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abroad, ABS, absolute, absorbing, abuse, accessing, accident, accidental, accommodated, accredited, acid, acquiree, acrylic, acrylonitrile, add, added, adhesive, adjacent, administered, administration, administrative, admission, advance, advancement, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, Advisory, aerosol, affiliate, affiliated, affirmative, afforded, aforementioned, aforesaid, Africa, AG, agency, agent, agree, agreed, agreement, Agricultural, Agriculture, Aichun, airport, alarm, alarming, alcohol, alkylation, alleged, allied, allocate, allocated, allocation, alternating, Angela, anniversary, announced, Anqi, Anqing, Anslow, Apex, appealing, appointed, approval, approve, approved, approving, arise, arising, aromatic, arose, array, asa, Asia, asphalt, ASR, assigned, assignment, ASU, attempt, attempted, attending, attention, attract, attracting, auditor, augment, austerity, auto, automatic, automatically, automotive, autonomy, Aux, avoid, Avoidance, avoided, award, aware, Bachelor, back, background, band, banker, bar, Baruch, basket, Baymount, bearing, began, begun, Beijing, Beilun, belief, benchmark, beneficiary, benzene, bifurcated, bifurcation, bilingual, billion, Black, blending, block, body, book, borrowed, borrowing, bound, brake, branch, brand, breakdown, Brian, bribe, bribery, Brilliant, bring, bringing, British, broad, broker, brokerage, brought, BTX, build, building, built, bulk, burden, bureau, Butadiene, Butyl, buying, BVI, CAGR, calendar, call, callable, called, Canada, Canadian, cancel, canceling, cancellation, cancelled, cap, capability, capable, capacity, capped, carbinol, careful, carpeting, carrier, case, Castle, Catalogue, catalytic, categorized, CAUTIONARY, CCP, central, centrally, Certified, Cessation, CFO, chairman, Chance, chart, charter, Chartered, cheaper, chemical, Chemistry, Chen, Chesapeake, chiefly, children, Chinese, choose, Chunfeng, circular, circumvented, citizen, civil, claim, clarify, classified, classify, clear, client, clinical, close, closed, closely, closing, Cmark, coast, coating, College, commensurate, comment, commerce, commitment, committed, commonly, compensatory, compete, competent, competition, competitive, complex, compliant, complied, comply, component, composed, composition, compressor, computation, computational, computed, computing, conceived, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, conclusion, concurrent, condensed, confidential, confidentiality, confiscatory, consecutive, considerable, consideration, consumer, consummated, consummation, consumption, contact, context, contract, contractor, contractual, contrary, conventional, conversation, conversion, convert, converted, convertibility, convertible, converting, cooling, cooperation, Cooperative, coordinate, copy, copying, core, corrective, correctly, corrupt, corruption, costly, Council, counsel, counter, counterparty, country, countryside, court, cousin, coverage, CPCIA, cracking, creation, criminal, crude, CSA, CSRC, CTA, culturally, cumene, currency, cusip, custodian, customarily, customary, CWS, cycle, cyclical, cyclicality, daily, damage, data, Daxie, DCS, de, deal, dealer, dealing, death, debt, decade, decentralization, declaration, declared, decline, declining, dedicate, deductible, deem, deemed, defend, defense, dehydrogenation, delay, delayed, delegate, Delight, delinquency, delist, delisted, delisting, deliver, delivered, delivery, Deloitte, Delta, demonstrate, denominated, deny, department, depend, dependency, dependent, depending, deposit, deposited, depreciated, depreciation, derivative, derive, derived, desorbing, destroy, desulfurization, desulphurization, detachable, deter, detrimental, Deze, dicyclopentadiene, difficult, difficulty, diminished, disaggregated, disagreement, discharge, discharging, disclaimer, discount, discounted, discrete, discretion, discretionary, Dish, Dishen, dismissal, dismissed, disposal, disposed, dispute, disrupt, distinction, distributable, distribute, distributed, distribution, District, diverse, diversion, diverted, divest, division, dock, Doctorate, documentation, dollar, domestic, domestically, dormitory, Double, downstream, downturn, Dr, drafted, Dragon, driven, dry, dual, Duan, Duke, durability, earlier, earliest, ease, east, economy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, EIT, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, element, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, embedded, emergency, emission, employee, employer, employment, emulsified, enable, encounter, encountered, encourage, encouraged, encouragement, energy, enforce, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enjoy, enterprise, entertaining, entry, environment, environmental, equipment, ERP, escrow, essential, Ether, ethical, ethylbenzene, ethylene, evasion, evidenced, evidencing, exceed, exceeded, excellent, excluded, excluding, exclusive, exempt, exempted, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exercised, expand, expanded, expansion, expatriate, experience, experienced, explicitly, explosion, expressing, expropriation, extension, extensive, extortion, extraction, extreme, face, faced, facilitate, facto, factor, factory, fail, failed, failure, fall, Fan, fast, favor, favorable, FCPA, feature, fee, feedback, feedstock, feet, Feldman, Festival, FIE, fighting, final, finally, fire, firefighting, flammable, flexibility, flexible, floating, fluctuate, fluctuation, flue, fluidized, Footnote, footwear, force, forced, Forecast, forecasting, foregoing, foreign, forensic, Forest, forfeited, formulated, found, founder, fractionating, fractionation, fraudulent, freely, frequently, front, fuel, fulfill, fulfillment, function, functional, fund, funded, Fuqua, furnace, furnish, furnished, gain, gained, garbage, gas, gasoline, geographic, Gerry, GHP, global, Goldberg, Golden, govern, governance, governed, governing, government, governmental, gradually, grant, granted, grew, grid, grow, growing, grown, Guangdong, habitual, half, halted, Hampton, hand, handle, handling, Hangzhou, harbor, harm, harmed, harmful, Harvest, Hayden, head, Hearing, heat, heating, heavy, Hebang, hedge, hedging, Hengfa, Hengfeng, hereof, hierarchy, highlight, highly, highway, hinder, hindered, HK, hold, holding, home, honest, Hong, HongKong, honor, horwath, host, household, housing, HR, Hu, Huang, Huifeng, human, hundred, Hunter, hurt, hydrocarbon, hydrogen, identical, identity, impair, impairment, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, impropriety, improve, improved, improvement, Improving, inability, inaccurate, inceased, incentive, inclination, inclusion, inclusive, inconsistent, increasingly, incremental, indexed, indirectly, individual, individually, inducement, industrial, industry, ineffective, inflammable, inflation, influence, influenced, infrastructure, ingenuity, inhibit, inject, injunction, injury, ink, innovative, input, inspecting, inspection, installation, installed, instance, instrument, insulating, insurance, intangible, intellectual, intent, intention, intercompany, interfere, interlocking, intermediate, interrupted, introduce, introduced, investigation, investor, invoiced, Island, isoprene, isopropyl, issuable, issuance, iv, Jaclin, Jiangdong, Jicun, Jinchi, Jingtao, Jiubai, joined, joining, joint, jointly, Jpak, judgment, judicial, jurisdiction, Kan, Kewei, key, Keyaun, KEYP, keyuan, King, km, knowledge, knowledgeable, Kong, Korea, KPMG, Kunde, Kwan, labor, land, Lanzhou, larger, launch, law, lawsuit, layer, lead, leadership, leading, leave, leaving, led, left, legend, legislation, lending, length, lesser, letter, levied, Levitsky, levying, LG, Li, liable, Lianhe, license, Licensed, licensing, lien, life, light, Limitd, Liquefied, Litong, Liu, Liwan, llp, Lo, loading, localpower, lock, Logistic, logo, long, longer, Lor, lose, lowest, LPG, Ma, mailed, mainland, maker, managerial, mandatory, Manual, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