Q26. Can I withdraw previously tendered Eligible Options?
Yes. You may withdraw your tendered Eligible Options at any time during the period the Exchange Offer remains open, and unless we have accepted the Eligible Options pursuant to the Exchange Offer, you may also withdraw any tendered Eligible Options that have not been accepted at any time after 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on November 16, 2022 and until 11:59 p.m., on December 15, 2022 (the “Withdrawal Expiration Time”).
To withdraw tendered Eligible Options, you must revoke your Election Form by delivering a properly completed and signed Notice of Withdrawal of Election Form (a “Notice of Withdrawal”) with the required information via email to AskHR@TCR2.com prior to the Withdrawal Expiration Time.
If you miss the deadline to withdraw but remain an Eligible Employee, any previously tendered Eligible Options will be exchanged pursuant to the Exchange Offer. You may change your mind as many times as you wish, but you will be bound by the last properly submitted Election Form or Notice of Withdrawal that we receive before the Withdrawal Expiration Time.
You are responsible for making sure that you properly submit a Notice of Withdrawal for any tendered Eligible Option that you wish to subsequently withdraw. You must allow sufficient time to complete, sign and deliver your Notice of Withdrawal to ensure that we receive it before the Withdrawal Expiration Time.
Once you have withdrawn Eligible Options, you may re-tender such Eligible Options by submitting a new Election Form and following the procedures for validly tendering Eligible Options in the Exchange Offer described in Question 25 above.
See Section 4 of the Offering Memorandum (“Withdrawal Rights”) for more information.
Q27. How will I know whether you have received my Election Form or my Notice of Withdrawal?
We will send you an email or other form of communication, as appropriate, to confirm receipt of your Election Form or Notice of Withdrawal, as applicable, shortly after we receive it. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your Election Form or Notice of Withdrawal, as applicable, prior to the Expiration Time, in the case of the Election Form, and prior to the Withdrawal Expiration Time, in the case of the Notice of Withdrawal.
See Section 3 of the Offering Memorandum (“Procedures for Tendering Eligible Options”) for more information.
Q28. What will happen if I do not return my Election Form by the deadline?
If we do not receive an Election Form from you by the Expiration Time, then all of your Eligible Options will remain outstanding at their original exercise price and subject to their original terms. If you prefer not to tender any of your Eligible Options for exchange in the Exchange Offer, you do not need to do anything. However, if we extend the Exchange Offer beyond the original Expiration Time on November 16, 2022 and it remains outstanding for more than 29 calendar days, and you wish to avoid the possible impact on the ISO status of any of your Eligible Options, you must reject this Exchange Offer by completing and submitting the Election Form on or prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on November 16, 2022.
See Section 3 of the Offering Memorandum (“Procedures for Tendering Eligible Options”) for more information.
Q29. What if I have any questions regarding the Exchange Offer?
You should direct questions about the Exchange Offer (including requests for additional or paper copies of the Exchange Offer and other Exchange Offer documents which we will promptly furnish to you at our expense) by email to AskHR@TCR2.com.