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Impact of the Crisis in the Global Financial Markets
Rescue Measures for Hypo Real Estate Group
On October 5, 2008, the Federal Government, the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) and leading representatives of the German banking and insurance sector reached an agreement in principle on a solution for additional liquidity requirements of Hypo Real Estate Group ("HRE"), a private banking group headquartered in Munich, Germany, which had experienced serious liquidity problems as a result of the ongoing crisis in the global financial markets. The rescue measures include a liquidity facility in an amount of EUR 15 billion to be granted by a pool of financial institutions, which will be in addition to liquidity facilities totaling EUR 35 billion already agreed in principle on September 30, 2008. The Federal Republic announced that it would issue a guarantee in the amount of up to EUR 35 billion for the liquidity facilities agreed on September 30, 2008. The finance industry will participate in losses incurred under the Federal Republic’s guarantee in an amount of up to EUR 14 billion with a share of 60%. The rescue measures not only aimed to stabilize HRE, but also the German financial system and the German economy.
Sources: Bundesregierung, Sparer sind geschützt, press release of October 6, 2008
(; Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Gemeinschaftliche Rettungsaktion der Hypo Real Estate steht, press release October 6, 2008 ( __nnn=true).
Measures to Stabilize Financial Markets
In light of the crisis in the global financial markets and in order to restore citizens’ confidence, reassure markets and strengthen the German financial system, the Federal Government announced, on October 5, 2008, its commitment to provide for additional protection for individuals’ savings deposits, time deposits and checking accounts in Germany in the event that the existing deposit guarantee schemes (Einlagensicherungssysteme) should not suffice.
On October 7, 2008, the Ecofin Council adopted conclusions as to immediate responses to the financial crisis. Among other matters, the Ecofin Council concluded that the priority is to restore confidence and proper functioning of the financial sector; it agreed to support systemically relevant financial institutions; and it committed to take all necessary measures to enhance the soundness and stability of the EU’s banking system and to protect the deposits of individual savers. While the members of the Ecofin Council agreed to coordinate closely their actions and to take into consideration potential cross-border effects of national decisions, they agreed that public intervention has to be decided at national level in a coordinated framework. The Ecofin Council stressed the appropriateness of an approach that includes, among other means, recapitalization of vulnerable systemically relevant financial institutions to protect depositors’ interests and the stability of the system. It also stated that the application of the Stability and Growth Pact should reflect the current exceptional circumstances in accordance with the provisions of the Pact.
On October 17, 2008, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, Germany’s two Houses of Parliament, adopted the Law on the Implementation of a Package of Measures to Stabilize the Financial Markets (Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz) (the “Stabilization Law”) proposed by the Federal Government on October 13, 2008, in response to the ongoing crisis in the global financial markets. The measures provided for under the Stabilization Law take into consideration the conclusions of the Ecofin Council of October 7, 2008, as well as of the meeting of the G7 finance minsters and central bank governors of October 10, 2008; there was particularly close consultation with the heads of state and government of the Member States of the euro area and the President of the European Commission on October 12, 2008. As
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agreed with the other Member States of the euro area, the measures implemented under the Stabilization Law are generally limited until December 31, 2009.
In accordance with the Stabilization Law, a Federal Government special fund (Financial Market Stabilization Fund, or Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds) (the “Fund”) was established, for which the Federal Republic (Bund) assumed liability. A regulation, which was adopted by the Federal Government on October 20, 2008, sets forth the general conditions under which individual stabilization measures may be granted, including certain requirements which financial sector institutions (Unternehmen des Finanzsektors) must satisfy to be able to take advantage of the Fund. The stabilization measures aim to stimulate bank refinancing and to ensure the availability of loans for the economy. They include guarantees of up to EUR 400 billion granted by the Fund for debt instruments and deposits with a maturity of up to 36 months issued by financial sector institutions. In addition, the Fund may recapitalize financial sector institutions by means of various instruments (for example, non-voting preferred stock, shares or hybrid capital) subject to conditions aiming at ensuring fair competition among all financial sector institutions, safeguarding the interests of tax payers and holding existing owners and management accountable (for example by imposing requirements for business strategy, management compensation, dividend payments or loans to SMEs) in a total amount of up to EUR 80 billion. German financial institutions as well as German subsidiaries of foreign financial institutions have access to these measures, provided they are solvent. In exceptional cases, systemically important distressed financial sector institutions may be saved by the Fund, provided that there is a clear prospect for restructuring. Finally, the Fund may assume the risk for troubled assets in order to provide relief for the capital base of a financial sector institution. Any costs arising in connection with such risk assumptions will be charged against the EUR 80 billion earmarked for recapitalization. Funding for the Fund will be raised by issuing debt in a total amount of up to EUR 100 billion. With respect to the budget of the Federal Republic, the Federal Government has proposed to make provisions for defaults in an amount of EUR 20 billion (equivalent to 5% of the maximum total guarantee amount of up to EUR 400 billion). At the end of October 2008, the European Commission approved the Stabilization Law under EU state aid rules.
A number of banks, including HRE Group, Commerzbank and various Landesbanken, have applied for support under the Stabilization Law. As of late January 2009, a number of support measures had been implemented under the Stabilization Law, including recapitalization measures for Commerzbank AG (“Commerzbank”), according to which the Federal Government acquired a 25% plus one share stake in Commerzbank, and the extension of guarantees by the Fund in connection with four bond issuances by German financial institutions.
