Exhibit 5.2
| | |
 | | Machado Meyer Advogados Ed. Seculum II - Rua José Gonçalves de Oliveira, nº 116, 5º andar |
| São Paulo, SP |
| +55 (11) 3150-7000 |
São Paulo, [•], 2023.
Stroombaan 16, 5th Floor,
1181 VX, Amstelveen
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We have acted as Brazilian legal counsel for JBS B.V., a private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) under Dutch law (“Company”) in connection with the issuance by Banco Bradesco S.A. (“Depositary”), with its principal place of business at Cidade de Deus, 1º andar do Prédio Amarelo, CEP 06029-900, City of Osasco, State of São Paulo (SP), registered with the National Corporate Taxpayers Register of the Ministry of Finance under CNPJ/MF No. 60.746.948.0001-12, of security deposit certificates denominated Brazilian Depositary Receipts (“BDR” or “BDRs”), each one representing one Class A share issued by JBS N.V. (as JBS B.V. is expected to be known upon its renaming and conversion into a public limited liability company (naamloze vennootschap) under Dutch law, or “JBS N.V.”), to be delivered to the holders of common shares (ações ordinárias) of JBS S.A. (“JBS” and “JBS Securities”) which tender their JBS Securities in Proposed Transaction (as such term is defined in the Registration Statement), implemented by and between JBS and JBS Participações Societárias S.A., which will be JBS’s direct controlling shareholder and controlled by the Company at the time the Proposed Transaction is implemented, as described in the registration statement on Form F-4 (“Registration Statement”). As used herein, the term “Company” refers to JBS B.V. and JBS N.V., as the case may be.
Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Registration Statement.
For the purpose of giving this opinion, we have examined all documents as we have considered desirable for such purpose, including originals, photostatic copies or copies authenticated to our satisfaction of such corporate records of the Company and the Depositary, certificates of public officials, officers of the Company and the Depositary and other persons and such others documents, agreements and instruments and such matters of law as we have deemed necessary or appropriate in connection with the opinions hereinafter expressed.
We have not made any investigation of the laws of any jurisdiction outside the Federative Republic of Brazil (“Brazil”) and this opinion is given solely in respect of the laws of Brazil as of the date hereof and documents prepared, ruled and executed according to the laws of Brazil, and not in respect of any other laws or documents.