assignable subject to a first right of refusal for each party with respect to the sale of the other party’s interest in the Property or Properties.
Law, Disputes and Arbitration
The Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of BritishColumbia.
Binding Authority
The Agreement, upon Optionee’s receipt of acceptance for filing by the TSX-Venture Exchange, if required, and upon signature of an authorized director of each of Optionee and Optionor, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their receptive successors and permitted assigns.
“JW Morton”
____July 24, 2009_________________
J. W. Morton, P. Geo.
Eastfield Resources Ltd.
The terms of Howell / Crowsnest Agreement are hereby accepted by Optionee
“Stuart W. Rogers”
Stuart W. Rogers
Max Resource Corp.
___July 24,2009___________________
Appendix “A”
| | | | | |
Howell Property | | | |
Claim Name | Record # | Area | Expiry | Year |
| | Hectares | Month | |
Howell 1 | 209981 | 500 | 1-Nov | 2011 |
Howell 2 | 209982 | 500 | 1-Nov | 2011 |
Howel 3 | 209983 | 500 | 1-Nov | 2011 |
Howell 4 | 210011 | 500 | 1-Nov | 2010 |
Howell 5 | 210012 | 200 | 1-Nov | 2010 |
Ysoo | 366755 | 450 | 1-Nov | 2010 |
Ysoo 2 | 537475 | 528 | 20-Jul | 2010 |
Ysoo 3 | 537488 | 127 | 21-Jul | 2010 |
Howell 6 | 530467 | 527 | 24-Mar | 2010 |
Howell 7 | 530473 | 527 | 24-Mar | 2010 |
Howell 8 | 589808 | 148 | 12-Aug | 2009 |
Howell 9 | 537493 | 401 | 20-Jul | 2010 |
Area | | 4,908 | | |
Fort Steele Mining Division, British Columbia |
| | | | | |
| Crowsnest Property | | | |
| Claim Name | Record # | Area (hectares) | Expiry Date |
| Aubyrd 4 | 406552 | 375 | Oct 31, 10 |
| Aubyrd 5 | 406551 | 500 | Oct 31, 10 |
| Aubyrd 6 | 406550 | 500 | Oct 31, 10 |
| Aubyrd 7 | 406553 | 250 | Oct 31,10 |
| Aubyrd 8 | 406554 | 150 | Oct 31, 10 |
| Aubyrd 9 | 406555 | 500 | Oct 31, 10 |
| Crowsnest Lookout | 504310 | 317 | Jan 19, 10 |
| Crowsnest Revenge | 504297 | 85 | Jan 19, 10 |
| Connector | 517530 | 127 | Jul 12, 10 |
| Lower Connector | 520838 | 63 | Oct 06, 10 |
| Connector | 589809 | 168.9 | Aug 12, 09 |
| Crowhop | 596987 | 105.7 | Jan 5, 10 |
| Hole In One | 601795 | 21.1 | Mar 28, 10 |
| Total Area | | 3,163 | |
Fort Steele Mining Division, British Columbia |