Sources: Immediate responses to financial turmoil, Council Conclusions – Ecofin Council of October 7, 2008
(; Bundesregierung, Sparer sind geschützt, press release of October 6, 2008 (; Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Ihre Fragen zur Garantie der Bundesregierung, publication of October 10, 2008 ( .html); Bundesregierung, Bundesregierung beschließt Stabilisierungsfonds für den Finanzmarkt, press release of October 13, 2008 (; Gesetz zur Umsetzung eines Maßnahmenpakets zur Stabilisierung des Finanzmarktes (Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz – FMStG), October 17, 2008 ( nzmarktstabi__anl,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf); Act on the Implementation of a Package of Measures to stabilise the Financial Market (Financial-Market Stabilisation Act - FMStG) October 17, 2008 ( nzmarktstabi__engl__anl,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf); Verordnung zur Durchführung des Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfondsgesetzes (Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds-Verordnung - FMStFV), October 20, 2008 ( nanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds__Verordnung__anla,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf); Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Bundesregierung beschließt Rechtsverordnung zum Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz, press release of October 20, 2008 (; Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Stabilisierung der Finanzmärkte, publication of October 20, 2008
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( olitik/122__Paket__Finanzmaerkte.html); Bundesministerium der Finanzen und Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Freie Fahrt für den Stabilisierungsfonds - EU-Kommission genehmigt den deutschen Bankenschirm, joint press release of October 28, 2008 (,did=276582.html); Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Rettungspaket für Banken greift, publication of November 6, 2008 ( _wirks__Bankenpaket.html?__nnn=true); Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Maßnahmenpaket zur Stabilisierung der Finanzmärkte ( olitik/schaubild/schaubild.html); List of issues guaranteed by Soffin, published by the Financial Market Stabilization Fund (; Bundesministerium der Finanzen,Stärkung der Commerzbank ist wichtig für Deutschland, publication of January 9, 2009 ( waltung/Finanz__und__Wirtschaftspolitik/Finanzpolitik/013a__Commerzbank.html?__nnn=true).
Stimulus Packages
In December 2008, the German legislature approved a package of measures that consists mainly of investment incentives generally extending over the next two years (the “First Stimulus Package”) and aims to protect the German real economy from the impact of the global financial crisis. The First Stimulus Package includes measures seeking to promote investments by private businesses, households and local authorities, including by providing for more liberal write-down rules on movable assets and additional funds to stimulate investment in building modernization and infrastructure. At the same time, tax breaks, including for modernization and maintenance measures in private households and for motor vehicle purchases, are intended to encourage spending and thus stimulate consumption. These targeted incentives seek to encourage investment and consumer spending in a total amount of EUR 50 billion. In addition, measures are being taken to stabilize the labor market and prevent lay-offs of employees by employers.
In mid-January 2009, the Federal Government announced a second package of measures to stabilize and strengthen the German economy (the “Second Stimulus Package”) in an aggregate amount of EUR 50 billion in 2009 and 2010. Key measures include, among others, substantial public investments in education, infrastructure and climate protection, financial relief and incentives granted to private households, as well as the establishment of a credit and a guarantee program for larger enterprises. In addition, the Federal Government intends to take measures to ensure fiscal discipline by limiting the permissible structural general government deficit to 0.5% of nominal GDP under normal economic conditions. Legislative proposals relating to the Second Stimulus Package are currently pending and subsequent approval of these proposals by the legislature has yet to be obtained.
Sources:Federal Government, Government agrees on investment package, press release of November 5, 2008
(; Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Schutzschirm für Arbeitsplätze, publication of November 5, 2008 ( ser.html?__nnn=true); Bundesregierung, Kfz-Steuervorteil für Neufahrzeuge, publication of November 12, 2008 (; Bundesregierung, Milliarden für die Konjunktur, press release of December 5, 2008 (; Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Deutschland in Bewegung halten – Stellschrauben des Konjunkturpaktes 2, publication of January 14, 2009 ( onjunkturpakete/075__in__Bewegung__halten.html); Bundesregierung, Stark für den nächsten Aufschwung, press release dated January 14, 2009 (; Bundesregierung, Kabinett beschließt Pakt für Beschäftigung und Stabilität, press release of January 27, 2009 (
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Economic Outlook
The growth prospects of Germany’s economy have deteriorated significantly as a result of the global recession and the ongoing crisis in the global financial markets. While private consumption may have a stabilizing effect, it will be unable to offset the dampening impact of the global economy. Taking into account the Federal Government’s measures to stabilize the economy and foster growth described above, the Federal Government expects a decline of real GDP of 2¼ % in 2009. In addition, from an expected close-to-balance position in 2008, the Federal Government expects the general government deficit ratio for the year 2009 to deteriorate to almost 3% as a result of the economic slowdown and the measures adopted with a view to countering the economic slowdown and fostering stability on the financial markets. The Federal Government’s expectations are in line with the forecast of the European Commission for Germany issued in January 2009, which also projects a further increase of the general government deficit in 2010. In addition, the European Commission projects an increase of the general government debt-to-GDP ratio from 65% of GDP in 2007 to over 72% of GDP by 2010 as a result of new borrowings and major bank rescue measures.
Sources: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Jahreswirtschaftsbericht 2009, publication of January 2009
(,did=286632.html); European Commission, Interim Forecast January 2009, page 21 (
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has duly caused this amendment to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, at Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany, on the 6th day of February, 2009.
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| | By /s/ Dr. Horst Reinhardt | |
| | Name: Dr. Horst Reinhardt | |
| | Title: Managing Director, | |
| | Member of the Management Board | |
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| | By /s/ Martin Middendorf | |
| | Name: Martin Middendorf | |
| | Title: Vice President | |
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