214. | Exclusion of liability vis-à-vis the Corporation and third parties. Except as otherwise provided in the Act or in by-laws of the Corporation, the sole director or an officer acting or having acted for or in the name of the Corporation shall not be held liable, in this capacity or in their capacity as mandataries or agents of the latter, whether it be vis-à-vis the Corporation or third parties, for the actions, the acts or the deeds, the things done or allowed to be done, the omissions, the decisions made or not made, the liabilities, the undertakings, the payments made, the receipts given or the discharges granted, the negligence or the faults of any officer, employee, servant or representative of the Corporation. Among other things, the sole, director or an officer shall not be held liable vis-à-vis the Corporation for any direct or indirect loss suffered by the latter for any reason whatsoever; more specifically, they shall not be held liable either for the insufficiency or the deficiency of title to any property acquired by the Corporation, or for or on its behalf, or for the insufficiency or the deficiency of any security or debt instrument in or by which any of the funds or of the assets of the Corporation shall be or have been placed or invested or yet for any loss or damage resulting from the bankruptcy, from the insolvency or from the delictual or tortious action, act or deed of any person, including any person with whom or with which funds, securities, assets or negotiable instruments shall be or have been placed or deposited. Furthermore, the sole director or the officers shall not be held liable vis-à-vis the Corporation for any loss, conversion of property, misappropriation, embezzlement or any other damage resulting from any dealings with respect to any funds, assets or securities or for any other loss, damage or misfortune whatsoever which may occur in the discharge of, or in relation to the discharge of, their duties unless the same shall occur owing to their failure to discharge the duties of their office prudently, diligently, honestly and faithfully in the best interests of the Corporation or owing to the fact that the sole director or the officers shall have placed themselves in a position of conflict of interest between their personal interest and that of the Corporation. None of the above shall be interpreted in such a way as to relieve the sole director or an officer of their duty to act in accordance with the Act and with its Regulations or of their joint or several liability for any breach thereof, in particular in the event of a breach of the specific provisions of the Act or of its Regulations. Moreover, the sole director or the officers shall not be held individually or personally liable vis-à-vis third parties for the duration of their term of office in respect of a contract, a decision made, an undertaking or a transaction, whether or not concluded, or with respect to bills of exchange, to promissory notes or to cheques drawn, accepted or endorsed, to the extent that they are acting or they acted in the name, or on behalf, of the Corporation, in the ordinary course of the performance of the powers which they have received, unless they acted prior to the incorporation of the Corporation and unless their actions, their acts or their deeds have not been ratified by the Corporation within the time limit prescribed by the Act after its incorporation. |
215. | Right to compensation. The Corporation shall compensate the sole director, its officers or its representatives in respect of all costs or expenses reasonably incurred by them in connection with the defence of an action, a suit, an application, a proceeding of a civil, of a criminal or of an administrative nature or of any other legal proceeding to which one (1) or more of them were parties by reason of their duties or of their office, whether this action, this suit, this application or this legal proceeding was commenced by or on behalf of the Corporation or by a third party. |