, Marketplace, Master, maternity, matter, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximum, MBA, mechanism, medical, Memoranda, memorandum, mentioned, MEP, merged, merging, Metal, method, Methyl, metric, MG, Michael, million, Mingliang, minimize, Ministry, misrepresentation, mix, mixed, mixer, mixture, MJR, model, modification, modified, modify, modifying, MOF, MOFCOM, Mok, monetary, monitor, monitoring, mother, move, moving, MT, MTBE, Multiple, municipal, mutual, Muxia, naphtha, narrow, NasdaqGM, NDRC, negotiated, Neighborhood, network, newest, newly, nil, Ningbo, Ningo, NOL, nominal, Nominating, nominee, nonrefundable, nonresident, notice, notification, notified, Notwithstanding, November, NPC, nt, Nucor, NY, obligated, obligation, obligatory, obliged, observable, obsolete, occasionally, occupy, ocean, Oceana, official, offshore, oil, olefin, onshore, Ontario, optimization, optionee, ordinary, organizational, outlined, output, overcome, overhead, overheating, overseeing, oversupply, oxide, oxo, ozone, Pacific, packaging, paint, Panel, paper, parent, park, partially, partly, partner, partnership, party, passed, patent, patented, Patrizio, pavement, payer, payment, payor, PEC, pegging, Peijun, pending, penny, people, perception, permissible, person, personnel, pesticide, petrochemical, Petrol, petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Phase, Phibro, Philipp, Physical, piece, Pillsbury, Pinetree, pink, Pittman, plant, plastic, play, pledged, PMO, Po, policy, political, pollutant, Pollution, polymer, polypropylene, polystyrene, pooling, poorer, Port, portfolio, portion, post, posted, power, practicable, practice, PRAX, PRC, precedential, preceding, precipitator, preclude, precursor, predecessor, preferential, preliminarily, preliminary, pressure, pretreatment, prevailing, previously, primary, Prime, prior, pro, procedure, proceed, procurement, product, production, program, progressive, prohibit, prohibited, prolonged, promulgated, promulgation, propellant, properly, property, proportion, proprietary, propylene, prosecution, protect, protection, protracted, proven, province, provincial, Provisional, proximity, proxy, publicly, published, Pudong, purely, purity, purport, purpose, pursue, pursued, pursuing, put, Qijiashan, Qinghua, Qingshi, qualification, quality, quantity, Quarantine, quickly, RACPEP, range, ranging, rank, ranked, rapid, rata, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, reactor, readily, ready, recapitalization, receipt, reciprocal, reclassified, recommend, recommendation, reconcile, reconciliation, recourse, recover, recovered, recovering, recovery, recruitment, recurring, recycle, recycling, redeemable, redeeming, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, refined, Refinery, refining, refrigerant, refrigeration, refund, refunded, regenerating, regenerator, Region, regional, regularly, regulate, regulating, regulation, reimburse, reimbursed, reimbursement, reinvested, reinvesting, relationship, relaxed, relevant, relied, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remit, remittance, remitted, removal, Renminbi, reorganization, repaid, repatriation, repay, repayment, replace, replacement, Republic, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, request, requested, requisite, research, reside, residence, resident, residual, residue, resign, resignation, resigned, resigning, resin, resolve, resolved, resource, respond, rest, restrict, restricted, restructure, restructuring, resumed, retired, retirement, retroactive, retroactively, return, returned, revaluation, reverse, revoke, revoked, revoking, Reward, risen, riser, River, RMB, Road, robust, role, room, Rosenberg, roughly, Round, routine, RSADC, rubber, run, RWSL, safe, safety, SAIC, salary, sanction, SAS, SASAC, SAT, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, Saugatuck, save, saved, SBS, scale, scan, schedule, scheduled, School, Schwatrz, Science, scope, Scorpio, scrap, scrutiny, sea, seasoned, secondary, Secretary, sector, segment, selection, sellable, Sempra, sending, senior, sensitive, separate, separately, separating, separation, settled, sewage, Shandong, Shanghai, Shaw, Shen, Shengtong, Shiang, Shifa, short, shortly, Shou, shut, shutdown, side, signature, Similarly, simultaneously, Sinopec, site, situation, size, skilled, slightly, slowdown, slurry, small, Smart, social, solvent, sophisticated, sour, South, SOX, specialty, spend, Spider, spill, sporting, Spring, sprinkler, SPV, stabilizing, stable, stage, standard, statute, stay, steam, steel, step, Stewart, stop, stopped, storage, store, strained, Strategic, streamlined, streamlining, strict, stricter, strictly, stringent, structure, styrene, Styreneic, submission, subscription, subsection, subsidy, substitute, Subtopic, successful, successive, suit, suitability, suitable, Suite, sulfur, Sulfureted, sulphur, sum, Sumei, summary, Supervisor, supervisory, supplier, supply, surrender, surviving, suspend, suspended, suspension, Synergy, synthetic, tail, tangible, Tao, target, Taubman, taxable, taxation, taxpayer, team, technological, technology, temperature, temporarily, tendered, Tengda, terminate, termination, Tertiary, text, textile, theft, thereof, thereunder, thermometer, thinly, Thornton, threatened, Tianyi, Tianyin, ticker, tiered, tight, timeline, TITE, today, toluene, ton, top, Topic, Toronto, Touche, tougher, tower, toxic, trade, traded, trademark, trading, traditional, traffic, training, transferee, transition, Transitional, translated, translating, translation, transparency, transparent, transport, transportation, treasury, treated, treatment, treaty, trial, trillion, trunk, trusteeship, TSX, turn, twenty, type, typically, unadjusted, unanticipated, unavailability, unaware, uncertain, unchanged, unclear, unconsolidated, underpayment, understanding, understood, underwriter, undistributed, unduly, unemployment, unexplained, unfavorable, unfinished, unified, uniform, uninsured, uninterrupted, unobservable, unpaid, unpredictable, unrecognized, unregistered, unrelated, unsecured, unspecified, unsuccessful, unused, Unusually, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, urban, usage, USD, utility, utilization, utilize, utilized, vacation, valuable, variety, VAT, vehicle, vendor, venture, verification, vest, vested, vesting, vice, violate, violated, violation, Virgin, virtually, virtue, volatile, volatility, VWAP, wage, waive, waived, waiver, Wake, Walk, Wang, Wanze, warrant, washing, Washington, waste, wastewater, water, weather, web, website, week, Weifeng, Western, wide, widely, Wind, Wing, Winthrop, withdraw, withhold, withholder, withholding, won, Wood, workplace, world, worldwide, wrongdoing, wrongfully, WSL, Xin, Xinhe, Xue, xylene, Yangtze, yield, Yingchang, Yongxing, York, Yue, Yushui, Zhang, Zhao, Zhejiang, Zhenhai, Zone
advertising, assertion, assuming, assured, attestation, basing, buyer, candidate, Certification, comprising, COSO, cure, Dated, decorating, default, detect, deteriorate, doubt, duly, duty, Dynacap, entailed, expired, FIFO, FIN, FOB, framed, furniture, gave, hereunto, incorrect, informal, insignificant, integral, interact, interdealer, maintaining, matching, materialize, objectivity, Oklahoma, outgoing, owing, pick, prove, registrant, residential, retailer, Rockwall, SAB, Sponsoring, SVPE, television, Treadway, undersigned, valid
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Exhibit 32.1
18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,
In connection with the Annual Report of Keyuan Petrochemicals, Inc.(the “Company”) on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report’), I, Chunfeng Tao, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:
(1)The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
(2)The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company at the dates and for the periods indicated.
Date: October 20, 2011
/s/ Chunfeng Tao | |
Chunfeng Tao | |
Chief Executive Officer |