Exhibit 3.1
Execution copy
This document is an English translation of a deed (to be) executed in the Dutch language. In preparing this document, an attempt has been made to translate as literally as possible without jeopardising the overall continuity of the text. Inevitably, however, differences may occur in translation and if they do, the Dutch text will govern by law. In this translation, Dutch legal concepts are expressed in English terms and not in their original Dutch terms. The concepts concerned may not be identical to concepts described by the English terms as such terms may be understood under the laws of other jurisdictions.
(new name: JBS B.V.)
This seventeenth day of November two thousand twenty-two, there appeared before me, Enrik Willem Walschot, hereafter to be called “civil law notary”, as deputy of Michel Pieter van Agt, civil law notary officiating in Amsterdam, the Netherlands:
Rosemarie Louisa Blaauwendraad, born in Blaricum, the Netherlands, on the fourteenth day of September nineteen hundred ninety-two, with office address at Parnassusweg 300, 1081 LC Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The person appearing declared the following:
on the sixteenth day of November two thousand twenty-two the general meeting of Swift Foods B.V., a private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) under Dutch law, having its official seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and with address at Stroombaan 16, 5th floor, 1181 VX Amstelveen, the Netherlands, registered with the Dutch trade register under number 76063305 (Company), resolved to amend and completely readopt the articles of association of the Company, as well as to authorise the person appearing to have this deed executed. The adoption of such resolutions is evidenced by a copy of a shareholder’s resolution, which shall be attached to this deed (Annex).
The articles of association of the Company were established by a notarial deed, executed on the ninth day of October two thousand nineteen before B.C. Cornelisse, civil law notary officiating in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The articles of association of the Company have most recently been amended by a notarial deed, executed on the third day of February two thousand twenty before B.C. Cornelisse, aforementioned.
In implementing the aforementioned resolution, the articles of association of the Company are hereby amended and completely readopted as follows: